UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AUGUST 2C, 1859. O. n. WOBDEM J. E. CORNELIUS. fw. .- .Vm.-The Lrwismia CHBiTTn.r, po'4i-fte4 m the (Wh ftv-tetn, ha tha Urrt aud beat circulation of an Nrwiiper id 1'otnu CVui.ty. Frwiom, national; Slavery, sectional ! AbtttUIE rUUTlT10 TO AMLIUIA.N' I.N1H AND Hot m9lbrr In-l. of Niavr Trrrlforr by Eslrnsloa, PtirrhM w Cs.4.Mr(. Th ahove Br, and wtil be the two lea..in Prinrir.ea tM-ton trtvoouatry, no til lh-y am vlrtorionN ; and nU thfat t our mt bead, there to float until thfy to triumph atxtve tit- National Capitol at Waab- FOR AUDITOR flENHRAT., FOR SURVKTOR GENERAL, WILLIAM II. KEIM of Berks. they 6cll the whole party to each can didate, just as a Russian lord sells his serfs with his land ! We say many of the honest members of the party have become disgusted with this process of sale, wherein their will in Convention and their private feelings are no more Correspondence of tha Star A Chronic!, FUA.NK.UN, Iel. Co.. N. Y, August 16, 1859. Enclosed too will probably find odo dollar fur the continuance of the Star & Cbronicle, which we can not thick of liv ing without any how jou can fix it. It is bread to the hungry, or at least if I was To Builders. THE anbseriher wishes In tnTrT for TWO BAR.N'S.on ihe lowest Cash Term. One In be built immediately, in Lewisbtiri, 23 CARPETS nt i:idrldirc' Cheap Store. BEING in a bye-street, where the st. r ex penses are very light, the sub-cn err is by 20 fret. The other, a Bank Barn, 60 by 1 rnab!ed to sell at the Very Lowest I regarded than if they were 'naturals.' obliged to abstnio from either one meal Ilc they are sold by their leaders, as : per day, or tho Star i Chronicle, I should 40, t.i he built next Spring, near Watsontcwn i the Timber to be got on the premises. T. F. CURTIS. Lewisbrrg, An?. 3, 1859 wj NEW WII ITE WIIEATFLOUR JOtt sale by CIt.VMHF.RLIN- BROS. MONEY WANTED! filHE undersigned wants One Til OH - so many Elicep, they don t understand Bv two meals per day. v e Lave bad a at all. variety of weather since May. Tbat month Only last fall, it will be remember- was so dry as to materially injure the hay ed, Mr. olfe. a Jlfe-lon Democrat, cron. We had four heavv frosts in .Inn. J. atlil Dollars out of his Bi.ok Ac- I was rejected for Sheriff in order to I which made vcect.tion look father on the t "?" " K1' r!.b"- """ J? lllU-UAo .h.LULIIlkArS Of lOrkltako up ,1 candidate fresh from the! wilting order or about all killed. Corn therefore, who are in arrears to him for KnowXotliing lodges and fragrant was replanted tut looks slim, and farmers 511 monlhs a.nd r1"" ... , ', . , . ' - , - . ... , accounts immediately 1 and those in arrears, WltU Its penumc. Old-time Democrats; "re noiouing baling and hoeing corn about under six months, will receive a reasonable scratched their heads, and wondered ' tno ame time. Grain looks well. The discount on iheir accounts for payment made how they could stand it. How it was -vil are eating the Spring wheat, bu, be SS'E done, they didn't know, only "it Was ' ,ha' which was sowed late I think will N. B. All persons, hereafter, employing that Caucus in the Jury room." I P- . Oa.s look fin,. Sowed corn for 0, itntS That "sell" was bad enough but 'uJcr 13 P,cn,J among us. Sonio far- uiv ai six months after attendance given. When thev awoke One fine niornino-' merS "e not near through baying yet , fllAUtiCS MODERATE, and a reasonable and found themselves all "sold agait "T T" " T i rtiXSZ by thO Nominee tO a VoluutCCr thev " "'""eye, vj filler i, Aultman, ta n,.t Hie means, to pay. Others, in ihcir prac- rrallv rnnliln't ennnirnliiinil it 'il., c;1o" c;,t it K :.. j 11 iui ,re ua,:d t0 0,"B extent. l. . . (Tt Strict attention eiven to hnfne f,,r. I NORTUUMBERI.AND, I'prsons visiting Philadelphia, and wishing to buy Carpets, (til Cloths, Mailinss, &c will do well to examine the large assortment of Tapesirv Brussels, 1 Imperial 3-ply. CARPETS. Io!;rain and Venitian. J and Orl Cloths of all widths in eresl var'etv. Also, Canton and Cotton Mattine of al kinds, with a larae assortment of low.pnred Incrain Carpets, and Kntiy and S'irCarpet, Itugs, Mats, Drugzets.Stair Huds.Kag Carpets, . Cotton Carpets, Ac, Ac. 11 ir vt rrtirs-w 1 1 . . i.iiuivuur., Assignees' Sale. ON TIiurndii.Ts I-lh of Scptrru hi'r next, will be exposed to public ale, a rrrtsin l.ot of Ground on which is erected a valiiat.le .STEAM FLOUR ixa MILL, and the appiirieuani es hm.wn as the property cf --oii. II -v.' Ar rVhthorn, situate c.n Water stieet, n. rih of Market, in the borough of L 'W)sl.urf in I tiion counly. sn. Mil! I-. I. .nt of l.ri k. four and a half storeys hiJi, havn.e sn Knffine of forty horse poer aitacl.rd, a fine brick stack, six run of ! CANDIDATES' COLUMN. (Cmk csu pr tl "I IS liMo or km.) Omnty Wtyatt A'trtumM tBlurfey, asj 27. A"StMifiMo; Owwun-Lrwl.l.iirir, Mor Aug ft t"?'l'Iease announce that WILLIAM lill.K, of Buffalne township, wilt bf , Cllldu date for re-elechon leture the :nniv Ct,BI vention of S9th August. 1.I.MKS I ONE r-m-v... .-.. .- . . ..... i,rcn any eoneman as .., proposed fi rt'oi STT AruiToa. sefr ,,i . np.n SAMltL C. WII.T pa ,r have hit No. 43 Strawberry St., Sd door ab :hestnnt. 1'HII.AUKI.rillA. is ni.i surpasses, urain ran i.e Pougtit as r7"S'rnwlerry is ihe first street west of cheap at this place, as anv oiher point in the Second. j hC"ni3 f rate ; and there is mure grain raised in this secimn oi cuuniry man necessary io supply all ihe Mills : ami lor .Men-nan! Woik this mii .e. a Jou: le s-i nl liolnnj Cli'ths, iwo 11 J'neion as one every way qualified fr.t thi !i.ut Ma. nines and all other Oearipg neeej. iniportant po-t. Old Hartley has presented ary ti make (and has made) as good Flour Du candidate ihis year, and we therelore .k as any r.ther Miii in the Mate. to bung oni Mr.Wilt.for alihnuuh no partuan The lunation of this Mill, considering the he is a pnblic spirited citizen and gr,c4 tUM. productiveness of ih ri.untry suriounding it, "ess m.ln who would add sirrneih to that 'he one for this couulry, although other1 "" m:'v rx'''nli unlimited rredii; hut. for wuri... , ,. Send nte Union County Convention. The Vuters of I'nion county opposed to the National Administration, are invited to meet lb their respective Election Pistricts, on MTTRPjIT. ilhl'sT V. IV. )u the Townships from the hours of S to 5 in the Boroughs from the hours of 4 to 7 in the afternoon. The places of meeting to le In New Berlin at M Klerkner's; in M11H10 h.irg at Wra luhofTs; in West Buflaloe at the Kaufman school-house; in White Deer at T. Panders; in 1,'nion at T.Pursel's ; and in (he remaining Districts ai the Election Houses. Then and there to select 2 De-legates in each District, to represent the District in the Count) foot entiort to convene at the Buffalue House, Lewisburg, at II A.M. of TlTnnJit' S iifrii'l art : r ui. . M i , " . ! of Mr. .o.,,u..cUue,.-u,,r,,H.ur.,5rniuiy,,uui xcuiocrauo reauers WUO 00 not ,. , v .. ' . i ritHE subscriber would respectfully inform r.ne nerson for Prothonotarv Ac-one nersnn . , ... . ! discovered to be on nr itiil.iai.,l,,, I . . t '-""'i t . -r . ' ' , llKe 10 lie SOIU Hue SO manv sheen I . B I lne punne mat lie lias now on banrt a f.ir I reasurer, one person for Commissioner, '"c iimh eutip. .u.,,nnl ... ;. ,. , w M r,i,.k..,s,n piv.ti.it, llenry thavles was sued on a Note I , uo h ' fur lh. ,nppljr of hl, c.o.ers.,,;,her with (indorsed we believe by D.Mover) for 1 1 j i . , , u"u"' w"s ; a supermr lot of cppers. winch he win sell S75 tinilo tn I W PL,,in'n n i burned dJWD, together with all tho tickets : p,. aCcommodaiin2 terms. I v.o , inauc to J. Y . Fennuigton. On u( tbe CoulpanT unJ lle tooks of Mr He f.,i,c, ,, of lhe Fainiers l0 tne trial, the time when and the rea-' i.-n;, n.- ,:t. . r his pnees for h ides. i to call upon him than to place them in Ihe ; hands of Agents, as he is determined to give ittorc illcnl. mill is especially rec-rnincniled. Anv pers.in desirous of ensasinz in said BEEF, JIl'TTOX VEAL ' usiiic-s will do well to call and examine be- Ac w.ll be suppl.ed to the h.inpry people by i lorepurrnasing eiewnere. the subscriber, ai his shop on North Fifth ! Hr Also between :n and 700 new Flour street, where he carries on tbe Uutcherme ' Barrels b' r!r""'-. business. n,l will sunolv all kinds ,,f Meat 1 "ale tf oe at tiie puoiic nottsf ot A. J. vs ein but had no public proof. IIow the thing was managed, is ok published in a Court of J ustice, and having been Aug. 20. This himself, he has, for the future, fixed on the six Mosul rum, which will be strictly adhered to in all cases. Xj Strict attention given to hntnes a f,,r-in-rly. WM. I. RISER, M. U. Lewishnrg, July 18, lS.'iOmfi in us season. On Wednesday and Samrday ' i mornings, be will be found at Market in front j of M"Fa idin's Hardware S'.orelV"at low rates I for t 'ash exclusively, t'alves wanted Beeves I and Sheep purchased as usual. Try the New Butcher. I CHRISTOPHER fiEMEERLING. I.ewisburg, An?. IH. lB.itfy alluded to first in a Philad. paper, we i B1"rui"g l"mt tma 'cI":k. he ticket office LCATIIIJU roil S.kVV, give it for the information of many of i u !h"a C"tn """'V "d '"" "k' mM , tiinot. at Aorthuuibcr and. were I r Estate. ensaul, in said borough, commencing ai it clock P. M. Conditions made known on day of sale. K. H. I.AIliD A WM. JONF.M. Assignees of .i:sbit. Hstis A Fichthorst. I.ewishnr;, July 21. I'9 Hoard. Submitted In Ihe I'er.rl'. f . . . -"I ... .vwnvrn i.b of 29th Aujust. vo. "I BELLOW Citizens . I offer elifTtanX 1 forthe. tr.ee of Cmn,ty n,r siiljert to the decision of lhe fmrn -r,on.J .invention of 29th Aug. Hav.nj been nteeI by many friends. I hr pe ;0 receive a lit.,a' support, and if nominated and elected I '! perl rm the du'.ies of the ifjire to the best ,'f my at "v. B W THOMptsov Mifiiinburg. July, l-5 pAPT. JAMES BLAIR .777.17, ", y be a candidate for the t (See Cjf ( ,,an'.' r,,imiiimr, sublet t ,ne decj,,,, of t' Ini. n l.'epnblican Convention in Ad .,,' July 23. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. virtu" of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. Real Estate at Public Sale ! f T7ILL be otfered at public sale on S'.lur. y ilin, .fijiiil 27, le.VJ. at II) oVInck, A si, a tract ol Lam! situate in Uullal, e 1 p near choice A Jamesi 11. Hariiiln would i rprifitf.tM an nriiinrfs ihl ho u ill t . , 1 ' ' Olfice of UISTRICT ATTOREV for ' ! ! rarmersville.conlaii inc 2 4 'CN more or less, ah-nit 12 acres cleaied.and lhe balance ! well timbered. e.er.tu.nm t ! ,.. .t.- -f the lfepul.li. an c. r.venticn 'JJr.e 1 and ' It will be r lTcred in lots, or together, to (icisipu n'i Lisiiiti mini ney, one irrson for County Surveyor, one person for Auditor, and to transact such other business as usually devolves upon the County Convention. Knotcrd.Thai we exhort our friends in this rouniy 10 oe vignani out numerate in tneir I cnn r. .).; i, , . ,; " cinvassforcountyotTiccrs-selectiiigihebest. j sii..u.,cit:1iiweu ! adj lining Mr. Elliott's store. The cause most suuable and most deserving men-and : by the following 6 worn evidence from ' 0f tLc fi,a ia ui.tnown Tl lc, m tieti unite npon them like a band of brothers, i II W Pe'oc nm.nf il,-l,Ml t - , " " 7 1 i and ensure their success by a handsome vote, j ' . ' ",v" " , tuiiding is ?yuu. t0 and book accounts i ! ..... . ... Ihe Committee would also urge upon all "ul a-'ciuut-i ai s , in rtpiy io inicrroga- ol .Mr. Liliott to Ihe value of three or four eoncerned the importance of opening and of! tones propounded before Ira S. Lias- thousand d.lhrs were destroved cltine, Commissioner : j Fatal Accide.vt Charles IVbiitaker, 4th iatcrrryatory : This paper marked ' a fireman on (be Northern Central Kail-' A., ana reierrea to la tbe commission satisfaction in this particular branch of pur chases. L. J. 11LLL Lewisburg. June 1, closing the polls precisely at the hours desig nated, and of so conducting the elections that every voter and candidate may have justice dune him and no ground appear for complaint. O. N.Wordeu, Archibald Thorna?. (i. F. Miller, Abraham Frederick, II. K. Sanders, Michael Kleckner, J. D. Forrey, Conrad Shockler, .Tames Irwin, Samuel Swcngle, Wni.P.Dougal, James Marshall, ?. Sflicflmycr, Vmnty Commitr I Vend. Ex. issued oiitol lhe Court ol ("om- sun purchasers. mon Pleas of I'mon county, and to medirecl- ' There is on the premises a SAW MILL, ed, will be exposed Io Public Sale or Outcry, CLoVEIt MU.L, a grir.it Wa'er Power and on the dates and at the places fullowing,to wit : cord Spring. ISAAC WALKER. On Siitiinliiy, the :M day ofSeptctn-! Ju,y is ternher nen, on lhe premises, at 10 o'clock, A. M , a certain tract of Land situaie in ihe township of White Deer, and county f Cmon. hounded north by land of the She'lheld Iron Company, west by I in.ls late of Henry H.ah, dee'd, and others, south by lands ol Da vid Sle.lnnier. anil .ail hi. Inn,!.: ,f f:..lu..n H.icher and others, containing Twenty Acres, ! more or e, whereon are erected a Four-Sto- FOR RENT! ri'IIK T lt.Hls occupied at pre- 1 'SHOPS. JOH B. LINN. seni ov vi a!nnstn 11 utchins. n as a Sa.oon. I hey are suKable I. r or Terms apply to Jan. 27. is,.s). X Jonathan lVesbit's Estate. rilOU . Wtav as'il..rt-.n. C . l an eshir. Iaf nf r.an-ichnm humnih I aforesaid, lierc shown me, was executed in : i , y , , , : county, deceased, have been granted b irles i . "" " 'ou uu me Keg.sterof I nion county to the suhsn I'MON COUNTY CAM'IDAlts NAMEU. As.'fml'yTlomit Hayes. Proihnttotary John Bi'ger. Jnho A. Merts I P. D. Goldin. AVm. Kosbong. I Trennirrr Robert H my presence and executed by HenrvCbarles and Javid Moyer io the bar-room of Ijavid Moyer, io the town of Ilartlcton, io the couoly of Union and State of Pennsylva nia, on tbe second day of October, A. I . 1858. '' bih interreirjtitory : At tbe time the said engine while in tbe act of oiling tbe valves, and was so severely injured tbat ha died ; io a very thort time. 1 State Debt. The Treasurer of the j Commonwealth advertizes for a quarter of nion by the nber. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment; and those having claims BRICK FOUNDRY FOR SALE. i i i The subscriberi l!'ers to se.l the li:iaailart;e Brick Foundry at lhe west bSrwl end of Market street, inrlii.t.nv John S. Finney, Susannah Messinger A Sam- : meacrrawgihe W'areroom. OIHce, and lhe ml Henderson. I Machinery attached also a larse amount of Also, on Tnesdav, fith dav of ?et- r"""5 S'Z ViUnl R'" "r Agricultural trmberneii ai ihe l'n,e ir.,.. r.r w.' I -acinery. coves, c. ii ,s legar.ieii as one rey WOOLLN FACIoKV, a two-storey Dwell. 111. ll.ille r,..,i,. :t-..,l qn.l nil.a. OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Buildings, Ac, with the appurter ancts. as ....iM.sirauon on ine r.siate ouonatn-, ihe nronertv of Isaac simien. liiH M,re CRD At the .,,!.,,,,,, .r ... l friends. I am induced in offer -n, ,.., ... tu-c niir.j ,.. tri.on eniintv. at t u O. t. Elect,,,,,, for ihe . tr., e ,.i Treaikurrr, sutject to a nomination ly the Countvfiu veoiion of lhe 2Sih Aui;nt. ! lv l.Obi'ET H. LAIRD -4sn.,,,-.Vessrs. Erfunrs i Perw.i me ibroncii your pap-r ro recosimend :o ib, Oppr.Mii. n party THOMAS HAVES E-tj. at a cand il.iie Io represent cs in Ihe next Legis lature, lle served us one session, highly ere ditablv to himself and to his consiituenis, ai. t the next year.althoueh he was tbe linami.1.. . ii i. e oi our couniv, he was the action of the d lies ot ihe Di-tncl. li s claims are strong.aod I trtivt ,e pn pcrly appreciaied. July II. ls;,9 Bifmio.. superceded t icrees ol me other cr un- will present them properly authenticated lor ' , a r settlement. ill'fill P. SHELl.E.t, ' , Lewishnrg. June 2, 1H5U Administrator ; ,'!T,'"' . Wolfe, in ihe Borough of llartleton, at 10 o'- of lhe besi locations for a C'.od.safe business. ; The Proprietor s lime is w holly engrossed i note was executed, as aforesaid, depoucut ! million of dollars worth of Pennsylvania an Ii,.,.,, l'l...P1n. ..... . - f n ri . saw Henry Charles pay to J. V. Penning ton twenty-five dollars, and from the con versation (hat then fa-scd between the said Charles and Pennington, doDoneut James V. Sands. ' understood acd he'ieves that the tnenty- J.aird. I five ""Hars were paid Pennington by bees. 1 be diminution of lhe State debt progresses quietly and steadily at tbe rato of about $1,000,000 per annum. The in- P I C N I C,"U We'll jump into tlie Wgun, and all Uko a rile.' LARCE, handsome a I... - U.IC -el ' .'.. . . i i am, a oi . i . i i . , re or les, situate in the Borough i 7" . " . "J "y " " '.ne r". on " ..icj , u..--o.'r ,.. .no. j ouiiuiv, 1 1 r any further particulars, address WILLIAM rltlCK, Lewishnrg, A. and very comforta ble Wf; hasbeen fitted up for lhe especial coimmo,tai,.,n r (erest is paid regularly, without borrowing ! ' lc" 'ic and other similarexcursions. Terms t Itarileton, snd county of L'nion. honnded ; on Ihe east by lot of Misses Lucas, south by turnpike, west by lot of Rebecca Wise, and norih bv an alley, whereon are erected a I frame D VV ELLINU HOI SE. STORE ROOM, , Ware Room and frame Stable, Ac, wnh the appurtenances, as the property of R. 11. Kerr. JOHN CROSSUKOVE, Sheriff. Shenfl sOthce, Lewi-burz. Au. 5. 1S59. Feb. 18.')S I 'mon Co. Pa Or the Slightest finanoi.l ilifTi,..!.. ...I """- Apply to JOS. M. HOl'SEL. J' Lewisburir. June 3. 1K59 W llliam Jones. Josiah Baker I uaries as atonsaia, in rousflerutmn that : we mention the fact to remind our readers DUtrn-t Attorny Albert It. Torse. j Wwytow, ii-Ao wns Me, canJi.iatt '. of tbe beneficial effects of the sale of tbe John ULinn. I Samuel H.Orwif ! t.M;'' of High J5h-j PuUio W(,rk about whi h interted .T ..n..W H.n,i; riff of Lblou county, tcyui' withdraw from 1 ' luierceieu I ... . ..... nnrl.a v. . . .! I. 1 T ... said cacvass and not run fur tbe said office : r '' t'r. in gemng during the election then pending. r'd ' those Public Works the Couimou- ih i,iie.rrrjatnry : Jobo W. Young, ! wealth threw off tbe heaviest load it had Thomas Gutelius, J. W. Pcnuingtoo, ever been called on to bear. UarrMurn David Moyer, and deponent, at tbe time j Ttliyrovh. the said note was executed, did promise the said Charles that, we would mpport him j As Old Fruit Beari.mj Tree. Dur- ior mil i ujco oi iitcu sueria o! tbe said C ommii.nntr Samuel Marshall. Archibald Thomas. I Jimes ll'air IJ.U'.ThompsoD. j William Rule Snrtyor Conrad Sbeckler. Auditor Samuel C. Wilt. A Slew Business in Central Fenn. Ta the public in general Jr Milliner) in particular. The undersiened would respectfully log a recent visit to Adams county, our venerable townsmen, Jacob Ziegler, Esq., plucked soma apples from a tree which was planted by hiui in Hanover township, cghty years ago. The free is still vigor p,iniorm ine dwellers in l.ewisburg and ' surrounding country, ihat their hn, I openeu a Straw lint &, llonnet Illrarliing and PREssIXO establishment in this town, where ue are prepared to eiecute all work entrusted to our care. Having had 14 years' constant experience in tbe business in Philad. City, and being acquainted with the most approved process of Bleaching, we are confi dent of our ability io suit those who eive us their custom. By devoting time and attention to our business, performing work neatly and To-Morrow Saturday, I the dar for our DELEO ATE '. I""-"-- county, and deponeut believes that ELECTION'S. We again urge upon j ,h,e .f.P"'" togeihrr with tbe protuisa . - r r - cf Pennington stated in tbe answer to in ryery opponent of Locofoco.sm in , terr,g..or.y five formed tbe whole con.id L nion county to attend and vote. In ; eratior. for tLe note aforesaid. particular, let Farmers and Median- j ' imtrrucfitury : Pennington did with-. ous and thrifty, bearing a large crop this ! BEAVER llalst ICS popart to tpend ha' a d.nj for that , Criw 8 l"'ve rr"m season. Mr. Ziegler was a lad of eieht ! , ur work ' d"n.'' ,n C"T and at the mnM .rl r.ni ln,, ll .1 .1 I 11 LN R W. FRIE?. L, , ,, , . D , . , .! lowest City prices We make the usual liberal purpose, and not leave all the choice ! years old when be planted the tree, and is : dedm-t.on to the Tra le-and hence M, timers of Delegates and Candidates to the1 . "appears you Democrats , in Lij cit.htJ.ej :h being one c.f! W1" fi"d "", lheira'lvi'n"' ''-'' i'h us. dozen idlers, or mere politicians, who j of U,1n county-1000 men-were by the 0, Jesl raeB ,ivirjg ia our couuty T. e ! ,er";'i; ';k care more to serve some friend, or to 1 3nr ,m" oominec abandoned to a : fcgoing from the Harriaburg Tctejr,,,,,, ; rrovidcd we gei ,. on or before Tuesday" ' gain some scliish end, than for the " ' .I "X, " ""V"." "u au"cr " io seinsa SCrt.on of st.nf. - March 9, IS.'iS l.ewisburg Dr. C. BI'WEAL, HAVING resumed lhe practire of MEDI CINE, tenders his professional services lo lhe citizens of Lewishur? and vicinity Office and residence at the west end of Market June l.'S9 I ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALES. I 1.1V virtue of sundry writs of Vend Ex. and j ) Lev. Fa. issued out i f ihe Court of Com-1 mon 1 leas of L nion counly and lo me directed, will be exposed to public sale or outcry, on the dates and at lhe places following, to wit: l Hi -Monday, 12th ol .September next at 1 o'cl'k, P..M,at the Courthouse. I.ew.shur-. a Lot and a half of .round more or less, situate in Ihe boronah of New Berlin, l'nion county. . marked on tbe town plot .No. 15SJ and ball lot : li7,boun.!e.l south by New Market sireet.west by lot 159. norih by an alley, and easi by half loi 167. whereon are creeled a two-storey Frame llou-e. a well of good water with a i pump, and oiher out-buildings, with lhe appnr i lenances as Ihe properly ol Adam Maize. ! Also, at tbe same time and place, a certain Iran of land situate in ihe lownshin ol" iFor Salt. t IlIIE residence of the subscriber, on J Market street in the Borough Lewishurg. The house is of BRICK, well finished in every respect. Terms One half to be paid bem-een ihis and the first day of April next; the balance to be paid in two. three or five years, as may suit the buyer. Possession civen any time. June 9, Its.", ISAAC WALTER. For Sale, CIHAT desirable property, corner nf St. John and WaterSts ,c mrristiigr';.,e litter l.tsl, i n which areerccteit a sma I Houe. Shed, and W barf. This is an t x.-cl-leni location for a Rivir resiJence or place of business. For terms Ac. apply lo JON ATH AN WOLFE, Agent, i Lewisshurg, June 16. Im.VJ ' John Ii. Linn wiuld respectfully an. nounre ihai he will be a candidate for the oiieof Dl.sTHICT ATTORNEY for I'nirn county subject to the choice of the conven tion of ihe 2'Jih Aug. next. May 19. ls.'.a rT The good time has come when Th "ir.ee seeks the Man. and not Ihe Man the Office." ir jamfs fjin(s iors al ' or seek or peihaps desire the Prothonotary's ofhee. but n is n.. onderstoi.d he would reiu'e ; ii if freely offered him without Solicnatii.li r n ; his part. And believing him entitled to the nomination, and the test qualified of any i f the gentlemen named. Messrs. Editors are to announce htm (thn'wohr ul his knowing of it) as a candidate beiorethe people's convention. ! '3'h. MANY FRIENLS. CONRAD sHECKi.ER hereby informs the citizens of I n. on rouniy ihat he will be a candidate for Cimntu .s.rrv,.r. subject to the nomination of the coi.i e noon of the 29rh of August next. F..s, Hit, July 13. IS59 I ' Messrs. ci ln.ons UAKS i . , t-. liu to. Olf l" it. r...i.ii:.a;i "f SJ II". 'J '.- t me thrench vonr the public JOSIAH irr. as a suitable person '.. Tr'eiunr suljecl ! " Cccnlv rrrrer Hon of Pt'FFAI.OB delivering it promptly, we hope to succeed. ! W hite Peer, and county of I'nion, bounded e ais i .sronr and Ac-finisA r ELT and FOR SALE OR RENT I - TW O DOI'BLE FRAME HOC- IiSESaid l ots, each snnab e foriii is'" families one on North Fourth street and one on St. John street, for S i e Hall of each t the above H uses ate I. r !' . t. ' 's... lui saie. I io li'iil lii." Lots on N. oh F nhsti.et JOHN liOLOIITON. Lew. sti. 1". '.o. s- 9. Ateot tt If KM HIHALr? 'I II consent lo the u-e of his many whi would vme f, r ( oininissioner. That Board sh. u!d MAS. E.q, will n.ime. there are him for County be con- good of the party. Attend, touh- : "l"'omi?c t0 pay" 100 in all, or many people, when asked to plant trecs- EELVES, PCXCTCALLY at all the hours i 10 CtS- 3 ,1Caii ! , And tI,CSC ""'a C0D- i "A'y wout dj ",e g"0d " This man :tj i . n unpointed, and seek to obtain a fair "'S !'"" o not. an even pro expression from the honest and disin terested masses. Select honest and respectable men for Delegates men to represent ynu men who will obey your instructions, and not deceive you. Individually, we have not sought to multiply candidates, and would there were fewer rather than more. TVc have published the names of all who desired it, personally or by a true fiiend. Ve have urged no one to be a candidate, but have endeavored to show FAIR PLAT TO ALL. enf'ued the fruit of bis labors, thUtu vcars fess to belong to the Democracy ! ! afterwards. "These bo thy gods, 0 Israel!" Will j T PHE Sll'.scrib-r i I'.UH K Itm: dings, snuat io Peisons -A-ish-iii; you servo them anv longer? tS.The Democracy of Northumberland eouu'y bad a stormy time last Saturday, in nominating a county ticket about 2,000 votes having been polled, with the follcwiDg result : Representative Geo. Wo. II. Kase, of Rush, by 26 maj. Commissioner Philip Clark, of Sun bury, by 400 maj. Treasurer Dr. R. II. Awl, of Sunlury, 1700 mj. Dial. Attorney John Kay Clement, of Hunijury, by IVU mj. V.Oa Monday evening, Gen. Riley gave one of bis stirring Temperance Lee- street, opposite Frick's Foundry. lures on Cameron's corner, and another io Independent Hall, Lewiaburg. FbaskLin, X. II., Aug. 19. Mrs. Bet sey Datifortb, who mysterious disappeared, 00 the 4!U Of July, Was found to-day, 1 ""'.. U- l, sn.l where crops are ner ml .l; I,.,, 1 . II. ! 'w" b" l" ternl.Ie Msmnrr vt the. nnrlh, M ad- a.isi, uu. iluuuu aiuioat iu w eacieion, in m.uieoi or llamutoitton Land. a slough hole, a mile from the house wl.cro rpi'K IIMVi.VT"X F.tKMFlt-, n. wsp.prr.lcrMo.1 lo l.itrrHt.itH nT.1 Apriruit.tre. nlpo M-tli,. fortli full arc'llnl of Ibe new eHlem. n( of lUmmontoD. in NVw JerM-y cNn l iihscrilH.,l ,..r nt onlj .SeentKper annum. 1-rl.i.e pnslHee slnmii f..r tt. amount. Aililre. to K'l.tor of ,l,c trhl.-r. Hi.ntmonUn, P. II.. Atlai.tir V. Xcw Jrrajr. 1l.... wi.li.ne chop land, of tlie l t un.n j, , on-or me nea.u.H.t ana luoel ,ltl.)itfi.l cir she lived. She says her only susteuance ; ehe has had, for the last tweuty-sig days, j was water. Mrs. Danfortb is sevcuty-four j years of age, and partially insane. She FREEBLTRGER & BRO.'S sPirffisiss gas rmmii Ttni.sii.vii:M' HAS been removed to Reaver's Brick !C Block, on North Third street, 3d door i east by the W est Branch of the Susquehi' River, north bv lands of John Vertz, John Kon ple and others, we-t by lands of Jacob Tr. xei and south by lands of Jacob Kostenhader.con tainingTweni One acres more orless.whrreou are erected a one-and-a-half storey Frame Dwelling House, 8 Log Barn. Wagon Shed Ac. with ihe appurtenances as lhe properly of David S. Vertz. JOHN CROSSOROVE. Sheriff Sheriffs Olfice. Lewishurg, Aug.24, 159 Sew lui icultural etl lenient. epo AI L B AM INO FAKMi, a rare op;rt.i..il in a x (l..lehTlul at.il benlthr rlimiite 6 mile, toullici.t r.f I'l.tlNiielpt.iatOli the Camilcu and Atlantic Itallroau .New Jersey. An old eernte er-nii-tine of sccernl thcusnnrls cf sere of pr. dui-t.s,. eo.l Itni. 1,-n a.nd. i tuto rerautof Tanoos a.tea u. euit the ur.-t.Aer. A pofulNli'in ..! ma, li,s. from vartou paruof the mitlle .SUte..ant New Kni:ln.i' nase -viti.-u mere the paet Jear. im.ns.-. their plan--, and rai.ed exilleiit rr..e. The i rtee of the land i- at the low mat ,. from lo SJU p. r arre. the Roil ui of tlie hest n.iality for the pro.u,'t..'n ol Wheat, Clover. Corn . i , , . ls-.el.es. r,.e, and Veeeub,.... )t i, ciirtaJi th. ! ding from l.ewisburg to M liUmburg, containing I wai iru.t M..1 id the lou'n. 7 ha placa to perfectly ae- ' pJ ti res ann 44 percnes, wnn a Iwo cure ln.ni fn tsll,e desirurtire enemy of the farmer, j Jli4 storey Brick House. Barn, and other Crops ol e'rain. nraes and fruit are now Krowinff andean. ' o l . , .1. , . , , : neseen. By es.m..,inK the pl.c it-ir. a errrel !jnd. j t,'"buildings ihereon, and Wllh a good Spring ! meat en be formal ol the productivenesa of the land. : of water in lhe cellar. The whole is under 1 -TV1, ';"", '"J.'" cur. ih. rapid improra j a gnd state of cultivation. , trent of the land, wlnrh is only sold for acfuof mnropev ! .p. t i c-r- i. mm j menf. The reaiill has bean, that within the paat year, I There Is also lor Sale a tract of TimberWg j aome thru latmirrti hinun hate been erected, two siilla, ; Land in East ButTaloC Tp, Containing - 1 f one ptenm. ro.ir stores, pome forty sinyards and l'eacb : acres more or less. , -e... ..... s ,, Ke RUDIier ,.. oilier impniSO 1 . ni.-nui, making it a desirable and active place of btiMoeaa, ! tinually filled by oor strongest and besi qual- ...ru men, ii r inev spend all our couniv taxes. He is well known, honest, and competent. SHAMOKIX i:iur;E. fT-rs lor sa'e several - s. and i Iher Bml- E r nh of Lewishurg. to . uu hase. will please call on Mr. Ji.narlian 'io!l, who will give them such iiiforu.aiiiM. as thev may desire. July a. ls-. G. sfHNABLE. lRtVATB SALE. TI1HE subscriber orters lo sell the late resid J tlence of Jacob Miiti, dec d, situate one mile west of Lewisbure on the Turnpike lea- rpo the Voters of l uion conniy : One gen I eration has passed away since lhe large iownship ,,f White Deer has been represen :e:l in ihe B. ard ol Counly Commissioners. I therefore take this method of proposire Vr. MI EL MARSHALL before the 29th" An-. Convention, as C oniniistsioner. He is a native of our county, a considerable tax paver, and a parly man every way fit. compe tent and worihv. ' KELLY T TO the Voters of l'nion county I offer myself as a candidate for the Oihce of I'rolliouolary sutject to the decision cf the Republican convention. Should I be so fortunate as lo be nominated and elected, I will endeavor to perform the I'mies of saij office with fidelity. W M ROsHONG New Berlin, June 4, 1859 T oele f AJ j- ..i.,l! i. j eL , ." .. . . u sirrct, oc a..-.ic i jS"s-u uauiw, Coroner Cyrus Ucasy, Of Sunburn, bj : -uo.,u.i, oeit.ueu ior oj large i irotn Market, where they are prepared to do before us : a wise and just selection ! a small mi. j parties of our citizens for two weeks after ; """" vutk ia ll'eir line on the si will form a triumphant Ticket. A word to the Candidates. You are numerous, and hopeful. Some, it is stated, have by self and friends indulged in some bad and useless fee ling : that is all wrong. A dozen or fifteen of you must necessarily fail of a nomination. Keep' cool, then, and good natured. Sooner should'you all expect not to be nominated, and then you that got it will feel so much bet ter after the operation ! Tbe card of St r. Sasns In another column waa svrtttea f -r our last weea'a paper, but did not reach vsloaeaao. One card was dalayad a weak by an enlht fa oar ( else An awanyajoat raeommandation waa not nntloai ooltl il waa autborlavd by a. rcaDooaiblc person. How Democratic Candidates are got np In Union Count j! It has long been a matter of bitter complaint, among honest Democrats iu this county, that, no matter who they may nominate for an office, it is uncertain who the jugglers and wire workers will hare on the Ticket for them to vote for on Election day. If they nominate Mr. A., it is no" sign but Mr.B. will be on the Ticket when it comes to voting ! They Cnd on the 'DesDOcrasticic ticket" names of noto rious Whigs, Know Nothings, and Republicans, and aro compelled to own them, just as a Xecro Slave hn to obey any driver his master may itoo.se to put over him. If th I j. vit.il h wirepuller Ret nr, half , Auditor Peter W. Gray, of Sanlury, 1 her disappearance, when all hopes of liud no opposition. j jng f,er were abandoned. ec . tit i, . t . m. ..I j urre were some "oauoi-Dor stumng resorted to, tbe defeated candidates and Fuilacelphia, Aug. 20. Tbe cele- their friends say, and probably with truth. Mr. Uottenstioe waa defeated by bis own neighbors tbe "upper end" who voted against hiin because be refuted, last winter, io tbe Legislature to perm t a vote to ba taken to see whether the upper end might not be allowed to unite with Union county. For this Anti-Democratic course "served him right." Tbe Opposition make np their ticket oo Monday next. bratcd sewing machine manufactory of ' and finish. Geo. H. Sleat & Co., was burned to tbe ground this niorning by the work of an iucendiary, but tbe business of tbe house, extended all over the country, will not be distuibtd by tbe occurrence. Tbere is an insurance of thirty thousand dollars oo the property destroved. the shortest nonce. Orders and inquiries from neighboring towns promptly attended to. Please call and examine our Iar?e assort ment of Fixtures of the most approved styles The Bloomsbarg & Lackawanna railroad extension from Rupert to Danville, is com pleted, and tbe first engine went through a few days ago. A corps of engineers is now engaged io locating the road down the northern side of tbe Susquehanna to baa Young, and all his other Letters j Chulasky and Northumberland, to connect aeross tbe continent, ara most interesting, w'!u 'he Northern Central, and appear in his Tribune. A lad in Seliusgrove about 12 years of Col. Fremont' business affairs have J "g'i hy tbe name of Altbouse, cama to bis assumed a better shaps, and it may K. I -eatb by a very simple accident. While Horace Greeley has arrived in Cal ifornia J waa received with much honor. His description of bis interview with Brig- so that be may become again a aandidate for. President. Uroderick is battling Lccomptonism moat vigorously in California. Last reports from Oregon give Lansing a mill-wagon stopped, be got upon it, and before be bad seated himself the horses started and ho fell off, burst a blood veasel from which ha died. Re. Joshua Kelly, of Muney, has ac cepted .a call to labor for tha ISaniiar C...1 ru . L - .:c .. r i . . i. l - ,., .r. ' aum.y ui ceniucate oi election io : cuurcn in v llliamsport a portion of tha Congreas, by 45 maj. Thia is alleged to ! time- He "as recently presented with an be a fraud, to be contested in the House, excellent carriage and trimmings by hit and that tha outrageous rascality of the ; frienda in Maucy. ut and tZ "P f I Ge0rfie A.Achenbaneh nf Sugar Valley L. and hi. party; , w B0U1 jD.,ed bj the Dea)0:ri of CH. f9Ths European Conference at Zurich , ton county for Assembly and James Gam- was id session, but its results had not ' 'r Judge. Io Clearfield they propose tor Judge...! be Urn. in ppear to ba subsidirg". Clenhe d ara fjr Linn tor Judge. AH work warranted. Also Steam Fit ling done tn order. FREEBI ROER & BRO, Ag'ts. Lewisnrg, April I, 'S9 William TanGezer, TTORXEY at Law, Jl leavlxburs;, I nion Co., Pa. ryorlice opposile Kline's Holel 874 LAW OFFICE REMOVED. John B. Linn, ATTOI.Xr.w- AT I.AW-Office at his house on N. Market St. bet. 1st A 2d 7f I.tsii iMliurer. . Any person desirous of purchasing any rf the above properties, will please soon call on J. A. MER1Z, Eieoutor Lewisburg, July 5, 1859 FOR SALE. OX South Fifth street, a property (AW consisting of a good Frame House iLl al on a half Lot of ground. Terms easy. Apply to May 17 A. B. VOKSE ' FOR SALE. rpHE well known Taern Mnnl e- J at the east end of the Lewisbure Jiiaj. ' Bridge, in Chillisquaque township, Norih d Co. It will be sold on reasonable terms. i Inquire of W ILLIAM FR1CK. i l.ewisburg. Dee. 17, ISjS. I . and BUY tin VAMSUTTA PRINTS. r PIIEY are the Best Calicoes yetof- & ft-red to the Public for the money. Whoiesals Aocsts, DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG A CO, 6m7S3 Sew lorlt. UatCS one after unnrhw ;,1'P,T,, 1 ' tumultuous elements io " retl for Judge... Tbe OrP. SA.tll'tli II. OKWIG, Attorney at Law, FFICE on South Second near Market St. LEW1SBVKO, PA. HT All Professional Business entrusted to his care will be faithfully and promptly atten ded to (Sept. 14, 18fi7 FOR SALE. . A DESIRABLE Building Lot. 33 feet feet front by 167J deep. Enquire of Beaver, Kremer A M'Clnre. The ramphict i.ai- fur ts5 are A Buslneai Stand on market Stoeet received and ready for distribution to ihov i T?OR ItESiT-none better for a Milliner, parsons in l'nion couniv entitled to them. I J." for a Giocer.Trimminos, Ae. Apply to" SAM L ROt'SH, Proth'y. July II A. E. DEXOKMAN DIB raMcavntl avlive place of busioew. TIIK MAKKKT. d tl. tvj1,t miiy pfrciiTf in m ii tortU".., U tli Wmt j lh,' LtiloD. I'rfilurc brinsltiaj; douvft tfa ktv than I liTatuiit iwi. frr-m thv citv. and mora than dotal, La thw riv than ib Wi-rt. It in tvnon ihat the cariiftii i mid iruit km) TrUhifi m thm 1atiti1nHDerrom j IVw Jtrwv, uj arc auauailj esMrtctJ to the eiUat ol millifin!". In lorntinjr hr, ih MttW hn mny arlmnUp. j lit iK wit Inn a t-w bonn rtlt-of tht-grvat citirt of N-w ' l-lifilahtl and Mid I If .tatV-. h it nw hit old friends I rd a5Porut. n. In ia in a vtt V, country, wiurt ercry ' iM;r.rriNr-f7( . orm.(, , a illation i at hand. He i can tmy -.fry rti : hi want at the rhearo-it priv, J nd Mil hi proiure for tha hifrhPHt, (io IL W"t this ; w rttTed ; , h had whouli for hi rhilJrfn. ditn nr. ! j -, and ill e-njoy an ofen wlntr, and (ffliarbtful ell- I , tuatc, whi rt f-vrn arr ntttrlt uu known. The r.ultnf j I thf rb-tiik-i upon thnw Irotn the North, han tWTmWj j been tn n tT th-ni to id rxtvllcnt tat ot health. J In the way f.f ltn:itinp and lrnj.ro inc. lumhrr ran hm fil.t.tinwl at th milU at thf le of lu In $16 pr thou- raud; brirku from the brick yard oint-d in tha plaif ; fV,Tv article ran be t-rornrpii in thf r.lara mri ! Iter are at hand, and then la uo plaev in the Luton ' " "riiSiSTi 10 Farmers & Gardeners, hererrr-s.nort.sn.ie.il bimwif why tha property baa flHE subscriber having recently traveled ; ..oi iwb .s sen up ls.T..re. tna reason tm It waa ueser thrown tn the market, an.l m.Ih. ,1. 1 were c.rrecr. no one would be turned to exNOiine land before fuirrhaeine. This alt are expected Co Ibey will see land under cultivation : n-b ia Iheaitent ol the settlement that they will, no doubt, meet persons, from their on o neighborhood; tbat tbey will witness the improvements, and can juditf the character of tha popu Intion. 11 they come with a view to settle, they abould come re.ared to slay a day or two, and ba ready k pur eh:oM as iocations enn not be held on refusal. There are two daily trains to Pbilarlelpbta, and to all settlers w bo improte. the Railroad Company wises a free ticket for eil months, and a half priea Ticket lor threw yi-ara. ttie rnn .v or nAMMoxrax. Tn convection wilh the acrirolcaltural settlement, a new and thr.f inff town has naturally arisen, which pre sents tnrtticrments toy any hind of business, partlcnlarly stores and msntitaf-trries. Tha Shoe business could ba carried on in this placa and market tn (rood advantage, also cotton business, and manuractoriaa of ajrrieaitorai implements or limoUr.es a.rcastiDir small articlee. The im..ro.anient lias Is en so rapid as to insure a mititin. and permanent increase of business. Town lota of a (rood sise, iwa da not sell small ones, as It would effect the improvement of tbe plaoa,) ran ba had at mm SloO and upwards. The llammmlm Firmer, a monthly literary and acrl cultural sheet, contain. in full iolorraatk.n'of II am mon ton. can be obtained at '2A cents per annum. The indisputable warrantee deeds (nssn, clear of atl Incumbrance when money is paid. Koala to tha land: lease Vina street wbsrf, Philadelphia for Hammnnton by liailroad, at 7! A. M, or 4lv, P. Far. no cents. h. n ll.ere linoiire for Sir. Byrnes. Iloanlinx consenl. encea on hand. Fsrties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until tbey bare decided as to purchasing as he will show them oyer tha land la his carriage free of rip.nie. Letters and appHcaUons can ba addressed to Lsndis A Byrnes, llnmuionton P. O- Atlantic Co, New Jersey.orC. Btoirehiin.au goath Fifth elreet, Phila. -, -..- ..... miormatron cnecnuoy r.irntshed. IEI.I.tlW Citizens ; I offer myself as a candidate for the Olfice of Pi ol ho llo! a ry of Union county subject to the dtcision cf the Union convention. Having been uri-ed by numerous friends, I hope in receive a lifeial support. If I am nominated and elected, I will perform lhe dunes of ihe office to the best , mv abilnv. Lewisbure. June 6,"sS9. I) D CUIDIN 1-1ELI.OW CITIZENS I offer myself as a candidate for the irtice of I'rotliOD Wlary of Union rouniy, (subject to the de ; cision of the Unii'n Convenuon.) Hariri: I been urged by numerous friends, I hope to rr ceive a liberal support. If I am nini.r2;'J and elected, I will perform the dunes .:""e dunes of the office wnh lhe best of irt ar i i.j. ' JOHN A. MEKI2- Lewisburs. May 18, 18o9. V illiaill Jonea would herr.v m.'.-rta Ihe public that he will be a candidate for :he office cf COUNTY TREASURER, subject ti the nomination of the Counly C crention cf Ihe 29.h nf August next. " .Vay ''9 EfSRS. EDITORS Allow rne.ibtongki vour columns, to present to lhe puM.e, tsA.MUEL H.ORWIG. Esq.. as a suuable per son to fill the office of District Attorney. He much in this and adjoining State: ,' i seen the great failures in C-ram and tiai.len is abundantly qual.fied for the' duiies'of lie t ! ).ltei,a.i',:J,aS T ",e ' C"AS0'E office, and atteiids punctually and faiihwliyi " "-", rerr,,.. ,nis aiso business. The Convention of the I9m Ai ls ihe opinion of the best Agricultures gene-; .usi cluid plaCe no belter man on the iic.it. rally. I have th -refore imported (or made j ,nd we ,., ,ive him a hearty support, arrangements for) quite a variety of XEW West Bullaloe. May S6, '59. .MANV. Seeds, such as have been found best sutttd to our soil and climate al this time. The folio- : rilO the CitiTen. of I'nion e,..,niv.-I take this method of informing the peep ' of wing are specimens of new varieties, and I I their yield per acre, now on hand for sale at tbe counly ihat I will be a candidate for ihe my residence in Mifflmburg, Union Co.. Pa.: office of FrolhonotarT at the ensmrg were r.:i Frierpr I election subject lo the decision of the cot While Eeg Mediterranean Wheatf"' uM veniion of the opponents of lhe National .cry ear.y Knssia an as no ' loinisiranon. jun.i uiwe- Fsrly Kncit-b Pykewtsn Potatoea W hite Kltyp. Spr'inr Kye, rary early lloman or W Inter Kya Nepaul or beardle,.' Harlev W hita Oats, weivh to IU it bnhal ft in Kctpt .sn Kuseia 46 Italy to uo .a a oo s no no s on A SO imn.uorn,lonssara,tlpiniuudaya r.uasia Its) a 00 . Vr niier Appter Met. w, ma p. k gnew appla, very hardy, (fron. Japa ,) is els. .wcrtwlriw Hot. atatia. very nice aiv fans fisis. eats l.ae green corn, very prodoctlva ?5 rVrawmi me4. eat like char-tnula, yield larga 26 W'.aier or WfttU CAcrra, from Garniany, malia pla like pearhea 2J INWarrf .srua,A, eat tike sweet potatoea 2 Awfx Tutntps, weigh IS to 16 lbs sack, keep tbe whole year, rery hardy 24 tyAII orders for Wheat must be in by the 1st of August, and for any of ihe oiher seeds by Ihe 1st of October, to secure a supply. The pay must accompany the order, which should be carefully addressed lo AS KLIN (5. 794 MjfBitibnrg. Union Co, Pa .,bn.-ir.sD wiemng u, astaniMin sianolaetorw. iwa new -- , .i.niia and tbMstni piece wh-ra bn-in-es I. (cod, ad I raso ..I wanlinf farms Ha adsillusmiat " v.rtMmcnt el tha Usmmratr-a imlcmant. A uu Laada. Mifflinbiirg, May 16, 1859 CfA. It. Torse respeetfnlly announces that he will be a candidate lor lhe o"c ot DISTRICT ATTORNEY for Union coup'? subject io ihe decision of lhe convention Ihe S9ih of August nexi. May 18. ls59 IOrXIr A small. Lady's Dewier. M 1 ai the Chronicle OlEce for the owner .6.'8I '8 -UV Sjnqsia.al . -uaAia aq ion nvo amu Ja"nl sv -jdhou Vj aseaid t siunoaat rl' -nn auuvq soqi qiqj jo nu jaqmal'i'S jsi aip iiun'iuauiiias joj 'aaiit.v I jft jo spuxq am ni "oofj iui TIL A "aDisLOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers