STORE CLOSES /P/W#Ml t~V M ■ STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX SATURDAY AT SIX 1 —— —— ' : 4 HELL 1991—2356 UNITED HARRISBUItG. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919. ( , FOUNDED 1871 ■ ] . * Enormous Savings in Our Sale of § Suits, Coats and Dresses^ All Suits at Half Price Coats Greatly Reduced - - itfTT Lines are broken but afford a pleasing assort- Street, Motor and Sports Coats. Fine fur \ \ ment of styles and colors for selection. Fur trimmed models and those with art seal. The '- / \ trimmed models and the elaborate trimmed ones smartly trimmed and the plain tailored ones in \ A f of the highest grades, as well as the plain models. practically all the desirable fabrics. Reduced to 8 Every suit, except wool jerseys, at One-Half Off $29.50,, $45.00, $55.00, $65.00. Also the entire ®T /' i fcyll Usual Prices. line of higher priced coats greatly reduced. | I Phenomenal Values in Dresses lp| atccn in lo SSjOO D 1 C *1 ' aM Saturday Specials in Dlouse specials . J}W JR n 1 31.00, $2.96, $2.98 and $5.00 < '/ p PICCC VJOOOS Four groups of Blouses at reductions that invite prompt buying. | ij Included are crepe de chine and georgettes in flesh, white and dark suit pi •ij ' 1?1 r i ! " No Samples Cut, Phone or Mail Orders Filled, shades, embroidered and beaded. Sale price, $5.00. Cnilaren S Cjray rleece-lined j; 40-inch Crepe de Chine; $1.95 yard. Smocks in linen crash, white with colored cuffs and collars, $2.96. . - ' 4Finch &S'Vel^t'eeh;%f.9s'ySd. * Madras and Voile Waists in colored and white, at SI.OO. SIeCDIIIP" CjftrmCntS f s64nch Fancy Foulards.; $1.95 yard. Also Crepe de Chine \\ aists, in tailored models in white and flesh. r o 52-inch Imported and Domestic Gingham Zephyrs; 59c yard. . Sale price, $2.98. , j 56-inch, Figured Silk Mixed Tussahs; ssc yard. Wool Jersey Sport Coats in green, rose and maize. Sale price, $5.39. Special at 95c atld $1.15 dtM" o ] l Silk Mixed Mull— fancy ; 69c yard. rv ci, • r j ill e —£■ - ' 36-inch Plain Suiting, rose or tan; 25c yard. V 00l Angora lam O Shanters in oxfords and dark gray for young 40_ inch Silk and Wo 8 0l Suiting . ?2 .75 yard. girls. Sale price, $0.98. One-piece in sizes 1 to 14. These gar-. 54-inch Silvertones; $5.25 yard. Also Coat Sweaters in belted, full coat styles, with high or low col- ments are made roomy and of material that ' : 36-inch Satin Striped Poplins; $1.59 yard. lars. All sizes. Sale price, $3.95. gives warmth. Specially priced, 95c and 48-inch Navy Tricotine; $3.95 yard. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. $1.15. ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I—■ ■ - '| BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. j - . Trimmed Hats P All Fur Pieces . _ | Children s Coats • On Sale at ~ ~ Fourth Qff Less J,°C - an( j Muffs in selected pelts i I ' Practically all of our Velvet and Fur and belted. - tan, light Bowman standard of mer made of gold and silver cloth. Bolivia, Silvertone, Corduroy arfd Velvet. Pllf CjOCltS tit the-face hats, chinchins, turbans, droop- Empire and belted styles, 25% less in price. Big Reductions I individual trimming touches in pre- All Children's Hats We also H vli"e a -, r t d $3 f 75 UaHty ' An extraordinary At One-Third Off marked at prices that are BOWMANS-Third Floor. J TaUored anVtrimmed and^ VelVet - BOWMAN'S-Thlrd Floor. '/'*■ \ I M BOWMAN'S—goconu Floor. ■■ - ■ ■■ ■ ■ -■ f x ~. | FKXD.&T &AHRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 26, 1919. 3
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