mm mi mi UY O. N. "WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. At prr tear, always in ldancr. THE UN'ION'-Establisiied, ISH-IVjiole No., 2,37-1. CHRONICLE Established, 1843-Wiiot.b No., Si)2. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FI1IDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1859. hi 81 IMllIIDll. Union County Court Affairs.! 5. The Account of Israel Heaver, Admin islrali.rof Jumh lluuck, lale of Lewis Tp.,dc'd. o. i lie Account ol Much r. Sheller, Ad- I lihKlt'ounl) Coiii tri uc lniiialioii 1 miniMiaior of Hi,o Wilson. Jr.. lale of 711 the Hon. AU M S.WI1.SON, h-el!y I p , de'd. y J 1'icmiIi-iii;- lor ilie "."nth Judicial JiiMitot of IV iiii-vh;iiiia, composed of the counties nl' 1'iiumi, and Snyder, and l'ttiLir Ki iil and Jsu Wiimivi-o IImis., Asso ciate Judges in I nion county, have t-sued their precept, bearing dale the -Jlst dav id May, Isotl, an l tn mr directed, lor the liol.lni of an Orphans' C'oiirM'onri of t 'oiiitnon IMeas, Oyer and Terminer, and l.eneral Quarter isesMons at LEW IUI li'i. 1 r liie ci.univ of I.Mil.V, on (he second MD.MiAY ol H:pT. (beiii? the I'-i'h day) K.'.l. and t.i continue one necli, .Notice is therefore hereby given to thel'or oner. Justices of the 1'. are and Constables in and lor ihe ci-utity of I' appear in their oivn proper persons with iheir records. intui silious. examinations and odier remembrances lo do those things which of their olliccs and in their behalf appertain lo be done; and all Wit nesses and oilier persons prosecuting 111 behalf of the Comiiiotaveulth aiMttist any person or persons, are re.j'iii'e.l to le then and there nuendiiiir. and not depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are p 'i'ie-t.'d to be in Ih-'ir atteti !:n;ce at the appointed lime agreea ble lo notice. linen under ntv hand and seal at the Mter ill's l dice in Lewll'llrs. tlie 1 lih dav ol A II frut. in the var of our l.,ud one iti.iu--iiid eiht hmi'lied anl l.i -n no ao I ilie e-.h!c-secoti-i y.n ot lio Iii '-pi iolenre ol the I'uit. I "Stales of Ainci tea.- ti id s;ive the I'.immoii- weallii! JOII.N I i:-.l.l;0 i:,siiend GEORGE MERRILL. Register. register's Office, Leu isburg, Aur. 16, lrfi9 I'rotlioiiotari'N .Vol ice. "")I'1!I,1(J notice is hereby civen that Jo. J thx, Assignee of Mm Hiuliton, ! of Lewisburj. I'nimi county, has filed in Ihe' l'roihonotar; 's Otliee, in and for the county of I'uion, at Lewishiir, his account as As- sillier of I lie said John Houghton, and that ! the same u ill be presented to the Court of Common IMeas of said county, for confirma tion and allowance, on Fhiiiav the Itiih day of "September next, at the Court House at Leuisburg in the roiintv aforesaid. SAMUEL UOlsH, Proth'y. August in, pd Clje Star ant) Ctjroniftf. M-oirn t Y, Al . 2'JJ. I W9. Bult is stated that the State Agricul tural Society will give a silver trumpet to the best Cre engine en tbe ground during the Fair. Is that comprised within the oljects of the Society ? Would the crow J it would gather contribute to the comfort, d" constantly appear in the press ol that ,1 - . ., i. i quarter, which indicate a deeply seali-a 111- the safety, or the agricultural improve-! ofour C()min(,n liinsua!ieiere. Aca.d ! ment of the members or spectators 1 Let ' primed by a gentleman merely for the simple ! firemen's shows stand tn their own hot-; purpose of annoiincnz riernal hostility to . f )m, and gather their own peculiar adrui ; rers. creed of the Democratic party, as expounded jj,e Republican Party in Delaware. by Senator Douglas, and as expounded by ! r Democracy in 1856, and triumph, as I have j Wo take the following from Ihe 1'tnin no doubt we shall, over all organizations, by ! rulur JVrir, an able journal published io an overwhelming vote." Cheers. j that part of Delaware where ucarly all From th. Nerth Amriian. June lo. '. "c tlaves io the State are held : TOBEsTCilllllElMiOFAWKninx iThe American-Kepublicau party is There is a pressing necessity lor the enact- , 4 ' men. of a sumntuar law regulating ihe use pre-eminently tho party of the people. It of adjectives. Gentlemen at the south are was the offspring of au almost uuiversal 1 The Democrat says : particularly uevoieu io mis iuxui, aim An Ancient Citizen Dead. The Bellefoott '-it, hnvi ree irda tl death of Mr. (Jr. mot Coble, one tf tha some friend of his, and a determination to I'rollionolary'M ollr. Republican Documents. VX0W IS THE TIML Til ClHCl'LATK THCM.t The Kepublican Association of Wash- pepper h. in at the hrst made f,. tUtf pe5,le Wt.te c.mpeUed tu rise i enousii lo kill a sen- - - A Panacea for the Hard Times. The Missouri Democrat, in speaking of the present barJ times, and the recent i abundant crops, advises tbe farmers of tbe ' oldest citizens of Centre ceunty He s West to bring their grain early iuto mar- j born and raided in L'eiki crr-oty, ket, as tbe most efficient means of iuipro- i township. Married in IT'.'1). la lilJ ving the times and benrfitling themselves. ; he tame t Centre couo'y fur tbe r orp j "Tbe creps of the ! of purchasing a Lain, uau choice of oos sjutiiiiunt, uud it was origiuate 1 and orga- country are unusually Urge in the aggre- , situated on tie waters cf th Spring nizci by the people in opposition to the ' ga'e so all tbe papers at lbs commercial 1 creek. la HH he tuuvtl ti the same, wichrs of the politicians and of all centres sere. The Kurorean war is at built a bouse in which bs resi j-.l to tha an eu J. Crops are fair io Karope. War ,' day of bis death, during Lies time he prices are not to La bad. There is not raised two generation, Lis own and tha a shadow of a sign that a shipping children of a deceased djughur: and bisl par'ii f. The North bad tuffnd from th niri'rtssiniis of tliu Suuib until iu self da- up io their might and strike for their lib cities. Their industry upon which they were alone ucpeuJent for their prosperity, or a demand abroad will b bad for bread- was th first death io tbe h ce. Having f s'ufs, except at a considerable declin be- j lived with Lis wif (still liviof,) for 70 , ! low present rites. Th farmer owe th ' years, bad 7 children, 4j grand children. to bristle with adjectives f sible man outright. Why not simply s.iv ihai a man deserves to be exiingiiihed, and ih.i Hie wriier will siintT hnu al Ihe fu st chance that ntfmr of fortiiritil him With lo:lll adjective lur month and years ingethei ? V had been for years crushed Jjwu by a for- country merchants, largely; thos gam and 23 great grit 1 children. Mr. Cabla protect agaiusi ihe Kichun nd usa,;e, and pro- tjj,u competition fjr low wa.-cs, eLcuur- owe the oity jjbUrs and wholesalers, wbu was quite youo-r at the time cf oor Revo. Bounce it absolute cruelly. 'ii.ii i-, - i , i - . Eervb knows that it is p'-a'ant lo d . ab'e,J u'1 ftercd by our own bgt-Iarion iu turn owe debt in th Last It is the lutioaary struggle, in which a cumber of for one's countrv. and no reasonable m, m will uudir Ihe influence of the Sou'-h, that duty of ail to pay debts when able to do bis ancestors fcil Vktimj to tbe icilp:oij af'h';" .ne;:d's'have'J;,ne;:o''ivrd:c";:d -"ite working n.c might be k. r, down so. Duty, interest, everything, , tAe knife of the merciless savage. Among count as Commuter r f ihe said John Baker j Congressional and other official records, that he has stepped on the senvon e i. rsof oo an nj iaiity with touthi ru s.aves. Jtrmtr iu at once mar.vr Kit pru-lwt, th number Was bis grandmother and ana iiesirr Laser, anu mat ine sanir win ir 10(j (onujuin- flcta ,hich aro deemed ! """"" reni eman. or nns none auv oiner ai i r (,r tbi purp .e lb ue au i importation accept present market prices, and piy bis father, of which the latter recovered. II trt?i i. i l .i . person and estates of J,,hn Hnkrr and llrtltr i under tbe auperviaion of lb Kepublican linker, of litiirilo township. I nion county, has Executive Committee, a series of valuable 1 f: .! in thai I'r. . i K. . ..- t . ....I ..- the county of I men. ai i.ewisburg. Ins ac ! political Traets, compiled principally from Grand Jurors Sept. Term, 1859. lUrt li'ijf'lir- J. 'in V llroi-n. fuml Zeilers, l'r- l -nc J..colS.rfr H'4. lhr .1 n i l .-lii r, Uai id itningrr, sjinni'l ii l'a'l.iri- Iltijf.ilir James lo.-ie Anc 7i'r,'iii J. l.u M llci.Vr, R bt Swmef, r !. .ime.foie Joint Li-ity. J bn St l.iyior A'i'y I'cter l.uj i i , I...U 1 Howald .1.:' rifutrz Jo-ejh lititelius, Wtu Suii:h, Jl'er M- ;""..V tin-re U sbeaty, Jacob, J, bn I. lieav r l.'irff:ir- 'k' il Pur-'y, J. hn Hilihliu ilirll'H A. van Ml-l'ii t'tum J i. lit. l o:iiiin.iii V ii'se Jurorn. lju-'-.'.n-i. ,,:, u,,-.,ae Fieluhorn. A.i: il II '. J i lo r. Vainer M Immii..ii, i J lo y uiali Jooll II bcaie, Ao xau.:. r .N' .t lift ;.'". .Jo:. ii l.'u'il Jr. Samuel llonkel .1 Jj' u!' f rtiai.e- M . j i i . ; on, litoie liiite lot'. J. :oi K'-bcr, Kou il J' L.uoer, James I b.iin: i W .';.'.'- D.inl II :enr -.f.Conr.o! Mier'K-l--i. i 1 u It l.ul. ai i Tallin. Daniel iwi.rti.v ..I .!:! h . TKre stioiilil he ni.lf: said couii'y f r cnnfirmation and allowance i imporiani o o presenieu o ineaiicniion ; lmilv ,lc and there w. til I I.e. e on Kmim. tbe dav of fe(,temlier urxt, ' of th masses, that they may be prepared 1 sincerely be'ieve. imi lor the cuirent intern, at the Court House al I.ewisburg in the eoun-1 . , . ... , ! perate indu'gence in adjectives. When ne io .o.. .now,oK,j .e.u.og pmiuiii ) , lrhange of cards rovermg two c. :- Tb want of such rell- , ninns these excrescences i f speech. know thai the decisive solution of a p r-o .l..t.n..l. h. 1,.1 Votir nnrlt r'!r r-t, k. ,1.. ti. ....;,.. .u, . ' I'm ...i r.oiio,- v. Th. i s-ij. j ,tends tn be magnanimous, and to Kill or sun- ty aforesaid. SAML'IX ROl tsH, I'rolhy August lfi, Ihja pd Notice to Heirs of Engel Schrader. issues of the day. able official compilations, Las long been : ' i se. l nion i . inn v. ss ; i ne ( om nion-. , , , i.. . . . weaoh ol Pennsylvania -b. Hannah ! uos're lo b furuishtd with a list of tbe , mil to br killed. The malignant form ol the f -svs ) chra.l-r inieruiarried with Jacob ciiauver; Catbaiine JSchiader intermarried wuii I'et.-r Uitit:inan. which Catharine t-. ice d el, le.ivu.g eisht cin itren. viz- Elizabeth n.arned to John t.ea . M.irr. Jti.i in married to '1 ii.-iii.i siivariz F- ero noil i led lo Jaci-ti ll; -A iron Kline. M i. :a . and l.avina mat n I io 1 said Fiedcru-k and J.-.( . t childien ot said ("athai . I". in-, t hi i. m.t kD'-wii mtl-i J r .1. -.1,1.1 ! r - n ..I Hii. l . ' II- li. .In-, t.'il. m' 1 t .! I.- i .hl.J John, Hannah hi e married to i,i Jicub Reih, Si.i. l'i1 .;,,. i ,1,. i., (Iisonler IS at once rsiannsnen, anil li is r-r- fetate Central Committees, and tbe Kepub- j Im hw hf a d(iZ(.n mrn wi catcn ,ie..r. lican newspaper within tbe United States. ; n ceases to rage. How much belter to do ThcM addreasH ara furnished at the ehean i otherwise. Suppose, lor instance, a gent.r- rale of SEVEMY-riVI CE.M8 TER Ul'N- IlKCD, FREE Or rusTAO?. All orders should be addressed to Lewis Clepuane, , .i iii J.. ,i .-,-.. . l b li . , ni l. mi. h ph lii miner, (the a ,u . " i, an two of ihe ' secretary INatinnal Republican Association, are dea l, and lett ! Washington, D. C. Send on Your orders, friends, aud eireuSate the documents. Democracy, Ten Tears Ago, uri b ' insny : tl,at I I. r. ilMVIwil. lllisl ID ! I. in-ue.twieliiiarn. j 1 ll-uu ili. mii'-lt lfuliutj i. Intruiar io.k: tli.t All the ! usui-. bim ,ti uf .-ft, l-r. i-x,--t Jcob Ki.b sn-l w In, r--i 1, m-iiiw It-r In th. stute ol man at Richmond wakes up some line morn ing and discovers that hi-, friend h'ts insulted hrn. and Kiat his nnre-erved conti fences of the previous ihirtv years were given to a trai tor wecame near using adjectives ourselves. Obviously he should, on meeting thai friend, -siinplv aud pleasantly advert to the necessity that ore or both should be wiped out that very it I'.Tvign uiauulacturtd goods was eucou- inercbaut. As a general thing, they that i could relate many interesting incident of racd b) a 'tanir of revenue,' an J we as market their grain first do best. They the Involution. From Lis boyhopd Le a naliuu wr made substrvicut lo Kog- save in weight of grain, prevent loss from ! Lad a great love for Laming anl trapping, land ai.J France. Free trade tends to vermin, gat the use of Iheir money long- ! in which Le was somewhat indulged anl nuke u? a nation of farmers dependent est; and, if they pay their debts, bave ; became very successful. He informed the on oilier r,at;,,i.s for such goods as require ' the clearest consciences. Certainly, from writer that when he was nine years old, be the intelligent labor of freemen for tbuir all we arc enabled to see from our stand- wished to go with bis father on a hantio ' construction; while protection audencour- point, will this prove true the present j excursion for deer, but was DJt permitted; agcmiiiit to luanufaciuring industry tends ' year." j be was however allowed to g to tha wood to make us iudc peudunt of all foreign na- ; This advice may to a certain extent be to bunt game. In the evening, they both tiuua and to vlevate and improve the con- ' c )rreet ; but if generally Miowed it might I returned ; bis father was unsuccessful, but he bad killed quite a number of ficesrjuir- II .vliiiner. W Kohland, k, J oil -i M.iiijin, James livin. i. i .1.11.1 f J t" I'lUlllUv Jl y Daniel H,,McUer,S.iiiiuel Strayhurn, , I. ,u, ..ii Di- i-1-..cii l.-icU liil . 'i'- i D.r. 1 1 W lY.lican, W' illiam Foster t il' in r.iooi" I'm -el, .l -liii M.iiz.. A'ii'i lint W'ui ileutier, fiLM'ii riiilli, lien jani, n mt r llo'e II -r iMiio-: l; K"ber. Ii 1" rl Candor, .1 tin (Ii r. I. F A lint li'. Aoniew M Lena ban, is.umiel (ieiutii-i iinj II '..'. m David Iviine, David Mover K'lii Jjines f melds, Jac.ib II uniuiel, Thom as ( omlv dilion of the free while men who work for Le found to be attended with mbarrass tlitir living. XL us the old cmtest be- ing consequences. If the entire crop were tweeu 'Free Trade' and '1'roteciinn,' was rushed iuto market at present, to meet a but another phase of the same contest that not very active demand, it would only IS Iidlfl 1,1'illi. f.m.1. nnl Lolu-n . 1 .. I ..r .1 ln ,tt lk. nia.Iil an. I K.l..n -..T.-- i mornin-. and at r.nre avail themselves ol any -"- ' - ...... j . .u 6.. - ".v. I . . . it- . .t..l. a Lltl irCLUnill r.f tnrni tho tniiinr'inomont ' lnwn t.-i a rninnn&Itf im fi riirA In nen IliililS Hi rurti iiic itu i p c wii(.n siui'i ( 7 " -- ww iHviy "c r might po5scs. The fjirs have all the issues ' of fsjuvti lubur and the eDcourji?ciin.Bt of ducer. Circutuatauceii niav avriMa before From tbe platform adopted by tbe Dem-, prearranged, and if the friend , .luesuon j r(t, , - . . . . , .i,1.'; o" ' .:;.WSi?tSi I 0CM,i0 "J'', Ml Tplve ,, a bowie-knife, wide ihe ,n.lte. slavery on the one hand and the suppoil cer to regret suob basty sales. Of course, :o::;;;t:; . ... tjlV: " rhf.,.,:r..r,":l of h f . other. ; .here feN M. mhi .PP e--: "K-Mdctd, mat toe jjemocratic psny -" - , Here is .h. il.o ,nu ,h. v.,i. t ,k. .... -hi. .i... f ,k. vir. li -r... I.v sn Ii,a...-t l,,M for tfat rri.. duly I r, , , L,, d-. . ,he Ponsti- V"'J 10 v"e nls ,r,ena 10 "piooe as many , j , r- - ' ,1 in- ei.untjr amr si.1, - . ..-barrels as might ne necessary to nnisii nun, must as one niau staud UD for the KeDub- Doltcu. as well as dutij. renders it nroner its letter anu suirtt t i . .t.-. .u: :,i ,. i... But. in any case, there mnn be a restrain- ! "iaB VlJ- " '"e party of the tree tor them to dispose ot a portion of their ing law, in regard to adjectives. Our language , wurkiug man; and its policy tends to bis 1 crop to get rid of their incumbrance as abounds in pungent aua expressive names lor elevaiiou aud benefit : while that of the I soon as possible. Sunburn Gazette. 'nr i. ,1 l-v tin1 Orib4i.ii' 1 i.urt i tin-IC-mI l.o .1.. i.f tl.e s.ia Kn fouat- in ll.rti.-T t'-mi-bni. t in-in lutiou of tbe country. iHiels of Jueiili Hitinmn fill! Iir.iiler. (jeisme-l. s,untr, sioi.tiiitiir i . ... . , , j . . i a tu lust I'eim.omk on th. mey Will neiiner wcaaen ur ucsiioj , m :i .n i x.irtii. ii.i i.n.i- of Henry r-neroff on hm , (ney rc ,3elars ihat slavery is a domestic, if-i. e-'ii-.-iini,, our eres wire or le-s nun me fipur- i - . . . , - , , . tensile, ., wlii li rarl real .lte w. v ilue.l anl rai- lOCOl Institution 01 tUB COUtb, tUlijtCl to e-t al noil lur ttieaiiui of oua liunjieil autl fllty Ucillars i i,,. .,.,1 it h Bhioh. th j,,,.,,. UllllC irjiwuiiii, .., ... ( An l win-re... non. ', 111 C.iirt ,n Ihe return of the .ai,l imiuifitiiiD. to 1 -ike I In- i-reuUM-. therein ninuitoneU at the atuimtseoient. j V ia an I eiery , f you are hereby riled to b anil aHemr , diction, tbe local ioStilUtioO Can COn'iuUe l at t u.- next Keui-rnl orpliaii s court m he held at lia- I . . . .... c. . 1 .1 ,l-a- artai qn.l n., ik.i cin h.irc. f,r ol I nion. on the lab dav of Sep- tO eilSt. Esteeming II a VKUUUOn Of Oiare , ' .-n m" ..... ........... i te...i-rn.:xL.i., .e;1.tti.- re.i ..ut, d..M.rihri Jo th. ! . , .,,, h,unnd State limiti. WE i 8'e direct contact, which the mora as well writ a" i i ii'iiii(i'iii. hi Tmiiaiit'n inenui, or mihw ' rnu- ti y tli Ci urt Hlinll nottlrrruf lhetmni In beiMilil. 1 tv- iriH r.ti't : vi itnt-w-; niy finrxl. n- ', of Haiti Court. tt 1 ict'Lr tin! l'Lh l.t cl Jt.i.f, i ! 1 SAML-KL liUl ii, Clt?rk. ofthrhiirnf thf-fwi(i.ifreai-dp-' reocral )vernmeDt baa nothing to do. is mtnrn nf tli wai.l itintiisrittiin. tn : . .... Wherever tbe state law txteDda its juris- stirh Dr.enr tn ns. which, if applied to ihe 1 pr""t democratic party tends to sustain delicate moral cuticle of a gentleman, would the labor of slave., at ihn pvnensrt nf th I prouuee intense local iiiuaiioii. niu ,.ciiia.3 draw a blister. Wrapping them up in adjec- Issuc List fur Sept. Term, Reuben Sleiiiiigi r vs Alfred Kne::ss John K land vs State Mutual Ins. Co 1' i (.'aiiipbell i t al vs T td 'v Marr liacid ;eiMiiscr vs Win 11 Marr . F Albright is Adam Schteck &c Francis Krick vs Alexaiolcr Aiimo lis Jiantel Katigb-r v. Ji hit Lapp SeV llW'eideiisaul I'r Mink vs Churrli Forrey Levi K Sheen, deed's a.imrs vs J earger Martin ( Itee.-I, a tniuor, etc vs C iiieisbach James Ktisst-li vs Jacob linnkle Chiistian Uarich vs iMnu l Itci.ncr same same K.'s-Ier vs (inl.les. Mar-h & Co I'hilip sii-caold v I'eier Heaver el al I been spared in lis manufacture; the materials A brain and Auian 1 vs ("has F.rschatlle ' !,-rT '"'".'""i "7 , Ti.l'' Executor's Notice.. "'ynTICE is hereby given that letters trsta mentarv on the last will and teslament of WII.MAM KKINKHI), late of Hartley town-hip, I'nion couniy. deceased, have been cranled lo the undersigned, by the Registernf Union county, in due form nf law.therefore.all per-tuis indebted to said estate are requested to I make immediate pavinrnt, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. (.EORt.F. BOOF, Executor. Hartley, July 2:, 1859 IlitUok's Patent Portable KEYSTONE CIDER & WINE MILL. IJl.EAsE take particular notice that this is an entirely nric .Mill. No expense has Marliii ; Kee l Arc s John llnland ti.-orje Meiy.'l vs I.eib A l.eib John M mr A wife same I-a,tc K Ktinkle vs Henry liable Daniel Kngler Jr r Ct.atnb. rltn Slout Abrain Wolf" vs li-aver l.'ed M A: Co K'elier V Mttsser vs crpor.iiiou L'niversity 11 M W'hitui-r vs Jacb Kloss rsatnuel H Orwig vs H.'nrv W Crouer S L Heck vs Deitrick A- Sherkler Keish A Keish vs Ti ter l -ish's Adtu'rs Ciias s Crit vs Win I) Miriner Saml I. Beck vs Charles stces John Marty vs John llarily same vs 4 others Thos t; (Irwig f.r Orwis; vs IMC Ranck Jcuts I'rcsby'ii Church vs John M'Call 1-rael (ieyer vs Aaron Smith Vm Kauifniaa vs Fetor Kauii'inan Admr Jacob vs C..nrod Itlind and wile -M'Cartv Tale vs K S liri bst 'Fhos Kascr's A linr's vs Atntnrms & Rawn Wm Frick A Co vs Wm Wolfe Cvrus Eaton vs S F A: W s Uogcnreif Itavtd tilick vs Sauil S llarber laniel lioh vs l.tidwiy .V Itanck and J It I'hilip Kuhl vs Franci-; Wilson Samuel II Pawling vs Samuel showers rial Mid llesnrth Kerns & Co vs Chs H Shriner Frederick Wonnan vs Jacob Smith John Wcr'2 vs I'eier Xevius et al Samuel W Snodgrass vs Wm Yotinir Jr I'lsh fortJmehus' Admrs vs ieo lireisbach Abraham lllark vs Andrew Spitler Jeorie Barkdoil vs II W Crotzer 'I' Church & Co vs m II Kleckner Samuel l.on and wife vs Joseph Kleckner Hobt 1) Cuinminss vs Saml Heuderson et al J & J Vouny; vs Thus ! Orw.? Charles Stee vs Saml I. Heck Scribner & Feikins vs Albert Wynn Wm li ire Jr vs M Mnsser N rtli. Chase & Aorih vs Joel Hursh J 'hn Sankey vs Andrew (iutelius J'-t h Christine vs Beaver, !eddes M it Co ''r Win F Scebol.l vs Saml C Will J an-nn Burrows vs Chas ll Mowrer A! i'i,'i.i:ii Wolfe vs Joseph Joll "tjli i,,r D' oiler vs A Mrsinrr with notice 'v'tenin;er A Ranch vs Black A- Fisher I luelu line Ihe ti.. i i hn.l.-r , mud of iron. 1 b aerew ia imi in-h.-a in iii-iui, t. r, Hith a heavy V thread ent on It. The tn-am i.t the pre... in ctil trim lliatead of wood i Ulaile rmj Ae i ry. and the thread nf the nut rut for firnr inrhes ihrouirli it. I ne f.iwer ol the presa u very murb en not lie broken by auy fairmeana. Th. arranir-nient of the Till,, and other f.artu of tba preys, ia very irtirleet. The Uixea and bo per are ail di-rt tatlttl toellier; Ihe journal., run in ion jr tieannirii; and. last ly, ilie w,irkm;oi-hip .hall not l,eexeellel by any ma etiine i f the kind .hiite.eriwrfeetiun oeinir the aim, both in tbe arrangement and meehanieal department. Imprnveaienls for s."i. Tba foltnwinjr are aome of tbe ui.proreineiits ail-lea th. year : The framea ar. put together with joint Ih.Mh. a fly-wheel I1-' inchea in di ameter, inntead nf ID inehea, han been added. Tbe form or lb. teeth baa been rhanffed, so as to a-ake tbetn criiid eaier and freer. Entin-ly new praring haa tieen eonstrm t'd. and the upper r tinder hn been (reared down, an thut in eonnerlion with the teeth or ryliuder it pi. all itrind uoieh eaider. lath allthew improvetnenta. it i belii-reil tliat there ia nomill in ihetnark.tlbatwill crind ai fait or with ao little imwer. nor ia there any one that is made in a better or more perfect mauner. All peranna who hare been ohMpd to me the old-fash i'ined nut mill, are aware bow inconvenient it ia. and es pecially thoie wbo have not larce quantitie of applea. Ilv harinir tliii mill on your plantat.nn or farm, you can, atany time, in a few minutes, make a few gallons of ws-t elder for present use : or you ran very eXiedilioua ly make up a few barreln. Tbe Machine, well worked, ia rai'able of makmir u to 12 liarrela of cider a day, with en.. It I. made to run by boriw, ab-am or hand-iower, and when the apt-lea are around, a boy of fourteen yeaxa ot aire can preaa the pouiace with all eaa.. The following may be adduced as Ihe deci ded advantages ol this Mill: and we uniIe ..h yoa. we carry ,ie -u .,iio..-iii-n.iiu...... -i-ips' ,., me Heart ot tne jjemocrauc party. williaciten uuantitv of apn ea in a siren Om.. and i ' ' . . . .. '. . r(4f to carry it beyond State limit; WE DENY THE POWER of any citizen to attend j tuc an.a of b-juuage beyond us present dominion, nor do we consider it a part ot the compromise of tbe Constitution that slavery should for ever travel with the adraaoiog columns of our territorial pro cress !' Io 1S49, ths above was advocated as! good Democracy in Ibis State. Now these same Demueratio leaders call it Sswardism, and denounce those who still advocate it as fools, fanatics and abolitionists. Who will say that Democracy never changes 7 Col. Forney's Speech. At a recent meeting of the anti-Buchanan Democracy of "old Berks," Col. John W. For ney was present by invitation, and delivered one of his characteristic speeches. In alla ding to ihe venerable occupant of the Presi dential chair, the Colonel said : "Let me call your attention to the chief cause of this state of affairs. The county of Berks has never been friendly to James Bu chanan. It distrusted him in ihe days of 18S4, in ihe davs of I83S, in the days of 1844, in ihe days of 1848, and in the days of 1853. Why was this! He certainly had iulellFct: he certainly had hiRh personal character; he certainly had distinguished himself in the nation's councils as an able statesman. No man denies to him these attributes. Why, then, was it that the honest Democratic yeo manry of Berks county alone mistrusted him? Cjr"lt was because the descendants of these verv Revolutionary leaders to whom I refer red, had convinced you that he was unsound in Ihe faith of the Democratic party- He then tells them how .Mr. Buchanan was absent in England, and thus had escaped committal on the Kansas Nebraska bill, how he bad pledged himself to Popular Sovreignty in 1856, and how in 1853 be had forced all honest Democrats into opposition to his Ad ministration. "They misunderstand ns entirely. We have no terms to make but these. Give as ihe principles we ask, and give as the man Fashion's Victims. white man. It would elevate slaverv. in- 1 JoaBS ot PWP-M1-I -PPr- deed it has already done it, to the ruiin- ,aee' "J ouce the 0o1' hoPe of wldow powerinthc nation, and instead of sha- eJ mT in Llnc"ler. -rrest.d in ping our legislation to the welfare of free ! ,hat Pkce' few d"Js '8' bJ lLe Poli" while men. all its efforts, under the man- ' 10 Be ,en' 10 "ouso 01 "-""P' 10 res" as ihe physical physician always seek. We beo southern jieniiemen to the philosr. phy ol me ca.e, auj to try abstinence from adjectives until tne natural taste returns. en agemeut 0f itg Soutbcrn masters, is to el fed on made dishes ot a complicated sort be- c . . . ' come insensible lo simnle tastes, aud torso t tend the area of slavery, to increase the pleasure of iheir youth in bean porridge productiveness of slave labor, to add to hot and bean porridge cold. Sometimes, after , ... , ,. , a long sleep of the simple senses under .he Bt6ru ell-'BleDt while the white work load of peppers and condiments, a single , ing men of the North are to be choked week's abstinence will revive the intense 1 jown ,Q aQ c( wilh gouh j pleasure originally derived from the elemental 1 ' .i. i... . n i,,-,, ,,e "LoJcr such aL'L'ression the work-in" misled'fnends lo come-back to nouns, com- I men of tho North have for years struled tbe Pride ,Dd hP f the Pa,ernal ut," cue ber from one of tbe sinks of inquity tije : through which so many females are going down to ruin. Ihe Lancaster Lxjireu gives a most distressing picture of female morals in that city. Many, "of respecta ble family connections, themselves moving in respectable society, and many of them REGISTER'S NOTICE. VOTIl'E is luTt'liy iven lo all con- X 1 ccrned.thr'.t the fo'lovciii? named persons hive settled their accounts in the Register's tl;fice at I.eirisbur. 1'ninn c.ountv, and that the said accounts u-i!l be prcM-nicd forcontir iiiattun and allowance al the Orphans' Court, t" be held at I.nWISliruti, for the county of I'nion, tin the third Friday of Hi PTE. MB EH next, hem?; the Kith of said month, viz: - 1. The Account nf Agnes Wilson, Execu trix of John F. Wilson, uhn was one of the Administrators of J..ii Hi, lale of ihe Bor- n:h of Haitlelon. de'd.' 2. Th- Account of John t!. Linn, Admin- j i-iralor of Frnlrrirb Wilkcr, late of the Bor- t iirh of MitUmhtiri, Ac' A. 3. . The Acconnt of Thomas Haves, Guar- ! ilian ff'feor-e 1'. and .Yunry Uisoi, mintir children of "Samuel Wilson, de'd. j The Account of Maria Zimmerman. -Mtninistrairti of .oen Zimmermen, lale pfj 1-itnr-tnne "J"p , !c'd. j wuii mui-b lesi li,bor and exrenae. .VcomT. it will inake cleaner and tweeter elder than any oi.l Hi le unit. I T iird. Von ran make the eiiler yon waut It, and ! wii-n Ton want it; and iu ijuaiitities trotn one gallon to barrels y-ryiih. With it yen ean presa your Cnrranta, Cher ries, llerrii l.t'lieeae, Uulter. l.anl, ami Tallow. tijih. With iu lueyou can at ail times hmva freih an, I iwi-i t ei.ler. W ith all Hi.- aitTantaeea reaultine from the poiseiton anl u-e of in- h a Mai-bine at a ,rir so low that it ta wilbiu tlie reirii of all ran it be that any ibtellitfent 1-rnii-r would do witliout it? The annexed KECOMVEyOATIO.X is a st-ectmen of Ihe raanv ores received : l.irini; thenait winter. I h -.J - ve- al tioat loads ofap I ie. to inske Into ri-iiT. and .1 .or d one -.f ' UinioK'S I", aro-LE i iM.a Mill-,'" and l- lit.-, with two bamta. I S,u,d make eil-t and Time l-arrela of ci ler aday the mi-u iioty workinE ty di lulu in the .hurt deyf ofwint. r 1:. mill n..t .-0 oi,ii'.iruie.l iu ih-mn.t nar. fe. t ami .at'MarinrT minu.r. hutwoiki-l with rem.rka l.le ri - ai.d wilh aem.ill ain.iunt ot i-ower. I tried oth er oorlsl ie nulla, hut none Ihat worked with half th. ea-e or ..f ll.d.ok't Mil'iM CWre Mill;" and I Can -a tell recommend n in irelolenea to all nlher. liam.i.ur. June l'i. ititf. CJAKLfcU XUNI9. Mr. t hnlte. of broom, rouuty. New York. writM that he. Willi on. hand, went from farm to farm with on. of ttli-ee Milli-, and made vier one friMUufid Oarretl ol ckler in tlie tall ot lhS. I"Morr than o nrtmacD Silver Medals and Diplomas have been given to this Mill within the last four years. The pioneer in the line, we claim that this Machine is the BEST one in tbe Market on the following points: I.t. It win grind the aajteat, faster! and in tha moat ierfect manner. I'd. The 1'r.aa Is Ihe atmnleat and moat powerful, and quirkeat bandied. It la not hampered up with a num ber of eervwa and eoe-whwla, wbirh ereab. enouch frw tmn to destroy ita nulity. 11 i well Bade and sold at a fair prire. nTThe Mill occupies aboot two-and-a-half by Ihrce feet, four feet hijh, weighs 370 lbs, every wav portable and convenient. Price 40. Address W. O. HICKOK, Agt. JtiymS Eagle Works, Harrisborg, Pa pnr.fiNe wanticf ehacjf nf rlimate for health, see ad x trueiuieul vi liaaiaioiitcn Land, kuctaer "luma Come, then, to us ; stand up with us lor them, and we will unite wnb you; but come tern pest, and night, and disaster, we will not unite wilh yoa upon tbe basis of the policy of this Administration, tne nay lor mimsops nas gone by. Laughter and applause. The day of promises Drtore ana lies alter an election has gone by. Renewed applause.) The day fur cowardly public men has gone by ; ihe dav and let me say it looking my gallant friend Major Schwartz, full in the tacr the day for the tribe of the genus of Ulancy Jones has gone by, and gone by, thank God, for ever." He then tarns to Senator Douglas, whom he extols as the very quintessence of Demo cratic Popular Sovreignty, who ought to be and must be nominated at Charleston in 186". and concludes on the next October election as follows : "One word more: We have a duty to per form in October next. The Administration has placed its Stale ticket upon a plain and distinct platform. It tells yoo that every man who votes for John Rowe and Richardson L. Wright votes in favor of its platform, which declares ihat Ihe people of the Territories shall have no right to control theirown affairs in their own wav, and ihat if they take a vote upon the slavery question and abolish slavery. Congress must intrrvene to put them down, and uphold Ihat institution asminst their will. I have to say lor myself that I shall refuse to vote for that ticket, and I hope that every Democrat who stands upon the platform of Mate rights, and believes in popular sovreign ty and Ihe justice of the movement we have inaugurated and carried on, will do the same. Let fossils and fogies complein.if they choose, nf this action; they will submit. There will be no difficulty about that ; and after we bave defeated the Administration upon its platform, r e ran come together in 1S60 npon the old diob and proper, and to the single acts, as ex pressed when we say John shouts James. Why shonld John berate, pester, persecute, torture and torment the said James, loading him with opprobious adjectives mini he sinks from actual physical inability to read them, when the simple process above named would at once put an end to ihe whole matter? We pause to hear a reason. Is aiFLT to Tat aaovs. Ma. Aiacx hi.xiis cs ths voLLuwiae Pica Tor tlie .tdjccUic. Dear Editor, in mercy spare The adjectives I pray: For, which ot all the pans of speech Are beautiful as ibey .' The nouns are muscular and strong, The verbs a working crew ; Yet, robb'd of gentle adjectives, Pray what could either do ! Could you, sir, occupy your place Withiu your cushion'd pew, On Sunday morning, minus coat And vest so bright and new ! A pretty spectacle you'd be A man of your position. Among the fashionable saints, A naked politician ! And would you send denuded nouns. In size though they are -routers," Parading through the public prints Without their coals and trowsers ! Don't harm Ihe gentle adjectives! How could Alphonso tell. Without their aid, his geuile love To gentle Anabell ! And how could General Ilag-o'-wind Without their a. it impart To gaping crowd-, ihe mighty thoughts Which thrnl his nullity bean! How could excruciating tales Sensation papers fill ! And Ihus the wordy tortent turn The "literary" null! That mill supplies the mental food Kor "young America," Of which, ihe more your children cat, The emptier still are they ! No odds how "Pa" may growl or eurse, The boy must have his bread : This magic phrase unlocks the purse MTo-be-con-ti n-u-ed." Of precious Jliw'ry adjectives. Can't ihe dry norse so kind Make such delicious catnip lea To soothe ihe "weekly"' mind? Dear, kind, benignant Editor ! O hear my plaintive prayer : The brilliant, beauteous adjectives In tender mercy spare ! The amount of 86000 tax on unseated lands in Schuylkill county, returned into the Treasury of that county during S. K. Ke-poer'i term of office as Treasurer, has recently been fonnd to be missing. This makes Kepner'f defalcation to the county, ith interest, a little upwards of $10,000, and will fall heavy on his bondsmen. His defalcation to tbe State was upwards of $30,000, of whteb bis bondsmen bave paid $10,000, tha full amount of bis security. So lays the Miners' Journal. on, until 'tornearance ceased to be a vir tue,' and contrary to the advice of those who bave hitherto been their political leaders, tbey united in the formation of tho American Republican party, while Webster and Clay, and Wiuthrop and Crittenden, held aiouf, aud others of their leaders went over to the Democracy. Hence you had that nearly all the leaders "differ from common bawds only ia the success with which they conceal their loose conduct from the eye of their friends." The Expret attributes this monrnful im mortality to what we bave often represen ted as being the besetting sin of tbe age fathiun. Tbe editor says : "The love of dress and display, beyond one's means, is becoming tbe hideous, liv- rol. After that, he was allowed to accom pany them in tbeir excursions. When 11 years of age, being out alone on the Broad Mountain, with no weapon but his gun, ha got in pursuit of a large bear, on which be fired, but did not kill ; on he followed an J shot 9 times, the 0th killed Liu, bis weight was found to be 400 lbs. When Mr. Co ble came to this county be erected bis building and cleared out his farm, occa sionally bunting and trapping as time would permit, as game was then plenty ia these extensive barrens and mountains ; in 1S"22 be was tbe most successful, having killed during tbe year 1 panther, 6 wolves, and 2? deer, beside a number of foxes and other small game. Many instances of great daring and bravery mibt be tuld, but wc deem it unnecessary." Gold from the Graves. Tbe aboriginal inhabitants of Centra! America, or those people who occupied it at its discovery by the white men of the East, and many nations in South Ameri ca, bad a custom of burying tbeir dead surrounded with gold. In one instance a corpse has been discovered embalmed io a case of beaten gold, and from one tomb, gold to the amount of S92I,000 had been taken by tbe Spaniards in the sixteenth century. This mining among the graves, or huacas, as tbey are called, became of such importance that tbe Spanish crown sent over commissioners to collect a royal ty of one-fifth of all gold so obtained, and this produced a handsome revenue. For some time these peculiar place rt have not been much worked, bat still from New io it monster et tne liuusenom. tne ex of this great party have sprung up from . travatrant expenditure of money upju the ranks of the people. Many of tbem ' such useless and unsatisfying objects as ' Granada and I'eru, tbey bave sent several were once members of the llcmocratic par-; fashionable finery, by those whuui I'rovi- j thousand poands' worth annually to Eog- aence nas oiesseu wuu amucuce, is oau i tand wnete ,t na8 Deeo melted dawn at the British mint. By a late California ar- colitical leaders. Thus has originated the ,i.,.i k."-..i. ihm i.l ,J rival we learn that similar discoveries have party of the people, and its destiny is not ' "talents" eutrusted to his stewards, which ! been mai'8 DTid" Chiritiui, tbe gold accomplished, its course is not run, until be will require again at their hands, triVA : being in the form of roughly cast images, which were buried with the dead, evident, ly as votive offerings to some deity of It tctiili. olii,.d iMivra Wlii,.c hut n.-irl. ,,' , , . ., . c ' , 1 enoujih showing, as it does, that this all of them at that time wero uuknown as cf , ,l, ; ,y,,,m ki..: - ,i, j ClHBS luizuk l ii. . iu tuwa u.VJO.iij; kULiil J bus has originated the r.o.l h,. marrlv rivrn them wealth aa the Government of the nation is placed in ' '-"'; hut when this love ol display be-,.,,-,. . ,, , ... ! comes the infatuation of those in bumble the bands of those who will shape It for I l . . , , i , , : lle, and of limited means when it lays Ihe weitare of free men, and not for the j hM of tbe gernt girI( aBlj the j,ughter strengthening and uivaDeiug of slavery j 0f ,he poor mechanic when we see them aud slave labor. sacrificing everything but virtue and honor "Where, then, is tho white working ' to ape the bigger m.mkcy dolls of fashion man who will not go with all his heart for ( then we ha?9 fooJ . 80D ,0 f"r ,L,at r., - t r .i i. u .this insidious evil will in time ssp tbe the success of the pnuc.ples of the hepub- - fiundltI0ns of nonor auJ vlrtue lican parly ? If there is such a ono be is SilJ , je prujM ,D j CJ.nic.( that we cither ignorantly or wilfully neglecting , (ra drawing au imaginative picture, and his duty to his country and the personal i erecting a moral dungeon in Ihe air. We interest of every freeman ia the Uuion. j kuow something whereof we affirm. We couiu name at ieast six cases, iu illustra tion, which bave come under our profes If be votes with the Democracy he votes to degrado and impoverish free white wotkingmen, and ti strengthen., extend aud increase slavery ami slave labor to the great injury of Ihe whole country, (excep ting Ihe slave-holding aristocracy,) and to degrade and cheapen Ihe labor of free white men, until they are placed on an equality with tho working classes slaves of the South. Is not this as plain as siooal observation within tbe past year. We could pile illustration upon illustration, drawn from tbe history of tbe poor wretches who now fill tbe bawdy houses that dis grace our city. Fashion is the Juggernaut of civilization, at whose wheel parents too often unconsciously assist in lashing their daughters, discovering their danger when too late to rescue tbem. "When this love of dress and fashiona- Ihe sun at noonday ? If so, what white : ble display becomes a disease of tbe weak The Detroit Advertiser says that the lavet ran off by old John Brown, of Kan sas, and who arrived at Windsor, (' W-, early in tbe sprin?. are all doir; well. working man in this State is fool euougb to vote for his own damnation ? Is there ooe ? "We trust not. If there is, let him stuJy this subject in all its lights and shades, and he will see that bis duty to bis country, as well as to himself, his fam ily, bis children, and his children's chil dren, to tbe remotest generation, is ta stand np for free soil ! frke labor !! ASI) FREEDOM FOREVER ! ! 1" A man, named Samuel Newman, wbo had some lime ago broke jail at Danville, was arrested in Sanbury, and lodged in jail to await the action of the Sheriff of Montour county. Ho bad been secreting himself in I'oint township for soma time, and afterwards came over to Suobury, where, while lounging around in tbe eve ning, he was recognized and arrcstad. Tbe Douglas men are forming a new Secret Society, known amoDg themselves as "The Spartacs." mind, like the depraved appetite of the drunkard, it craves continually for the un natural sustenance. If its wants can not be supplied through tbe means of honest industry, or the proceeds of legitimate labor or inoome, Satan, ia the person of some foul libertine, artfully disguised as a gentleman, ia ever ready to tempt tbe frailty of human nature and the eases brought under our observation al various timet too sadly prove with what success." A man wbo keeps a anake show, was bitten by a rattlesnake, few days ago, at Uarrisburg. At first he was in a very dangerous oondition, but drinking a quart or two of whiskey saved bia life. There seems to be no use in anake poison trying to outdo modern whiskey. At Milwaukie, recently, a rbjsiciao, named Andrew Lutzgen, committed sui cide because bia "wife scolded him day and night." He was victim of an evil tongue. ancient worship. Ibere is now a great emigration to these novel "diggias," aud report says that gold is very profuse. But we are inclined to think Ihat after tbe country bat been ransacked by tbe Span iards, there can not be so trucb as rumcr would bave ns believe. Dr. Ktis, tbe sur geon of tbe JJies Tuyfor, baa brought some specimens to New York, and among tbem one representation of the bat, tha eagle, the peccary, the frog, and other an imals. The largest, representing a bat, is about five inches in width, and weighs six. ounces. Tbe gold is generally about 20 carats fine some of it slightly alloyed with copper and is worth as mcrchandiza about 17 the ounce; but, as objects of curiosity, the images are sold on tha spot for 20 the ounce. The images are cast and polished, and exhibit much ingenuity in the modeling. Tbe people by whom such objects were made must bave been considerably advanced in civilization. Tha study of American antiquities will doubt less be advanced by the discovery of these remarkable images, and we thick that they should be preserved, instead of being thrown into the refiner's melting-pot, like an unfashioned nugget, ox scaly dust. Tho Pikea Peaker's continue lo hont for gold, with varied luck. Geoerally, however, Greelej'a worda prove exactly true, "There is gold there, but digging is the hardest way to get it" The people ia tbe legion aro moving for another new Territory, or State, to beaalled "Jefferson." Petersons Bank Note List for Augu-t is 01 oar desk. It contains descriptions attighty new counterfeits, all of which ttve made tbeir appearance since J uly 1st. We do not see bow aay busintu ana can safe lv do without Peterson. 1 nrK fV?7.r.r I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers