STORE CLOSES .. . t~mjm j*l STORE CLOSES V j SATURDAY AT SIX SATURDAY AT SIX BEI,L IWI UNITED HARRIBBURG, THURSDAY, NOVKMBER 18, 1919. FOPHPEP ttft * ■ ■ ■ ,-V- Announcing a Big Mark D own On Every Hat In Tins Store V This sale is most unusual —coming as it does just when you want a new dress hat. The hats offered are all fresh new styles, some of them have just been in the house a few days, and every hat in the store *wBPBr is marked down for this special sale. Women of discrimination who purchase hats with thrift, will indeed find here the correct hat at a price which is an added inducement. |||jp| £ | Our Finest Hats Re- Fur Trimmed Hats iIP duced to $15.00 Reduced to $8.50 Just about 70 hats. All were much higher Just about 50 hats in this assortment, in •- and these beautiful hats at so low a price is smart styles of beaver, moline and seal com indeed unusual. bined with velvet silver and brocade. Beautiful Hack Turbans $5.95 and $6.95 About 100 Hats At $12.00 ,* ,Keduced to IjO.VO draped velvet turbans of Lyons —— •• Smart feather hats, with soft burnt , , , ~ . , ... i42Efir<.\ +■ -WmES& 1 a , ■ • V civet, neatly draped and trimmed with ~. ~ , ~ , (pWhSk t,°ose bands as trimming in blacks, These are quite the most wonderful hats we have seen in a long time at such V browns and taupes. ostrich fancies, ornaments, etc. . 65 It \J A C H T f Odd H ' a price as this. Smart t'url. ans, sailors, chin chins and off the face. Styles de \c \;li " ' rr l? i ot ,° nno a s Hatters' Plush Sailors $8.75 veloped in velvets, duvetvn , brocades, beaver, moline and silver and gold cloth,- Wv Reduced to 3)2.98 . , .. . r .. , \mj Excellent values in a variety of styles Beautiful hatters' plush, Gage sailors, trimmed with monkey fur, 1 bbons, gold and silver tinsel and novelty ornaments in at this special price; all trimmed and black, brown, navy and put pie. Spe- blacks and all the newest co ors. ready for wear. ' cial during this sale only. ' BOWMAN's —Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. sjm ==. ... | i *3; FRIDAY BARGAINS s °™-- 1 Remnants of silks organdie, georgette and JL JL JL JILaJL J b in black, white and Timely and oppor in endless variety suit- j net; all clean, crisp, de- ________=——==================== - brown. Fine quality j tune in this offering. able for all uses you , sirable styles; Friday —.— i | i o, • ribbed with reinforced | Just now every wo can make of silks, j Bargains, each, 1 Women's Spat Pumps White Goods IMotions h lanneiette Skirts hee l s and toes; Friday ! man needs a serge such as satins, crepes, , j En?lish Longcloth; r . , , . j Plain white nink and Bargains, pair, dress for general util taffetas, messahnes, & & Front pad hose sup- . . . ; ' itv ournoses. These foulards, poplins, etc. BOWMAN'S-MOIA fi.W nimn Fridav bargains • per P or ters in blue only; white, blue and white 35c or 3 Pairs SI.OO styles are new and Mostly from our very 1 pumps for street or Friday Bargains, pei Friday Bargains, striped flannelette smart and are certain active stocks, others Draperies evening wear, in pat- piece, i skirts; slightly soiled; \\ omen s cotton to a np ea i to the eco are manufacturers' | ent leather, black kid- $2.25 3dc j Friday Bargains, stockings in black; nomical women Silk t S „ h °,K- C v'rd f / on ;,T?n e ; Exceptionally good hand turned'so'leTani Torkfah towels j Cando siWer Polish 59c Friday bS' br s i F bu " ons . or perfect condition; l Hue pair,' ' ' knday Special, • day Bargains, yard, . SI"! s.ze; Frtday Bargains, gold . sil £ r> plated Alette i 39c strarght line models; 20 Per Cent Off 50 c • <:ac '' r (1 specially for the finest soiled; Friday Bargains, BOWMAN-S-mu. *w aid hlaek-'Fr'irfli T, . rr- l . C . ■ , ht/C cut glass and china. ' ?, nd , black ' Friday Remnant Ticket „, thl . Spats in the newest Will not injure the most 75c ' Barga.n, Price | niatedalsl Madras aiid ~ E °~ | Women's Underwear $19.75 c . . cretonne in useful and $4.00 Wash Goods wa>s, reliable, lnday r. . Tans BOWMAN-S— Third fiw 30-iiich Black Satin : lengths; Friday Bar- sowMAN-s-Main Floor Bargains, jar, j_ r__^— Fine ribbecl cotton Cwne and Pailette de ; RainS ' , o er S 19c Made of galvanized | union snits, fleece lined; Velvet Bags cygne ana lunette ae iv suitings in two snaaes iron; 10 gal. capacity, a ]l perfect srarments* Soie; three big num- ! only, pink and tan; this BOWMAN s Mnin with tight-fitting cover; Fridav Barp-ains ' a ji f bers and much lower Filet net in neat de- j Rlbbon9 cloth would be cheap at Friday Bargains, ' " A ?°o lot o vdwt in price than to-day s j s ijr ns - 36 inches wide- i double the price of Fri- ' ©i 7c $1.29 hags in black and colors market price, let alone ; white'and ecru; Friday j 300 yards of ribbon; day Bargains, yard, Envelope Chemise BowMANs-Baeme„t , hned with poplin, fitted retail; Friday Bar- Bargains vard this lot of ribbons are 1 " Women s fleece lined with coin purse and mir gains, yard, ° ' mill ends in mostly wide , White batiste en- Galvanized Wash Tubs vests arid pants; all per q-i 6Q 49c in plain, and fancy. 32-inch Finest Im- V elope chemise, trim- iect garments; Friday chain _ handle, Friday BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor widths; 7to 10 inches ported and Domestic nird w : t u i a re and em- Extra well made; 22 Bargains, bargains; BOWMAN.- Main Floor | ma ke beautiful Gingham Zephyrs; broidery; Friday Bar- ' inches across top. This j $195 ir< M H7 11 r i bags; Friday Bargains, plaids, stripes and plain; p-ains ' ' is a good size for family IJv \ * Domestic ..otton Wall Brush yard> Friday Bargains, yard, use; Friday Bargains, bowman's-moio Floor j bowman's-mplo Floor Bleached sheets, Made of cotton with 95c ; 45c and 59c ; $1.50 j 72x90; center seam five foot handle; can BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S Basement rJaitlllg3 made of good muslin; also be used to sweep ' ■ 1 Men's 1 nderwear , Friday Bargains, each, hardwood floors; Friday —clean up of odd A-, I Q Bargains, r1 r "'lk AT Tj | I"X Men's heavy cotton lengths and widths Hemsthchcd pillow ' IWO MOrC i3IOUSe D | £ cases; 42x36; made of : gains, 25c Bargains, each, " Window Ventilators | With Special Prices Featured at - | Made like an adjust- Woolens Bleached cheesecloth; able window screen, (£ JJQ <£3dQ 4-0 36 inches wide, length only covered with fabric T.X. /X •T 7 , Serges and Batiste; suitable for dusters or i instead of wire; 9 inches ryryrjr? ; Two-piece white pa- lig-ht and dark colors- i C n°s h ' leno-th ' ' Friday Bargains, suit shades and the dainty shades with con- , 59 c ' x-q trasting embroidery and trimmings; all sizes; sl./j ° 43c* $9.49. BOWMAN'S second Floor. 40-inch strictly all -32 inches wide dress BOWMAN'S— Basement Another special in an array of beautiful wool granite cloth and ginghams, in plaids and shades and combinations of colors with beauti- wool taffetas, in colors plain colors; Friday ~, w/ i u i ful bead trimmings; navy, bisque, brown, black S Flannelette Gowns and black; Friday Bar- Bargains, yd., Glass W ash iSoartls / \ nnd dainty shades; $5.49. / A ff ains > yard, 32Uc \o metal to tear the / * Alt Stout ( eitra sizes) are included in this sale; / f \ Plain wh ite, pink and $1.9,S clothes or hands- Fridav ! kiM-.-W) becoming styles for the large women; A white, blue and white '- ■ 66x80 bed blankets in Bargains, ' ~ I $5-49. ifr ) striped gowns trimmed 40-inch Fancy Plafdst gray; good weight and ' \ L® i\ W / / Beautiful georgette blouses, in all shades: W& I'm J w * braid; slightly big choice of colorings A nap; assorted colored 50c H j|| J also dark print designs with smart frills and if/£ soiled; Friday Bargains, and combinations; Fri borders; Friday Bar- " -"Wv the pretty silk embroidery and beaded effects; r{j CA day Bargains, vard, gains* pair BOWMAN-S— Baseman i $4 49 SI.DU $3.59 nn A line of crepe de chine in the tailored styles, Plain white, pink and 1-35 Oil Heaters hlg h a „ d , ow necks and embroidery fronts in white blue and white 32 . inch B l a ck Twilled Outing flannel; 36 r - . .. white, flesh, gray .and peach, $3.49. striped; trimmed with Venetian; a grade corn inches wide, in light pat- i U R S m° S i° , e '°. White lingerie waists, with dainty lace and braid; a few extra sizes ! mandered bv the Gov terns; good quality; Fri- i , k f ho !f s ab ?, ut a & aI " tucks; an assortment of styles, in the round, in this lot; Friday Bar- i eminent during the war; day Bargains, yard, ! lol } otol1 ' Friday Bar- square and collarless effects. Dainty, sheer , ga ins, Friday Bargains, yard, or gains ' - n material. Very special; $1.19. $1.75 n(\ 35C $4.50 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. ! 79C BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. I FOWMAN'S—Basement 1 BOWMAN'S —Second Floor i BOWMAN'S— I . THURSDAY EVENING, HATfc&tSBtTRG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 13, 1919. 3
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