16 I A Classified Ad the Spotlight-- S Omit Any Essential | • DeatDs )IUI SEH—Died December 13, 1919, Mrs. 1 jaura B. Houaer in her <3a year at her late home, 413 Delaware .Street. . m Funeral services will be held at above address on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited. Burial Newville ceme tery. __ - BAYLON—On Saturday, December 13. 1919, Caroline Johnson JLaylon, wid ow of the late Henry Day lon, aged 74 years, 5 montns and 31 days. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 3 p. in. from Augsburg But he ran Church. Tne relatives and friends j aie invitKl to attend without fur ther notice. Interment 1 axtang , cemetery. ___ 1 WIXGARD—Charles B. Wingard, dieii j December 14. 1919, at the Haii-s burg Hospital. , • Funeral services Wednesday, De cember IT. 1919, at 7 p. in., fiom hi= late residence. 2231 Jeftersoii ueel. interment Thursday morning # , Womelsdorf. Fa. Relatives and , friends are invited to attend. CAKU OF THANKS ; Mrs. J. A. Funk and family let" 1 " I their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sympathy and• JO" ; tributes, during tneir recent incnt. to their mends, eiiipioyes Knginehouse No. -, Mis. J. • r j Sunday School class, and meiiibeis Dauphin lA>age No. H>o, *• u - u - 1 • , lAJST AN 1> FOVNH l (IST Silk umbrella with mono gram M. S. 8., cither in uptown Stoics or Third street car on * r id . Reward if returned to lbtl N. 4th M. IjOST—A sold watch beii° l " liais A M AN., between I" ifteentn al> o 18th on Market. Reward if returned. j 735 Market St. . l osT— Army blanket between Gil - i berths Sonand libs. Welding Brazing , h"Vn U "t & Caa n ßeu'43sM lor reward. j INSTRUCTIONS j 121 larket St. NOTICE Wli play for partiu ets at.a all pi i\ ate occasions. Zembra aiauuu lin Club. B. 0 Box tt-u. - UELV WANTED —MALL n.' villi AUli TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER LOSING TIME AND MONET GOODYEAR OFFERS STEADY WORK THE; Excellent Working Conditions ! Educational Advantages and * 4C ! ABILITY CARPENTERS GENERAL REPAIRMEN ALL ROUND MACHINISTS . ELECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS HENCHMEN. HANDYMEN AND PATTERNMAKERS, NEEDED to factory Employ men ° AKRON, OHIO. j. WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter Job. AppY. N ATI ON L ENGINEERING N CORPORATION. FAIR CROUNDS. kusu2 pA , - I Man of good character wanted to mWWki work accordingly. Call torrs-u, Smith thirteenth Street. Boil phone 4 209 M. WANTED —At once, first class baker fo? fancy pastry Boo* w£- Confectionery, i! 25 Market St. • ... vTri)—Laborers and contta- i toS. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. . m Xet Column) ( 1 Bargains in Low Priced Properties 1 Nos 9 7 24-2" 26-2" 28-27 30 Jeffer- I son St.; four 3-st 9 ry frame dwell- | ings; 8 rooms and bath each, gas light; newly painted. 1 rice. i,T- Ca No. 1740 N. 7th St.; 2Va -story I frame dwelling; 6 rooms and bath; gas light; furnace heat; front porch; cemented cellar. Pr^^ M j No. 1710 X. 7th St.; 3-story brick | dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; ce mented cellar; furnace heat; gas ) light; lot. 16x67 ft. Price.. *2,750 No. 1912 N. 7th St.; 3-story frame i dwelling; 8 rooms und bath; gas j light; furnace heat; cemented cej lar. Price j No. 2122 N. 7th St.; 3-story brick I dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; fur- I nice heat; lot. 14x100 ft. Price, *2,000 W.i. 814 East St.; 3-story brick j dwelling, one of a pair; 8 rooms j and oath: gas light. Price, *3,000 No. 632 Harris St.; 2%-story | briclc and frame dwelling; 8 rooms j and bath: gas light; furnace heat; lot, 15x85 ft.. 8 ft. alley. Price. *2.500 | No. 1202 Bailey St.; 2H-story j frame dwelling; 7 rooms; lot. 17.6 x 83 ft. Price *1,300 No. 1943 Rudy St.: 2-story frame dwelling; 6 rooms; front porch; ; lot. 20x100 ft. Price *1.300 No. 1829 North St.; 216-story i frame dwelling; one of a pair; 7 rooms and bath: lot. 17x10.3 ft. Price *3,000 Nos. 834-836-838-840 S. Cameron St.: four 2%-story frame dwell ings: 6 rooms and attic each: gas light: each lot 12.6x133 ft. Price, *1,525 each. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT ST*. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE (SURETY RONUS Members llbg. Real Estate Board ! K,, / • > 7~ ■ '• ''7 " * TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WAXTFD—MALE WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. STEELTON. PA. ; i- WANTED Driver for light commercial ! truck: good wages. Address j Box T-6937 care Telegrapli i x WANTED ' Experienced treerer and iron j er at once. Good pay. Apply. [ KUHN. PAVORD WILKS SHOE CO., 4 6 North Cameron Street. . . - • Storeroom for rent at 710 Chestnut Street. Lebanon, Pa. At present time and for last sixty years an established meat market. Present tenant lias good reasons for retiring. Has small cold storage plant installed with electric Power. Completely furnished. Within ' imlf block of post office and High school on wood block i ! street. Reasonable rent. YV rite I or call for full information to i CHAP. E. GEBKARD. 710 Chestnut Street, Lebanon. Pa. WANTED Young men between the age of 17 and 21 to learn trade oc cupations, Harrisburg Shops: Machinists Plumbers Boilermakers Car Repairmen Inquire at i Employment Bureau. No. a | Grace Ave. Master Mechanics Office or Muclay Street Shop, Ilar burg. General Foreman s Office, Lucknow. . „ _ I General Foreman s Oilice, Enola. i . i ' YOUNG men. 18-23, for railway mail j clerks. sl3ou-SISOO. Experience un necessary. Examinations Harrisiuio. 'January 17. For Iree I>a U^>V a i I .' write R. Terry, (lornier Civil ServKe Examiner), 518 Continental Bld„.. j | Washington. D. C. ! WANTED—Branch office managers. | Salary and bonus. Must have refer | enccs arid cash or ' j ! Permanent positions. Artlclcs exten | sivelv advertised, thousands of weil ! pleased customers. Also several open- I ings for salesmen. Only men Who ' mean business need uppF - Add"'- -; I I l'\ M., Room 216, Smith Bldfe,.. bun ! bury. Pa. 1 I WANTED—Two more men to fill \ out my crew going South f" r l] 1 ® w '"; ] ter. expenses advanced. My win ai ( making from one to two dollars an hour. You can do the same easy work, experience not necessary. Mr - AporUo | Hotel, 11 to 12 m. and b to I 6 p. m. j ' .nTaKorn lb U years j ply Rustic Dairy Lunch. 9 South *d st. I WANTED —One first class sboe f maker, steady work, good wages. Ap lv at Economical Shoe Store ana Shoe Repair Shop. SOU N. Third . ■ WANTED —Young man to work at | soda fountain, one with some expert-. ence preferred. Apply Forney's Drug Store. . I ! WANTED—Two experienced house in house men to represent The Ameri- > can New Christmas o.er I Easy payment plan pay s >ou 81. Ca.i ! Room 410 Patriot Bldg. j i WANTED—Partner in well paying) < business, small capital required, op -1 portunity for right tnan referenco ex-1 changed. Address M. H., Room -lb Smith Bldg- Sunbury. Fa. WANTED —Paper ruler, steady p>- sition. Write giving full particulars. P. o. Box 673. Erie. Pa. J 1 A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY I Training qualifies you in your spare I time to I 1 important accounting.! traffic, banking and sales positions Positions located for graduates. Full information without obligation. Last ! Crn office" 26 X. 18th St. Beil 3299. _ ; WANTED Two neat appearing' vouiix men over 22 desiring to learn salesmanship. Will you be satisfied With 815 per week while learning? Apply Room 410 Patriot Bldg. I LEAUN a trade and earn while you | lparn. Some of our students are inak ' ing 8120 a month while learning. VVe i can place you. We teach aeroplane operating, piloting and construction, ' automobile mechanism, wireless .ele raphy or radio telephone. Write for ' particulars. Auto and Aeroplane Ale- I chanical School, Harrisburg. Aero-1 drome Office, 25 North Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Bell 1710. Dial 3065. ! HELP WANTED —FEMALE | SILK, SILK. SILK Silk Operators Good Learners If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. . WANTED Several bright, active girls. 18 to 25 years for machine work and assembling. Apply I to ELLIOTT -FISHER FACTORY HMPLOYM HNT BUREAU. HARRISBURG. WANTED—An assistant matron "it the Home for Friendless Children. 1 Reading. Pa- Address Hannah M. Colterel. 841 N. Third St. Reading. WANTED—GirI to do waitress work, three meals a day: uniform fur nished; no work Sunday. Apply 211 Walnut St. I WANTED Mother's helper, elderly woman fond of children, one wanting) I good home In preference to hlgii ! .wages. Apply 1836 Fulton. Hell 386. AA'ANTED Woman for general 'housework, family of two, middle liigert white woman preferred. Call at j 2137 Hwntara St. or Bell 388 H. (Continued 1" Next Column, HELP WANTED—FEMALE OPERATORS Owing to the rapid increase of our business we ure re quiring experienced sewing machine operators. Work is regular and permanent. As sanitary conditions of our sewing rooms and the effi ciency of our machines are second to none, operators can earn good wages. A bonus is paid every pay day to oper ators. BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC.. REILY AND FULTON STREETS WANTED—A cook, white girl with I reference; good wages. Apply 2011 N. j Second St. I WOMAN wanted to do washing at I home, faintly of two. Call Bell 1806J i or apply 2016 Green St. j "WANTED—Six bright and steady ; girls between ges of 16 and 20. AVe ' I will teach you an excellent trade and pay you 810 per week while learning. , K raus & Co.. inc., 323 S. Cameron St. ) SEWING machine operators want j ed. A few good learners taken. AA'e I work 5u hours' a week and pay every ! Saturday, steady work guaranteed, i ' Bonus paid every week. Apply Harris-j ! burg Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sts., j City Star Laundry Bldg. | WANTED—Young ladies for trav- ) I cling musical comedy. Experience not ' necessary. Singing voice is essential, j (Investigate this opportunity. Address) | Bernard McGraw, C'anisteo. N. Y. WANTED—Dining room girls with' | clean habits. Must be experienceil. J 1 Apply in person. Manhattan Restau- | ! iant. 317 Market St. ) 1 AVANTED AA'oman for general I house work. Apply 2008 N. 3d St. j WANTED—GirIs to learn how to j make paper boxes. Apply Fenn-Harris: , Faper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. ! WANTED Experienced girls on J | paper box work. Apply Fenn-Harris I Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN —Write for list of open- ' ings and lull particulars. Earn 82.0J0) to 810,000 yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. I City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. | j Assn.. Dept. 603, Chicago. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED—Bookkeeping or clerical ' vosition by man witn experience in ■ ank work and general bookkeeping. ! i-7965 care Telegraph. SITUATION S WANTED—FEMALE | HOUSEWORK - Colored woman, j I middle aged, wants general house-. I work by the day. Address Box M-7031 ] j c are Telegraph. I ) WANTED—General housework in 'small private family, by young vVhite 'woman, can furnish references. Ad j dress Box E-3684 care Telegraph. i STENOGRAPHER—Young woman with three years' experience in gen- I eral office work, desires position, can I furnish best references, Address. Ad | T-6827 care Telegraph. ! AA'ANTED—By middle aged woman iwith child to keep house for widower, a.pply 355 Christian Street, Steelton. I MIDDLE aged woman wishes work , >y the day. Apply 2006 Green St. j ROOMS FOP. KENT FOR RENT I 714 Capital Street. Second lloor furnished front room. All conveniences. Call Bell 466 R. FOR RENT—Furnished room on second floor next to bath, all conveni ences. use of phone. Call 223 Briggs Street. I FOR RENT—Nicely furnished bed ) room, use of bath and phone. Inquire ! j 458 Cumberland St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms on I second floor, all conveniences, electric ) .light and city steam, centrally locat-! I ed. Apply 9 N. Front St. ) FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Adults only.; J nquire 923 North Second St. FOR RENT—Two furnished bed- ) looms, privilege of light housekeep- ! | ng. Call Dial 4376. TWO rooms and private bath, all ) I nodern conveniences, will rent sep larately or ensuite. suitable for light ; ousekeeping or otherwise. Bell | hone, 815 N. 17th St. I FOR BENT—At 1515 N. Sixth St.. 3 roomed apt- steam heat, gas, all im i provements. Also two furnished rooms with all improvements. Apply at 1104 | I AA'allace St. ' FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms | for light housekeeping, all conveni-; j ences. Apply 1614 AA'allaec St. Uali ! Bell 4684 M. TWO unfurnished rooms for light' housekeeping, also one furnished sec-j ond floor front bed room for rent with I all conveniences, steam heat. Call' 1125 State St. FOR RENT —Large furnished room.! suitable for light housekeeping, all i i conveniences. Call any time before 12 | m. or after 5.30 p. m. at 443 AValnut St. j FOR RENT—Furnished third lloor | front room in private family, central i ly located, gentlemen preferred. Call j 946 J. | TWO communicating rooms on aec ! ond floor, finely furnished, newly pa , pered and painted, running water, electric and gas light, steam heaL-pri ! vate family, good location. Apply with reference. Bell phone 1268 R. 1 NICELY furnished warm rooms 83 ; per week and up. 143 S. Third St. j TAA'O furnished rooms, second floor, bay windows, porch, bath, phone, I steam heat, good location, ten min i utes' walk to business section, refer ences. Call after 4 p. m. or before ! 9 a. m. Bell phone 4657 M. NICELY furnished room, all con veniences. suitable for. young woman. Bourd if desired. Apply 1610 Derry St. or call Bell 2568 J. FOR RENT—ljirge front room fur nished. all improvements. batb, phones. Gentlemen preferred or man and wife. Apply at 1549 State. Bell 4162 R. HOARD ANI) ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnished rooms and j board, all conveniences. Modern im- I provements, gentlemen preferred. Call I Bell 337 R. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ,, RIA'ER DRIVE APARTMENTS Six rooms and bath, all mod ern improvements, ready for occupancy. LEWIS B. COHEN. 308 Bergncr Building. Bell phone 626 •, • ■ \ : . —• • - •/ • ■ . HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH § ifi 1 - | jEf WHAT IS A GOOD POSITION : WORTH TO YOU? A good posi- POj j |jpj tion means one in which your ability |y counts for your employer and yields the best possible returns to yott in the Avay of salary or wages. It's hard to compute the VALUE to you of this lf| i j j&kjij Jjort of a position—but the cost of se- ||§ j ■j|si| curing it. through using the classified : Iy in a persistent Avay, Avill scarcely pi iIP draw upon your bank account at all. K Jyp It may not even cu' very deeply into j jjjj your spending money. i APARTMENTS WANTED | 1 WANTED—To rent three or fourl ! room apartment, with private batli ! , Call Bell phone 3883 after 6 p. m. ! AA'ANTED—Unfurnished apartment ) of two rooms, bath and kitchenette; must be centrally located. Call Diul I 3362 between 10 and 8 o'clock. HOME WANTED I AN elderly Iqdy would like a j home with either protestaut elderly couple or with a widow who has an established home. AVill pay liberally | for desirable, homelike accommoda tions. Address Box S-7935 care Tele- I graph. | —, | REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E IIARRISBURG'S j REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US : BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 831 MARKET STREET i ; FOR SALE ! Vacant and completely renovated, j Ferrer street between Third and Fourth streets, three-story brick, all | improvements. SSOO down, balance in) ; monthly payments. ! Reily street, between Sixth and ) Seventh. All improvements. s3ou ! town, balance as rent. I Derry street, between 21st and 22<1 streets, three-story bricks, electric light and steam heat. 8300 down, bal ance at rent. I-ogan Street. 1900 block, $2500 and S3OOO. SIOO down, $25 a month. Reel street, above Seneca, three story brick, drive alley in the rear, all improvements, S3OO down, balance as rent. 224 S. 17th St.. two-stor.v brick, all ; improvements. S2OO down, $25 per I lonth. I 1430 Naudain Street, three-story I brick, all improvements. S2OO down, I $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 308 Bergner Building. | Bell 626. Dial 6226 1 . I 'YOUR OPPORTUNITY" 1 , i Two Meclianicsburg proper ! ties. Fine shade trees; front lawn; granolithic pavements; large porches; pressed brick fronts. Nine rooms and bath. ! oak finish; art . glass; fine mantels; furnace: electric lights and gas. Both in excel lent repair and three minutes j from trolley or train. If you are looking for a real subur ban home this is your oppor tunity. North Sixth street above | Reily Three-story brick resi- | dence. Second floor arranged as separate apartment; eight { rooms and hath; cemented ! cellar with furnace; separate fruit and vegetable cellar; I i possession about sixty days. j North Sixth street above i Reily. Two and half-story | frame, store front with pri vate front entrance to dwell ing: six rooms and hath; building lot 155 feet deep. A good investment. O. AA'. HAUCK COMPANY, Room 202, Calder Bldg -16 N. Market Sq. Bell phone 3917J REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE I HOUSES FOR SALE North Sixth Street. Penn Street. Cumberland Street. Moore Street. Derry Street. Swatara Street. Also many suburban properties. All; kinds of farms. large and small; prices reasonable. DURAND & FERRER. 107 Chestnut St. \ | I J Five-room bungalow under con struction. with garage. All material on Job to complete it. A good buy for u quick buyer. BAUM & ROBESON, Russ Building. Bell phone 353J I I f a cu for property. No commissions. ! Quick settlements. Chas. ! Adler, 1002 N. Third street. | DO NOT delay Inspecting those new houses. No. 2417. etc.. Derry street I well built, steam heated, open fire- I place, other improvements, inune i diate possession. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Bldg. | FOR SALE—A good 3-story brick | ouse on Ourtin street near Fifth, un i visually light, side entrance, front i porch snd all improvements. Apply i A- W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second Street. ! Rell 2575 J. i : FOR SALE 13918 Penn St.. brick SB6OO ; 1943 N. 4th St., brick s3t>oo ; 1918 Park St.. brick S6OOO 2427 N. Sixth St.. brick $6060 1820 Fulton St.. frame SI9OO Easy payments. D. A. CALEY. J 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689 (Continued In Next Column) j REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN" BRAND NEVA' AND VACANT I NO DOWN MONEY—SAME AS RENT ltd ,t PANTON STS.—Seven I rooms and bath, hardwood floors, j steam heat, gas and electricity; ; a real modern home; front and ! back porches; built in pairs; i driveway in rear. A GOOD INVESTMENT FRONT ST.. 607-609 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all ; improvements; the very best of location for an apartment house; ' can bo bought right and convert- j ed into six apartments at a i small cost. BRAND NEAV AND VACANT DERRY ST., 2400 BLOCK —Two- story brick, six rooms and bath, I hardwood floors, steam heat, gas 1 and electricity; cemented cellar; | front und rear porches and bal cony; possession in a few days. 12TII ST.. N„ 68 VACANT; 3- ' story, eight rooms and bath, new- ; ly painted and papered, gas ami I electricity all improvements; house in flrst-class condition; ; possession at once. JEFFERSON ST., 2130—3-story ; brick, eight rooms and bath. all. ] modern improvements; in good condition. driveway in rear, small amount down, balance same I i as lent. | CAMP KILL—2VL>-story bungalow, nine rooms and bath; very beau- i | tilul home; nice big* front porch and lawn, gas and electric lights, steam heat; everything that goes to make up a modern iiome, right j price to quick buyer. | „ D. ASA SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BUILDING 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. I FOR SALE Possession in 30 Days 147 Sylvan terrace, 3-story bk.; all imp 4,000 \ 1731 Park street, 2t6-story bk.; ! all Imp a.5001 227 N. lutli street, 3-story bk.; all imp 5,200 1214 N. 15th street, 3-story bk.; ! all imp 5,000 | 1406 Herr street, 2-story bk; all .imp 3,000 228 S. 29th street, 2A4-story frame; all imp 2,350 < White Hail and Regina streets; 3-story bk; all imp . .18,800 See My List CHARLES DAVIES 1549 State Street Real State and Fire Insurance j Bell 4162-R Dial (930 i FOR SALE Al Investment. Business prop erty on Market Street on Hill. Rent $720 annually. AVill sac- | riflce for quick sale S6BOO. In quire Box E-7955 care Tele graph. I | ! William St.. lrajno SIOOO. 'Fulton St.. frame SI2OO ! I Currant St.. 3-story brick $1500) (Herr St.. frame, all imp ~s3ooo' I Riley St.. brick $3000! i Riley St., frame, 3-story S3OOO : LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh St. 1 BUY YOUR HOME on the rental' ' payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond til st payment required, balance !as rent. AVe have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply! I A. P. Doranz. 1223 North Sixth street. , I JUST Bell phone i ) D. E. LUCAS. ; Real Estate and Insurance. THAT'S ALE j 303 Eewis Street. HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE ' Houses "f all kinds In all parts of ; I the city. Some on easy terms, four j now vacant, possession at once. Some ! Inice corner properties. A few large I single homes with largo lawn and shade trees, two or three up-to-date apartment houses, ten per cent, clear. I Several 3-story brick houses centrally I located, very suitable for apartments.! I Several business stands. Grocery i I store, etc. For full particulars. Apply! or phono to C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street- ! Real Estate. Insurance Rents Collected. Bell 56UJ j — ! N KAV CUMBERLAND— Three-story brick building, 22 rooms. 2 baths. 2 ! laundry rooms. formerly lnquols Hotel. Price right, best location, 'terms reasonable, cor. Third and Mar ket streets. J. R. Eichinger. Justice of | the Peace, Real Estate and lnsur : ance. I Two vacant houses, uptown. I 3-story bricks, all imp.. 9 rooms, clec. and gas, porches, bay windows, side entrance, easy terms. y C. H. CORDER. 17 >2 Green St., Harrisburg. Bell phone 560J FOR SALE—Two 3-story brick houses, Nos. 1812 and 1814 Susque-I hanna Street. 8 rooms with all mod- j "rn conveniences, nquire 1904 North Third Street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE—One 3-story brick. 8 ' rooms and bath, front and rear porch- ■ cs. gas light and turnace. on the w. si side of North 12th St.. city, house No. 40. Apply to Mrs. Kate Davidson, Messiah Home. 11 ■ Bailey St.. city. j (Continued In Next Column) It LA I. ESTATK FOR SALE NOAV VACANT IJIUST BE SOLD OWNER LEAVING CITY 1958 Bellevue Road, 3-story brick.! Un pull's). 8 r. and b., gas. electricity, two ranges, steam heat, linoleum, blinds and screens. front and rear porches, rear drive allev. Plot 33' ix 100. Built in 1916. Price SIBOO. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. i (Harrisburg Real Estate Bureau) ) 881 Market Street. j j POSSESSION AT ONCE, j HOUSE FOR SALE; EASY TERMS 182 1 N. Sixth St.. 7 rooms, all im provements, lot 20x187 ft. with gar i age on rear, capacity four cars. Price i $5,00u. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut t. i ! POSSESSION SOON " j | 2907 Derry St., 3-s. bk, Br. and t... j ! gas. elec.. range, steam heat. Plot! 18x100. icar driveway, front and rear-j porches. Built in pairs. Around $4500. ' ! Cleverly Heights. N. AV. cor.. South! 18th and Sycamore, beautiful large ' bonic with everything in way of ini ! provements, 9 r. and ii.. garage room, j large porch surrounds. ' 812 S. 17th, nice 2-s. b., 6 r- and b., ) gas, elec.. comb, range, steam heat.) etc. Garage, front porch. $3600. i BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., t illbg. Real Estate Bureau). 331 Market Street Both phones. V ' ; —I THE MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS I WIFE FOR... J HUSBAND 1 DAUGHTER I SON I Buy a home, prepare now for j the spring drive. 1 have what you want anil where you want it. either casli or time payments. I LOUIS B. COHEN ; Rooin 308 Bergner Building. j Bell 626 | FOR SALE—VACANT I 831 Macla.v Street. 3-story frame | ) dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, all im-| ! provements. first class condition, lotl 20x150 with double brick garage, 10x , 20 on rear. Price $1950. C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner. Harrisburg, Pa. j Bell Bell | 701 SU77J | i —l ' FOR SALE Three-story brick louse on corner with large store 1 room, eleven rooms, hot water heat, j with all other improvements, in good condition. No. tlOl) North Sixth St. For further information call 1100 N. l : th 'Su Occupied by owner. j _l ' FOR SALE—333 und '337 Emeraid ; St.. possession April 1. 2028 and 2030 Susquehanna St., possession in 3u j days. Apply to 814 Capital St. j VACANT House, 632 Boyd street, being renovated, offered for sale at j teasonable price and easy terms. Bell t Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. j S3IOO will purchase a brick house with seven rooms and bath, other im provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner I Building. ) | FOR SALE—I7I9 State Street, oc-' cupleS by owner. 8 looms and oath 1 other improvements, garage on the ! premises. Inspect this property. Beil j Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. | lIOFFER ST.. 2307—N0W A'At'A NT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bun -1 galow; seven rooms and bath; hot ! water heat; other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. PENN STREET property for sale. 8 1 rooms, bath. gas. furnace, 1826 Penn I ! Street. Price S2BOO. Bell Realty Co .' Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—Five lots in Aainlyn, j lone block to car. streets on three I i sides, beautiful plot, will sell for S7OO. $l5O cash, balance sls a month. P. O. j ; Box 568. Harrisburg BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME ! with large lawn and shrubbery. Also ! about 7 acres of land suitable for ; ! farming or building plots. AVill be sold in lots or as a whole. Also one row of five frame houses. All located with- ; in six miles of Harrisbuig. Excellent, I (ur service. Call Steelton Exchange, i , , 106J on Bell phone. PENBROOK —9-room house; out | kitchen, improvements; well built; j lot, 30x196; price, $2,400. Durand & 1 I Ferber, 107 Chestnut, near Front. ! ) I; Hi: AI, ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED I ! AA'ill you sell? AA'hat is your price? I have many calls. No sale, no charge. Uive me a , chance. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Harrisburg I Bell phone 56QJ L Insurance, Rents Collected I. WANTED to purchase. AA'e are in- j terested in purchasing a property , somewhere between North and la)- . cost and Front and Third Streets. I BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., i ] I (Harrlsburg's Reul Estate .Bureau) ). 331 Market Street. : AVE will save you time and ann.y 1 mice front agents and advertising, by i iiuying your real estate direct. Seiel j os full particulars in your letter ami . ! we will buy your property if the price I is right. Address P. O. Bos 625. , : AA'ANTED —Suburban home, AA'est. j ] Shore preferred, or small farm close • to trolley. Address Box D-2968 care j Telegraph. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS STOREROOM 256 Hamilton Street, near Third Street. Rent $lO. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS POSSESSION AT ONCE For sale. 192 acre farm, $3900. Also I ] an opportunity to buy stock and Im- j. I plements. I DURAND & FERBER. } 107 Chestnut, near Front St. FARMS WANTED | ' i WANTED ! 50 to 70-acre farm close to 1 ; main toad. Address - Box 1 i A-8763 care Telegraph. i. DECEMBER 16, 1019. FOR SALE —.AI ISCEI.I.AXEOUS FOR SALE Four Brunswick balk pocket bll-j | llard tables. j Six Brunswick bulk benches. I Five billiard imm lighting fix-i j tures. j Seven large awnings. I At attractive prices. HARRY HESS, Thirteenth and Market Streets — j A USEFUL XMAS GIFT AA'hite iron bed, good mattress and spring. co*.plete for $21.50. | Regular price $32. FORNAVALD, 1321 North Sixth Street. i FOR SALE I Overstuffed tapestry, 3-pieee parlor ?uito, valued s2uo. Salt- price $165. FORN WALT 1321 North Sixth Street. I' Jit SALE—Fine five weeks' old | ny poodles. Inquire of Mrs. M. Egoif, i 1829 Briggs St. Dial 4993. j FOR SALE—Four burner gas stove, used six months. Call 104 Edward St.. j ' Riverside, or Hell phone 133"R j FOR SALE—Beautiful Nutria fur; coat, will sell for $155. couldn't be bought for less than $250 to-day. Call l Bell 1530 R. | FOR SALE —100 army raincoats,' : $3.50; oversea winter cups, 9lie; buck- ! )skin army gloves anil automobile' ; gloves, look for name and number. ; j open evenings. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut j street. 1 HALF-PRICE BARGAINS!!! New i | rag carpet, 35c; ingrain, 40c; (best; ! 90c); Brussel, $1.10; (best $1.50); vel vet. $2; rugs. 50c-sls; linoleum. 75c. I Furniture, stoves. A'ingst, Hard- j I scrabble. j j FOR SALE—Female French poodle I dog. one year old. Call Rell 4166 R. j NATIONAL cash registers sold on | '(asy monthly payments without in-I I terest. Hell phone 2406. Dial 3890 N. | ) It. Black. Sales agent. 105 Market St. ) | MORRIS SAY'S save money buying ' ; new und second-hand furniture nere. High prices paid for furniture. Morris ! I Schmertz. 1018 Market. Sell 4494. ; ' FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 H. P. International gasoline ; |ngine, machine tools, electric motors. I various sizes, large stone crushing | plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 186/! ! Bell phone. ! CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer !in new and second-hand furniture, ! carpets, stoves. Try us before buying lor selling. Great bargain. sls doublet I beater. Must be sold before Christ-1 j mas. Great bargain price. Look it| |over. A trail will convince you. Closed I Saturday. 321 Reily St. Bell phone; 1061.A1. | TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR) CASH ALL MAKES RENTED I EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. ! 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR RALE Superior Oxy-acexy lene generators, cutting and welding torches carbon burning outfit Dem onstratlun by appointment. F. R. Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,0u0 new. old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars free. j WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy a Baby Grand piano or Victrola, must be reason able. state price and where can be seen. Address Box D, 2983 care Telegraph. WANTED CASH PAID for Encyclopedia Brlt-| , annlca. Harvard Classics. Book of • Knowledge, Mark Twain and other j sets: also for very old books in good condition. Open evenings. Bell phone. I ! Aurand's Book Store. 925 North Third I ! Street. WANTED—To buy Bb low pitch ] Boehni & Albert system clarinets. State full particulars and price. A. Mercado, Farmers' Bank Building. Ty rone. Pa. WANTED—A folding camera, size 2',6x4 1 i. Address Box L-9090 care Tel egraph. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz. 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or coun- i try. Bell phone 5321 J. WANTED—A 2-H. P.. 110 volt. 60- cycle, single phase, alternating elec iric motor. Address "Motor," care Telegraph office. WANTED—Four-drawer, largo size | filing cabinet. Address Box 46. New Cumberland or Dial phone 3.796^ WE are in the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Cohen & Co.. York and Ash Ave. BELL PHONE 3370-J 8. RIFKIN. CLOTH TNG. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. (07 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. $40,000 wanted on first mortage. ' good security. Address Box S-90261 eare Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , PROPOSITION for one who ran ap- ! * roach business people. No money lo- j coiled. Address B-796 1 eare Tele- , t rapli. RESIDENCE and steuin bakery for sale; good bargain for right party. Call on or address, J. 11. Bridge, Man heim. Pa. BUSINESS PERSOXAI/S MERCHANTS TAKE NOTICE LAST CALL FOR 1920 CALENDARS SELECTION PROMPT DELIVERIES MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. (Above Shoj Store) Bell 1577R Open Evenings! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED i Single edge. 25c doz.. double edge, 35c 1 do„ razors. 25c. Oorgas Drug Store. IF IT'S painting, exterior or Inter ior or paperhnnging. let me quote you | a prico. Quality and service Is my motto, prices consistent with the qunlitv cf work 1 do. U. W. Bixler ! 213 Susquehanna St. Bell phone 4PO6J. iConttnoed in Next Column) ■ 'f*— --r'iT-r- - SJJI I BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANK New and second-hand furniture j bought and sold. Highest prices paid, j 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2r | FUUNI TU R K CRATED. J T I Bishop, 1736 Logan street. Bell 26321 L i DIAMONDS bought for cash P. H LA I J LAN' CO.. 206 Market street. OXY-ACETVLIiNE WIiLBIN O-J , Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxvmn ; Capitol City Welding Co.. 1638 Logan | Street Bell 4396 J. * ® I. QU IN—, Loo ls out ' or that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this' j changeable weather. OUK LAXATIVE I PHOSUHO-QULNINE will stavn It ort ;if taken in time. Gross Drug Store i 119 Market street. • INSURANCE 4 j ~~ DON'T TAKE I Any unnecessary 'chances If It's ' anything in the line of insurance wo I handle it. " J. SCHOOLXIK. .21 Spooner Building. 1 !• ire. Life. Casualty, Automobile In | surance. Bell 4593. FINANCIAL HIGH GItADE STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD J. IC GREENAWALT. JR. 4 130 Walnut Street, Bell phone 518-J llarrisburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN 'SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES *ls TO SBOO On furniture, real estate or guaran i teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on the j actual time the inuney is in your pos | session. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., ' 204 Chestnut Street. I WE LEND MONEY in doinpliance I with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu- I als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pav ! inenls lo suit borrower's convenience, j positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. I MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., | Third and Market streets. "Licensed i and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING 1 BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 2it years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. | AUTO Jiauling, local or long dis i lance, furniture and piano moving a I specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 I Capital St. Both phones. I HICKS —• Local and long-dlstanc3 hauling and storage. 1214 Wallace SL jßell phone 1050 M. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local and long distance, making a speciatiy of furniture, piano and safe moving.' : Call at 1617 Naudain St., or Bell 5236 J. I WE Move Anything, Anywhere, \ Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 5 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North I Third Street. j LOCA I. AND LONG-DISTANCE IIIAU LI N G Furniture moving. Prompt service. Erneat Corbin, 634 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 2636-J. Dial 3638. ! HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bail phone 15R6. MUSICAL HARRIS BURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL. 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. FOR SALE—AI four string banjn rine with leather case. Heautiful in strument. Must, be seen to be appre ciated. Made in New York City; also violin bow and case for saie. Bargain to quick buyer. Jos. Polco, 1101 N'. Third St. Harrlsburg, Inst O. L. music. I VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. I BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru- I ments promptly and carefully repair : cd. OILER'S, 14 South Fourth street. j PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED | by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth Street. I TALKING MACHINES promptly and I carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE —Fine mahogany up i right piano." slightly used und bench j for sale, very cheap. Owner leaving city and wants to sell. For informa : tion, write Box 73. Gettysburg. Fa. FOR SALE Player piano for { $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth j street. ' STORAGE; STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms ut reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house, $3 per month and up. lower storage rates in non-lireproof ware house. Hurrisburg Storage Co., 437- . 446 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear i 408 Market. Household goods in clean, ' private rooms, Reasonable rates. P. , G. Diener. 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES I IIIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD.. HIGHSPIRE. PA. , Both phones. Bell Steelton 169 Y UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. | BELL 1956 DIAL 21S8 RUDOLPH IC. SPICER Fund al Director and Embalmer 611 North Second Street. , BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUN URAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th SL ALSO MIDDLKTOWN OFFICE ! BELL 2423 DIAL 3295 I CEMETERY LOTS EOR SALE Y PROSPECT lIILL CEMETERY— Beautifully situated on Market street, ienst of Twenty-sixth, und on the ' north and east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page 4. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers