| PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS. 1 ;PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL S. !547. ™ ' VOL. XIV: —-NO. 207 1 BUSINESS CARPS. AbK.U.'VDKU GORDOX, Coonaiwioti ud pafwaitlisf Merchant! M Water and JOS Front*U, Piiwborsh- : 1 _ ' whtl — *V OOKbOXi Cwannawon and .A. Fn.'vvufilusj Mrrchaol Atwood, joseb a. OMiwy. Forwarding Mrrck*m*.hav« rotorm*! unbeirold auutd, W airr ami From *Ui eta. i'tiit^afgP AKlßK.LEUlB, Attorney « Lmw. fjanh . _ . at, l*low *“* ,4 ' d| y~ B WINCIfRSTEUlidealer in oflm • ported ami Lmrvic .^“Chif.Z/eind heehowcM Ain !*oof «V*tnf TWaeeo, etail.No Ui. Tltt n! Strret, l’iti»butgb. j*2l , ’ ’ SIOWKUtm. BllAl'N A. UKITErI Wholfjale aud Retail Dmceistt, e«wi<*r of L.Mny aaJ Si. Clan *««!». l'ilui>uri;ti. Pa. • I mR * M BAIUIOWS A 'Ybatomkmnd Re «,t dealer* in Fancy Maple Dry Gooda, No. iC MarVn ft. 3 door* itum'Jlilfd. Tl~ XVaII SKSTOffK 4l CO., Wboiraale A n. nuail Dai|t*»»*- eontrA• Wool and 6th W. jyi Bi, SAIIPBO.N dt*C«H, Groecn. Cctmniauoo' nad Dealer* in PituUurjib Manufac lured an «•!•■», N*> lu t.-ueily .trect. i'matmrjh oedff B" AOALKV dfc JtSllfrii, Wholesale Groeera, 16 and iVioburg!*. "SttlTH. BAGALKV & CO., Wboteaale Gro* e«T4 and IV-lore draw*. No. s» Market Mreet. be ere<-n Sth end frh. North » tie, t’biladelpb.a norS A. jicANGJUTV dk CO., Forwarding and ,Cojunn»Jhm ftiercha ini. Caual U*>m, Puuburgi., t». 1 meld r-l OItLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney at Daw, of \J • .tc« on 4ii< Hree l al t vtt Southfield. aplTiy Wm. Coleman. Jdtm F Jeninw*. Jaa. W. Hailman. ClOlfBBlASi UAILMA.N A CO, Jdauoiacmrer* l of CarrtSSe Spr.ujf* and Axle*, A U ‘," ld "Ti fceel, mud dealer, in Coach "f rtmmm** of even, dr*- *Epß>„, .».. u f.cu,, r o. Sd C 1... «. " “ Woo d it. opposite it i.liartr* lloiel- , *?T. l ii I fnfTii h i CAAOTiIEUS. Wholesale Gro ( Paub'arcb*Wntinmcture*, NojW'Waier and 115 Front 3 tree U- ' nDSKINGIUM t Bl erf», Coranitpiso and dealer* In l'n>dur« »u<l ruu> tM Lilrfdy n. P.mburth- , _ i t ■-ir,*/* 7'"T" i I *. j. »icmjciix. riuisoa * MiKSIOUT. (.otceuor. Jo .11. C xmSmst «. co.) WbeWtale Grocer*, CwauniMton ud Kor»artJPt Medtam* Healer* m Produce Md PtluborKhAla>tMi*Ma«». S*4Ui iueet, beiweeu \ ood •and Uhcrrr, I‘ilubafgli. I | ; i TCAdGIta liunorteß and wholesale #nd retail tiie CiltCottli, 10? Merkel nekr Liberty.) burgh, Pa. r _ Ij.- _ -L H. iviuer In Produce end Famdy tiroerr, No 40 Liberty w, next dooMocor* iter of Market »i-l_ ! .1 . 11 ,jr •K BCSHA : K£l*#C«iil|Df»l«r,«fieee«aef Cherry Jj» Alley ond Waier «r»jet| “rL IJmmM Du-dupi ~j\ J- *cw;U \OaLOI* * B®WB*||l» Attorney# el J OScea OH SiaiihfteUL joeiweea 3d toi <U» ate. c BtehS-ly I—l.i— - • -- T«**wnr 1 jotui exmn. niVALT, A- QEOUiaT, W&leaale Gto- Xl eerrt dealer* «n produce 1 end Piuabargh tnanafac- OR'e«earner of Liberty oudilawt *u., Pmaburgb, 1 fet»t‘ • V , —' rpSGLiStSt ABBUMiTT^ £^\ < SS2M^?rKS=S PllttWnh»l«Bfan Ure ., Nk. 37 Wood .110=1, Second aud Third «»■ L Flffnend Geo Blier. • Jeme* Wood. T?RIKSD, BBBT dt CO- WboleaaJo Grocers h Wnd Comtalwon McrehtuiU, and Ajeuukr fcrion Yan»», No*37 Water and 106 i root r^reeu^Vm*- ir» bLuME, Piano Pone Manufacturer • P .er in Muatcal lnatramenia, 11* Wood nreel, neer /Fifth. r JACOB FOK»TTH. . ,OIIS VnORSYTH St Co, Commr**ion and torwaroing , J MerchantZ No. 3j Water at, Puutn»rjk._ oa>_l4 F' RAKCIs’ SEM-EIU, Grocer, ComraiMion Merchant and dealer n Prodnee, Cordage, OU, fce,Ac. No l? Liberty*!. near Canal Ba«in, Pnuheryh, 1$ B. Oakum, filch, Manilla Hope, Ac, ajwuyaon kud. ! >T* SEITZ, wboleraletutd retail dealer in Leather iH . Oil*. Cano lea Queen* vruie, Ac, No. 140 fli cornerflin »t». l>c*_ (■"■ftiorKOßOAs”' jrwm*Bi* rtur a. /-I SOROS nOftOAR * CO , Wholeiale Oro (xeero aud ColnuaaHsierehauia, 105 \\ ood rtreet . Pittabnrjhjfa. T ; 4 i|jJ. nEO.X trir.Mt.Y.iWhnlerale Grocer and Coa ly roi.aioit Merchant,'' and' Dealer m and M b Brown. GKO. W. SMITH A Malatera, and dealers in Hop* Pmabargh and Point llrew enca, Penn mud Piu ; F.OROE rnnnn*M, Commiation and For* MuclintN^»W odatrechPituharsh. mryl7 ; i . - a.' i" p'*tijit ’ ! | (in. U Browne. TTI&L t DQOWKE, [iwetuoti u>“uold»hip H. fe itrowae,] Importer* on A ffi* n U f*c t« re no fWeJj Wareh out, No. tl Wcod tijcet, I’uttburih. > . ___ }1 Yt *. BOSWOBTH CO, Ko. a Mil- next door : to Tht rd *tx«eh am J®*l * 1 in# anew nodcXteoaieeinMortmentof Book*ifldSi*- ' ufnery, which they will mil, wholeaale and re^ 41 jhbjoweet price*. i —_■»*_ VtA.T«lt BOOCKWiLT, DnjgxUu,No HJj- H. tnereial Kow.near kbe canal kwm, PiUlbnrxh ... j i _ jp A. WEAVER, Wholesale and Belail <?rporr, •dealer mbalt,Prauace amt Pituborgh maanfa*- «re». No i WayneM, Pimbnryb, Pa, ' —ILaS-v lmcMiir, white t eeo eead Manufacturer. Paid A Oil Merchant, comer oTLih eny and q»Hnia eta. PiUebnrgh- l_ fS+L " i*W*iTu»cmt. j 'MBUT Kitur, jm. yat Aik DICKSY * Co, W boletale Grocer* \ 1 ConunTsioa MerchanM mUdeale.mut Piodutt^No* \m Water land 107 Front UreeU, PmOmrgh- YfOSKPII KMOX, A»rney at Law, 'fcl Pal, bu rriamed ifie pracuce of h» piofe»«d hi (ueofiee. N©7, Bake well’* BoiUhng* Grant ttretLoe* j£nn, ti. «b«4' bJ T. J. Chrnne.B»m*» ' '■ ■-• • ‘tames uessey, . tl eerjaijd Dealer in Pro PiuabuWlj. tobvld. nuSQM ■J Dyaßuidi. No WJ >VpotUue«;©i*e' , pUtthargh. James kkricj* C. Daot*] Siftp.pHaad JOHIf Sieei, No si W«wd » l aUrge***>.uaciiii>f E* gle Blear, Oeroan and * will ■*» e» ‘he wo* l **e J'oEUI iL UEIXO or in £luJic tuilMvii Paper, Slater, Sheet Pent Buuenery generally, P 1 ■ought or U JiioaoosHAiu , gtra, No.« Wood i JOSEPH JOEDA Forwarding Mercian Souths* hi«, t rtempwn^ J‘ Otia X. OAIaIaA’J 4Ut it, between Oraa PittiSuiS.ra. filial a the adjoining cobhuc JJtxis COOTKE. Jakes coofeb dealer* in Produce at ToilS D. BAVII, AKCTIOSEEB, »rae< Fitl J aid \VW« tree ta Piti*t>orgh ~!*rL. J‘ OHR"c. Biowtii.l, Agent, Whole** Gjd cer and ConumMionlMertbant, water fiw doorabove tbelMonoogakal*Bridge,PUtehargS.- • iry Jron, Naila, OliaAJte. at panajth««^eT• , prieea. . amr’Ji . I I ■ : foiiarSTois -* stocktos, mmiioi J Printer* Paper kaanteetnrer*, No- 44 Mark* at, Pimburgfa, I I -—II—- JL. RE AITS Book Store, 4ii, near Market au * Cl«*<cal,fn*oolo»icai. Iliatorioal, Mfrg* 1 ' ajBMHiMNi MclbodiMßookawd T AJIKS J« GRAtI Wool Dealei aadCwamiMion J Merchant; warebowo comet of Cherr? r lJ */J!f d Water at. Piuabargfc, Pa. - ... . v «f noBBRTIOX A CO-, and Ek- J.ctunre DroUia, comer of Wood and T>i*4 .(Merchaot'a Hotel PaiMi«l*i) P*n*b«rfh, Pa- . j __ r ; octlt TnUN OBIER, WbOlwale J d“*riiiSSiVmauacttr«*, Tta Ptor, pf*nfp» Pitt»tiorpt- .. . 1 nkte J. Ftor* * cijw| J . No..iw TAJIK* DAXZELX, J «ioo| Merest, and dc*l«uiftoafle«!*»*' MMfijclßKli No ft'tlCT IU PlUrt****' t T BIwATEaUi -Li* 'warding and CoA Pmabarjfe Muufectardi and W Front au. ', | LflWlS UOTGHIMV Cfc, Urocer*. Fuirwanl'nc tad Gonmiwos 3J?* and dealer* uLPhutarßh' Mawiiltetart*, 4te. t | Water and >fr rent«t». Uet(T> t4iiUn. Ml! Lambert a bhuptox, WhoWai* i For*ran!ln« ud rwlwita Btercbaan, ■ a r rod ofet ndViuAir**‘Twraathewtri Nt 133 Wood si. ptuaiiarxh. - " • ■- • •>„ John M’Gtil- bT'bTSSS«SI . Ju..D U*OiU M>o| iit*M A BUlHPlELp.Grotmiid Com mik*>o» Mcrchaaia, No 1M Libeny atieal, P»n*- Lotjh. ___ »-» . * ’■■ U lllon Alex. N*ouek. Wm C Nialck if ALLKM-A <**»•*«■ *odrpf*tTd M JVX. Merchant*. Front aUjbetweee Wood ud Market. _ '1 : . l*** . « f v KBS, liuMTEa & Co, Who)ettle.Otoem 3L sd itg-»ji»wV *. . . ... I** ~~Z~ ' e- w. aicixtwm. lflLLEtt & WboJemle Ure- M-e«r* and Cow?**® Mertluutta, No LjUny we(X>RD KpO, wboWale and 'retail flit IW -»nd Cto tnanAtaetwet*. and dealer»m Faoejr V V fiLOASt WhoWaalo Groeera, pealfram. \l. Prodofe and f*'t and PorwardiogAndCoanmi*- No{£ Liberty -ml ** W vTtiOLMES 4 SOX, No. AS Market a Weed ro- N/Md™WcWWFf»nh,.J)^«raFbr ; oiyn ud Dwielbe JSIMa of Exchange, CerutcaSw of 4g»- «ftkr Unit* flttii 1 1 ' i I %, \ f > _ 4> . •BUSINESS CARDS. MCHPHT.'WILSOS * CO., WMmit Dry Goods Dealers, No. 8 Wood meet, fttutoartt •efeSS R W i’omdexi'er. A Galbertion ~C H (irint pOUDjEXTER A Co, Wboltnle Grocer* X and C«ntai»»ion end Forwarding Merchant*, No4l 1 __ _dee» _ . t. e. murms. , Whole* *!e Grocer*, Ccmrm* and dealer* in Produce and re*, Liberty *l. oppo*ite Smith- coruir’of Fixwii *u«rt and oot» Co** WhoJeuJe (iraftd, Pro- _______ ~|niiuinß Mtrcbun. anJ Dealer* in Pmiljurih Maniifaewre*, No. 160 liberty Buret, Pi'l*- Lnrfii- ra. „ jmU> pOBEET 1 XV inf Dinillci r«ctßTva.nad nil *ni Liquor*. N( tb“NB <! Ol3\loD©ng»b<j e»*h. [ L. O. Reyrvil RKTKOLr niMx>a Mi deafctk iutin* And <?bloride> The higben Counjiy Rap.i iJ C {ibaeklettf SUkCKLI Idia in Fot Wood street, V S'fc W. nil • tn m FUi ■O4 Aid Coronii Pm<ljarf(ti. I SAMUEL 1 o Breed* Wood md Sq^i aWEU x \\ , hoW*«le tiro |Torw»rdiog Merchant*, kturrti maunfariore*, No STEPHEJ prr**ed I-aidl SF. VOS ■ Grocer* * Dealers to P.t doer, bare ran No 35, eontcr > SAMUEL L lion Merest bor|h namifacjl O WICKEZUIUfI, Dealer InSeedsfiow O* era. Frail Tree*, and Agricultural Implement*, Jto 132 Wood Mrg t Pittsburgh. __ feb* JOiia BT and Apothe cary. No < 3 Market *t, inree door* ilw«e Thud <■., rm»burßb.wi I ba«e constantly on band a writ select ed assortment >f ike t>e*t aadfresbeatMediciAes whteh be will eell on ibe me«t reasonable term*. Physicians sending otderi will be prompU7 attended In, and plied wilk am :lr* tbey may rely upon a* genuine. 1 . UT'Phj wci mi’ Prescriptions will be accnraiely aad neatly prepan d from tbe beat material*, ai any bouf of the day or night. | Also for saTe', a large *lock of freak and good Per fe rn rrj-._ .1 _ jf” 1 — THOS, KF.NNF.dV, Jr , Looking Glass rer, aud Dealer in Clocks, Comb*, tod Variety Good*.coiner of WoOdand Fourth streets. jltf, P T P Forkrtb. R J Forsyth. TP* POEBTTII A Co, Commission Merchants. ■ dealers is Sail, Lumber, Groceries, Produce. aad Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh ‘ fcblH- T' A* IIILLIEH, Looklu Glass and Pici-te • Frame Manufacturer. and Importer of Looking Glaaa Plate*; dealer in lioase-funuihitif Hardware, aad Fancy Goods, lot Wood street, near. Fifth. ! JOBS D, VICK. DAVID J* CIIPUB U7ICK * Sl f CAITDL£BB| [racetuon to L& i 1) Wick,) Wboleiale Grocers, Forwarding add Commission Merchants, dealer* in Iron, Nails, <jlaw, Couoi; Vain* and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer of Wood and Warn la, Pittsburgh; mefal* WR* MORPHY invites the ladies to call’and • eztusime hi* stock of Ficnrh Worked Collaa, some a* low cents. nieblX WALLINGFORD A Agents tor AJ Lh mont, have on band an assortment of bis superior solid Box Vices, Shovels and Spades. jaidV_ * c « i- Joh i; i™!I’*' 1 ’*' WIIOLKSALR GROCERS and General Comma- cion Merchants, Galena. 11l WQEKBR A Co, Wholesale Grocers, For • warding and Commission Merchants, and Deal er*"in Produee and Pittsburgh Manufactures, come of 1 Water and Smithfield sts. Pittsburgh, Pa. novtM WIUTHORK A WOLFF, Importer* aad Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery, Ac,corner Libeny\and St. Clair streets, Pitta-. buhgb. w \ " ’• «P3bj W M. GLENS, bookbinder, has removed 10 the comer of Wood and Third stt, above C..H. Raf, where he is prepared to do every description of Rnbdg aod'Bindiog. 'W. WALLACS/MUI •ioaeanidnuUfanii4>- , • ing ettabluittaeai, No. 944 Ltbeny Mrt,o*ar lie »■ n'lt pirffl, Vp.'X’CITTCHBOir. T KOBT. n CCTCHfcOS W* a, n'OUTCHBOIi Wtoleole Or*ctk ■ and Dealer* in Piniburrh Manufacture*, aj J •Western Produce jtenerally, No. 1W Liberty nrci t, 1 Pntaburgh, Pa. _ __ cv^n W4b SL SITCHELTHEE, WboleaaleOrfe • cer*, Rectifying Diaullera, and Win* and Liquor I Merchant*, No. ICO Lilien) meet, (oppoaite Sink *4,) i PituEuryfa- _ * mayl2-dly^ j '\\f‘ H. QARRAEDi Dealer (a Faney and Sfeayie I TV • DryGooda, No 79 Market meet, Pittsburgh, j ( norl3-dly\ ■ y UriLLI&II M. GOEUU/Fub !; Grocer ud YV Dealer in Proviaiens, No. 410 Libeny, 4 door* a bojcHandsueeyPiasbargh. 1 _ oei3 . tt.lTfl Wg * 01L < Iv6b¥&) (from ibe Eurpj <Vy District.) WholesaleGroeera,ore now located at froilld Wood at, where they ofeg for sale a large anon* -'meihofGroeeriet ud Pittsburgh Manufactures, oi low prices ud on favorable lenm- . may!3 W.WILSOIf, Dealer in Watehca, Jewelry, . Silver Ware, Military (Goods, 4c, No. 57 Mar tel street. no»7 \Vbole*al* end Retail Gt*- lote, No 141 street,: I itaiy ■ WeTKCUPhY, wholesale and retail deslet In • Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north ea»t coir* nerof Marketand Foorthju. ___ _ augvr Jr, Wholesale Dru(fist,.W . rainu.Utia.rVanuaMta.&C; ’ Uwtdoutboi Dlitsond Alley, . jaat W'SL F l I BAVIN, Jf.,~hav ng:pnrrbased the Dreg Store of Edgar Thom, corerr of I’em and Hand street*, will eeep a constant supply of the beat medicines* perfumery, he. ■ Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded.— - Medicines can be had at all boors of the ni|bv. foblQdly* [_ Co. l»Beeeio®r« to Joseph .cftf.lM Water at. «*» A M Wailhurford. John F Sinjter. t:rTALIjIMOPOELD 4 Co., Commission and For- VV warding Merchants, Seeond, osar Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , ■ frbli for Jcmop f*o n ’» i; U*r coo»l*fUly or | U4d Cut, Cut Doohie tail wn ii»h uiKterdteeli wfcieb fc# modouog lor—. Whole**'" UTNi M* DJLELISOTOS, Attorney at, Law ,VV Pittsburgh, Pa, commissioner to take the ac knowledgment and proo of Deeds, Leases, Contracts, Depositions, or uT other writing (under seal or nmj to be used or recorded in the State of Ohio. Office on Third street.aboveSmit Icld. j jelt-tf fir C, AVGHISBAOOH, Anbfaey at Law yV .Fifth street, neaj Saithfield. Collecting, agen cies ud other business attended to with gonetuaJity. W holcMfc eadfieUOd**. a] lß*tr*n»eatt, School Boo**» . Unillt, Prime re" Cert*, »»d 10. 81 Wood •(, PiTUbOijgh kca'in o»de. •*?**- Ht' *. CQt rtolailc Dnif*' u PimbßTfh. »*pl* _ fi SOS, Libenjru,(opjWJte ’IS, A«or»ey «i L*w, Ofite U ud SstiUtMU, *o*lll **de, 10 atusd | > r Ml f ll t übniiiw 1 oe2&ly jßisseUs 4 Semple, \V». Croghan, Ert., rB AFahacstoca 4,C0, John Herron, Esq, i 4 Co, John w right, Eaq,\ Jdmes MeCaiiy, Esc, Maj. wniiam Larimer. Ijasny A_ 1 r J. S&TAB, y :> \ RECTIFYING DISTILLER, gn 'waoiEAshi SSAX.SB tv ; ! FOREIGN S DOMESTIC KIRI'S k UQOQRS, Ao* 114 Liberty at* and S 3 Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. ■atlunu com**. * CO, pfoorn, d PimtHuyti So ** BWttWftll »>• B T** jyl7-dty i l ArDAM HOEH TXTHOLEBALE and Retail Dealer in aU kit W gar*. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco * Union sirecL near the Diamond, Pittsburgh. WARRICK MARTIN St Cth, Bankers, AaJsrs m Exchange, Bank Netts aa ■ Corner of Third and Wood streets, noeOdlr PBtihTghi II W Williams. Wot. hi rSnccoasr to Lwrir <fr WiCiaeu.l WILLIAMS A BIIXNH. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT Qr>Ofßce Nork aide of Fourth st,aboreSmithl AblMAwlyF WALLIBOrORD 4k Co~ .SECOND, NEAK WOOD STREET, isma ni NatLoa * Co.’* Stic. Have oa band a (nil aitonment of Cait, Saul, fcutf BtuTKt and tinman .StexL- ' TEWKEHT-Ah atMiuaem of fine Jewelr), at u No fit Wood etreet, tic Caiaeo, Cliiaier and c thei Breaaipjnt, Ear and Pinker Ranch Gold Pencil*. <»oJd Penaot fineqeality, with or wuhont Holder*; juataeoM uloarpnrtt. ' I _febir r _[ TIIOS. KKNNEpy^Jr ' -4. 'E. j. üßaat, 1|" ATTORNEY and ConnaeUor at Law, CINCINNATI. OHIO.. Collections in Southern Ohio and an Indiana , and in Kentnekr, promptly and carefully aitentled W. RKPKK TO—Hon. Richard Diddle, Wm Bcltifc Son, C OTUhi'VmJd'Knichl.Cliflrch A Cerothere, Ufa Hay*, Ki-JameeP. Smart. wilbchß Pact*. 1 lyg ; • Oli»cr(Dlackbern. George B. joaee. 1 | i - ■YTfHQLESALK Utocere and Dealer* in Oil*. Beet YY atß(ea,aad PdtabarglaAlaaaiaeuircdanieiahAaTe onhasd at all' umei a foil and general amertmeat of Mda in their line, Water street, near Cherry jAUey, irekoesk of m iDMin ttoiXV I'-- 808 TB* ■**-■ or 1 ! BOILER IKON, BOILER HEADS. FLUE* tIRE [ o , BbD IKON-' P. F. SHOENBERGER,| H r FITTIRtROH, PA* f. , Hating liaken the Warehotue fcnnerly oceopied by S w.l.rßfr«t, ...r Innlluia »H Will keep on hand • Ml *ll ia*i «fjßo.ler lien and Uc*ds, pine and Fire-Bed .Inw^made haehen/ita)ieia UeMK which wall be wld at the to market rate*. Enciae Builder* and other*, are apt. o eatl andetMuie hi* *ioek. Order* P'®*hP ‘1 ended to. | lyi dlj [i ITb. BWEITZER, | ATTORNEY at law Oltleo 3d St, leppeelu St. Charlta 1 I*t‘ ' J_ , 1 PITTSBURGH; 117 ILL alaoanjuid promptly »Colle<;taons,lc Wa ” anftomFayeliemndOreenCoumie*, Pa. ! - Kara to (p*Blaek*teek,BellßCo ) Cherch Jb Cemhera } Pitubnreh. • P-TMorymn ) o IMT 7~ - aio, wniiiiTir*cer! - j brewers. malsters AND hop dr. .lei PITTSBDRGfI ASD POiHT BREWER IKS. Corner BarkeraAlley and PannSp* and tooth Pitt: I| i ) PHUbnrch,) a \rioj4 •S*? ' v 'cU»»l*Groc«r. Coni* -git. li«°’ " ! JO« I j-jr” fmb' teuioeer jm3Ti .If, Wholesale Ore uainloß Merci**t, } and Prod«et,'Nfi*» •AJU> ( vbolcnle ud retail dealer *uceo l tbaeflukrra’ TooUaod Fiad* ieit Tool*,' tod Turner* Oil, No. •cplt RKPPKRT, Produce Deal in merchant*, No 109 fleccqd at, •cplft £BK*L k Oo«f' Wholesale Uto and Forwarding Mercbant*»dea ’m»tiarrh Manufacture*, Liberty fehtt4 KfOORK. Wholesale Grocer, Rectify r, dealer ia Produce, Maitu- I kind* of Foreign aad Dornetuc Wine* »II Liberty iueei< Pittsburgh, la band ■ very large «tock\>f superior la \Vhi»k*7, which will be sold low for , aiyfl-ly fid*. J. 1- Shee. OP* SflßEi Forwarding and Corn* lificaaiu, forlbe Allegheny Rarer Trade, (lerie*. Frodoee, Pittsburgh Manefartorra If Lime. {price*, in cash, paid ai all line* for Comer of Penn and Irwin «u. jan£) it Tho*. R While. JETT & WHITE, Wbolc*ale Oea >teifn and IX>nje»tic Dry Good*. No 99 Pittsburgh \ , feblftf IuiBAGGII, Wool Merchant*, deal tar and Produce generally and Forward |iaiioo Merchant*, No 33 Wood meet, jaul 1 PALMER, Auoraey ni Law. Office I buiUinc, No e"i Founh street. belwe«-n iiiMield. nortdAwltr IHKIRBTT« Manufactnrerof Fan ' 1 Toilet Soap*. Winter and Sommer e. No 17 Fifth «t, between Wood aborgh. Pa. oc3l ISSHORIT * WholeMe irding and Commiisisn Merchant*, gh Manufacture* and We»tem Pro to (beir new Rand) ml »; and Chancery Lane, nor? KIER, Forwarding and Conitpii Dealer in Salt. Produce and Pm» I article*, Canal Batin, near 7th «t -j^r" FORWARDING Jc COMMISSION.) A. M. Willlngford. Jno F Singer WALLINGFORD A COW COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS. n»mt IlfiA'VT HARDWARE AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, WAREHOUSES Second street, nrar Wood, and Canal Bssia. Liberty street. have on hand and'for tale 100*000 lb* assorted Sicel, vm Naylor A Co's Cast, She v, Blister and German t--l: Jones A ({tugg's Am. Blister Spring and Fork SU) dot Sbavr is, Spades and Forks , Carriage '“Tricgi and Axles;' Anvil*, (moose hole,) Vices, (patent and rumuxinj Sledges, Pledge Moulds,Crowbars; Fumaee Ringers. (Juniata Iren,) Maoocka,Clay and Coal Pldks. Axes,Scyues,Sickle*. LogfChamx. Ac • Ac.; Fire Proof s»afcs, lion. Nails, Glass and other Pittsburgh Mmufartares sold at the lowe«i J Rrnaldo Hank. C R Danen bower, tt. DAIfENHOWEQ* CO. CHARLES TOBACCO COBSIBBIUK fIEBCHASTB, No. SO South Wharves, and No 11? south Water *i PHILADELPHIA: BEG to inform the trade and dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they bav.tmadesuch arrangements wimibe Virginia manufacturers and tbe Growers ol the West, \\ esi Indies, and (dace* as will insure a large and constant supply ,pfthe following descrip tions of Tobacco wpleh wilt<pe sold upon a* accom modating terms asaay other house in this city or else where, and all goods ordered from them will bu war , ran led equal to representations— Havana; St Domingo; Conn., ) Vara; • Porto Rico; j Seed Leaf To Cuba; Igumi; and.l Florida,} bacco; ALSO—Branch’s celebrated Aromatic Stag Caveo di«h, with a large assortment of other popular brand*, and qualities of pounds, 5s Ss Ids 16s and 32* Lump, 5s 6s •wand IDs Plug; Ladies’Twist; Virginia Twist. Ar, sweet and plain, in whole and halfbojes, wood and tin. together with every variety o' article belong leg to ihe trade! ]el6-dly il 1) Laima*. C W A.aoaajo*, Late of Pituburgh.Pa. Laieof Nashville, Tenn. IBnatEß A ANDERSON, Dealers in Cotton, J Forwarding and Commission Merchants. No 8 Front street*above Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. ■ Rxxaa to— M Alien At'o, ) Bagaley A Smith, } Puuburgh. IVo. Uingham. ) Seay A Suepherd, ) Martin A McAlister/ } Nashville, Tenn. Yeatroan A Armi*tead. ) \V F Lane A Co.. Ky. Springer A Whncman, ) « „ 1 ime, Joltnaion * Co. I C.mioß.ii.O, llewett, lleran.A Co., New Orleans. Msggrcrgor A Morris, New York. ; Duvall keighlcr A Co., Baltimore. j\ Stni.h, Uagaley A Co-. Philadelphia. I Daniel. Dcsbon, Boston- ' CARD. SITRU. JAMES A CO.* PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR the tale of Floor,Grain, Sred.Ac-, having two extensive Warehouse*. one situated on the Dela ware No 41 North Wharves, and the other on the Rail road, Uroad street, aboTe Ateh, Philadelphia. Ail constituent* en rusted to their care will be ] punctually attended to and i emittancei made a* soon a> sold. - Reasonable advance* made on all consignments if required. j I >RI7CnXTtCX. John M. Kennedy tp- "■ tjfegjJrCoTM vU m Western Bank—rhifr Bagaley A Smith/ —Pittsburgh./ 1 / McCoonell A Stauffer—New Bnchtoa, Pa. Vra H. Wallacfe— Port llomer.Obio. vo ,”A C BarcUr, MoiruPal yTrouunaii, E*q., C*»luer of ibe Jat. MtCully, Miller h. RickeUon J. O. WTLeitwkfa. \V. C. Wi|*on J, G. W. tIEFTWICH & CO., BKCBIVINC, FORNVARUINIi, Coamluloß HtrchaaUi P\ PLAaVKUING, Li. ARTICULAR attention paid ta comignmenu o( Sugar or ether article* for Opelouaa* and Attakanit. RKFKR TO—Me**r* Sheffield A Ligfailow, Mi. Tho ■has Limerick; New Orleari. Aleaarr. LurtonA Betterton,-Mr. Z M-Sherley; Loo* Uville. .IVeiin. Hall A Speer. Mr- Win ' O’Leary, Robert Wiihtman. Armaironr A Niehotaon; Pitubargb. Aieurc. Reran. Todd A Co ; Ciccinnati. Mea«r*- Hyne* A Craighead, Meatra, Bdvrardi A VVhuealtßrlloa. Zenon Labaure, Hoit John Duuoo; Plaqoemine. La * eclU-Iy CRAIG, DELLAS A Co., FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS. LIBKRAL c*ih made on feeHpt of con upnnteoU. Tbooe thippmr toaiir addret* will lie three-lbanli* t»l«u> ih advance in Cm, !>)• apply ing to oar friend*. Mcwa. Wallinrlbrd ft Taylor, Piitaburjfc. . Me** rc. Thor. Bell ft Co. Bridgeport, Ohio. Philadelphia. May &, inti. marf7-tt N. U. All produce cuneigncd to u* it insured when ... u. All produce cuntigncd to lathe warehouse of Wallingford A Taylot.Pittiliargfc, or in our nore in i*lutailelptua. C. It. A Co. FRESH lills*oßT ATI ONS OF HAKDWAReT ' LOGAN & IBRNBDY, IMIMRTB »OF AND WHOLESALE DEALKRB IS II ADWARE, CCTL'ERT, *e.. 80. Wood fitroct. . P TTSBOttGH. ABE now in tUe eooraecf reeeicmg Urge ntdiufin* to tbcir'extensive stock of llaritwa're, Cutlery. Soil lery. Ac- wbicii haring been purchased on the ta»> i advantageous terra* in England, and direct from the Vlanofaeiurcrt in iliui country, e-,abJe« them u> of for oodaou icrmssurpaued by none and equalled by few Porebaaertare reapeeuully invitedtoeail. aei » • GEORGE OOCHRA'nT L’OM’ISSIONA FORWARCIIkG.JiIERCHANT, No 25 Wood Stbskt, Pittsbchoh, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission Bonnes#, especial.lyjn. the purchase and sale of American Manular-tu*e* and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Good* consigned to his care. A* Accal Tor the Mannlacturer*. he will be constantly supplied with the principal articles'of Pittsburgh Mannftctnre ’at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders’-and consignments are respectfolly 'solicited. , }27 F Conway L E Touiimron B. F.' CONWAY A CO., PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, ud Pioduee Dealers—al»o attend to the Purchase, Sale aad Shipment of Pif Iron. Coal, die. Keren to, Atwood. Jones & Co Brown, Bailey * Co larrrnz. Sterlinr A Co Henry Graff Gra(£ Lrmlsey fc Co D Leech 4 Co ':■> Clarke A Thaw dfioi'A <l6maa Lyon.Sborb A Co marlOdly . AUCTIONEERS AND COM’ISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI A' ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell at either e*taWli*hmenl. all k.nd* of Merchandise tu the lowest rale* of Commissions and are always prepared to make adviurcea. 'The heat of reference* given, if required. Letter* addressed to either House will be promptly attended to, jyDOuly " jifni'ai. sjcuarus, T * , COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. SO WATER KT„ OPPOSITE CHEAI'SIHK ' BALTIMORE, WINDOW Ofasa, Glas* Ware, Dried Fiaii, Bees wax, and Coaitlr) Produce * Advances made on consignment*. Satisfactory ref erence to those oddressing l*y read. _ :uui Tttmmax w. n. ca mfscll. THOMPSON & CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS Asd lltßnteetßnn of Liaitcd Oil, Ao. SO Columbia Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. q3*CISS paid toe plaxiub«£2) *cpts-iy ' - WM. WXl'TiuiaOH. FORWARDLNU ANDCOMUi*3ION MERCHANT* Redbtak, P*. TllRadverliter would respectfully inform hi* friend* ■ad the public that be lnt taken the W«reboe*e, formerly occupied by J K Ooold. where he will (ran •act* general Agency. Forwarding and Commi*«lon bonnets. Parneolar attention giYen. to all csnttga* meuU. Cbarrea reasonable. narlttf Bedbank, March I. 1W WlUTdoifoau feco., COMMISSION 4. FORWARDING MERCUANTB, Second Street, near Wood. DEALERS in Pittsburgh. Manufacture* and HaatT Hardware—will keep constantly on hand a stock of carnage spring and axle*, bane* «eyihe* and «ck let. fire proof safe*, anvil*. eject blacknaitb*’ bollowr-, sledge*. Ac-. Ac. tachai |ua. malcols'lckcn. jo«ir« Ltacs L MALCOLM LEECH A BOH,. - ATE M. LEECH k CO., Wholrule Grocer*, Com minion and Flour Merchant* dealer* in a>! kind* ■ Coen try Produce, Copper, Tin, Till Plate*. Tinner*’ Tool*, Iron and Nail*, Zinc, While Lead. Dye Stuff*. HoMia Sheri Iron, Ooiiou Varn«, Salt, Ac., and PiU'bnrjfh Manufacture* generally, Not 91,83, niid M Liberty »treri,oor door above the bead of Wood street, Fttuburgb, Pa. ' Liberal advance*, in cash or ccardi, made on con ai(nineni*nf produce, ke , Ac. ntohtO J. J. ALLBIT, lOMMISBION MERCHANT, NO 6 SOUTH WATER ST, FUII.ADA. ’AS on hand and offer* for Sale—Bleached Wmier A and Spring Sflcmi Oil, Bleached Winter and ilia Sea Elephant Oil, Bleached Winter and Spring talc Oil, racked Whale Oil. light color and free from uTj, andTannera’Oil- Abo, pro'African Guano ia|(« and harrelai _ _ . , tnartUlSm" HBRCER. BROTRERS & Co^ IMIISSION MERCHANTS, For ibe Mta of Paopccx generally pMiladephia. ’Liberal advance*m*tlr on eon«ignmenu..£3 llada, DecernhcW. U6tn w; imiwi. **tch. MATHEWS * PATCH, • OSH l SSII 0 N MBBCHINTS, 1f0.«9 W»ter Str««*.. ST: TXJUI9,MO» gi*e j*«rii<ol«r mention to the willing of Pro wd to order* for purchannf u to—George Morgan A Co., PiUtb argli, Pn. I V 1 M'Ou! long i. J M •Kcehnn. C O Colbertwn. JOH9 N'CCLLOtJOU ACO mnutnon and Forwarding Merchant*, NOS. )3 & 95 80UTH ST. Mr* nou i.fNR’H WrIXRF Saltlmor* THO! I. J. CAiUOS, A C«* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kof. 8 and 9 Llcfct It, | BALTIMORE. ’C*»h advance*. wUJbe made on eoß»i*nra«nl to bove addrcA*, by If CARSON A. McK\lotrr, 3ir,b»t. . , niLTEIUfERGEfI, . M DOAT AOBNT, PORWIRDIAG Mcnm, MERCUANDISE BROKER, . g6Wa»er Street, f wbayjtb Pa- PBODUCI aaflß Office^ IBWTOir JOBES ' AOENT and commission IgaCBAXT, NQAJIKI.A HOUSE, : PltUtar|h| Pa. J.'l STEAMBOAT i Si, Q MON MISCELLANEOUS. TIIONLAS PALNIkR, MANUFACTURER AND I.MJ’ORTKR OF WALL PAPER, Fin Board Prints Borden. Landscape Papit. Ornxatn taJ Design,.Transparent Window Shades. anJ Dealo in Writing and Wrapping PaprrT'Bannrt and Binders' Boardt. i ft. No- 47 Market street. between Thud snd fourth rirrsßUßGii, pa . HAS had, a, n» former period, a stock «o exensive ■ml wjII assorted a* that u> which he n* mosl respectfully invites the attention of purchasers- Ii com prises French «w* American i’arfor, IUII OiBe«, Chamber aud Coaming Room Paper, of every quality. The colors sre brilliant and datable, and ibtstylc of pattern* uu»uipn**ej By the Regular I.iije 4 Pack et- liriwfrn Havre and New York, and from %e_ _Far lory, which vt always'm active operation, and tniionu* ly supplied with the heat workmen ttiV country ran fur nish, frequent additions, during the spring ana emmer, tv <ll tic made to the goods m store./ Price*, mcenver, will be so rnttmely moderate as tolneet the v.-wt 01 the most economical, end satiny Merchants sndllouse keeper* dispo<eu to examine and radge for thcmelves, that their intetesls will he essentially *dh*ervd b) bliving at this establishment. f . |D*Uag», Tow and Tanner’s Scraps uitn intrude, orjjougbiat the regular market prices- \ RICHARD T. LEECD, Jrl, IMPORTER and Dealer in Foreign and dlrry, Hardware, and Carnage Tnmmings >f a>l descriptions. No IT) Wood street- Fiuibuigb; i*c»)ave to announce to the Coach makers, Saddlers,', Co miry Merchants, and huyers generally, that he expect to open for sale at the above stand, about the latter pal of April, an exienaive assortment of j SADDLERY HARDWARE, AND CARRIAGI TRIMMINGS, including eveiy article used ih aose department*: such as. 1 Deer anil Curled Hair; Carpet, for trarelirw kgs Moss; Tacks; Varnishes; Oil Cloth; Saddle and Gig Trees; Saddler’s Tools; l Skins and Leather; Gluet Glau Paper, A:. All of which will he sold,. Wholesale and Retail? a the lowest Eastern pricer; and'hose who have beenmlbe habit of going t ist to buy their good a hare only kotall and examine my stock and prircs, to satisfy thewkere* that time and money may be saved, by spendinghot at home. *■ 1 l Having had six yean experience in the bctjmsi, and determined to devote bis whole time and aitauiai to it, be hopes to merit a share of puMie.patronage, mrhlltf | * • | • NEW HAKDWAKK. lIOt’SE. JOSEPH WOODWELL, Corner of Wood and 3d »ie,Ptttstmr|h, HAVING withdrawn from the old Urin of Walks a Woodwell, bn the Ist of January, 1c47, I t.fce pleasure in announcing to my fnhnds tn the city Jiri country, that I have opened my new storr a.t the abre named place. Having purchased jmy goods'for cab, and made atrangemeats with manufacturers m ti» country aud iu Europe tobeconstantlraupplied, 1 tip fully prrparcd to furnish Hardware or all kin if*, onas ?ood terms and as low as any hoa*e East or Wp.v— lerchant* and others arc respectfully invited to el and examine my stock, before pofchasing elsedrhce. The following comprises apart of ray stock. Steamboat and Sadd'ery Hardware. Gun Trintamgs, Files. Naylor’s Cutlery, F-dge Tools. Anrtli, r i* cet. Locks. I.mebes, Sickles, Seethes, Butt Umff*, Screw*. Union 1 actoiy Plane*.Saw* Maboganv |«tad* aud veneer's, and all other articles connected wuh ia Hardware bu'ines* mctilll TlioS. A IHLLIRR 1 , LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURER, andean? Furnishing Warehouse. No IM Wood stn-ct; nar Fifth. Pittsburgh. Pa ; Wholesale and Retail: ’ 1 English and French Engravings; Japanned Waiters and Trays; f • I looking Gian Water, by the box or single: light; Talde Cut'ery; i j Picture oias* of all sixes; i [ Britannia Tea Ware, in sells or single pieced; Portrait add Pkture'Fraues; j Fire Irons and Fender*; Mahogany Toilet Glasses, with 1. ‘J. and 3 draw*; Genoan Silver mod RmanviaTca A Table Spoous Hand Magnifying Mirrors; Candlesticks, Snuffer* and TraVt, Gilt, Pier, and'Mantel Glasses; Gentlemen’* Shaving Cases, , Combs. Hair Brushes, Ar. ; Hotels, and Steamboat* supplied ta liberal term*, tand parking carefully attended to ’ fat al discount for cash. febl< GAZZABI’S pateht 'BEDSTEAD. Nf>TWITHS T A N D 1 N (j *n interested opposition to thiainveg tfuTf >ion of a Pittsburgh Mechanic, a m* Joruy nf the Cabinet makers,of ill snd Allegheny city, and their numi 1. O u»cu*tnmer*b**e*howntheni«clv<a. above the valgar prejodiec against home intentions, am they give Gaxiom * Bedstead the preference, nmpt* because it deserves <t. being the best itsongisu and mod \ eanrmitnt Bedstead m use. The following tcsunxmJd sprak* for itwll. — We the sabccnbers- practical eabinet maker* of tut. cine* of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, P* , do hereby eef • tif* that Wc hare bought the right tD manufoctnre bed . steads with Gaxxam'l Patent tasicHiog*, and consuls | the sonic superior to any fastening* with which we an | arqoaintrd. James Lemon John M Grew | TBYotmgA'Cn Ro!,rit Fturman J R Hartley J B ; John Liggett, Jr. J ll * Lowry A Soh Lowne A arbm Biddle A Diety.an Thtuna* Farley Hugh H Wallace! Laker Ramsey A M’ClelUnd I Uoßh Wallace Mnspa Balluck David Lakey For Rifhts to make and sell the above Bed*tea** apply to • “ EBBNEZF.R FGAZZA.M, P ! aTBNT PRESS* BRICK MACltllirß^ I e subscriber* having obtained a patent. Alo:y t 8 1540.1. ra Pies* Brick Machine, end having since then I Lboto ghly totted tu ability, aie now prepared tol-selb rights and contract in deliver machines io any part of ! the l* 'meditates. The machine is designed to make Brick from crude «■!»)•, and will make 3U,Ua) good «rooo< firin' brick perday. sufficiently hard to suck up in the kiln; thus avoiding the expense anil ht-orofpre parin i the clay,drying and handling the buck after heing noutded. In* simple, strong.i«t ImMcin get out ouiot rep »u, and iscousiructrd that a can i-e lau.m to i niece* ami pul togeliicr vnh great facilit) .thu* tender- I lug it mruble. We are nW building maeftine*. and ; can lumishthem uu short notice .For a full de»<nphon iwe w j|d refi r‘o n machine-m«v in «i*rcc»«ful opera uon«,j Mill rreck bottom, near the West end oi Eighth I sireel. wbrre-we shall l*Tiappy to explain everything ‘ connected with it ut all who may call We have at I present no authorized Agent All letters to our address , will be promptly attended io CULBERTSON, Mc.MILLKN A Co -1 sepSlif CINCIN!IATL_ j BOLIVAR FIRE BttiCKl.' Extensively ic*tedu«i approved during ib- past two year*.bytlje principal trot m.inufncionrMn lb« weeioru country. anil throughout the interior of Pennsylvania. will tie ready for delivery on the open:i!fi of Navigation. Tb*mawnalon whiehtheir durability and superiority depend*, f» selected by eip«r;enct«l mi-. ner*, brought from Maryland, vrbrre the rtt*enrery wi< fit»t made—the fusible matu-r,'wuh wh-cb ni* imbed ded, i» carefully separated They will be thoroughly burned and corapaetiy ptea»ed by machinery, and in*- oute attention gieenbv Me**r*. Harley * l'c Ibe pro prietor*. m all re»peet» to maintain their acknowledged tupoiKrrUy. ; Order* by mail i.rolherwtfp, w!S! he prompts ereeu ; ted.oa application to \ *J MUW MACLABKN 1 marfl \ Kenungto.n Iron W nrk« ange Seed. received and Jdr rale by the en prut me.l ft a lieavy n try. lTese« l Tt*i» r»«»‘ '* ready made, lobe J'lelVrab'e >r thi* rlimai'i beine pet led owilt. Mo ilotnieiic animal or in it —neither will it damp iKf, |iVi> every thorn that tin* it will i.ear priming well, OugeW For live fences, *ub»cnber. It basil pm*e from Ita native et found fioavxpejimenii for Hedging to any nthei ly hardy and of quick will browse, or insect h< off In the lower limba b tieen tried iiilhis eonntt lOat perfr. i H» dge a nureery anil iraneplanred at ted iwiee a year rnilil me cu be plants wbirli wll grow and 1 much lee* expenee than the horn S N WICKERSHAM cor wrwl and fith *t» 2 SAJL.OOS. and <n 4 year* makes a It thou lit be planted I year old—may bo. pi itig* set down bctweei make a perfect fence, cultivation of any oihe kagL; To FIUENDS AND; of my Bakery and 0 ■ Ad for the prevent will lb* K«(it Saloon* for fa Pool Jell)'. Ice Creami. tide neeenrary for Hop] Ax. Tie Saloon willbt ■ bout the fir»t day of 'Ad ba* been expended, id mow attractive and pled iem eouni*r. tor Use apd Proud et the patronaj Mriee.lo dceerVe a cont| as art have di.poteil mfrettonary in Diamond Alley, receive otder* at the counter of ikj Cake, Confectionery. Calf Pyramid*, and every other ar >erf| Paniet, Ball*. Weddlny*, open for Ice Cream* Ac., o n or rtf. A amount of money order to make the «?alo©« the ■am place of reeort in the wc» ; r©acbinx-*ea«on. fe two.have received, we w*H .nuance of it ANDR*- MR. 'DUFF’S ANDREWS, Wood »i AND Writing Room*, N 15 corner of Fifth and Mat* krt street*. The iplan of instruction followed m ini* Institution differ* fWtn «ll other* m the Western Slate*. |iK«£ekßcy lt*» been amplyte*l*d dunnß Mr. O'* establishment m this cit) for the l*»t »even )c*r», and bi« now wotk apan Steamboat Kook-keeninj. Uhe fir*i complete treatist opon thi* branch of the »eiei:ce yet published,) enable* bird to teach thi* department oi the science Imho most perfect manner Peraon* lear ning Book keeping «o llu* ln»iitunoa have another t<l vantage over all otbfra—tbev have an opportunity of becoming expert penamen. without wh'cb their ednea t.on for the eoiuuing bouse remain* incomplete Professional aasmapee Riven m all case* of dmicuiiy in opening and cloiing Merchant* or Steamer’* Book*, making out h-. lance iheeta/poatinp and adjusting tie-* raogaaboofc*, Ac. . Hum of Buainvs*, |0 to 12 o’clock, A. M; »m * “>>d 7 to Ift :n the evening) “hi WO CUE/ o«c now S i who ala a hi* »op r ulitic, I vho is ilio > ’tl/r SHAVING CUEIaJI-PUICE REDUCED Let at! those now into who never Shaved heibre. Anil those who alway* Shave now Shave the more. IN offering this anpinor Shaving Compound to the no* lice of the politic,! ean with confidence aay thai the opinion of alt who liar# tried it prooooncft it the most pleav.nl composition that ihejr have ever tired; oud rn order to place it wltlim the rraebof all. I have reduced the price low though to aflont anooporiuuiiy to every- Ceraoo to give it a tfial anil Judge for themselves So, lentlrmenJf yoa wish for a rich, luiorkm* »ha»e, on with your “having cap*, don't be sc. redl it won’t coat much to 611 them; anil,if >ou aw not mon ey will be renm.edJ HTEI’HKN HARRETT | . iron City l*ard OiliFaelnry and Fancy boaji Werti, tabia I Stir at, opposite Iron Cuv liotel_ ‘ BardwareTlcntlery, Saddlrry, Ac* JOQK WALKER, iMFORTKR AND DEALER in Foreign and Dome** tic Uardware, wanld respectfully mtotro bi» friend* and the nuWie gcneraUr, Jltal he :* now receiving lua HnriogsurpiTof Hardware, at the oldetandof Walkpr £ VV’oodwcil. No fh Wood meet, which be will dupoie of on the most reasonable tenni.. " _ ■ | He will beeofitinuaJJy receiving fresh rupplie* direct i fmm the Manufacturers in Europe and thir coontn. i which will enable him to comptio with any establish* | mem, either KtJ! or |Wen. , I Western Merchants are invited to call and examine In* nock before ptirjha«utf elsewhere. _maiJ cifci Ic hi i«rm chmnu '■ --try. Fi HOLM* «1 61 ooTv odlt fTTGncery. fralt and ProrJilon 8 ten • ’■ * WHOLMSAI.T? AND RFTAII. . SO. I*l LIBERTY STREET. BENJASIIN BOfVN would reipectfully inform hi* old friend* and the public (federally; that he l*tu - drtln catß«K«eed'btt»tni»* m the abo*e branehea, next doot to hi* old Hand, where he bopee, br keeping a •upplyof «oodani4lcf,.oeiim*lowror raah.and payr in* atrict atteoiiod to hit ppuoa*, » merit a «b»rooi public patronage. 1 ' .BicJ“S -WooCWOOL, W00L.,-'' CASH paid for/all -fradct of weU wa»h®d-F*s andchuTull Waahed and Puljed VV^ re w3brr; at hii^Tjboo^BeScrithfield-^. A* BA*“ aU LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. [ PITTSBI'BOU FEXiLE IMSTITCTE. THIS Insiltotion. under the rare of Re*. J. M Uosuoax sxo Lxcr. in which all the solid aatf oi nameniat hranche* of a hni*b< d educatioP' are taught i> row open for the reception of pupils at So. &3. Roar, Liberty Street, between 3d r and 4tb «treet*. The Second Session will commence on Motalay thehtk of February, and it is important that any who may design entering should tie prewill ». far a* ptacneable eifier before or atthai time. ■Jlhey have secured the services of Professor RIIO BOCfv a« teacher of MuSic on the Piano and Goitar, who ts too well known in need reeomme-idation Also the services of-Alona. CASIAIIR LADREYT, author ol "Chreiuimathi-f de la Lii<ralu)e FraneaiV* ond other valuable school book* in his nativa-lanruage. Mon*. is a graduate of the University and Normal School of Pans, and staud* high as a teacher, Tho*« who de sire toohtmn an uccuraie and thorough knowledge of the French Language worn.l do well to place thcro*elvcs under his instruction Fur icrrcs. see Circular or apply to the Principal. _jpjf . YOUNG LAUIifS-SELECT SCHOOL, ALLEGHENY CITY lnsulation ha* bat recently been opened under the tuition of Mr N. W Meicalf, atihe Comer of Sanrinsky and'Slrgwbsrrr sts. The sueceo* which has thus far attended this School, in u* esialWishmenf and progres*..bas fully equalled the expeciuiions of its Instructor and. Proprietor, and war runt* the hope that he will he sustained in hi* efforts U> render it a iWirable In*titutiop for the education of Young Ladies in Allegheny and vicinity. ■, The First .Session of the next Academic year, will commence on Monday, Feb Sih. There are yet a few vacancies to be filled, bnt as the number of pupi'a is limited an rarly application it de sirable. For particulars, relative to terms, Ac., consult Circular* or apply to the Instructor. /ehStf RDGKWORTH LADIES’ SEMINARY. TTVIIs Institution is shoaled in ihobeauiifu! and heal I. thy Valley of Sewickley.l4 mile* below Pittsburgh. Tbo Bummer Session will commence on Monday, 3d of May, 1;47. For further particular* see Circulars, at John Jrwut A Son'*. No It Water street, or ol T . H. Nevin A Co’s, No 12ft Liberty sireel. mcb22dVtv ■ D E NEVIN, Principal BOOKS, MUSIC,JcC. VALUABLE BOOKS— Published by J A tOF James, Walnut atreet. between Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati* . Guixol’s Gibbon—The history ol the decline and fa'l of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, Esq. A new kxlition, revised and corrected throneh ont,preceded by a preface, and accompanied oy notes critical and historical, relating principally to the propagation .of Christianity^by hi. F. Gnixol, Minister of Public instniction for the.kingdom <if France. T'he preface, notes and corrections, trans lated from the French’expressly lor this edition. With a notice o( the Life and character of Gibbon, and Watson’s Reply to Gibbon, tn S roll. imp. 3*o. 1073 pages. Napier s Peninsula War— 1 *ol. imp. Bvo.BlXUpaces. HaUamVMtddle Ages, Chamber’s Rebellion.ia Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England. Russell's French and English War in America, ana Ramsay’s American Revointion. t vol 4to. Lihraryol American History—Containing telee-' tions from the best author* on American History, Biography, Travels, Comircrce, Statistics, Revolutionary Battles, Ac. Ac. Ac. Also, Anec dotes, Poetry ant} Miscellaneous articles. Illuitr* ted with more than 500 engravings. I vol, imp 3vo 640 pages. 'i Universal Pictorial valuable ?a per* on various subjects, comprising Natural listory. Natural ScicQCcs, Agriculture, Rural Fcon* omy, biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Travels, Geography, Botany, Misceilaneona reading, Ac. Ac. I vol imp Bvo 640 pp, fell sheep. The Family Medics! Library—A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by -regimen and simple medicines. New edition,revised and enlar* ged with the addition ol a Vegetable Materia Med* tea, pointing out the virtues, preparations and d»ses ; of.our most valuable native medicil plants, and an ' nuilino of Annlcmy ami Physiology. Hlostratcd with one hundred Engravings, six of which are colored. By J G Norwood, M D—B64 pages B*o. American Flowur Garden Companion—Adapted tn the United State*; by Edward Sayers, Landscape and Ornamental Ganient-r. Iff mo, third edition, reviced, enlarged and illustrated. \ ‘ Palmer’s Oregon, Rocky Mountains, Ac. Ac. --"Family Testament, octavo, with and without Polyglot note*,snd Psalm* m metre. Rice and I’mgrec'v Debate. Bora’a Wokks Lady of the Lake Lalla Rookh. Mnye’s Private Devtv 1 tion. Juvenile . Bonks. Cheap editions of various I works in pamphlet form. mclilO Fresh arrival of boors at si. A. MlNEU’rf— t'hrmisirv in it* appMt’ttion io Arm jeoliureand Phyatniogy; by Jnnns Ltehig.'M. D ; I- Animal Cheimsicv or Oigaqjc Chemistry- in Its ap tlication* to Ph>*tol(>Ry .noil Pathology, by Justus ,irbre. Prolessoi of Chemuiry in the ;lJniver*it>- of [Giessen 1 . I The Miller ol Martunej'Ljr Henry Wbi. Herbert.' v Lafi’te. the I’irxie of the Gulf, by the author of "The SoutlrWeit. ■? Captain Kyd.of th- Wizard of the Sea; Jjj- the author •of LoGue, Borinn. he. - i c- Jarkllmlon, Uir Guariismnn; by Charles Lever.com*, plrte in one volume.cheap edition 1 Chamber’s Information, No M V Gtxirgn Buchanan: to which is added the romicnl , sayinrs of Padilj from Cork. IHusiraied Maeuzlne for April, Columbian do 4o; National ; do do;- >' Godey’s Lady's Book do; The Iteirr**, by Mui Pickering—fresh tnpply. For sale at $1 A MINER’d apii Smii!iß»ld s«reet. JU door from Serond PItOKRSSOR 11. ROHBOCK, TV* KKS ibi* oppcrtunnv ••: informing hit friend* and Hit public in general. thm he ha* removed hi* rc«i* lienee from Allegheny Cilv m Pena street, Pinsbuiah. : neuriy opposite Ur Herron’*, where be will l>« pleated j 10 »ec hie friend* and pupil*, and impart instruction on | Urn Piano. Arrangements bate been male to give i those pupil* Who lute le«nons at hi* hou»e an opporlu . ii.■ y of practising a lufiicienijcnxih of tun- efotc • leaving. to fix the initruetion'rupaned firmly in 'he ] tu'nd An additiontil and excellent Piano, made n j prcMlydor the purpose l»v Mr Olumc ha*beet.provided aud pUcrd mi a tooui where the pupil etui practice cm* ■ nrely undisturbed. New beginner* wilbaiso have the 1 aid of hi* daughter during their hour of practice. A very few* pupils more can ho accommodated. Ap» p'rrunon* made at hi* residence.' apSddw HALDAN ON THK ROMANS. EXPOSITION of the Kpixite to the Homan*, with remark* on the Commcntarie* of Dr. Macknigbt. Professor Mo««»3iuari. aud I’rofeiKirTbolick; by Roll er! Haitian. Kn|. From the fifth Edinburgh edit on, 1 : two ,-750 page*. Price*? sft. The Wickl't&tci.or England in the Fifteenth centarv; ; by Mrs. Colonel Mackay, author of the,“Family at ilea. ' Iherdale,” • .... Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the .Soul; by the Rev Octaviua Winslow. Jane Taylor's Contributions of Q. Q.i 2 vol*. Ibmo. 1 “ - Memoirs and Corre*pondenee; by 1. I Taylor, “ •• K*««yi m Rhyme A Poetical Remains; '• " Motltcr aild Daughter, *• *• Original Poems; y • • Display. t.Tak; Talnsoi the Scomsh Peasantry; bv Key Henry Dun* can, D. H. For sale by ELLIOTT A ENfit.laH rncbl? No SO Market.street NEW BOOKS—Margaret Perctvalihy iheaouor of “Amy* Herbert.” •fJermjde.” Ac : editcffby Rev. W. Sewell, 11. D. A system of Imelleerual Philosophy; by Kev.Axa Malian. ]«ndr* on Astronomy; by I). Otmsted, LL. D. D’luaeti'* Amenities ot Literature. Lives of Eminent .Mechanics; by Howe. Philosophy of Magic; by ilooper* Physician’s Vade-Mecuen- Tba lives and time* of ib« most distinguished Cbns uan Fathers, to Ihe close of the 3d century;-by Rev. \V. JlCoffin. Cookery; by Miss Anon. * by Mi«v Beecher. Cook's Own Book. Ftench Domestic Cookery. Fo£»alo by , J L READ ■mrbSU _ Fourth. near Market st CTBW WORK—In Prew— History of Mcxt* % X eo, her Civil War* and Colonial ant! Revolu tionary Annals, from the period ol ibn Spanish Conquest, 1520, to the present lime, IWJ; including an account or the Existing War with the United States, its Cause* and Military Achievement*. By Philip Your g, M D. J A A U*P JAMKS, ..ch2y Publishers, Cincinnati. NEW MUSIC ilOOK—Pamphlet Form. —The Melodnon: ■ choice selection of Songs, Duetts, Qusrtetts. Rounds, Waltzes, and Marches; with a History uf Musio. Hlustraled with numer ous engraving*. Imperial nctsro. Price 25 cents. Published ami TArsaie pyr J A di U P JAMES, Walnut street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Cincinnati. March t£>. 184~. \TSQW WORK OK 811 IB KP—The American i> Shepherd, beinga complete bt*»ry of Sheep; with their breed*,management,and disease?; by L A Mor rrll —illustrated with drawing* of the different breeds, Ac. ith nit appendix, embracing upward* of twenty letter* from eminent wool growers amt sheep fatwoer* of different *lBlo*, detailing their respective modes of F “' * jni?N3TUN ac STOCKTON ■mchW Booksellers, cor market and 3d *t* D"~ UNLOP'S DlGBHT—Thefcettetßl low* of from the year J?UUto April ttnd, € luonuloflically arranged: with noies and refer ence* to alltbe decision* of tlieSupreiticConrtofPenn* sylvanm giving constructions to said laws, and a very copious. index- Compiled by Ja*. Dunlop.of the Pitts, butch liar For sale by . - J L READ. tnchOO Fourth, near Market n PIANOS* PIANOSII • HENRY KLKUER, Denier in eastern ptajto FoP-s. at J'W V,'cry®well’s, No. 89 Third Streel.. ... PiaiiOtmay be examined ai all hours, andthesr -■■'y her will be there from II u» 12. A. M. and fro* * P. M.eacJtdtty. i’Aub’g, October AVx.tke undersigned, would ihtora.the : •;"** Pittsburgh and vicinity that we have appr -»* . • n Kleber «nle Apent for We*temiPen«syl' .*v'» ■ale ofoar Piano Fortes.from whom it' t-? tamed at our own {New Yorky’rtf.®* , -'-m New York, Sep. 1. IWS-ocgMlf Kcw Plw- JUS*T Recemd «»4 opened following naw W»bo* • One elegant : „ Pattern ) _ . .... r . One e!egfintno»rwoo«J '•-* r ear*etl Uoibic TaW*l*- rJ ' ' L f : . : , u;rt Alpo, odo veiy gor- >:r‘ • L©J«I k Co, rjKfada / j.* u ' V\' r tarhgl ' “ '* •' 1 ‘?- i asr. ion• ‘ . - .■ r Jid anonmeai " - «rcod gnttA ae ■ .’i't jUlic fratat* and •taieh fordarabUity, * rqajJ to any nadc cub by F BLUMS ■6dm, 2d dooraborcftli s J.wlTTKß*—L«t*wffcom N. i Alnrin Chiklj.M edition- 'eeeired and for tale In' ;OusaroNk stockton cor m&zioi aad 3d us MANUFACTORIES o U O U E 8 N E , SPRING. AXLE, yJ'Ktl. •‘A IRON; WORKS COLEAfAN, 11 AILMANt'E Co., bating their Now works, are now preyared to monaSae tare every description of Coach and Klipuc spridc* -Iron axle*, American Blister, spring and plough 3t«*rl, and aUatzex.of small square and round Iron, which they offer for sale oh liberal terns, at their trartLiw No. 43 Wood street; where they also keen on hand s complete and handsome assortn eat of Coach trim minga. Carriage hardware, malleable castings. Nails and Iron, C. it. A Co, have made arrangements with Messrs Day A Ctotu, manufacturers ot Shovel*, Spadts Forks, Ae., and will keep constantly on band even article made by them. Dealers are reipecifully vol cited toeslUs* prices aird term* w ill Le made liberal. IrtX-ctTwi TilE Partnership 1 heretofore existing under the firm pf Marshall. Bradley, A Co., was dissolved on the ftili ui*iant by mutoal eoii‘ent. The business of the tale firm wilt lie settled 1 by Marshall.' Watlaee A Me- Grary. - JAMES MARSHALL * , ALEXANDER URADI.F-Y \Vm. W WALLACE I HENRY MeGKARY. i FRANKLIN - FOUNDRY. THE businetsof the above Foundry will be contin ed by the sabseriborsunder the firm of Ma rshatl Wallace A Co, in all it* various branches, vix: Hollow Ware * Mill Gearing Stove* and 3u>vr Plate* Light A Heavy Mach’ry agon Boxes Engines Grate* A Sad Irons • ' Engine Castings Ploughs y Plough Castings, Ac. Ae. Madeor the best.matenali, and ai the lowest prices Purdbasersare invited to call ondexftimne our Slock atihe Warehouse in Liberty street No. si, neat the head of Wood vtreet. JAMBS MARSHALL i , W?^,v' VALLACE ’ | HFJ'JRY MfIQEARY PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUivory' ' PmsscßOH. Pa. ' JOHN WRIGHT A. CO., ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin ery of every description, such a*—Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frames i Speed era, Drawng Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, TwiUers,Spool ■ v Dressing Frame*, Looms, Card Grinder*, Ac . Wtoughi lion Shafting Inn yd all sixes of Csst Iron, Pullie* snd Hangers, of the latest psuerns, slide add band Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Costings of every description furnished on short no. tice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for healing Factories,'Cast Iron window Sash, and fancy Casting* generally.— Orders left at the warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt altenuon. Rexes to Blackstoek, Bell A Co., J K Moorhead A Co., Q E Warner, John Irwin A Boris; Pittsburgh. GC A J II Warner, Steubenville. , ja»l9 ALLEGHENY VENITI AN BUND FACTORY. JOHN A. BROWN this method lp inform his friend* and the public at large that his FactbrT ■S9H ’sSiowln full operation, on the Easi «ide a( the Diamond, Allegheny, where a conj slant supply of Blinds, ot various colon and qualities, are constantly kept on band, olso at No. 6 Wood at, Pituburgh.at J A It. Phillips’oil cloth wai eroom. Teaman 6h a lien made to order in the best style. BliDdsVepairtd at the shortest notice. N. D. lit* Blinds will be putnp, -without any addi tional egepnse so that they can be removed in .a mo ment in case of fire or for washing, and wlihooHhe aid of a crew dr e oei4dlyAw!amty GEORGE WEYJIANf Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFFS, AND.CIGARS, AT bls-Old Stand, corner of Smithffeld sireel and Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa, would respectful ly call the attention of Country .Merchants, Iloiel *nd Steam boat Barkeeper* to a large add sspertoi assort ment of Imported segars, among which will be found the fotlowmg brands, vir Eagle, Rrgatia, Castellos, Prmcipe, La Norms*. Star Braud, Minerva and Dollar Regalias, all or wbien will be sold ar low as can be bod at any other bouse in the city- Also, constantly on bond and for sale, a Urge and' well seieeiedstocKof Virginia, Missouri on<t Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Also, Havana, Cuba and Common l<eaf Tohareo, constantly on band aud for sale oeVddkm A. FULTON, Uell and Bras* Found- Aer, bo-* rebuilt and commenced business at hisotd stand, where he will be pleased to see bis old customer* and friend*. Church, ?teaml>oat, and Bells of every sixe, from 10 to 10.000 potrads, cast from patterns of life most approved models, and warranted to be of the best material*. Mineral Water I’ump*, Counters. Railing, Ac. Ac. ogClhcr with every variety of Brass Castings, tfreqmr ed, turned and finished in the nealert manner. , [T/»A. F, i* the sole proprietor of lianart's Asti- Anxmov Mxtal, soju*tiy celebrated for the reduc tion offrirtfon in machinery .* The Boxes and Compo sition can !•« bad ol him al nil tiroes. janl-ly / FRANKLIN IRON WORKS, Warthoutc comer of Wuoil and Front streets PITTSBURGH, PA. THE suhsenlieis havmgpurcbased the Franklin Iron Work*, formerly owned by Me«*rv J. A. Stockton A Co. and'made extensive additions tothera. are now' prepared to furnish to cider Iron A Salta ol all sizes rearranted equal to any in the market. We uiso keep on baud Spring and Ameritan Blister gteel of the l»r*i qaalities. Out frirnd* Visiting this market wi'i find «- proiiared o sapply them with a firsi rate article, andion as good erttut as con beohtaiued m Uir cny my 11 V_i^ r .' 1 r ” W.tl. SIcCL'LLY A c< IMITATION CROWN GLASS. HAVING recently made very imjs.rnim .mpr.« -. ment* in the manufacture of th«- move *«tn-> liJopre he latest improved om-tn w u»< l <>v< . w r ii j. tenma.we are now prepared to iuni.-l.ju an «.:« m Wir ditw Glass, equal, if not superior l»> uny t>i id.i 'Ha-,* made in the Uaded States, and t.nl Utile -ron in n . English Crown. We are also very cxttn*iv«;ly engu<e»! .i -.e far turn ofCommon WindowTlln bmu t»r s'. and Betti** of ev ery'description. i» grn.- invited to ralt nrtd examine for thtm»riv«- ;• .ru*‘" house. No. 139 Wood street, PmvUu.yh, I'a 1 «»' octgfi \V. W. WALLACH. tUKGW STEAM MABUM.'Wiili PITTSBURGH STEAai »* »»«•*. ,Y*j. au and UW liberty itrut, n>r.r v>. ALWAYS on hand and madetoonlrr. a varie ty of Martite ManieU. Pier.Ceniie Tub en, and Buieati Top*, Tomb S'onet, Monument*. fce ; allu-hieh. being made of the choicest marble, end romiuinctuied principally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash. Si. U. Person* wishing id* purchase Mantel*, are informed that it i« henceforth unnecessary lor ilirm 10 (fo East, a* I can furnish them with an article in all respecu «u good, and (freight, insurance, 4c. consider* ed.) as cheap a* they con purchase them for in the East. Call and se® : _ i g '- ai _ COPFIiU, BUEKT IRON. AND Tl 9 • WARE MANUFACTORY, No 8 Market «trett, Pittsburgh. Penns: bavins made great Improvements 1 in the coniiruriion of their COOKING STOVES, icwxscuully i tvtie per*ons building Steamboat* to call ami examine before purchaHnt;. a* we ran supply them with Deck Stove*. Forges, and every other kind of tapper. Tin and Sheet Iroa wurk incesiarymifurnish mu a Sirauilwat. ■ We af*o make to order on the shortest notice Bul Tube* and Chamber; Copper work for r*u;ain Engine* amlevery variety of work in our line. i/ tl p >UKR|Ff A SMIRK BENNETT & BROTHER. IIFEKNSWA'RE MANUFACTURERS. Dlrmlngl>am.lu(ar Fltta*mr*h,}Ra. Warehouse, A o. 137, Wood Uriel, Ptttiburgh. «Mf\WlLl.constantly keep on hand a rood assort meat or Ware, of our own manufacture, and superior qual't). Wholesale and country Met chants are re«p'ectfully invited to call and ex mm,nm for therasclyes, as wo are determined to sell cheaper than has ever b.eforc. been offered to the pub* lie. ' . p~y Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cub or cltyreferense. wtll be promptly encoded to. feMS' How Shovel, Spado and Fork* Hannlke* H GRIFFITHS 4 DIXON, A VISU' commenced the manufacture of Spades, Shovel*. Kay and Manure Forks. Ac,on an exten sive »cale, are prepared to fill all. orders for such arti cle* at Eauern price*. For the convenienceoflheireus.iomers aaddcalersta •ueb articles, they have appointed George Cochran, -C'wamiwton Merchant, No £6 Wood >Uect. their Agent foi the •ateof thei,' manufacture*. All orders addrjss-. ed to him will receive proraptatientmn.on the most veniageous terms. , GRIFFITHS A DlXy£ ’- IMitburgh, July S—dly • JSO. O. ' .No tff WgodStreet. 7 MA.NLFACTURERSoffiUtnnd Mahogany Looking Glasses, laiporter* ar<j Dealers in I-ookiag Glass Plate*, Aoconleons* Perc*i»|on Caps, Clocks, Combs, Jewelry and Fancy Goodgrcnerally. The advrrti«er* nre rngVlag some Iniprovrntrnt* in their business, with increased isciliun* in the purchase of Domestic, and the importation cf many Foieign Good*, they will be stile tosc!) at Eastern.prittt. Tbcv respectfully s<jlicit(hr. attention of purcha»rrs. janlSdtf j ' . _ COTTON ntsd WOOLLEN BI ACHINKItV 'pilli now enlarging their establish* s meni.aud tr» e prepared to make all kindt of Cotton and Woollen lyhschmery. onihe most ren*ou»bie terras. Ordets address-,) i 0 u « will meet with piompt ntli ntion WIOIITMAN A D.tnZKU. , tacock street, AH’ gheny City N R.—H ’ who ha> a paimi for a very *he Card,and who ha* been engoged fo. iV-' *«• i je*t* in *OlOO of the most extensive -H-. • IM Frw i-*ne» nf the west, • ill giv< r 1 pulling up. Uhlil- sal Istacc*' -i»”- ;jxt. i-vtiwcUine* mado at this e«ul-. 'i »jan‘J , AH v JOHN SHERIFF * Co*, No*. 93 and M Front su, ;; v. Heats I'ooKDKXsandGAS Fix* r Teas; llsu,* of all site* cast ii from the latest improved n«t .'tv O 4 tarn* and warranted equal to j&eM- any Also, Bias* Casting*, •Gniihed if oiderrd, Gai Fit tings put np promptly and on reasonable terms. ' novlßdty .‘•vn-dßUlton STEEL\WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLB FACTORY., ,r*.c max*. *o ait r. QCtca. JONES A ftUIOG, \ 4'ANUPACIUUERS and fllisiet Steel, ‘yi plough Meet, etecl Plough Wing*. Coach and iiJlptleBpiin««.Hammered Iron Axles, and dealers in ..Saleable' Castlne*. and Coach Trimming* generally corner of Ross and FroninrerU, Pittsburgh. Pa febtf , LLPFIHCOTT ZHOS WORKS* IRON and Nails, Shovel*, Ac. for tale at uur new Warehouse, No. 59 Water street, near Wood, run ning to Front. Also, an' assortment at the old stand, MeMastcps Row, liberty street. .... ' Having made great audition* to the Rolling.'Jklill, all orders can be filled promptly. novSO . GRAFF, LINDSAY A Co. BIESI.NUUAH TACK: FACTO&I. CAMPBELL A CHEBBI astieucmxii or FiNttapNG nails, hook head brads, ~ Ina and Copper Tacka, IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, ,AJf» Pattern Maker? Poinif, 0/ nay detcription. Office No. g 9t Charles Hotel, IJJrd street,. frM PltUburflis il.o T J LS. ; PfIILADA. ADVERTISEMENTS, r A f w.acxs?ri t soN./* P ir W 4nrf i^^,< n 4PI . rrfmu ■> ... a e * T ? r » Li* c 9 Bruxi.fi, Cvmla Pr/umr** £&,. i 1101 hL, errctril since the gut<’ AniHtf t tc. te. So. AO SOUTH FOUHTH X. GRKAT FIR*. «wl fronting on two of Ox- rao.i «TREET.'*«tw-» Mofiti'en* CAunul n!‘rl«,,i££ public »irppu, j* unsurpassedin the -oumry. whether Indian Q»,tht'Houl.bmnoo huda krga « re*«d. it* architectural ™ f «u,or threle- ankle, in tb™ lisc.oftbeir cwn SJortoSS!ST*S!?6l f tttte *iui comion»f iu fiimj*hinr». Situated] in which they will sell it theTer/kweitwice*. aad on “J3*JriSfwai r to FAMILIES and HEN PI.EMK.N. 01 ietiuir, .1* In- French and American Hair Bru.be. ISnpattsrui- ' ternal arruMeucnu afford every accommndauou the Tooth Beiubes 40 return*; Bnube/ao ijUjh. gj*» .can dwire. The Parlors nod Nail, Combed effi Sb?U / CtambowTart all furnished m modern .lyle, wi* Hom Combs la lw’.Jc.i.' r3LE<J •entirrljr new and elegant Furniture; an efficient com* F.ne tad 'Coaa^h n)n . cfnurnttve aed obliging servant* is maintained, and the Pochrl Bookiaad Wallet.; SoJ.m.mi iv!% TatoU wlllalsr.tA aimund with the cl*ire«i.«Wic». ?•««, (iWWoodaad UdiMtndcSS*d2£ ' Cmsthe tnarirruadord. mg Ca*e»; Dofctnoetaad CheM-Man- J.u,iT . Tl,e -^ ro f’ rifU)r ’ wbo h** had long experience m this Smelling and Toilet Bullies Drew ind Common F«bk l£ line of buaine**. Mature* the poh.ir that no effort on hi* die* Companies*; Bead Bag* and punes Aceurdkeu aaJ part will bnspared to satisfactorily accommodateihofe M««®w*«; Elaitie Cop*. who may favor b.iuw.th their cuatom. (Taper* lUaor; Strop.,pink asd^ioVVnearv'^: l ' " Ail Ouuwbua and Baggage Car \\ill always be In Fume Boiea'aml Sachet*; Powder Bcsu and iNfIV readme** forrbe guest* of the bouse. lial OilsGilfUbels&e. fc. r***®* fcbl9_ V Proprietor. • Vibojacompfate and el*g»ata«*ortment«fP£RFUMEaT r aqd FaWCt SOArS.wf Ttriotu qualities ** cheap a* thtr can b* purebamd in tbs United Stale* • . Elegant show bill* furnished wiibaot charge, and rvkinr warranted. - ' Phllsdel; ‘ PBAEt STREET HOUSE, Cincinnati, OHIO—The subscribers having purchas'd the en tire interest of Col.G 1' Williamson, late of this well known e«abli»hm-nt.bog leave to mis 10 Jhelr frieufl* and die public generally, thai they have ukca this commodious Hotel Ibr a term of) rare and will exert ibrir t>eM energies to make it a desirable home for Trav eller* and City Hoarder*. The Hotel |» spacious aud admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having a number of pallor* adjoining chamber*, presenting unusual auraenoo* to families. The present proprietor* having had the experience of year* in thiseity ana elsewhere,hope they will be able to give general siAisfaetian, being determined to give unotvided attention to the bouse alone. The location of Street !!ou*e is uncommonly eligible, having fron't on Peer), Walnut and Third »(*, so that it iseqtially desirable in view of the conveni ence of business inroor retirement for private boarders. It is near by the Hanks, the PoM-Omcr, the, Masonic £*>l,Odd Fellows IJall.and butonesqaaredistam from ™ r a, ‘-«trcct and two squares from the City Whatf.tbes one ring rreatest inducements, especially! to country merebam* <eiier aily lo all persona visiting Cinein*- »»*»• _ JOHN NOBLE _«**** . t JOHN A RUBLE f COBNEtt OF WlWSmjsiTUFlto STS, PiiUburgE?^. THE undersigned? PropneiorsoT v-.Monongabela House, announce to the public that Uie mum, a now open for the reception of Visiters: Ther arc eonseioos of having spared no-expense in fitting out the establisbracnt.iu such a style as to repdtr e very comfort-to their Guests. They hope by constant care and attention tobusiness to merit the partronage, to liberally bestowrdon the late Monongabcla House. JA3. CROS3AN A 30N apCdltn ' . . JIOUST V88502V HOUSE, JV®. 95 Korth Second Strut, FKiladttpkia fFHE nteribcn mpectfulty inform ike eiUtntof Pitt*- X burjh and. Western Pennsylvania, that'tbey bmtaka the above bouse, wbu* they tee prrparad to nccommodaU. penobi tin ling the Cify of rhiUielphi« in thebesf style, and cm the most reasottabU tens* The boos* it within one sqasru of Market street, sn'd ba* mdemee n thorough reno* ration and repairs, sou is well calculated to,, accommodate persons who may favor us with a call Give os a call, and we feel confident you wiUbesdlisfied. SAMUEL. A BRADY, Oliver h p Parker. February S 3, l&4”-3m PBARL STREET HOUSE. 88 Peart Street, New York. REDUCTION jIN PRIQE—The subscriber ie*peci fully ealli the aitention of the travellingcommuni ty, and especially businessmen, to the fuel tbat this bouse ishiow open'andJ* offered for tbeir pauousge at tbe lowpriceofJUNE DOLLAR PER DAY. . .Its location for bu»ines»'i* not surpassed in N. York, and every com (bn. with good 'living, clean beds, .alt)' Town*, Ac, ran here be bad a« well as at the most of travagait' boose* One rail will stjxelj * n F one of these facts and ia*trre an extensive patronage for the boose BAML. C. BISHOP, Proprietor New York, Aptil I, IIH?| dim a.r.Jscksox. " 1 H.caiwrro*. Latr of tlie Aatbr House j, Of Pavilion, Rockaway EUTAW HOUSE. IBALTffIORE. JACKSON A CRANSTON, rnopKirroH*.' Coaches will bji in readiness at the Depots and I.axih tscs to 'convey Passengers, frtt 0/ chargr, to jyfcMly'! the-'House. 1 N SUKA JN CE! Indemnity agalust lionor Dsnsgs by \ * Fire. TMK MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a Stock Capital. The Reliance Mutual insurance Co* of Patio. CHARTER .PERPETUAL '• ntnECTona. George \V. Tnland, John M. Atwood, Thomas C. Rockbil!, Lewis R-Ashhurrlj Wnj. It- Thompson, George N- Baker, G>orge M Stroud, John J. Vauderketnp, George W. Carpenter. V.l TILL make insurt’ *e a ; -,-t Low or Damage ft by Kite, in I s: 1 .t- and ticiuity, on Houses, Store* and • rIP . :tn£s, and on h urnir t'irr. Good*. Wares >«J Mr-chanuiac, on tlie most ■'tv.>r -blf terms. * Tl.c Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock i.'apinil, and the other provisions of the Charter off tills Company. hold out unusual inducement*, both ■I profit and safely, to those deairous of effecting insurance, towhicli the Company ask the attenUoa ami examination of those interested. Those effecting insurance with this Company ti.»re.besides the usual protection against lota, by tlie ordmay method of insurance, the additional itlviihlupcof a direct participation in the pio/ifjof the ( uu.jcny, uolAotd nnv •mbtli/v. GEORGE \V. 'POLAND, PreaidenL B.M\ BtscHHs;*, Secretary. i’hesubscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent ur the above named Company,is prepared to make insurance, at the Olficc of the Agency, in tbe Bt. Cbi jes Third it, third door from Wood street, and will give all Tunbcr inf* rotation desired; myi-t-Jiy. 'I’HOS. J. CAMPBELL. JOUH FISSET, JU. AGixt at rtTmc*on roa thx DELAWARE. MUTUAL Safety liunrsnce Company ofPhlladi'la. Fmr. KISKS upon buildings and merchandise of every description, and MAKLNK RISKS’ upon holls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the mo'it Invorable terms. "* 2j* Office in the Warehouse of W. n. 'Holntci dc Bro., No. 37 Water, near Matkel street. Fitts* borgh. ‘ I'N. 11. The vuecessof thi* Company inner theestsb* ti»hmento' the Agency in this city, wuh thc>rompt»*«* qnJ libmhiy with whichrvery claim upon them for lo«* hit* been adjusted, fully warrant thi agent in m* vit ng the confidence and puumoge uf his ineud* and the commumty at Urge to the Irduware M. d. Insu rance Company, while it has the additional ailrantagrl as sn Institution among tire most douriibing iq Philad’ia—as laving an ample paid in capi-al, which fey theopenttionofitocharternconsunUyincreasing ns yielding to ■ ach person insured bis doe share ol ibn profits of the company without involving him in any responsibility whatever; and therelore as poMcslngthe Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, an 1 in its most attractive form." nor 4 NATIONAL FIRE and MARINE insurance company, Ktw York, THIS wdll known and respectable company i* pre* pared,trough then PITTSBURGH AGENCY, to make Inauranee of every kind connected with nvkt of transportation and inland navigation; toiosure against iota or damage by Gre, Divrlling Houses, WpTehouK»j Uuildiujp in general, Good*, Wtiti. and Merchandise, and cvei y description of personal property ontha'most favorable term*.• • ’ Application* for Insurance. aimirJcd v> without delay at the office. No SI Wood nrret. SPRINGER UAKUAVGI! Ag’L ■ — B ->p. fflf -F] f ;riinn belli at the office tn N. Y, May Ijhh* -!>.« fnllnw^u^caißgd^erjli r LTyB-C^C^ c j t jP* en Ptrcctora 'of this Company, for the culbing year, tlx: —•-. Joseph \V. Savage, Stephen Moll, John .Brouwer, . Jpbn MeCbam, WiDianyG. Ward, William W.Campbell, John Ncwhou'c, ‘Jacob Miller, HTlliom S.'Sitcom, • Mareo« Spring, JohnP. Mackie,. > • JoaephS. Lake, . John J llernck. ; And at a sobsrrj&eM meeting of the. Board, JOSKrif W. SAVAGE, E*q., vrn* ou«jim>ouily re-eieeted I'rea* idriii forihe rntning year. Win. JAMES BOGGS, t jyU9 Poit fc Journal copy Secretory. ' fireTand maHIXE insurance. lnsurance .CothpaAjr of North Amortca, X Ihrough iu duly aulhorited Agent, the aubaeri* her, oflen to mike permanent and limited Inattr* ance on property, in litis and i 0» vicinity, and on shipments by tho Carulnnd Rivera. DIKKCTOpS. John <*. Smith I‘res’t lamucl UronW, U'barlM Taylor, iamt. F. StmUi. r Alex. Henry. Sami. W. Junes, .rnbmao White, acob MjThomat, alin K. fieS, tichani Wood, trthorti. Coffin,Sec. tdward Smith, John A. Brown, John White,. Tho*. P. Uapfli Win. WeUb, ice Company ip the iartered in 1794. lu »p its hlgh-itandinj, > t», and avoiding all ijbaneter, it mar b« [i x'uritj to the public. ! ES ATWOOD, *ood, Jones &. Co., u burgh. ap2JMf : This is the oldest InXuraiic United States, haring been el charter ti perpctd.il. and fro long experience, ample mea ruts of an extra hazardous < considered aa ollering pimple a< AlO! At Counting Room or At» Water and Frout atreets; fytti INDEMN Ag inatLoss by Kfre —The FI ranee Company of ] WILL make Inmirawe, p on every description 01 BURGH and the 3UKROUZ On favorable terms. This tot ITY « ANKLlNFirelnxuj hiladclphia, i rmasent and limited', ' property, in PITTSr <DINU COUNTRY; ipany has a perpetual charter. ■— CAPITAL, CONTIKOKN'C FUND,... Office corner of Tbirt and ap 28—tf . WARRIci ...5400,000 ptid ..'.Jaoo.tw—. . . )(arketsta,, fittstrglc MARTIN. Agent. . INSURANCE; .:! AmwleiA Flrt loivnuu* Comp*my -07 PIIiLADBLI'iIIA. • . | CbaRTXR FijUXTCAL- CAmAI. yAID ia. Offiu in Philadelphia, I Vo. Tt Walnut Stmt & * WM- DAVIDSON, Pre»*t: T F Companycmbnuea a iMurc Building*, MercUndiae. Furnnure uv) pf»»- eity tvoto<*a ftitT»T»*s*rdoo».ehw««er, tgainct lew or ***?.??!? for maoraace* in and be"reeeiT«d.'*»nd ri*k«Tuken either *'&*«*'>* ssl 1 ? noru No SB W«a tu : Ipltln, March's, ltM7 ' STRAW IRON.RAILING FACTORY, RIDGE ROAD', above Bortnnwhod Street Phil* •* Iriphia. At this establishment may bn found the ercaleat variety of Plan* and beautiful Patterns fur IRON RAILINGS ill the ÜBittd Statfts, to ,whtch the attention ol those in w.oit of any descrin* lion,and specially for Ctrpcterios. isparticulariy jnsited- .. i • • \ ; The principal part of a/ftlic handitome Railing* it Lau-el Hill, Monument. an.l other celebrated iteinclenea in tho city and coaoty ol Philadelphia, ; which have been ao highly extolled bv the public prcsi, were executed at thia manufactory. A large Ware'Kooai it connected with U*e eatab liahroont, where ia kept constantly on hand a Jaite •lock of ready-made Iron Railinga, Oniaihrntal Iron Settee*. Iron Chaire, new style plain and ornaoen* Ul Iron Galea, with an exteoaiTcuaortmeol of Iraq PoaG, Pedeatala. Iron Arbors, ire: AI«o, in grdat variety, Wrought and Cast IronOmamenu, suitable for Haitian, and other purposes. - 1 v , The subscriber wouk-VW.tatc that In his Pat ■tern and Designing ha* employed of ihe btat talent in thecounb : s. > . tH)iC whole ' atleoDon ja to,tho business— getherone orthe moat cnnfpleicaua sysleiß&»«f« tablishmenta of tiiekind in the Union. HUBERT WOOD, Proprietor. ‘ Ridse Hold, above Bmionwood street.' PbUtldclphia, March IS. 18W «'6mof cheap Watches. .. Tyj- ssistf" watch Cold Lcven, full Jewelled, P4SDO •Uver do. do - *l 00 Gold Lepinea, Jewelled, . 30 00 Stiver do do ‘‘ia oo Silver Quarter*, fine quality, Gold Watrhet. plain, It oo‘ Silvertfpeeiaclc*, V 1\76 Gold Pencil*, *— . . *■ *to Gold Bracelet*, i / *4 01 „ Alao, on band. a large assortment or Gold am). Uair Bracelet*, finger ring*, Igtut pin*,hoop eu tine*.gold pen*, silver spoons, »uglr tonga, Wimbles, gold neck, curb and fob chain*, guard key* anffjewelryof every deaenption. at equally low price*.: All l wantl* a eall to convince easterner*. All kind* of Waicbe* and Clock* repaired and war* ranted to keep good time for one yean old gold aod ail* verbougbiortaken in exchange. ' For *ule, eight day and thiny-bonrhrais Clock*, ft „ ... LEWIS LADOMIiS* . wnteh,Clock, and Jeweliy Store. No 4134 Maries atrret, above Eleventh, Nona side, Philadelphia. ' Q 7 1 bare tome Gold and Silver Levera still cheaper than the above-price*. ■ RABSTTUtPATEST DIRECT-ACTIOM BTEAM HAMMER. » pillS Hammer possesses inariy advantages over ail A other*—among which may be mentioned, • Its Manageableueu—The rapidiiity ami fnreeof blow may bs.controlled with Ihe'greaiot ease, while ltio hammei is in operation, and tin* hammer may.be in* etaotly arretted, and tiiipendrd at any height. ‘ it* Universality, or-capaeuy to execii&work of all - kind*, from tbelargeit to tbe •mallest, uitßMhe same hammer. ■ * ' It* Simplicity, Compactness and Cheapness. It* Accessibility ujwn al I side*. b .• tbe workmen. Allthe hammer* ore made Self-Acting The subscribers continue to exeeuic order* for these hammer*,of aU*iie*.opojirea«jimblc lerrac. For further partirnfar.i, inquire of MF.HHICK 4TOWNE, AMigoccs'of the Paieniforthe United States, ; dectyy Southwark Foundry, Phllad’s. BTEA9I IIABBLE WORKS, IliJft Bead, «Aor< Spring OarJtn Saul Phtln.trtphi'i. *l'lllSestablishment i>erected an improved plan. A and by tie aid of Sicatn i’ovvrr manufacture* all kind* of Marulo Work in a superior *tj le, .ami at the— lowestpriera forCatli. The largest and beat ajtorUneA: of Msrb|e Mantels ever before offered to the-public may be seen at the Ware Hoorn, to which ihe attention of puichasert Is respectfully invited. Imported Garden Siamary and Vases.of tbe most tastefal designs and pattern*. made of the Gnett and bandvmest description of Italian Marble; Tiles fur Flooring, imported, aud always on hand, anil for sole at the tnqis reasonable prices. U7*tUacble Cutters can be supplied al all times with nny rnunbe* of fiuished Mantel* or Toblc.Tops, »t re duced wholesale prices; and tbe Trade will befuraisheS at the notiee with alt kind* ef Murhle ux the (■lock, or cut to sizes for .Monument*. Ac . JOHN 13AIIU) Ridge Road, above Spring Garden (I Phllsd’a., Febniary 3. IM7. •' i!:uw3m DERRY & NrCKERSON, Manofariureni e f AWSISGS, SKRUG 110110318; wagon covers and grain hags or ! ALL ItESCKIPTIOR? • No.. 38-1 South Frout Street, Back of T. A. Vriisun's Cabinet Ware Manttfy PHILADELPHIA. ALL order* lefl with S. S. Moon, ai ilx offire of the Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh, will be promptly attended to. THUS. G. DEHRV scpHMly ~AVC, NICKERSON TO WATCHUAKKItH nT»d DKALKHB. J'. LADOMUS, TMI*ORTER of Watehes. Winchmpk.Vs.Tcol.sand X Watch Materials. whole.utr ;m,r retn.l and-on suotly on hand a,largo assoruiKim,; I.u.innVpaiciit, and Plain Glass, Mainsprings. Verges LiaJ», Watch Hands, and a complete assortment of jtiiToul* and Ma ti'tuiU belonging to toe trade; with a Inree c**rnnu.'-,t of Uohland Stiver Lever, lupine. and Ptam Watches: ajlnf wb.ch he wt|i guaranty tosellauhe lowest N«w "Nora pnee*. All orders front ’.he country punctually executed. • *\. B. —Country Merchants ami others nre invited to caU and examine at the QU Siamij.No.ai South Foorih eneeL Philadelphia- . jmi'^ain CARRIAGES. J,.' EJ&fgx oolr, cojtcn jmy fjCTl y BARSESS MAKER, SSO Cbtsnut si ,• PhtladtlpKia, lateCrf-th* fir-., of Ogle Sr \Vil*un. mptctfully informs his Irienas and ihe public, that he has and will keep eoonsntljr on hand and for sale,'*-JumiuMne assortment of I ashionahie Carrtaees Vehicle, of all style, and descriptions made to order at the shortest possible untie?, and execut'd in the tcry best manner, of selected material. ftbSMy 1 R Smith. W pagalcy. Vf H Woodward SWITn, DAOAX.KT * CO., wholesale deal er*in Urncenex.Teax, Indigo- Ac . NoWi .Market *>?••?* •Jlxili \'n-|h*ir*. |*l» • ... ' UOLIVAtv ktua. itu ....a W'ARRaNTKD superior to the ben K ~*u -~. tour bridge. l ? on hand and lor sale at the Wo • house *TCoanV \v harf,”Canal Basin. v-. oc«ht J SIIAW MACI.AREN ;C. DODGE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, No. 49 Market »/, between 3 d and Aik tts, /"WNTINUES toexecotc Siena. Militnty P igs, Ban- V oerivTransparerictcs, and all kinds ofcruitmenisl work at the aborted notice, and nt orice» _ t.ai canno poMrWy rati to sult hia employer" janl Wm I* Young. . C Bunsen . F Plunkett. YODHG, IHMSBS i PLUSKETT, FLINT CLASS MANUFACTURERS, IXTAREIIOL’SE Noe-. &> Water and 1W First airect, »» Pittsburgh. The Glass tnauafaciured by til'is warranted egual to any in the cotmiry. Ali order* will reeelire prompt attention and filled on reasonable ■ rms. Merckaau and other* visiting Urn altrare m* loeall before parehasingelsewhere. ‘ febU ' '>-wParuunhlp, r' . . _ HP.* 8. NEtSONhnrmg tuketi into partnership « with them Mr.' Atea.J oiUey—tlie bneiuess will be hereafter condacted under tie name of H. P. *»; ' NKLSOH * Co. t . Piushorgh, March 13,1617.- nr. «w.t asklws. ,*L«. roxtl^T^' . , „,**• P> * S. SKbSOK * CO., AAANUPACrUafcJW of Hammered 8 ovcl* and iVA Spades, Hoes, Hay and .Manure Krfks. ic, \c. *» ■rehouse, No ll _\\ ood street, Pittaiiurgb marUl _ "a* liKJJovx'& coT, :«. i. — - . N^I.?.2« C > N A L **TBEl?iy N-ISW ORLKAN9. A Hr* r *® Wf J B ATOiant's Ksierjire t*tram'-®uf«r rx. nefinery. Always on hand,a large stock oi'Lotf, Powderril,.Crushed, Clarifica nod llastard in T'eicasatd p.arreia, Also, Sugar llouac Molassea. , rnce»liberal and a fair allowance made on all »aks - o_f,ftr above,MbarnJi. -% - tnchll ‘ .JOUS DCKLAP, • “ of Tin, Copper, and f,V* »»are, and dealer in Britannia and Japanntd »V are, \o 17 Market atieet. The tubiffibrr rt»K cl * tally call# the attention of the Weatem MrrcLaun. Country dealer*, and other*, to hi* laree *iock tii ntttu* f raetcrrd Tin and Copper ware, -vriia ■ loiai*ort* wcjjionfflporied lloaae FamirtlnK Hardware tvnoleaale buyer* and the DQtitic *Mier*l[y» nre-inri ted»ocall. p • •• - m.tfl l a Itoßbnrht. - 'V. Donbfirtif. J. 8. * W. BOSSRIOUT, JUSUFACTUBEBS OF SHBCH, TXT’ARRANTED equal, if, not »uperior. to any made * V to we United aiatee, and which they will ditpaio of at low Price* end on good Term*,- *' oe*J lyr ~ ■* . Beaver. Pa. . W’Jl* A.WABD, Denim, rriooved to biifcrmtr residence on Penn ureet, two dofir*, lir.low Ir win, where hr will he Hippy u> attend v> tho*e who’ may rrooire hie terriers. from 9 A. Al., uuii)-5 l\ M.J after which hour be will attend to no'one- excepl inca* aea of neccaaity. He would further j»ay to those who nay think proper to employ him, that bre.ifii;»imjae diatepaymeot* without tbc nec entity at. tu* imn ofaend- Ine hills. • - jcl9*tf P. 11. EATON DEIALERin Trimaiinyi and Variety Ooo2«.Tortot»o- Thell, Jvory and Horn cwrjba. Woollen 't arn* and Worttedvßouona, Needle*. Pine. Tape*. IJraids Ac.. No 63 Market St between iliamona and Ith 'etrotfta * Pitutbarjtli. jytSdly Kemlttancea tto lbe -Olrl Country.” MONKY tent to all part* of England,lreland. Scot-' land and Wale*, in *nrc-< oi 11 and upward*, ta anlt parehwra. ALEF.N KRAMER - . ms rtf F.xdiaaire Hrojtei.corftd.and tvuod »u ADLACKBMITU man negotiated wall Klantatiou woik, c»n Hve 'pef manent employment atroo4-wagef,in -a hoalthy.pimof Northern Mississippi. For .further smormatiow rnply ta ; ' ,>.. . i .oeo coc»»r.A - - ■ mtal3tf , No s 6 wo**; at QBti> r Indiana, and Kentucky B^nk pure hared at low raicxhtr- ; i-.i N IIOtMEU A SON . nwhl6 No 69 Market it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers