Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. VV e call and de liver Alt kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman. 1306 ft North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT DECEMBER THRIFT SALE NEW cars will be priced higher after tho fl rjt of th year. Used cars will also bo i.ieher We are offering all used cars in our stock at TUUIFT PRICES. Our fiscal viar closes this month and do not intend to carry prlces a w n them them. m# d ro ti n ack U top W A r handsome :',r r d metfltatMcally Kuarantecd. tires good, bummer t p eluded. ning order. Chalmr" V^^l^fnUhed roval blue wlth black run ning gear. iota Cadillac touring In iSafpaint 1 flne.^ncw^tora^ battery Open Evenings. Both phones T „E OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO.. j np.-Hi North Scconrt St. " l " ~ l 1817 Chandlcr c,ub e 80C | y et y'\ naPpy? two spa* e tires. A res g °m4 ba oveHand roadster, electric j *7 passenger . 1918 Chainlet si > will sacrifice. 1U 1917 e M n |tcheU touring, real bargain I 1914 Ford touring. • The above car. wIU | c y ar r given. CHELSEA ACTO CO.. A. SchUtmun. Manager. —; J.,,.—Ford roadster in good 1 Vuit overhauled. prlce_3oo: condition, just ~i nial 4374 or will demonstrate, can •" al ••50 Hummel bt. " kl^S )B te7slo A n l Elsman? viil Bosch Re my and different trlitdorl. Mea £™ r etors. etc. A tnan. 22-24-26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. ' FORD OWNERS we have received a large rhipinent We have i Ford cars and are sicr r in7lnl p t.em lor $2.75 apiece. Chel ■fa Auto Co.. 2-3 N. Cameron St. 1918 MITCHELL roadster, in good running condition: sio casli quick sale. C-all Hell 3i62. SAlslC —Seven paasengcr. !" g rb"? e magnAo ttit wheel. I roller bearing, extra wheel with Un equipped like A | ' , f hll J3se cash, i sell to quick bill ei 101 phone Bell j kTTK SXIAB —1917 model N. j ger Hopniobile t'.uri.ig car m m ( class shape mcchanicaMy new shock absorbers. ve r> unu ( powerful. At a bai'B • i 2251 M for demonstration. i REAL BARGAINS OVERLAND— 4-cyitnder. 5-pussengei FORD —Touring Car. KEYSTONE SALES. 198 Market SU and inuruationalei 619-21 Walnut Street. , Overland, model 80. touring. Chevrolet. Baby GramV Studebaker Six. 5-pnssengcr. V die. il&ht six. t .udebaker hour, o-passeiiger. Willys-Knight, model 84. in ei laud, inodcl so-4. T'me payments can be arranged. HEX OARAGE & SUPPLY CO, 1917 North Third bt. BARGAINS \ 1AI —one-halt ton. good condition. UNE-Tt)N truck, express body with lop, eicctMc siuriio and liu'titliitf. COK * —Koadster, liuoa conuition. TWO-TON TOKBMSUN rear axle. C Vu'ILLAC motor, 1914, fine condition. ONE LIUCO automobile lighting DUNBY —Stake body; like new. CADILLAC Unit, with two-wheel trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DEN BY SALES CORPORATION. lJiia Capital otreeu I FOR SALE—A good 1917 model ] (•haulier's. The place will appeal to, any one. desiring such a car. The rea son for selling is 1 nave no use lor | it. Bell phone 2422 M. j KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. j All sorts 6. auto tops and cushion t work done by experts; uiso repair j work. Reasonable rates, 2-i8 bourn : Cameron street. i FORD touring, 17 model; electric ! lights, runs una puits like new. Price won cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. llorst, I Lingleslown. near Harrisburg. j \VM_ PENN GARAGE 224-6 Aluencli street. Limousines for ifunerala, parlies and bqlls; careful drivers; open day and ntgtit. Beit 4564. FOR SALE 1919 Buick roadster, in A 1 cor lition: Apply Black's Gar age, 2Uu S. 17th St. WANTED Contracts for motor truck hauling. can furnish any type body or truck to meet your particular requirements. Address Box G-9028 care Tel egraph. I (Continued In Next Column, TUESDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILKB PROSPECTIVE TKUCK BUYERS TAKE NOTICE Wo are offering a proposition whereby you can earn a large salary besides an independent living. We have recently signed contracts with several large construction tirms to supply them with trucks the com ing year. which will number lUO mark. We are therefore in a position to serve you in several different ways principally as follows: With inbuilt quality Selden trucks unlimited service and guaranteed po sition that will enable you to carry for your trucks from its earnings six to eight minutes time, our 1919 rec ords show that during the tirst year Selden trucks were placed in ihu hands of S3 satisfied owners the ma jority of whom paid for their trucks in a like manner, 110 not tail to take advantage or this splendid oppn- Itunlty. Place your order now that vou i may DO assured of early uelivery and bo one ot the tirst on the job V'li -n spring makes ltn appearance, beldcus can be delivered in the totlowmg ca pacities. IV4. 2. 2ft. 3ft and 5 tons. Phone Bell 4849 or lJial 09U9 fJt ' appointments or address SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. I 1017-25 Market Street, liarrisburg. Pa. I STUDEBAiik.It— -Light 5, suitable j for uvery. en- ..p 1.. n- '-K o-yei. lie,. I 'roadster: A-l condition, bibles bv I r.ige. ill 11 w rtiia e. .e.wilimill St. | - OLD AbiUS I Wunted; used, wiockou or otduniers. j in any condition, oce uie before „au rilieing viseWiieie. Clielsea Aulu | wrecking A. bchi.Tmun. a it Is. j Cameron Street. Ben boss. j i FOR SALE —1919 Nash, S-passenger j Sedan, Perfect condition; paint like! new; driven loss than S.UUO miles. New ! Kelley Springfield and Goodyeai tiros. Present owner just purchased seven passengcr Sedan, same yuaufltuu Hi) ' now car. It jon arc lnU'iui'i.ou, inid car is a bargain. Myers klot . > s j 1.0., 1210 Penn St. Gtirugos. Accessories and litjiaii's YOUR DODGE PLUS A RAY FIELD I C VItBURETOR —That's a great combi nation. A Kaytleid equipped Dodge;; 1 lie special Dodge mudei is inexpen-, sivc and the saving in gasoline bii.s; is from 15 to 20 per cent, will pay i for it in a short time; a Ravneld on I any car increases its efficiency nil j i around. My how she pulls the hllis.; Agency, Federicks' Garage. 442 South' 1 Cameron Street, liarrisburg. I I 50x3ft Goodyear or any other! I standard make of tire, Jll.iU. other sizes just ab cheap. Write Buch. 211 j Cumberland St., liarrisburg. or call; j alter 5 p. m. ! | MOTOKCY'CLEb AND ICY CLIO S BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN i.-\PERT ! ALL WORK GUARANTEED DOP.Y SHANKtI WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. FOR SAI„l\ -lnis Uarley-Davidaon motorcycle, fr**o speed. electrical i equipped. 2045 Swataia St. j AUCTION* KKK AUCTION SERVICE OF THE BETTER QUALITY AUCTIONEER HITE 422 S. 13TII STREET. BELL Pl'llUO SALE To be sold at public sale, corner | Market and laicust streets. Mechanics ' burg, l'a., Thursday, December 13. at 2 p. m.. three buildings, one frame i dwelling house, large store rooms on Ilrst tloor, one frame house witli store room, and one brick blaeksinillisliup. To be offered separately and as a whole. PUBLIC SALE DEC. 19, 1919 ] Will offer at public sale at Me elianiesburg. Pa., four houses .No. 81, West Main street .with all improve ments ,and three on West Allen street. All are desirable properties for homes or investments, bale at 1 o'clock! sharp at No. 51 West Main street,! when terms will be made known by I .1. 1!. l'otts. JOHN 11. MILLER, Auet. i LEGAL NOTICES EX ECUTOR'S NOTIC K Notice is lioreby given tliat letters | testan.entary on the estate of Eliza beth Strieker, late of the Borough of Pen brook. Dauphin county, Pennsyl vania. having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having j claims will present them for settle- I inent to JAMES T. WALTERS, Executor. 591 S. Front SI . liarrisburg. | NOTICE is hereby given that'an an- j plication will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, on .Monday, December 22. 1919, at 10 j o'clock a. in.'lor the transfer of thai retail liquor license now held by | Honing & Mingle, at 1 115 North Third j street, in the Sixtli Ward of the City | of liarrisburg, to the undersigned CARL KEITH. , - j Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 215, Sep tember Term, 1919. Libel in divorce it vinculo matrimonii Elsie Estellu Jlc- Fadden vs. Ralph F. McFudden. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "lion est inventus." You. Ralph F. .McFudden, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrls lmrg. Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D.. 1920, to answer the complaint therein hied. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. liarrisburg. Pa. December 10, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 128, Sep tember Term, 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Lemuel R. Beard vs. Surah A. Beard. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "nor est inventus." You, Sarah A. Beard, ure therefore direct ed to appear in the court at Harris burg. l'a., on the second Monday of January, A. D., 1920, to answer the complaint therein Hied. W. W, CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 360, Sep tember Term, 1919. Libel in divorce — a vipculo matrimonii. Breuda M. Greider vs. Ralph V. Greider. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the ; above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Ralph V. Greider. are therefore direct ed to appear in-the court at liarris burg. l'a., on the second Monday of January, A. D., 1920. to answer the complaint therein Illed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff Harrisburg. Pa. December 16, 191'j. 1 LEGAL NOTICES My wife, Viola llanimaker, having left my bed and board without Just cause, I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my c --! count, as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. (Signed), 1 JACOB C. HAMMAKER. 1 Proclamation in Divorce | Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, l'a., No. 4"5 Sep , tember Term. 1919. label in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Thamzlne M Cox vs. ltoy (i. Cox. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned . "noil est inventus. You, Roy G. , Cox, are therefore directed to . appear in the court at Harris burg, Pa., on the second Mondav ,f January. A. D., 1920. to answer (he complaint therein illed. VV. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce j Dauphin County, ss: ' In tho Court of Common Pleas of . Daupliin County. l'a., N,,. ;so::, Jan ! uary Term. 1919. Libel in divorce j- a vinculo matrimonii CVlia Melt zer vs. N'alisn Meltzer. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the L*: l ove-stated case have been returned j "non eai inventus." You. Nathan ' Meltzer, are therefore directed ito appear in the c ourt at Harris ihing, l'a.. on the second Mondav of I January. A. l„ 1920. to answer tr.e complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. I Harrisburg. Pa. Deeefnber I' 6. 1919. j Proclamation in Divorce ] Dauphin County, ss: | In the Court o? Common Pleas of • Dauphin County, l'u.u No. 41T.. Jan j uary Term, 1919. Libel in divorce j—a vinculo matrimonii Raymond M. | Harmw v*. Madeline K. Barnes. The i •subpoena and alias subpoena in the HhoT.e-stetcd cane have been returned "non est inventus." You, Madeline j j FJ. Barnes, are therefore tiireei.-j ed to appear in the court at Harris- ; jburjr. l'a., on the second Monday of t l January. A. p., 1920, to answer the ! complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWF.LU - Sheriff.' j Harrisburg, Pa. December 16, 1919. J i Proclamation in Divorce j :Dauphin County, ss: t , Hi the Court of Common Pleas of! Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 124, Junei •Term. 1919. Libel in divorce — a vinculo matrimonii Bertha I. Lioh tenl'ei vs. Herman V. Lichtenfel. The i subpoena and aiias subpoena in the! jnbove-staled case have been returned i "non est inventus." You. Herman V. 1 Lichtenfel, are therefore direct-! jod to appear in the court at Harris-1 burg, l'a.. on the second Monday of I January. A. D.. 1920, to answer the i 1 complaint (herein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL. | Sheriff. | Harrisburg, Pa. December 16. 1919. j Proclamation in Divorce I Dauphin County, ss: I In the Court of Common Pleas of I Daupliin County, Fa.. No. 279. June] ! Term. 1919. Libel in divoree — j ; vinculo matrimonii Mary Miohaeiisi |\ s. Kric If. Michaelis. The sub j poena and alias subpoena in the l above-stated cane have been returned | "non est inventus." You, Kric 11. j Michaelis. arc therefore direct- i ! d to appear in the court nt Harris- ' burir, l'a.. on the second Monday of January, A. I>. 1920, to answer thji complaint therein tiled. W. W. t'ALDWKLL Sheriff. Harrisburu. l'a. December 16. 1919. | Proclamation in Divorce I Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 355, June Term. 1919. Libel In divorce — a vinculo matrimonii Emma May Bansom vs. Charles It. Sansom. Tne subpoena and alias subpoena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. Charles. R. Sansom, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court at Harris burg. Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D., 1920. to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg. l'a. December'l6, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce I Daupliin County, ss: I In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 489. June Term. 1919. Libel in divorce — a vinculo matrimonii Elsie M. Rus sell vs. Oscar D. Russell. The subpoena and alias stibpoena in the | above-stated case have been returned "non <sl inventus." Vou. Oscar D. Russell, are therefore directed | to appear in the court at Harris burg, l'a.. on the second Monday of January. A. D.. 1920. to answer the| I complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. [Harrisburg, Pa. December 16, 1919. j Proclamation in Divorce j Dauphin County, ss: ] In the Court of Common Pleas of J Dauphin County, Pa., No. 185. June Term. 1919. Libel in divorce 's vinculo matrimonii Elizabeth Yeple | ve. Alexander Yeple. The sitb pottia and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. Alexan der Yeple, are therefore direct ed lo appear in tho court at liarris burg. I'M., on the second Monday of January. A. D., 1920. to answer the complaint therein Hied. W. \V. CALDWELL Sheriff. I iiarrisburg. Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: I 111 the Court of Common Pleas of .Dauphin County, l'a.. No. 265, June I Term. 1919. Libel in divorcs-- | a vinculo matrimonii Carrie M. iltirr VS. John J. Dirr. The suli i poena and alias subpoena in the j above-st a led case have been returned I "non est inventus." You, John i l Dlrr. are therefore directed to ,appear in the court at Harris burg Pa., on the second Monday of •Junuary. A. I>., 1920, to answer the complaint therein, Sheriff. I Carrifburgr, Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas ot Daupliin County. Pa., No. 249, June Tetm 1919. I.ihei in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Harry Don-i mover vs. Rachel Donntuyer. The I subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est Inventus." You, Rachel Donmoyer, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court at liarris burg l'a.. on the second Monday of January, A. I>., 1920. to answer the complaint therein IRed CAUJWKI^ Sheriff. ,| a rrisburg. Pa. December 16. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Da u oil in County. Pa.. No- 832, June Term 1919. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Irene K. Tay lor vs Walter B. laylor. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus. Vou. \\ alter R To v lor, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court at Harris l.urir Pa . on the second Monday of January. A. D.. !■ ,u answer the complaint therem flled.^^^ Sheriff. liarrisburg. Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa.. No 304. Sep tember Term. 1916. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Helen Stew art vs Harvey Stewart. The subpoena and alia" subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "111.11 est inventus. Vou. Harvey Stewart arc therefore directed io appear in the court at Harris burg Pa.. on the second Monday of January!! A. I'.. answc the' complaint Ihore hi ( ; ALDW KLL ! ' Sheriff. 1 Harrisburg, Pa. December 16, .1919. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH {MARKETS NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—B North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 l'lne street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon American T. and T 93% 99% Allia Chalmers 43% 46%: American Can 54% Go ! Am. Car and Fndry C 0...135% 137% ; Amer. Loot 92 92 i Smelting 64% 64% ' ! Am. Smelting 64% 64% I Am. Sugar 735% 134% , Anaconda 55 % 55% i Atchison 81% 82% I Baldwin Loco 104% 105 Balllmoro and Ohio 29% 29 Bethlehem Steel B 90% 92% j Butte Copper 23% 25%' jCal. Petro .., 42% 41 I Canadian 132% 132% i Central Leather 93% 92% ! Chi., Mil. and. St. Paul.... 34% 34%! Chi.. K. r. and Pacitic.... 24 24 j ! Chino Con. Copper 34% 35% j I Co!. Fuel and Iron . . t.. 37% 38 ! | Corn Products 85 85 I Crucible Steel 204 206 I Brie 12% 12% jUentrnl Electric Hit! 166% | General Motors 819 321 ! Great North., pfd 76% '76% j Great North., Ore. subs.. 37% 37% j Inspiration Copper . ... 49% 49% I i Int. Nickel 21% 21 % I Int. Paper .76% 76 j i Kenneeott 28 "8 J Kans. City So. lllllll 14 % 14 % j Lackawanna Steel 85 84%! Lehigh Valley 41 41%' .Maxwell Motors 33% 33% ! Merc. Mar Ctf 46% 47% i I Merc. Alar. Ctfs., pfd. . .104 104 j Alex. Petro 190 191% Mid vale Steel 477; 48% i I Missouri Pacific 21% 23% N. Y. Central 07a, 1,7 j IN.Y,N. H. and Hi 25% 25% ) N. V., unt. an I West. ... 16% 10% Nevada Copper 14% 15 (North. Pacific 78% 78 1 Pittsburgh Coal %.. i% 61U j Penna. R. It 40% 40%! | Kay Con. Copper 19% 19 L, | Reading 75 74% j I Rep. Iron and Steel 106% 108% |So Pacific 93% ,, 9I I So. Ry 20% 20% I { Sinclair Oil and K 41% 42% I Studebaker 104% 105% I (Union Pacific 120% 121 ! !It S. 1. Alcohol 102!" 108% i ! I'. S. Rubber 122'" 128 j It S. Steel 109% 108% i | Utah Copper 70 7d |W< stinghousc Mfg. 52% 53 LEGAL NOTICES In the Orphans Court of Dauphin County. In the matter of the applloa ! E', r , /' s , .?: f "''ministration up. ,11 )th< estate of Elisabeth Keefe. a sup-I : posed decedent. Evidence concerning I the alleged absence of Elizabeth! j Keefe, a supposed decedent, and the ' and duration thereof' having been heard by the Orphans! Monro of Dauphin County. Be una* on 1 December 15. 1919. 11 was ordered audi decreed by the said court thai t lie • legal presumption of the death of said ! Elizabeth Keete was made out and established, and in pursuance of suid order nqd decree, you. the said Eliza-! I betii Keefe, or any other person for you. are hereby required on or before April 5, 1920, to produce to the said court satisfaetorv evidence of the continuance In life of the said Eliza- I beth Keefe. and if. at the said date. I satisfactory evidence of the continu ance in life of the said Elizabeth Keefe shall not be forthcoming, a de cree will be entefied by the said court I directing the Register of Wills of Dauphin County, to issue letters of administration upon the estate of said Elizabeth Keefe to the person en- ! titled thereto. ST E EVER. BRADDOCK, Attorneys. 1 Proclamation In Divorce Dauphin County, us: Tn the Court o£ Common Pleas of I Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 50, Sep-I tcmber Term, 1913. Libel in divorce— ja vinculo matrimonii Maud p. | Artec vs. Charles H. Alter. The I I subpoena and alias subpoena in tiiei I above-stated case have been returned i I "non est inventus." You, Charles 11. Arter, are therefore direct-I ed to appear in the court at Harris- | (burg, Pa., on the second Monday <t( I January, A. J>., 1920, to answer the' I complaint therein tiled. W. VV. CALDWELL | Sheriff. | Harrisburg. Pa. December 16. 1919. j Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of. Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 455, Sep- } teniber Term, 1919. Libel in divorce—' a vinculo matrimonii Elizabeth Xa- I tiori vs. Elias Natiori. The sub poena and alias subpoena in the above-slated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Elias Natiori, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harris burg. Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D., 1920, to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. \V. ('AXjUWKLb. Sheriff. Harrisburpr. Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of . Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 361, Sep- ! tember Term. 1919. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Hazel C. Walk- i er vs Ilollls M. Walker. The j subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Mollis i M. Walker, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court at Ilarris-j burst, Pa., on the second Monday of j January. A. D„ 1920, to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa. December 16. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa., No. 286. March iTerm. 1919. Libel in divorce—a I vinculo matrimonii Elmer E. Mo lov vs. Sarah B. Meloy. The sub- I poena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned I "non est inventus." You. Sarah B. Meloy. are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harris burg. Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D„ 1920. to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In tlie Court of Common T'leas of Duuphin County. Pa., No. 39 1, Sep tember Term, 1916. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Aida M. Nee- , tor vs. Harry S. Nestor. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Harry ' S. Nestor, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court at Harris burg, Pa., on the second Monday of January, A. D., 1920, to answer the complaint therein hied. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. 1 iHarrisburg. Pa. December 16, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of • Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 36, Sep tember Term, 1918. Libel in divorce— a vinculo matrimonii Emma E. Baker vs. James C. Baker. The subpoena and alias subpoena In the nbove-stuted ease have been returned i "non est Inventus." You. James | If!. Baker, are therefore direct led to appear in the court at Harris burg. Pa., on the second Monday of •January. A. D., 1920, to answer the 1 I complaint therein Hied. *"N , W. W. CALDWELL SfhorifT. HarriabuiPa. December 16, 1919. Retiring President and Men Who Take Up Hie Work H. A. FOOTHORAP . K. B. SCHLEY WAGONER QUITS ELLIOTT-FISHER CO. [Continued from First Page.] i months that Mr. Wagoner has been j its president, has been remarkable. New departments have been organ- I I zed and at the present time every de- I partment of this industry is highly ! systematized and working in perfect I co-ordination with nil other depart- I meats. Sales have increased more j than one hundred per cent, and the ! factory has been organized to meet] jtl.c increased demands made upon it. I ' j | Willys-Overland 28% 28% j Hide and Leather 24 23% j Pierce Arrow 76% "6 I'll 11. A DELPHI A PRODUCE Philadelphia. Dec. 16.—Oats, higher; No. 2 white, 91%@92c; No. 3 white, 90®90%c. Dressed Poultry—Firm? turkeys higher, fancy nearby turkeys, 504u52c;| fair to good. 47@49c; western turkeys, fancy, 48@50c; fair to good, 45@47c. old loins, 46 4| 17c. Butter—Unchanged; western cream ery extra, 73% c; nearby prints, fancy, I SI ft S3c. Cheese—Firm; New York and Wis- I 1 cousin, full milk, 31@)33%c. i Eggs—Lower; nearby firsts, $24 47) 23 per case; current receipts, $23.40; I western extra firsts. $2!; firsts, $22.59 i <£23.40; fancy selected packed, 90® 192 c Tier dozen. ! Live Poultry—Firm: fowls as to| I quality. 24®)34c; chickens as to qual ity. 2847 BUc; roosters. 2147 22c; ducks. | I I'ekin, 324731 c; Indian runner. 284; 1 i3uc; muaeovy ducks, 2247 2 8c; broiling jchickens, 8647 10c; turkeys, 36@38c; I geese. 24®'26c. Potatoes—Higher: Penna. in 10' D pounds. $3.4047)3.65; New York, $2,754!' 1 3.5u; Maryland, ?2.75@3. Flour —Firm; soft winter straight I western, $104710.50; nearby, $104"; 10.25; hard winter straight, $12.50®) 13; short patent, $134913.50; fancy 'spring and city mills patent, family I (brand, $14.75® 15. Hay—Dull, weak; choice timothy, 1 $34; timothy, No. 1, $33; No. 2, s3o# 131; No. 3, s27©'2B; clover mixed hay, light mixed. $:io®)31: No. 1, $27 47)28. I Tallow—Quit; prime city loose I |15%0; special loose, 16c: prime coun-1 jtry. 14% c; edible in tierces, 18% c. j Bran—Firm, soft winter western In; I 100 pound sacks, $49.50® 50. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKETS 1 Chicago, Dec. 16.—Hogs Receipts j 62,0C0, higher. Bulk. $13.75® II; top, I 1*14.10; heavy. $13.6547 II; medium. | $ 13.75© 11.10; light. $13.634711: light j light. $13.2 547 13.75; heavy packing sows, smooth $1347 13.50; parking sows [ I rough. $12,504( 13; pigs. $12.5013.50. ! Cattle —Receipts 22,000, lower. Reef; 'steers medium and heavy weight.; j choice and prime. $lB4/ 2"; medium: i and good. $10.7 547 1 7.75; common. sß,.fit I I #10.75; light weight good and choice, I $12.75 41 19.50; common and medium. | 1 $7.7547 12.75; butcher cattle heifers. I $6.2547 14.50: cows. s6® 13.25; runners' 'and cutters, $54/6; veal calves, $16.50! I'd 17.50; feeders steers, $7 4j 12; stoeker : steers, $647 10.25. 1 Sheep—Receipts 37,0n0, weak. Lambs ; i $16.25#17.25: culls and common. 1 $11.50# 15: ewes, medium, good and | I choice. $N#10.25; culls and common, I $4.30®)7.75. ! MARRIAGE LICENSES I Clarence P. Snoke tind Edythe Hale. New Cumberland. William J. Rutnberger. Navarre. | Ohio, and Beulah F. Fauber, !• isher- 1 v 1 He. , Earl Wilson, Grantham atul Minnie, Zeller, Siddotishurg. Joseph Denkins and Irene Redd, | Harrisburg. Charges Railroads With Evasion of Laws to Safeguard Passengers By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 16. Evasion oi l j laws to promote the safety ol' pus- ! i sengers and employes was charged ; ' to tue railroads of the United States j to-day by W. P. Borland, chief of i the Bureau of Safety of the Inter- ! state Commerce Commission In his j annual report. In the case of the hours of serv- | ice law, which prohibits train opera- j tives from remaining on duty more j than sixteen hours except in extra- ' ordinary circumstances. Mr. BOr- | land's veport declared managing of ficers apparently had given their sanction to evasions "to such an ex- | tent as to defeat the purposes of the j law." He charged that safety had 1 been sacrificed to expediency. Railroad companies were said to have paid "comparatively Utile at tention" to the maximum require ments of law regarding safety appli ances. SALE IS OKDFKFD In n decision filed to-day in Dau- j pliiti County court by Judge Henry, of Lebanon, dismissed the last local , obstacle preventing the sale of the 1 ITummeJstown Consolidated Water I Company, which has been in the hands of Charles H. Kinter, receiver, for several years. Unless the water companv appeals to the State Su- j p rente Court within the next three | weeks, the way will be paved to | facilitate the sale.. The Common- j wealth Trust Company, committee 1 for the bondholders, Is pressing for 1 the sale. Mrs. Isabelle Berg, or York, and j her sister, Mrs. Lydla King, tyite of I Middletown. two of the bondholders, had asked the court to prevent the 1 sale. j i,!ttlO BRITISH WIPED OUT | By Associated Press Txrndon, Dec. 17. —Thirteen bun- | dred British troops in Persia have 1 been wiped out by the hostile poptt- ! lation, it Is claimed in a Moscow I wireless message reaching here to- | day. The hroops, the dispatch says, comprised the garrison of the town of Meshked (possibly Meshed, in northeastern Persia, northwest of Herat, Afghanistan). j P. D. WAGONER 'Perry County Line Must Refund $237 I The Public Service Commission ! to-day made an order that the New j port and Sherman's Valley Railroad | should repuy to the Oak Extract | Company, of Newport, sums collect ied by the railroad in excess of j amounts due under rates established I by the Commission except for trans- I porlafion which took place while I the ra'ltoad was under Federal con- I trol. It is estimated that it amounts I to about $237. j The Auditor General's Department | has completed payment of the State I appropriations to the sixty-six insli j tutions against which equity pro ' ceedings were brought some time i ago. but dismissed in the Dauphin '•county court on a demurrer filed by I the Attorney General. j The State's road bonds sold last : summer Will be signed in New York ! on Thursday by Governor Sproul, Au- I ditor Genet;'l and State Treasurer. '■The bonds have just been completed i by the firm which was awarded the ; work of preparing them. j Complaint against the manner in •which the New Castle Electric Do. I crosses lines of fite Pittsburgh, Hur j niony, Butler and New Castle Ttail i way. in New Castle, was entered be fore the Public Service Commission ' to-day. It is claimed that the elec ! trie company is without authority. Post Office Prepares For Holiday Rush An additional window for hand | ling parcel post packages was opon- I ed to-day at the main station of the ! Harrisburg post office to take care !of the Christmas rush. Postmaster I Frank C. Sites also announced that ! the basement of the building will ' l>e opened next Wednesday to han dle lite incoming mail. Additional ; trucks have likewise been secured | to assist. Postmaster Silos urges that peo -1 |ile sending Christinas letters and j packages take care in the address | ing of their mail, in order to speed j nil tbe work at the office. Grouping | of letters for one locality by tieing • the bundle with a string is sug i gested. The new automobile tags, I coming through by the thousands, | materially Increase the congestion. Legionaires Conier on Bureau cf War Risk Washington, Dee. 16. —With the announced intention of making the war risk Insurance law "more work able," national officers and state commanders of the American Le gion are in a three-day conference, , with war risk bureau and treusury ! offlc lals. Frank D'Olier, commander of the j region, made if plain that the whole i weight of the Legion would bo ! thrown behind pending legislation j designed to remedy alleged short comings in the insurance act. $1,000,000 FTKK By Associated Press j Toledo, 0., Dec. 16.—Damage es- I t.imated at $1,000,000 was caused by | the burning early to-day of the main | plant of the Mllburn Wagon Coni ! pany here. The blaze originated in ; the paint shop and soon the entire building was a mass of flame. The ! loss included a large stock. Flre- I men fought the lire in a below-zero j temperature. Trains on the New | York Central to Detroit were de i luyed by piling of wreckage on the t racks. FORM LABOR TARTV Five local labor union men to-day fl'ed a petition pre-empting the name of "Labor Party" as their choice of a i political appellation. Tho signers urc: Charles F. Sherlock, 35 North Eigh teenth street: A. W. Lewis, 1804 Penn street; F. T. Calhoun, 331 Reily street; G. A. Herring, 1801 Penn street and Charles F. Quinn, 1718 North street. DECEMBER 16, 1919. PEOPLE TO PASS ON BASIC LAW! Governor, Explains Constitu tional Work Must Be Ap proved by Voters Governor William C. Sproul, who returned to the State Capitol to-day after a vacation ut Hot Springs, made it very plain that it would be the j Legislature that would deal with the , report that the Constitutional He- j vision Commission is expected to make, and that no change to the or ganic law could lie made without j the people having something to say i about it; not onlj once, but three I times. "The commission was created ' simply to study and recommend such I changes as it deems necessary to the j Constitution, and 1 am very glad to i j see that it begun work so promp-| ly," said the Governor. "When it j heports it will be a matter for the j I Legislature. No one is authorised j to speak for this administration now j land the next Legislature has to be I elected. As far as 1 am concerned the people will have lull opportunity , Ito pass upon the. matter. The ijues- i j lion of necessity of u constitutional | | convention anil the election of dole- j I gates are two matters which i think | i must lie submitted and then the i | final report must have the approval | of the voters." j The Governor said that he had not , | vet selected a successor to Secretary | of 1 ..abor William B. Wilson as aj member of the commission. YOU'LL BE SORRY IF WORLD DOESN'T END ' I I [Continued from First Cage.] led controversies, if not actual as-' Insults, Involving officials, members of | I the 'Upper Crust' or in legislative as- i j semblles." The whole trouble apparently has, •been, Mr. Allen points out, that the i astronomer "displayed a lamentable Inck or ratiocination." So instead I I of the end of the world we will have ! (the following to contend with tip to | j January 5 when the real llreworks | I begin: j "As a matter of actual fact the I geocentric position of most of the ; 'planetary bodies oil December IT j j will be coneo'dnnt and conserving,! j >ugh there are certain extremely discordant coimsuiutions involving | the supreme planets ever since the | fall of 1918 that are destined to be- j come very much more acute in the early half of 1920. These will un doubtedly accentuate the world-wide j unrest which has been growing | apace ever since the signing of the armistice. And the eastern half of I the United Slates will suffer some i j extremely cold ,stormy and blustery I weather in tlie few weeks next fol- I I lowing the winter solstice on Decern-j her 22 and more especially after the i j full moon of January 5. "Such abnormal weather eondi- J tions as may transpire In the near I future will be due to and accounted for by positions and aspects in the j mundane configurations as calculat ed by the ages-old and ever reliable geocentric system of astrology, and not because of heliocentric positions, which, if effective, would relegate the sun to the servile position of re flector and transmitter of the plane tary rays." Sol! Coal Mines of Central Pennsylvania Field Are Near Normal Johnstown, Dec. 16. Central) Pennsylvania tield bituminous coal : mines niyi being operated early this week to about 75 per cent of normal capacity, avoiding to both operators and miners. Figures of to per cent issued from are supposed to repre- ! sent work for the end of last week. ' Miners on strike as employes of i steel companies hero have decided ! to remain out, and say they will ; make no separate settlement with , employers. Three delegates from Johnstown i are to attend a conference in Pitts- j burgh to-day. They declare the i presidents of the 24 unions in the steel strike have fresh assurances of support from the conference of N'h- | tional presidents in session at Wash- | ington. Cambria Steel Company, j however, is steadily increasing its ' working forces. Mldvale Steel anil | Ordnance Company, the parent cor poration. lias both union and noil- I union mines, in this and the Pitts-I burgh districts, complicating the is-1 sue of recognition on which some of ' the steel workers are holding out. i As miners in the Johnstown non- j union tield were on strike before ' October 31, they claim a right to! maintain their status as strikers un- j der the Indianapolis agreement. Dis trict President John Brophy is ex- ; peeled here tO-niorrow. BEAUII NORMAL 11// Associated Press Colli minis. 0., Doc. 16.—Mining ! i of bituminous coal in Ohio, esti mated at seventy-live per cent, of normal yesterday, was expected to- j day to reach practically normal pro- • Unction. MOST MINUS OPERATING Pittsburgh, Dec. 16. —All but two | or three mines in the Pittsburgh ills- ! tried were in operation to-day, and j it was expected at United Mine ■ Workers headquarters that these i would be working to-morrow. I PLEADS GUILTY TO MURDER , Bp Associated Press Worcester, Mass., Dec. 16.—The | ' trial of Harry Baker and his wife, j Eleanor Maker, charged with the | first degree murder of Dwight P. I Chapman, in Westboro, on June 9, j was brought to un abrupt end at |> (liis afternoon when Baker en-j tered a plea of guilty ot murder in ' the second degree. | TRADER construction," automobile mechanism, wireless icicraphy and radio u.iepnuiiw. tVTite lui particular*. AUTO A AKItOOI.AM lti(IIAM( AI, SCHOOL > iieii 4ai Di a i niiao Office: 25 N. Cameron St.. llHrri.sliuru. i'a. Training Quarters anil P lying fieldi . Aerodrome, fourteen tli and Sycamore Sts. HOLIDAY CHEER BEING ARRANGED FOR CHILDREN! Child Welfare Association! Announces Its Plans For Busy Campaign Christmas cheer with a ChrlstmaSf tree and a real Santa Glaus, will bat be given the children of the city who* are enrolled in the three health cen ters of the Child Welfare Association, according to tentative plans outlined to-day. The party will be held In Chestnut street auditorium. Girl Scout troops are making arrange ments. This Is one of the many numerous! activities to be carried on by the' Child Welfare Association. A complete anil accurate nurses" directory of the city will be compiled*- Classes in English, cooking, nursing, mending, and classes under the aus - pices of Clarence E. Zorger. superln | ti endent of special activities of the j School Ronrd. co-operating with the | Child Welfare nurses, ate included .among the activities recently outlined I by the Executive Commute in its wel • fare work. ; Three centers are now operated by ! the Child Welfare Committee. Bill to Restrict Papers to 24 Pages Is Urged in Newsprint Saving Washington, Dec. 16.—Provisions ;of the Anthony bill, which would. limit to twenty-four pages daily : newspapers and periodicals using the second-class mail privileges in j order to conserve newsprint paper, were commended and opposed by j more than a score of newspaper and magazine publishers before the | Louse Post Office committee. '. j Pppost ion to the measure came j chiefly from the representatives of I the larger newspapers, who declared | that restriction on the size would i do little to remedy the situation re j suiting from the shortage of paper and would serve only to work a , great, if not fatal, hardship on the | large newspapers of the country. The bill was supported by pub ■ Ushers ot small newspapers, who | declared they would be forced to j suspend publication unless some- I thing were done. In opening the hearing, Representative Anthony, of j Kansas, author of the bill, declared | that from 2,500 to 5,000 small j newspapers face suspension and per haps extinction should the present j shortage of newsprint paper con tinue. The shortage, the Kansas , representtaive charged, was due to ! the action of the great publishing I concerns in buying up virtually the | entire available supply. CONFER ON WATER PIPES | State officials and City Commis | sioners conferred to-day on plans i for laying thirty-six-inch water | mains in State street, to take the i place of the pipe lines that will be | removed when work is begun on the | Soldiers' Memorial bridge, at State street. I TheKNOWIES-MAIN ! s APPRAISAL BUREAU s KLNKEI, . I'lfls'gh. Itnrrlxb'g. Kerr York ii . U BEALS&Siu VDILIIC HAHRIBBBfTENOILV"<RKB 1 1 ISO LOCUST RT. HAHRIBBIi. o *. 13 H. E. SCHRIVER AUDITS SYSTEMS ■ TAX SERVICE , Union Trust Rlilg., Ilarrlsburg, Pa. Established 1891 1 IB WW tflffP.Hl ——————————— American Locomotive Financial anil business factories ! underlying the present position I and future prospects ot this im portant enterprise. WHITE OIL Analysis of properties, holdings, ; construction and development pro ' gram, production, estimated earn ings and general outlook. INDIAN PACKING I Business, earnings, financial con j dilion and market history. Scut on request for HT-471 HUGHES & DIER Member*, Plil hidl|lil;i Slock Rxchnnice Pit tsburKli Slock Kxchongc Clilcuko Hoard uf Trade Penn-Harris Hotel, Harrisburg 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers