600 LUTHERANS AT BIG RALLY Reconstruction and Reforma tion Are Watchwords For Church Campaign One of the largest Lutheran ral lies held in years In this city was attended by 600 representatives from churches of Harrisburg and vicinity last evening In Chestnut Street Auditorium. The Rev. Dr. L. C. Manges, chair man of the nation-wide campaign * in the interests of which the rally was held, presided and described In detail the great work which the Lutheran Church hoped to accom plish through their great campuign. which is similar to the New Era movement of the Presbyterian Church. Reformation and recon struction are the watchwords of the campaign. A. "W. Hartman directed the sing ing at the meeting, when the large congregation sang the "Battle Hymn of the Reformation," Martin Luther s "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." Among the speakers who pleaded for support of the campaign were the Rev. Dr. George Edward Reed, former president of Dickinson Col lege, and the Rev. Dr. I. Chantry Hoffman, of Philadelphia. Both speakers laid emphasis on the neces sity for co-operation and real, hard work. If the campaign is to meet with the success which is so essen tial. They declared that the time Is ripe for a second spiritual reforma tion. and that the Lutheran Church must take a large part in that re formation. Penn State Downs Cornell by Brilliant Play Saturday Ithaca. N. Y„ Nov. 17.—A brilliant forward pass attack was the chief cause of Cornell's undoing by Penn State Saturday by the score of 20 to 0 in the last home game of the sea son. After the first period there was no doubt as to which was the better team. State's play was more finished and more clever, her backs were speedier and their plays were better concealed and more skillfully executed, while the forward line was well nigh impregnable. Cornell mak ing only occasional gains through it. when Mayer and Sliuler broke away. In the third period the Ithacans opened up an aerial attack which in two plays netted 40 yards and which might had it been used earlier and oftener proved an effective weapon, but later when they tried to repeat this maneuver the passes were thrown away. TWO JOIN CLASS Two new members were added to the roll at yesterday's meeting of the Men's Organized Bible Class of Zion Lutheran Church. Included i among the visitors were G. W. Hal- j bach, superintendent and H. L. { Snyder, of St. John's Lutheran Sun- l day School. Lancaster. Solos were : sung by Mrs. \Y. E. Bachman and I Airs. George Butterworth. W. E. j Bretz accompanied both singers. TO MAKE. REPORT Mrs. P.obert Bagnell, president of ] the Philadelphia Branch ot' the Women's Foreign Mission Society, will make a report this evening at ] 7.30 o'clock in Grace Methodist j Church social hall, on the recent | jubilee meeting held in Boston. j TO ATTEND CONVENTION i Harrisburg brokers will attend the j annual meeting of the Pennsylvania i Industrial Licensed Lenders' Asso- j ciation to be held in Philadelphia . to-morrow at the Hotel Adelpliia. | Election of officers will take place, j MRS. RAGXEI.I, TO SPEAK Mrs. Robert Bagnell, president of I the Philadelphia Branch of the Worn- 1 er.'s Foreign Missionary Society, will give a report of the jubilee meeting; recently held at Boston, this evening! at S o'clock, in the social hall of Grac-e I Method.st Episcopal Church. This | riveting is open to everyone, both j men and women having been invited. MOTHER GRAY'S POWDERS BENEFIT MANY CRILDREN Thousand® of mothers have found Mother Gray 's Sweet Powier® an excellent remedy for children complaining of headaches colds, fever- ( is lines?, stomach troubles and other irregulari ties from whirh children suffer durimr thee ' days and excellent results are accomplished by j its use. feed by vxothert for oicr 30 year*. Sold by Droplets everywhere. 'BO YEABS YOUNG," "j SAKS MRS. WOLFF "At eighty I feel just as spry and ! active as I did 15 years ago," said j Mrs. M. J. Wolff, 1200 W. Montgom-j ery ave., Phila. "Until recently, however, I was beginning to slow ! Up. due to nervous debility arxi a run-down system. I lost my appe- ' t'te; food didn't taste right and I ! couldn't sleep peacefully. A neigh bor urged me to try Tanlac. My ap petite increased and my food digest ed the way it should. Tanlac also quieted my nerves." Tanlac is a boon to the aged. Debility, which is j so common umong old and young. ' wears the victim away u3 it gathers force and nourishes itself upon your j very life blood. Tanlac acts like magic when it brings back restful ! sleep, sound digestion, more vitality. [ and drives away that detested, lie- i spondent feelir.-g so quickly that it actually astonishes you. The genu- ' Ine Tanlac is sold here by all leading ' druggists. Weigh Yourself Then Take DR. CHASE'S And See llow Much You Gain In Health, Strength and Weight. tTo convince you that Dr. Chane'a Blood and Nerve Tablet# are one of the richest of all restorative tonic#, and that they make toiid fUfih. muscle and strength "not fat, ' we ask you to weigh vour eelf before taking them. Make a memorandum of the date you commence and see what wonders they will do for you. Thia is the wily remedy that haa been able tc stand -etch a levere teat. They increase the appetite, aid di lation, and build you up. Each dose means mora rim, vitality and strength Try them today. You can't go wrong. Sold by Druggist, at 60 cents. Special. 'Stronger Bore Artire SO cents. I a THE UNITED MEDICINE COMPANY ./forth Tenth Street. ■ Philadelphia. Fa. . ' MONDAY EVENING, INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS Augsburg Class Gives Surprise to Old Member Ladies' Bible class No. 17 of the Augsburg Lutheran Church of which ■ Mrs. Herman K. Snyder was a mem | ber twelve years ago. gave her a I surprise party at Iter home, 1610 (Market street. It was a happy reunion for the members and the teacher, \V. L. Gardner, who has had charge for many years. Social diversions and refreshments were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gardner, Mrs. Grace King. Mrs. C. E. King, Mrs. John Brice. Mrs. John Wilt, Mrs. J. p. Fortenbaugh, Mrs. David laindis. Mrs. Harry Manning, Mrs. John Wertz, Mrs. J. J. Charles. Mrs. Rose O'Hail, Mrs. Minnie Mes- I sersmith, Mrs. R. R. Shapley, Mrs. V. L. Brenneman, Mrs. S. M. Mit chell, Mrs. Ira Wrigle. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. William Utsh, Mrs. F. (A Nes tor, Miss Eva Anguay, Miss Anna Brenneman. Mrs. Snvder and Miss I Ernestine Snyder. Vive Voce Club to Bring Noted Pianist to the City At i!} e rp £ular monthly meeting of the \ ive Voce Club held last week. It was decided to bring Leopold God owsky the world famous pianist, to llarrisburg some time this season. No dennite date has been set, but the concert will probably take place some time in February. At the conclusion of the business meeting the following program was given: Club chorus, led by Mrs. Freoh ■ tch: "Attitude of Congress Toward Peace League," Mrs. Maude Miller; .thopin "Waltz. A flat." Miss Adeline F.merick: "Chopin, the Boy," Claire Van Dyke; "Chopin Maiden Wish," Miss Ruth Steinauer: "Chopin, Ber ceuse." Miss Frances Sutton. ! HOME AFTER MOTOR TRIP ! I Mrs. Samuel F. Dunkle, of Nine- ] ! leenth and Derry streets. Mrs. j Charles A. Chambers, and small j daughter. Isabel Chambers, of 1923 i Bellevue Road and Mrs. J. C. Dodge. I of Steelton, are home after an au tomobile trip to Indiana and Pitts burgh. Mrs. Dunkle was one of the, delegates from Ilarrisburg Chapter! D. A. R. to the State conference and I one of the tellers at the State elec- j tion on Thursday. KI.K DA\CG TO-MUHT The local lodge of Klks has plan ned a sfjies of weekly amusements to be helo during the winter months, the tirst event to be given this even ing at S.SO o'clock, when the mem-1 hers and their guests will dance to • the music of the Sourbeer-Meyers ten-. piece orchestra. At the conclusion fi the dance, a supper will be served in i the Palm room. George Bevier Schuyler, son of El- . rner E. Schuyler, editor of the Ga- j zette and Bulletin, Williamsport. and 1 a Bucktiell man. was in town Satur day calling on old friends before the big game. | Mr. and Mrs. John E. I' ox and! ! family are occupying their town I bouse at 223 North Front street af- I ter summering at Foxlea along the j Yellow Breeches. Percival Warren went home to ' Brooklyn to-day after a week s visit i with his relatives. Mr. and Mrs. An son Gottschall of Green street. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank j of the Donaldson, are spending the i week in Philadelphia and New \ork. Howard F. Andrews started for a j western journey to-day. including ) stops in Chicago, St. Bonis and Mil i waukee, Wisconsin. ! Miss Clarissa Walton, of Denver. | Colo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed- I gar F. Nolan, of North Third street. ! for a month. Miss Estelle Young, of WiHianis | port, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam | uel F. Thompson, of North street, on 1 the way home after a trip to Wash i ington and Richmond, Va. ! Miss Mary Kelker, of 15 South Front street and her sister, Mrs. | John Jordan Moffitt. went to Atlan | tic City to spend a few days. Horace Bodine and Miss Claire M. • Bodine. of Jersey City, tire in town j for a brief stay among relatives and j old friends. Deaths and Funerals MISS CARRIE MeOOV DIES Mcchaiiioburg. Nov. IT. Miss | Carrie Bell McCoy, 33 years old. I died last evening at her home here. I She was an active member of the > Presbyterian Church and of the Pit ' t'.sburgh Y. M. C. A. Miss McCoy j resided in Pittsburgh for the last ! three years. Several months ago I Miss McCoy returned home because !of ill health. She leaves a sister. | Mrs. Jeinz, of Jersey City, and four I brothers. Mert McCoy, Cleveland; . Harry McCoy, Steelton: Raymond | Mi Coy. Altoona and William McCoy, i Pittsburgh. Funeral services will he ! held at the home of Arthur Zeigler J and burial will be made in Mechan- I icsburg cemetery. EM SI'AHR DIES IM cclianiesburg, l'a., Nov. 17. After two weeks' illness of a stroke of paralysis, Eli Spahr. died Sntur | day morning at his home in South I High street. He was 76 years old I'and a member of the Citizens Fire < 'ompa ny. Mr. Spahr was born in Shepherds town, and lived his entire life in 1 this vicinity. He was an employe ' of the J. K. Hinkel Manufacturing ' Company plant previous to his ad vanced years and for seventeen years was employed by the Burial Casket Company, of Hurrisburg. His wife, two sons and a daughter survive, as follows: Michael Spahr. I who is confined to bed at his home ! in West Simpson street, as the resu!' of a fall from a scaffold about ter. j days ago; John Spahr and Mrs. : Catherine Bobb, both of Mechanics -1 burg. Also one ]>rother, Henry K | Spahr, of Mechnnicsburg and a sis | ter, Mrs. George l,eas, of New Cum ; in-Hand. The funeral services will ; be held to-morrow afternoon at 2.:'< i ' o'clock at his lute home, with burial in the Mechanicshurg cemetery. SISTER WII.IIEI.M DIDN'T I.IK I I From the London Mail. | Princess Charlotte of Meningcn. dster of the ex-kaiser, who died re cently, had been a sufferer for many years and had undergone man. • operations. She passed most of hei time on the Riviera. Indeed. lh> princess was a woman you couldr.'t miss. She wore bobbed hair; when no other woman had ever dreamed a such a tiling, and talked democ racy, ami smoked all the time The x-kaiser was rather alarmed at hei vagaries and preferred his other sis or. Queen Sophie, of Greece, who more his sort. A SEI.I -STARTER Fioni the Passing Show, London I Merchant (interviewing applicant or position of travelerr. — So you -ally feel you could sell my goods',' Applicant Sure! Anything from Rolls-Royce to a pea shooter. F.;: ■nance —that car of yours outside Merchant Vim. yes? Applicant---Well. I sold that to ay who was passing! Usu McNeil's Cold Tablets. Ad> ' Leave to Direct Social Welfare Work at Cresson Miss Kathleen Westbrook anil Miss Susanne A. Westbrook, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Cherrtck West brook, of this eily, left Saturday for ICresson where they will direct the social welfare work at the State I Sanatorium. This work is part of Ithat recently inaugurated by State j Health Commissioner Martin who | believes that it will mean much to wards the improvement of the I State's tubercular patients. The Misses Westbrook. who were ; "Y" workers in France and Germany ; during the war, returned with the First Division with which they were 1 attached, participating in the final ! review of that division in both New I York and Washington. Prior to the | war aijey were engaged in newspaper ; work in this city. Miss Shatto's Guests Take Strawride by Motor Guests of Miss Ora Shatto on Fri day evening took a strawride by au i tcmobile truck to a farm near Cov allen, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Copp and family. Among the pleas ures of the evening were contests and dancing with refreshments. In attendance were the Misses Al ima Brunner, Hester Culp. Margaret Chester. Dorothy Stoner. Ella Lopp, Lillian Culp. Reba Handler, Ida Shatto Ora Shatto, Verna Copp, and Margaret Copp, Thomas Peifer, Chester Long. Raymond Bennett Moriison Locho, Stanley Kozsiki, Wilber Fleisher, Ed. Wagner, Atench Copp. Oscar Miller, John Copp. Walter Qonrad. The par- I ty was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hassler, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Copp. MKAIIK W. ('. T. V. TO MEKT The Meade W. C. T. XT. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. F. Elder, 101 Evergreen street, to-morrow eve ning, at 7.30 o'clock. A musical pro gram has been prepared and Mrs. Walter Fishel, delegate from the Meade I'nion to the convention at 'Easton, will make her report. Other important business will be trans acted. TP WINTER I \ THE WEST Mrs. Henry Clay Reese, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of her daughters, Mrs. George P. Rubidge. 1712 State street, and Mrs. Thomas I'. McCubbin. 2223 North Third street. Mrs. Besse expects to join her husband later, when they will leave for Long Beach. Cal., to remain until spring. MRS. KII/lAHGH II .I Word was received late Saturday night by Miss Mary Killottgh. of 205 Calder street, of the serious illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward M. Killough, of Bethlehem, Pa., a for mer Harrisburger. Other Social on PaSo fi A Big Ready-to-Wear Week at Kaufman's Special Announcement On Wednesday (next) We Place On Sale Just S SUITS All taken from our regular stocks and sold regu larly at $79.50, $69.50, $59.50, $55.00 and $49.50 Choice of the Lot At •382 # Sale Sale Starts j Starts Wednesday (jtwfiX'i Wednesday Morning ® Morning at at 9 o'clock \ 9 o'clock i See Suits now on display in our windows. None will be on sale until Wednesdav morning at 9 o'clock. See Full Descriptions and Full Particulars In Tomorrow's Papers k HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Interesting Meeting of Civic Club Today Miss Martha Berry, of the Berry Schools. Georgia, spoke this after noon at the November meeting of the Civic Club, also exhibiting a number of articles made by the boys and gills of the schools. Two other interesting talks were given, one by Postmaster Frank C. Sites on ! "Thrift." the other by Homer B. Hulbert. Mr. Hulbert, who was the speaker to-day at the Chamber of Commerce meeting, was for many years special j adviser to the Emperor of Korea, who was forced to abdicate in 1917. During the recerrt war he was en gaged to talk to the American forces in France, winning the reputation of being one of the most interesting and forceful speakers in the field. Prior to the regular meeting et 3.30 o'cloek. there were meetings of the municipal and educational de partments. Gives Birthday Party For Little Miss Yost Mrs. E. F. Heffon entertained on Saturday evening at a birthday sur pnise party for little Miss Lillian Yost, of 1074 Cameron street. An attractive decorative scheme of pink and white was effectively carried out. a tall vase of white chrysanthe mums gracing the table. A la>-ge birthday cake bore six tiny candles. The guests were Edna Yost, Mil dred Saul, Oda Saul. Bessie Hippen steel. Dorothy Lippert. Mildred Dow ney, I-illiam Downey, Frank Downey, John Downey. Karl Saul, Richard Yost, George Saul and Edward Saul. Guests of Miss Stewart Meet Brooklyn Visitors Miss Hallie Stewart of North Third street. entertained informally at luncheon on Saturday in honor of the Misses Sara and Bertha Leeds. of Brooklyn, her house guests. The ap pointments of pink and white were enhanced by bowls of chrysanthe mums at either end of the table with a large crystal candelabra in the cen ter. Ten guests played cards and enjoy ed music after the luncheon. This evening, Mrs. Charles F. Baird of State street will entertain at a small dinner-dance for the Misses Leeds, at her home. \TTKND PRINCETON GV4IK A number of local people attended the Yale-Princeton game at New Hav en. Saturday, including Mr. and Mis. Robert McCreath. Miss Susanna Flem ing. Miss Almeda Herman. Miss Eliza beth Ross. Miss Mary Oreighton. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Herman. Richard Robinson. A. IT. Sta< kpole. Ross A. H'ckok. Hastings itickok. George AV. Roily. Jr., George AV. Reily 3d. Don aid McCormick, AA'alter Maguirc and John Maguire. I Middletown | Football Player Falls Dead in Restaurant Bryan S. Groupe, aged 22 years, died Saturday evening at 9.30 o'clock in Stipe and Cain's newly operated restaurant. He was sitting in a chair and suddenly feli to the floor. Dr. C. E. Bowers was sent for and be fore he arrived young Groupe had •lied,, never regaining consciousness. The cause of death was due to heart disease. He played football in the afternoon at Enhaufc but did not complain of any injuries. He was well known in town and is survived by his widowed mother. Mrs. Cath erine Groupe with whom he resided and the following brothers and sis ters: Foster Groupe. of Adams county: Mrs. D. E. Chronister, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Roy Balnier. of Ellzabethtown; Mrs. George Cain, Jr., Mrs. Ed. Schaeffer and John Groupe, of town, and Mabel Groupe at home. Funeral services will be held from the home of his mother in South Catherine street on Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. w|th the Rev. James Cunningham officiat ing. Burial in the Middletown Ceme tery. Riverside chapel Sunday school celebrated Its twenty-ninth anniver sary yesterday at 1.30 o'clock with Dr. T. C. McCarrell making the prin cipal address. A very interesting program, was rendered. Maynard to Try Nonstop Flight Across Continent By Associated Press. New York. Nov. 17.—Lieutenant R. W. Maynard, the "flying parson" winner of the recent transconti nental air race, within the next eight days expects to try a one-stop flight from coast to coast. lie hopes to cover 1,500 miles or better in a single hop with a remodeled De Haviland plane which has been named the Greyhound. Russians Seek Passports Home By Associated Press. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 17.—Acting under police permission, ninety Russians met here and drafted a pe tition to the United States Govern ment asking that Russians in Amer ica desirous of returning home be granted passports. The meeting place was a room raided by police last week in a campaign against In dustrial Workers of the World. THE HOI'SKKS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Houser re turned yesterday from New York, where they attended a meeting and banquet of the Midwest Gulf Com pany. held at the Commodore Hotel. Mr. Houser is vice-president of this successful company and much of its stock is held in this city. iValue Thrills For f 111 Tuesday PP I 1 A wonderfully pleasant thrill goes with every purchase made on Tuesday, he-|1 cause the values are simply irresistible and out of the ordinary ;|j| N TUESDAY OM.Y TIESDAY ONLY TUESDAY OM.Y P 75 Women's tIAA Is ?, Pairs Women's 22C 120 Women's Jap *1 no i |l{] Camera Bags ... * ,ose Silk Blouses & 1 |U A brand new style just unpacked and s ,,il s n'nli tj?xc lYiht imll!! 6 Pretty Blouses in flesh, white, maize and Kil f|j on its hrst showing. black- with overlap- "fee,lon"yet lardlvnotice.bie 140 n-ilrt a fPW ? un ? e f- Prettily tailored models, with || liU pies frame small mirror, assorted grains. ! !, nottceat le. xwo pan several styles, lace trimmed; sizes, 38 One to a customer. <u.tomor. to 44. Two to a customer. Njl (Main Floor) I Main Floor I (Main Floor) |J |j Ll '> L 1 lj 1 IH r, ■ ' 1) r ' " 1l ty. Tl KHDYY OM.Y TUESDAY OM.Y TUESDAY OM.Y ffl (|s Women's High OCQ Women's C*lj Z?Q Women's Gingham cn fea n] Boots Corsets .OJ7 Petticoats OVC [| I) to ose 'we' "ha S o n*'sa 1 e 'laa 1 " eed ayf vJJc's' "cISZ "aU' 3J on"thJ newest lasts: Vhoes thaV'wiil .on,- bra "da ■"UmTteii'au/nU F "* N a " d EiiSe £ulon'" dozen 'onW' TwST""* °i d " pli '- 1! pare with many 56 00 kinds; sizes. 4 to 8. "lands, limited quantity. canon, 6 dozen onlj. Two to a customer. jSS I Wain Floor> I Second Floor! (Second Floor) SI! f tl TUESDAY OM.Y |S ►iia TUESDAY OM.Y 4 m LI C ll' J m • J TUESDAY OM.Y [ill A Table of Women s Trimmed rirlo' rw rt*<r* 181 I Orl -75%%%. $2.00 Sweaters $2.89 k Fine Final,am dresses in the prettiest Please remen lie, ihat this is 1-1 o'f reeu- Only 9., . we.iters in this lot. They JStS jfj Plajds. strip, s and Plain colors All pretty ,ar ,Xe. "rl ß lnLlly we,e ?he lona s, ™"! J. *" si f es - 2S II IH Styles neat,y trimmed and tailored: sizes. , ,' }|e 0 „ v Various shapes, styles and to ..4, actual JJ.oO value. Com* early. One Sg £ fi 10 . A ,lmlted number of values oolors , trimmed with ostrich, fancies and tl > ■ '"stonier. up to 9 to. novelties. (Ilain Floor, 1$) (Second Moor) (Second Floor) H Jw 0 (r —a g TUESDAY OM.Y TUESDAY IIM.Y Tl ESI) A Y OM.Y 1 "(doves 1 - 50 5i.29 Ye , sl.63 '^Blankets" o .' $4.69 | S"-i Slightly soiled, plaid woolen Blankets p; l pahs ~r mens work gloves h, gaunt- Pretty White Scrim Curtains with filet |„ double bed size: an extraordinary value illl |||Jl lei or plain styles, lined or ur,lined, us you lace insertions; actually worth 52.50 pair. tme pair to a customer Whih thev lust i." Sfc- v.i.d, Th're gloves sell regularly at 51.511. While Ihev last 51.<13 lt t . '4o Si jvt tome oaily. " l .• si ||, I Main Floor) < Hnrgaln Brsrmrnt) (bargain Hnxemcnt) hie ° IS fr ~ ' O 11 ?\ (' vv H fa'? TUESDAY OM.Y TUESDAY OM.Y TUESDAY OM.Y P Printed Tapestry QO Gas C£ f Food Qyf bjj ||? P.ugs %sOC Heaters Choppers r g. ft " , A . P re, fy I npestry Itug: size. 2, hy 54; Bound Cylinder Oas Heaters sold res- A Bollman Food Chopper that will grind M •I? i-'onsld*rnhie' mnrr>''■ t rUK 'y''" st ulerlv at 52.98. Vou can gave over a dol- meats and vegetables course, medium or [M k special. 1 Wh o'^' e ' lar by buying one on Tuesday. nmnber On? t "TiS o * s ll JIC tPnrgnlß Roxement I I Bargain Rnxcment) I Rargaln Rnxemrnt) Jersey Cranberry Crop Going West Brown's Mills, N. J., Nov. 17. Central Jersey cranberry growers are finding a ready outlet for their crop this year, in the AA'estern mar kets, where the abundance of beet sugar has not affected the general demand. With the aid of an adver tising campaign centered in that sec tion, the combined growers believe the entire product, which it was feared a few weeks ago might largely rot for lack of sale, will be moved before the first of December. I.ess than one-fifth the usual quantities of berries are being sold in the Phila delphia. New York and other Eastern markets, where sugar is hard to get and there is a general rush to send the fruit West. Petrograd's Fall Appears Imminent Washington. Nov. 17.—Informa tion in the hands of the Government and of several of the foreign em bassies here ts that Petrograd. which repeatedly has been rumored as captured by the anti-Bolshevik armies, is now actually about to fall. Its capture is spoken of as inevi table. the Reds who have held it heretofore having been successful only from the fact of the great weakness of the attacking forces whicli have been given little sup port. Only a small Red Army is in possession and it was seen that as soon as an anti-Bolshevik army any size and discipline was brought before Petrograd the city's fall was only a matter of a brief time. "Down With America," Shouts Mob in Berlin Berlin, Nov. 17. As an after math to the meeting 1 arranged by Mathias Erzberger, vice chancellor and minister of finance. Kriday Boston Garter HORLICK'S THE ORIGI NAL MALTED MILK Avoid Imitation* A Substitute. NOVEMBER 17, 1919. night, at which speeches favoring the League of Nations were made and which was broken up by hos tile persons, the crowd marched to the Wilhelm Platz and gathered in front of the old American embassy. ! "Oascarets" work while you sleep! They start the liver and looser.- the bowels without griping or sickening you. When you wake up all constipa tion, biliousness, headache, sallow ness, bad breath, stomach misery or cold is gone. "Cascarets" never Attention Smokers ——— ——— ■ :M Don t Blame Your • ! Dealer For Asking 8c or 2- for 15c for , ► ] Knull's Ambrosia Cigars is , " ; This increase of price is caused by in- ® > crease of labor and materials in making this famous brand of cigars, otherwise we would be compelled to cut the Quality. I > We Believe You if Prefer QUALITY ' > Chas. L. Boak Manufacturer Here cries of "Down with Wilson i and "Down with America." WW* raised by the people. Afterward the mob proceeded to Krzberger's office in Budapest street* i where Erzberger was hooted. keep you anxious or inconvenienced all the next day like Calomel. CHI, Salts and violent Pill* "Cascarets" are a delightful laxa tive-cathartic for grownups and children. , Switch to "Cascarets"—Cost sd little! 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers