:THE PmSBUBGH && i BY EIUtSTUS IIROOK?. f , aJfcelcbrttedjibe 1 Otb h irthiilay of Hinry tilled by GeuertlßcoU. 1 City *bd Castle, butttiow it isf-Groml Scott,” ! ©-©rrwtpondaiicc ot Piitaburkh Gazette. ' PITTSBURGH' &■&•' rh * dccisi-m wm'onc | H **®' ( i Mf Tni l ■ M,ien «* 1 "’lnfield “M«jo» General V Mf/W)A Y MOltXjyG?' lu \,' c i, /TUESDAY MORNING. APRIC 30, 1847. |? r " , ‘ l f*M(y. m-ogied, >*««*? . . f^arJOnkr*- 'no.hu. ; * “fen.-ii.mic. l.u«r,--LAeCh,p r^„^„ C e Pi.wU^h : fiVTif rnV«.cx' B T'b^,-<^^^/7ii; ll ..j^’ t, ' m fo ,hy »' VW j Tl,.* capture cf ih.s t..rr.' l Hand., ana- Y«« Ut »«•**" I- LAI ER FROM MEAN 0. ’ P»]ty, TpAVrfcfcty, atul Weekly.—lbi Ihnly i«Srv< n I flowing were the utahduii; fonts. as v»v fiuil them I p.rnti,*! of Mrxiom coinmrrrr. with the ra.-tU* of day blt>ndrd with bin name and fame, when . HB.AZOH April toffi w3^T^nsS»> tf* TwWkj I s “, ‘tl 4 ' bol l'**** 1 ,b '" ”” ,be ,s ' B,t . th. m„i .t Pb,h.Wpbil. u..„ .. TV.** r.f A,,,,, „« —Tn.^l;;;;■ —*““ln***,.d.w. „, ,L « a.uc. to Adrcru...., . |iiir ,„ ,£ tk „ \ mr „. «•■■»! him. Mr. Bedinger. M. C. from I'lrgini,, j „,, lrh H „ en , u , lbi , „ d Rtt!l ,,. ■l. ID* Atf*eru*emepu, to aecure iWrlior, .bouW , .•«»» fondly <chm»h the bop- .hat n* r..»y ' t , rm 4 abutted elsewhere. to this war. and can- wiltiiu tew (ban twenty day. p**t, b»* revived this { l fhctftl v„ fu ar J General Tutor is denied . I S. lhary (.lay in IW—\ ... .UU >...• ,„„ „ , Ci)t ,„ r „ nc h,« . |*» <* «o P nH dl|«l«l .1 .ho , ( ic „ r , al t „ |k pmloe j Crdei.L., 1 "‘""J™' UPJ " U ' e ”‘ ,C “ ,V C ' 1 "'" 1 ’ Jn ' l llu ' n " lnrn ' J 10 hii ,; “ m P. Mtnt.rcy. ■ still 'first' nf licniit mtu and in our heart"’— ) .... • , . ~ ■, „ , a A ol 1 exan Raoeers, under Mustane (Srav ; 7, . . . ‘ .1 I tie chit-1 c.Hierjlulat. r- t!.e army he I’m r-uriu.ii —By a lefetence to t . , , •» 3 ' o ««ll ritth*. and willing lo hr-riqhi tiiber-tliar. ho . ' , th ... . .. . were in hat purnmt of Canale.-. | Prf.iJrnt-.iill grr.ler U.an Prro3.-..r ..r M..n- ,! h '/. ™'nm,nd up.n » our a tMTirMog r01um,,., ,t ni l brr m-n Ih.ri, j _ 1 airh. fur you are -nil Henry CUT." -Tru'h I* • l>flil * ant ''l' 1 ’ 01 " 1 ? " , n mtpaigri, an. r■ ‘ „j the eautrihutom to tl|i« Jond, i- called i .= • , i on tb‘: i.u’t .•f Ihe t nit.-vl ■'l'ile.d, liimKituN: tfuntvit • t omnif-i'er.t arid puharj'i.tjcp certain !la ill u'.-t. • n r.---!.r n-J vidunteer ireiudmy l hi" eVrimij; (at the Maron.) As Und is amatler ) .. b> ihr^ Osk, the hrsvr old t»tb. ) \ & j eUL . {l , (Wll t) , a uni ),. r i;.,| )la i„ E-J*,,, of much h. wo trust there ■ on. osep .. \\U\ insp n" »n a • ,,o “' s | nr med tf.e ln.c .»! r.n-:i;.. ut ami pm-rett. will he a full attendance. 'l‘he want of n Public and tlliirtivr ewcerh of hall an hour, riiratulm^ ion the ijneuualled cai>.i-iiv, m'-rit ouJ public *-er- i'' ll ’’ lU ‘ ‘' n ' 11 ufl ' ~, v 1 H'»ipi‘al ho* U.mi a.»dly fell here, and we hope ’ . r ii ... i* 1 tie ir.vji,. hire 1> :r;|.' ’0 • !i.-hv|.-, Ujifr.li. , . ... | vice* ‘.f Henry t.Lit. and rcivr-emir t,<« d. unn,. { t Ulllir .. : H'»l «'»••*• -'h-.- ‘-miunv n once organised, they ; nation to know no other eider... hod . ; Jfj ,j M .pu-n.-y and ,H ... , ?I .idly. to the completion of the nr Wh, R can»iJ"te for 1 ryden was Ir I- ,v , , lUiml4!t .„, v ..., y c .„, and under w ,, k t!l , v lia%u undc rUken. survire", 110 tva< repcolHly niemipted by ur-v ■ , . , / 7 ,. Y } .\ m the lin-fg.ryjt hrn of ib,- ,;hu> » h-avv bain-ms 1 - . I ijtiiiid u o! applauf. ;n». Ibu closing «le-l«w • , , , , ... . , \ . miD.u«, «'»nbcm.nlli r... P 0,.Jr,l r„. ..I tl.. cri. rr-!■. i ..o.J,r.J r ~r.r. , p,,,. („, r w «.m a^ropnal.d' 3. O r Cmnlry-S, ii. j.ro.pu-riry «“»"”< ‘ ,■< '*'• ■ < <:•»«.»« In r die dflruction rn.T ju. !y li-i arrn.r.l to lliß unduriug rrsulis ,f ; .'ffciii, , tiat [ IC 1 <>! 1-uniuii id.- win fnrly five miliums of dollars pemrrerelie Whig n»M», w all ,1. t.lamir,.. . 1,v, ; r. ira ,a „r rrlh. r ! for »lmt> ll.e iialior, i. drfpl, in debt, and lo! could have twen aTerteil by a timely regard the . ... .. , ..... ! , , , naming., and coun.rl. ofHanrv Ch.. I " "'T rtuok * '1 *' l u > n ‘ cnl 1,1 '' hlc!l ,lw mU5t b “ •“»*■ f-Hail t':.,lum(,ia.’ 1 '<>’• me,...- H- . ... uni* fr.urnnralr. the fo» , ti j A sum uf inonrv like ibis .night bare i, i , . r \ .. • .•t '• vrho Wctji.. H'» filed l-v rank or p .••mon. a< well as I \ . , . .... J'imee ISr.x.ks orknnw|cJt{t-d this t >.ist tu a brii-l < }> %)!ryu . ri . ' (>. i[ u , f [ . l# „ v- L . j. | u ., ,y t a \ led the otarsing people of Ireland, aud .all Eu butelugaeu. 'afeecti. .imil.r K? eeniim-nt rn Mr. ’ '.-Wurdr' i.r.vlt'ma. I rape. ... Hie return afinodur. 1.ar.e.., ymterand. 1rke....; elp*...rrf an uualjeraa.. .. M) end Brr.-.lieu r«i e g.. enuoufing , . ! S“!il'" r ’ ( ->»y »S ll>o M htg candidalo l.ar I .. i;|l|lr .M.,jar lien. Pan.,.on («ec- |Do ■» Til. Kn.aarr,.. C,.L.-JnJ B e ”5! it sMrsmmMrforesiohl and yraj.nr, «">• '> '«‘*T H"*?? °7'" I I '»* m • ,l J, ' ch >'S cJ Mr-Logan, the arm of Itrnry Clay, aa etit.Tfd in Ui« dielMaruni »I<—' U ■«'»»" aod hlnci.l-. of dan mlon- . o( th „ horn \a incheslor, and .the tavo 1 . ? , “’ . , i teer drVi-Mt,;.; ( .olji.e. lloinev, roinmainier irl the i . , . .... , . aga,n,UJ>o Anneraironof le„._ • „. 3 alar carol,C„l. T„me, ebref „1 enainee,,: i S'oU'an. n ®rd. Inn. Ihe opm.on of the *'Ainiexiiwn. mnd warVith Mexico arc^\ l ' u Uankhead. chief of atlulcry and r..imoai l dt!r / M : «‘» r ‘ *»« given, nut m tcfercuce to the Con- CJ ’ b iint to V in- «• ) ■of ihe run, fi.-j, ablv a*«ir-t. J, ui pocresiden, by ! slitutiuiinlitv of the State law, hut upon tfco There were man, olhe, rpeeehe. and for»ta ~,be, „m„„ .i, .„) 1 |:„ v , ( >pr. lluger.ac.iug j he ra«-,-th« Judge rl.midiug that .hero which would cladlv refer to if wo could find , chief »i :if.!n ir.C’, u.uci nt tlio lulii r-es, and as- J , , , . , ' . i J .i , . .. bad be>u no unrea.-jrtible or riotous seizure, and roam to do to. We add the just remembrann-o ci-u d ;«b.y in rupplyirig th«-ui bv t.apu. t russ , , . , . . . M 1 , . .-n i_ iu .. • at>l J.wit), l.gh oj D. patt- t[ n.t the J.sttlrhafiCP ..rigtnalcd with the Slave. of tho comninrto 1 avlor and Scott. . " . r i 1 J J , . mow: l.ii'ut. t,.)1. Hitc.’ir.irk, aeluu; Inspecnir • •• Gen. Zachar, Tajlnr—our c.Kinlri a priJ» an.l , | ; ■p„ llllia i| - acli.igrlm I„( T..|. graph- T'he Plula.lelphi Tl-edger 1. new worked upon be.aM—a gallant Whig. trur. the warm hie,id ,ll p., v_;„ JlacßeW. aclmg cluel „flhe . a P,e„ ra. alde „l .inking ell Imlnr thouaand Hcnr, C 1.,; mi,, hi. immortal laurel, ne'er be IgmDMJ> ; ]l; Sorgc.-n (ien, ~| Law,.,,, and Ibe ! h „„, The renni.ea ihe .ailed 1,, part.zait coWM»-n», hi. glory, like- „, 4 g,„ e ,ai4i,.rh„ l_f„enla. 11. I * t l , 7 that 0,l \\ aehinglOD, rrmairi lhal of Ihe whnto 'j_ S( , u Wiliiamr S.annnJil end I.av—will’ in, ' J;nlc( ’ ’ * lwo nn d ,s me Tn.cntlon of R. American perpte,,. lhal no man may „cck lo Jo- g.j'i.,' Caj.i.. 1.'.0 and Jedm-on. nlita- M. Hoe. „f New York, predate> 11. .... engin, era and t,.rar.l'ieal rneineeia. ami l.'anl. 1 ■ 8. The Herojaf (,hippewa-He "ho lift I Monw-e.aeung a-ewanl rlup-ct.., g.-neral. elndred Bngli.h 0!> .Ihe llrigbw cl l|oerin,l.awn ; (Jgnerul baa bcen leaching ihn Moz.can. in -walk Span- ; w ,.rili. ling. Gen. Pillow and Col. Pollen, inclu tsh it Vera Cruz. 1 ,| m; r \ulick. uf ihe navy, who no nobly no- One of Iho mustjintcr»‘»ting nford* of the ctl- ; :u;,i ammcfil the terms of capitulation ebrstion to us, art? the letters of irivitcd'jtur*:* i with the cueinyV commisisioners, great cr.'dit is who were uilalda to. bo p-e.ent. «h>.' Ynurg . •>» * , v ' nl'j dl>« >■> lk»< dl-nnd eapaeil,. , ■» , , „ .it . ; I hank" higher than ut the General in l clo.c S bl. lenor hy a ..run, arsnraneo ll.at_Hi.to. , c „ n( .j liy , hi . cu ,„ c Hj , nc ry and Posterity will do justice to Henry Clay. | S.juadron, under the successive wrJtr ol Comuio- Hoh John P. Kennedy,in his letter. say»: ; dorr Conner aud Perry, for prompt, cheerful and “It is the duty of every citizen of the Union’to • a.-si»iancp Imtn the jurnval id the army aIF tender him the lhauks of a grateful natioe: if t*r j this coast. Hcpidrs lauding trotip." and supplies, may not hope for this, let the Whigs, at lean, feel j ami the nm-t blockade of (hi* port the smaller ves- j it tu be their peculiar and mered office in uuuisli r i R e!-. di-talebei! by (romuiudore Perry, under the i comfort to bn wounded spirit, by Irerh pledges ol | lintm-dia'..' •command r.f .Captain l atu.dl, joined j thetr giatitude and Iok." | df n t»m* in the atmk ujhui the city, at the cm- ; Revenly J,ihr...i,’a lali.-r m.-ainj 11, a follow- • ‘"'""V 1 i"- „i'd.,iW 1ii.,'.,l ,1,.- ia-Ue; j still the ! ii,d initciy .No,' o (culled the Nava!) t which toll..wed Nos. l.‘d, 3 and l. ( M -rved by the Army) at llm end of two day-, wa» rxelusivety (•altci t>eiiig ptepared l v the engineers ami troops ol tiie timin'. i!.ari|.«d auif corntnanded out ol ij ol Mpiadr-Ati •• I Itiii battle', in ihe TiiecenMVe detxu.s ol tin- gali.iirt (lip!*. Aiibck and Mi).', p-.iVr.l il.-.-u hip-'ilv 1 tV'i’h v By coin.tui.d ot Mpj. ('J, n. 'ti ll-.1.. St 't.) IT. \c-i' g A--'t Ac,. G, n. . . FOR GOVERNOR. S“»- JAMES IttV.S, J , (OF CBSTSJI COCSTT i : port CaNAI. COMMtS'IDNKR. JOSEPH W. PATTOJK (or ccKßcmi.A.xt< cocxtt ) \ f«« fourth F*«efor MUeeU*neou*-Vews. .Baltimore and Obto Rail Roa<i. f 2b the Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette- II has aococtimea occurred to iny mind, ibalour (hernia to Baltimore ere not entirely familiar with the difficult!** which they must encounter in ex- landing their road acro»e the Ohio at Fishing i Creek or. Parkersburg, and I have also thought > that the people of Wheeling have manihateJ a > want uf their usual vigilance in not noticing Una 2D*U<r. The citixetu of Baltimore being eccm tomed to travel to and from Philadelphia, and to J cross the boaquehanna at Havre de Grace Without difficulty, have probably many of them dreamed that croeaing the Ohio at FiabiogjCreek or Parkersborg, may present a nSost ob»t j.j ole to the extension of their road beyondthd Ohio.) I know not exactly the rise and Tall of the riser at • Havre de Grace, but ! think it does not t-xeted eight or tea feet, and this variation i* regular in lie amount and in the time of it* occurrence; to that toe height of water at any boor of any day 0 n be fcnowu previously, and thus any difficulties \ la«romiag'cau be readily obviated. I Baton the Ohio river the case is widely differ, i eat,. Theriver is entirely irregular in the bouts i of Its vise and (all, and in its range from low w». i Ur mukrto high water, the difference it not eight ; or Uufect,,bat much more. The extreme high water at Cincinnati in 1832 was sixty-three feet j above low water mark—at Pittsburgh it was over I forty feet, and at Fishing Croek probably near ! fifty feet. Now it ii obvious that tbe samo mode , | of transportation which is used so advantageously • over tbe Susquehanna, cannot be relied upon at | the Ohio. Over the latter river a bridge must be j . built upon, and that bridge must bo so high that { • ateambosts can pais under it at ail times. It would • sot be permitted to cut oil’ for s'single day the I great and greatly increasing intercourse between New York,Pennsylvania, Nonhei'n Virginia and Eastern Ohio, and the region below tho bridge. Tbe citixent of Wheeling are fully aware of thin, i and to avoid all difficulty, they propose to elevate i thflr projected bridge ninety feet above ten feet stage of water, so as to allow about fifty feet for' !. steamboats between tbe bridge ind extreme high .. water. Now suppose the Baltimoro road to be taken to Fishing Creek, 1 do not .know exactly the boightb of Martinsville above a ten feet stage of water, bat-fluve often,been in tbe town, and still oftner passed by it, sod I suppose that a rue of twenty five , feet above a ten feet stage ol water would completely submerge it. The bridge to be erected (here, if the same allowance were made as is pro posed at Wheeling, pm*t, tnen, bo elevated sixty fire feet above a stage of watek which would cutit the whole plain on which. Martinsville ia erected. To attain that elevation, the rail way must com mence rising one or two miles qp Fishing Creek, and most pass over the loftiest trees growing in or near Martinsville. Wheeling possesses one great advantage for this purpose, of which Fulling Creek is destitute. The northern part of Wheel ing is very high, and a bridge can be constructed. Without moth difficult}, at tho required Elevation; and f perceifo that it is very wisely provided ia the Virginia law that the termiuua must be north of Wheeling. Creek. But fromMartinsvilli* or Parkersburg the construction of a bridge at tho proper height will really be a most formidable un dertaking. At either of those places ibiaftamiho necessary elevation at a moderate grade, the rise must commence between one and two miles east of those towna and paila thirty or forty feet above the tops of tbeir buildings. In going west froui Pittsburgh we nveiil this serious obstacle—Vd pass no river alone which crowja of steamboat* with tbeir lofty chimneys, dally'and hourly pats. There is no stream be tween Pittsburgh and the Mississippi which will require a viaduct ten feet higher than the regular way of tbe Rail Road. This fact alone muaigive na a great, advantage in contending for the trade and travel from the west with any-Mad that crneies the Ohio river. But this advantage when combined with the fact that our road would pass lor hundreds of miles along tbe table laud* be tween tbe.Ohia snd.tbe lakes, while a road from Wheeling. Creek or Parkersburg, mu-t pass over some of tbe rootl broken and mountain ous rvgions of Ohio, must give us invincible van tage ground in a contest with any rival work. ’’’ Let us then go ahead si once and fesrlrmly WnTwaan. Oar-correspondent raises a most impoitanlqurs?, t'lon for tho CJQaiderauon 9!', the people of Balti more, if they are disposed to dueu&s it; but wo fair, wilh the Baltimore Company- there is no deposition either to see or to meet difficulties in advance. When the Company hero’receive thtir Altai answer from Baltimore, jtbe next movemont most be to the West. We one/this tooutselvps and the country beyond us, erbith is every where gent, and in places clamorous, for the con nection. \ *< Westward our Star of Empire tabes its nay," tad when oace we make an earnest moveraei • towards the land of the setting si o, we shall have no occasion to tantibackward, 0 even midway between the fat; ther west, we have commenced pdN ol binding the two extiere together. f .. PaxaisxarrraL Movkxxivt The Native ' Americans in New York are jriuing in the re commendation of General Taj or for the Presi dency. Several additional Wbi; presses also join in the ’ There more, however, whoholdijffi and some who rebuke the attempt made to lure to political account the victories ob tained coder General Taylor. The New Orleans Picayune, the New Orleans Times, the Boston Conner, the Now York Express and Tribune, the tyorth and many other* oppose the at tempt made to secure a nomination in advance of the Whig National Convention. , The National Intalligeoecr, riallimore- American ami-Patriot, the New York Commercial, and most of the lead ing Whig Journal* in the Middle and New Eug land'and Nbfthern end Southern Slates observe that tilenco betokens wise deliberatioo. Of £» nomination by one of. the Whig pretsars in N«w Orleans, tha Picayune remarks: “This appropriation of Gen. TajloiV name for parly purpose* tot know is without .the unction of that distinguish fed commander, and contrary to hisW*ki». It U hot only against his wisbrs hut it ie repugnant to the feeling* and views ol his friend*; a.nd in lh» category we include the immediate family of Grneral Taylor «ud such of hie confidefatial associates as best know bis purpose*.” ' 4 . : «*Nor can we tee what good can come of tins, •Odden and noaulborixed proceeding.* It can but prodocs etSi to the coantry, hart to the army, and mortification to General Taylor himiclf” • We do do not think that neceaarily <oj such consequences should follow the iiomi. nation o! General Taylor. We oppose the move ment as premature, as wrong towards other men, and not just to General Taylor him*elf, while in of fe army, arid under the direction of the Administration. Let ftme do its perfect work. 4t is lwc| years nearly befAa a President can be inaugurated, and eighteen mcnlU before one can be voted for. When Gen. Tayloj returns from the haUle fields be has won, and peace is made be. tween ue and Mexico, then' rtill be the proper time for a demonstration in bis behalf, if one is to be made. Loris* DA»KH**»--The«jigan at Waahiugton .gtyt **we dare not show forth iho plans of the A*l- Tn i ri We should suppoaenot, judging from tha put. *ine present jAdrnioiat ration ba« fatten* Upon cot cealment and aeoka, now to Hem wi>«- •nd honest M hiding iu deeds from' the 'light of iaj. But « bet sort of a Democracy ia that which is aSjald to 1 ct.tbe people know what it ia about,. i«wbish do » e»il Ibioga in the dark and when feoad out tUItTM they eoold not bare leen j*re- H*n OongceAfor the People known what thb AdminJ<f*li“n wi« «bool in Ihe month of Junaiy lslo, they wonlci in to <»*f<i ell Iho blood whWl ' .hod in Mexico, tai preeereed -reen the two Republic*. r^* ; and Santa Anna, | his bellow*! Becaose— olhei "ttriktM ” | W 1 a Bk» » ! a»“tl r' “The man who you are about lo honor, must ifiovr staiiJ, if possible, higher in tbo confidence and affections of the American jH-ople, tfan of any other ppriihl in hi* great anil patriotic curi cr. Who dot-» not frr|, —who d.-f* not kio »v, that the blood now spilling in a fim-icn war, would have been savt-d. it Clay’* counsels had ruled the .\o. lion, and saved not only without dtriionnr, hut by placing the country upon 4 porition infinitely more rfeviited than tt nowmecup c* 7 Th* Pmidmey of th- Lnitcd Rail*.'' Experience i- Jeatbii.g us, that it can jsil> !«• “•ilcly i-ntiustn! t» tho Light.-', order of intellect, c.ini'mied with well tried and perircl piitn»li;'-tir. John Quincy Adaius sa>>: * “I regret (hat the s'ato of my health will not ■permit nv* u> come,—it would give me confi.il p'ea-ure to unite. with the youus men hi N«*w -Voik, in tbi» If .iui.ini;i! .of rio-ir rc*ri.,-rt f iho distinguish-; I-I ,tc ? rf..-a. \v: uirtli ri.iy itn v propose to cchbrata. John >M. Claylon remarks: I ••I am one of those who regard Mr. Clay a* the ! grntiMl statesman and benefactor of h'.s country , now living. Tint opinion, as it was not bought by any patronage or power he ever j.o*H-»»i-d. not likely to !»- iibaiut'inrd in. on-’.-qu.-hr-C' if cjfy pulilii'ot-ieverv'fc to Mn-i I „• ba\c h. e;i or m'i» be •sut.jfCted. I • . 'tore tisvc iiirn held tn gratetul icnucnli.i im/.lc ituA Hcpubi.c ahall endure ’* The X. Y. Express say* that the rjievch of J. L. White, was an uncooipromisicg one-for Mr. Clay,—far li>o uncouipromiriDg it ceitaisly i< for Us, —for we con hardly cmrnre n creator pien of fo’ly, thou that sort uf blind diM .ij-si] to a unh Which is avowed in a determination lo tom f.r Mr. Clay, whether h«* ia nortiinVrd or not. We think wo esteem Mr. day as highly,Tj.t him as warmly, ami would defend him -i* oarn.«t- Ij as nny other friend ho has. But upon tru queation ol making President*,—where we cannot do aa we would—tve will philosophically ib*ns «v«- must. It is in our poor judgment mind tj » ouny to canvass the claims of any man for the PffM* dency. not men," has been a »tan<i ing motto with ns for uiany, jnany venrs, and though honest men ore alway ■ an embodyment >•! their principles, it is for the reason that they be long oot to unc rain, hat to a party, blessed with a legion of-diatioguisbed champions, that we oj-po.e the attempt made at this time to bring the \Y!i-g party under tbs shadow of any one name, how ever meritotioui- For ourselves,we havenooth er candidate for the than that man ‘who shall bo the choice <>/ an iptolhg'ui a nd pat riotic Whig convention. We are neither Taylor tnen, not Scott men. nor MrLcan men, n..r (,'lay men, nor any man's mcu. Wo are f >»r lit * Whig pirty, oac and inseparable, and fi-r ihc um »n •<( tho Wbigs* fur the sake of our own glori.ins Union. Give us a pure and jifucfable, a Jirucpcrou* and intelligent Government, and wc f-tiell lustopm that as the chief treasure which a kind Providence can bestow upon us. to regret that ut and (be for- te great enter i of the Union Kail Kou> Min.Tta.ii at Gir.fM.trrn.- \ meeting was htU at Glercl.ind on Saturday, t~f take m’JFtiics tor the construction of u Kill Hoad to The following notice of the pro -ceedings wc find in the Urmociat, onJ wc hupe abundant success will eruwii tin* cJKjrts makineto unite the two cities; * j The meeting was addressed by M-vr-ral gentle, men present. . It appeared front remarks made by delegatee Irom Chagrin Falls, lh;it the people fr.irn that town bad subscribed >2. c >,t)oo, and w mid in crease that subscription to SIKMMK), on ronililion that the mad should pars through that pi ice. On motion. <t Utuil-s Whitib *-y. G-'j.lla following rmnlutiniii were adopted: 11-nheH. That the city council i» tn-iehy ear. niWly rcijuest-'J to take forthwith ilieseuee <il the • ilia' ll* of Cleveland, both for and against tbe cub fCiijiUon of ;S‘2bO.OhO stock in the Cleveland and Pillfdiurgh Halt Hoad Company, tinder lb" uci ,-t February 8. 1033. Ilcxolred, That a cotumitteo- of Uuw* in each ward, bo-appointj d at this meeting. with power t > fill vacincies and increiao their\umbpr, who >• duly it shall he to procure miWriptinn* t > the stink of ihfl Cleveland an«f Pittsburgh Hail U >nd Company, and subscriptions to the proposed city loan. ' From-the Cutlarttuzm H hi" Thl ALLrcjiEvt— Fro*]>eet of Lumber. —On j Monday last, the Allegheny river was in a fine \ rafting sage, and many of our lumbermen -put'] out for the lower rankit. Seldom, if ever, have j the b.ipks of this noble river prceented a more bus iDCva-like appearanco than the present spring, and nearly double the amount of lumber is being run than u*ual. The market hehrw is Raid to bo drain ed, dnd of mutse the present run must command | fair prices. The whole southern poition of Cat- i laraugua is more or li-s* dependant on the lam- | bering interest, and the population seem enchant ed at the announcement that tho “Hiver’s up." New fcirk has a great interest in cultivating a tiun'nr&s acquaintance with Fitutuirgh, whether by the Allegheny, which ought to be improved with a slack wvtcr navigation, «.t by K*ii which a* no very diatant day will find New Turk aud the Ohio together. Through Pitt,burgh. .New York i* brought in almost close proximity with the Gulf of Mexico. A market will aver be open here and below u*, for the abundant resource* above, whether of Lumber, Iron. Coal, tho products of the aoil, or for Manufactures. Tbe whole coun try on Jhc line is interested instil is connection and onghi to take measures at r once to facilitate the pm«||i of communication between us. New York w6uld find an enhanced value put upon her ‘Erie JfUil Road alio, if it wtJre known that tho foad was lo be extended to the head watrrs.ofthr btio. Pi»r,,.i>r Strplirme. “f iff Pit‘sh-I‘i'h (*‘.l zrtt< ; I •- gt-nii- ill hi and pfotound -chol.ir h, i.ow I'l.LAt’ --! it. d nerir.g li courrf ..1 1.-rtufc* un i’b-.i.w ~ !.v i:i ityriaiiot :he I'n,verity, '.vlnro n ui e..ri-i-t, a.Vrin:ir.o t.i irnuuuremriu, ol ten i-i-iir-tr*o ->f-wtnet. he dt livcred I■*-r week. Hi bx- d-i..'.d tin' .ivn <i-ini!g.<lo the * i >r. oi hr>il Ail to- i vp.'Ki.enN inadi' rm w •. x: n--v ,«i-.r .:i-.-u,ilv pu»% nine, lir lli-iit rbar:n-i*M. Ti.c Prufi.-*ur la pvr u-rily ut on the ruSij.it of wbi. u fie mats, and whoever lut- n* 'o hiai wdl f.cl • r lie i., m '!n- jiie-ence of no ordt»;ary in.ti. H.- i> an origi nal an*) p!.if u»i! thinker, a»..J. nun* r.ttv queitb-d to fni the dnir he ««cupi|e in tgr Wi-t-rn I'oi v.'_r.“ty. Wii'i i-e dr' -jh r' .'illlt’ V.- - wj.e li he coavi * m bir jilu-i. pri'.-sijii- of In? o!\n mtjid t'* arh.'fs. All who ; r.Hti.d Li-', if'iiit.j earn;' i faii to i-e bint-tiled when tkry v-nmr the tf .-ndiTiul dt w nts ; of ualur-'. [ Thu l-ct-jre.of u.M wrd. will lie < n Electrici *tv and fialvauiHin. m. i iS,i» ■!. paitrnct.l of »ci * i. A- it- -;i S I liitidi |. I. ret aio' ,)K(;n n r; d.-.i :, r. a \ i.- n,i pur;. v rnav we '.V;- :,—|» ~fc 1 r •• li'.t..-- an'n r.f<' —We rail attrn. «» Mimn', I,mt\ n».- I. e.uru -1 H-V. J. N. Mad',!', Bjver- :i--d m aiv-i!i«>i f.iluuri'. Hi. I i.l L •-lute, nn the "1.,h- nl (Ji U'.i'," .v 14 much ad Mired . it, J that to I'«v delivt-rcj t-i-night. wo tnlJ. is one oi bis p ->l product.on*. M;. M.ifTrt's Lecture* have been n't, uJ.-il by hrg<- .:rt>w:l«, an I much ri’.jli- I'd hi ilio cuj’.oi:; cityund wo rxpi.ct they will lie. nn v tri ll (Ai’r-ini-.d by tho- intcidg* nt ' C.il'xoii ul t'-n -o CIU-. * A notice • f th-: luncr-il ot >'.rg-3nt L. G. lb*D- !N>'.v, urer.iled lor yo.-lerdajG pipor. -vj» ck.u-J. ci! jjt. Ttic funcial was a very l.»fgr one, j or- fja: * -i»- largo ts any over pcitxri:n..l m thii city wnn tho' i-irepii'-u oi U.o J.r.-ri »-mii hi 1. n*r of (Jor.oral Hinis.-n. Tin- Hirrmnclum (iuurd? and (’ipt.iin viuiluiv'# ci«ui|'oi«y A K-gvl-ir« osc.ii.td the mrp-0 to tl-(; gr.iv«-: Thi’.firc(n‘ , n of AHriihrny atn! I'lti.-bnrjih o!*»i aU.nijii! and turr.od out aim.->t 'i-it !'• kopi<* fnrnJa. Th« dreadful tidings wrfc To Si I.H juj.liis— T-Tmi.l .i:.!* ncr.w:ij»/j[!v ! Lruu * l lt U» b«r If.un .\. w OrWu* by her daughter. ( • • . * It iaa rather rrinarkatd** fact that prior t>> leaving rcaco u-> u.at t... at- (. i- irfi.’ular y ricem-d. ; U, t |. J|aruu c.jtifi J**ntty predicted hi* own Th<* fauh is nit with w\ at-: <»ur papvts are ular- j death, and often a*«rrtrj that ho would never ly m 11led. Wp -hail, bivvt;\,-r take particular *C»in *iew 'he hr util prairie* and beautiful tutors t„ .ir-u.i, r...m•C.i.1l- l.t lh „ (j j/.'iu ul; ~j mi u.« i«mh .'Jyiij'4 t.ip ..\V C af[ . amhonml to btnto that, by the inter* c.ii;-o ult!. Liv. \\ •; .Vyr l.<i v.hu | »*r»U<•*> of omliial frlendc. the difficulty between ili-tnlotii ifi<* <;■/ it-* «•:•{ :il j m t - 1P r.- A. 11. Chamber* ikmH.: V. B»gr. ha* been winch H « 4«IW*, -.1..-™ .. 1... .... V. I r . , , Thii i* well dune, but it had l*een n Ihomand Dbori.ntn t% l' .» ru*i r|U*i.i.f.m. -U7 .n\ ,n- time* f.-r Mr H>gy il I<• Iml not Riven a tpi.ii-'Ti 11 iiii' ( ’ I'l'-ry Mr. I ’.if i< r, I'-iil ill .ill, lilo’Jb i n tin' •! ir 1 ;. ,\,i ap.i'ogy can ever make l ,j r moft l*- .-lutif'il tthibiU.mi .>f tf.p iJ.i-' ut iinnenl lor thi*, though l.i avenge It by onolb i-rfyMr. I’urtoi/h.iu l«ei n among t, i- must blow j« a ti*>n l>citer becoming a bully Ilian auieef-fa! mi n,!,c-f l ’kj - t. nt.d'W ..ii- { a Christian. i«ll end ■!:-li.-r' t ., '■ !.r: UIC 1 ' * * . riL.i v I w. 11 li, i:,< .|U *• i'i itni.ir <lit x it11 n Mr*sixo.—Fathrr Rrjr, * ' • j < n«? of iji<> r (Ihapbirn in ibr U. H. Army, Tliv II W n * \h'.h « rhi ' *’ ,ft M,,r 't ,,rr y MnUmorcu. mi tho IGlh Jam • , 1 , ’ - ri v. mi ihnnot hern h**ar «1 from rin('i\ Hr w:r I >■».«,'*. '"'"I \ iri'.:i,u. |M • t.,,..i, 5 h it : ~n „ of ih>* Svirly „f Jmtiit/ i i '**'\'* «•!, t.ii tv.rv io Mu«• “tj )■>. Mr. \rr t;. r ; tli I*4 cn.miry. runl n« tho mi'fnSf’rti of th«? Sorlrl r .r i c: 1:. i: i to- Win,;- "•*'! • i Jjvi' Isavc }•. .n f.r rmt.jr yror* exclude! fnm Mexi or mx irivnit'. i - t• r.wiir-t. w ( il in-vi.oor;h'• ril, t»» fmr Jlha* i-'it hs“ (•cfallr'l bti.riKcu iu:.J >i-|IY Hi Ui" Jiflt nl * .. - -i. A wnU*r m tlir N aval an<t Military (iautle ror* nd« lint lh<> m-> .«tscb*>, ucliuK an a lexpirator, i* f':ij■' l'iuiM.ir'4ii.|i|.i-U.R l itwiii oMlir |-re- t r*p'.Vf! fl orn fondumptiori. Onir.:>u <• Department. art! in lh. i ily lor the |«ur •jiw. •: if .*tti• c tl*. ,pnd !y ,<*f <!.•• c.ifui in, rv>-eiitly‘ irtadr i..i i:.. itir manufac tory u! Knapp A Tollm. \ i’u* ur.i . — Me vv-i-jM' r«‘-J/i I’llully suggest l.* pef-naii* v.-n'iuji >" u'i. i.n btisiru** <if nincrwee the neceimity uf the postage on Ilnur letter*. umnli mailer tn thou* weiring a singlo letter, hut I" in' wln> received duly * large num* bef it-i« of murh impurttfrire. \T«)M Tim mu b«limi vi-iling the President nnd kIf’MUK 1 IjV iuiUr.* orrmding »o In* privilege afjd ruviimt. ilia iittn no.* a!« > vi-Uud themajev tii UiX»ti il. Lewi* al hi* ie*tdence in Washing tuu nnd the larqi >t ami man in tin} Uni- U*J JSLaie* were lliu*i“crti together. Tiir Hi>«rit< i. I' 4ll* —We an* glaJ to learn that 1 itALfii two unjl three thnu«iiud dollar* will probably be realized (rurn tile recent lair. To the tallies ihe honor >■!thj* contribution i* miinly due, iri urigiuntiiig the tnij. Capt. Toiler of the Hibernia (irrcnH, of the Second Regiment ofj f'enti*y Ivsnii volunteer* is reported ill at Wr* j;r C y.; Lapl. Hayot tho Blurs wiH-rciurn boose on a three months furloug^. We ore indebted to', the mviß Slcaruer Cambria, for latr St, Louis and Loliinville p.pf-rt.-. Mitsoi iii has bad another £all for Volunteers. A part of the regiment are to be employed in es tablishing 1-irt* on the road to Oregon, and the re mainder rent to Santa Ft*. Tho force is not ball adrqunif to the demand of Santa Fe alone. Moor. Wimc Tuu'mfu*. —The Whigs of Cn lutnbu*, at thvir municipal election on Toesday made a clean sweep of every thing—electing their Mayor, Marshall, School Directors, and every Councilman in tbe city) ••Mu. (>rittexdli* ((»en. Taylor’s aid, who wa* parsing through Cincinnati on his way home.) war* mortiiii'J to tinj that several incidents uf tbe battle erroneously narrated, have been ascribed to his authorship, and esperially the profane lan guage attributed to Gen. Taylor, respecting the 2d Regiment of Kentucky Infantry. Tbe newspa per accounts of tbit incident were substantially correct leaving off the profanity incorrectly pul in the mouth of Ihe Gen.' in tho distance the impediment* in the way of the Regiment in mounting the sleeps of the ravine, gave to their motions the apjwarance of unsteadiness and waver ing; and under such apprehensions, the General dl.l remark. thr«-o times,—“that won't do;” but when he saw ihrrii regain fair ground, and move on -boulder to shoulder, like well trained veterans; and ib bvt r th* ir terrible fire ioto the ranks of the eriemv. h<- r<>*<> m his stirrups, exclaiming in s t >ne ut * luUatiur.—‘Hurrab for old Kentuck’’'— Gin. Allas. r I,ir.r ti.*i\*t I’opr,. —lt will bo remembered that ihis ualljril'v.iung officer highly utslinguirii • «l bim-i if at the rlortnirnt »f M»rni*-rev. f..r which he was biovoti.d t>y ilu* i*res*nlei>>, am) had a snord a.vurtie.l l<» hito».by the I.cgulalurc of Illinois, his nutivi* State. | In ih«* im-muraHe bailie of Uurita \ istii. he jng ,m distinguished him-ell. When the second ! liiiiiam regiiornt reared. General Taylor-ordered I Inm to rally them ond lend them again into action. ]He employed per*uV*mn.« and (breat* in vain up. , on llii'ui; heli,*vj ( i,;Jip< «alvali iJj ol tho army «le -jH i.-Ui! i.p >.i tlir-ir ifjuia t*»- duty, he resolved to ; ernlic his life upon llie .ivsue of an rff>rt to bring : tht-m into acliort- So. sHatclmig their colors and ; unfurling ihem, he robbed into the thickest of the | right, railing upon lh**m;Ui defend their colors. In . tin* charge recciri-l four balls through his [ rlulbr*. and one through bis cap. But heescap. eJ ui.barmid—.SV. Louis .Republican. The Na!Min.it Budge, towards which (icueral 'Tw eg* and Quitman moved-at the last accounts i from Mexico, i« a etionf’ fortified place on the rnad tlie capital of the State of Vera • '-'mi. mi» a stupendous work ,of pul i d masonry, • thrown liter a wild and atcep ravioe. Jalapa is a ; delightful! situation, •ItMHlTeet above the sea, and alamt !>0 milt* from Vera Cruz. Il is noted fur |"|,rodu unii tho medical article, Jalap. Thirty-fire • miter farmer in towards the eaptUl-of Meitco.and I on the mill to it,y* situated the strong castle of ; I'er.de, one of tho I'hiof fortresses of Mexico; La ' I’uoblais another fortified’plscr, SIS miles from j Vera Cruz. Mexico, the a 200 miles , from -Vera Cruz. (»«n. it is maid, ia a Democrat, instcai! , e.J a his brother is one of the oldest Demo -1 crjtie Republican* in Kentucky.— <V. Y.Sun. i l'*i <ii The editor of the Sun, shameless as he ii f in his mendacity, would not hazard such a false. ; hdod in Kentucky, where (Jen. Taylor and hi; i brotlur ore known. We do wonder how ou? j Whig friend Msju Joseph Taylor, will feel at finding himself called nn« of the oldest Locofocoi lin Ktntucky*— /„.<«. Jour. Mn*. Haiihiv.— The Correspondent of the I'coria Register writes from St. Louis: ••Mrs. JL J, JlnrJirr first beard of tho death ol her hnshand in VteWid urgh. where *bc was on We am gtad to learn that moustaches even in the CHti.-natioti of the rmlulnui* may be put to a ly good purpose. mortality has taken place among (hnhurv* *•« on the American IJottom, caused by a fly or c»at, that *'mg* them to death in a few hours.— M-n Closing the ilottom with teams, find their] horses, sometime*, disabled Imfnre thry can com plete their trip.— St. Loom I'nim. An order from \Voshmgton, under date of 24th uit., is said l» have been received at Mew Oilcans under which Yucatan vessds'-are allowed to trade Jri-elv between the [wrls of the United Stales and 'hose ->f the peninsula, excepting only the )x>rt of Kl Carmen, in Laguna, on account ol its proxim* i'y to Tobascn Rchaims o» Carr. Liscolm.—The remains of this gallant officer have b«ren taken charge of by hi* friend the Artillery, and will be transmilrd home by the first reliable op portunity. (•r.v.TaTt.oß’s Finar Dazytr^—ld November IK 12, President Madison conferred upon Captain Zachary Taylor the Brevet Major, for the guUarit defence at. Fort Harrison. Vim Cnuz is compaiativcly an old town, at least foi America. It was founded in the sixteenth century, and received the title and privilege of t city from Philip 111 In I6tS. Mr. Dimund, late Americao Consol at Vera Cruz, has been appointed Collector of that port— we presume by Uen. Scott, in virtue uf authority previously conferred apon him. i>( Ihe I'.rltl.jyjl, Ooicll. > THE ILLUMINATION'. Puil's, Monday even.iin, April la. Tlie illuminstiou in the c;iy i, mn-t mngmti rent, and some poilions of (he cay prewrtt a blaze of light. Transparencies are bung out, banJs are .playing, brib.ou* rising, tire works ex hibiting. and illumination* general and beautiful. The erty is crowded with visitors, and ihe streets are full. 'Hie wliole acetic is grarnl and impo .,ing. r of ll.v I'rtui.urgi. lljti iir. * WasiHxorox, April 19. The President, it is said, and the official p a pc» give* assurance f*.r the 1 icl, is about to call out six TUOt'ssvir additional troop*. They will bt volunteered and selected under the act of May. '4f>, having authorised the ten rogimenls of regular*. Tbo 6000 men will be divided br- Iwccn the cummaudsut W-rn Cruz, General Tay lor and Saltillo. Twenty thousand men will be placed unde/ tbe command of Scott, r-nd t ( - n thousand man under 'Taylor. The cily has subscribed <f>o,oCo f.-r the Cher apeakc and Ohio Canal. - The Huinof is now secured for (he road to Cumberland. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. April J 9. 7 J\ M. ‘ The market for Flour i* rather quiri and not much doing. The prepjrtions, lor illurni natiog tho city have interfered to some extent with business, and the disposition of buyci* on IhHh side* of tho market u> wait the steamer's ar rival has a great deal of irdlucnco in besnijng transactions. is util! llie current price for *<an dard brands. Tin* market for Cotton i* dull, Quutitiom nominally range as loilow*, ITl,\Nl>s. "ilia Hjalai i^£3! :i •N u <fc MOilfl.K. llood Middling J2aT2j Middling Fair 12? a Kt Fair lft'all 4000 lbs good West Fuitbers eold at |>er lb. Our Grocery Mark* t i* about thr same as du ring la<t itedr. To dnv naW'SoO hagN lim (.'of ft*p at ija~£c, and 20ft l.iguiivra at 7{c, u»ui time. N O Molasses n?a374c. Sale* 50 |,!ul; N O Sugar at Jr. rr.du. A Hemp continues scarce and ismurtl xvanled (iuo.l Middling Middling Pair Fair Salea HOU gaiL Lintml ( Of at ?f>a77r. In PruviMtftti* there- w no chunge worth notice. They arp eUVcted with F|i>ur J>% th«* vh-im't the rteamer*. Pork at Saturday's ajuiMari 500 kegs No I Lard at HljatOb-. 100 bx* Cheeve at Or. Of iiaron -I'l.ilOt* ll>< Wert. rn rtiro at 8- for Shoulders, Hat) l lor Sid.". niitl »10e for Home. 0000 bbls rendered Talloiv ut b» L c per i!.. NEW YORK MARKiiT. April 19;* oV I* M The market for Flour ha- !>*•» n. m-itte «•> ( | ,v. and the sale* reach 10,000 i bis m $7.7t-. 7 03-j per bhl. Tlu-rc hive hern I'.ilex <!• livrr ir*J. u. May at 5t1af..0-’4 ;»sr W; an I|.r,l•< ■ v in June .It $6,01>.C IU.J J.| r bt.t. : «>l Wbrat mer« have c|vo been | , r '-r-ue delivery—l notice 8000hu White Wheat ~i on lb* so t,-j irk. l'«m continue* in-vr: v active ,1, I j':u' •ale- to day reach fiO.OOO bit it y,*r. ,■ *f Wlnte. ntnl 100 c foi Yrllo.v, per hu. The market for Grnccncs ii he.iw, an,! sHled i , a li'nitrO extent only. I tie j.en. ri! nutk> [ i< ■ without. rhan?a *u,, e Saturday, all waiting-panemlv it,,- of the steamer#. SANTA ANNAS IN\rc;ril\|, ll»- • Sr, Ul rei ttepu'ici —J have jus.l r„'o i» the • which the Uw prescribe*. nnJ in ilnim to aerompany it with a mnnifeatn'i -n el i-tv tr The event* which have taken place in ify. tap. ilal a'o known, ami aw - f such HoiMcier a< i.j bind me to give them a -p.-edy ami } acifi<- Term - nation. Borromnl<‘.l t>y ditiicultn-K of nfl kind*, interrsuni in what is tr,e most important and es sential for the whole nation, as is thik sum nmo * cf a strong and derided struggle with j lorcigu powe*. in which nothing le»s i* invoked than tln existence of the nation, il would li<-the l<a*tul evils to enter into a contest wirii th'we who ought to unite in rrp-Iliog the common uicniv. These dbroids ought to disappear at (lu* imperious voice of p*lrioli*in winch calb np. nn the sons ef ihe country to ba»t* hul one will and auu. The moment* have bet n urcut —1 have seen the forward strpa of the enemy—f have imb ed to iho field'to repel him, and even m the mo merit of doing so. I have been f-nced to letn c a braw and victorious orn*y, and to rome hither to assume a power which I have repeatedly #nj tvi> repugaanf to my feelings, and which l lud deci ded never lu undertake. That which has tiern and ought to be an ob ject uf ospirutiun and desire, is for an enormous sacrifice. I am all tur my country, and tv.-r shall serve it; without thinking what it tmy cost mr t« ,io that winch tho nation de-ires I should <b. I ba*c rntcri.J upon the Supremo Magisira-y t,e cause I have seen that it was ihe xvle legal mean* of terminating the disturbances oflthi* capil.il, «r,d b-H:au«e I believe I shall thus be able tn lar.liUO l the prosceution of tho war, and tii save llie mile jwiidenco and honor of .Mexico, which ! wish to present un-uiltcJ and brilliant to the world, which in IwholJttig us. 1 have before me the committee of the Sover cigu Congress of li.a* august Innfy, whose ih c- Irincs I have respected uud continue to respect.:— lu derision* will bo my invariable guide, am! 1 have firmly resolved to preserve a pure union with (he legislative body, which union will give us a final victory and lbe ro.r«Latdi*lim>*iii -if internal peace—n:r which the happiness nf our country depends, and to which we all aspire. The nation hrti pr-otairmil Ihn political priunplea vrlpch ■night to Is- the basis of the ndrainktri'i »n which ( wish to-establish. Thu* l undersfatid that it< Urcngih will bo m-- secured for (Irfcuding it.*e|f, and it* right* |.,r which its «ona have those gi|srant<v* yvhich belong to nil men. and which einlizati-m claim* and which 1,.H been iny aim. Mine my ic turn to tho country. Tim will not )<■ di-im >l. .iu,| the nation si nil *li’l »ee me obedi.-r,t t.» u« wi-he without my liaving any other rule of curulurt than its <kcirioiis. Ava Met icon nnd n f|dli--i I -hill always takr tlie *ariie road a* the n/.tjpn. hinl | y*- pirc to no oilier title) 'l,‘J>i lira', of u gu,,,) rit;7-n. and in speaking of rue tint it should be i/iid that I always loved my country—thru I s. re.-,| ,t , vi tb zeal, and that I sacrificd m>*ell for its (.or„|, U/*\V«r in .Mexico. I.Vv. J N M iiln . A ,| ,< liVi-r a I,eeliir<* ol Sotilli l.'niliui.o l M f. I l.nt.Oi gbeny f’ l/. no* (T 0.0.13,1 i:-..u.,n*. Aj,r.t -run a , * o'clock >n'ij,-ei Wat ,ii M'-I eu. r »tjr.n n' || IP ('outiiry. riiJr.*ci*r id die Met .•nu * ! , 0 „ ,j lr Hi.) firan.lr nnd .*'-)iin Hi! in M..„:e«ey, r.„„ riM tween War ami IVare—tl.r !*wor.| nmj t 1,,: p f ,*. Auntie T. i-euN. I ie-otrinan ce,u« )..in It man and nvi» Lad,.-«, ,'*l Tieket* in l.e lia-i m 'ln* llriig Siure of lolin M,ir(i-n, m-.t ur ||, e HI.OV J.il.n Pinker. K.-.t.-rV .trcei. .\ltrgl,.*i,y tr.iy Ai-.l ill li,e .Mi 1> >„I,M 11.M.L Sii.r.-, ~I l. r, i l'.u«l,urfl, .iud in Hit* door :«|,‘.*i-tt* OA7.KTTK JOU I'ntNTIMl OKKICK, TIMItU rORVUI or POST Ollier. ai.LEt, .nmt\e»p-*l:niu* milliner, all km,l- of .1,,,, J'stVTiH.i. >in-liVn. | a r K e I'.^lei.. hir .niiH.nl Hills, Hu,, belief Sliect t’lrciilar.*, Mnndtoi•«, Card»,Ar., .V. HOOK ArAHPULKT CIIIXTIVi. id any eiit-m .•arent“U in il.e l, r .t a „,| a i| k.its!* of I*lllllllll' lioiie'w.ili tie* nrat-y mnl n) the low.-si rntt* s [J-/-Sweat is Pleasure alter I’nlni r*o »ung the t’ovl, and »o exclaims die sufferer Uoiu Piles, after tr*nng I’r. t'ptipm’* Vegetable lileenur). no ite lermil rctonl) f„r iblil Complaitn, It. eeiet.rhv Inn been lionrstly ac.joirn! fro.ii m own mein., n * il.ou saniU wouJdJiroclaiin, did not a -emtof delnacy. from the nature of ihe distuie fort.ld. ITT-Sold, tVboleMlr ant! K."at!,-I.y WVaIT i KKTCHAM.'Iai Fuhmimc i.New Vork. U'm. Tiiuhn, Market siregl, ami I*. H. Sawven, .S.mihfirel.l su.-ct,' I*ill»burgh,P». I'rirefct perhox. uplfi lw QT’lmportant io Advertisers,— The silver- UscmemawTilch appear m the Daily Morning l»a*rt:e also appear untie Tr>-Weekly, thin rccc.vmg the t*ru rtit of the eireiiUlimi of Ml, wilhoul uny mldiftonal charge. Tlte-i-an .ulvaulngclnoar tdveru.rr*. wilhoul any extru expeq*e. Advertisement* nr>- al*o ,n*rr'-d ,u die I'oumry jioprr ujxni rea<onal-Ic tcim*. C?" Hamden A Co'a Bcmlttaac* OfflMi — T&* »üb9cn! er retruti monies i© England. Ireland, tieoi'and and Wale* regularly at the rate of Frr* dolls, i© tue *l—without any additional charge here or rlse where Remittance' hylibe xearrer of the j« n < Mar «m*l !••• uui. .:d oti the t!.*th .n»i. IN«?cngrr* brought -UIM :;ißuna: ifiuv vii! no -x;rii rbln- i.t l_ver* pout JOXICA ROBINSON, Kuropean Aren. 'Tfrt. cue ,!oor li P ,o*\V I «l IT?*"'* .nv.te tfte aurnt;nji .if our re»,|,-m ».» n,,. , •, l’. ih A ‘ Ij.'.lV'rJ.V- i '4 ... •in--.ia.-r raluinn of lo du> . j.aj.. r Tie) ,rr n t..n it n.c rao'i wcmdertul on r.word and nave I *.-> : i-ru pronounced uy ninny of oui tuo*t respectable ' pby»ir.:*r . The nfflic'ed 9ml other* uiterru.-d. are re •juc'.rJ v ».i them ji their several plaev* of a(*o.le~ .I'i'l le nii hum their own bp* the wondctful rdrci«o| .1 e mr.iio..-.e The GsMone named.' Mr l«aac Utnok*j who may I>e «.-rn d.nlv, ber.reen the hour* of 9 A All and I P \l hi the'officcaf Rmvat.d A Walton, .'ioX6' MarLrt «. I'h.,*•<; =• .ICPSaltrr’* Ginseng; Panacea.- dlrunii. Tr»T!'4OSY- -We bog leave to •.•all puhhc adeuUoU to lie following, ffom Dt Wm Doan, of Wiibaiuivilte, : Clermont Co , and one m the very hist praci. hotter* in the fount, m ivin.-li he re« : de«, un.l late Senator la'lhe >t»i.: l-ry-.ui.iie h.* .'heeritte Ulua to fer the lead •ng nt-ii or tti,- jitoie*-.,oii. hurtling the bond' of profet— > r 1 T,n iv mm , practice boro u»;ng *otiio of > (•i.i-.-ii,. Panin .j, and. -o far. tmi well pkuied in il« ed. fia .a t itairhui ami Brour&ial CompUmi-. plenie a-rild ttlc <i in :i do/rtt I.O'lte*—put them »' iow a« you •ran; n- I eijicm a it .oncmue' to render a* general -ui- I'fUC'.ori J. .t h.i* Ueti-tO'iire, to krep .1 con*lßHlJy OP hand K* «pecMull> . ;.|ilT \V «| |>oia. V |i. *>,oo. HoTTt.S 5,00. X». CO FOURTH STREET, / c. n II N K U O F PONT <> F Fl C K AI.I.KT Till-: «üb-er.her rr»pet-ifulJy inform' the public that i.e mi- L'.nniiicnced liicl manufacture of Gintlimm Hoots, of go<i.!. material and worktuan«h:p wi. • * In- .mi! warrant nWrior tonny Hoot ever made •it tor the price. TlirVe Ftfndxime Hoot w';i mad-to mej'urej and wnrruut them o« reprr •riitr.l. at the vi ry hnv' pr.eeof iTVK DOLLARS CASH tViiileincn nrp \reyue*icd to call and eiare R-cm. jydl | . W II KRSKINK. «)n Monday morning, Mr*. DAVIJ) MORGAN, aged hi > imk. She leave* a large circle of «otrnw.ng rrla ’nni' an.) fner.il*. ||ef fut|rra! will like place to-day, •.Httn ni«iHn:, in 3 o’ch-clr. r m , from the remlenrt of ihc tarin.y. lii.nrl oi Federal e'rert. Allegheny City Ttn- tn-'iid- of the family are .nv.nd to attend without flintier 0 tire. -- 3 p30 morning, at $ o'clock. RAOHKL ALICK. Bflt it ml 1 tumuli', daughter of Jo*iiua and I li.: ir,e;ui' nt the Runny UIC Invited to attend the •nnicrjl r!,.' uitenioon at .1 o'clock, from their re«nlence, coiner of VV 11: r .i.nl \Vu*l|uigton »treet» apvO PORTER!) DAGUERRUX PORTRAIT Ft AI.LKHA . Third meet, mljt.imng Po»tOffice. |*itt»- burgh. P:. -Ma. POKTKK Cium Uahmmrtrj re.- fcpi-ci IL.Hy ili v !«•* the lari « • mill gr itlleineii of Piiuh'gh, and iln- [in.iiir generally,to ~u|. amleiamme the Urge colliTt-mi m lingm-rreof j.-: IMriian* at hn (i.uler>' v The 'pf <•itn. il. i-rmlurril by Mr I*., for beauty, hrfllmn ry, i!'«tiueine«*.Viii.| tone ol coloring are not 'Urpar.tcd by any .ti in., country A number of the Portrait* of Cti./en. can i.eyreti at the Gallery Call and examine tor ymit'elee. |. kene«-e» taken m rlnu or rlottdy N 11.-ln■tfuctl(ln». appara’n* ami till mii. rnil* fui u »iictt. T- tin' nimtci.re. W S I' MI I'KR I'nru' irentypi.t; er.traner Ph.lo Hail Su-irmiy, on 3<l • Iteet Bih'i,mug Pi»M Office a pan T)IXK ASI) WHITE UINCIHAnS AV. R I Murpl.y ii:i-e|itn th.. it.nt.ing a few pir.e- Pi„k tiinl A\ lute IliiMed Gingliains very Irtw. and he.iiitiful '!>'<• AI * n new ►') It .|.t:ng Mu*i;ii dr l.u,:t . Al -o lu-at *:j Ir Ilrnucr, u tuslnbnaolr article,—ticnle* a tipi a-«onrneru of fit.t quality French and M mclie«irr <<ingha*rir.. Ijritfh Print*. *tnall figured Chtttt/ for In ian:r. Ay. ALo, tn«ii L nnu-u fuil «upply, from low e«t >.i tut* at ijunt'iiea e.f nu>*t approved make and are watrjntMl ji-tie tlux—and cciy "up-ror »hirtmg iuu>. I.n* ill I'.’l ee.lt • per \ Hn t. a/-Wj,.,j-4.,|e .u,ek very fui’ m the room- up Muir*, and gaud- otlcrct at exccednigly low Cd*h i ' 4J h'-' l * np-.*ll.|Aw / WLLKCTIXG AtiEXiT—J AMF_S C lUCHKV fc-p-i ir ■ 111 y- iulortn • th- bu-tne*. men of Pi.Uburgh and v-c ij'iv § that hr wm make a ctNiecting lour Ihrip'; the counn-. hi We.tmorclund Indiana,Cutnhrta, Uufl- ! i.ngdin I '.ir.urt Mud ini-irutig lie i/Urnd. in leave on .M.iYt.At, me ■jin, m-mut. Rejoin «l! n.e IMuor* ■it .he < ;t v. utl tu r-ni lli A Wood -'reel. prr-u.l* cntru'tiiig liil* ne»« |o (i ni, will fi.M ti m.l ,r.„, :h - wr.k a: tile offire.i.f the fiuxetle“ uml Tn-: aptltitd I \ nlitalilr Real Ratal© Cot Sal©. j ’lir-Kif.l.r. pn-l be.ng JUmtu. remove 1,.• Tantirn -1 IM' ei.imirv. olfer. tor n.e SIX Ill'll.Dl\(i Uit.l .tr.et I.etwern Ferrv vreet and Ke d;.,.!.' A.u t Ki« n tot twenty le©i (rout on *J.I .ti-t. -,,i :.• .-tuy t.-ii u dep:|i The lot- w, .1.e. n „l - I:gM • t -r » i,,.,.- i... . .her For Irri.r- tippn 10 ,[ie " jT f- in -e. JOH V I'tUAVKLI. Hospital klrttion Yoehctm, wui i. c h. '..1 u, . eve*, it,. (Id. „„ ~t ? o'clock, lot one ( , r r 'V" \ : y l ' l e.ghtee.l iMectof* IJ-1M..1- 'V I. mm.- b-t„,e ihe me, inv un.l •u-i. ... r arrendiiiie,,: ,1,. I'm.iMmiur. io the Fund t* •*. le.l •! I M IllUVh I . "• N H kRI'Pli P' f .r* • M-I.MII, ic I.AM> I*c»({ 4»; arc- rl <*n a!.,c!, i« rirci. J lliter dweTlui? !••• •••'.! up. 1.1 l iVi.r•*!.;» irmn Tbi‘jiio|-- •- rr..-U;a*'. i.W WtW\- |™ip*u- ftt | A S rm A) Sin.ilibrld tuerl UIVI*<; |*APKU, Ac. - L^i-/1 »<>•] Legal Envelope*. ‘ Wai Rrciraj.e.ir '-> Ku.tuf-a a i:n(;i.i>ii |.n :tt! Bpd4j|| «t« HKASTMASS KUXIiI OK lIKALTII. . A-i . v r-n. r r.tr>rat v- .1! *j,' fii.. % M’lirrr the »-• tijurt nr»' nr-- i!>»nr.l»-r. .( A l«o. (or U A I \iiNKV|l,)o^ k r* f«" ■“ »"■» «•"*>' '■-I- wood \’.\t Ul\s’ .'I IX rL' lIK V Jut Vin t ’ Vwiihle ' 1 «•- "■ A' - - :-J • ju»i ift-ri •• rU ai;J lor «■!> (,v itAVsi iikocicw-ay VVjj;,u lt |,| Hr,,.! A.-n.. tor Altcjl.rnv County. M"-" j N*.Sl-u-u.«-.n«l How. L.t.rrty *t frVSimUCS-V' , t ... l» :. 3K , Dry Apply.. ' --i: t-Mwr.V ••• r..m.th) Srr,| : I’oik. 1.-I.k. I’oiu.h, -y >• Pr> lVjr,.r.. i.. M .,. inr lti.il Itutic. u r .'i. I.M.U-U 4 HK.VNFIT :C troo.l m jAL, For Salr l.ow. K firYTi A U;W HtfJtn ami Mar AlnWn-P and afinr latin.v HOKSK.7 war* old • V J “< Mr J MA I'HKtVS. Kicl.auK 1..0 ~ ,Ve IV„j, Mfrr. /'tI.'HTAI X 3ICSLISS, ~i n jjjrttt var-rty 01 «rj -e*. •I'Mii'U'* JJatT Krriun for W rniow Ourlu.ii* i<> !>•- Ivmiikl nl df) good* homr o( W R MI'KI’HV •‘PifcdA w Ncoi (ill amt Murkri u> ymovv SWKKT POTATOES— W.l. 1 MVrrl I’nlttlor* )>IM ircfvrd ia RiXHi coniil- :...n m»'i i..< - i f n< ih-j I*.i:«t>ur«ri*.l »toi«*. vontet ol o,t .....I u:r, .!« a,<*i ?* \ \V ICKKRSH AM» I »ll Ai> !> KTK-l r««e *upt*r. ii-4 Fr- nvl. Drap * 11 Ristft ttnnrnrr t’loih» -ju«i uprnrii and mi •> > l.\ •• i Vi* Sfl Ai'KI.IT FA \V MJTK OPTS. TiritPKNTIJIK-i: 1,1.1, ,„M rrccrvcd Oa.nJinr nnl.* n HRU'Ni KKITKH m. Lti.rn> aiflSM.’iair.:. _\V lIITINK-di a ,„|N-ror dry 1111 \l \ \ HKITKU MUSK VISK • •; 1.1 nv i,„V, (ot >X “••• • UUaI'N .V RHIKR “1'" r„i l> ItrXSWICK ORKHiS-J i>ec%'ju*t n-e’.) »mi V i»r In v HUAI'S A HKITKH HOM'D. AIISEXIC -5fM ll.* ju.vr.T-t ai..l for 1 HU A !' V.-* KKI I KK I)ICI»>K't IWd t , r ,l 1 I'ci‘l'ri. ..It , .mil ii>r \ . im.WN i RKirKR /’A H I! A MMONIA-J >; r. lU.I rrc',l f uf „( e >*v «!»-'«» UKaLNa kkitkr 81-fK imil.LlX;*-.-5 , JM .« 0 , 1c . t „. d sm | •:» e I.J- su KI.KTIi Will t‘K •MV" N«i ii‘J won.! yOltK M| XT I'llK.H - | P4«r ind ami f or , #Je I i'V siiACKurrr ft white W.II. A ItD.^ !!•••••« i . «.M <n.tV *■• 4 payment w.ihput ih«: • '• all- r.: .1. l«. Il.c r . l-.vitu Hm< A 4 l.ilU Vn *’ r<l ' 0,1 •' • " ! i lir ••lurß'-i' -ill'-l.l* 4fr 1...1 .-,.(11.11111.0. I^] .: *" 111 Ihr '" " ,(l !'•' 1 '<l I* "111 i*• • phicr.l.in the linin>« nr ji |iin(»'i .-ih< • i in; ImwtfF A tONM'MDTION AICHKHTKD- To t hose A nltllr led n ull of the Liinf*. Th. H->«r d w.lti the lirM pi*. ' -“-'v.-ral ji'ji* v..IL u bronchi, of m,.| ,IIV mf.d.cnes. Iu» < '“"‘I »" " ill, V prep.tr ttmn ..l mr.iir.nr nulil 1 irm-V I I* It DUNCAN'S EX I’EfTOR ANT H r.M 1 In; r hi-on ii*.iig tl..> valuable modi rl DO for -ov.-ral inic. mnl i.lwa>v find .1 in rrbcvr when ,-v. r I mnLr u... „ My oor.ipM.on a. pi A„. p. 1 (vlnrli k.---p* 11,.- :.l«n,t«l rimMfHilly engaged. cnuaea "< i in* ‘ ! 'i omr vrr> ulmmipg. when I -*i “>•' r !'!•• -nr<- 11. ■ ni.-d.iim-. t thrrrfure lake j.lrn .,i.. iii-ur.ik.■>■{ Ui'- 1 public Him other* affect* ril 'v 'li .f t .. u». ui tijp Inn*, and Piprciorni'n organs in-'- know (h-- ifi nr< uf this '-till healing remedy," it ml mi - i-p .-.nr.! I tin vp recommended Dr. Duncan's lit)-, ii.ciiu «. nip.lv i<* I'laov oi my fririiiir, soioe of tvW-11l rf’A • lh.- I liVP< l-l ill.* IllP.llt ,u*. J AMK^%K\VIT .^..1,1--f.pl (H,;„.0rl n. IMS. 'III. proprietor «.i ilir ulh>vp mcd.V.ne would, ai»o* 1,1 the undrr»ii:iip<l pe>"<>ii«. who reside ,n Ferry ,-<.ir..ii “ir 'vlitun nnj • j.ri'on may rail U[>on and be • ,i: " vimic. found ,n ihr au, ve llii-d mi- liu.i ' -mini be .-Ic-eUrd I'.v.d Oui'-i-n-oii. Somersoi; Dr.lt Stum, do; Fran r,‘ '“'l If'4. Ju-k-ontp. Mr Lmitner, do; (; eo . Polbert, Situ I --k i, l J.-rrod Dav i*rn, llopevrrtl lj. ~ W ItiiN. AN-S WKOTEB.N OFFICE, 130 Syc- -olj ... t-.lul.nrb li> »'«. JACKSON-, a Li belly bea.l „( Wud *C—I np.IPJAwT \V r^ X T KU_ . A . l’, PrW,n w “ ha C u) ! l c7 r 7mt ei : n T,» Ipw Uiousand dollars, wirliru i 0 mr!>urk m some *J||- inantjiMriiuiH* or Riereamiie bminess, in which l.p ruuld atro be acl.Tcly employed Anji person with ins a partner will ple» w address H. S., tya«ne Uiier Hoi. siaim; l.u«ine*j, unoumof capnal jr.«ired. and -s-hrre an tntersirw may be had apl#'3t i)iTismjiUiirA.\Dco>.stLLsVii;cfc .1 RAII.KOAU IX>.MJ*a.SV--Aii adjourned meeiina oi ihr Mtorkiioliirr* in the al*o»e Compatiy will be held til J*li>!r> Hall. oaTut-sday. UiovTili of April, atio’clork. *■ m, -|'I7U f D Secretary - 3mtion Salta By John D, Davis* Aactionttr ON Tbu'vlar morning, the *-2fd insiaut, at 0 ©’clock, at the Commercial Auction Room*, will bosold—-an ex tra-ive uionnifiii of uaplc and fancy. Dry Good*, 4c , am<irg wh ch are super rids *tyie prints, fartunrc '•I. ur /, gingham*. erode nap print*. breached and nit' M-*urQcd mu«lni«, fawn*, mousde laine*, silk and cot u>n !iJkf» ‘bawl* i-orionades, cheek ticking, fancy vi**uus*. g!ove«. imtietT. icwm; «ilk, suspender*. pOl •r||* 'bread, Miperfior c'otb*. rassiraerr*, •atinct.*. Ky. :eao« dsnuri*, umbrella*, parasol*,'Ac - • * At S O’Clock. P. M. A i»’rg<‘quam-ty of new and secoud luntl household furniture embracing a great variety of mahogany dre*- amt’ 1-urenu*. common do, table*, fancy and common ebuiri, »eitee«, work and wu»u stands. wardrobe, high and low post bedstead*. Also, cooking >iove*. grater, kitchen lunmore, alass ware, ware, tinware. shovel*, Wire sieves. Vs 11. Tcm, i ibarcv. Ac , Ac. At T O'clock, P. M A large quantity of valuable book*, a* per advertise tnem m another pgrtof ihi* column, erabracii-g *tand* ard work* in vanou* department* of literature, i Atnericatt copy] Kxtrnilve Sale of Books by Auction* ON Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday , Evening*. Ihlir. *l«. tfclJ, and tMth of April, at the-Com mercial Auction Hooru«, corner of Wood :ind Pi(\h at*, will be «iid—a large u*«orjnfcni of Book* in the varied department* of Literature, comprising standard work* on Hi»n>ry. poetry, Theology. Hicgrapby, the Dramn. Novel*, Ac. / • Fsliilv and Pocket Uibte* Prayer (look*, Ac , m v»- r.ou« and Hegant binding*. Ac; letter and cap paper' Heel pen*. Ac. to commence at o'clock. UUIGB, PAINTS, AMD DYB-STCPA'si' SALKI.y FRENCH A RICHARDS, Wholesale X 1 Druggists, at low pricer: a large and, complete as sortment of Drugs Paint*. Oils. Varnithei, Window Ola**. Dye Stuff*, and Spice*, which we offer very low for ca-h 'Ve warrant oar Drug* to be pare and of prime qujMiiy; among which are— -500 oz Quinine; I 500 lb* pure Oil Peppermint; 20 or Morplua; IsfO ll<# Oinatn; tOO o/ Ext. Hark; j go bbl* Castor Oil; Including every article u*ed by Draggiats and Physi cians. Our ««*ottment of Painta, Oil*. Varnishes and Window Glass is large, and our price# *uch a* cannot fail to plea»e. SO ton* Pure Lead; 10 bbla Coach Varnich; -jotai bxs Window Glass:' 50 bbl* Copal do; SCO kett* Ven Red. and IDOdoZ Patnf Brushes; Ochre; 50 bbl* Spi*. Turpeniine; 1,000 Gallon* l.imeed Oil. W e offer a oop-norCojch Vami*h at Si per gallon. Oorotock includes livery atticle used by Coach and House Painter*. D.c Staff* wc offer mt parlirularly low prices, havinj a large stock of every article u«ed by the trade. S» 0 bbl* Dyewoodr: I 50W) lb* Ground Pepper; 11)0 carl>ov * Oil Vuno‘; I tmOO do . Cinnamon; SMI lb* li d:go; I 500 IbrNutmegr; Coclnneal. Mulder, Moce, Saleratas,Ac., Ae.’ Also. 5o inn* Grindstone* at low price*. Given* cull, no charge for making inquiry. FRENCH & RrCHARDS, Whole-ale DruggiM*. N. W. comer |o.h and Matkci «piOddw Streets, Philadelphia AGENCY FOB PATENTS, Waakiugton, D. C. ZKNAS U KOCHINS. Mechanical Engineer and Agent for piocurme Patent*, will prepare die nc cctfury Drawings and Pdpera lor Applicams «drfat* tcji. and transact all other Sasiness in the line of hi*, profusion at the Patent Office. He caa be consulted on 'all question* relating to.the Patent l,*ws and deci (ion* in the United Stair* or Europe. Pe son* ala distuni-c desirous of having examinations made at the Patent Oilier, prior to making application for a pa|em, ru«y forward [po«t paid, enclosing a fee of live dollar*, o clfar statement of their case, when immediate alien* : non will be given to it and nil the information that : could be obtained by a visit of the applicant in pefaon] promptly communicated. All letter* on business must 0t post paid, and contain n suitable fee. where a whiter opinion t* required. Office on F »treel. opposite the Patrnt Office'. He has the honor of referring, by permission, to Hon. Edmund Burke, Comru stkmer of Patents; Hon. H L Ellsworth, late do do do; H Knowlci. Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Cranch, Wfkshingwn. D C; Hr.ii. R Choate. Ma*iacnu*cit«, U S Senate; Hon. W Allen. Ohio. : do; Hon. J B liowlm. M C, Mistoarf; lion Willi* Halt. New York; Hon. Robert Smith,, M C. Illinois, Hon. 8 l‘.rre*e, l> S Senate; Hoa J H Relfe, M C, Missouri; Capt. H M Sbrevr, Missouri; Erastus Brook*. K*q.. Pittsburgh. _ «j»l_ NEW AND MOST EFFECTIVE RE.MKDV. Dr. WOOD'S BaruptrlHaiana Wild Cherry Bluera, for the cure of tbe following Jaundice, Liver CopipMmi, all U : ilioa* Com* planus, tick Headache. Heart Uurn, Indigestion, habit* ! ual t'oMivcne**, Pile*. Palpitation* of the Heart, la>a* of Apprtue.Dyopepsta. Nervous Irritation*. Debilitated Sumach. Lnnguor.'llepreesinn of {spirit*, Clironie Rbeu maiisin, Cgtanrous Disease*. Canker. 9ypbiloid Disea* -e» Scrofula Impunur* of tht* Blood, Pimple* 1 and Piimulc* on the Face, Hereditary Haroor-. Cold Itttcv, and mi d,*ra.p* ari*>ng front an injudicious u*e of filer* The iuient..»ii of ihe in> nlid public, and of all tho«e uffiicud by any of thr above di*ea«e*. i* respectfully | ci, I ted in the merit* cl a new and invaluable prepara* from an original recipe of a distinguished physician, Combining ,n it<elT the imm active remedial properties nfiwo of ihe vrr) first art'cle* in the Materia Mediea. Snr*jpar;l(a and Wild Cherry Bitter* were* in trudui ,-d to the put.lic about twelve months ago, and during that period their success ha* been so great as to indu.'r ihe proprietor to offer them with still mote cohfi* (trill's, in the lull belief that by entering inro more ex tensive use. iliey will prove a blessing to all those -ud •rmc iiotn il.e dne.i—-* above enumerated. wbok*?ule and retail, by WYATT A KETCH AM, gSherol agents, Iff I Fulfoniireet, New York; Wss. Tttons. Mafkrt «uect, and p. R. Sawruu SmithCeh' street. Pittsburgh, Pu. Pnce 81—large home*, inch *:V<Cin- 1 Ms PUItIFY THE BLOOD AND CLEANSE THE BODY—It is an established fact that a very .urge clan of di*ease« ran only be cured by such rent* r.l.e* as will niter iiiio the Blood, and circulate with <t thiough every portion of the body,, for only hr thi* mean* can the remedy be brought .into immediate con-, met w ih the di*ea*e; aad u> atturo this desirable end, tio prepatarion ha* ever been *o naiformlv tuecestful an nH.JAYNirrt ALTERATIVE Scrofula, King*’ F.ni, Cancer ainl Cancerous Tumours, White Swel lint*. Enlargement of the Bone*, Chron e Rheumatism and (n.ut, liuptive disease* of the Skin, old tod indo lent l.’lcen. Goitrous Swellings of the Throat, Ac., are. cured wiih a certainly that Ira*.a*tonished etery holder. It i* betide* one of the moat pleasant articles' that can be taken into the system, operating a* a tonic an 1 removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and nnpunuiE a glow of animniiou and health unequalled t,r am limit ,n the whole Mntcna Metnra. For tale at ihe PEKIN TEA STORE, No 7"i Fourth street, near Wooil aplSdAw F IfEORTABLEPULMONARY BALSAM V —-About four year* •nice I waa attacked with a violent cnogh I tried vartou* remedies, andlconaa.ied teveial pbjiiciant without relief. On tbe rtcommen daiioii of a friend I commenced using the Vegetable Pulmonary HaUam, amidervrd immediate relief from a.and by continuing ibi u*e ot it a abort timel my coogh *-ii entirely removed. I have >ince taken it invaeif, and recommended it to other*, vrtieA attacked •viilx a cough, and never knew a to fail ot giving imma d*nie teliet. although I have recommended jt to many. I ran therrforr. with confidence recommend it to the public J R I*RINCK IJo*TOS. November tS). IM7 For sale by tl A FAIINFVFTWIC ACo apl I . roi Ist ami wood «is and wood and R<h sia \ T KW STOCK OP niISICAL IIfSTjCIN -1\ MKNTS AM) MUSlC—lohn H. Mello'r, So 61 Wood street, between Diamond Alley and Fourth ft. .» now opetimß. and for sale at very low prices, an rirkram ntsoriinem of .Musical Instruments, selecied iron late importations, consisting of— French. Italian and (Jertnan Violins; V. ry superior Guitar* English and Irulian Violin Strings; French Accordmn*: < V .oluirello*, wiih plain and patent Screw*; One very superior Double Bass Vioiinrello; Clanonctu. Flute*. Fifes and Fiageoleu; Tiombacellir*. Trombone*, and Trumpets; 'French Horn*. I'-orueits. Opbiclidc*; Drums. Tamborines, Banjos. Ac., Ac.; Every arncle in tbc Music t>csine** BOOK BINDING. THE subscriber respectfully informs hi« friends and Ut<- public generally, that he has commenced the i-ook binding busnirss on the south east corner of 4th and Market stierti—entrance from Fourth at—where be is prepared to do Binding in all iu varieties, with nra’nr «* and dupslch. ' Having a -thorough knowledge of tha Blank Book huenets. hr* is prepared to manufacture Merchant’s Accrnmt Books. County and AldermenV Dockets, 4c- Ac! Dockets re bound with durability and dis patch. Old Book*, Penod.cali, 4c . rc boon-i on as reasona ble terms a* they can be done in the city. Bills Lading, Circulars, Ac , ruled to any pattern. Book binder's Plough Knives of a superior quality, always on ba-d. apH-«t JOHN WILLIAMS l'O BRIDUU BUILDERS-Proposals will be I received at the Coinmi«*ioner’s Office, until Satur day, -Jtih instant, noon, for erecting one or four bridges —ibrec over Miller's Hun, South Fayette Township, ami one at the month of Cork’s Hun, In Lower St. Clair I'nwn'h'p Descr ption; Sione ahulmenismnd wooden ‘uper»rrncture: masonry 10 be bid for by. the perch, wooden ■upcrstructuie by the fool lineal, embankment by the > anl Plan* amt specification* can live seen at ihe loiumissiotjers until the day of letting THOMAS I’BRftlNS, ) JOHN M'DOAVELL, > Commissioners spHtd JOSKIMI T. MARKS, ) Kauitly Orooerlea. JONATHAN LONORTAFF, iSucce*«or to Joshua Hhndrs ft C0.,1 MOUTH U'KST corner of Sin,th6rld and Front »t«. O o|*|.o*.tr the Mimongabria House—Keep* always nu l.nsii u lull vor-civ ot Fanulj (iroceru.*, which he will sell very low tor en*lr. »inoug*t w hich me the fol- . s,l * ar •- • 1 !«•--! Jitllft lilO’jml », I'ijr«•»«*, Fi>lri|>il ard IVv Iju.n. Jiml I‘iii‘l.turh Manuiaciund Article*. l-"ic*U iluurr and Hags alway* uii’hrind. mriiV-iilAu ImT GALT house;, Cornri- Mnlu and sixth ata, Cincinnati* 'P»H> r.ubliibfnent If nowin Ibe best nrdrr lor the 1 reception of ihe Traveling "Public. Hav.ng under pour n ihnrough repair, daring the past wimrr, and hsvng iim iiiom experienced men in the acit, in the varum* departments. 1 flatter myself mat all will Ire pleaded wbo rail. 'T'lie locaiton if central, commodious and pieanitm. Farr *1 per day. . F.nnnoMti. March I’UM*. W ,K MARII ll—Although not exactly a new Broom, it is ibe *amr—.i new Whisinn the old handle. apdtf MACKRREL, HERRING, gALMONV*CI rpHK »üb*c r il>cr» keep an assortment of Picklrd Fish A of Matsuehu*cu« and Halifax Inspection, for sale in lot* av wanted at their warehouse, No 4u North »* liarve*. rlnlndetphia. j.ioh- k idam JNQ M yKNNSDVACn PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COHPA /.. ~U 1,0,,CC *• h * n ‘ b >' gi*m that ihe SM instalment of Five Dollar* per share on the Capital Stock of ihe Company will he required to he paid un or before ihe fourth day of May, at the office. Ry order of the Board of Manager*. apftlunayl 8 V MERRICK. I*re«ident ARBROVAL. fl| 8 MOtißFx* Hat and Csp ha* removed to No 73 Wood street, three door* above Fourth street. Hi* *tock consul* of every variety of llat* and Caps, made in the Inirsi style. also. Panama. Leghorn ami Pedal Straw Hat*, wholesale and retail, at rttr lowest price 8 MOORE apli;- :.i Wood *i. tlurd door above Fonrih CANDLES, TOBACCO AND Is hi* Cincinnati Mould Candles; Ui t»x* Half Spanish Cigars; 12.000 Coninio? l <'igor«; 4 keg* 0 TwistTcbaeecr On hand and for sale low for cash or barter, hv , B MILT ENBF.RGER *plO No SC water street Dr. HcLut’i Liver PULs. K«RB. J KIDD A CO-Genu: please let me have 2 boxes of Or. McLanoHi Liver Pill*. My wife has used two boxe. of thcßoctors’ Pilja | « Mn 7 re yo ° they have done her mere good than my family physician ha. by two year* attendance. Two iddttiona” lioxri." think, mllefleci a core. JAMES JONES* h «Aw e *^ v#,u * blo P* l ' l for ** lc -by J k KIDD°ACo h fio “'Y 0 !*!^ e i!iPi»!burgh 1 ae\ bt» WASTSB to BORROW—9I,SOO to giau 0,1 ?! :r p n>P« r ‘J wonb four bme* amount—ironifer of lease fcrit.ooo per year, foi the buildings, will accompany the mortgage. Apply at tluiOffiee. 'sb Rio Coffee; G -i - .; 40 hf eheau Y. H. Tea: • _i. ;10 do . Imperial Tea: S ’ i 9 do PnocbongTVa' Sat bbl* N O. MoUrtn, 50 bbl* 9. 11. do; 3cerojn* S. F Imlifo; f„ f ..y i,.- »Pl 5 _ JOHNGRIKR.M t^u,N SVQASL MOt AUErASD R] CK - • ~ ICO bbd* prime N. O.Skirar, 33bbWLoaf do; ; sDobbl»pi«mation Uola<*er, P.ittbyfe liLi. : *>W.l»Pi.K»rltenw do. henqualuV Tftscree* Kre»b flier, received from Nrw Or ieui artd Jbr **le bp W * MrTCMKI.TItI'R ■P»3 _ No_lMLibrr t> tU'.lDHk£i-40 bbl« (SderViwxir. J lObbljUM lleinnr. 9 Hbls Maple . 40bbli S. H. do. . fObbl* Plantation 30 liercei For aaie bp ap»3 \\ GKKFH HAISINfIi dfce—M bl» Raiunr; • ■M.hx« Pure Kng.-Muiiur.i 30 kejrs do do; ' slqg« Pepper; ibrM!M>)- 'V IiHBKR •pIS _ ACa—CI bbliliiMn Apple*, qj /xibesi km<U; COO lbs superior Cheete; 0 bbl* Cider; 3 hf btiL* Apple Hotter, waJe <>i eJ t?uit,a superior article,:o mtiTr; tor sole l.y *p!9 ISAIAH DICKKV A Co, writer onfl from «i» Vf MOORE, Fashionable I>rv«* Maker, Foimb m, iVI. afew lioon aboveSraithfield »tr«-et, l,n« jn«'re. rT' ' ,fota New York Ihe. *prm|f itylrs for l.adie-,' Pf* <s ?** tlao, a new «tyle of \ uette. aptfnUt' nAOB WASTKD-Cmimry JUi/ed Kajr* wan* **. rti.lor which ibe bightsi price in 0«» h will bepjul HESS A COLLINS Fim Bireet. below MmLei T ®A.B--laOche»i» and hf che»i« Y. II i. and I'onpowderTcass for Rale by J’- l 5 ; MORGAN t Co. 105 wood *i -ifi 0 - » AI.t.F.XiCe. L“*f u ?" V.^,;“by 1 ' a P> 9 , M ALLRN' A Co. j» Walrf ~ BACOar—(s,wA lb*. liog round, in «torc and f.» K ,r e l 'J a ' iJUfiNINUHAM A BONN -:r -SE!°.' HI Liberty. ir,-ci JJRIKD FRtII-J7H M Pe.ch«; '" '~ feraale by ' “■plfl CUNNIXQUAM A BO\[\kh ‘ GBEBN APPLES—SS bx» Choice Ap;.u., ,e -ceived-and for dale by _V>JO_ i.P_yONJ?NNnOR>T4 Co. *> Fuw « kei* No 1, OTwiri, received ne~r X liaac Newton aid for tale iiy v »pio friend. mtEY'&;Co, 5? wai cr > t LOAF SUGAR — 37 bbi* No 7, received peniuir Robed Fulton ami fotiale t»y • _?pl3 FRIEND, RHEV & Co, 57 water at ttUININB—Moz. ju«i received and for »»>f by_ j_KIDD, cUwood m r HOOT-050Ibim^r^ekriuTt XU ree'd and for »ale by JKIPDAC* BALSAZI-Uldoz. W-mr’iHaleam of Wild Cher- IT- Just received and forialr |>v ■Pf». J KI_DD *_Co, (10 wood it ALCOUOXr— 10 bKU jwi received and for sale by I?±* . . r J KIDDAiCo Ql w„. rt , S^?* 511 *® 08-Just and for sale by _»P« WICK & ,McCANDI,&B BUT.TER-t bbla Pres aplS eh Roll Outtrr for-a!-- by WICK * MrCAdDLI>9 pOTASII-Pnme Pou ■f bjr #pie LEAD— SOU pig* (Jalenw Cuibrmaad loruie (>y . UiWi* lIVTCHISOX j Co pHLORIDE Xj'lHE—3 ciuk* for *ale by RESELLERS.3? wood m ib just received and fur rale WiCK * AIcCANDLESS Lead, received perr-teamer Flaxseed oil—isbbii foriate lv .■Pi® 3 RBSKLLKBS.WvrnoJ ,i . bbls Copper** fcrsa'e l.v \.,r R K SELLERS,-57 wood ,1 YELLOW OCHRE—I,3OO lbs, pan F.cnch, f<Tr J«*lebr apll) R E SELLERS,37 wwlu * CHIPPED LOQWOOD-30 bbl. for hale by •P'O. r-\ R 1C SKLLKII.-.37 wWj^ Flour sulphur-sooV iw **i C hy EPSOSI BALTSv-3 calks UalLmoie, ibr rale by ... R?K SELLERS,#v> ut >t] GLUE— JO Lbls tilue for.a'ftlVby . _«pJB R E SEILBRgIS? wcwJ_w •fe I >7 «p>»; v j ■;s &. w har».u;<;u pORS —f<H» I. u «. p -‘ ■ V order, for »a!e by »P,!»_ .. _ •\S.k_\V fTA'RHAtjGH, :13 w.wl m TITOOL—-Ffeece, Tub \Va.«kcdT*iul Polled Woo’ M winird Uy apifl 3 A>tV HAHCAUGII BROOMS— COO dox. in «or- »- J ' apte low, in g-x>d Htijip ug J ROOMS—Coodox.in store and fofiale by CUNMNOHAM A: —t o * l md IC<: *uperioT 1. brands; 50 kegs ST win Tobacco; *i>r *a!e tiy GKO MORIiAN A Co r OAF SUGAR—lObl'Pl'.N'a* fi. and 7, •** .5-LiJit Double Refined: <br «ate h >; op 1 3 > GKO MOKCAN'tCo ■ NO« MOLASSES—I3O bbU in *iore uid for »ale V b >‘ «pls_ GEO MORGAN A Co QPANISHWHITWOMO bblrfor aale by ~ O ap!s GEO MORGAN * Co. IQS woridat RIO COPFEB- 3U) big* lauding from Cenal ajid L°- r ,a '» by _ _»P«3 tiEO MORGAN 4Co OCOHCH SALTS— it ton* for *a!e by O apIS W <»KLEK,cor water and imithtield >n A fOOLbl* Romanite Apple* forra'e by {*.•£** _ . _ -WCBREtt pOTASIt— IS ciwi Foia»o tor «al« bv ' A npis W GREER i ’LASS—Siw| bi* aaaoned aiie*. from bxs'iu *txuu, r extra quality, coumry manufactured in itore and tojifoby *n|3 J C BIDWKLL, An -V* ground and constantly on band for sal*-, by J -■ RHODES * ALCORN JJE2 No <7 Firth .treci F 1811-29 hf 14.1 a No X Mackerel;: . • 'JO bbb Shad; IS bf bblc Sbau; For *ale by apls POINDHXTKR A Co T^ A T 3 ? bf ebeaußlack Tea, arriving from- Cana X for talc by arl?_ __ W ORRKR OCORCHINGS—Bbid. j u *t mjd foraslc bv WILLIAMS* DILWORTH pOFFEE-210 bag* part for rale by * Pl7 _W GRKKR S *ALTS—I9 eaak* ou coacignmenu for tale by » »PL _ W GREEK SOAg—l%) bx* arriving from Cincinnati,for sale by _«Pi! W GREER DKAVKR BUCKETS—4o doxen for .ale by ’ "■ PV 'VrfTttEER OPTS. TUaPESTISE-0 bbl, ju« re ‘?d7Sd —.‘“r^. b L... *P 17 J D MORGAN niTCU-1 box Burgundy Pitch fo'r sale by iHll _ _ J U MORGAN ftTATCIIES-IS gross locofocoi for tale by J P MORGAN. K] 1 X wood si D ACON—JW.CUnbs. bog round, in store and for tale 5Pi? _R_ROBISON A Co I|OBAOCO— 20 bxs~lupenor Lump Virginia Tobacco! Jon consignment and for tale low hr _»P_U J C BIDWELL, AyL,aater»t OIL —I bbl* Linseed Oil in store and for sale by. »P l 5 J C BIDWKLL UT HITINQ— 3o bbl* Boston Whiting for tale by apl« J SCHOQNMaKEK A Co BATH BRICK— 3OO best Drisiot-Scouringltneb,' far «alc by apU J ACu LINSEED OIL—4 bbls part, for sale by ■P>« J D MOBGAN.P3I j-rewt 11 hf bb * Black. Leather V*rm#b,foy JLI/We hy *pu JOHN D MORUaW VARNISH— 2 bbls Eastern, for sale by' ■PK JOHN D MORGAN Jamaica Ginger, pare ground —L*ey JOHN !> MisRHaN r T , AHARINDS<LI Jar Tuninnctdafor sale by ' +j tt PU JOHN D MORGAN VATHITB LEAD—CO kegs pure, lorule by * Y-- pM ... JOHN l> MORGAN INK— 1 bbl, manufactured and for sale Jil | apH JOHN U MORGAN" SPTB. TURPENTINE—S bbls jult' r*r'd and . : for sale by ap_H R E SELLERS ENG. BLACK LEAD, Lobelia Seed Croton OiL Laun.Labels.4e., just received and A»i.ulebv- 4 . .... - v R K SELLERS _ - jV" UTMEUSon bind and lor aale by X \ »P« RHODES A •ALCORN B t ir Cl flE ,r^r 24 Joz Be « ve * Bucket*, finding frt m Keel Boat Chippewa and for sale by * J!f2 J. water tT DRIED PEACHES—Iuj hart in Store and for ■aleby ap4 J l5O bxs Half Spon'r-1, Cre-u. r . U ,00 > ~wi C'omuuii Cigar* on hand and' for pale by j A s J)AI2ELL —> No 24 water si Dried peaches-** b„*. for safe iow» close a cun>igQ<nent l>y fP»? -KKIKND. RHEy A Co, 57 water st T ARD OIL-7 bids and 6 hf. this So I Winter Lanl Oil, a verjr Superior amrle, rereivrd per Hi. betnia No 2, and for sale wholesale or fciail by fPW F SELLERS, 17Liberty at J CLOVER AND FLAXSEED^.bbIs Flaxseed; '4 bbl# Clovagseed; •_apl3 For sale by S F VON BONNHOBST A Co 1 DRIED FRUITS— 75 this Dry Peaches; Backs “ Apples; for sale bv ! •ApJO S F VON DONNHORST A Co. 35 Frori at J BACON— trau.UXMbt neatly trimmed ano in fuie at der, for sale by AIYKKS, HUNTER A Co •pl 3 No ISSlubgfty si ■ DHOOHS—7S dor Brooms in store and for'ialiTbP O _ J lULEKLL.«waS, ‘ BATTINO-ou tale* ,\u. i. v, and rt, in store and ibr sale by JAS DaLZELL d . NoiH wwier at RIO COFFEE—4OO baga landing from American Ftar, and for sale by IB(t _»P.V _ BAGA LEY ASMITH, 1 & lnJ vo wood nsuK.AMuiHSSir, isnj; br - - UmpS _ BALaLES A SMITH, 18 and 20 wood ,i - H,*f?r b ‘if' pr ‘® f f 1 ” 11 »rvi aleby BAGaLEY AFAHTII '* , - jii . ' • Noa lb and 20 wnod «t 1 RtT 1 * .“yTTER-y bbls Fresh; iu*.'recM and ...t" “ lc b >' P C »fj»BTl.\ ! eortimthfield And front su 1 P E^-2*M^r,to,wt »* 1 (o ' customers, at the Aluaiar' 1 And SpteeFacidry.'k? Fifth sirrei. - \ Rhodes a alcorn /^OFPEk—73 tisgv prime Hio fur sale by V/*F» _ _ i_D WILLIAMS A Co. DBY FEAefIES—WO bus. lor aaie low bv J^AIAH_DICKEY A Co SOFT SHELL HICKORY NUTS for .aleby *P9 ISAIAH 'DICKEY A Co CORN —7w bus. in store and for sale by ApL F SELLERS. 17 Liberty St BLOOMS— fiCO piece* Janiau Bloom*, on coniign"- meat and for sale hy *pB _C £Mc A NL'LTV;A Co ttul basin OIIORTd—IOO bbli on consignment and for ia> by O up# F SELLERS, 17 Liberty >t [pLUID MAGNESIA—6-doren Husband'*, just r rec’d and for sale by •P“ ft E SELLERS, 37 wood *t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers