nil? httsb! kiiii - PIP •K*\ ... • BUSINESS. CARRS. A. Tot wanJirif, MercbfM, A* WM«* *a* *chU__ PitubwA. i.'- «nl 4 LEXASDKR A Fon*Rrdbig Mcjrfea**. corner « ip 1 Mr as ftedo-lbt ■ - • - -• I ZZd 4 TWOODi JOWI * M A- M*tchwrt», orcQ iiia,«J-Sd F,o,,»•>«*>. Aj;«;w»“»'K r --rrGtSd^nk- XKpomd tol l "’r\ J *J£££Lj3d, •»*"* “»■ ctnil,N«». W, Ibi - ' wwsY*Ct- Mb'SE.SsesJkt*-^ r,iul.or»n. r* - - n V(. Wtokrail »™> J c ' 45#rBl*Jvtrf " ’ CqobU**'o® Tr^feifcar*" D. rtlKk 2SS? r. - ri - lKuaYv * coi ~i - - - J - *£Ss BESss-pi Wm CoiemJn. / lOLESIA.X, W £ , od Hpnrit C afC>i>tt:eyp»«ng»»»gA»ff>,j, p afcwj ‘ J *?: i£«u «**»!«■ * L ffi L Ww-boU* «•*?-"?“> ■ ,;cJi" «jS22ea ss-ss .’- --- Ma uronr. '*“■'? *KnonT,i^Siii - whoie.»;< < ;;“ : "'’piSM *iii , S'?,!?. i-loSn Wood iCelota. S'** - otll» _ ._ —“. its luxfcrt «r«t, ne»rUb«iy^«* TZ. -■ ,-~~ j. UnrrUon S«w*lf tachS-ly _. .:...,• —i 6uuja*t. TfwVit, * •£»““?&, utargti n»umf*c-| «—<«-■• pin,bßith ’ Pm p^‘ >7 MsiTrrr lum. »• K9su>u. kk mvt‘ Eaclobt “b 1: S®?^i7omcelv6•»™“ ,,,,l "”! Hi l**hi-ri& Co.) W hole**** w*®®'* • , Prtduc* »nd K»ror»rd.n« .Merrh*"®. wjd 3- Wood *l n«U Ul '*^ a \ , Piiudofeli MuißltClUtf OCU SocorJ ■ndTjuoW>-____ . 1 Sisssb, **£?£& ffiisftssa ■ J* .“ioWtt»*col InrtnHWfnl*, U* vv * oft . .pcMa] Mb- i— "Joss X- IOTHtt* 1 ioorra. - Cwnaun>°“ w»d FBrwnrdmf i F°F S ‘ 1 {-n gs jKSfiteissisa 'jsssatffcaww® • I _. ] ■ * oJ, , , 80. A. BKKttl 2S°K«,°irri>d"« (j ,„„r.on NolOWood >t, P„..o S ftM«S!!SSSt-2: M B. Brown- j I Uco, W■^ ai^ T Tg k. C®*» Brewery w - Gt EO. W. »*»*® nod Point Bre»t f aud de»ier« m Itop**FituM*** 1 j*n4 cn«,Penn»ndiltt«ce»^___ -! -.- T : GS^sssa^ 32^} • may 17 ... Geo- G Brown^l Sami- a H l *'-’_*»«b|£ tracccßßors to fejSS?” r *• --ifo SSSsws-:^? cnj oL'd? - - ,oBi»T diii* l ’ r*- I,U, f. S nrrirK’! » Co, Wfco|oO»>«.C? c J‘£ T»A1» l “"gS”,.AoddJrior. **»*•'*£" 1 gm» SS”,K fS« ■rroou, bbsM*)*- - tii profeMOt* m copied iojJnK »“• *b* ene,! y ) rtttdfc^tfP^ isspa«“•» «—*&*; Paubirgh- -- - ' •-7. u ' ece »»f*» Jo*P h tow »l«Sac» r i ue . , 7 —~ Bmuonery S* lie .. J. io • 1 „ " j^JUjS„_ H 'l cO» whole** 1 ® I***' NL^T-.Wg* J ff. b p c j'w Ul il*>Hun4 proapuy c«g] —. whole**!® pnweir -njlKWlt*'/ «| dev ..TTi -KirnS' vionoNH®. jfefesssffi^ass t deU ito** *’ I 0* W& S'Ttirfp" 1 ’ 4£2£gg^&E^£J=K 2 BS&SISK? jm!sS s t#ir I rfflKfcv - >■« r t w*:;krm*», and M FrofctM* _ •-•- . " r . I Wb»le»rl c I BWl* *££ a Mentals dealer* irtP.l«6ur*fi • Tan** Water ani *1 K»«»M.*u. ft | -' V • 'J V—, ' , John ttiitpwn-l Hen iJ«iSrr* IHIPTOI, Wto1e«*l« Groe«JJj I *“"*”£ M«, »*>" ;V r S’4-/^“'T r ]VI *iS*>r» MerchMVi ~ ]U >— -■«- - - c r.; BC r„.,: “.fa A BICMTWK. 'Su25 , Fnr»..cor*eT»l_ -'. Grocer., Deal*" «»■ Ur. 1 J. M. Prodnw•“J^gubStyandtwWood lion Merchant*, No* »i* . - J*_. i I jqrc* 1' j°^ 5 * No-i3 r l ' io ir 1 J.c | ■ ;re Pi!ub««h _ . v-ssarSo.'to M•U*«*7 *«* cJiiktfr&l Sum, .. ■ % y * • l .. i' ! ,- i business cards. — .... it CO- Whole—te Dry iSlm,rS«- » Wood Oiroei, PitubMife R'"w*rtlndß*ter. A”CaJb«n»sn C H Grant nOUbfiltEß k Co, Wholesale Oik«J Pmd CommiMNm fed Forwarding Merchant*. No<l Wa'ermm. „ - • _L i t. «• *©*i*»o a r TJ CO. Grocrrv iv ami Merchant, and dealer* in Pr®d«e»«» Puubuntti Manufacture*, Likert)- *t. oppose **“- Grid «u ."pnuburgb. Pa- - • 3 -niCItARD BARD, K lu Lfcaiher, Morocco. * hoe ntalrer* Tool* Si, Tine*. «d Conic.. Tool., and Tanner* W, go to! iVniiM*i-Pimbtinth. ' _! E; t „'fc".'»«■“-. & nr K ,n t Diuillcr, djjicn Wior. iSffiS! &U! LcA, «£■#“£& ..p.,™- oJRL&^'SIJS^-w'-^K^ C»* b - j -A—f— J. L. Shee. ] S.SiTfiSK.p’A- «*—>«>> j and CblorideofUme- ofc ia «l all-time* <<” Ji!K 'Ss.aisiSi-isauHs. ' f . , ~. \ Tho*. R "£««• nvaficKbßTT It •WHITE. Wbolewle Dee ot *»• | id* aud Commitstou Merchant, «o *J j ßnl I paubnrgh. t ; ; . -—I— S *BlS®9r eSS^TfS'vf'iSfflS and Market atm, hn»tmrghj - m* O AM OKI M J KlEtt. r K*&« *S?"» C) ..on Mrr-Wi, Dc»!« .SJ „TM, .1. bnrpU manufactured article*, Canal U • dill' ' ■— —• — taj \V9Od »tteei PuubuxKk. ....._ • | h' wi!| KtionlhjnM .™S4io! id «*- ■?*«?£ X. •■‘t “ ck »' r '"‘ “ J r ~' st —rrr " 1 ■<. RJFormh. P p B pSBBYTII tCo,'CotnmiMionMercU*nt«, V its«l! tTamb«r. Groceries Produce wJ P.tuburffa Munfuurea, Cmn»l Bum, Lll>cr!y^ Pitulmrfb- . i '" rp‘X BU.LTKR. Looktiw Glm* »n* iodFoocyCiod., 1M Wood moot, oco. I dlh. tltiH Voi* V. tnci.' i»T'» *(**»»“'? IiTICK * MK3ASDLKB9, (foeceoor* t*L k \Vj DWick.) Wholesale Utocer*, l ' or^ ,r , dln / ! ‘‘‘. S&^SSssraS •one at tow at ac cent*. -7* iIT*.I.I,I!SaFOHD *. Cot A«nt. (»'*■“; W o» hmnd .n o( h.. “PJJ" •olid Box Vice*, Shovel* atid dr *- • M. * Co. | MeAUPIS 4. Co- $ j GROCERS and General Com®- ! VV lion Mrrckante. Oatena. 1H “C -iir QRBBR A Co, Whole*ale For VV • warding and Cornmi»»ion Merchant*, an in Pndtin »3d n Of Walfirand Smuhfiftd•i* ; J , a; Eb.'£,'s£s&zi* * «•*- »»«rgh. , - - . . - w -*. "XI AlTjt. GLESN. ttooknmder, t»«.» removed 10 i*c YY corner of y‘ere*de»cnpt*on of Rolinjt ertrre ht l» prepared »o do every *ie»cnpi *i>d pindmc r.i~'AO S. Milt’ »*one and null fornnh- W. X'JSiiKti™., “A"™*' canal. gRoROB COCHBAJJj (.OMISSION Sc FORWAKCINO Mr.RI HAN'T, No 56 Wood Slbe.T. ml. CONTINUES lotran.acl l imn' lof Arrorican Maooiacto-ci and I roduee. aoO . receirmg ied lor.ardmg Clo.l. coo.,good to I b» ! care. A. Afoot lor 10. Mannlaclorer. be writ b. i conelaally .applied »ilb Ibe pnocrpa article. or | Titt«borgh Mamir.etnre al the. Inwe.l 1 price.. Order, and c»,,.,|tr>inenl. are rc.pectmllj . L-TTrarasr. u,d n a'.V. CObWiY * CO., P' ORTSXI«‘t-'TH, Ohio, Commi»»t©n mod Fotw«rtfin« end Produce Y'L'U'.Ta, ! Purche»«, S*le -nd Shipment o( Pis Irou.Cotil. Ip i Ktrm to, ... t; nwwii. Bliley * *» •; |.©reut. Merlin* *Co V. r *1 *r« ' Greff. Uod.rj’4. Co . • I-ron SborbACo Cl..a. » rb. ■, T „ WH.BON, Oe.let in IV.tchra, jewelry, g o.„riOOO _ W.”lrer« *re, MlfiTry Ooodr, Ac, No a. M.r AUCTIONEERS sz-xxir*. Pnwbuffh.P*- 1 • ' . “ •NO SO WUTER t*T« o!,p °i* Tfc ' CHkAP&JDK ~ M nmi.HOTOI. Alttmer 11 IjBW ■ ‘ BALTIMORE, t M if Lluctd OH, Ho. tO vbia w. .»jsT;Sfr.«s We«lcm Produce *encraUy, No. L > Puuburch, Pa- „ - - --—. fTf*.M _ MITCUKLTBEE, W hofe-tak Gro ‘ 'W. « “ R«uS«n“l>..ullcr. : end W.-« M.vrcb.Di., No. im Lll*ny mw (oppo,^;“ii3, r '' j pimbarffr. \ I \if'n. OARHA.RD, Dealer in Fwvey kni S»pl« [ \V . Dry Good*, No 7* Marker etreei, Puubuffb- OdtlMlv ' rrritXiZMM dORHLY, FuaJjr Grocer *»d W N..sioi*fnr, »*»»*• bore Hand itreeVl’jniburfli. _ , , r itHASIS iir.« u.e burn W DirtrictJ Wbolewle Grocer*, locmirdat where they offer tor **le alarreMMKf I pfjfti W J on favorable term*. JOl leu' YVm. CrogUsn. John Herron, E»q, John Wri|>t,E»q J M*j- William Lanmet- RECTIFYING distiller, **» waottlit* »M UI ** „«h« JOEEIBS k DOBESTIt WISES k LlKOta, Ho. 114 liberty **-, end S 3 Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, _P A. B A F*hn*«o<* * Graff. Limi«T * °°- June. MeOalljr, E*q, -;p#i|£r ; p-wi w"sb-nn. 11 " isJim-b, !»..»♦ jS’j’si attorsk*» a 5» 5> imSuM* .rnSI&S Norh "( F* ini •l.* 1 ”" leblTdfcwlyF —“ SECOND, N BAR] WOOD STREET, Ac CTO rot NitliJl A su . - n a ve on band *full »■*°nment«[*“»• feblH Buntt *“ d —5 YEWKinit-Ai l M«umeni of fin# Jewe '^’ fegS^SS ol lo» price*. : TliOS KENNEDY. Jr attobney I . .~ l ’ f gnonce 3. Jonea. Oliver Bl»f kbnjn. cO t I ' ralir , bo .u:b .bon, ™ ,b ‘ f,BK M B Kbey * Co. «UM» *MJ* Water Street. *****all eitea-of D«ler Will keep on hand* * u lron, mi'-de from Iron arid Heede. Flue .uvill be *old *‘ the .** we *i ; h«b/ji Junrot* Keo«w. v*W«i r>l are invited market rate*. Kngmd »® . procni'tly *t- L « call and examine b.« »«**• Ordera P jT^dlT ‘-mWio. - . - -r " • - J. B. S\V EiITZER, attorney!AT LAW, Office 3d Bt. e«plt. «.• rgjrt.l. stMKoen4 promptly to Collar (ions, m W inrtoa,Fny*«* updOmen Counties, P«i 0 RsTKB TO ■ tD ’S‘t. C ih» k <JcWdc"l’ l ! Picd'Clk . P T csr MALBTBM AND HOP DRALF.B9 nmßbmlsD mim bpwe&ibs. ccd Pccc9sce4lto.-PU.9c Comet »«" ] PlU>Wy|b, P». fobwtobg tjg*i —ggggs „ £ F 8 ‘“'" man S a F?' r V r p n S peT l >"• , ISIMH:#™ r HtesSSSg:S= ; —»|3sKKs4wV'v ? *Stt§» PI SR"U.n.nhoA., D , SKSH OWKn°**"c6. wH bt ““"Tf» ,WS!|" r M c SnS'iiilp'’»»«°' , c “‘“ M -?b b> c ™o kjmsssSsjs'& C0BBm?0»BIS B C H A SI 8, g»?V' “FSCS' “““ _ mde ! “'“ JS^tsdess^^^i ! BFXno inform foo trade aurt dealer* “= T, A CiUD' . 11 Pittiburcfa that iheyhav-t made *acb arrangement* a RicnAdD X- JLBECII» Jr*« i - vimow* % '° 'lS\oSj "Stui , ranted equal to representation.— I April, an extensive assortment of •; «. nor ifiK ! , ?ST W ,§&Hst* ALS6-Bra&«*celebrateil ■»•; ssss^^ 5s Cals and IQa Flu* ,UdiM’ Tww? JJ. 2mS ’Sod *3» and Leather; «lue; p'*f»,*,?££ ,?\ b e a szsxtm ■™fefeig* wsjm ' that time and money may be saved, by speiuuuß , w Ilfhe hopes to rahril a share of pobtie ratron Re • mrblltf _ . t NEW HAKDIV A Il K lAO/ 1 SR ■ JOBKFU WOOp^Vßbb, Corner or Wood ond ad *« ; ** l £“w“k?r A *j A VINO withdrawn from the old firm of H Wood well, dn the Ist of ihSoL’H pleasare m announcing to «> fuend* ua i« J comttry, that I hat 7 opened my"V™” forVash, named place. Haring furehared _ ju ,bit anJ made airanjcreeftM with mans fee utters country and in Eufope to he con.untlv on as fullyprepared to fomt«h Hardware of al t _ ■SSSSSS^ywi Serewa, Union Kactory PtancsJUws Maho *“? Y J;? h £. ifod veneer*, and all other article. conmcted with xft Hardware bu»fne»*- l"4n ! asdersos! £3Ki3S™j to— „ I M Allen A To. > , . ' \ Bajfmlcr A \ IMiMiur S^. Wm. Omcbam- ') M«nin A MeAirier, I N'aslmH*. T(,nß STuSS’KJf&Atta.Kr.. Spnoßer A WUuematu l CuicinßiV., 0. J«me* Johnnon ACo \ - Jleweu, Heraa * Cot, New Orle*A» MartTwrcof A Moms, Ne* * OT *- * j>J?Sll Etfit« ACo.. B a it»mo T *. Sfmuh.B«|aJef ACo^Pli'l^elp^** Daniel Deebon, Bo*ion , .. .. . J*°* CARD> w.t No 11 North Wharrea, aadlbe oihar on Ihc Ra.l mail, Broad *ireet,abovr Arch, Ihiladelphta. All coaiiaomenu ei uu.ted w Iheir earn puacluallr tmrndtd to and .tmmanct. made aa -oon a. W Rraaonabk ad.aaat. roada in all conaiarontni. .1 required. » L kOo^A^C*"B»rcl»r, Moiri* Pbv ienon & Co., G *M. Trouunaa, E*q-. Ca«hier of the Wwiero Oank-SPh.ladelphi*; . Riekouon Bafaley It Smiih, J*». McCoUy, Miller * Ricieuon _ McConncU * Swnffer—New P *- Jlatl3ra Win. M. Walt»ee—Pon Homer. Ohio. . _iwj <n Tii w. i.0.i».d,. w - c j G W. LEFTWICH A CO., J “' RECKIVISO, FORWjJRDINIi, And Conmlnlotf Merchant*, FLA4UESUNE, L». PARTICULAR AUtaiwa pud to suj»r Mills, Engines, or other articles for Opelousas and Anakapas. t . . , REFER TO—Meura Sheffield At. mas Limerick; New Orleans. Messrs. Lurton Mr. /• *w. «'• r-'Fizzi*"'" , Armstrong a Nicholsons Pnubargu. I Messrs Reran, Todd &Co ; Cincinnati Messrs Hvttes A Craighead, Messrs. Edward* A ,VUit*ll. non. Zenon Ijo.mto, lion. Jol.n^ IXi.rnn. I’laTuemmc. La • —■ • FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS. T IB KRAI. c-»»h ulTMtet made on w«ipl « »'«>*- , *i£S£brAWft» r „; N B Allprtdnro con**fnrd to u* I>IIU n ,i *A. w.«bL«. of Waihnrtbrd AT.ylor r,mSo^., or inonr *torj* id J’luladrlphia. C .B. A Lo._ nUSH IMS*OR*rATIONSOF HAKUAVARE. LOG All A KENNEDY, ivti'iißTK (OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS l iffu ADWARK, CBTLKRY, Ac, “‘"““{SOBOA Ski Jrrr- Ac -^ few p ß Tch**m»re Mip«4(ully in»ue«i lacall. JNCINNATI, OHIO. n ruxaw>-£D RDING W ANSpUW'“i II,ON KRC,IANT FOR\* nidtomnii, P». . SrS^SwSsSx menu. Ch.rrt* «*“?•“•• March 1. 1r47 - - ““•“' iklcSi-M UKKCIiTIOII, I^"" . co.».n; Jia iir. B>«% K'.’,;& t ‘l , v-n,., Wood tlretl, '?- «“-■ “.■ . .unmeauof pro^ o cr. *c. T - J. J.ALLiKW. lliU _ Brk'^^s; fortmg. indT«nnel* */il maifclim* in bm«. and l.*rrr»« - . COMI^’orMERCHANTS, FoViS7,Vor>*>i>«i PHII. A DKIMII A. PhJl.d*, IVcenlhrr «. <l«ni . w. T. PATCH. J " *' "mathkws * Eit'in'i ii j COHBIISIOH ■S,*®.? I®”*' 1 ®”*' SrlS<ns.Mo. Will Bircparticul.f-AiKnlion 10 Ibc »< i ‘ ,a ' full - ■ ~— “■ isas^K C “ m '"^ n 9“i f T™UTH BT. I.n-mv BnwuNn* wnA»F.»«iu».«;i_ TftOS. J. CAIISON, A Co* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8 ■“I ® U *Ba *Ttadßß. U7*C»»b advance* will be mule on.coaMgwMni w b ]uSl" A MeKNIO lIT, siith «!• UEO B MIiTEHBKBOEU, rnumslios \ a nUmm SlicesT, "““‘MSSfe~: V'” 'AMIABLE nOOKS-Publi.hKl by J A ii U P James, Walnut aired, between fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati. . . , .. . Ouitol’i Gibbon—The history of .he decline and fall <»r the Roman Empire By Edward gibbon, t>q A new Edition, reused and corrected throne out, preceded by a preface, and accompanied by notes critical and hi.loncal, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity: by M. f. Gnuot, Minister *f Public Instruction for the kingdom or Fraoee. The preface, notes andl corrections,Arans laiod from thr; French esprcsaly lor this edition. With a notice ol the Lite snd character or Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In . tols. imp. S? Nap°er s^“i- C ninruh War—< ompletc. 1 sol. imp. 8 7ialUtS's' >C Middlc Aces, Chamber’. Rebellion in , UcoUand, Robertson’s Virfima and New England, ] Russell's French and English War in America, and ' mains A. HILLIRR> | Ramsay's American Resolution. I sol 4to. r OOKING uSaS MANUFACTURER, and fancy Lit>raryol American History—4. nnU,D ' D F. L FunSbm*Wareboirte. No IM Wood street, | lion, from the best authors on American History, FlfdiFmsburtft. Pa ; Wholesale and Retail: I Biographs,Trasels, Commerce, SUUstics, Indian , English and French Eiirraving*i -I Revolationsry Battles; A c - &C.&.C. Also, Anec- Japanned Wallers and Trays; . . I dotes I’oetrsand Miscellsneona arttclra. IlluiUa ’ 1 b -’ " ' with more than £ttl engrasiog.. 1 toI. imp 3to or Single pieces j Pictorial salnable PortraTiand Pi:i»fe Fra ties; • • . ! papers on various subjects,, comprising Natural Fire Irons and Fender.; ; indriw*- l History, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rura, Leon* Toilet Glasses, with 1. * '"J* om - U.ography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Tratels, Gen^nSilver and Bruans.a Tea A Table Spoor , j Miscellaneous reading, &C. Hand l&r |\Jl imp B*.» 640 pp. Ml sheep. CandieaucSs, &uuffeis »"d Trays s * - Medical Library—A Treatise on the SSa£3«“t”- , v:S p««»s£ra or bJ Combs. Hair Brushes,Jce. .. . _ simple medicines. New edition, remed sod enUr-; Hotels, snd Steamboat* supp . ce tl P wilh the addition ol a Vegetable Materia liberal terms, and parking cereiully auended «> 8 ooioting out the virtues, preparations and d«-»e», ai discount for curb “ I n r our mod valuable native medical plants, and an, j „ r Arul«m; ,„U Pb,,iol^T. - --.-av. r '. UT " , 1 „ w,M. one hundred K.rrgrrymg., of wbieb .re ZJSrTfiSSS M«e“»L. i. n»: ! red. B, J G Norwood, M D-UU fhc C.brnci in.l-rr. o' 1 Xmericen Flower Gerden I ompao.oo-Adapted I Manure, AO. Ac. tmrtnUnt Kvdstrad (n I pJn T g|nt holes,and Psalms in metre. .peaks for nrt , mnke»« of the ' Rice an{l Fingree’* Debate. Burn a W «*rks .Lady " * } h r* uSI uil Aließheny, P*. do hereby err- ; ur h , jke . UiU Rookh. More’. I’nvale Devo. e r. 4 t.t L*?ht t*'ntht w maunarturc hedj . juvenile Books. Ctpap editions of nriMii _ ”" h *- tkesam-.uplriorwun, ~K KW, | AkIKIVAG OF BOOKS AT H. srqua-nted . J,*n M'liirw |V\ MIN EK>-‘‘t»ri»isuy. u» n* "PP l ‘enlion to Av<i- J-um • Lemon il.ibcit Fa.torn* , ..:, urr |*h' »i«r»K\. I-V Jii‘ius l.irb<*. M l>. THi ojint h • Jjrnrs B Bair . ...... .of Oreaiwe Ohem.rlfy in »i* »p -\ ? Jv J a ‘ L, "* f > 1 s*nft 5 * nft ..I.Gai-ons to Pfiy Sidney and faiholUßT. by Ju , «« John L««eil. Jr. K.JUIr i tiirm.iui , \ , j« ro f c »*oi or Chemislty in ihe University of Lowne « “'y'" Uorh H Waiisre ,/. yTiSl;' Kurascy A Nl'fielUnJ * The Miller d Maniyne; bv Hair/ Win. Ilerbtrt. ; n*eh\vd.lrr Mo**. Bdljd the Pirate ui the Ualfl liy the author of I*he | F "rJi» » JK'Srflll? *• I ‘oJSilSpl.o. nr-AVlmrO of Ur, Sen; by Ibooolko, I 4“J-f KUKNKZKR F "'r.Ueer.eon,. , P r,”"WS i Burben.e: in whirh added die rum.e.l 'toW.!« sv'irv.-; ’ - j Brick frob* rrude i-rsy. ■»«! will make *V <;«.!*>•» Lady * book do; , ™ 1 T - c K; r i? >,iM Viettra V , . plri'n I'.hl'rin, . dry me .»•> «•« SmuM-IJ d~r tan Seennd r,|r x"v.y ; l; r ’zsttizzs, eJitlurnuhlhemoa short miit , wfr ».fal 1 ‘ r rai .. Vi MwmiiV where he will be pleased Wf w W e.i cud o. K-yh-h % J hl ‘ l |r , ellJ , , n j pupUa. a.U imp.n inttrucuon on tibn< a J iHcrctk W«>m. , n rTrfVt , llUl? , Armigeiovuis bavo been made to r»Ur silt el, w rtewe shall ehaj'P' , Wp al , who ,A C te«s«na a. h,» house an oppuitu* connected wah it u> a I i/i..ur.«tuoiiM> ,ll "'“ , ,« n nrai-tisinir a siitEnent-. leneih of dm- • rfore npulhct'/eO Ac-•»- e/vus- ",e ...«tf union imparted firmly m 'he^-N. P kIUI.IVAR FtIVK u!!d!twr?e3! nl N"w ß^rßn«a P w.ll bL have the EXTK iS*tVKI,Y icsfedsadapp U T ’ ‘ , R . ! 1 ( IM . J;,,] chirr durum their hour oi practice. i two ear*.by'he prine-pal iron man- J ‘ . *».»»« few i.uii.u rnnrr rmi be'acrnnimodated. Ap ,be vrjp ciunuy, ‘CTbvfry on .he g.-fus •*.».«. made .«hj- residence • •****". s°rSn. B .. w„h W ‘Vl « oeht whereiti.r discovery *«■ JT ' k , ; , he Conuue«Uunes of Dr. Macknighu fal mX- l£7o«bir«»ue.». w.tblwh..-h a•• ■«*'«* Mo.esSiudri. snd I', by Uob ded', separaird They V.|l « From the ed.bon, 1 burned pid compactly pre*Y' ’Bariev A '<• "••• I’ ro hmgiand m the Fifteenth centum «w ma.main l».ea acknoaUdged author ol Hi' -Family a. Ilea. **OrdS by mail vr.U beprompdr eseeu- l “^V’rti, o ,;*, Declc.s.cuand Revival of Bcl.gion m ihe V” U„L.«,onto J SllitV MACt.ARKN • ~ . ReV Winslow Keusingtcn Iron " er _ k * ' , 'fay !ur« Coutnhimons of QQ . 2 voU I?>.UO. “■*l . or .„. t i«d. V. - Slrrn .ir. ond Com.pood.oc: by I. IJORiI.IVK FENCFH. ""‘”1 ,"“j .'"Vb'.v'r '• ' ■' Kf«vVo?Rb{t»' A Brm..u -t vubaenber. ha * J*'" p (T i.», i '|h>sp'asti« Mother and Bau^hier; nense ftom lunaueaeou >• td* (ie p , craVe t .. Ordinal t’oems; tbuod fibm expenmeut , .u.? lt llna i» tn-int pet feci- .. l)i.p:uy s Talc; for Hediuif toany other for I J „ ir »nnn»l 1 T lr ‘ # nf the •*< „m*!i Peasaniry in Rev Henry pun ly hardy of Cwj W ,H U I e «n D D FoT.ate l.y KlXtorT A KNRLlill will browse.or mseel harbor i< ‘'T 1 ~o tn 1114 , |... . No sfl Market street off in the lower limbs by ptutiiri* well, * nrM7 •' been rn ibis 1 »- KW BOOKfk-Margaret I’ereivsl. hy UieauU 0 “tf sis“ ryinsii;-.-1 r... «. r. d. ” ‘ e„r wood and htii »ts I |., v t»of Fvjiinent Mechanics; by Howe. fhilosopbv of Magic: by Ailverts. tloorers Physician’s Vade-Mecuen Ttnr lives and umes of iho most distinguished Chr I.nn I'athen. to ihe clo»e of the 3d ceniury; by Re W It Coftiit. Coukeiy. by Miss Anon. by Mu* Beecher. Cfwk'sOw.l n..nk , Flench Dowest c r.ookery j i 7 READ Feunb, near Market* .ifhtlow, Mi- Tho* M' Sherlcy; l-ou- CAVLE BALOOS. .. T o FRIKNDH ANnjrjT Itfn country, foi tl» r appr®«chmfl ( we wi jj {VfOMd pru» pm»ron«j{e wliw me.* • I •(rive in Je»«rvp n co " t,,,uancf a ‘ n ,“ )R ,?ws W«wl'«i | f marS D.'.fUbluhment mibi* c't) wr ijw U M>* el publitbed.) «n*blr» him lo u-ach th>* " SS n i“.£“u ■ dl “""" , "~ -fdJS&JSi-. .0 . u*• »•>• 7 in tO :i* l.b* rvi*ntnf ....VINO CHKASt-PKICK KEDUCEU nmmon of all who have tried ,i pronoufirr u hr .non plea»»nl fo«Bt>o»iiion tl-«t ihry ' , “ v * M V f r |,nvV n-.lnrrd vr ErS-«* r;;™:: 7' ‘ , sZi£sBir r ;;; orlt w.lkcr ?wKirll. No S> Wood uioei. whleli do will d.-ro-o SSSIS&sss , (>CK i| and r«mmr *“■ s 7Tfe£ :^v n ssa&w bl . BrwrAMIN DOWN would tcipeci ully mfonn h'* ENJA**»ii , public rene rally, that hr beauwM in ih« ■**>»“ fewaebe*. neat K-““73To& tX JX7 • pAlie poirooiP: ._ T - „-., - r wool, pxsil H'toVwuW apd P«U«* wool, hy the C MdclwflT®J»W«^ o|| BAjlhficW strict, be baewr JfchMr* . .1 - * ' J - APRIL -itutions. LITERARY IK! 7 PITTSBIRUU fgllibß ISBTITDTB. ~ rp'US lntuiuiion. .nta « * tVf, SL iS »' 1 (ioauoas as» !*»»*• in w neb ail *** ,« u «bi iiamcuial lifranchr* of n, Cm*b'd edueal on are *»“S ,i» nowojwtl for lhe nreption t f punlls at . • Se. 6!i Irwlni lUw, Liberty »«*£*»• lirt M.-—n.i nm> iiK nitcu. *1 be Sfeeond Sewion t, n Monday the Bik of February. * hraSi*H ‘ha* * n T w,l ° en ' e *‘ n * t.«Sfflia« far m practWa'.leenher before©* at that "fen scored the «Lmce» of Profett-or BJIO-. flOC* a.« lenrher of Mu»it on the Pltll ° *, Jr I. u»™i.r. rTSSJf^iSSS' valuable retinol booh* >n hi* native «. lloo | I Uaernduiie ot the Umverauy and formal K*'*Z Uigil a* n Icuclier, 1>« d f, iin»ioohtam an accurate and thorough Irnowlei g, _ (be French I JUigaage would do well » piece them -°'ti »'*•«^»*•priDcipai ' _ TOCSO LADIEB .SKLKCT SCHOOL, Ar.LKOHKNV CITY. ' . ] TIUH latuiuuon ha* but recently been opened under lhriummi ofMt N. W.Metcalf. attbe S^' , ' , « I '3'i“™£r»” r .'"..’uu:.o*“Sr tte «<«•*>»of v ?Sf Wr&t»S "£rA« wui c lCP.lSfes r^iSi “ «»“*"3“ rnJSI, of pupi’a >» limited an early application »de tirable. Far particular*, relative to terror,&«., con C.nolnr.or «ppjy LlrfH_ "e DOB WORTH LADIES’ .BE Ml** riilllS Intumnon i* aiiuaied In the beautiful and heal 1 !ly VaXTif Sewickley.ld mile, below The Summer Sea.ion will commence ou Monday, 3d May.lStT. For further particular* *ee Circular*, at John Irwin A Son*.. No U Water .treet, or at T II » nTsmU-i BOOKS, MUSK’, M\ VE« WOUK-Ib Prc»—Hwtorjr of Mett* il CO, her Civil Wan ami Colonial and He*ol«- li-.i.n,? Anna!*, from the period oi !»pam*h Con<iiie»l. l.’iiO. to the nrr»«nt time, 111 1 1 ; including an account of the Krntai! War ttillillie tutted State,, tl, rail,™ and Miltlar, Aehieeentetili. “I I’htliii Viiui e. M It- J Adallt‘ J AM KS, I .. chAI * I'nMutier,. Cincinnati. 1 M Ktt music BOOK— Pamphlet Form. [% —Tiio Melodeoa: a choice »elpetiop or&onga, lluetts. Quartctt*. Koond*, Wilttc*,and Marchei; with a History i.l Mluatrated willi mimer- I „ u . enw*ravins*. Imperial oct«*o. Price 2a cent*, | Published nml formic by J A & C P JAfk,^ S - Walnut street, liet.l-oarth and rtlln. j Cinclnniitl. March ?J. IBH. , VBIV WO It It ON SIlKKP—Ttip American (hr-r l.rrnl*. >n>l r"i!-nu««Vd witt. tl rawing* of Ibc d.ffetn.l breed., ftr niiprnilii. embracing upward* of twenty ivttp,r» from pjiiflien. worn grower# and .heep '‘“'*<*l* „! ilitfrrrTil «talc». detailing then respective mode* of | F “' "ImftsslUN A STOCKTON ltook.ellcr*. cot market "ltd 3d *t. IDpIIW D' VNI.OP'H I>ioßBT-fhe Renwal law. of |Vnti«)lvnnia, from Die year.lTUUtO April «nd, < arrnn*rd: with noiri anil «'«»* ,'nrr‘ to nil il,e drci.ioniOl tbe’?upr™*Co uM o rP *' nn ' , Y Wa».a giviur can-uartioni to ■»««• l»w»..and a very c y ap T; mdr. ““'^‘rad"** "incli W* Y Fourth, near Market « PIAXOSt PIANOSM HKNRV KI.WIKK, Henlrf m eueirrn, P ‘ ,no , ot J W \VniHlwrir», No. «3 Third MTeel. rhc Pimrit inav tic rinmui'-ilit l“>uc*. oml ’ll** Uc,mil l.c there Iron, 11 10 IS. A M ,»■>* from |> M , each day. P.'iUb’K, October «, '« \Y*,U,c un,lcr« enrd. would mtorm the ntisriu ol lMi«l,ur«li and va-.miy ih«: we have appointed Mr. j - Kirii. r role Aceul far Wc»icrn Pr«n*yl*ania,- '® r •“« • Ulc of our piano »-\„ie*. from whom they may be ob »> IN '“ V -"‘VK?S3» WLAIIK . New York. Sep. 1. iSIC-oolKdlf ' New Plano*. . -fi;>T Rcreiv.d and opened by the aubaet.ber, the ''"""‘illraM n0.,w00.t.Cl <*>»«; r..nO *>«'. "I* t CJI^ CO ’ PhlKJll m j W l WcSwell^WTWfd a i 4 arg*”h" »»r " Je In the coomry. Fonato tow tor e»rt«" fILUME - r-tl" «■. -atftowbwah- MANUF A (’ TOR LEB- : , I SPRING. WOBjS CTffNc- Wf <Je*criptidt» of Coach and £ allot American fn««er,.pr.i* on* fi* S ,Kh | WBfcsnßSiSS^ T'lfas^assswsSfiissa; si^as-ssi u “ r 4piT9&X!F* HENBYMcCRAR’V. franklin foundry. Li|ta» H«»rM«b>rr . S®'™ beadof Wood ftreet, Wm. W. WALLACE * HENRY MeGEARV PITT MACiUNR WORKB AND FOUNDRY, Cmucuu, Pi. _ | AsSSsSy eEfcSSfs^ Miline Ac Siram Pipe for heaunj Faclone*, Can erty itrecl, will have prompt attention. Blackatock. Del! A Ctof,*J K Monrbe.a A Co., 0 E Warner, John Irwin A Soft* fttubarfh. G C A J It Warner, Steubenville. jwu» L S„EN, o VKNVr,AyuNO « t jki •»*now in full operation, on theKaat o fAc Diamond, Allr*h«i/. where aoonj •tanv nupply of BUnd., of ear tout color* \ ■ndqnaiiiiea, are constantly kepton han i So at N 0.5 Wood «i, J. A U. PbilHp» T oil «rloU* wmieroom- . gutter* made to order-fn ihe be.l.ryle. Blind* repaired at the «hone*t n°‘ ,e *\ aAA „ N. B. Hi* Blind, will be putuo, s-Svr^^^i OEOROE WETBIAS, Manofaeturerand Dealer in all Kind* of •mnaCCO SN'UFFS, AND CIGARS. \ T hi. Old Bund, comer of Smilhfield ***”’“,. A Diamond Alley, Fiu.b„nH», Pa- "I.uU 'ffi’JSl I, c.H ihe alien..o.i of Country M li er l h “f n '*; ia ,„n- Sieuaba.. Beekeeper.ln. l.rje .nd .npe. ol tten. .f Imponed tan,■••»»» ■•&<* '' c tS«. 'ReaatS*. aU of which will be role V >° w «* CBO bC had ai any otherhou.em the city. • JJStICr »■* c “ Ch xtM£p™. - uf.ssr roniianlly on haud and for . _ A^KWIiTOII, Bell and Bt «•* Found -4> tu ha. rebuilt and commenced buainew at hii Old .land, Where be wiU be to Ibl *ee hi* old customer. » nd ,„ erv E 3 Choreh, -Steamboat. and Bell, of every MrTAt_ w» in»ilyc«lebrated for the reduc yiS-Tr ..lion Canbehadofli.maiaU tune*. . JJSLi*. franklin iron works. «■«*— “”" r ° ! Pm-MUMu X ftasssi— WB.n.COLLV A Cl*. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. tjaVLNG recently made' impnrum " I made Stated and but liu-c 0 1,41 aKßlw verye*ten»‘+ciy l,l the far luff of Common Window r o:r and *oßl«of«*eryde.enpiK>« ; J mnled to call andrtamin* for ihfin*ri,f £iu*e. No. 130 Wood iireel, Pottburgh, I a ocriC . —■ . w. \v» WAbLACI^i PITTSBURGH STEAM MA-RULK wou £- ’ , y- « strttt, Mt L\. rw •:"5 \vay*oi> band and madsu>order. *>■'*- wof,e * of Mantel*..Pier. Cert re.Tab**, ■»* Tim* Tomb spoils*, Mounmenti. &c . »<• ’ which, &12: J 7« «■»«■> s^t.x;rS 4 Callandaee, s OOPPKRiHUKBT IRON. tAWD TIN °° WARS. MANUFACTORY, No 8 Market •m*t, Pia‘Uur*h, Fenna: - SpVSfn ;.d«M« l™ *4“l , “ ra " h ' "« lh« 4"'" Tubs* a»<l Chamber; work -to Steam taigmea and e»ery virieiy «M '•ork in * shIRJC BENNETT & BROTHER, MASIJKACrifRERS .-* Birmingham. (n«** Pittab “ r g|);'?***. Warthmue, No, 137, Wood stmt t ntt§burgh. WUXconatantlT keep on ha id a P°“* V^ rl j SDment ot Ware, of oor own n anniaerure, aiid u “ pob ' City rrtrrrutc. *_ - _ it.„ sh.T.l, GRIFFITHS*’* DIXON, HAVING commenced the mnufabote ““f .heir ™»4‘ luch ■ n ‘ clo^ l^hJjt ,, No w'wood .ijfee., their A,enl Pittsburgh. July - • i . .. JHO. O. *• CO., No 70 Wood Street. , . . a-as.l Mahogany I ‘°°, * 7C€r. f^ -henthe ..tehrioneljh™''*”"- COTTOM «»a WTOM.»gjjRoW»aSJ. TUB subscriber* ure iiodiof Cotton *KySj term* Orfer. »14.« » n. l.Beock •trcet, Ail'Kbcny City N 8.-ll'», -to to.. • 'to-Mjni,; ; iEiT^KTSA^—-“Tsar establishment. ———■»•— * i joux r- QCie«. mw « W«-.r»- “»£ »"iran«« “ -to dd and. MeMnlt**** ' ,o ,r.v';^L , Bollm, Mill, »U order* cm be tiled LTNpgAY k Co. FACTOR!. O&JffßEldi 4 CHEII, ■IIDFiRtUU Of ’ HMSUISO. NAILS, c UOOK K^BRADS, IBOSAIiD COPPEK SHOE JSAU-8, Felton ofaayjaaipticn. v PllMlmrgk* , r HOTELS.-1 MKBCUAST1 1 HOTEL, Camfir of Third mid SmUhfitid strtdi, •pmSBUBGR, la. B. W«*T*r, Pwprtttor. rmus ue* and «paek>o» HOTEL, ewewd wncethe I GREAT FIREr and frontinjofl twooT thrmoat oTblic mreu, i* ua*arpa*«d a the wuuty, whether »i retard* «rmn«naen»,of Owet®- ; sSass-W?* »» “FAMiura*J5 l o'EJfri^^*g]Sai“^' T»W* w»H clwm abound with choicest delict cict tie Bilkeiuwd. . The Proprietor who baj had ton* lideof btmoeet, tiniM-th# P#hi«c pan will be »pared to *au*f«etoruy I who may (V»or him with thetf euitt An Omni bn* and Uauan Car[ readiae** for »he «ue*t* of the hourt frbt# B, »" PK&Rb STBBKT HOP! OHIO—Tie subaetiber* ba*ul tin Internal o( Co!. G i> Will..*] known eatabljtliment- beg lerre uj &nd'ibe pnblie generally* that tl 'domtnodiooa Hotel,lor * icnn of j ’iheirbett energie* to make n a oe« eller* and City Boarder*. I TUe Howl i* *pae»ou* and admit jcenicnce, Jight aod air, barinf | adjoining chamber*, preaenutsg lo Vwe'geoeraltlaiUfaetion,betnkdetemunerf to R‘ T * as^ssa^-aS’Bga^'-r »**»•„ ' JOHN AUBBLEJ. ; meaJ7 _ - j — T —, Pc* CSiS" * SON ap3dlrn the aboTt ktut, wb«f» .U*T CffiTTtf.. best slrl*. tad .«** «■* c w ,, s? a fififi’S , OLIVER H P PARKER February 23,1&C-301. PKAEL 88 Pearl Street , j Reduction in pbice-t fullr call* tbo ailemton or t iy. aad e«j>ecl»Hy buaiaeaa j hoowua now °P e “ , 7 the low pric* of ONfc DOLLA * )u location for bndnea* •* no • and evert comfort. wjU Rood f i room*, 4e ,can ben be had a» uavajant nnoaea. 000 ea» wt> of iheae-facta and *?*5 e hnttar PAfl'b* j* NcWYork. Apttl 1.1&«7 B.I.J4CUOV. Uif of ibe A«or How ' EUTAW. _ BALTQ JACKSON *. Cj Coarbr*(wiU be In readmes* iso* in convey jyfcMly tbe Ho i IN S U K A N C E j Indemnity •«•>**« 1,7 tuf StUTUAI. PRINCIPLE COMOINIil) With ailJiuoiial feeurity of a /fc. The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of rhua. CHARTER FERPirrUAL. OIRECTPIU. g«»«w-2;sJi &&A i 85.5-o~wW(!»gr'gio« o~wW (! »gr'gio« or Damaje HtmtJ, Store. and oi.v, Bull. -op. *°>l »* "irr UotHii,* aua >lerth.uidise, on Ihcmoot . t ‘ ! Si l M«S!n , rtKi»l4 ppruhiued with aStock 1 examination of that* interested. •TU«wo effecting iiwafenco with thie * •*“£** U.boild thcusualjproiecuoo a g'“‘ l «he ordinay method ofl Vc#oran«e, the addmonai •dvnntAtfeol- a direet participation in the V'ofdt of fouftb, President. . B M. Huchkak, Secretary. The tubser.ber, who iLThe duly «Wbwtol*«ff the above nameil Company is prep«' d ft'S'fe. Vl ntr*, ?S” <£ W«J 3 Oil 28 fThS KV . J*.. a«kst at nrmcEcn ron rsi •! ( OELAWAPtE MUTUAL g.r.ty In»n™=«. C«»P>»7 „po. ho". ULk=» opoa Ihe most lavorable term*. . w n o ft | m »i EJ» Office in the Wirehoweol W. 0. Ijoln* fc Bro. r No. 37 Witter, near Market etreet, I iW*- Ysf\ The .«««* cf <hi. Gwipuy lon has Ixen adjusted, fully *v £ fne^detnd Tiling ihe eonfidence awl P L^ R 9. lu*u> ** ea SS^ v *t additional advantage* init&ution among t»« roo* JSufw&S Philad’ta —as hating an atoplepaid » c . a ,„,i BS bathe operaiionontteharteriscoiwttntlTincnj**ui^ as Fielding to Mich person insured hi* due thare oi th* profits of the company without in any responsibility whatever; f-d thcretore » poue«lQgtne Mmu»l W“PL» foX obnoxious loature, an I in it* o>o*t altrweu e . tioif ; _—j —- NATIONAL FIRE- ' and marine INSUBANCE COMPANY,; rplllS well toowtlhed reeheewde tompA^y*^ , . {pared, through then PITT*DU BUII A tp f matje insurance of every- kmd eonneclcd wW» »«« nil transportation and inland navigat'o , WmK j JOUte * ) I..3«iitoi«. >-f 6 ,™A D y:ite‘™rs3 uSSrSI?, Sftir r P ';^4;. r.%X”onyto-to»to iJiKlto ln.«.»e. .u»d«d «, ■> d“ - N ° n Swm.'kriiaubauoii An*r. »,.S.ra, ' ■ '™.»^be,l, to;® ' . lohe.P M«Vie, hn , ~eJS“ P ‘^ AND MARINE riIHE Imnrance Company «f NothAlbiS Tlhroeft tu duly “-tor,red her, oflen to tnctf on property, in im« c»y . ~.hipoU , .Uby^..Cf » M^B.™ J A°|''° Hein* ! ' , ' , L -’ Ctorlc, Taylor* ■ trHr H* 5 ? Spin J »«•* M*. Thomas, ‘wl ’ John K. Nett, sssrates-. ">•» '.‘Te eS hardoT', it ray to S .o,p..toton 2 to,to^lc. IVrar'ral” ASS^h!”".^’ ' JOUN SHERIFF 4 Co., No*. M and M Front tt*, Ura*« Foomdk** end Gas Ftx- TKMiUuJJ o( all from ihe ; latest unmoved pat terns and warranted equal to any Also, lira** Casting*, fiuished.R ordered. «»• b "; lings pul up promptly ami on L reuMjuible term*.. 1 novlMly - . in „ I-0 „ b ) rkANRIJN Firelnio race'erapuyor Pkiltoelpdn.y m wtILL nukelnrarance,permoieotetoUmrtto, on farorabla terror. Thi. eompeny ht» . perpeteJ ftas-AL s«0>0 p.uin.; CONTIKIi’tNT WWD........g5!«| WM y^ OE^onronr ' Ctumt rOTrttAt. wSnd-Snrf- Offld in Pkihdtlplua, davuhon, PoO i ifassss^^asssassig? t-r*. SsSS,*tSSSTaSSS ltonetf PHILADA. ADVERTISEMENTS, / ■ - f t ly, ni.tsx 1 80S.iwwrtn w<< iWc»m F«n- - . I : 1 1 _ n.~t. Tbiiitßnukft, Cotf*u-£*rv”urw. Dm** < &?£&£? f {cTw<Z ao-souYH fourtU . . 'W-... STREET, !*>«#** JUarAtf erpcnt* • J ui assortment »J 5 articles in the? lin*,utlAe«- »w»r*»Pf r “ t, f 0 “J 4 mwo&c- j _ I tore, which they, will wUal “1°“, -fr ■*; their Mwuwii.eoaatert the qinlityend F*» *«-' , J jit* eatir* atielhetk®. ' Araooj the article* are the lolww- : . * * . French and American Hair patteiW'', Tooth Brashes, 40 pallrnu; Shatmj-Brashei. X potUr»« Jf*il,Coeib and Cloth BwshrajiSbclL.Buflaio, I*>*J «*A Horn Coabs, is great earirty. IVrcuaeKa-Caps; Tw*? I *^* Fine and Common Raton; Brear Com aad.Souli Bocrbs- ■ Pocketßook* and Waikt*; CtraCasesindScareatn; Fancy Bose*. (Paper, Wood and GUw); Ledirs tul Geol** Thu*-. :■■. mjCaaet; Domfawniad'Cbem-Meti: Gilt Good* ia tanetyi Smelling and Toilet BotUe*Dme and Common Fan*; !<*■ -.'• die*’ Companion*; Bead Bag* aad patm; Accordion* and . Uaaie Bom; Elailie Deiakfor Copt, Otnuo aad Fnoeb .• Tasm: Rator Strop*, 4-c.; Pink and Blue Saoearo r?r-. 1 fkae Botee and Sachets; Powder Botes aad Pufist Emcfr “ *-«■»"" rEBTOMEHY ’ • aad FANCY 50APS, of rarioo* qualitm, aa.eheap aelhej can be purehaaediathe United State*. • ' Ckjvat show bill* furnished without eharjr, aad jwchiaj I- warranted. ■•• •!■ i‘ . phlladal) tiperienet jn this bat no effort on his fwill alwaj* b« la JVER, Proprietor! Ugy ClnefnwaUi fg purchased the an* ten, lale of ihts well {stale to their friends Eey'hsre taken this fraara and will exert liable boae-for Trav* ahla, March 5,16 C, STEAM IRON ttfltlHO MOTORT, , i nIDGE ROAD, there Buttonwood Slreet.Pml* - - it Melpbla. -Atthi* establishmentmay befoand ■. ' th«ffre»iwfc»anelTofPlaniund bciulirnl Pattern* -f for ITON UAILiKCiS in tne Uoitcd-Sute*,,to J which the attention; ol Those in want of any descrip- > ; f tion.and e*pedaUy:fot‘t3Bn»teTi**, U partjculirly .invited. ~ . ■ i■, .-I ’ ‘ The principal part oV all tho bamisotne Rai!ioge t • jt l iw'.l HUi, Monument, and other celebrated-.:. Omelette* lo the eUv and connty ol jPbiUdelphf*,.' whichJ»ive been so .highly ext'oUedby tha'publtc ... proa, were eieonted at Uus manufactory. j J A large WarevKoom ia connected witirthe cstsb -1 liabment, where ia kept constantly on hand a Urgh ■ 1 itock oTready-made Iron Railings, Omsmehul Iron, ■ i Settee*, Iron Chain, new style plain-and omaroen*. i tal Iren Gath*; with an eitepsive assortment of Iron l-Po*t*> Pedestal*, Iron Arbiora; £tc: Al*o, jo great variety, Wrought and Cast IfouOrncment*, suitable I forßailinp, and other purpose*. -1,.' The tuseriber would also,stale that in lus Pat-■ 1 tern and Designing Department ho has employed . ■'•eme.of the best talent inthoconn try, whose whole attention is cevoled to the bu*iness«-fonnipg gether oiM of the most complete aod systematic es tablishment* of the kind id the Union. , • - ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. ' Ridge Road, above Bouoowood street. PhUadelphUt, h»reh 18. 1847 d6mor * * CHEAP WATCHES. THE CHEAPEST GOLD AND SILVER " ATCII •. ES IN PHILADELPHIA.- Gold Lever*, full Jewelled, .547 00 Silver do do 1 ! 33 00 , } cXupines, JeweM, ’ ?$ 00 . I-: Silver do dO: i Silver Qatruen, find qoslny,. - Gold Wsiehes. plains lf-S gilver Spectacles, ; Gold Pencils, | . * jK Gold Bracelet*, ! • \ Jr V m*«s-ttnir • *• Also,On band, a large assoruneul-df Gold and stair Brstfelets,Bbger rings, breast pins, hoop ear rtnjte, goW , Kib ..<1 fob, Jccrd key. “ d “l'. ' .Tl \ description, at equally low pnees. All I want is a can . ; u> convince customers. . i • . -• , AUliindsof Watches and Clocks repaired and war .. . N ranted to keepgoodtine foroneyear; old gold-ana Hi , verbouhior iakenln eacbange. .. Vn-.wr** ' fo, ..k, .«b. i.y.»», ■, W.r.k,Clock,.hdJewclrT ■tree), .beta El.TOUb.Nonh .id., I'kil.Oolfbi«. ■ . . rn* I have s«ne Gold v. than tboabove pncei. ! • j . NASMYTH* PATENT DIBECT-ACTiON steamihammlr. . • . THIS Hammer possesses many advanuges over au others—among which may be mentioned,. • - |u Manageablenesa—Therapulaoy •>nd fjrceof blow TOT. b. OTimllcd Wilk ;ib. jnuai Jb) I* 1 ' hammer is m operation,!and ilte, hammer may be in stantly arretted, and impended at any hmght■ . It* Universality, orcapacliy.toexecute wort ot au kinds, fromibelargefUojtbe smallest, ukder the same. h *uTSiraplicity, Compactness and Cheapness, ll« Accessibility upon all sides-br the workmen. All the hammers are made bolf-Actmg. The subscribers continue to eiecuteorders tor these, bsjnmefs,qf.aH sites, upon reasonable terms. t Fbr TOtvNE< Assignees of the Patent forthe United *»»%•- deolB-1y Southwark Foundry, Phtlatl a. _ STEAM MARBLE WORKS, j Bhiri Road, ahectSpring Garden Strut. FAUadripAs*. ri MIIS establishment is creetrd on ho irapioved plan. J. and by the aid of Steam Power manufactures *Ji kmdsof Warble Work in a superior »f)le, and at Urn to The P liWs[ C andb C si assortment of M * rbl “ ever before offered toitbe public rosy be •ccaatUio Ware Room, ip which the auenuon of purehasera Is Si" Statuary and wl tasterol designs and patterns, tnadeofihefinestnwl handsomest description of liauan »larj.»e, Tiles for Fkmrrng, imparted, and alwaya_on hand,and for sale at the liHWtrtSsonabte prices. „ .... lO*MasbUCnuars can be sagphea sv all times wit*/ any nurabe- of finished Manteis or Table Tops, at Re duced wholesale prices; and the Trade will be Tarnished ai the vhonest noueewith all kinds of Warble in the block, or cm to aiaes for DAIR£> Ridge Road.almve Spring Garden st PMlmA*«t.» February 3. lfrl?. . 3taw3m tably plan ued fbreoa -1 a number of pallors, mutual attractions ;o it aov§« J lew York*- ' '»e subscriber tespect l ie travelling comraum*- n. to the fact that this I for Ibelr pauoaege at »V,*, iviitft. elean beds, airy [ well as ai the most ex- Lll surely satisfy «ny*>n e tensive palrooage for the ; BISHOP, Proprietor ' _ , dim : • B.‘CmAK*TOa. Of Pavilion. Rockaway house. {ORE. !jR A N ST ON, •aoraiXToa*. at the Daror* and laso sr*. frre of tkargf, to DERBY & NICKERSON", Manufacturer* of JWSISGS, SACKING BOTTOMS, . WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS (IF ALL DKSCBlfTinjfS Xo. 3«4 Sontta Front Btr»tt, Back of T. A. Wiaon’t.Cabinet Wart Manttfy . PHILADELPHIA A.LLorden left with S. S. Moon, atilrfsoffieo onb« A. Merchant’* Hotel, Pituburgb, wtli be promptly . mended to. THUS. O. DERRY wStMtlr - A. C. NICKERSON To VVATCnMAKERB and DKALEttA. - _J i LADOMUSi IMPORTER of Waicbe*. Watchmaker’* Toos*,ftad Watch Material*, tyholeiale-and retail,apd con* nantly oahaod alarfteh»*ortme.iiiofJjtneiie, Patent, and Plain Gla»*,-Maifl*pring»..yerj'ea,'Dial», Watoh . Uaada, and ofatlTool* and Mb* terialabeloncioc to the trader wiUrtlfatge assortment • i 0 f Gold and silver Lever, Lcpine, and Plata Welches; I all or which ha will guaranty to tell auho loweit New’ York price*—All order* from the country punctually. C *N C *tt—Country Merebanu atulothets are invited to • eall and examine at the Old Stand, No. 31 South Fourth meet. Philadelphia- - : r . Jtnfcl6m CARRIAGES - . IFIIXMAf OGLE, COACH JISB HARNESS MAKER, 2SO Cbttnut it ; PBlfimP: Phiiadilphia, late of the fir-o.of Ogle ♦ D)U *»“ U» ' Watson. rerpectfully mfbra* ht*'&troa»_ ih« public, that h« ha* tad will keep eonitaatly ooYond and fcr *alr, a bsndwmt assortment « f tshionable Carriage,. Vehicle* of all style* mad description* suute to order at the shortest possible notice, and etecaud Ut the eery best aaimer;of*eleeted 'iaalerial. ftmp*ly 1 R Smith? W .Bajaley. W II Woodward SHITUt DAGALEY A CO., wlioteeale deal* e»in Orocenea.Tea*,lodiro. Ac • Nossil Marker 'HTvet/haViw Sixth, ~N«*»ih «id> ph t*«G-tpi>-«^V^^ BOLIVAR PiltE Utt-va» WARRANTED aupertor to the hestEi nah “Stour hand and for *ale sa the Wa.cLoaw o«au'a WharL” Canal Baain. atoanuyvaan, j SHAW MACLABBN SIGN AND ! ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, ! No, 49 Market </, between 3 d and 4/A stt, CONTINUES to execute Sirni, Military FI ifX, Ban ner. Tranxparcncies, and aUkindaofcrjamenta. work alike shortest notice, and at nnee* teat canno poasibly fail to wit hi* employer* • I ,TU - * Wm P Young. C Utmicn- F Plankett. YOVSG, lUM9EN 4 PLUHKBIT, FLINT GLASS MANUFACTURERS, T WAREIJOUSELNoe. S 3 Water and 104 Flnt ttreet, Pltuburgb. The Glm* manufactured by « »» warranted caual to any m the country. •Al»-.oiacri_ -- will feceiVo-Monpt attention and filled on rcaaonablo raL MercWi and other* triaitiag the city are m .:S«e”lhefrapureh..ln,el.ewhe,C fehlt : partnenhlp* ‘ I .. He. A 8. NELSON having taken into pannirah p . wtoltom.Vr. Alei. im.lnra-iU be conducted under the name ot n. »■*«• NFXBON 4 Co/ - I —. Pittsburgh, Mu»'hl3> IN7. .1 b p. Kxtsoir. - a. ,<«exjox. *m. roailkt- ' B. P, A a. NKJaSON k CO., Manufacturers .of Hammered. and Spade*, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, &* .&& Warehouse, No H Wood street, Pittsburgh marl 3 _ . A.TrtDODXACOr, NO TT CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS. ' AGENTS for J B Armani’s Extensive i»ieara Refinery. Always on baud, a large stock or Loaf, Powdered, Crushed,' Clarified-and Uatfard Sugals, In Tteicesasd Barrel*. Also, Sugar House Molnitcs. "Price* liberal and a fair allowance made on all sales of.or above. 50 barrel*. " mebll . ~ {JOHN DOSLAP, .'• • : / MANUFACTURER of Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron 1 / Ware, and dealer in Britannia and Jipsnned / Ware. No 17 Market street. The sobierlber rv»pect* •fully calls the attention of the Western Merchants,- Ccunuy dealers, and others, to his large nock oLtnart rlhctnrvd Tin and Copper ware, wahalargO assort* meal of.imporlcd House FuTnishing Hardware : WhblessJe buyer* and the public generally, are tnvi • ted to call. Jjgra i t it Rontirirhi ** W, Uonbright- J ' ' J 8.4W.,8058M0 HTt HANDFACTDKISES OF STARCH, WARRANTED equal, if not superior, to any made in tne*United »ate», and which they wiU dispose of at low Price* aod on good Term*, . ■ octaiyr - , BeATQs-, Fa ' • V ' i v- ■ i 1 C. DODGE, Wm a. WARD* Dvntiit, remosed to his former residence on Penn street, wo doors betow Ir* win, where be wißbe h*WT » «tend to th««who mar rvqdire his services, trora 0 A- M-, ua’-t 8 P.-M-, Ster which hour be will atl-nd to no one. except In cm. tea of necessity. He would further »ay to those whn mar i Klnfc proper to employ him, that heeiyiLtainuae* diate pa meats wnhots the neeesaity an his stad* ■; n » bUis. -- ■ .. jr.lft.tf_ F. IL JB1TO&, D CALEB in Trimminp and Variety Good*, Tenet** • tvil, I Tory a,04 Horn escnb*, Woollen V amt ar<i Wortteda, Bom>n», Needle*, Fin*, Tiixa, Braid*. 4c.< No S 3 Market 8t between Diamond and -tib atreeu Cicuborgh. jitiSdly ulttancu tq i*»« -Old Coantry." MONKV Mat»«ltp«mor England,liefino. Few ■jsast’W'' -sas &&&*• “ K»ch*»C»:Pft>fc eT ‘ c<>rad * nd ffiattxwn «rk, 'em hive p«- jkka*'; ' •"•-I-- ——“ r "”~ ==:Jt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers