Boy Scout News RED CLOWS LODGE SUCCESS 9 Scouts Have Good Opportun ity to Study Nature and Small Game ef A troop of Boy Scouts come hik ing along the road above Marysville, the air is cold and raw and they moving rather fast to, keep warm. When they get above Marysville a short distance they leave the road and strtke in toward the mountain ♦ ■ and cross over into the valley and after a short hike along the moun tain they come to a large, snug, roomy cabin; there is a mad scram „ ble to be the first one in and before long there is a fire roaring merrilj and "chow" is cooking, then eats. After everything is cleaned up and put away they all get around the fire and Sparrow tells the tales of the Indians that used to roam these mountains, and then, aft f r an hour of story-telling they begin dropping off to the bunks" and by the time the bugler blows taps the bunch is sleeping merrily. This is Red Cloud s Lodge, the overnight hike headquarters of Troop 26, of Stevens Memorial Meth odist Church, located in the valley between the two mountains above _ Marysville. It is a large, * two-story building, equipped with bunks, and is an ideal spot for an overnight hike. The spot is sur rounded by large hemlock trees and has a spring of clear, cold water close by. , ~ . This is an excellent location for the study and practice of w °o"- craft, for one comes in contact wil b all varieties of trees and flowers and nearly all species of small game roam the mountains. The lodge has been named in honor of our very good friend. Red Cloud, and will only require a visit from him to make it a success. Troop 13 Our inspection last week was a f success with the exception of uni forms. The majority of the fellows were n in uniform, and of course we f jn on that point. Troop 13 had some good games this week. On Wednesday they played Troop 2, and on Thursday evening they play ed Troop 18 and the Middletown Triangle Club. If it rains the over night hike to Lamb's Gap will not be taken, and a meeting will be held in Boyd Memorial instead. Scoutmaster John German. Ben Witmer, an honorary member of the troop and several officers of the pa- I trols took an overnight hike to the ' McCormick Lodge at Gap last Friday, returning home Satur day. On account of this hike no scout meeting was held on Friday night. The boys who took the trip were Patrol Leader Charles Alexan der, Assistant Patrol Leader Bill German, Assistant Patrol leader John Thompson, Color Bearer Thomas Webster. We left town at 1 o'clock and took the Enola car, getting off at Enola where the road leads out to lamb's Gap. The crowd was well equipped with blankets and provi sions for two meals. Bill German r was the only one who did not have eat 3 for two meals, but he had eats for five meals and he ate all he had and then some. We walked along the road and some to a place where some people were butchering. They must have imagined we were the first division marching by, for they surely did look us over. After go ing about three miles we came to a little country store, where we stop ped to get a rest and something to eat. We then continued and in a short time came to Mr. Miller's place. Mr. Miller is the caretaker of the lodge. We then took up the L hardest part of our trip which was the hike up the mountain. After arriving at the lodge we unloaded our packs and searched around for wood with which to make a fire. Then we went down to the other house to bring up our cots and some extra blankets which we found. In a short time supper was prepared and we were all very hungry. Alex ander volunteered to stay up and watch the fire, but about the mid dle of the night lie crawled into bed with Webster and the tire died down. However, Charles got up bright and early next morning and started to chop wood for the fire. It was mighty cold and he shivered and shook, much to our delight. He said he was doing the "chimney dance." About 7 o'clock we all crawled out | and had breakfast after which we cleaned up the place and were soon ready to leave. We will soon have another of these overnight hikes, so be pre pared for a good time. They are the real thing. JOHN THOMPSON, Scribe. Troop 4 Troop 4 met Monday evening at 7 o'clock. We had with us Scout Executive Virgin. Mr. Virgin told y the troop to be sure to attend the Scout rally at Zion Lutheran Church to-night. You fellows that were ab sent on Monday should be at Troop 4's headquarters at 6.50 p. m., sharp. Troop 4 has a very interesting part at-the rally that will appeal to all mirror reflect 9 Imperfections of the skin, such as roughness, blotches, pimples and red spots ? If so, begin the use of Resinol Soap, and see if its whole some, cleansing qualities do not iwdf a marked improvement in a surprisingly short time. Don't wait —try it today! Resinol • Soap At all druggist' A Friday evening, eabrisburg telegraph December 4,1919. Big Scout Rally at Zion Lutheran By far the largest and most elaborate rally yet given in Har risburg will be held to-night at Zion Lutheran Church at 8 o'clock. Under the direction of John F. O'Neill, deputy commis sioner, Troop 1, Reformed Salem, and Troop 14, Zion Lutheran, will act as hosts of the evening. There will be addresses by Br. John Fager, deputy commission er, and fiiend of all boys; and by Scout Commissioner W. H. Ger man. A complete program from reveille to taps around a camp fire will be put on, which will in clude signalling, first aid, knot tying, use of compass, fire mak ing, and every other department of scoutcraft. Troops participat ing will be: Troop 17, Penbrook; Troop 2, Chtsuk Emuna; Troop 11, Market Square Presbyterian; Troop 14, Zion Lutheran; Troop 13, Pine Street Presbyterian; Troop 8, Christ Lutheran; Troop 9, Capital Street Presbyterian: Troop 15, Sixth Street Uiyted Brethren; Troop 26, St /ens Memorial; Troop 16. Bethlehem Lutheran; Troop 4, Immanuel Presbyterian. A number of guests have been invited, and a cordial Invitation is extended to all those who aro interested in boys and boys' work, to be present. Scouts, so be sure to be on time and you won't regret it We had a hike on Friday, but due to a very important engineering feat in the vicinity of Shrcinertown sev eral fellows failed to participate. Several new clauses have been added to the revised constitution. The treasurer collected dues for De-| cember at the last meeting, and the "poor box" was opened and the money counted. This money goes to buy articles for the poor of the city, and this has been a custom of Troop 4 for a number of years. Troop 22 Once more Troop 22 at Shiloh Lu theran Church, Riverside, is decided ly on the map. It all came about because of the kindness and brother ly feeling that all good scouts show, on the part of Scoutmaster Roy J. Shenk, of Troop 15 in releasing one of his assistants, Lawrence Miller, for the position of Scoutmaster of Troop 22. Three meetings have been held since the reorganization and every time a larger number of scouts have returned to renew their allegiance to the troop. Last Tuesday night twenty-three scouts turned up, and the meeting was a hummer. This meeting was held in the old lire company's headquarters which has been donated to the scouts for their exclusive use. The place was clean ed, attractive posters put on the walls, and is now furnished and one of the most attractive scout head quarters in the city. A number of tenderfoot scouts are preparing for second class examina tion, and the second class scouts are pledging themselves to reach first class rank early in January. Troop 8 Last Monday evening Boy Scout Commissioner German inspected Troop 8. It was an inspection of both the rooms and the troop. Every one in Troop 8 is prepar ing for the big time to be held on Useful Xmas Gifts on a Charge Account ' I 1 •'/' Look at the calendar! Before you know it Christmas will be here. , If I I To derive and enjoy the real Christmas spirit your first thought should be that of your /sty H3 3 I |j| ji |' personal appearance, for everybody wants to be well dressed at Christmas time. III ! f/l A/V\( 1 d ?" bt yOU als ° have i ? mind tbe P urchase of several gifts, and it occurs to us that j /o'\ 4IIIISI OT Ksk In II 61S notbing more a PP recia ted, especially so in these time, than clothes. /%y lilNfeivk " Iftr 11 You can have any article of wearing apparel that you may desire either for yourself or for /prs ' iiji Y II i||Vi Ij| any one else that you may care to remember, by paying for your purchase in convenient y f \ $ |\H( 11 weekly or monthly amounts. ! ||fjl j Don't Delay! Come in now! tl ll M! —A FEW XMAS SUGGESTIONS I j \mjss0 > li fluf fill' A Suit or Overcoat A Set of Furs A Dress IM 1.1111 l ITlß'sir'j ill Hats Trousers Separate Scarf or Muff I iW\ I'll S IIW I I ™ Mackinaws Stunning Suits and Coats rffl 1 X? 1 Blip tf IP !i' Boys Suits and Mackinaws Skirts, Waists, Millinery VI I u\ Chill December winds are beginning to bite — # Beautiful Fur Trimmed II I \f/^ Li Ln and now * s tbe t ' me and lb * s * s e store to i 3 of o y 7 !/ I \ \l and prepare you for even colder weather. ik-rU11.1.0 CXllvl V^V/cLLo J | \ Warm Overcoats S 27M and $ 36.= ®P| ll 11[ [!:!\ 1 SQC No woman could ask for more style, better ma -I I /v |-i = HliiSH- > dHiO iJO 50 terials or finer tailoring. That they are low priced M I / ytT ♦ J will only serve to make you even more pleased I iMEk and i*p by easy steps to S6O with our selection of suits and coats, [if I ~/ Wjjfar" The fine durable fabrics together with the excellent workmanship I - - - I li /Tfe A. l^eße overcoats should prompt every man and young man to visit this U Pll V C lA/Dlfitc U J < Xx 7 store before purchasing elsewhere. You 11 save a ten spot here. JL i& £ w W diolo IBkN W&wlh*. Kin p Pla C V Quito What woman does not A Waist makes an ideal fffT I pMfd p J®, y „ " 11 8 appreciate fan. We have a # A variety o( ,e 7 fan JjjL h\nj},W 'fV,J W For MEN and YOUNG MEN 6ae assortment ol .et,.ep,- f •* ■ Mt lew /f I) \U These are la splendid lot o( suits selected (rom our tQN ate scails and muffs. They i QO P LJW |f 0 ' ' ale PUrPO ' CI G ° od V ' ,U "' S5 -re marked at a pnceyou, Ll i MVV Mil others from $25 up. purse can stand. 1 I ?! Asian & Marine Ca | | jJjli 36 North 2nd Street Corner Walnut Street Decorated For Work on Battlefield, Now Aiding Sufferers in Near East i / dHBfflLJsfW I [ ■HflHftl ; I H jJ® •I MISS MARY VAIL ANDREES Miss Mary Vail Andrees of New 1 York City is the only woman who 1 has been awarded the Distinguished ; Service Medal for work on the bat tlefield. She is now head of a Near East Relief contingent in western Asia, all members of which aro graduates of war service abroad. Monday* December 15 Troop 8 wil hcid their fourth Interpatrol meet on that evening. It will be like the previous meets, except that there will be no first aid stunts pulled off. Troop B's orchestra has been practicing for the rally at Zion Lu ! tlieran Church, as they are expected r to play while the Scoutb march into , the room. J EDGAR A. SPOTZ, Scribe. ! To make flaky • biscuits, delicious - muffins and will*1*1111!* ; gems,rea/dough- 5 > nuts and cake of j fine texture — ! you must use □UHFORD 1 THE WHOLESOME i BAKING POWDER Go buy it today! I CAMP CURTIN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NOTES With the assistance of Instructors,' the Misses Frar."Ces Hamilton and Marie Finton, domestic science stu dents, filled a bag with salted pea nuts to be sold between Hie acts of the fairy operetta, "Cinderella." Messrs. Harlaclier, chairman, and Weinsartner and Peiffer met the members of the lunch hour commit- I tee Wednesday during the home I room activities period to discuss . *„ "'(' § j Fill a Definite Need ./* •' . Wll ;; v \7"OU will be charmed at their beauty and elegance and nprfpptlv :'r I e *7 4,j ;|a realize, after seeing them, that it is foolish to pay exhorbitant prices for shoes. We can save you $2 to $4 per pair because of the enormous ' " |' r .*L 'J V . selling them through our own 298 stores direct to the people. See • wonderful values NOW. Over 200 styles. ! > J ' STORES from ciasttoCoast J € jleu).arfc Sftoe Stores G& J§|||' i \ UhWtSl CtUIN STOHESHOE ca 1,1 m " 0R1D_293 STOHESIN 97 CITIES MJI/® ' HARRISBURG STORE jl | WORN MILLION MEN AND IA/OMEN plans for complete organization. | Prof. Brehm has praised the work of these faithful students, appointed to keep the lunchrooms tidy and to control the behavior of the students in the auditorium preceding th 3 aft ernoon session. The students forming the commit tee are: Elsie Lownsby, Mildred Wickershnm, Edna Ebert, Mary La man, Ruth Lisse, Margaret Kauff man, Grace Stoncr, Gladys Fox, Helen Constantino, Dorothy Kenne dy, Doris Fair, Frances Blumenstein, Mildred McCurdy, Bertha Freedman, Evelyn Arthur, Florence Brunei-, Ruth Seltz, Edith Katz, Marie Ker-: son, Paul Yaverbaum, Paul Swab, William Tyson, Edward Polder, Eli- ! hu Wicstling, Austin Brunner, Rich ard Johnson, Frederick Morgenthal er, Oliver Eveier, Carl Schultz, George Armstrong, Stuart Osmarp, Fred Stroh, Norman Ergle, Ray mond Balsbnugh, William Hogen togler, Charles Richwine, Edwin \ Kautz, William Martin, John Diffen derfer, Ralph Yontz and James: Bachman. Students of Miss Mildred Conkllng are expressing appreciation for her talks to them concerning her rece.nt j trip to Scranton for the purpose of hearing the Vatican choir, which, ae- ' cording to James Mevln, director is "a choir of notable singers from the world-famous Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, St. John Lateran and the Pontifical School of Higher Sacred Music, under the direction of the Itt. Ucv. Monsignor Maestro Doit ltaffaele Casimire." Through a suggestion of Rebecca Pelen, Section !)157, Miss Katherine Aumiller, instructor, each home room section will select a motto to live up to. The executive committee of 987 selected Samuel Yoffe, who, with the consent of the principal, visited all the home rooms yesterday and 15 ' presented the idea, making an effec tive, patriotic appeal to the students The students of ea/ch home room, ! according to the plan suggested bj Yoffe, will harnl mottoes to their re i spective home room executive com , | mittees. These groups will select i the best mottoes suggested and pre ! sent them to their own sections foi ! one final selection. The students are j earnestly interested in making th 1 j best selections possible. The Camp Curtin Athletic Asso i elation met Wednesday at 3.30 and elected the following officers: Rob i ert Grecnawalt, manager; Russell ! Asper, assistant, manager of th . boys' basketball team.
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