H Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page O —-i UNDEHTAKEKS Funeral Director GEO. H. SOURBIEK till) X. Third Street HB SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Deny St. BELLI 9; 6 DIAL 2188 HHK REDO) PH K, SPICE It Funeral Director and Embalmcr 511 North Second Street. ■■KKIL2H DIAL 2145 G. K. BP. EST LE. FUNERAL DIRECTOR waar 17 45 X. (th St. ALSO MiDDLETOWN OFFICE lg£^Bp E EL 24-'3 DIAL 3295 j LIP"." WHERE TO DINE AIA'A HOTEL AND RESTAURANT.' gjgj^P 1 THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. I IJHL CEMETERY IiOYS FOR SALE - PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY—I Beautifully situated en Market street. ] J^^^ ea st of Twenty-sixth, and on the ] north and east faces tlie new park-j MDvay. Tho price of lots moderate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents HL AUTOMOBILES - OVERLAND "'cHr USED CAR DEPARTMENT DECEMBER THRiVT SALE NEW cars will be priced higher after the si of the year. Used cars > II also be higher. We are Ifcring all ■-afer used cars in our Btocg at sffifcy; THRIFT PRICES. Our fiscal year closes this month and we n " t * intend to cair> |M§r . over a single far. At the Prices we are marking them they are Belling as fast as we can overhaul anu repaint them. i Overland Country Club with i Winter top. Kefinisiied dark maroon, black wire wheels and black top. A nanusoine car. mechanically guaranteed, tires good. Sumnn r lop in eluded. Overland Country Club, brown with cream wire wheels, prae ° tically new tires, goo 4 run ning order. Chalmers seven-passenger six %• cylinder sedan. R* mushed l oyal blue with bl . k run ning gear. 1913 Cadillac touring n * od mechanical condition tung inal pain' fine, new storage battery |525 HP Open Evenings, Both phones K THE OVERLAND HARI BURG CO.. ; 212-211 North Secunl St. u 1 1917 Chandler, club roads'er, 1900. 1917 Mercer touring, , passenger j very snappy, two spare tiles. A real good bargain. T 1918-Chalmers touring, 7 passenger t ■ just been overhauled, will sacrifice, yj 1917 Mitchell, touring, resi bargain. ■ 1914 Ford louring. J K The above cars will ap; al to the average buyer in the market for a i F good used car. Demonstrat ua given. I CHELSEA AUTO Ct A. Schitfman, Manage . fl| i ,• One model 84. Willys-Knight coupe,, newly puinted, new cord tires. Standard 8. sport model. 1.<20. run less than 1000 miles. j B.' REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. 1917 North TTiird | i PROSPECTIVE TRUCK Bl VERS ! TAKE NOTICE We are offering a proposition 4 whereby you can earn a larg salary besides an independent livlnt £ We have recently signed c> ntracts with several large conslructii i firms ( '■kin supply them with trucks t! com- year, which will nunii er 10" mark". We arc therefore in a ; •sition £ to serve you in several differei ways as follows: "4. .. With inbuilt quality Felden trucks £ unlimited service and guarnnu d po- H Bition that will enable you to carry I for voUr trucks from its earnings six , to eight minutes time, our 19. ■ rec ords show that during the firs year Selden trucks were placed in the I hands of 63 satisfied owners tl ma | ioritv of whom paid for their ucks # ■ i n a "like manner. Do not fail t take ) BK advantage of this splendid • i.poi ■| tunitv. Place your order now th you > i'R mav be assured of early delivei and i he one of the first on the job when Hfcepring makes its appearance, b. lens, ? ... t,,, jelivered in the followir- ca- Wk pacities, 1%. 2. 2%. 3% and a tons. j Phono Bell 4849 or Dial 69 for j n nnintnicntH or address. PES'" TRUCK DISTRIBU US, 1 1017-25 Market Street, | Harrisburg. Pa. ; .' Hr SPCOND-HANI) motor truck for cheap—Fords. Kohter, Cha ners and Internationals; three-quart. • to two-ton capacities, $2OO uni up. H IVTERN YTIONAI. HARVESTER ■ INT MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTM NT. ■k. 619-21 Walnut Street. "" FORD "WNERS ~ i H , Ve | ave received a large ship) ■nt H of fronr springs f. r Ford cars and re "IcJdlKing them for *2.75 apiece C 1- ■ *ea Abto Co.. 22 N. Cameron St. , TU IKBAKEU- Light 6: suit, le ] e c J. Hvery; cheap to quick buyer, eo S t-oadster; A-1 condition Sible s a- Third and C imberland Ms. 7 WM. PENN GARAGE > '4-6 Muench street. Limousines Mr ; funeral*, parties ind balls: careful y drivers; open day and niglit. Bell. :t 4564. I ■r C>:J) AI'TOS wanise ufd wre<:ked or oldtimt s. Bv^ 4 *rir avt condition. See me before a •- Brk * ym fir IT S: elAwhen Chelsea Auto ft Wreekinff. A." „hi :man. 22-24-26 N. |f Cameron stre. ' ■ II 3633. t■ M ' FOR SALF. ' 7 *al 9 Buicl; roadster) in Al 'W eonditlon. \ Apply Klt/ C it*, Ga- JF i AGE. 205 |. 17th StJ e . riverland, nidel 90. touring. Chevrolet ijiiy Gran, touring. Studebaker. |pa.-en* 6 cylinder. > "r^vnwl 1 can"arranged I / Time SUPPLY CO. Rt " 1917 N.i'hird Street Tf- - -""r££r.7> tourinl 1~ model: electric , k?. and|ulls like new. Price | I'K" B ' T k nial6-C, C. H. Horst, $4OO cash. Dia° llarrisburg ,1. Linglestown, n* liarrisourg. VIAI.E —clvrolet sedan model 4 cheap I" 1 condition. Can be * icon a" Heraheylearnery Co. garage, i South Cameron | , B (7-ontlnocd it"' Colnnta) WKU.XtSUAY KUhMMi, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 31,. 1919. , AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS VIM— -ton: good condition: cheap CRAWFORD—Hi-ton. new cold pneu matic tires, furniture body. DENIJY—-Like new. .CORY ROADSTER—Good condition, j CAI) jLLAC—Unit; with two-wheal trailer. Severnl 1919 Dcnby trucks at spe cial prices. DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1203 Capitol Street KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops anil cushion work done by experts;, also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-(S South Cameron Street. MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 Bosch, high tension. Eisman. Dixie. Splitdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carbureters, etc. A. Schiflman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT I ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1637 NORTH THIRD STREET. Garages Accessories and Repairs ! YOUR D >DGE TLUS A RAY FIELD CARBURETOR —Thai's a great cotn- I lunation. A Raylield equ(ppeil Dodge; ' the special Dodge model is inexpon- I sive unit the saving in gasoline bills is from ID to 30 per cent, will pay for it >n a -hort time; a Kay field on any car increases its efficiency all around. My how she pulls the hills. Agency, Rodericks' Garage, 443 South Cameron Street. Harrlsburg. AUTO WANTED FORD COUPE OR ROADSTER. AD DRESS WITH PARTICULARS. P. O. RON 384. HARRISBURG. PA. AUCTIONEER IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING WITH WHICH i CHOICE OR NECESSITY BIDS | YOU PART I YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR BEST INTEREST TO SEE AUCTIONEER HITE 1422 SO. ISTH. BELL ISTS-J 1 LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALES By virtue of certain writs of facias, levari facias, liberari facias. venditioni exponas and alias vendi- j tioni exponas, issued out of the Court] of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Dauphin County. Pa., and to me directed. 1 will expose at Public Sale or Outorv. at the Court House, in the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., on Thursday, January 8. 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M., tho following real estate, to wit: (CARE. ATTORNEY.) No. 2. —All that certain messuage tenement or tract of land, situate in] Fast Hanover Township. County of i I Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania. : bounded and described as follows, o] ] wit; J BEGINNING at a post on corner of ' lands of Mr. Little and Daniel llhoads; thence south seven and 1 three-fourths (71i) degrees east six i teen (16) perches to a post; thence south tc. and three fourths (10? i) j degrees ast sixty-three and four- I tenths (63 1-10) perches to a stone: thence south nineteen and one-half (191.,) degrees east seventy-four and nine-tenths (74 9-10) perches; thence south eighty-two and one-half (82%), 'degrees west one hundred and fifteen (115) perches along land of John Zearing to a stone; thence north ten (10) degrees west forty-two and one tenth "(12 1-10) perches to a post; thence north eighty-seven (37) de [ greos west six and six-tenths (6 6-10) perches; thence north along the land of John Shellerhamer six and otie ! fourth (6'i) degrees west thirty-nine i(39) perches to a stone; thence south ■ sixty-eight and one-lialf (68%) de grees west thirty-nine (39) perches to a stone in Manada Creek; thence I up along the course of said creek to | a stone on corner oT land of Daniel i Rhoads; thence north sixty-five (654 I degrees east thirty-nine (39) perches to a White Oak; thence south seven and three-fourths (""i) degrees east 'twelve and live-tenths (12 5-10) 1 perches to a white oak; thence north I seventy-nine and one-half (79%) de- I glees east ninety-five and five-tenths ! i 95 5-10) perches to the place of be ginning. Containing 110 acres and 88 ' perches. And being the same property or farm which George McNew and wite 1 sold and conveyed unto Mrs. Sadie .Ellen Gilbert. Sold as tn- property 'of George Gilbert and Sadie 16 Gil bert. defendants. (FOX A GEYER. ATTORNEYS.) No. 3. —All the following described two tracts of land, lying and being situate in the township of Swataia. in the County of Dauphin and State lof Pennsylvania, bounded and limited 'as follows. Trr.t No. 1 being lots Nos. 318. j319, fi-'O. 521, 323, 324 and 325 in a plot 'of lots laid out by C. L. Brinser, and known as "Rutherford Heights" (said [plan being recorded in the R corder's | Office in and for the County of Dauphin, in Plan Book "K," page 5). I adjoining Lot No. 317 on the east and Lot No. 326 on the west, fronting ;ivo hundred (20P( feet on Huntingdon Street, and running back in a north lerly direction, a uniform width throughout, one hundred and fifty (150) feet, more or less, to Locust I Avenue, having thereon erected and now being, four double, brick dwell mg houses. Tract No. 2. being la)t No. 230 in the within mentioned plot ot lots, ad joining lot No. 329 on the east and I Lot No. 331 on the west, front'ng i twenty-five (25) feet --n Huntingdon Street, and extending back in a northerly direction, a uniform width throughout, one hundred and fifty I (IS6) feet, more or less, to IsOCUat ] Avenue, having thereon erected and i now being, the one-half of a double. ] brick dwelling house, the boundary 'line between I,otS Nos. 330 and 331. Fold as the property of Joseph A. I Koons, mortgugor, and Sarah Heller, real owner, defendants. (FOX A* GEYER. ATTORNEYS.) No. 4.—A1l the following described three lots of ground, lying and being I -ituate in the township of Swatara. |.n the county of Dauphin and State of j Pennsylvania, bounded and limited as 1 follows* Lot No. 1, being Ixit No. 312 in plan |of lots laid out by C. L. Brinser, and known as "Rutherford Heights." sail 'plan being recorded in the Recorder's ! Office of Dauphin County, in Plan Book "E," page 5. and fronting twenty-five (25) feet on Huntingdon iFtreet. and extending back of uni form width, one hundred and fifty Wvibl feet, more or less, to Locust I Avenue, having thereon erected the cne-half of a double, two story, brick dwelling. Lot No. 2, being Tot No. 313 on the plan of lots referred to above front ing twenty-five (25) feet on Hunting don Street and extending back one hundred and fifty (150) feet, more or less, to Locust Avenue, having erect ed thereon the one-half of a double, two-storv, brick dwelling. Lot No. 3. being Lot No. 317 on the plan of lots referred to above front ing twenty-five (25) feet on Hunting don Street, and extending back one hundred unil fifty (150) feet, more or less, to Locust Avenue, having ereet ed thereon the one-half of a double two-story, brick dwelling. Sold as the property of Frank MeElroy, mort gagor. Sarah Heller, real owner, de fendants, (FOX & GEYER. ATTORNEYS ) No. 5.—A1l the right, title and in terest ef L. R. Arnold and Emma O. Arnold In and to all that plot of ground situate In the borough of Highsplre. Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania. bounded and described 'as follower BEGINNING at point, the corner of Mari.-t and Arch Streets; thence along said Arch "treet one hundred and ( wenty-five <125) feet to Locust Allei thence along said Locust Alley two ndred forty-*!- (246) feet, nine I ( 9) 1 Uies to Church Alley: thence lalonn lhurch Allev one hundred and I twen five (125) feet to Market dtrtn and THANNJ *IAD* id u, ,„I LEG.\li NOTICES Street two hundred forty-six (346)1 feet nine (9) inches to the intersec-1 s tlon of Market Street with Arch I ■ Street, the place of beginning. Rein*?; ,I. ots Nos. 1.) to 24. both inclusive,. Block "TV* laid out by J. W. Hoop. ! known an J. W. Hoop's second exten sion tf Tiighspire. recorded in Plan; , Book "A." page 56; always subject to : • the condition that the main buildings; : tnust be built or erected on line with ■ the street* and nilevs. Having there-! lon erected a double two and a ha'f-! j story frame dwelling house and out! houses. For title, -ee Deed Book "F." Vol. 16. page 101 nd Will Book "K." page I 264. Sold as the property of I- It. Arnold i [and Emma l Arnold, defendants. ; I (ROSEXBI RG Ss ROSENBERG, ATTORNEYS.) ! . No. 6.—Morris Stine. et ux et al. to! | Louis Swltpmr. September 12. 1911!.' jDeed Book "N." Vol. 16. page 323. etc.] j No. I. Beginning at a point on the! I western line of Cowden Street thirtv-] (two (3!) feet and six (6) inches south' of the southern line of York Street:! | thence southwardly along Cowden] , Street sixteen feet to a point; thence I I west wardly paralle with York Stre >t' one hundred twenty-six (126) feet six i (6) Inches, more or less, to Ash' jStreet: am thence northwardly alongl jthe eastern line of Ash Street sixteen, (16) feet t! a point: thence eastwa'd- | Ily parallel with York Street one; hundred twenty-six (126) feet and j six (6) in hes more or less, to the : place of 1 ginning. Thereon being house No. 106 Cowden. Street. No. 2. I eginntng at a point on the: western Hi •> of Cowden Street sixteen ! (lb' feet and six inches south of the I southern lne of York Street: thence] southwardly along Cowden Street: ! sixteen fret to a point: thence west-I |wardly patallel with York Street one! hundred twenty-six (126) feet and six] |inches, more . r less, to Ash Street:! thence northw, rdly along the eastern line of Ash Street sixteen feet to a point; thenee eastwardly parallel ' with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and live inches, more or less, to the place of begin ning. Having thereon erected house No. DOS Cowden Street. Sold as the property of Ixniis Swimmer, defend ant. ■ a. P. BOWMAN ATTORNEY.) No. T.—All the following two tracts of land situate in the citv of ITarris . burg. Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to • i t • | No. 1. Beginning at a point on tho : southern line of Pwatara Street, one | hundred (100) feet eastwardly from [Twenty-first Street; thence south : wardly at right angles to Swatara jStreet one hundred (106) feet to McCleaster Avenue; thence eastward ly along said : enue twenty (20) feet to line of projerty No. 2112 Swatara Street; thence northwardly along said line through the center of n partition wall one hundred (100) feet to Swa tara Street; thence westwardly along the southern 'ine of Swatara Street twenty (20) f-et to the place of be ginning. Thereon erected a frame dwelling house No. 2111 Swatara Street. For title see Deed Book "F," Vol. 16. page 363. Sold as the property of J. W. Lloyd, defendant. No. 2. Beginning at a point on the southern line of Swatara Street, one hundred twenty (120) feet eastward ly from Twenty-first Street at line of property No. 2111 Swatara Street; thence in a southerly direction parallel with Twenty-first Street through the center of a partition wall one hundred (100) fret to McCleaster Avenue; thence eastwardly along the northern line of said avenue twenty (20) feet to a point: thence north wardly parallel with Twenty-first I Street" one hundred (100) feet to] Swatara Street: thence westwardly along the southern line of Swatara Street twenty (20) feet to the place of beginning Thereon erected a frame dwelling house No Swatara Street. For title - Deed Book "E." Vol. 16. page 34" 1 Sold as the i roperty of J. W. Lloyd, defendant. (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY.) No. S.—AH that certain two-story frame house and lot of ground situ ated In the City of Harrlsburg bound ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Wallace Street in the center of Lot No. 37 in the plan of the town of Paxton as laid out by William Colder and re corded in the Pecorder's Office in and for Dauphin County in Deed Book "A." Vol. 3, page 458. The said Wal lace Street being in sa'd plan called and designated Filbert Street subse quently bv the proper authorities re named and designated Wallace Street, thence northwest along the line of Wallace Street, afo-esaid, thirteen feet to the corner of I>ot No. 38 in said plan. Thence along the line of Lot No. 38 one hundred and forty feet, more or less, to Current Avenue or Alley; thence down Cur-| rant Avenue thirteen feet to a point in the center of said Lot No. 37 and thence in a straight line through middle of I*>t No. 3-7 to Wallace Street aforesaid at the place of be ginning being the northwestern one half or moiet> of said Lot No, 37. Sold as the property of Nathan I Bell. 1 (E. W. JACKSON. ATTORNEY.) ! No. 9.—No. ' —All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the City of 'Harrisburg. Dauphin County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Wallace and Cumber land Streets and running thence ' southwardly along Wallace Street, jl4 feet, mi "re or less, to other | land of said defendants; thence east- I wardly along said land 68 feet, more ■or less, to private alley; thence I northwardly along said alley 14 feet, more or les- to Cumberland Street: II hence westwardly along Cumberland 'Street 68 fe° t to the place of begin ning. and having thereon erected the ] building now known us No. 1135 Wat j lace Street, said building being a ] two and on halt'-story frame tlwell [ing house, 4x22 feet in size, with itwo-story ack building annexed. 14x22 feet i size, all in good repair. For title so deed recorded in Deed 130..k "L." Yd. 16. sage 285. etc. i No. 2 —All hat certain piece or parcel of land, situite in the City of tlarris | burg. Daup in County and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: ! BEGINNING on the eastern line lof Wallac- Street. fourteen (14) feat distant Southwardly from Cum berland s^t: -t. and running thence ' eastwardly along said land 68 feet, more or Ess. to a private allev; thence southwardly along said alley 14 feet to a point; thence westwardly CS feet, mor or less, to said Wallace Street; th-nce northwardly along said Walla Street 14 feet to the place of beginning, having thereon erected tl)e building now known as No. 1133 Wallace Street, said build ing being b tw o and one-hall'-story frame duel ing louse. 14x22 feet in size with two-story back building annexed. 1"\14 in size. For title ,ee deed recorded In Deed Book "L." Vol. 16. page 285, etc. Sold as the property of Jacob Wiener, Ai.nle Wiener, his wife, de fendants. (PATTERSON. ATTORNET.) I No. 10. — All that lot or piece of land in Harrlsburg. Pa., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeastern corner of Wallace and Cumberland Street; th' nee southwardly twenty eight feet more or less, to land now or lute of Mary Fogerty; thence east wardly si .-eight feet, more or less, to a pri ~te alley; thence north wardly tv mty-eight feet, more or less, to imberland Street: thence westward along Cumberland Street sixty-eigl t feet to th place of be ginning. Thereof being houses Nos. 1133 and 1)35 Waliace Street. Sold at the property of Annie Weiner and Jacob Weiner. her hus band. defendant*. (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY.) No. 11.—iAIl that land in llarris burg. Pa., bounded and described as follows: | BEGINNING at the northwestern corner of. Seventh and Woodbine Streets: thence northwardly along Ihe wester i line of Seventh Street 95 feet, more or less, to an alley 13 feet, more or le: s. side; thence westwardly along the Houthern line of said alley 23 feet ant I 2 inches, more or less, to a point on land of Patrick H. Vaughn: thence southwardly along the line of said land 9 5 feet, more or less, to said Woodbine Street, thence eastwardly along the northern line of Woodbine Street 14 jfeet and 4 Inches, more or less to th. • plago of beginning. Thereon being house No. 664 Wood bine Stree :. • ! Fold a* the property of Bella M. Baker, mo rtgagor. William H. Myers, real owner. defendants. <R:RRR. ATTORNEY.) No. 1! -All that certain lot. piece or nanul n( land, aituntad in Lha LEGAL NOTICES Borough of Steelton. Dauphin County. en nsyl v ania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point, fifty-eight 'as) feet north from the northeast corner of Third and Washington *"* l reels. Steelton. on the eastern side of Third Street, adjoining land of) Joseph Zaeks, ar.d at a point in the j center of a prlvnte alley between the j land of said Joseph Zacks and the] land herein described: thence north- i wardly along Third Street to the cen- i tcr of a private alley between houses numbered 583 and .685 South Third Street, and adjoining other lands, now or formerly, of Abraham Lich tenstein, forty-one (41) feet, four (4) inches; thence eastwardly at right] angles to Third Street, and through I the center of said private allev I ninety-nine (99) feet. three (3) ] inches, more or less, to Boyer Allev:' thence south along Boyer Alley.! forty-one (41) feet, four (4) inches to' line of said lot of Joseph ZacKsil 'hence by the same westwardly and through the center of the said first thehUened private alley, ninety-nine (99) feet, three (3) inches, to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected three three-story frame dwelling houses, numbered 555. 587 and 589 South third Street. Steelton. See mottgage recorded in Mortgage! Book "P." Vol. 12. page 303. Sold as the property of David 11. i Sellers, defendant. I RI'PP. ATTORNEY.) No. 13.—A1l those certain two lots' of land with the improvements there- | on erected situate in the City of: Harrisburg. County of Dauphin, and; state of Pennsylvania, more partieu- ■ larly bounded and described as fol- ' lows: BEGINNING at a point on the western line of Cowden Street, six teen feet and six Inches south of the southern line of York Street; thenee southwardly along Cowden Street, sixteen feet to a point: thence west wardly parallel with York Street, one hundred and twenty-six feet and i six Inches, more or less, to Ash : reet: thence northwardly along in*" eastern line of Ash Street, sixteen feet to a point: thenee eastward'y parallel with York Street one hun dred and twenty-six feet and live inches, more or less, to the place oT beginning. No. 2. Beginning at a point on the western line of Cowden Street, thirty two feet and six inches south of the southern line of York Street: thence westwardly parallel with York Street one hundred and twenty-six feet six inches, more or less, to Ash Street and thence northwardly along the eastern line of Ash Street sixteen feet to a point: thence eastwardly parallel with York Street one hun dred and twenty-six feet and six inches, more or less, to the place of beginning. Thereon being house No. 906 Cowden Street. See Mortgage recorded in Mortgage Book "G." Vol. 12, page 77. Sold as the property of Morris Stine and Isaac "Woolf. defendants. (SCHAFFXER. ATTORNEY.) No. 14.—A1l that certain tract of land situate in Conewago Township. County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the pub lic road: thence by land of John N. Grubb and Henry Heisey. respec tively. due south, ninety-five (95) perches and six-tenths, to a stake: thence by land of Henry G. Heisey. south seventy-nine and one-half (79%) degrees west, eighteen and three-tenths (18 3-10) perches to a stake; thence by land of William Kopn. due north ninety-eight (93) perches to a stake in said pu'.lic rond: thence along the same north eighty-eight (88) degrees east eighteen (18) perches to the place of beginning; containing ten (10) acres and ope hundred and forty (140) perches neat measure: being Lot No. 9 on plan of Colebroolt lots. Sold as the property of Samuel H. Hoffer. mortgagor. Lydia A. Bailey, real owner, defendants. (DA VIES. ATTORNEY.) No. 15.—Situate in the Seventh Ward of the City of Harrisburg. Countv of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the northern line of Boyd Avenue, distant westwardlv forty (40) feet, eight and one-halt (8%) inches, more or less, from the northwest corner of Boyd Avenue and Seventh Street opposite the center of the division wall of this and house No. 648 Boyd Avenue; thence in a northerly direction through the center of said division wall and continuing along a lot one hundred and one (101) feet, more or les3, to the southern line of a four feet wide private alley; thence in a] westwardly direction along the west-' ern line of said alley thirteen (i 3) feet seven (7) inches, more or less, to] a point on the division line of this and adjoining lot: thence in a south erly direction along the line of this and adjoining lot and through the partition wall of this and house No. 041 Bovd Avenue one hundred and one (101) feet, more or less, to the northern line of Boyd Avenue: thence in an easterly direction along the northern line of Boyd Avenue thir teen (13) feet seven (7) inches, more or less, to the place of beginning, having erected thereon a brick dwell ing house known as No. 646 Boyd Avenue, together with the use of a private allev in the rear of said lot in common with owners of other prop erty thereon. Sold as the property of Magdalena Stroup. defendant. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by W. W. CALDWELL. _ Sheriff. | Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg, December T'HE'VHGHHST AND BEST BIDDER SHALL BE Til E BUYER Terms: The purchaser will be required to pay FIFTY DOLLARS OF the amount of his bid when the prop erty shall have been knocked off to him. if under $500; above that amount. 10 per cent of the purchase money; and the residue of the pur chase money before the confirmation of the sale' by the Court. And if complied with, a deed will be ten dered bv the Sheriff, at the next Court of Common Pleas for Dauphin County, conveying to the purchaser all the right, title, interest and claim which the said defendant lias in and to the said property at the time of levying tho same. If the above conditions be not com plied with on the part of the pur chaser. and the said property be on that account again offered for sale by ihe Sheriff, the said purchaser will be held liable for the deficiencies and additional cost of such sale. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Thaddeus Book, late of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Pa., having been granted to the un dersigned. all persons indebted to said j estate are requested to make imme- I diate pavment. and those having claims against the estate will present ithem for settlement, to MIRIAM BOOK. EDGAR S. BOOK. Executors, i 1522 N. 6th St., Harrisburg, Pa. Or B. F. D.MBERUER. Attorney, j 108 North Second St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Office of the Blough Manufacturing i Company. Ine., Harrisburg, Pa. | Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the said corporation for the election of directors tor the ensuing year and for the transaction of any otner busi ness that may arise at said meeting will be held Tuesday. January 6. 1920, at 2 o'clock p. in., at the office of the said corporation, corner of Reily and Fulton streets. Harrisburg, Pa. J. W. DEOHANT, Secretary. EXECUTRIX NOTICE NOTICE —Letters testamentary on the estate of Joseph P. Wilcox, lute of Washington. D. C.. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Washington. 1). C., all per sons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claim* will present them for settlement. MRS. LUTHELLA WILCOX SHUNK, Executrix. 147 13th St., N. E. Washington. D. C. NOTICE —Letters of administration on the estate of Frank Cerjanlc, late of Steelton. Dauphin county. Pa . de ceased. having been granted to the undersigned, all person* indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Administrator, Harrlsburg, Pa. Or to CHARLES C. STROA AJA*. LEGAL NOTICES j< "TO manufacturers. dibtribu-'I TORS AND DEALERS" Owing: to the unusual conditions arising in neighboring states from the sale and distribution of mixtures . containing wood alcohol which lius j resulted in a large number of deaths. ' i the Pennsylvania State Department' of Health In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Food Commissioner and; the Pennsylvania Board of Pharmacy , nnd the Attorney Ueneral's Depart-| mont, hereby serves notice upon muti ufacturers. distributors and dealers, that an embargo will be placed upon j all non-official preparations contain- , ing alcohol unless the manufacturer. ; dealer or distributor of such prepara- i 11ions satisfy by affidavit the State 1 Department of llrallh that ihe pre-; Iparatious do not contain wood nl jcohol. The affidavits must be tiled !■ 'with the State Department of Health , ion or before January 8. 11)20. EDWARD MARTIN. I Commissioner of Health. 1 MARKETS 0 O •YEW lIIKh STOCKS j Chandler Brothers and Company' i members of New York and Philadel-.; ' pl.ia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar-j j ket Square. Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut : street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, I New York furnish the following, J quotations: Open Noon l | Am. Tel. and Tel 95% 957 i j ! Allis Chnlmers 48 5"% I j Amer. Beet Sugar 34', 55 j j Am. Car and Fndry C 0...13!) 1411... | | Amer. Isjco 101!s 10114 I Amer. Smelting 6S 69 ! American Sugar 138% 140% j Anaconda ,13 62% i Atchison 82% 82% | Baldwin Ix)co 11254 1125, | 14. and O . 31 31 t, Bethlehem Steel B 9f> % 961 a Butte Copper 26 % 26% Cal. Petro 43 43 Can. Pacific 130 44 131 Central Leather 98% 99% C. and 0 5 41, 53 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 27 2714 Chino Con. Copper 38% 38% Col. Fuel and Iron 41 41 Corn Products 84% 84% Crucible Steel 2171 a 217 Erie 121, 13 General Motors 338 340 Goodrich. B. F 80 81', Great North, pfd 781, 77 3, Great North. Ore. subs .. 38 381 a Inspiration Copper 59 5 , 5974 Interboro Met 3% 314 Int. Nickel 24 241, Int. Paper 761 i 78% Kennecott 29% 29% Kans. City So 15 la 15% Lackawanna Steel 88 87 Lehigh Valley 41% 40% Maxwell Motors 39% 30% Merc. Mar Ctfs 48% 481, Merc. Mar Ctfs., pfd. ...108% \lOB% Mex. Petro 215 216 Miami Copper 24% 24% Mid vale Steel 50 5 5014 Missouri Pacific ... 26 25 N. Y„ N. H. and II 35% 30% N. Y., Ont. and West. ... 17% 17% Nevada Copper 15 15 N. Y. Central .. . v 68% 69% Norfolk and West. . . 96 96 North. Pacific 80% 80% Pittsburgh Coal 62 62 Penna. R. It 40% 40% Ray COll. Copper 21% 21% Reading 7694 76% Rep. Iron and Steel :....117% 118% Southern Pacific 102% 102% Southern Ry 21% 21% Sinclair Oil and R 43 4 4 Studebaker 108 109% Union Pacific 122% 123% U. S. I. Alcohol 111% 114 U. S. Rubber 134% 137% U. S. Steel 105;, 106% Utah Copper 75 76 Va.-Caro. Chem 66% 54% Willys Overland 28% 28% Hide and Leather 27% 25% Pierce Arrow 77% 80% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Dec. 31. Butter— Lower; western creamery extra. 71c; nearby prints, fancy. 79® Sic. Live Poultry—Higher, fowls, 26© 38c as to size and quality; spring chickens, 2S@34c as to size and qual ity: old roosters, 22@23c: geese, 26® 3o'o; turkeys. 38® 40c. Dressed Poultry—Steady: turkeys, lower. Delaware and Maryland, fancy. 60c; old toms, 45c. Oats—Quiet, steady: No. 2 white 94%@93; No. 3 white, 93%®94c. Cheese Steady'; New York and Wisconsin, full milk held, 31%@33 e Eggs—Steady: nearby firstsT 821 GO per case; current receipts. 821; west ern extra firsts. 321.60; firsts. 320.10® 21; fancy selected packed. S2@B4c pet dozen. Potatoes—Higher; Penna In 100 pounds. 33.60©3.75; New York, 33.25 @3.40. Flour—Quiet but firm, soft winter straight western, 310.50® 11; nearby, 310.10® 10.50; hard winter straight. 313 © 13.25; short patent $13.50®11; spring clear, $9.75@10.25; patent. 314 ®14.50; short patent. 314.40® 15.10; fancy spring and city mills paten'., family brand. $15@15.35. Hay—Quiet and steady; timothy, choice. 334 per ton: Nif. 1. $33; No. 2, 331®32; No. 3. 327®28; sample. 322 ®24; clover mixed hay, light mixed. 331®32; No. 1 mixed. $28®29. Tallow—Dull; prime city loose, 16c; special loose. 16% c; prime country,! loc; edible in tierces. 19©20 c. Bran—Quiet but steady; soft winter bran western in 100 lbs sacks. sso© '50.50; spring. 49@49.50. | CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET I Chicago. Dec. 31.—Hogs Receipts 17.000; mostly -0 to 15c higher. Bulk, i 314.30© 14.45; tpo, 314.50. Heavy. 314.20 I ©14.45: medium, 314.30® 14.50; light, I $14.20®14.45; light light. 113.65® 14.30; I heavy packing sows, smooth. 313.65® 14.10; packing sows, rough. 313©13.60; 'pigs. 313.50© 14. | Cattle —Receipts 1,000, firm. Beef | steers, medium and heavyweight, .choice and prime. 318.75®20; medium jand good. 310.75® 18.75; common, 38.75 I @10.75; light, good and choice. 313.501 @19.25; common and medium. sB® 113.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.40® 1 14.75; cows, $6.20@13.50; canners and cutters, $5.25@6.25; veal calves, $15.75 I !@l7; feeder steers, s7@ 12.25: stoclters i steers, s6® 10.25. I Sheep Receipts 8.000, steady. I Lambs. $15.60@18.40; culls and com jmon, $11.75@15.25; ewes, medium and food, $8.23@10.75; culls and common. 4.25#8. Friends Frustrate Plans j of Two Bent on Marrying Spring Grove. Dec. 31.—Prevent'-d Iby friends from being married clan destinely, J. Millard Bcrtner and Miss ! Esther Baker were quietly wedded at | the home of the bride's parents here. ! An automobile had been engaged to I convey them quietly out of town im- I mediately after the ceremony. ! Friends managed to detain the Rev. \A. -U. Mullen and succeeded in holding I the wedding off one hour. Then the idriver of the car was detained until a late hour, preventing Mr. and Mrs. I Bortner from getting out of town un | til long after midnight. Colliery Fire Boss Is Instantly Killed Williamstowii, Pa, Dec. 31. While working at No. 1 shaft of the colliery here on Monday Edward Donnelly, aged 40 years, was in stantly killed when he fell down the manway. He was a fire boss and was well known In this place. His parents, widow, six sons and a num ber of sisters survive. An inquest wns deemed unnecessary. The body was removed to bis home here. LABORERS GET INCREASE Marietta. Pa.. Dec. 31.—Laborers at the various plants in Marietta have been granted a slight increase In wages. The moulders at the Marietta Hollowware and Enameling Company have been given a 10 per cent in %T>a sa. 1 STEEL BUYERS ' 1 WILLING TO PAY HIGHER PRICES ; i Demand Is So Great, Judge j Gary Says After Direc- j tors' Meeting New $ ork. Dec 31.—Demand for' is so kern that buyers are will-' ing- to pay inatcrial'y increased prices ; for it. Klbert H. Gary, chairman oft the board of the United States Steel; Corporation, declared yesterday after a meeting of the directors here.! There Is no disposition to advance J prices, however. Judge Gary said, and J the corporation's policy is to udhere j as closely as possible to the selling, prices agreed upon by the Federal .Industrial Board last March. "This is a time for moderation even; nt the risk of some sacrifice." Judge j "Gary stated. "Demand is such that, j prospective purchasers, we are in-, formed, are actually paying materi-; • ally larger prices, hut we think, tuk-t jing everything into consideration, we I would not be justified in insisting j upon or accepting advances at this; time, if we did I fear it would have an influence in increasing the gen icral high cost of living." The steel strike has been ended fori ia long time as far as the steel cor poration is concerned, Judge Gary said. "We are now operating at a rate of slightly better than SO per cent of capacity," he explained. "Common labor is a little scarce, and this re sults largely from the fact that cer tain elements will not be received oack into the mills." Kichard V. Undsbury. of New Jer sey, general counsel of the corpora tion. and W. J. Filbert, comptroller, were elected to the directorate to till the vacancies left by the deaths of Robert Bacon and Henry O. Fry k. Blough Mfg. Company Increases Wage Scale Another Ten Per Cent, j The Blough Manufacturing Com-1 pany this morning announced an in- . crease in wages throughout its force of ten per cent, to take effect to morrow. This increase is in addi tion to the ten per cent. I.MU'S which has been paid each payday through out the past year and will continue through 192 0. In the last ten years the wages at the Blough plant have increased one hundred per cent. This includes the j branch plants at Dauphin and New 1 Kingston, and at College Point, Long j Island. B. F. Blough. president of the com- i pany. said this morning that he con- | aiders the prospects for the coming | year exceedingly bright. "Our output for 1920 has already been sold," said Mr. Blough, "and I | am now considering some enlarge- j meats. The plant here is one of the j most modern in the city, with rest j rooms, a restaurant, circulating li- \ brary, and everything making for j the comfort of the employe. We have I room for more men. and I shall | make some annotincement to that; effect in the near future. We shall I continue our policy of giving $5OO I worth of life insurance to each em- 1 ploye, and pay the premiums." Mexican Reiterates His Charges That Jenkins Was | "Friendly" With Bandit Mexico City. Tuesday, Dec. 30.—Re iteration of the charge that W. O. Jenkins, U. S. consular agent at Pu ebla was seen in company with Fed erico Fordovo. the bandit said to have abducted him. during the period when Mr. Jenkins says he was being ■ held by the outlaw was contained in ' a telegram from the governor of Puebla given out by the interior de partment to-da.v. Government witnesses, it is said, have "proved" that "friendly rela tions" existed between Mr. Jenkins and his alleged captor while they were at the villages of Banta Maria und San Bernabe. Mr. Jenkins it is de clared was not blindfolded and was aware of the location of the place where he was hidden, in spite of Mr. Jenkins' claims to the contrary. The telegram added that the second Pu ebla criminal court was continuing its investigations of the case. It was decided by the Supreme Court yesterday that the Federal Dis trict Court should have jurisdiction in the Jenkins case. Ship Badly Damaged by Fire Near Engines By Associated Press New York. Dec. 31. The wooden steamship Fair Oaks, 533 tons, from Walton, N. 8., was badly damaged by fire of unknown origin at her pier near Clifton. State Island, early to day. She was preparing to sail to night with a eargo of hides. First unofficial estimates placed the dam age at $75,000. The blaze started near the engine room, and soon got beyond control of the crew. Three alarms brought out Fire Chief Kenlon, of New York City, two Hreboats and all the fire | fighting apparatus on eastern Staten I Island. The vessel was pumped near ly full of water, causing her to list at the stern. West Shore Woman Is Bride in New York City 1 New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 31. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mis 3 Anna Stettler, of Fourth street, -this place, and Roy Lavunture, of Oberlin, which took place in New York City 011 Satur day morning. After spending a week in New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Lavanture will go to Akron where they will reside. Millerstown Moose to Entertain City Lodge Band Mrtlerstown, Pa., Dec. 31.—The Moose Band, of Harrisburg, No. 107. directed by J. Lewis Sprenger. will be entertained by the Loyal Order of Moose of Millerstown in their Hub rooms in Market Square on Wednes day evening with a pig roast and sauer kraut dirmer. While here they will render one of their fine concerts. SURVIVORS MAY RECOVER St. Johns N. F., Dec. 31. Hope that the heroic work of the sailors of the steamer Ingraham, who saved the three survivors of the wrecked Belgian steamer Anton Van Driel yesterday nt St. Mary's bay, had not been in vain, was held out here to day. The rescued inen. who had clung to the wreck more than 36 hours and had seen their 26 ship mates die In the greut seas which at times completely submerged the I vessel, were brought here last night In a serious condition. They were] uv.ralv frost hlttsa. Committee Named to Study Plans For a Harrisburg Foundation With the announcement of the personnel of the committee which •will study the Harrisburg Founda tion project, one of the most impor tant phases of the program of work of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce is now under way. Stanley G. Jean is chairman of the committee, which is composed of the following members: Edward Bailey, David Kaufman, | B. F. lllough, W. M. Ogelsby, John F. Uapp, William M. Donaldson, John K. Fox, E. A. Heffelfinger, Donald MeCormick, A. C. Stanim, j William S. Snyder and E. J. Stack-1 pole, member ex-officio. The purpose of the Foundation, j as outlined by the founder of the ] Cleveland Foundation, would be: "to receive and to safeguard dona- i tior.-s in trust under supervision and i regulation imposed by State legisla- ] tlon, to employ the principal, or in come, or both, for education and i charitable purposes in a broader and ■ more useful manner in future years ] than it is now possible to auti cipate; j to provide for specific needs stipu-I lated by the donor; lo insure the perpetuity ot' principal when that is] desired; to lessen preventable errors of judgment in the disposal of prin cipal anil Income; to guard against unwise use of income and principal by beneficiaries, and by a union of available funds to promote Ihe civic, moral and mental welfare of the peo ple in the widest, wisest, most eco nomical and most efficient manner." The members of the committee have been notified of their appoint ment and will assemble within the near future at the call of the chair man lor organization and work. Coal Operators Are Making Plans to Put Industry on Stable Basis Chicago. Dec. 31.—Committees ap pointed by coal operators of the cen tral competitive fields to-day began I formulating plans to put the entire soft coal industry on a stable basis. They will report early in the new year. The committees were named at the two-day conference which clos ed here yesterday. The primary pur pose of the convention was to dis cuss the situation growing out of the appointment of the presidential coal commission according to T. W. Brew ster, of St. Louis, chairman oi' the conference, but no definite action to govern the attitude of the operators toward that commission was taken. The operators agreed that any raise at present in the price of coal used for domestic purposes would be unjustified and would be due sole ly to the retailers. One operator stated that the prices on a few grades of steam coal had been raised 14 per cent. Prominent Journalist of France Visits City Henri Martin Barzun. in charge of the French Press Bureau located in New York city, accompanied by his wife and child, is visiting his cousin, 11. ('. ("laster, 2001 North Third street. Monsieur Barzun is a distin guished French journalist. He was formerly secretary to the minister of labor, and later saw active serv ice for three years in the French army during the war until he was forced to retire through injuries and illness. Following his convalescence, jhe became assistant to the French premier, C'lomenceau, as editor-in chief of L'Homnie Libre, after which he was sent to this country to take charge of the French Press Bureau. His duties now are in working Oil. Curb, Industrial and Mining Stocks Bought for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin McCall & Riley Go.,lnc. STOCK BROKERS 212 N. THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. Telephone: Dial, 2230; Bell, 3498 NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA Direct Private Telegraph Wire Connecting Offices D. B. Kieffer & Co. New Year Sale of 125 Head of Acclimated and West Virginia Horses, Colts and Mules AT > PUBLIC SALE ON Friday, January 2, 1920 AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. at Middletown, Pa. WE WILL SELL 1 carload of extra good big rugged, all puroose, carriage and fancy driving West Virginia Horses and Colts, ranging in ages from 2 to S years old and have them weighing up to 15 hundred pounds each; 40 head of good big finished ac climated Horses, consisting of the good big finished drafters, Wagon Horses, Farm Chunks, Single Line Leaders and all-purpose Horses. Also a few high-class Carriage and Fancy Driving Horses. Ranging in ages from 4to 8 years old, and weighing up to 16 hundred pounds each; 40 head of commission and all kinds of Horses; 20 head of extra good Mules. > D. B. KIEFFER & CO. i for a belter relationship press of the two countries and enlargement of the exchange ideas and better understanding tween France and America. ? PUBLIC SALE 1 I j wB Horses and Brood Mares i Saturday, January 3, 1920, AT TUB fIH Thudium House, Carlisle Pa. TJ. G. I3PPDEY, Prop. JH Wo will sell about 20 head of HH Brood Mares ranging in age from f. to 8 years old. About 16 of 139 them are with foal with high- E§H grade horses that cost from jr., 000.00 to $27,000.00. We bought |i&| these Mares front a man who has Hn a large stock fnrtn who breeds only the best. Now farmers and IBg dialers oi any person who is in- ]|M terested in Brood Mares should not IS fail to come and seo them as we a| think there will not be a chance H|j again to get Brood Marts of this [V kind that are bred with such high f,B grade horses as they are. Wo also | I will sell about 10 head of Heavy .KB Work Horses, ranging from 8 to !4B 1 111 yeais in age. The weight of <B I these Mares and Horses range :4 ; front about 1,000 te 1,600 pounds. Our motto is to try and please )(■ 1 one and all. We will try and tell I ! you all about these Horses we j W j know. Horses can be seen at the ! j Thudium House dny before sale, i I i Sale starts at 12 o'clock. J A credit will be given for your ' fl | interest and we will furnish you | I the pedigree with every Mare that 1 j is with foul. ~ I'. I Horses can lie seen at B. F. 1 j Hoffman's Stable. Fifth and Wood ' bine streets, llarrisburg. Pa., from ! December 22 to January 1. UNITED ICE AND CO AD CO., Carlisle, Pa. ] George Isty. Auctioneer. Don't Forget the Date. Saturday, Junuary 3, 1920. ij Iw.T. WADE I i Well Known Docal Automobile Man Announces I That He Has Secured the Dis tribution in Dauphin County of i GIBRALTER OILS i ••The Only Non-Carbon Oil" f Gibralter oils havo been pro- 1 I claimed by many of the most ; prominent automobile construc- I tlon engineers in the industry to day as the finest, most economical oil on the market. A salient point in reference to this oil is its ability to run up a very high mile- \ age record to the quart. That J means economy. Gibralter Oil is sold in lots of 6 gallons to as high as a carloud. We will be pleased to call and I give you complete information. j Drop us a card. W. T. WADE 1102 N. Sixth Street llarrisburg Hell 3140 M L U SEALS aeTENOILr 15 r HARBISfiISTCNOILWORKt n I ISO LQGU3T 81. HARRIBfII.PA. U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers