10 | If Your Tenant Is to Leave, the New Tenant Will Respond to Classified Advertising of the I nfprmativ^^^KL Deaths IAIiFFMAN —Mrs. Elizabeth Kutt man, aged 82 years, widow or th< late Abraham Kauffman, t at the home of her son, George N. Kautl man. 43 N. 18th St. , „ Services on Thursday morning at a o'clock from the late residence, toe Rev. Mr. Rhoades officiating. In terment at United Brethren ceme tery. Annville. Relatives and friend? invited to attend without further notice. Annville papers please copy. KI-KOPFKH—-Died December 30, 1910, Caroline Ivleopfer. aged 91 years. Funeral services on 1' riday at i p. m. from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Kline, 930 Geary Street. Further services at Shoop's Church. Burial in cemetery adjoining. _____ I.VTER Mrs. Sarah E. Lyter. aged 81 years, 1 month and 3 days, died Tuesday at 8.50 a. m. , Funeral services will be held at llnl Market Street. Harrigburg. at 2.0 p. m., Friday. January 2. 19Z0. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. RUDER—On Tuesday morning. De cember 30. 1919, Mrs. Mary S. Ruder, wife of Jacob Ruder, aged b0 years Funeral on Thursday afternoon it 2 o'clock from her late residence. 1239 Swatara St. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. ! n t e ™ en . 1 , vate. The Itev. lteinhold Schmidt officiating. WOODS—Died December 28. 1919, Mra. Mary O. Woods, widow of the late Thomas A. Woods, in s 2d yeac at the home of her daughter. Mr . J. E. Hemperly, 2114 chestnut ot.. Kuneraf'services will be hedd at the above address on W edn ®®^ a i r ,?n (lH p. m. to which relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment private in Camp Hill cemeter. . I.OST AND FOUND DOST —Meerschaum pipe. B °" th , Division St. Reward if returned 18- N. Fourth St. Dial 5449. DOST—Amber beads Ust evening at T o'clock between 222 < Penn street. Second. Maclay or Riverside oar. Bell ward if returned 222. Penn St. or B.u phone 4932 J. FOUND Child's brown pocketbook on Second St. above Kelker owner can have same by Identifying and p . for adv. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. __ FOUND— Large black cat In vicin itv of Third and Woodbine, call Bell phone 401. IN STRUCT lONS BUCKLEY'S Business College. En ter any time. Individual promotion. 121 Market St. lIEDP WANTED —MALE fV YOU ARE TIRED" Of MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER DOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU STEADY WORK THE YEAR ROUND. EXCEDDENT WORKING CONDITIONS. EDUcA TIONAE ADVANTAGES and A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ARID ITY". GENERAD REPAIRMEN BORING Ml EE ADL AROUND MACHINISTS CARPENtTERS EDECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS PATTERNMAKERS SHEET METALWORKERS BKNCHMEN. ERECTORS. ACETYLENE WELDERS NEEDED Apply in person, or write at once to Factory Office Employment. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. ' RAILWAY" traffic inspectors want ed $llO a month and expenses to atari; short hours; travel; three months' home study under guarantee. We get vou position. No age limit, ask for booklet N-273. Standard Busi ness Training Inst.. Buffalo, .x. i. WANTED OPEN HEARTH BEAST FURNACE TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT YVORK. APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. STEELTON", PA. SOLICITORS Desiring to become high class salesmen and make permanent con nections in local sales force. Wo teach vou our business and pay you a sal ary and commission while learning Apply Room 410 Patriot Bldg. (Continued In Nest Column) /* \ HOI si s l <>R sAITI lIIUHSPIRK Klizalietli uiui George Streets Two pair. 2Vi-tory frame dwell ings; 6 rooms and bathroom (no fixtures); electric light; gas in kitchen; front and back porches; granolithic walks; fine slate roofs: lots, 25x123 ft. each; Price, 82,600 for corner pair; 82.500 for inside pair. WEST FAIR VIEW Northwest Comer Second ami River Streets Pair 2Yi-story frame houses: 5 rooms each; lot. 29x139 ft; 822 a month rental for both. A bargain at 81.800. STEEI.TON 344-346 South Second Street Pair 2Vi-tory frame dwellings; each contain 6 rooms and finished attic; electric light; front porch; water In kitchen; good condition. Price, 83,000 cntiro property. Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCCST AND COURT TS. READ ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONUS Members llnrrlnbnrg Heal Ealale tleard * WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IJEG'EMtJEK .51, IW9. , HELP WANTED—MADE i — ' - 0 | MEN! MEN! MEN! 9 e If you are wanting steady employ - ment where you will be rated aecord - ing to your ability and are willing to s leave tne city, come around and let r me talk it over with you, as I can place >. j All Around A 1 Machinists 1 i Vertical Boring Mill Operators r 9 I General Repair Men M y I Bench and Floor Hands Wood Pattern Makers 1 d Sheet Metal Workers 1 First Class Pipe Fitters 0 l. Acetylene and Electric Welders u "1 Apply between 9 a. m. and 6 p. ill. -Idaily, except Sunday to ■'! H. M. KRAMER. t 1.1 The Bolton Hotel. 11 1 -I Harrisburg. :! •% j :l ; ! SALESMEN 1 To work in crew, magazine propo- j a sition. salary and commission, plenty j 2 of renewals. Want men to train lot crew managers. Apply Room 410 Da- ! t triot Bldg. ; j CHIPPING SHOP FOREMAN j I, A man who can place and di rect the various operations in "I cleaning and chipping me t; dium and heavy steel cast -1 ings and 1 secure maximum " production. To such a man a 'I good position is open in a large steel foundry in the Philadelphia district. Address 'i leplv to Harrisburg Tele -1 graph. Box No. L-8201. 1' ur > | nishing references. i [i YOUNG man to work at soda Joun- I tain; experience not necessary. Apply; J Weaver's Confectionery, 29 Norm I Second Street. _ I -j WANTED —Motor truck salesman. 1 ■ | must be experienced and can furnish . ! reference. Permanent position now ! open. Good salary. Address Box 1.-B&9J j ' j care Telegraph. : 1 MEAT CUTTER —Experienced coun-J iter band. Also man with slaughter-; ! house experience. State experience. • This is a big opportunity. Address Box Y'-631 care Telegraph. . ! TAILOR— Big opportunity for first j ■ 'class cutter to take entire charge ot, I large custom trade. Do not answer ex -1 eept you bale hail high grade expeti-j I ence." To the right man this proposl 'tion will be made very attractive. AU-, dress Box 11-8691 care Telegraph. , I WANTED —A wide awake young j \ man to clerk in store. Wage 820 per week to start. State age and give ret-: erence. Address Box A-t6lO care Tele- ■ ] graph. —— WANTED —Man of good character) ' to canvass, representing one of the, oldest and most reliable firms in America. Steady employment; good, chance for advancement; guaranteed j salarv to start; cigaret smokers not I employed. Call for Mr. Kunselman. JAj 1 S. 13th St. Bell 1209 M. ; 1 WANTED —Advertising -and sub- | scription man for weekly journal, must be a hustler and At character,! salary and permanent position, ex- I perienced preferred, and ready fo I 1 1 work January 1. Address. Forum, Sun |bury. Pa. YOUNG men, IS-35. for railway mall j ' clerks. 81300-81509. Experience onne-■ leessarv. Examinations Harrisbur.,,. (January 17. For free particularswrite . lit. Terry, (former civil service Exam ! iner), 518 Continental Bldg.. \\ asu inaton. D. C. I j > WANTED HOLDERS Accustomed to heavy work cn dry and green sand molds. ' i Also coremakers and 'J a '" ternmakers. No strike. Pel" " manent work. Best of,work ing conditions. 1? or lnfoinia tion apply to the State B" al 'j of Employment, or direct to our plant, Reading Iron Co.. ( Scott Foundry Dept.. Read ing, Pa. f 1 1 ___ 1 LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY" I I Training qualifies you in your spaie | ! time to fill important accounting, | i lraffle, banking and sales positions , ! Positions located for graduates. 1< ull ! information without obligation. East ern office. 26 N. 18th fet. Bell o-J9. j WANTED —More men to work on I automobiles and airplanes, between i class hours. You have an excellent chance to learn tile business, we guarantee 50 hours per week at 8.-0 ■ per hour. Our full course is 8100. Ap ply 23 North Cameron St.; Hying i • Field. 14th and Sycamore Sts.; llbg. j j Airdrome. Hbg.. Pa. I :i ■ ( DRY FLOOR FOREMAN . | An experienced man capalile of supervising the fitting up of molds for heavy steel cast • I ings. Good steady position with a large steel foundry in -; Philadelphia district. Refer i I ences required. Address reply I to Harrisburg Telegraph, Box I No. X-9921. ERRAND BOY WANTED Must be over 16 years of age. I Boy with bicycle preferred- ; 1 Pleasant work and good i wages. Apply at once to Foreman Engraving Dept., TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. State Street Plant, j State and Cameron Streets I WANTED —Laborers and contrac- I I tors." Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax- j | tang. | BE a newspaper correspondent and j earn 823 to 8100 weekly, according to your ability; 815 to 823 weekly in ; ! spare time; experience unnecessary (no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for free booklet; telle how. No tional Press Bureau. N. Y. i WANTED Four planihg mill hands or cabinetmakers. Reference j required. Apply P. O. Box 446, Ftytrris- | j burg. \ ! SHOE SALESMAN —A live depArt- , ment store has an opening for an a\- j bilious man capable of taking chai|\. and assisting with buying. State agc\ experience and salary expected to Boxy I--9034 care Telegraph. WANTED —Miller to operate a 100 ■ bbl flour mill and a 600 bbl. blending! plant, located on Lehigh Valley rail-, road, 25 miles from New York. All | new machinery Just installed, ready' to operato January I. Communicate nt | once with Middlesex Milling Co., 412 i Produce Exchange, New York, N. Y. , I] (Continued In Next Column) ' | HELP WANTED—MADE ! I ARE YOU FORGING AHEAD? ! lias your earning power steadily in- ' !creased in the past five years—or has it remained stationary? Have you been able to put u thousand dollars to your savings account each year—or have your expenses been greater than ' your income? i Have you made a definite plan to forge ahead? Will the beginning of , the year 1920 see you well started to | a bigger and better business career? I Are you going to make an assured future for yourself? ! , THESE ARE YOUR PROBLEMS. I Look them squarely in the face. If I you have the courage and determina tion to solve them, there are big ; things awaiting you. I THE MASTER BUSINESS PROFES- 1 SION— ACCOUNTANCY. THE FOUN DATION OF EIGHTY PER CENT. OF | EXECUTIVE POSITIONS NEEDS! THOUSANDS OF PROPERLY TRAIN-; | ED MEN. THE CALL FOR EXPERTS IN THIS FIELD IS SO GREAT THAT I WE CANNOT HOPE TO SUPPLY" THE DEMAND FOR MANY YEARS TO I rain in accountancy. an execu-1 Vivo. A large staff of Practicing Certi fied Put lie Accountants. Men at the top of the profession—will train you ; in your spare time. No previous ex perience required. Home study com-i bined with private instruction. It is the most thorough and practical training in accountancy ever offered. Write for our booklet or call for i personal interview. Open daily until 1 J p. ni.. and on Saturday afternoon. J tNo obligation involved. Telephone Bell 3299 EASTERN OFFICE, j LARALLK EXTENSION UNIVERSITY. I ! 26 N. 18th St. and 511 Kunkel Bldg. I I I i ; I FOUNDRY FOREMAN I A live wire wanted who has the knowledge and is capable i of handling about 73 molders j on medium and heavy dry sand work. Good steady position with a large steel foundry in j Philadelphia district. Address reply to Harrisburg Tele graph. Box H-8621. Giving ! experience and reference. JIKLP \VANTED—I-'EMAI>IO OPERATORS Owing to the rap'd increase | of our business we are re- I quiring experienced sewing i machine operators. Work is i 1 regular and permanent. As sanitary conditions of our i sewing rooms and the effi ciency of our machines are second to none, operators can earn good wages. A bonus is paid every pay day to oper { ators. i ! PLOUGH MFG. CO.. INC., REILY AND FULTON STREETS j ! I CAPABLE AND EXPERI ■ ENCEII STENOGRAPHER 1 WANTED. POSITION .DESIR ABLE AND PERMANENT. I APPLY" EITHER BY LETTE I I j OR PERSON. MANAGER'S OFFICE. I KM ERSON-BR ANTINGHAM : - IMPLEMENT COMPANY", 10TH AND MARKET STS. ; i WANTED—GirIs in finishing de- I partment for sorting and pairing, i Apply Harris Hosiery Co.. Calder and (Marion Sts. I SALESLADY wanted for ready-to- I wear department. Must be aggressive | and have pleasing personality. State ■ age. experience, reference and salary I ! required. Give phone number in Box ( ! 1.-5032 care Telegraph. ; . I WANTED Several girls for clerical work, ex- 1 ! perience not necessary. We pay you j (while learning. Also several bright) I energetic typists. Apply at once to Elliott-Fisher Factory Employment | Bureau. WANTED—Experienced oper ators on power sewing ma chines. Union special inseam cr and sleever. During past year we have paid 40 per cent, j bonus on our profit-sharing ■ plan. A large supply of ma | terial and many orders as sures steady work. Begin now so as to share in the July dis tribution. JENNING'S MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. i_~ BOOKKEEPER Experienced with knowledge of typewriting; no steno graphic work; opportunity for • advancement. Address Box G-7625 rare Telegraph I | ( CLERICAL —A large department! 'store requires four young ladies (with office experience in filing and general office work. Reply stating! (age. experience and salary expected. P-9428 care Telegraph. I "I YOUNG lady to take dictation and I i typewriting. Must have knowledge of) ■ lertcal work. Address Box B-7611 (■■are Telegraph. WANTED—A good, plain, willing ; cook, to make herself useful around : boarding house. Apply 1246 Market St. | WANTED—Woman or girl for gen leral housework, good home to right .party. Inquire 3003 Riverside Drive or Bell phone 3398. | j CANVASSERS Two ladies for city work, magazine | proposition that appeals to every I I housewife, salary and commission. We j I will teach you our work. Apply Room | 410 Patriot Bldg. i I j WANTED—IJir 1 over 20 years old! I for store worl:. reference required.! .Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North (Second St. j : I WANTED Girl for stenography land office work. Call Grand I.'niou Tea IQo.. 208 N. Second St. WANTED—Experienced salesladies for dry goods and underwear busi ness. Address E-623 care Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED ! HIGH-CLASS salesmen to sell the (Rear-Cat Auto Supplies, good commla-; , sion paid to a man making territory) (in a car. Bear-Cat Products Co.. Okla- I homa City. Okla. I V SALESMAN—Experienced in sell ;Tßg credit registers, computing scales j oV-Edding machines. Answer In own ! handlncitfng. giving references and jexperleWe. Address Box Y'-8096 care Telegraph • SALESMAN —Write for list Of open- | | ings and iH particulars. Earn 82.000; ■to 810,099 early. Big demand for | | men. 1 ncxßtrienced or experienced. I City or tin® I'ng. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. ' Assn.. Chicago. 1 I MOST OF TO-DAY'S CLASSI FIED ADS will lead to "business." Sales will be made, jobs will be found. |f|i Some will discover, perhaps to their jyOj surprise, how economically classified Qjjj advertising serves them. AGENTS WANTED I AGENTS to sellDaudt's silver plat ing: polish, plates each time you polish. ! makes old ware new. D. S. Daudt, 820 Broadway, Bethlehem. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE i [ MAN wishes position as clerk in 1 drugstore or clerking of any kind. ( t'all Dial 9217. I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE I , ViANIED Private branch tele j phone operating by experienced young lady. Address Box D-6738 care Tele ; graph. I W ANTED—General house work bv a colored woman. Apply 1703 N. 7lh. WOMAN wants place as cook in I small latnily. 1703 N. 7th St. ! WANTED—Colored woman wishes office cleaning or day's work. 616 j ■' orster St. WANTED Stenographer desires position; references furnished. Call Bell phone 3244 J. WOMAN wants housekeeping or dishwashing. Write to Mrs. Alary Evans, Port Royal. Pa. WANTED—Position by experienced , young woman as house mother in a i boarding school or kindergarten I teacher. Best of reference. Address j Box 11-8522 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT—Two communicating furnished or unfurnished rooms, sec ,ond lloor front, city steam heat, all ! conveniences. Will rent single or lo jgether. Call at 807 North Second St. FOR RENT—Furnished room. Ap ply 2121 N. Sixth Street, third lloor i front. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms! for light housekeeping; all conveni ences. Apply 1614 Wallace St.. or Belli phone 4684 M. j FOR RENT —Third floor furnished! front room, steam heat, electric lights 1427 N. Third St. Apply third floor I apartment. I —■ j FOR RENT Two unfurnished i rooms on first lloor for light house- ( keeping .also two rooms on second 'lloor. Inquire 332 S. Cameron Street j after 6 p. m. FOR RENT —Large furnished room, second floor front. Apply at 1238 Wal nut Street. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms j with private bath. Will rent sepa rately or together. Suitable for light housekeeping or otherwise. All con veniences; telephone; rent reasonable.! 1 815 N. 17th St. ! NICELY furnished front room for n j (respectable lady, steam heat, electric) light, private bath; no male company I privileges. 8"> per week single; ii ( i double. Apply Apt. 2, 1300 N. Sixth; : Street. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms for' light housekeeping, second and third lloor. heat, gas and use of bath. Ap- i ply 327 S. Front St. FOR RENT—Large front room, fur nished, heat and bath, electric light. | both phones, reasonable rates, 1549 ( State street, cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. 1 FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 1811 Berryhill St. | NICELY furnished warm roams $3 1 per week and up. Also rooms for lgiht housekeeping. 143 S. Third St. TWO furnished rooms, second floor, bay windows, porch, bath, phone, steam heat, good location, ten min utes' walk to business section, refer ences. Call after 4 p. rn. or before 9 a. m. Bell phone 4657 M. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Adults only. Inquire 923 North Second St. ROOMS WANTED ( WANTED —Two rooms, bath and! kitchenette, at once; central location! preferred. Address Box 16-7627 care | ] Telegraph. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT j ! RIVER DRIVE APARTMENTS : Six rooms and bath, all mod ern improvements, ready for occupancy. LEWIS B. COHEN, SOS Bergner Building. 801 l phone 626 i I I FURNISHED apartment for rent on i second floor front bedroom, dining loom and kitchen combined, steam | beat, hot and cold water, nse of bath, j 'furnished up Also a separate; i room for light housekeeping. Apply I at 443 Walnut St. HOARD WANTED WANTED —Refined fumily who are willing to take little girl four years old. Mother is employed and is willing | to pay board. Call 2777.1 Bell phone or' in person 18 N. 16th St. HOARDERS WANTED | WANTED—In a good homo with all; improvements, an aged man with pen-| | sion. who would respect a homo of; (his own. or some one to room or board ( I to help keep a home up. Will do their J washing tf desired. Only brother and; sister in home in center of city. Ad-| dress Miss Blance Stone, Generul De-( livery. City. j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1623 Green St., 3-story brick, 9 ' rooms., bath, pantry, poreh. Chas. Ad- 1 I or, 1002 N. Third St. j 2053 Swatara St.. 6 rooms, somi ' bungalow style, ceinrnt porch, gar- I age. Call at premises. I tContinued In .Next Column) j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF ITS REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN." I YOUR LAST CHANCE BPivV, OK ' SIX HEFT )9)WV i mrv AND VACANT—NO ' MONEY DOWN. SAME AS RENT Inn,i t axton —Seven rooms' I and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat. an ? electricity: a real modern Home, front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in rear. POSSESSION AT ONCE 1* niton St., 1832—Three-story, t ight room house, some improvements; very rare opportunity for family of modern means to buy a home. POSSESSION AT ONCE RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER 12th St.. N., 68—Three-story, eight rooms and bath, newly painted and papered; gas and electricity; all im provements; house in first class con dition; now vacant. A RARE OPPORTUNITY South 16th St., 344 —Two-story brick, seven rooms and bath, cement cellar, very easily heated, newly pa- ) pered and In very good condition. Possession by January 1. Small amount of cash, balance same as rent. 1 Can be seen at any time. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME Three-story brick, nine rooms, new ly papered throughout, hot and cold water in cemented cellar. Outside eel larway, nice size yard, ull modern ) conveniences; small amount of cash: balance same as rent. Possession on short notice D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building, 36 North Third Street. Bell 1 390. * Dial 9573. ; FOR SALE Vacant and completely renovated. Peffer street, between Third and j Fourth streets, three-story brick, all | improvements. $509 down; balance in monthly payments. Reily street, between Sixth and Seventh. All improvements. $399 ' down; balance as rent. ! llerry street, between 21st and 22d I streets, three-story bricks, electric j light and steam heat. 8309 down; bal- I ance as rent. I Logan street, 1900 block, $2.,00 ■ I and 83900. 8109 down, 825 a month. , ! Reel street, above Seneca, three- ; storv brick, drive alley in the rear, all improvements. 8309 down: balance I as rent. ! 221 S. 17th St., two-story brick, ull ! improvements. $290 down. 825 per month. 1 430 Naudain street, three-story brick, all' improvements. $201) down. $23 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 308 Bergner Building. I Bell 626. Dial 6226. I ' | HOUSES for sale. I have a list of 102 houses in all parts of the city for, 'sale, also building lots and one 8-stoiy factory building. You who are inter ested in buying real estate, write to James Bri.cker, 74 N. 17th St., Hal-, risburg. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance I as rent. We have houses in every ' part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. EASY TERMS (Clinton St., three 2-s. frames. Bar j gain $3400' ■S. 16th near Market. 3-s. bk., imp. $3250j N. 4th St., 2', 2-s. ft'., good lot $2200 S. 17th St., 2-s. bk., modern $3630, N. 71 It St., 2 Mss. stucco $1859' iKelkor St.. 2L-s. bk., imp $2950 | (Wallace St., bk., imp $2309 | James St.. 2-s. fr $l5OO N. 19th St., 3-s. fr., gas and water | $l6OO iS. 19th St., 2-s. fr., gas and water $1209 'Green Hill, (Lucknow), 3-s fr., imp. $2190 la moyne. 3-s. bk., all intp $3600 ■ |N. 12tit St., 2-s. fr.. good lot $BO9 ; .STOP PAYING RENT OWN YOUR HOME GEO. W. JACOBS, ( 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539 i CAMP lUHlj—North Bowman uve.. 17 rooms .liatli. gas, electric, furnace, two porches, lot 80x140, fruit trees. (A beautiful home in good shape. I 917 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, all con ( venienoes. one of those cozy little j homes. Must ho seen to be appro ! elated. J. K. LEHMAN. Patriot Building. ) 228 BOAS ST.. 2 C-story. 19 rooms t and built, gas, steam lieut. hardwood i floor in lit ing room; immediate pos session. Will sell cheap it sold soon, it. E. LUCAS. 303 Is wis Street. (Real Estate, Eire Insurance) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a j brick bouse with seven rooms und bath, and all other improvements; lot 21x150, and price only $4OOO. Bell | Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. ( PEN'N STREET property for sale. 8 I rooms, bath, gas, furnace, 1826 Penn ! ijlreet. Price $2809. Hell Realty Co., | Bergner Bldg. VACANT —House, 632 Boyd Street. I being renovated, offered for sale at treasonable price and etuty terms. Bell j I Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. MY I.OSS IS YOUR GAIN Business property on Market street, j ( Brick construction, consisting of ' store and fine dwelling, A 1 eondition throughout, all improvements, ant ' compelled to sell for good reasons, if! you mean business inquire for full I particulars to Box B-7967, care Tele- j graph. I (Continued In Next Column) j URAL ESTATE FOR SALE ) HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE Houses of all kinds in all parts of I the city. Borne on easy terms, four ; I now vacant, possession at once. Some | ( nieo corner properties. A few largo , | single homes with large lawn and ! i shade trees, two or three up-to-date | apartment houses, ten per cent, clear. : Several 3-story brick houses centrally located, very suitable for upartmen-s. ( I .Several business stands. Grocery j i store, etc. For full particulars apply or phone to ( C. H. CORBER, 1722 Green Street. I j Real Estate, Insurance, Rents Collected. Bell 569J | | I STOP! Looking for CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES FARMS, LOTS. We Have Them G. \V. HAUCK COMPANY, Room 292 Calder Bldg. 16 N. Market Sq. Bell 3917J Real Lslate—lnsurance i PROPERTY AT ENOLA | For Sale—2-story frame. 9 rooms I and bath, electricity, furnace, slate (roof, front und rear porches. Plot I 25x109 ft., garage in rear holds six ( ears, along street car line. Possession ;in two weeks. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., Olarrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market St. I FOR SALE —The wco. B. Weber I home, State street, West Fairviejv, 11 ; room frame, 2',6-story house, lot 50x ' 189 ft., bath, electric and gas, con -1 crete walks, best of water, large gar den and chicken house. Possession April 1, 1920. Price only $4,900. Also ltis store room with corner lot ( 109x100 ft. with garage and barn, on | A 1 business corner. Price $2,999. Will sell stock fixtures, grocery and ineatl market at inventory. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 Slate St., cor. 16th St. Dial 4930. Bell 4162R FOR SAI.-E—Or exchange on real estate business, a lot on Third street, ; 14.J feet or 129 feet front by 87 feet i deep, located between Muench and Dauphin Sts. Apply 1820 N. 3d St. I VACANT Seven homes, ranging from six rooms and hath to ten rooms and i bath. For particulars, call on IX E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Insurance-, 303 Lewis Street CAMPHILL —Hamilton St., 7 rooms, bath. gas. electric', steant heat, lot (50x150. Possession short notice: a very desirable home. J. K. Lehman, Patriot Building. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF CITY NEW LISTS Anything you want in homes, some on easy payment, special 24-acre truck farm, near Mechanicsburg, Pa. Bar gain price if sold before February 1. Call or phone C. F. Morning, 13th and j Market Sts. Bell 4 209 M. 2044 Susquehanna St., 3-story brick, 8 rooms, bath, poreh. Price, $3,000. j Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. ' (""AQII for property. No commissions, j Quick settlements. Chas. | ■ Adler, 1002 N. Third St. i 2047 Penn St., 3-story brick. S rootns, bath, porch. Price', $3,909. ; Possession in 39 days. Chas. Adler, ( ! 1992 North Third St. I 739 S. 27th St., new house. 6 rooms, j bath, electricity, steam heat, porch, | ' hardwood first floor. Room for garage, j I Chas. Adler. 1992 N. Third St. _ j ! FOR SALE —125 Evergreen street. 3- j story brick, 19 rooms and bath, good I ' eondition: hew furnace. Lot. 20x199 feet, paved front and rear. Immediate possession. Apply 125 Evergreen St. . IIOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VACANT. I for sale; brick and stucco semi-bun-j galow; seven rooms and bath: hot water heat; other improvements. Bell ( Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME —30-acre frame iv. miles from railroad. House, barn, orchard, running water piped to house from line mountain stream. Itii- [ mediate possession. Address Harris-j burg Trust Company. Harrisburg, Pu. ] MACLAY St.. 19 rooms, corner j house, all modern improvements, suit able for business place, room to build garage. Price $6309. DURAND & FERBER, 197 Chestnut St. I FOR SALE—333 and 337 Emerald j ( St.. possession April 1, 2928 und 2039 j Susquehanna St.. possession in 39 days. Apply to 814 Capital St. FOR SALE or exchange, on citv I property, fruit farm, 32 acres, in Dau 'phiii county, short distance front trol ley line; in good shape. Address Box O-7026 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Two new brick houses, 190 feet south of Derry on Melrose, between 22d and 23d Sts., 6 rooms and i bat It, steam heat, gas stove, electric | lights, hardwood floor in living room, large front und back porch. Room for garage. Immediate possession. Price ; right. Newton G. Zeiders. Bell 8064R, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 2309 North Third St.. detached I house, 9 rooms and hath, electric i (lights, steam heat, garage for two I ears. $75 per month. 1613 Green St., furnished house, 8( rooms and bath, electric light, fur nace heat, garage. Possession Janu- I ary 20 for three months. $125 per | month. Apply MILLER BROS. & CO.. i locust and Court Sts. REAL ESTATE WANTED i MAN and wife, no children, wishes | to rent house from April 1. Address Box 0-7624 care Telegraph. i WE will save you time and annoy- ! ance from agents and advertising, bv I buying your real estate direct. Send , us full particulars In your letter and i we will buy your property if the price ! is right. Address P. O. Box 625. j FARMS | FOR SALE—I7-acre truck, fruit and poultry farm. 4,990 usparagus. ;t to ji years out; 1 ia acres fine strawberries;' 159 peach trees and small fruit; 6-1 room frarm house; smull bank barn. 1 l>ig sty and chicken house, fine spring ( water and t unning water, best of soil. | Possession at once. Located two miles I west of Knola, Cumberland County I Price $2509. For Sale —115-acre truck or stock' farm; eight-room frame house, all 'necessary outbuildings, no belter val ues in Cumberland County. Price $ll5 ( (per acre, 10 minutes walk to trolley. I ('HAS. DAVIES. Real Estate, 1549 State St.. cor. 16th Street. Dial 4930 Bell 4162R (Continued In Next Colnmn) | FARMS f I 65 acres,' York county, good bldg., j | 2 mules, it good milch cows, 2 hogs, ; f25 chickens, all implements mostly j! j new. Will trade on city property. R DUItAND & FERBER, I • 107 Chestnut St. j. ' m FARMS WANTED i —; . WANTED | 50 to 70-acre farm close to main toad. Address Box A-si63 care Telegraph. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS ! ~ FOR RENT I FLOOR AND WAREHOUSE Steam heat, water, elevator, low insurance. Apply Super ) intendent BOWMAN & COMPANY. ' STOREROOM FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1. 1920. 602 MARKET ST. CUAS. AIJLER, 1002 N. THIRD STREET. 1 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS i < FOR SALE Three-piece parlor suite, golden! I oak, genuine Spanish leather cushions, j iValue $125, sale price $95. FORNWALD. 1 1321 North Sixth Street. I | I FOR SALE—One kitchen range; one double heater, at d bargain. Apply |29th and Curtin Sis. ! I FOR SALE—Nutria fur coat. Will sell for $155, new. Call Bell phone j 4530 R. I CRANK shaper and cutoff machine, j platform scales, steam pumps, lathes, I planer, milling machine, drill press, hack saw, air drill Imperial one-halt inch, Toledo pipe die, 2',4 to 4-inch, leather belting, large steam valves. 1 | gasoline engines, electric motors, lacetyalene machines for cutting weld ing and carbon burning. Sell reason able. l'\ R. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. ! BABY coach for sale, good as new Phone 4387R or call 1838 N. 2d St. FOR SALE—S-24 inch high stomm radiators; 5 solid oak lodge pedstais. Price reasonable. Address 1745 North 6th St. j DOG Russian wolfhound; pedi greed; eight months' old; female; j j white with lemon markings. Call j Bell 2331. FOR SALE One 10x18 inch Re- , ! 'lance portable stone crushing plant bin capacity 25 tons, crusher, elevator and bins in excellent condition. Crush er fitted Willi manganese steel dies and cheek plates. Will demonstrate. Write Hoffman Bros. & Wilson. 11./ - risburg, Pa., for turtlicr particulais and price. CENTRAL furnishing store dealer | in new and secondhand furniture, carpets and stoves, bought and sold. ! A try will convince you. Closed on j Saturday. Open evenings. Call at 321 1 Rell.v. Bell 1061 M. FOR SALE —200 feet of 2-inch cot- j ton water hose, in four sections, price I 250 per foot. Baby carriage, cost $l6. I will sell for $5. Inquire His Mar j ket Street. | MORRIS SAYS save money buying I new and sccond-uand furniture here, i High prices paid for furniture. Mo-rris I Schmertz, 1018 Market St. Bell 4494. | BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 ! ! new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, | 925 North Third. Circulars free. | NATIONAL cash registers sold on ; easy monthly payments without in- I terest. Bell phone 2405. Dial 3890. N. I It. Black, Sales Agent, 105 Market St. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR I CASH —"ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. I 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPIIEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES CALKS! CALKS! CALKS! For sale at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Reed Tip. Diamond, I Giant Grip, ltowe. Black Diamond ami 1 j Snow Storm Horse Shoe Calks. | COATS FOR SALE i Two very nice ladies' coats cheap, j a bargain, almost new. will sell one for $5, one for $S and one for $!0. Call . j 1506 State street or Bell phone 3S9UJ, WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ j | Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Mux Smeltz, 1020 i I Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone G32IJ. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKI.V CLOTHING, SHOES, I URVITUiiE. I BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES .'AID. 407 BROAD ST.. HAKRISUURG, PA WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 49.4 or write L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. * BUSINESS OI'PO RUM TIES | : FOR SALE 01! LEASE ' I Largte garage ami business situat ied in Central Pennsylvania. Modern ' und complete equipment. Sales agency 1 two most popular automobiles, oe- 1 partments of business include stor- " age, repair shop, battery, new and old cars. Stock consists of car parts, - tires, batteries and parts, oil and ac- 1 cessories. A going business. Perspn- [ I nel best in surrounding community. | Other business Interests make a sale < or ,lease necessary. Address G-8243j< ! care Telegraph. , |, An opportunity is now avail- ' I -able to secure the agency for I " 1 an old established line of heavy ! , 1 1 duty motor trucks 114, 214, i i 3V4 and 5-ton capacities. Pro- I ducllon has now been increas ed to enable prompt deliv- ! I erles. Write or wire for full particulars. "UNITED MOTORS CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. j | | FOR SALE—Meat market and gro- I eery, stock and fixtures with good' I will; old established business. Annual' I ;sales $30,000, will sell at Inventory. , I Also the storeroom. 28x60 ft. with | barn, garage and lot, 100x100 ft. No > belter business location in West Fairview. It is .on the corner of State und Fairmount ave. Price $2OOO. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street. Bell 4162R Dial 493" tContinued In Next Column) i 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUBSTANTIAL manufactur7ri poration wants capable m<n t Q labllsh branch and manage .sa|o„ n $3OO to SIGOO necessary. You own money. Will allow ex|,,. <l8(;a na Baltimore if you will qualify. particulars address Secretary, Howard St., Baltimore. Md. A '^Hl|| BUSINESS PERSON A'LS~^^H A. LANE Now and second-hand bought and sold. Highest prices nabl 1022 Market street. Bell 3239-W2. FURNI TUIf E CRATED, ~T jC Bishop, 1736 Logan street. Bell 263211- I'IAMONDS bought for cash— P. 1L ■ CAPLAN t;0„ 206 Market street. Bj DXY-ACETYLENE WELDING IT Any metal welded. Work guaran-t teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. M Ca.iitol City vVelding Co., 3558 Logan i Street. Bell 4396 J. J RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ffl Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, doz., razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you tht 1 j changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE* A i PIIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it iff M lif taken in time. Uross Drug Store, ■ I 119 Market street. II FINANCIAL I , 1 INVEST CONSERVATIVELY J HYDRO-ELECTRIC 1 ! ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER | GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALS V i J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. 130 Walnut Street, 1 | B ll phone 518 J. Harrlsburg, l'a. MONEY TO LOAN SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATE $l5 TO s3ou 4 On furniture, real estate or guaran teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on the ( a. tual time the money is in your pos- j session. J CO-OPERATIVE LOAN 1 AND INVESTMENT CO.. 1 2u4 Chestnut Street. M WE LEND MONEY in compliance M with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu- B uls in need of ready cash, small loans ™ a specialty, business conlidentiai, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates iti city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED—Employes, Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third und Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by tho State." HAULING AND MOVING I HEAVY TRUCKING . LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE. CONTRACT WORK A SPE CIALTY. RURAL TRANS PORTATION LINE. HARRISBURG AUTO CO.. J BELL 100 ""'A 1 LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE ■ HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt ■ service. Ernest Corbin, 630 Calder 1 street. Both phones. Bell 3636-.1, | Dial 3638. BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Diul 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 1214 Wallace fat. Bell phone 1050 M. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Nuudiun St., or Bell 5235 J. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial ■1990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain und dustproof bodv. 'J. E. Gruber's Truck Service, iiwin i Aungst, Manager, ilershey. Pa. Bell phone 15116. /■ MUSICAL HARIUSBUKU TALKING MACHINE t* HOSPITAL. At 1303 North Sixth Street. ■ Talking machines repaired V and supplies a specialty. Call 1 Bell phone 218. J. , tl PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tune- only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth Street. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS/ BANJOS. Bund anc Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. J WANTED—I!y saxophone player, evening work wit) orchestra, dance or otherwise, buss jr treble cleft. Cull Bell phone- 3036NV. FOR SALE Player piano for $460. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spang- M ler Music House, 2112 N. Sixih street. 1 TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only, OYLER'S, 14 South. Fourth street. STORAGE STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Pr.vato rooms at reasonable Tab's. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper ft Siyr Both phones. * pjM STORAGE Private rooms for Y household goods in fireproof ware nouse, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-tireproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 Soutli Second street. STORAGE—In hrlck building, reur 408 Market. Household goods in cleau. 1 private rooms. Reasonable rates. I', G. Dlener, 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW )'IUCES HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LID.. HIGHSPHIE, PA. Both phones, I Bell Steclton ICSY CLEANER! AND DYFKS AH a BAN ING DYEING iPiU PRESSING Let us make y ur old fall and win- a ter clotlics look'i ew. IVc cull and de- 1 liver. All kind) of repairing. Both phones. H. Go, dinan. 130614 North 4 Street. J Additional Classified Ads j J on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers