JUL mi m hi mm mum IB Ml "THE UXIO.V fstablisheJ is 1814 Whole Ne- 2.7QL BY O. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., ?K FRIDAY, DEC. 30, 1861 -niROXICLE," esUMisM in 1843 Tfbole !ft, l.OSO. At $1.30 per Tear, always In Advance. 1 ill! Tot" Readers all. Far and ear. wiintric ismkoI tins paper, sec the Dissolution of lWncrLip in the adverti- einc C'luiuu". Since Nov. 131 one-third of accntu - ry ago I have been enraged in printing newspapers, with few and short intermis sions of other engagements. From twelve to fifteen hours a day. hands, head and heart have been engaged in labors beariug on thia business. ThauLs ui.dcr tjod to a pood constitution an 1 temperate habits, this exacting and wearing devotion ha? not left me a wreck. Yet there are symptoms of nature which admonish me to seek Fonie less onerous employment. Lm2 un settled accounts afc-o require attention, and will take time to arrange. Of my political record, 1 have entire taiisfaetion, as fir as one can have in this imperfect world, where choices mast Le made. I have supported, or voted for, as President Adams, Clay twice, Harrison twice, Taylor, Scott, Fremont, and Lincoln twice. For Governor of Pennsylvania Kitner, Banks, Markle, Irvin. Johnston twice, Pollock, Wilniot, Curtia twice. Freedom to Man as a God-given right, and a sound National currency. Internal Improvements, and a Protective Tariff, as matters of domestic policy, are principles which I have advocated, and which now scam to be the earnest wish of the uiaj'r itv. The so-called iK.mooracv" has been V.i-j r 1 .-11 eem9 to me a false and deceptive name to mislead the people. As long there are "many men of n.aov onus, to i-ng u w. . M imj-.- , ... , ".. . j penous, and didactic ; another thinks vou . . , ' , ,. , fcave too much fun, and never realize that ' ..... , ,., . ... ,. , 'life is real, life is earnest. ne thinks , , , , V"U have ro much fact, and argument : .1 n f l l ' r i r another want! it all solid, and food fun ,. , i profound thought. One thinks vou are .nil , , 1 too liberal with an adversary; auotner deems your course ''not half hard enough , .u ii j r n ,i , ! vn sue uiaiuuu jcuons. ouc amu viu to fight every sin and every rascal, by name and locality, in this and the neigh- . boring counties ; another tells you to ! 'mind your own business, and let other folks alone." If yon run around to visit and chat, you are neglecting your paper ; and if you don't do so, you are a morose, j unsociable, crabbed sort of a chap. One would have you '-pitch into" every qncs- j tion of metaphysics, politics, and religion ; I another wants the paper simply a record of pasting oews. So it cues. The onlv way tor an f.litor is to near an respect. . , , , , - - , all, and then. ..do as his own juJ-'tuent ' - 17 and conscience dictate. ! ... - ., il- ..' ."The noblest motive is the puWic pood. , I claim no exemption from human infir mities, or bias, prejudice, and interest ; but I can sav I have ever endeavored to do what was BIOBT and JUST, regardless of aelf-aylvaneement or of pecuniary gain, la advocacy of the country's interests, I nave often let the "Sanballate" assail me withoat reply or explanation of matters where I mar have unjustly suffered, but where I have deemed the good of the oog,Oct. 8, in prison at Camp Floreoce,S.C. masses of more consequence than present ; Reuben Kline bas returned from the individual reputation. It really seems to Hospital in Washington to his home in me I have endured rather more than my West Buffaloe, having lost ooe leg in tbe .hare of personal abuse and prevarication, service. Another brave soldier, at Dry especially from editors I know not by Valley, has lost both arms, eight, and who (as far as I know) have no , Mr. G oodman, of Smoketown, late caa for such attacks upon me, uules.s it from Andersonville, eonSrms the state be because they thought I could stand it incuts as to their treatment of Union men better than the juniors of the profession, in a land where the Union forces Cod Hat I have the proud coiisx-iousnos of everhavingbeen assailed in good company. Benjamin Groff, from service in Mis In closing my editorial career, I hot I souri, says that in that State, nearly every have no unkind feelings against any of those assailants. I only wirh them rejen- laoce and reformation f.r their offences against good taste and fair dealing. The position of a conductor of a public journal ia truly honorable and exalted, and those occupying it should seek the elevation and , not the degradation of those engaged tnerein. Never bavin? soneht monev as an end. aad having been too ea?y with my cuto-: precise origin of the fire being wholly a ' game inequality. For an example-"-Bhtra, I have lost thousands of dollars ! matter of conjecture. The parents were The Banner M'Clellan eonn that were justly earned. This I state both absent Mr.Stricklcr was lumbering ties Berks, Clearfield, Lehigh, with a hope tiat it may be an incentive to in the mountains.and Mr.-S.wa. out of tbo Grf'"' Monroe, Northampton, the payment of any dues that may fall to ! bouse a few momenta, attending to domes- j nd Pike-gave Home ote. 5-.053 me on the settlement which I .ball attend 1 tie dotiea. Retnrning, .he found tbe in- j "nd of Arm oUs' -i-W-lJ Army to nniek!. a. tw.;v.u I f .v.- J.i:;. ;n fl.me. Int .s. ' 23 at home. But f J Wa.iV. I 'For my successor, I tespeak prompt payments. lie means to do ihe fair thing he is capable, and experienced. J ut . entering apon the estate of housekeeping, ' and sole conductor of a journal, any favors) in the line of printing will now be timely ! and well bestowed on him. j With thanks to every patron of tbe generation past and present (just think ' ! 8 many, unborn when I commenced my la-' oldier' friend. For pulicnlars aeo ad bora, even in Lewisbnrsr, are now tbe i ,ettient. grave and sharp critics of my performan-! Greeabacks, or" Qenulae Cnrrencj, ea !)...boPing that I have always given Or Lewisburg money, wanted at this office full value for all favors realized, and that please accommodate as, when tending I-have been faithful to friend, and fair ! aoney, by sending .ome of those sorts. t foee...desiring to carry with me only grateful recollections of the past.. .with ' hnW Star t CiiaoMicua was iasoed beat withe to all of every creed and par- : lMt Tuesday. To-dsy 's So. finubea tbo ty, who bare honored me with a perusal I IBID" 'or Those who desire it of my writing, and selections... and with 1 "ol6er Jwi P,e e,d D 0aj- a ebeerful hope that the Union and Unity of tbo States may be cemented in tbe eooroiea u U Mi. ovswsW rfthe RsbeUio. and iCause- ! f ' "til, Crn4 ! O. N Wearut ? I NOTICE. As there is a growing pref- i ercuce for a whow? sheet weekly ainons mir county subscribers, the semi-weekly li.-dfrii.vt puliation of tW pspw will eeae with this o. Arit 1-ridav, there- ! fore, we expect to resume our weekly is- .-UC. Mlould news Ol UlUCtl importance reach n in the fore part of a week, we shall infirm our readvra of it ly slips StQt l1"1 ''Ec'i 'n theCy" CARRIER BOYS Are enterprising ehirictera. Xo matter hiw bad the weather, the; mast go.. No matter how many pipers they have 10 leave, if tjiey forget one, tbey are very apt la be "docked quarter or so on proposed armisiic, if granted, raises tlie ' n i . rsi i t their New Year's gift! Oar town patrons ' Vorkade by Imd and 1, which will j LOlTipIClC hileCUOIl lielUmS. wiil be waited on, Saturday, and we hope allow our pcoj.lt to im a larye amount r Uacw11 au jwhMe will not furgct one who baa remembered , ' The doners from our ser- .j.wr Elect.rs them a hundred times the past year. While abrat it, w give (as farasmcm- ory serves) the names of our Carriers for firce 0f 200,000 veterans. Then, if hoa tbe past seteLteen vears, with their sab- tilities are resumed, the South is sure of , " ' Tt f . I u ecouent merited promotnns: Joliv I WU.X.AK Prlnt; whlmtT : itiner ant .r-hr ; tr.rl.OT is D'ffcinwt summary, Wiiliam jsrt : -litur of -Buli.Uu:" bo'-twll-r. JolIN A OU1PS stni. M: tta-hiiiirt : eng:or ; martial; now wiOi PiTcB t,f-re WiimtDS-tcn. M wiuson M A!.Krv Sisirtit: deputy irtmt j marbal ; alitor ffltrr C- aotv Joor&al. , Sj. LEVI II. AMM.1N M-htai-: thie Tat In Mt V. V : rr-Dli.-d a. a VrtrrmJi: X.U ifi actional tb Nlnifo, Hay -.h. IMiL ' TIIEooRR C. T.V!iS ftoVot; loermacr tot- i r.oltKRT SOTr stulat: .hnikr; Is Telrgrmptt Ctltrw rm Lvkawanna k BIOAB.Sarz LiD. waltfr o. M'iAiiM-tniieBt: frttr; E. tioeT o.ir ; Aais-far ts-Iocr&rb operator. AKIJAU IL B at Kr.ii. ;tEi; rriDtrr; TaWgrmpb opeTTatc IMKW ) c Al'io-?ij-ri5cr-CaiOTei may l. "it : laeumbenl tA.Tbe Union County Court opened t nnrnina anit ilia A aniiatA J lid DM ! ' fM Mch w ia , iheir JoJ w- d until Tuesday morning. T . ... ... ., John Smith, of Hartley, was appointed , ., . , L..i Foreman of the Grand Jarj. It returned ,, , a- a. x seven Trae Bills, and was discharged on , , " tdOCSdaj. . . :, . ... , . .. D . Wm.A..Marr was admitted to the Bar. . . ,, , - , Juries were called far trial of eases as , . .. ( vromoTiireiZfA eates. kit L. I'eligo plead guilty to stealing from Halfpenny's .n.l ..ni.n.A.1 t. 1 ihim in the IVni.entiarv. James M. Everett plead guilty to stea- ling horse Sj. of A J.YVeidensaui, and bas 5 years in the (louso of Refuge. John T. Miller and Ann Buck, found guilty of keeping a disorderly boose, were Coed Sj each with costs. Taoasu Stailer, for refussoa; tba vole of a cjialifiod elector, was ftiand gailsy a new trial akei for. ., , , no: guilty, and prosecutor f )r eosu. r . t Three l.om. esses eon'.inuid.l .. ., ,, , v ImdeaKt. MenschsLa s vs. onng- man k Walter : $5031 80 for Piff UaBk of Aortb d lor use o: J.iower ?s. Wm.L Kilter : verdiet lor Deft. After tbe nual routine ol business, toe Judge appointed an Argument Court for Wednesdsy, 1st Feb. and adjourned on Friday evening. (.Wai. Roshoog, Eq.t write, that he last heard from bis son, W. H. Roh- plenty to eat of tbe substantias of life. young, able bodied man, is in arms, leav- iog the old men and women to get tbe crops. He says there is much suffering there, but thinks tbe Rebels are mostly discouraged, and that Price will not again disturbed tba Union people. Most Sad Calamity". Last Friday i evening, in West Buffaloe township, three ; little children were burned to death the BlUV VI aaill SSS W aawiss - " unable to reseae one of all her children, wham she bad left ia supposed safety. The oldest ehild was three and a half year, and the youngest bat a few months old. : ' , . -'We h,fe reee,Ted eoF J of engraving, entitled "Home oa a FoIlongb.', 11 " bu,if,l, r,0 nd boBM Ue Me M e,er' '01OT "no eTer' Mr hively bas removed his Sad ..i n...... cl.. ,. ,l. Ck. Ci... M j U u ? V late of John Hoozhtoo. neat diot to CbaiU. P.nnyV What would Have been. Thm Obit on l?nn Ttr.li.in lia harl if ,,, The platform oa which it placed j M,, j ,he wif l(J fce , ; . . -r. nd The luriesiuu o. .urnury iuui uij i showed the advantags the Rebellion ; wooM have gained from the election of M'Oiellan, and tho establUhmcnt of the policy to which bis party was pledged : ''President Davis, who had been opposed 1 to making any concessions whatever to the enemy, baa betn prevailed upon to print : an armistice to the North, provided it is ' ta(-CJ-,, in a Tf,c,fui manner. This ; na win tucu uv giau kj return, lu orucr I to receive their psy and aa honorsble dis cbarge, which will give us an additional ivv u,...iiuK uj granting this experiment ti the Yatkets, vhr h-ivf oprh'y c,ntrur,l that they are vhiprxdlu pnlaim'ing the tear o their jrart a failure" Such was the contemptuous answer to the cowardly proclamation of Chicago. Gen. M'Clellan and his party lost a'ike , the eotfideDee of the patriots, and the re - SDCCt even Of tOO liebeiS, Who mast bate -i , "dcspisea mo ageni wane mey accepteu his offer.1 Quite Natural. Rebel mourn that their best treated and most contented and pious slaves are ! innDf the first tfl mil after SmrRUASi nr ' ny othef wderiDg Abo!itiollis, . Sam j u jg BM fci Chri,,Uni,. ef.n tanght by slave-holders, has tended to make slaves more hopeful and contented. But slaves taust have beard read (if they can not read) not only the command Servants, obey your matters but also the same Apostle's advice If thou mayest be frer, use it rather. If they should ever be ent baek into bondage to any Christian man, tbey will expect to be received ! oir as a tervin; bat above a servant, a hrtj'kj'T llitr.id Onee free, free far evuv ! i unless rtrii.el of proper natural and legal liberty for real crime. Inequalities of Service. The doty of defending one', country is morally and legally obligatory alik. apon all her eitiiens, each as be best msy. Bat the returns of the lata Klaetioa show that tbe newer and poorer portion, of our Stat bear an unequal share. Let as take Wilmot's old district for example. Bna. t'm Arm? vote Properly. Bradford Potter 9117 7J5 CZi 421 C36 1-Ji to 1 1167 C7U 5621 7 to 1 16 to 1 9 to 1 ' SusntiehaDna aeuuu , Tioga 22,676 2,420 9 to 1 One of every 9 refers is in tlx Army in ; , foor counties. , y09 et ujj9 M mtnj eOT1oties in ; ,h 0Mnt riehett plrt of ,be gute . Tote Back. 13 432 ArfBT vote 6,125 304 539 rf "pOftiaftB 40 to 1 15) to 1 IS to 1 26) to 1 ! Philadalnhia 93 593 Delaware 5,501 Montgomery 14,276 126.SO 7,307 171 o 1 One voter im the Army to 17) at home in these four counties. In proportion to popnlation, the remote eounties furnish nesrly twice as many men as those who are more exposed and who have more to lose. In Potter county, one rofer out of seven is facing the Rebels in Bucks county, oae J only out of forty ; Potter is spirsely 1 settled, and poor Bucks is densely pop ! ulated, and immensely wealthy. These I richer eounties can easier spare men, than ; tbe poorer can. Tboee northern eounties have filled, in part, the quotas of the lower counties, and i also their own. They should be in some way honored and recompensed fjr having furnished that most precious and import- ant of all men ! In a virty point of view, there is the Tbe seven Banner Lincoln eoun ties Bradford, Indiana, Law. ranee, Lancaster, Erie, Tioga, and Potter gave Home vote. 5S.122 and of Army votes, 4,816 being 1 Army Tote to 12 at home. Thus it appear, that tbo eonntie. hav ing tbe target proportion of Republican voters, furnish twice as Wkinjr Soldier as like "strong" Democrat!, countiea. In Union county, 1 voter out of 10 ia ia tbe Army : in North'd, 1 oa! of 17. These facts are good reasons why every soldier should bo credited where enrolled. Average of Pennsylvania 1 Army to 13 Home votes. PAisrix Accidest. Isaac B. Moyer, a soldier on erntehea, retnrning home to Freeborr. Sovder oounty, while attempt ing to get off tbo ear. at tbe Seliosgrove Suiioa oa Fridav moraioz. fell on tbe ' track while the train was in motion, and 1 i l.:- i. i -Li l-j il. 1 aiau uia tcit leg larrioiy erusneu. uiaai R-b--. 'K -r'- ad beisxs the koes. bv Dcuiuia Awl and t I J tll. 1 The Latest News-Paper. The Ilarrisburg Telegraph famishes to this region nine times ont of ten War and other news, mornings, twelve boar j in advance or toe rnHna. oaiiys. it now sold at three cents a number. Sam'! Slifer is Agent at Lewiiborg. Daring tho coming session, we think the Tclrymj-h will eootain also the latoat intelligence from Uarrisbnrg. ItsT'The West Branch was very high when it frcxe np, last week, and happily, the recent thaw tas earned off the ice witb- j oat damage. j Jkl AlNr ! J.- IT VMPDIRE 21.U12 3.52'J 29.0'J7 77,!!)7 5.600 2427 6.566 20,081 7.430 59.5S3 12.714 20.119 17.92 17,ttot 31,083 39.R93 7,ro 39.1-0 12,750 3.2:13 17,495 2.'.0 10.000 8.000 5 5 12 4 6 33 VERMONT MAS.SACH USETTS RHODE ILANI) CONNECTICUT NEW YORK nnVvivr V VI I i. . 'r1i.;VAiA MARYLAND OHIO WEST VIRGINIA INDIANA 21 5 13 8 8 16 11 MICHIGAN 1 iVISCONslN ILLINOIS MISSOURI MIXXESUTA IOWA KAXSA3 XEVADAt CALIFORNIA OREGON"! Tennessee: ' LOUISIANA 469,693 Soldiers' vote to be added. tPartly estimated. May perhaps not be received. M'Clellaai mm Peadften. DELAWAREt 610 NEW JER-SEi't ,46G KENTUCKY 36,515 213 44,591 jSolJiers not allowed to vote ! WnOLE VOTES. ! or thh . l.in,C?n 2.200.502 For Geo. B. M'ClellaD, 1.775.200 Lincoln's majority 425,302 r-ROPOBTIOSAL VOTE. Lincoln 55 prct M'Clellan 44) prct Lincoln a vote in I860 ' 1,864,523 Lincoln's increased vote '64 335,979 The surplus rote of Massachusetts or of Ohio, distributed in the three -u viciiau cuiics, wouiu nave carried lLobe three also for Lincoln. UNION PYRAMID. OtJIO IOW.1 MAINE KANSAS OREGON NEVADA ILLINOIS INDIANA VERMONT TENNESEE MICHIGAN LOUISIANA MISSOURI WISCONSIN MINNESOTA MARY LAND NEW YORK CALI FORNIA CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND WEST VIRGINIA MASSACHUSETTS NEW HAMPSHIRE PENNSYLVANIA " Vrrenxn, Wr th ttNOOlS TRIK. Is ataraaa its bourn, .till abalaar the ; In rtorr l.t 1U araorbes .... la plaataS ea tas aEBKLS rTa?: rjraaiM af UttU HasAareas. Maawasa KfsjTrCKT TOG JARSEY3 Et tract of a latter from a geatlemea ia Graat ' army to hi. wife ia Binghamtoa : 'Lut week, when I got the news of Lincoln', election, I took tbe paper, walked towards tbe Rebel line., and beckoned to a Rebel officer to coma oa neutral ground and hear tbe news, which I read to him. Tha Rebel officer .bed tear, like a ehild, aaving, "We bad hopes. Ihe last two j month., if M'Clellan got th eleetioa, there woald be eosaetaieg tare ap where by we aight be saved, bat aaw we (Boat give it ap ; then i. ao help for n." Tba Commissioaere of Northumberland eounty give aotiea of a letting of tho new Court House lo bo erected ia Saabary. The letting is to be bold oa tee Sta day of Jeeoary. Tho plane aad epeeiieatioaa are ia tbe Commies iooers ofiee, aad are nearly similsr to those of the Williasesport Court House, whieh cost about 60,000. DiATa or Bos. W. L. Dattok. W. L Dayton, our Minister to Fraoea,died oa tha d inat.. nf nonltlevv. Ha raa fnv -rtj- - --. V' ,,r'idB, 00 ,hs F"mn ,ttk '. na emioeni s:oi ol New JeiKj Age, aboal 56 Latest News Savannah is Onus sic, .,..,.. arm r.;n isn gans, 13 engines and 150 cars, 3 steamers, a larje supply of ammu nition and materials of war, and wlG.OOO.OOO worth of Cottoa ! From Gen. Sherman. 8aya!!ah, Ga., Dee. 22. To President Lincoln : I be; to present to you, as a Christmas gift, the City of Savannah, Georgia, with 150 heavy guns and plenty of atomuni - lion, and also about 25,000 bales of cotton. W.r.fcHEiMAS, 3UJ UiO. From Gea. Foster. Prtmri Gnt&K Oars, I I I BaTisaafe Kiarr, IM. 11, :, P. X J ' To iJ.Gen.Grant and Mij.Gea.IIilleek: j The city of Savannah was occupied on the morning of "tha 21st. Gen. Hardee, ! anticipating the contemplated assault, j escaped, wiih the main body of hi infantry I and light artillery, on the afternoon and ' night of the 20th, by crossing the river to : tha esusewsy opposite the city. The Rebel iron-elads were blown op, and the i navy yard burned, but all the rest of the j city is intact, and contains 20,000 citizens, who are quite well disposed. The eap'ure includes 800 prisoners, 150 guns, 13 looomotives in good order, 160 ears, large supplies of ammunition and materials of war. 3 steamers, and 33.000 bale of 4 cMton s.fely stored in warehouses. All 8 these valuable trophies of an almost 3 , bloodless Tictory have been, like Atlanta, 5 ! I opened communication with the city 3 to-day, taking np what torpedoes we could ' see, and passing safely over others. Ar- ' raogements are being made to dear the - I channel of obstructions. J. U. fObTZB, asj. vsen. Rebel, report, part of Sbermw.'. fore. is marching Northward to .Uike Branch- ; Iry can ta ,ccommoJaVlj. For fonber rar ville, where the Seorgia and Carolina ticulars, inquire ai iheNCanosicts OrEee, roads connect Also that another farce of . LewisburgUec. t7. U6tv pd3w Sherman s was going on s. V . in searcn of Union prisoners. Utter Rout of the Rebel Hood. Latest accounts represent Hood a. .till giving way, being south of Duck river be had lost half his force, and what is left are acting on the principle of "Devil take ne hindmost Tbe rebels nnder Hood lave lost ciga- ; ; P.enerala kilted, wnnnded and can - turea saoee iney siariea asurtu. mtj acknowledge siity eight pieces of artillery Inat- and 90.000 men. , , . 1 . . 1 V . L. Tl... Stoaetaaa mod Bar bridge have been operatiagwgnva ihe salt works ia S. W. Virgiai, wbippiasj Ska Kbla wader Breekiaridge, Vaughn and Duke, and de- ! atroyiog 820,000,000 of their property. Six weeks ago, Sherman and Hood, from tbe Atlantic region, turned their back, npnn each other, and started for conquest ia opposite directions. The Union force is completely successful with little loss. The Rebel force is Blterly routed, and fleeing bsck in dismay. Rebel Reports concerning the rtbs fleet under Cows. Porter and the Union army under Gen. Butler. Wilxisqtok, N. C, Dee. 26 Tho enemy', infantry attacked Fort Fisher late last night. Tbey were repulsed witb eon- iderahla lose. There was a heavv rain and wind through the night Prisoner. ' Prisoners ... tw g . , . . repors suas iue a weui, .our.u . .uo Yankee army are present nnder Bntler. Tbe enemy are presumed to bavereacbed their position above the fort, not by pass ing np tbe river, where they would have been obliged to run the gauntlet of tbe guns both of Forts Fisher and Caswell, on the left bank, but bv landing on tbe beach. east of tbe mouth of Cape Fear River. The enemy having effected a lodgment above toe ion is a serious mauer. is wni cost aouDie ine lorce 10 uisioogo uiu iubs woald have prevented bis lending. Tub Draft. Every district should promptly attend to having those who are enrolled and who are not liable to military J --1 T . L . ..ltn. Th. uiy, .sr. . .u. ' ' ' f larger the enrollment the larger will be sue quota, voDsrueDuj wucro tataiw are allowed to remain on the list, the dis trict will have to furnish that proportion of increase in the draft. The Secretary of War has issued an or der directing every officer and soldier cap able of doing duty ta repair at onee to tbe front He says, "every effort must be made to '1 ap tbo ranks, strengthen onr armies and aid tbe patriotic aad gallant troop, new smiting tho reeling enemy with victorious blows." atsTJijerburfj SWitbtta Corrected Semi- WecUy by Walls t Smith. Wheat (250 Corn.new 1-50 Rye 1 CO Oata,321b. SO Barley 1.40(3.1.00 Flaxseed 290 Cloveneodtl2fAl3 Wool mi;l00 Butter, prime t 50 do common 40 Egg. SO Lard, fresh 20 do old 15 Tallow 15 Potatoes 75 Dried AppleaJb. 10 Pork 16 Bean. 3.00 Rag. . 6(5,10 Country SoapSIO tyTriajry P. E. Chorea. (Chaahcrlia'a Baildtng ) Services every 8aaxUy aAeraooa except the 1st Saaday ia the asoaih ayaM.aEVws.zN iswt. SAMOBL OUT aai Miss MMa OOaSIUC, acU ot Jartava t. y IW saaw. smm aar. MVUTH STOCK aa4 Maw AllBUa Baaaa, hash mi Saraar saaasy. Bt lnICMar laat. VtKHiaS CSIVTaT af raiiaa. aa Maa aaai s taoaaaa aa mt uwaaaavc Ma K4. CaiUaSer. rifc iaa. IBS BM8S aaS I Maa W 4KT H. 4.vtln B.rt aa sansi iiiwris aU af Iw SIiISjt ws ea. mfg ! . . a. . ta.A.iiitaHiiE.sii4 4brat , Ta taanile, jtata. ! DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TI1HE cortnerhiD heretofore e xioin; be- I tven the subscribers is this da? di i solved bj matoal consenu A I acconsts uf . Ihe f.fuj will he se'iiej bv . X Worden I The bo'ioess of the S'tar A I'bronicle ruah- i..hm.n. ill be eotiuaued from ibis i e hy J. R Cornelia, who will execute all cnful 6'led eonirscta o( the lale firm of WnriJea A Cornelius for parers ai t advertt'.inr O X. WiiRIiK.V. J. It. COK.NKULS. Lewisbnrr D-e, 30, tA. WilDtrd - a Tenant, TO oeeopy ihe tw H ae oa the Farm of J.istra M. Xiwit. Chii:iqnai)ie T-p, aI boarJ the hin w,ployed on ihe farm, A van with sraaHl tanlsatr. arrastnmra to . farm work, or a Widow, preferred. Apr'y t" Dec. is. p.m. xesbit . .... a w .i i n scaVSa lC" 1,4,1 BLVk is,,. TOTICE is hereby given. c.nU ' li sui.rth. Artrt o..e .mbiTrftt. of r.n..i... tu!-d - as A-. u- a-Jmrtii- B.L.f th.C"twi ! ifc "" - riMtti for tb rroa m Umnmiwrt anlfT tb L of Ib I o.t-l ?lls. aVpTT-ai Itf 4T 0astr ja . I- W-. tli ?to khMOrg f't V.- Lalarz B-o. ttA U.iK lav U-rsHM-o u h p Aei.:03. fcaJ Iliat 1U -1r:tnT bT p- tS jr-r.tr ! tts f.ar of Bur thao totMrJ f th- "Iwuf vIl to mk tbv r-mtyjti.it rr-.a.rsl ttt1-' tb lae f it l'tu ! Gifts! ! a. splendid assortment of ' . -v- -e' 'vnTTn'; j r v "N .r". x - I COnf lsting1 Ot COOKS THO? OQRAPU ALBUMS, 1'OCKLT DIARIES. MOTTO CAPS, POC&ET BOOKS, 1 PFRFUMERL. GolJ RlDZS. Toys. &C. At Crotzer's Variety Store, The anderstcned. (ieiini?ae lo close fcni aesa, oflers bis EX FIRE STOCK fur sa!e. II.W. CROTZER. Lewisburg. Dec t9. s6t I mmkanUfABJ person dn i. of emnc mlo I ;Jh "'" Al IOrSD On the insu in I.ewitbnrg i a POCKET BOOK which tbe owner can have by proving property and paying charges. Inquire at Chronicle office Wanted to Purchase V8Mi.L. established business in the Notion line Captia! $VJO to $1.(H3 country town preferred. Anyone wishine to dispose of such busines will p'ease ' aiJre L.S,BoiI, K'7J4pd Mar'etia, Lane Co, Pa Gas Notice. N eonseqaenee of the increased cost of , I 1 CoaL, Ac, from and after the 1st of Jan. 1 115, tbe price of lias from ihe Lewisborf I a Work, will be s.so. neir, the Company paying uie uoverameat lax.. T. CORYELL, Dec. 31, 1864. fcr the Gas Company NEW BERLIN TANNERY. TTAVING formed a Partnership, aniier the X 1 nrm name 01 A. at . '- nut n . in '. wt would respectfully inform ihe public thai we bare on hand at all times ibe best qaality of LEATHER for sale on tbe most reaionab'e I terms, and will par ihe highest price in Cash for HIDES and BAKK. ABRAHAM SCHOCH. M ARTIN L. SCHOOL New Berlia. Nov Ss. 164 p!3w VEWDUE CRIER. 1 rpHE subscriber havin; taken out License i . s an Auctioneer under the Laws 01 inr taiicu Biav.r.. rncrs ni Kiiibca ku uia j olJ frienis lQ cry v.ndaes. Sales. 4c. J R,s,dence on South 7th Su Lewisburg, Pa ; pJimio;7 GEO. J. RoHLAND Dredsi cn sale at Chronicle effiee aaaaaaaaaaawawaWaWawawawawaWawaWaWaaWaWswsWaW Real Estate. r JFOT Sztlit, , TTOISE ND FPLLCORNER LOT. in j. Lewisburg. a sbjatt distance below John Brown's MilL Th houe is a new frame. SS by SI, conrenienrlr arranged a Well on the back porch, and excelleniTrnit on ihe lot, 1 Dec 57 ELLIS W LAI GHLIN I 1 -pmn, , of Apri, aexyas? larie WAGON , I. MAglX(. lnJ Bl.AibviirH shop on North Fnunh Su LWiturg, late of Hunter Pardoe. Eq. Inquire of liec 3, lent JOHN WALLS swans c.u.nn FAJU9, Heal SelinSgTOVe, FOR Sale. Br virtue of an order from ibe Orphans' Court of Snyler ronnty to the nderaigned, will be exposed it Public Sale oa Saturday, Fih. 4, 1S65, . i u ., ,1.. u.,.1 f u a,h.rf a Selmsgrove, the followiag Real Estate, late ol Gioss s Wsltsbs, deceased : All that messuage and tract oriaed situate in Penn ownbip, Snyder county, about two miles from tselmsgrove, containing 80 Acres more or less.adininini lands of Wm. Warner. I Michael Haias. Fred'k App, aad others, oa which are erected a ; HOUSE AIID BARN, , . ., n j"t- . . L. f and Outbuildings. There js a rood Well of water anu a uiwu osinsaw 11,1 , - r n.iifi'ir, ni. - u . mm- i mises. which are sit.atrd on 'she maia road from Beliasgrove to Lewisbnrg. v Terms of Sale per cent cabalance on irst day of Tebrwary Cow". ABRAHAM M. WALTER. Pec. tl. 164 Trustee (SeliasgTove Post,eopy bill lo Trustee) Towu ProfsertT lu Uariletuti A1 T PRIVATE SALE. The 1 eoaiaias about 1-1 aa Acre. The improvements are a two-siorey rrame noute us py as irr-, a. -m.k amri Kara. Sneda. i Blacksmiih Shop. Fruit Trees of all kinds, a i aerer-fading Well of water, Ac For terms mqaire oa ihe premises of H WILLIAM KLINE, atfwaey S th Hawa af Oasja asass, aar j vnn BEHT I m sea - rTVWIBTrRF.Y '"k HlE an4 fgf I LOT pb N.inh Feunh r. & h H p. MiELLLR. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. T)V virtue of an order of 'he Orphans Cerl ) of Union county, will be olferH at Pabli .-s!e rs the premises of ibe li'e CasMaa Il.cra. in Weal Buialf Uiwaihip, near Farmeril, Satnrdar Jan. 14, 1SC5, the HOMESTEAD Faras. coBprisiaa; 3S Acres more or lej, of good land, mostly Improved. """lIOUSE. T3ARNt. Sboemaker's Stinp. aew Vttsw fhei and ail other necesarv Ootbovlise. anc a yonsf t OKs'H ARD. Il is ais !l Wile red. j The on.-mproved pan bis a good aapp'y of . excejieni i iMix.ta. j Asa al)0a 5fj XcKi of WO0DLAXD I ' the same townshii. adjoining laJ of I Bro... H8tt..e, and ie.x.1, .ear tbc i ' V , V, i vwir P M .fc,- I Sa c to comir.er.ee at 1 o eWk. P M, wbea the Urals will be ma e kSf.wn bv 1 C.'RD SHCKLER. Ailat'v, MARY HAIX-IC. Adm a West Baffak, Lec. ftCl FOR SALE A' GOOD II RICK HOUSE, tsro and a half ' noreys hirh. having 8 rooms. Stable. ii by 19 feet. Fall lot, in trst rale os-drr with many Fron 'JVees. On ihe corner of M and M- Aatheay sireeLs. Lewisborje. Wans to te'.l bcane it is too laree fur mi family. " Ixe. 9, I-6t-.f J. 1 RE V It AX FOR SALE. VCOOD LANDING at ihe jnnetioa of ti Bu?! Creek wi,h the River nn-t Urge Ti d L"t boonded aerh by 8LMarv :r-et, eat by ihe Creek, somh by WaltV warttioo-e and west bv Water streei There is a Wharf batit. and tbe lot is welt aoed fur a Coal and Lntnber Yaril, Wara, house, cr anv bainess ot thai kml. THOMAS NEa BIT'S BEIE3 I.ewiborK. Dee. 9. 1S64 tf LARGE BUFFALOE YAL. FARM A1 T PRIVATE SALE. Il ia siiaated i White Deer township. Cnion cuaatv. abeat two miles from Datesnaa's Store. Wast Milton. The Farm was oneisilly owned bv Aimv M'1'.ia.aas, Esq and is so lra that it m rbt be d.siiied to make two or threw eood Canns. I will sell lew, as I wish lis quit the business of farming. Tbe Farm ia well timbered and well watered, and under a rood state of cultivation. There is a good House and ail necessary cutbaildmga a new first-c!as Barn, tha best ia tbe eoonly a sp'endid fprioi. yonnz Orchard, Ae. 4c-En-uire on ihe premises of Dec 1.164 AND. M'CLENAHAN f V a" VI ONE-HALF OF PEW NO. 44 body ranaa south side of Lewubar; Bapusl necuag honse. Inquire of Nov.ti F. W. Tt'STTN VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 1 T PRIVATE feALE. . V The subscribers cnVr ' Tsvr mlj Acms Farm LaWsf, simata , in Kelly townhip, a'jiinisr lands or I ant 1 Geddes aad others, about half a mile froaa i town. For further panico ars and terms apply la OR Wlti & HAYES. Oct. 13 Agents Lewisbarf, Pa TI3BER LAKTO FOR SALE ! rpHE sobseribers c9er at Private Sale flvw ! J. uacis vi iioki una, 01 aooni 3,115 ACRES, in tracts of about equal iz. situated la law .Northeast part of West BaRaloe township. I'nion eouniy. It will be sold in a body.or sincle tracts, lo sait porrhaera. Il is well timbered principally with White and Yellow Pin;. Whiie Oak. aad Poplar. For farther particulars, inquire of 6SriR0t mil ILL. My. J.O'B UCMaiaL, Uwiebaic. fjThe undersigned offers for sale a iraet of 5ii Acre of Land, in White Peer townshp, all well Timbered, except a boot 19 acres which are cleared and cultivated. Tha improvements are a (nod two-storey Log House. Stable, and Oa:baildiBgs. a gvoi Orchard, and an excellent Weil of Water at the house. 41O6I GEO. MEIXEI.L FOR SALE. A TAVERN isTAND oa Market St. la tho borctizh of Lewisbur; is o if; red for sal. cn reasonable term. The be use is rtoeb'a. and woo id conveniently accommodate I wo families if not desired for the pnbtic. If awt sold 10 a reasonable time, will be mortgaged. Any person baring money 10 loan, eaa have it well secured- Interest paid prompilv. Ap ply u iot j. wof.ru FAPsM FOR SALE. THE sub5crbers cfier for sale their Fa ran Bear tbe Forest Iron Works containing about 130 Acrea. t with eood Honse and Barn. and other neeea- ; Mrf Baadm-s. an excellent -pnng of Water between Ihe house and barn. Alt cleared. mi ia a good state of cultivation, ia a geod j ne'ghberbood. and convenient to market, ! mill, school. Ac ' We consider il cheap at f0oftwill take 5,5oO. SHEI.LER . SCHREYER. . Lewnbarr. Sat ut XT, IV. T OFFER at Privaie Sale 1 ny Farm, siiasla 1 in While Deer township. adjoiaiag land of John Eaack Esq. Levi Knock. EdrarJ Ranck, ri. B. Pawling, and Joel Ranck. eoa- tiimn; T 4cre more or less. Il has a 4 Ll , .. . . B.ni. R..n . .1 A,k.r good Hoate. Bank Barn, a 0.1 riher Oaibmld- ings. About 4 acres are well Timbered, the remainder under food cultivation. Trr i.r.i lanaire al lha nreanisea. 0e T -g JOSLH RANCK FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE Building L.snated ia a pleasant pan of Lewisburg. Terms lo suit the purchaser. For farther inform. Uon inquire of 1032 C D BREWER 'BDTFAL0E HOUSE" for Sale. THE Trae lees of the University at Lewis barg. oder for sale the large thraw storey hooe. known as the Bvfnb Hum siinaie-1 ia Lewnbarg. comer of fee "ad and Kl Lonis streets, oooosite Ihe Co art Hooae. The enure baildinc is of brick. feet on Second St aad 7 feel oa Su Lo aat finrshed with all the coareBiences and Wm improvements for a Bru class Hosel. Tha stabling, sheds. c. are ampte lo aeeoaimo. dale a large business. The " property will be disposed of at . a modera'e price and r-a easr le.aas. Fr rnnher fnfornsatira. iasi e I. r.wff LEV. I F.or .A hfc!.i.4.ataeti At1. ' ia. leu-;. I'ui ale Pa !' .
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