- A Fartlcnlar Han. Dick OaTaoMt br&j io putting think gely a they are according to L'udly Murray, and taping them to at 'lacbixiy' eipense. Dick ba a mill 4 o on upper Brandywine makes the brft cora meal in tbe market, aod baa tbe widni rang of cuttnm of any miliar in the four IMswnre tlnodreda. Tbe other mnrning.Sam 8landera slstn binged into Diek's mill after a hundred of meal, and pot it to Dick tbii way: Mnrnin', Oiek. What'a meal I Meal as utual, 8am. I mean how ia it 7 I'retty well, thank yon. Always ia. Blast it, man what do jon charge for it? Don't charge at all, Sam. Have to tell for eaib tbeae war timea. How dope it go 7 In barrels, bags, pillow-case) tome timea in tin pans. Confound it all. Uow ean yon afford it 7 can't in reality, lint I have to sell M eheap as tbey do in tbe villngo. Can't yon understand English 1 Not yonr way of speaking it. Well, I'll be banged. Here's n be dollar note. Will that buj a hundred 7 A boodred what. Sam 7 Can't I make the man understand me 7 Mr. Davensnt, I want to buy a hundred weight of cora meal. How much will it be? Just a hundred weight, of course. Look here, Dick take tbia fire, and give me aome meal for it. Certainly, Mr. Slathers. Here is dollar change, and now I'll weigh you out hundred pouods of meal. A Cry from Macedonia." Taare' e ery from Maeednula, Con. end help US, Tue Herat of the niel brine 4) rmwI Let e h the joyful tiding of salvation. We thirst far the living spring; O, jm herald nf tb cro, he op end doing. Remember Che great command .... I a3e ea rth and nrearh the Word to every ereetare" . rrceietm K in every lend. Tney phall Kath.tr from the Beet, Tbe ehall leather from tbe Wert, ' With the petriarrhe of old. Sad the rensomad ehall return To the kingdom of the bleet With their harp and cravat of gold. 0 Htw beautiful their feet anna the mountains The tiding of peer who bring who bring To the nation of the earth who elt ia darkeeM, and tell then of Xion' king. Tbee. ye herald of the ero. be ap and doing, tie work In yonr Slaater ' Sold away 1 Boand the trumpet, sound the trumpet of Miration, The Lord i yonr ctrength and shield. Vet the distent ielea be glad. Let them hail the SeveV hirth. And the new of nardoa free. Till tbe knowledge of tbe truth Shall extend to all tbe earth A tbe water o'er the aea. 1Mre'e a ery from llaoodoala, ata. Te nave Hated in the army sf tbe fsltbfol, I.Ike beroa the battle fight away I Ttere are gwe an every hand that will assail yon. Then gird on your armor bright: With the banner of the Croe unfurled before you, Tbe (word of the Spirit wield away I Ye ahall conquer thro' II i merry who hath loved you The Lord ia yonr strength and ahield. Te are marching to the mad Where the aalnt In glory etaod. And the ut for joy hell ring i Te bv faith hall bring it nigh, Te rbali reach it by aod by. And your about of triumph ring! Tbott'e a ery from Macedonia, As. "Mcsic Hatii Charms," Ac. The Visksbnrg Herald relates the following Incident : "On the late trip of the steam er James Watson from this city, bouod for Memphis, wbea nearing dangerous point about aii'y miles from here, she was bailed by about sixty guerrillaa on tbe bank of the river. The Captain, thinking discretion tbe better part of val or, requested some officers and soldiers, whs were atanding upon the deek at the lime, to go below, and be ordered tbe lane of Dixie te be played on tbe calliope. Instead of the rebels firing, they com menced cheering the steamer, and she passed on her way no molested." KtrCCATETBE Massis -Without know ledge, without science, without education, a nation can not long be free. An hum ble acboolboneo, with the unpretending achoolmwster and ragged arehina, are more terrible to the despot than legiona of armed soldiers. Hear year children in ignorance, and they arc reaij to be made elates. Educate thorn, teach Ihem how to be free, and do power on earth can enslave tasm. Deodati, Professor at Geneva, was oae day aaked what be thought of the preach ing of Pomootio ; to wbieh be answered tnceringly, "Clear waters ars never deep." Shortly afterwards, Deodati himself de livered a sermon, and Dumoulin wasasked bis. opinion. Dumoulin, wboliad heard the remark of the critic, parodied the ex fKtesieu, and answered, "Deep waters are Bat at alear." FcLToa's Stiamboat In n speech in Mew Orleans, reeeotly, Jaeob Barker mentioned incidentally that when Robert Fallon's machinery for tbe first steamboat came from tbe manufactory io England to Maw York, it was consigned to him, and that II actually remained io bis commis sion warehouse eix months before the nttrney could be raised to pay the charges ct Importation. f HtxpriH. A fellow came to sea his intended wife, and for a long time could Ihlak of nothing to asy. At last, a great now falling, be took occasion to tell ber ftrat hie father's sheep would all be un done. "Well," eaid abe, kindly, taking kirn by lata band, "I'll keep one of them." Congress ought to enact a law that in ease of any future drafts no man ahall be credited oat of tbe district in whioh he is enrolled, and todiafraoebise deserters who do act report after being drafted, from all light! of citisonsbip. Ferry County Ad- ate. Tka San Jose Mercury SSJS the wife of efoM Cawtre, of Monterey, baa given birth te thirty-six children, all of whom am living together in that country. The first twenty are twine, each pair representative of either sex. a Of tbe remaining children, eleven only were aingle born. Says a New Of leans corresrondent : "Cen.pbelPs slave pen is now n rebel frtaoa. Get in d.r ye'self,' said n col or es woman, as abe saw tbe rebel prison- era filing into tbe old pen. 'Use to pnt a in evar. Get dar ye'aelf, bow. Da Lard's oomin', sure.' " In ISIO, Judge Taney was so feeble thai n gentlemen who bad n law smt. re- fosasd te give h in him for fear be wonld die befora tha ease waa tried. This was fikt-lenr years he-fore be died. wfwTbe last Internal Revecae report allows lbs tttenme to be aii'eea ailins a mvostb, or ec.ily ,300,000,000 n ear. SI AR & CHRONICLE ALMANAC l ST: J.?!?!? r it op f o CI 1 81 S. i I Jaa i si : 7 Jaly.: , SI l"ill,l" 13 14 31 7 ji i,Kiii,au .'i i !iui 11 12 18 IS lslle Ttm 7t -a, ia : '1K1T Woi i'21 I I I rcb. ! l ?! 8 2, 31 4 o 10 11 IS 17 IS" aoR-1 i 1 2 1 3 4 s If. 7 8 jlo 11 12 113 14 IS 117 IS 1 j2l!K 23 21 26 26 2 28j2e 30 31 I12M3IU IS 1 31)121 f 23,21,26;, I Mar. ScatJ 1 Si S 71 8 II 17ll! 12 1S'14 .15 21)121 22123 2722S0 Arm; Oct.. 1 s e, 7 a 14 l.Mlfl 21 28 22 23 2,3U aj. I JlBTf. 1 S ti I2H 7 Rl U,16 l:IO! 31122 2612: Jaae ll 2 Uttt. ll S 11 1211: lll!l 9: 41 SI 71 s 11112 13 14IIS if. Ilal;2il2i2223 25 2 27 l I !- 50i2. 2,2yi.TU fall Holidays Banks close on New Yw' 2ii fb 4 Jul; TbukfgiviaghriUiiaM Union County Official Record. FrrsuUitf Judgt 8 am I. 8. Woodh, lacwiitowa PotOflc Astodatt Judy Jon W. Sinoxto!, MiffliQblifl 4a mo JOUM H ALU. iiDuraj ao aTVrir Thom-8 Chcbcm tlo do I'rvOvmntaryJkXtt W. SakM do do Htg af ittc B. D. Wheei do do District AtUnir yAJio Uktn do do Tra$urer M u. Jomes. do do tlO l.MUEL M .RHHALL.NrW CoIOmnle. dO do If ICR A bl Klacknes. Mcv HVrliB do GmmisionrBfTkAxvKW K ii"T,Lcwinbarf do do vun$eiJun it. usw ao do d I'rint'Ti Vlt DC l CotllfBUCS, do do do JltjfiKuin T.A II.Thobston do do School Stipfrinimdrnt Jons A . Ow-WS do elforaiOiaf; Appraiser Jamm Glovkk, flutlctoA do aMrfxyor Cobai SiiicKLtm, Forest Hill do CarmzrlijkMi Hai'S. Mifllinburg do Auditor J. P. IfanETiBOcn, Plffrr do do Wm P- ISrKBOtD, IImrtttoa do do James Aikc, Lvwiibnrg do A u'lfor SUvt War Hue Johh B . Lltn , li-wlbarr do CbUti'tr do Tmo. Cut Bcut Ltvareiton do Post-Oflllccs in Union county. A !rira(iu ftrmlf tnnshfp) D 3tn.bs-kwT, P M SKTiKniontimn. HradyT)) Iid Arlwlllo n tf AiCr T Mtiu (uigDiowa, vi d-V.ijv m i n mnn' i K Cnrrev HV( Milton KwllT Tp) - , John Dnteemaa - A 8 11'K-h - CeoW Porret Levi llaurk Martin Kiidf Mare M 8Uee - Helen C. Havea Mark ilalfpen'nr J S Raudenbuih Kdwd ."milh Saml A Walter AW y -T Kami twtttmrg ('Vianty Seat) - - Fhrrtt ridrarmeravllle) MtfUnhurg . Martleua ... ijaurrWm Iweat end Hartley Tp) eratfe spring (umettone ip) - .V.K- flsrtrn ... HVnaVi-Dl7 Telle;, Colon Tp) Regular Union county Conrta open Third Monoay in February May eptemb'r DeeemVr Tbe Ielilgh Callle Pondrr Is warranted to be the m,it powerful affent fnr the Stomach end Vkaxl of Cattle, Swine. or Slwep, in pmrnotina diceatioa, eleaneinf the ytem,and traneferriu the purified animal fluid ia Seh, lat, milk, batter ind treni;th,aud Hub uthing health end vigor. oirovs nnitsK ab air ie ronuEB fl tha only aaedieine letrelly patented In rranee, Knaland, Swlt. aerland, end llollaail, end duly admitted by their Court, leoaored with Prise-mlal, and iavented by Mr.Dueoy. Prvfeaaor t the Imperial College Ibr Agrieulture at Parle, end now meuafaetured by C.O.HIrner, Ur.of Z. A A, Allentewn, Pe. Alldiaeeeofthetoraeeh,blood. luniraend bowel apaedily end eertelnly eared. Healthy tuk will ba brought Into the higheat Mat of perfeetinn, end on or two tablespooafule e week I of greet vein to herd working hare, breeding rtork, and roll, end eeved thoueeudeef valuable hone from eonUgiou diMaera, af aaJ at the barn-yard a ia the Army of tha I'olouue TBI UHlaiB WORM fOSFECTlOW erTertually nvereoa ell the object wbkh uully pre vent the evpelling of Worme.ere pleaeaat te take, and elao oa of the moat ecreeable purgative for Children. Jo confident i the ioveetnr. of the auece of hi labor iou Itudlca, la the petliologieal eompoeittoa of thia preperatioa, that be furnirhe every graduatad Phyel clan with a writ Lea prearrtplion, af a new era in Materia Medica. The ralaa Heart. Rat, Xlrr.aal lat KfleraHaaler ia e Powder fi the Bare extermination of ell ermln, will never ejkanee witb eae or climate, and mueb pref erable to the old Phoepnorou Pate, whirb harden la e nhort time, making It wortniee. tor uirceuou euu parlicalar ir tha amall bill in the Boiea. 137 Premianu have been awarded to these preparations np to Oct. 1864 arorea! everywhere, r. O. SEATSR, Wholeeele Agent fcr Union coanty. 1074ylOpdS Agricultural Implements, AGRICULTURAL Implements, since the commencement of thia War, have been in great demand, and good machines sre val uable as to their meriis and worth only. In the year 1862, Messrs. J. t. MARSH & CO. sold one of iheir Improved Reapers to Henry 8luck for $130. On the 18th of Feb ruary, fie game Reaper trot wold at a Pubic, m rAe farmnf Hntru Stuck, near Carlule- for 41139, "fl king utd two tetunru. Messrs, J. s. marsn ox t-o. are nianuiaciu ring a large number of their machines, with Imorovements. this season, for the coming Havine and Harvest : and as to the merits of their Combined MOWER AND REAPER, would refer those wishing to purchase the eomtnw season to the following named per sons, who purchased of them last season Joe. M- Neebit, Joeeph Candor, Thorns Ptrawhridcre, giderr-k roe.. Iliram Dunkle, Cbarle Hottenstein, John llaag, David stebloecker, Jeeee timitb, Wm. end Thoeme Naslat. of Northambrrlasd county. Chrietlaa SlolUfuas, Jaeob Stultsfusa, Robert Rarber, neMUrieJr Pontius. tK-o. K ieekner. Mertie Meixrll, John Mover. Samuel felines, 3. ti. Walter, John II. Verger, of union county. Samuel Shaffer, fTenry Vahm. John Weeher, Samuel Neff. Rli Shumea, Martia Host. Abraham Zirgler. Abra ham Fetter. Amoa Miller, Jame bvll, D. T. Ptamneneh, Alfred Moore. Jeeee Ruhl, (ieorge Kats. Philip llekrr, Peter Albright, Hnry Sledrr, Ilowsrd Rupert, Philip Bents, Samuel Qoodyeer, Joeeph J. Brahm, of Cnmber land eouetv. John Ha'ldemaa, Daniel Dtebler. Wm. Wert, Peter Kby, Jonathan Ronawits. Philip Lebo, Jonathan Rlegla, David Weaver, RAJ. Bofflnaton, II. Lenkert, William Met, Jaeob 8. Shade, of Dauphia rauaty. John Mover. David Lisa. John Myer, Adam SnroVr, Veleattne Wagner. Franklin Kptloi.ChrUtopher Kliae, Wm. K. Seaman, Jaeob lluyeat, of Lebanon county. George Srravar. John Zerhe,8amuel Gibara,a.lf .Berto, Jame Clark, K. D. Kline. Qeorge 8ktsler, Andrew Hn gendonbler, Robert llavee.Cbarle Kawl,Bubh A Miller, Jemea Warner. Joba Smith, Wm. It. fearon, W.J. Me- henVy, J. R- tliakte, Jacob Bead, of Lycoming end Clin ton eoeutie. We conld refer to hundreds of others in the above and adjoining counties, but think it en necessary. Feb 3. '64 Admiatitraton' Notice. ITTHEREAS.Ietters of admiaistraiioa epon Y the estate of WM. H. KLECKNER. dee'd. late of BurTaloe township. Union Co , have beea granted to Ihe subscribers in due form of law, aolice is hereby given to all per. sens knowing themselves Io be indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the aamt, will present them duly sutheniicated for set' tlemenu EI.IZ KI.ECKNER. Admin's MARTIN J. KLECKNER.Adm'r, ALBRIGHT & BREWER, K TTORXET8 at Law. Office corner of Y. Market aad Fourth 8t. Lewisburg Union Co, Pa. Also claim A?cnts for the procure ment of Pensions. Bark Pay. and Bounties, and all other claims against the Unitj Stales. Lrwixbnrg April T, 1l64y tpd 11 VMN ROOKS Preatrrtan. Melhnditt aad LuihetAB at FORREST'S : I 1 ill I I si 7 8 s lv 11 II2I13 II IS ltllT IS ISI2U -: 22 2SI24 24 120I27 2 2V 30131 U i 1 2! sf SO 7 8 I 1U11 12 IS U It 11T lh lv 2tt 21 22 '23 2 2S 21 27 28 2 rtj i i i j 1 2 J 4 si I T 10 II 12 13 II4I1S 10 i; 18 19j" 2l21 .'I 24 2S 26127 I riv" Li UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBUM CHRONICLE. More New Goods ! FROM FU1LAD. AND N.Y. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For Fall and Winter For Fall and Winter For Fall and Winter For Fall and Winter Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Jno.HGoodman.Market St.,Lewlsbnrg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St.,Lewisburg Jno.H.tioodman, Market St.,Lewisbnrg Jno. H.Goodman, Market St.,Lewisbnrg UTAH kinds of Grain bought for Cash, CARPETS. All Wool. Heavy In grain Carpete, Brueeell Carpet, Rac Carpet, rioor vu vioua. J UK received, ana tor ale or JHIX B.G00IMS!f, 18S4 1864 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. R. I Tbk greet line rreverae the Northern end North West eouQlte of Penaylvenie to the City of Krie on Leke Irie. It baa been leaaed by the Peanaylvanle R. R. Company, end la operated by them, lu entire length we opened Sir aeareuger end freight bulo, Uetober II. met. TVsie of Pauenger Trains at LetcMury. Leave he! vara. Mail Train 8:30 P M Elmira Eipreas Train 1 1:0a P M Accommodation 10:09 A M Accommodation 4:5 J P M Loare Weslaars. Mail Train 3:57 A M Elmira Eipress Train 6:4 J A M Accommodation 4:5 J P M Accommodation 13:13 A M Peaerager Can roe through on Mall Train, without ehanxe. both wuye, between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Rrie. Klegant Sleeping Car on Klailre Krpreei Train both way between Wllllem.port end Baltimore. for information reepeettog Paeeeeger bnlna, apply at ertrner loth aad Market atreete, Philadelphia. And lor freight hafliaeaa, of the Company". Ageata. B Kif.or, Jr . eor. lHh end Market St, Fhilad. J.W. RiyeolM, Brie. J. M-Drill, Aeant. N.C.R.R Baltimore. II. H IIDCaTOif, Oeneral Freight Ag't, Phllad. II. W.OWINNgR, Oeneral Ticker Ae't. Phila.1 JOS. D. POTTS, Ueneral Manager, WillUmaport Hew btand New Hoods I JOSEPH L. HAWN having taken tl.e J rooms under the Telegraph and Chronicle ofliceserefitted ibem.and Sued in an extensiTt variety of IliUt, Cap, Gentlemen a Clothing, Src, Also a larte and aplendid slock of CLOTHS CASSIMERE8, Ac, which be will matt up to order, ti he still continues tbe Tailoring Bnsi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Culling and Repairmen! dona U order. Lewisbare, April 10, 1861 IF you want a PICTURE FRINE, ko to NICE'S Photoeraphie Gallery, where there is a splendid assortment of dark and gill frames, for sale cheap. l7For a Photograph Album eo u NICE'S Gallery, where yon can have a splea did sssortment from which to select Lewisburg, Sept. 38, 1864 pd3m Ereri Han, Vaaiaa, aa ntM sasaM Bt4 It. NARRATIVE of Privalinns and Sufferings nf United States Officers aad Soldiers while Prisoners of Wsr in the hands of ihe Rebel Authorities. Being Ihe Report of a Com mission of Inquiry, appointed by ihe I'. & atenitaryCoaaaaieeicm. With at Appeadu containing ibe Testimony.' )RICE, 36 cents. Sent, post-paid, to any address, on receipt oi price, oy C. M. KI.NG, White Deer Mills. 4t Union Co Pa RE.iDM.MG B.I ML R0.1D. If infer Arrangement. ..Xov. 7, 1864. p REAT Trunk Line from the North V.I and North Weet far Philadelphia, "aw Tork, Reed ing, Pottrville, Lebanon, Almntowa, Realea, Ac Train levee rjanllburf fcr Slew Tork a fcllowe at 3.00 and MS A M. and 1.4 P M, arriving at New Tork et 10 A M, end lei and 10 00 P M Tbe above renaeet with atmllar Train on the Peanyl venia Railroad, and Sleeping Cars ereoeapeny the tret twa Traiae, witboal cheBfe. Leeve Ibr Reading, Pottaville. Tam-ua, MIneravltle, Allerrtf.wo end Philadelphia et S.IS A M eed 1.4 P M, stopping et Lebanon aod principal etatioae only. Way train, tapping et ell point, at J. A at, aad 4.40 P M. Retaraing r l.eTe few Tork et 9 A M, II noon, aod 7 PM. PbiladelpMa et S A M end S0 P M ; Pottevllle et I U A M end 1.SS P M ; Temaqna et 8.10 A M end Z-lo P M, ead Reeding el 12 aridnigkt, ' aad lu.44 A M, lje end 04 P U. Reading Aeoomawdatioa Train : Leave Reeding at M A M, returning from Phlladalphto at 4.10 P M. Columbia Railroad Train leave Reediag at S.4S and 11 A M AaT Bphrete, litis, Columbia, Ac. On Sunday : Leave New Tork et 7 P M, Philadelphia S.li P M. Pottaville 7 SO A M, Teeaoquw. 7 AM, Harrto burg 8.14 A M, aad Reading at It mtdsight, for Ilarrla burg. Commutation. Mileage, Seaaaa, Srheot, aad Kxrureion Ticket to ead from ell point, et redared Rates. Bggage cbeckrd through: 60 pound! allowed each aaAsenger. G. A. fllCOLLS, Gcal Soperinteadeat. Beading, Nov. S, 18M. ii-iKSEioaY, iibe eraRti, &s. THE undersigned, having obtained ihe use of the furniture, 6ilnres and utensils of Mr. Rireuno M. Coorta, will continue the Bakery, Confectionery and Notion business, at Ihe old stand, on Market street, for the pe riod of one year. He hopes by strict attention to business io merit the patronage heretofore extended to thia establishment. H. L. M'MAIION Lewisburg, April SO, 1863 DISSOIXTIOX. THE partnership heretofore enslins be tween Josiah Baker Jonathan WoKe, trading ia the name of and under tbe firm of J. Baker & Co.Drng and Variety business" was dissolved oa the 6th of Oct , inst. The books and accounts or the old firm will be settled bv Jonathan Wolfe. JOSIAH BAKER, Oct-SOi. JONATHAN WOLFB. The business will be conunued by J.Baker at ihe old stand. J. BAKER. NOTICE. THE subscriber takes this method to inform the people of Lewisburg and ita vicinity thai be has sold his Bool and Shoe establishment to Mr. R- M. Coarse. He desires to return his sincere thanks for the liberal share of custom bestowed oa him. Wishing to seitle up his accounts, he aska all persons indebted to him to call and settle, and those having any just claims to present them at the Store to jumh BsjxiK,B Estate of John Grofl, dee'd. : VTOTICF. is hereby given, that Letters 1 Testamentary upon . Ihe Estate of i JOHN GROFF, 8r. late of Brady township. Union Co., deceased, nave neea granted te the undersigned, by the Register of Union county, in due form of law therefore all per. sons knowing tnemseives indented Io said estate are requested lo make immediate var ment, aad those having just claims against ihe same are also requested to present them properly authenticated fcr settlement ttt JOHN OROFF, Jr, Exeenter Brady Tp, Oct. 35, 1864 pd notice te Debten. T) IE A BE rail within three werbs and settle I aect anll, or they will be in the liat.ee, hands. N. R. ZIMMERMAN New Hardware Store In Levrlubwrs;, Chamfeerlln,i Block, 5Uik BatketSta. 1TTHERE ean be found a teaeral assort' meai of Hardware which will be sold at a small advance on Maealactarera prices. Call and examine goods and prices, before porchaiiDg. UEOBUE W. rKOUTCK Ang. 1 1, 1861. 1060 Carpenter tools, a fnii aasortmeot j tot sale by uctiKUE wTiiuuiiiu UII.DIMO HARDWARE a large stock for sale by GEORGE W.PROCTER, T7INE TABLE and POCKET CUTLER V, X. ibe largest stock in Union eonntr for sale by GEORGE W. PROCTER. A GENERAL assortment of Shoemaker's Kit and Findings, for sale hr GEORGE W. PROCTER. W5 IN DOW GLASS and PUTTY for sale GEORGE W. PROCTER, fARPEHTER-S CHALK and SCHOOL J CKAIUM, Tor sale by GEORGE W. PROCTER, CHOICE TEA TRAYS, a large variety of Vy ratter ns ana sixes, lor sale hy GEORGE W. PROCTER. JI AW LEY'S SolldlHed DENTAL' CREAM, Jr ClMuini, Raiteauv mi Framing tU T MET HI rPHI8 article is prepared with tbe greatest A care upon scientific principles and war ranted not 10 conlain anything in the slightest degree deleterious io the teeth or gums. Some 01 our inoM eminent Denial surgeons have give, their aanctloa to and cheerfully recommended it a e preperetinnorupriortiilitir lor eleeneing, whi tening euj prearmng tne TKBTII. It clean readily, r-utterly them beauufully white ead pearly without the lighteat injury tu the !. Hi healing Io the gam where they are ulcerated and ore, end ia en euelleat diiioaVtor for eld or decayed teeth, which er often aaeeedingly ogeaaiv. It cive a rich ead creamy taata to the mouth, oleeniing it thoroughly, end imparting a ustnwa m uer nreeio. Prepared only by A. UAWLEY. M. W. reraer tmk aa Lomnarg si Pkllaaclaala, ot told by all Drujyitft. PRICE 38 CENTS. TMlmanlalB. The following nnininn of Ur.Whne as to the high esteem in which be holds Ihe Dental Cream, must be sufficient evidence of its value. To quote others in detail is needless, contenting ourselves he simply giving ihe names and addresses of persons wbo speak of lis excellence for the teeth. , Pntttottrint. ApaJl 15,1S. Ilavlnr carefully nemiaed A. II A WLtrS SOl.WI FIED PEXTA t CHS A Af. I beerfully recommend it to the public generally. It I aa eaeellenl preparation for cleeneing end preaerving the teeth, end can be need by all pereon with the atmoat coandtnee, a it proper!! ere perfectly harmlee. Beside preaerving the teeth, I promote a beelthy action to the gum, ead impart a pleasantness to the breath. Ua. w. R. WHITE, 12o Arch 81. Tno's Isrma, M D. rvntl.t, 1 K Pourtb It J. BtasiT,244 S filth St R. Vasotasucs, Surgeon Dentist, 42S Arch St C. A. Kisnsnvev, beellst, 1119 st'elnat 8t B DiLtiauusn, l a. TS Arch t P.M. Duov.MT Arch St Rnwsw Ivj.rj. Deatiat. MS N Foarth St L. II Doaraur, Dentist, '07 N Tenth St M. L. Loau, Dentist, S X filth St lfl050 if I5 jw DR. I. BRUGGER, nOMEOPATUIC PHTSICIAIVy OFFICE in bis new Brick Block, Market street, aouth side, between 4th and nib (up stairs.) Lewisburg 1864) 70S Koiorrsiti) at ffoisbnro. rPUG Fall Term in all the Depart I menLi Theological, Collegiate, Acad emic, and Female Institute will commence Thursday. Sept. it, I8f4. Every facility will be offered to each stud ent in either Department to acquire a thoro' education. Students from n distance attending the Academy or Female Institute, will board with Iheir Teachers in the Schools. Those alien ding College, ean secure good boarding pla ces in Ihe Village. For particulars, address Rev. J. R. Uoiii, L.L.D. President, or Rev. J.A.Kst.i.T,Gen.Agt, Lewisburg Union Co. Pa $3!0 SeTeii Octave HO MOTM fMM MIES HOT ESTEEM m tt 4lr. Iraadway, tar. VIEW enlarged scale PIANO FORTES with XN alt latest improvements. Thirty years' eiperience, with greatly in creased facilities for manufacturing, enable us to sell for CASH at the above unusually low price. Our Instruments received the highest award at the World's Fair, and for tve successive years at the American Insti tute. Warranted five years. Taasts hktt Casb. Call or send for descriptive circular. 3m 1053 jjb$4 National Claim Agency, CONDUCTED BT - laRTH A CC-Lim Vasklaglea, 0. t. I N order to facilitate tbe prompt adjustment of Bounty, arrears or pay, pensions, and other claims due Soldiers and other persons from tbe faoverumenl of the tmted Slates,ihe undersigned has made arrangements with the above Firm, whose experience and close proximity to and daily intercourse with the Departments, as well as early knowledge acquired by ihem of the decisions frequently made, enable Ihem to prosecute claims more efficiently than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. All persons entitled to claims of the above descripiion,can have there properly attended to by calling on me and entrusting Ihem to my care. JOHN A. MERTZ, Ag'l for Hiavsi & CoiLisa Lewisburg, Aug. 2, 1864 ' Andrew Kennedy, Setary rakUr, CeMlssleaers' 0B.fr, Lewleharg, WILL take the acknowledgement of Deeds. Mortgages and other legal insirumentSetdminister oaths, take affidavits ia relation to the income lax, etc. dec DANIEL BROWN, Manufacturer cf A.8.Brown's celebrated KNUCKLER WASHING MACHINE. WOULD call the attention of every citizen lo his machine, being the Onlj perfect Washing Kachlne jet Drongm eeiore me pnouc. Its durability, simplicity, ease of working, saving of clothes, and quickness of washing recommend it to every one; and it is war ranted to excel all other machines. Also, Sole Agent, for Lewisburg, Buflaloe, Eaat BaAaloe aad Williamsport for Julius Ives at Cc's . Universal Clothes, Wringer, with patent Cog Wheel Regulator, which is the best, most durable, and only reliable wringer yet introduced. Lewisburg, Feb. IS, '64 HEN WANTED. 50 OR 60 MEN WANTED A8 Carpeners,BoatkIlders and Laborers, TO WHOM constant employment and good wages will be given. CASH PAID EVERY WEEK. IFRICK. BILT.MEYER eV CO. LsaUburg, Pa., December 14, l69 W. B. CORNELIUS, Cveraiiueiit l'nderlUer, NASHVILLE. TEXN. Dealer In all kinds of Metallic Barlal fasea, aavf ZINC COFFINS, WILL attend promptly to the transporta tion of Bodies, or giving information respecting deceased Soldiers. HDTIS SjS.SX. Has-inf secured tbe services of Dr. E. H. LEWIS, of New York, (more recently from the Army of ibe Potomac) for Embalming of the Dead by Dr. Hotass "American Ptocess," acknowl edged 10 be Ibe best and only true process in the United Slates, will have bodies embalmed when desired. Principal Otlir.e and Ware rooms No. 4l, Church SU Nashville, Tenn. Branch Offices at Murrreesboro'.Tullahoma, Warirace,!Shelbvville,Chaiunoogaand Deeh- ard (Tenn.) Stevenson and Bridgeport, (Ala ) Qj-t ommunications promptly answered, Mr.Wl. R.Cokxeutrs ia authoriied to refrr to me. He iaageatletnea of integrity, aad will perform ell that he aauerieaea er promieee. a.iurn. , 11 n , u;lom3 MiliUryOovernor LADIES' FANCY FURS ! Johv Fabftra's Old r.sUthllsbrw Fur Manufactory A71H..1rrA. above 7th,rtlILAD. I have now in store of my own inr portatitm and mans faclnre, one of tbe Lareat. and mott Htautiful selections 'it- JTd of ar'ancy Furs, "Ss jsev- for Ladiea' and Chil dren's Wear, in ihe Ciir. Also, a fine as sortment of (ienis'Pur Gloves and Collars. As my Furs were all purchased when Gold was at a mueb lower premium lhaa at pres ent, I am enabled 10 dispose of them at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore so licit a call from my mends of Ijmon connty and vicinity. CS' Remember ibe Name, Number and street! JOIIX FAREIR.t. US ARCU f trcet, nhove 7th, aoath side. IsFl have no panner, nor connection wnb any other store in Philadelphia 1064mA GOOD NEW GOODS! KtW GOODSt HEW GOODS I .VgW GOODS SW GOODS r FOB FAIL ASD t-OH FAIL ASP POM FALL A.YD FOM FALL AXD m.VTKM WIXTKKr n-IXTtRf KISTKRI CALL A CALL A. CALL A CALL A XD SFKl XD SKEI XD SEE XD SEE I KKEMKR, LOX'G et CO KHKHFR, LOXG af CO KREHKR, LUXO et CO KREMER, LOXU CO Lewhoarg, Nov. lata Let I'm all take a Ride t SSI Ml HORSE8 AND Bt'liOIES TO LET, to responsible persons, at reasonable rales. rtrStahles nn allev heturern Knttih Third and South Foorih streets, half a square below Hess' Lively my residence oa same lot, fronting on Sonih Third street. CHARLES 8. VODER lewisburg, Sept. II, 1863 T. O. EVANS. FAMILY GI,OCEK AND Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4tn, LGWtSQUnOe Call and Satisfy Yourselves. OL R 8T0CK is large and well selected embracing everything usually kept in a fifst-class OltOCEKY STORE including an assortment ot QUEEX8-WARE, nARD-WARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE. I take this opportunity to relurn my thanks to Ibe public for a liberal patrnnage.and hope by studying the wants of my friends and en deavoring lo supply ihem to merit iheir patronage in Ihe future. T. G. EVANS. Lewisbare, March 2, t3. j. a- A-irerrtDKrEa sasivx scBiurn: Sew Furniture Establishment. fPHE subscribers have opened a Furniture i. establishment, on Market St. Lewisburg, (opposite Chamberlin's buildings) where they manufacture to pr-ler and keep on band all varieties of CABIXET WAKE usually kept in such establishments Buieans, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Stands, Whal-Nols dec of all patterns and prices. CjRmiaiita in ibe best and most exped itious manner. UNDERTAKING in all its branches attended lo at very low rates. Ready-made Coffins always on hand. J K DIEFFENDERFF.R Jr. CO Lewisburg, April 16, 18fc:l James F. Linn. J. Elerrill Lino. T F. & J. M. LINN, J e Attorneys at Law. LEVlsULKi, 674 Union County, Penn'a. t. MKRRIU CojtaisMosia for the Stat nf Iowa with power to take PenoeUern,aehnnwleuee Peaue.Ae Aactloa aai Cemmlssloa Basse In lentokarg. lSJ Legal Auctioneer! F.A.Dnnehnwer having been appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewisbi.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale alstated times, of all kinds of Uoods at Auc lion. Any one wishing to (lis pose of any arti cle can depositit with me and I will sell it ai the best advantage I ean and charge a per eentage lor ine same Feb. , . 59 f A DOnEHOWER saw l . oawie. turn ants ORWIG & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. o ,FICE on South Second near Market Si lApni l. Bi niiriHbnra;, Pa. Administratrix' Kntlce. NOTICE is hereby given, thai Letters of Administration upon the Estate of DAVID 8LIFER, dee'd, late of Lewisburg. Union eoanty, have beea granted In the undersigned, by the Register of Union county, in due form of law. Therefore, all persons indebted lo said estate are requested te make immediate payment; and thoae having any just claims are also requested to present the legally autheaticaled for settlement to SARAH L. KLIFER. Admin'rx, 1070 Or A. H- Put, her Attorney LOST. On the Sftth Inst., between Lew. isbnrg and Kelly X Roads, Two oM Harness Traces. The finder will ba suitably rea-ar'trd bv applyini to Utt.i.ewpd. JOIIZV KU.TJXGTOJI UNION .BOOT AXI PHOE l (J TILL AHEAUT Come one: coaae an O aad eiamine fur yourselves the large. and cheapest stock or Ume made Boo and Shuea in Union county ! LTMasl received a FRESH HUPPLY e I Cltf made work at unusually low prices "Quick Sales and Small Profits" is the order of the day at COOPER'!1, Opposite Ihe Bank, Lewisburg D&TID 6 INTER k SON HAVE removed iheir C'balr and Ca binet Ware-roottl to the larger and more commodious rooms, late the restd eace of Wm. Frick, on the reraer er Thirl aad Market Sts. lewtskarg, where they have on hand the LARGEST and BEST AiaORTMENT of Work ever offered toihe public in thisvicinity.eomprising Dress Sareea anal fancy Waabstanua ef the lateat style, eofa, Hatrasel Chairs. CeneeeetChatra, Kerkinvrhair, Kttt.rea.IUt Racks. Towel Keek. Jenny l.tna entl t'et teare bedstead, faney liunffe. fane, Tahlee. Ae also a ireneral aaeurtmenl of CO BOX WORK always oa head Rsrrooea end tlfSee Chair Wholeeele or ttrtail. We also attend lo the I'NDBKTA KINU boafsfM la m It branch. Bitir prn-iill with r'nerr IJKAR4iitsl PlkN ftrml Wrfalllf Harlal f.tr knd OOf VIN8 of our owe mnvtacturr nlwaya rn htu, wm ut rvtvlr t ht tinM. withio an hAiir'n aoti, Co wait itpoB mmj ami all wbo aiajr faor with a call. Marine none but Ihe best workiuffn,we? WAKRAIfT all Fnnittnrw manafaHortMl by vi, aod JfrJ Mj eotJiprUiiba ciitMr ia priea er wty la. M'tntijactorv on V. t Street f where Cahmpt ani llnaseTurnine, Scroll and Rip Sawiasi dona oa abort aotirw and rraaoaabla lerva. A food assortment of f.UMBKR always oa baatl frr Newel PoaU, BannitN aixl II and Kailiog. CT'Rcraiaiaa of all kinds done as asaal- N.B. Any work nut oa hand will be made ai aooa aa aoaalble. Thankful for pat favors, we aiill eipeci a eooUauaaea of Ibe Mate. Boots and Slioes. The subscriber has just received aTaMlaSSWal his Mmre tnril A, ... ik P. Iwk, Olfice) a full suoplv of Roof Jl Sbnen of every style and variety suitable io Ihe season. Tbe stock has been selected wilb particular care, and will be afforded at teut REDirrn rmrts roit rfadi rtsn. His old friends and customers and Ihe public generally are invited to call and examine his stock and judge foi themselves. r?MAN IFAtJTl KI.Nti and REPAIRING as hereto fore will be attended to with promptness and al reasonable rates. Jim UffillTO.s.lgl. lewbhnrg. Oct. 1, le. O.ILP.Shively, Jfarl-f .Sfeorc km fV rOT'M ormerly new aeJ ay fvayalea' Skm Sim. ui waaaianarrr er ,5 Uarnc??, Jirid les, Saddles, common and the aewaaleat ROUSE CULM M,warranted to hert no horse Dealer la Jeqln qnJ oilyci 3J(i,ip ai5 Ulljip J.uth:t. MFFAU ROBEs, Bit km, MKIuH BE1L1, Fancy Saddler)-, Harness Hardware.&c. frilE sabscriber, havinfe carried on X baainea, for erveral year, end raiaed e reputaUeei ti'r making a gnoii llarnes Ae. as any esuhliahment in thi region ana the L'ninn 3onntv Aarieulturel Society havinc ewenleU lllRf.E I KKVII MS for articles uf his workmanship would etr.res hi eretitude Sir favor ef the trading nubile already received, and aak their conti aaed ratronage at hie X gW STAND. Tbe Leather nsed hy me I of the very heat, tenned fa tbe old way, and will last a Tears. I employ the beet Workmenovere my ewa bus ID ess ead em S-uad ia my Shoe at ell soluble hoar. Mv Uoad and Work are warranted, aad If aot aa represented Bear tie returned er eseheneed. Call end see mo, and if I do aot give yoa we worth or your money 1 will mot again aak ti your eatroaage. REPAIRING promptly attended to. aj-CMBsp for "ASU or KSADT TAT io most kind er OMaW, r. , e... awwasaura. A,rtl I, inai. o. II. P. PHITKLT. KiVIERElfoUSE IeCii'lnbnrite Pa. R. U. HETZEL, Pao'a. THE undersigned returns his sincere lhanks for Ihe patronage esiended towards him by tbe citizens of L'aion and the ariiuininx counties, he would most respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. R. O. HETZEL Lrwisbnrg, March 13, 1862 ro3 FRICK, BnjJSETER k CO. Are manufacturing and have constantly on band a large quan tity ol 4 leet ralings and 3 and 4 feet Laih al the lollowing prices: Pnllnrn headed in a new style, from S8 to $10 per M Lath 3 and 4 feet long, f 1 lo $1.62 pr M. Shingles at $5 to -$7 per thousand. Palings and Laih made to order, any leneih parties may desire Lewuwurg stena Sawmill, Dee. 2ft, IMIO NOTICE Gentlemen ! CITIZENS of Lrwisbnrg and vicinity are rrspfcifuUy informfd thai the sabscriber has bought out the interest of E. h. Hivks in ihe business of Shavtng and Hair Cutting, nd eonliaues the nn at the oH Und htutrn-Dt of wide Ammoit' block, bftwne ClVaay'itsiia J. HnughtfaB harts hw "tricl atteBUoa to bainvvii b bt. to irin Mtnilkrlioii to )! who mmf fmvor him vitk Uwll Mtnt- M t all umm mxotpi ntiaa. To all who tarry Im-f till tblr bfartla prow long To (ret a pIvaMDt ahar. good aa barbr arrr Jyat call oa lAixiif at hit Saloon, bmy Bom.c oraowti Towala claaa, raaori aawrf and aeiMrt kB. April 8. 1661 A. W. D1LL1N, Frof. Bvrb. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. rilHE subscribers have opened a Provision Store in tbe rooms recently occupied by Charles Roland, in Rodenbaugh's building. Market et, near 4th, where tbey pay Ihe highest prices in cash for Butter, Eggs, Calves, and all kinds of Country Prod nee. March 25 m6pd (J.R.WI HPI.F.E V CO ..S.atarsa. ISaorhlrj. CXJUierkley. r.leayrr J. S. MARSH & CO, (gtrerasosa to atmsa, uasa a eo.) LEWISBURG FOUNDRY Ana AGRICULTURAL WORKS lecwlnbajra;. Pa. Wg kats oeuitanUr aa head aad far sale, WIIIILIUALK I IB KVTAIL. ateaner, Mwv an leeer arrester; Grmt ewa! firms aVedera; Head anal ear newer vara 8ltm : UM.fere and rmsr thru Vearf, Swp and AtaU twasr ; Gtaver leaflin, Mf rVam, Thru hen, Seaas. .Sf-wes. Hrtti. Area Fi wlier JnaUintT. Jrvrnfrnxa, RaMngi. MM teaartav, Ar. Ae.,aad held euraalve reed; et ell time te ae lit bibb. a. B.i-.u. .nh ,he attaanel Mevaetneaa ealieitad aad promptly attended lo. Jaae I. isae CHARLES & GEORGE ERR ILL, Attorney at Law. O' TFICE in Ammons Block. lOtS Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa CEMETERY NOTICE. AT aa Election held by ihe Hiockbolders of the Lewisbnrg Cemetery, the under- signed was elected Treasurer.and alt moneys for lots, grave-digging, die . mnt be paid to htm. Persona iaiere.ied will please note ibe cnange. Those indebted to the Cemetery A saoeiattra are requeued to make irir.e-i. r.eer.,. fOIOMON RITTXA Letbnr, Jan. 73, 16. 'JUT -Aii&m ba?! 'VQSJ?' I I uTTstsLnlAaAlBaallea A .f Attn Phofgrmpher 1n AtrtritbMrg I THE sabaeribrr bat ptirebaed fbe Ise i'hnii'grnphic Uallrry, oa Market srect, opp.Mte ihe Lcwiebwrg Bank, where he is at nil times prepared lo lake PboioraphsAiubrol)pes,MrlaiBo()( etc., of all sizes.on Ibe shortest notice aad in a manner aot to be surpassed by er.y artist in the Mate. Citizens of Lewisburg nad vicinity are i Vited to come themselves aad bring all their children along. All negatives previously taken ia ibis Q lery are preserved, aad wtlhAe neiwiew gg short Bike. J.NO. F. MCI. Uwlsharg. AnrH 1, 1SC4. FIRE INSIJBA1VCS. ! ET yonr Property insured in the best aad , T sales! company. Tbe ! Lycmlag Intnraaee Company ia new erasidered oae ol ihe most reliable and safest Ci mosaics la insure in in Prnn.-ylvania. It has beea ia oprrahoa 23 years snd has a eapitsl of million dollars. Persons wishing is msarn in ihe above Company ran do so by applying to SOI.OMAN BITTER, who is lbs only acting agent for Lewisbnrg and L'aion Ca, Variety and News Depot. ri'HE subscriber keeps cooslamly for sale) 1 at ibe HOST OFFICE (below the Biviese Houae) a wrll-selrcied slock of Family Groceries, Confectionary mi fruits, fancy iSo- f&.n tiona, J erfiiinery b oais, Wall rapero and Oil Miaues, 1 raveiintr Bag Blank, School and Hymn Booki,4o Pnpera and M aajnalnen an baas) or to onter, trcm Boslon. IS'ew Vnrk or Phihtv lelphia such as ihe Tribnne.Times, Herald, Ledger. Weekly. Clipper, Police Caaelie. Mas cury.Waverly, Literary Companion. Harper' and Leslie's Illustrated Weekly,. tiodey's aad Harper a magazines, kankee Holioaa na4 ! rtlc Xttt 4c- c' I 111 vr HU fl All MIM CBCiP ni cua .E. W. FORKE8T Lewisburg MEAT AND UNION! JACOB G. BROW having assis-fWrTa ted in feeding ihe hungry of Lew.JgC isbnrg and vicinity, for nearly three yean past, wilb the beat of Beef, Fork, Veal, fcc, would return his grateful lhanks to his annas rous customers for ibeir patronage acd aa nounces ihai he intends lo continue ihe bust ness as heretofore ia the Meat Market Haass) between Hchaffie's and Baker ck Co.'s Drag Stores, Market Square. HaaaiKi-Wednesdays aad Baterdaye CASH is the system. Public patronage te sprctfully solicited, and satisfaction iasared, March 15. '61. I. 8. HTERNER, Ag't. j. r.i. r.:oivERY Fashionable Boot Md Shoe B.ko' South Fifth St., Lewidnay, KEEPS consismly on hand, and maaufaaa lures to order, all descriptions of ys'iiira &m sssis, Being an espenrnced tshoemnker, and aaar ions to merit a share of tbe public patronage, he will warrant all work which may paaa through his hands. Particular attention will be given to Ladien Work. His Prices are as low as those of aay olhaj dealer in ibe vicinity. He solicits a fair lriaJ confident thai he can satisfy every person. Lewisburg, Aug. 31, ISfiO.y WIN FIELD FACTORY ! Sear Hartletnn, Vuion C, fa. THE subscriber, tkaikfil for pasi patronage, would inform his lnends and the public in geae ral. that hcveontinaea lo maawfaev lure all kinds of W Stolen Cwwm, such n Cloths, Casimeres.Tweeua,8attinetts, Jeaas Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet aa! Slocking Yarns. His machinery being ef the best kind in use, and having employed lb, beat of workmen, he feels sale in saying that bis work shall not be surpassed by any cstatlbhmentin the country. A good sap ply of the above goods kept constantly on band for sale or to exchange for wool, al prices that can not fail lo please. WOOL will ba Carded in the best manner and oa ihe shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENKT. Winfielil Mills, March 30, 1857. American Life Insurance & Tnst Co, (Capi'al Stock $400,00) COMPANY'S BuildingsWalnut street, S B corner of Fourth rkilndttpkim. (7"I.ives insured al the nsnal Mutual ratea or at Joint Stuck rales about JO per cent, lean or al Total Abstinence rates the lowest in the -orld. A. WHILLlim, President Jnau C. Pima, tee. . 7 (iEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisburg JOHN H. LINN, AV rfAn WAV an way- a, rvaaj wg s WAaW m a a uann m. a s v,, LEWIsBLRU. PENN'at. Ale reeamla innrr sf Beean fer tea SuteaeT ILLS. NOIS end TALUOKNI A eutborisea to edmiaiew Oaibe, end Uke nennaitina and AnVlavit In ke aerd k either ol the above fiate. end elea te Uke toe aakaoav ledteaaenter sreefel aey sued nt etaar Inatmaeee, a aw re.rueu ia either of aid i!teae He, T, leSl A. ELTON & Co., ana Deal era, u Leather, Sumac, Sheep and Ctlf Skins, Ao. 431 Xorth Third afreet, Phlladelpblat. 1 EATHER. 8umae and Skins, bought, of I A sold on Commission. Advances msae on Consignments. Nov. S5, 63m3 WANTED, IJtROM 8,000 io 10,000 Rib or Boal-Tinv . bers, rlelivered through the summer, te Wm. Moore. n the bank of Ibe river al the month of Buftalor Crrek. Timbers to e Per sons wishing to furnish umbers can paiterns at Byeia' wagra shop. Lewisbnrg. Price of limbers 65 eta. delivered as above Feb 4. IH64 WM. FRICK A CO aTltVNs' Pile Satrt! TH AVE on hand Tor sale, at 5 cents per poi, a CERTAIN CURE for thai distres sing dtaeaae. It u aa old preparalioa. loBC tested, which I never knew lo tail, aod i . give names of persons eered to those a-ktng ' il. CHARLbs . ) 3d street, opposite C. F. Hess, Uw.turg. Sept. 3. For sale also ai i.ooaman Jw- aa ('rnlllRT. PEXrtr. has removed . Se.nh 3d oWrs fyen the Toan tlw-h, J'"t tSBVSU FA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers