2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania.. KIN OF FAMOUS SCIENTIST DIES Jean Biddle Priestly, Whose Ancestor Discovered Oxy gen, Summoned by Death Sunbury, Pa., Nov. 13. —Jean Bid die Priestley, lineal descendant of the discoverer of oxygen, and one of Northumberland's most prominent and best loved residents, died at the Mary M. Packer Hospital on Tuesday night. She had been operated upon two weeks ago. Unexpected complica tions set in and her condition grad ually grew forse. She was the great-great grand daughter of Joseph Priestley, dis coverer of oxygen and pioneer set tler of Northumberland. The house which he built and in which ho conducted many of his experiments, which stands facing the North Branch of the Susquehanna, was re cently purchased by Dr. Pond, to be removed to State College. When the war broke out she be came one of the most active mem- | bers of the Bed Cross. She en gaged in every war activity to which volunteers were called. In the fare well demonstrations for the men, and the welcome home festivities, she was in the forefront. Throughout the length and breadth of Northumberland to-day, men, wo men and children recalled the many acts of kindness and charity she per formed in the busy years of her life. Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the residence. The Rev. Mr. Forbes, a Unitarian clergyman of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, will officiate. Burial will be in Riverview ceme tery. Pennington, Champion Eel Fisher, Is Through With 4,200 to Credit Ijcwistown, Pa., Nov. 13. John Pennington, who has been fishing in the Juniata river in the Lewistown Narrows, finds in the seasoQ of eel fishing, which will end November 15, he lias taken from the river be tween 4,200 and 4,'300 eels in his basket. He found ready sale for the fish at his camp at 30 cents a pound. Pennington broke camp on Wednesday and will now go to the Seven Mountains to hunt big game. He was a member of a party of three that caught about four tons of eels one fall a number of years ago. Two Held For Theft of Car at Mount Union Mount Union. Pa.. Nov. 13.—The large Oakland touring car belonging to Dr. C. A. R. McClain was stolen during Tuesday night. A clue was followed and two men who gave their names as Miller and Simpson were arrested. Simpson was a soldier, home on a furlough. They confessed and the machine was found and re turned. The men are now in the lockup here, awaiting further de velopment. The car of Dr. W. J. Campbell was tampered with the same night. It was found in the alley. It had stalled and had to be abandoned. Sleuths Follow Trail of Illicit Booze Stills Mount Union, Pa., Nov. 13.—Gov ernment officers were called here this week to investigate stills where whisky was being made in the for eign and colored sections. The illegal manufacture of liquor was unearthed by Chief of Police Covert of this place. / s MANHATTAN SHIRTS FO RRY\ Penn-Harris * Hotel Uldg. OPEN EVK.MXUS j BELL 123 DAY AND DIAL 4018 NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN NOW ENTER ANY TIME Two Separate Niglit Schools: The One on Monday, Wednesday, Friday—The Other Tuesday, Thursday Nights BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE (Opposite Senate Hotel) 121 MARKET STREET CHARLES R. BECKLEY, Principal i "The House of Diamonds" China Cut Glass Silverware , \ arc preferred by many persons for Christ mas gifts. If you are one of those per sons, we recommend that you see our stocks before you buy. Our selection of Sterling Silver is the largest in the city. Prices range from $2.00 to $50.00 and up. Our department for Silver-plated Ware contains many pieces of rare beauty and of the high quality for which the name Boas stands. From 75c to $25.00. China, Porcelain Ware and Cut Glass are all displayed on the second floor, and in such a manner that selection is made easy because of the display facilities. Prices for these articles start at SI.OO. Whenever you choose to bny you will (lad us ready with goods and service. C. Ross Boas Since 1850 Harrisburg's Best Jewelry Store 28 N. Second Street Harris burg Penna. THURSDAY—EVENING, Lebanon Man Held in S6OO Bail For Trial Lebanon. Pa., Nov. 13. —Word was received by the police here to-day that Row is Mehr. 60. of this place, had been held by Magistrate Pen nock at the Centra! Station, Phila delphia, on the charge of passing a worthless check on Ixiuis Levinson, a lawyer. Mehr is accused of mak ing payment in the settlement of a case with the alleged bogus check. He was held in S6OO batl. FAITHFUL WOMAN TAKEN BY DEATH Miss Jennie Agnew, Cultured and Refined, Is Victim of Pneumonia Grecncastlc, Pa., Nov. 13.—1n tho church of which she long was a member, funeral services will be held to-morrow over the body of Miss Jennie Agnew, daughter of the lamented Rev. John R. Agnew, who was prominently connected with the early history of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Agnew died early yes terday morning, pneumonia develop ing quickly. To her interest in her church was due the shaping of many fine char acters. Since a small girt she grew up in the church and was the founder of the mission band known as the LLillies of the Valey, Refined and cultured to a marked degree, she I was a daughter of the old school. I She was in her 80th year. For many years she lost her hear ing, and about five years v ago fell and broke hip. It was thought she never would he able to return from the Chambersburg hospital, but strong will power conquered and she returned to Greencastle and even at tempted to get about with the use of crutches. Enola Pastor's Salary Increased at Conference Enola, Pa., Nov. 13. —A large of fering for missions was taken at the Woman's Day service of the Enola United Brethren church. Addresses were made by Mrs. J. C. Stewart Glen and Mrs. G. G. Shellehammer, and there were recitations by Miss Ethel Kraber, solo by Miss Ruth Kraber. and readng by Mrs. Wil liam A. Sellmeyer. At the first quarterly .conference of the year, held by the Rev. A. B. Stntton, D. D., Mrs.' E. E. Allen was elected secre tary of the church. The salary of the pastor, the Rev. J. Stewart Glen, was Increased to 11,250, an increase of |l5O. Planning Site For Gen. Gregg Monument Reading, Pa., Nov. 13.—Former Mayor Stratton, head of the Gregg Monument Commission, has been in communication with leading sculp tors and architects gathering sugges tions for an equestrian statue to Reading's famous Civil War hero. J. Massey Rhind, a New York archi tect. was here for the purpose of looking over sites suitable for the erection of the statue. It is under stood one of the triangular plots on Centre avenue is among those fa vored as a desirable location. Woman Dies While on Way to Hospital Hugerstowu. Md., Nov. 13. Mrs. Ida Mcßee, of Spore's Cross Roads, W. Va., died in an automobile yes terday while being brought to the Washington County Hospital in this city. Mrs. Mcßee was being brought to the hospital for treatment, and probably an operation. She had been seriously ill. It is thought the trip here hastened her death. Her hus band accompanied her. _ .1 C. N. WILLIAMS DIES, AGED 64 Although in Poor Health For Years, He Was Out to Vote Uec&aolcsburg, Pa., Nov. 13. After being in poor health the past few years, Cyrus N. Williams, a life long resident of Mechanicsburg, died at his home, 16 East Coover street, last evening at six o'clock, lof a complication of diseases. Mr. | Williams was confined to bed only I a week, and had been out to vote on election day. He was 61 years old, and born in Mechanicsburg, where he was a barber for a period of 38 years, ui>- til ill health compelled him to re tire. At the time of his death he was a member of the Washington Fire Company, of which organization he was treasurer; a member of the Church of God Bible Class; the In dependent Order Odd Fellows; the Patriotic Order Sons of America: Knights of Malta and Knights of Pythias. In previous years he served a term as school director of the borough. He is survived by his wife and five children, as follows: Charles N„ of Harrisburg; Merle C., of Me chanicsburg; Claude M., Miss Edith May and Mildred, at home. Also one brother, Harry J. Williams, of Mt. Joy. Mechanicsburg to Hear Former President Taft in First of Attractive Series Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 13. Arrangements are complete by the Woman's Club of this place for a series of five entertainments to be presented during the winter. The first of the series will be a lecture by ex-President William Howard Taft. in the First United Brethren Church, on Friday evening, Novem ber 21. The Taft lecture will be a special feature. Two Hunters Pay SSO For Shooting Pheasants Gettysburg:, Pa., Nov. IS.—Charles S. Garner and Penrose Grander, both of Lancaster county, paid Guy Linn, Adams county game warden, fifty dollars for shooting ring-neclc pheasants. While hunting In the vicinity of Cashtown Garner shot and killed a ring-neck pheasant. His companion, Granger, fired at but missed another bird of the same specie. Several hours later, at Cashtown. they were accosted by Warden Linn. All of the men re fused to tell who killed the pheasant found in the car until the warden said, "All right, I'll fine each one of you $25 for the bird and an addi tional $25 for the one shot at and missed." The two men at once ad mitted the shooting and were fined. Farmer Dies Following Operation; Funeral Friday Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 13.—Franklin Crull, who resided on the Shughart farm, is dead, following an opera tion, aged about 30 years. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crull, of Landisburg, Perry county, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Parker Morrison, New Bloomfield; Mrs. El mer Shughart, Carlisle: Mrs. Frank Glass, Duncannon; Harvey, of Mount Rock: Gertrude, at home; Elmert ,of the West. Funeral services will be held in the Church of God at Landisburg, Friday morning at 10 o'clock with burial there. West Shore Consumers Study Water Schedule I.rmoyne, Pa., Nov. 13.—West Shore water consumers to-day are study ing new tariff of rates of the River ton Consolidated Water Company to be effective January 1. Some residents are objecting to one provision of the amended tariff which provides that all services, except fire hydrants and other fire protection appliances, shall be metered and that with respect to private fire hydrants, automatic sprinkling systems and other lire protection appliances, it shall be optional with the owner of the property. Callus? "Gets-lt" WiUPeel It Off! Nothing on Earth Like Simple "Gets lt" For Corns or Calluses. A callus, or thickened skin on the sole of the foot, which often makes walking a misery is of the same na ture as a corn. "Gets-It" removes it A Uss "Gets-It" and Dance. Evas with Coma as easily as it does the toughest corns. By using o few drops of "Gets-It" on the callus, you will bo able to peel it off with your fingers, in one complete piece just as you would a banana peel. It leaves the skin free and smooth as though you never had a callus. You need no more fussy plasters, sticky tape, "packagey" bandages, knives or scis sors for corns or calluses. "Gets-It" is the national corn remover, .the biggest on earth, used by millions. It never fails. You'll work, play and dance at ease in spite of corns. "Gets-It", the only sure, guaran teed, money-back corn-remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago, 111. Sold In liarrlsburg and recom mended as the world's best corn' remedy by Clarke Medicine Store: H. C. Kennedy; C. M. Forney; Golden Seal Drug Co. HARRISBURG TETJBGRAPH JURY GIVES KRIMER VERDICT FOR $8,958 Judge Gillan Tries Disgusting Case With Patience in Frank in County Courts; On e Defendant Serving Term in Penitentiary Chambersburg. Pa., Nov. 13.—1n court here late yesterday afternoon a jury awarded damages in SB,- 958.33 to William H. Kriner, a Pet ers township farmer, against five neighbors and John Keckler, now serving a term in tho Eastern Peni tentiary for having brought shame and disgrace upon his daughter. Ad dle Kriner. Kriner had sued for $lO,- 000. For three days the entire time of the court has been occupied with the case, which showed that for. superstition of the lowest and gross est sort, for ignorance and stupidity old Salem, Mass., back in the exciting withcraft days of 1692, had nothing on the part of the rural region of Franklin county in which the parties in the case lived. The cases, tried together, were six brought by Kriner against D. Rush, Amos Albertus,' Jacob, Simon and Emma Heckman and John Keckler, the Heckmuns being all of one family and nil con cerned living on neighboring farms. Back in 1915 when the Heckman farm was the scene of misfortunes galore, when cattle died, cows aborted, crops failed, chickens ex pired from strange maladies and everything weift awry, it was de cided all because somebody had he- j witched the farm. There was a hex, DETECTIVE GETS THIEF AND LOOT "Kid" Mitchell, Colored Youth, Being Held at Gettysburg by Officer Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 13.—Detec tive Charles H. Wilson has a thief in custody here and plenty of the booty, but not the slightest idea where the man got his loot or to whom it belongs. Detective Wilson took the culprit o(T a Philadelphia and Reading freight train which came here from Harrisburg. The train crew became suspicious of the lad and telephoned the officer to be on hand. The colored boy, who gives his name as "Kid" Mitchell, had in his possession 30 pieces of jewelry, but refused to tell where he got them. The officer also learned that he had shipped & dress suitcase sup posed to contain more jewelry to a woman in Cumberland, Md. The young man has been photographed, as well as his booty, and the pictures are being sent to the police in towns and cities of the east. In the collection are the following: Gold heart locket with red hair in side, gold bead necklace, gold oval locket with man's picture Inside, flat gold ring, wedding ring, moon stone and amethyst rings, fancy bund ring, cuff links, ear rings, horse- brooch, silver Swiss watch and a set of fancy ear rings with sapphire stones. It is esti mated the entire collection is worth at least $250. Last Lemoyne Soldier Back From War Field Ijcmoync, Pa., Nov. 18. Oliver Baker, so t of L. F. Baker, who has been serving with the Army, has re turned home, the last of Lemoyne residents to get back from the war field. He is the last of three broth ers, all of whom saw service over seas. The borough still has two men in the service. Major Edgar S. Everhart, Camp Dix, N. J., and Harold Bushey, Washington, D. C. Young Baker was retained in ser vice to guard German prisoners in France. LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBY Middlcburg—Because of a rush of work the silk mill here will be operated day and night indefinitely. Carlisle —Nineteen soldiers were transferred from the Government Hospital here to the hospital at Camp Dix. N. J. Millerstown Preparations are being made for the welcome home celebration to be held here on No vember 22. Ijewistown—There are prospects this town will get another silk mill in addition to the one already in operation here. Middlcburg—The Rev. Dr. H. D. Hayes, of this place, is attending the World's Christian Leugue Conference at Pittsburgh. Ivewistown—Mrs. George Woomer, who lost the sight of an eye several weeks ago, has returned from Phila delphia, her sight fully recovered. Millerstown—Millerstown increased Its population when Russell Grubb and his family moved to the Stites double tenant house in Hight street. Grcencastle —C. Fred Fletcher, a former deputy register and recorder of Franklin county, is seriously ill at his home here. Jjcbanon—The puddle mill of the west works of the Bethlehem Steel Company resumed work yesterday after being idle since April 7. Millerstown The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Florry died at the Florry home here on Tuesday. Burial was made in Rivervlew ceme tery. Gettysburg Back firing caused the Chevrolet car of Albert Thomas, residing near Hampton, to ignite and burn up before assistance could be procured. I/ebanon John G. Boyer has brought suit against Irwin A. Neiri, of this place, for alienations of the affections of his wife and enticing her from home. Glen Rock—Workmen arje placing the Edward S, Senft property in shape for occupancy by the General Cigar Company as a factory. Fifty hands will be employed. Waynesborq—Miss Hannah Noll, who left yesterday for Lenark, 111., to make her home, was given a farewell reception by the loyal daughters' class of the Church of Christ. Marietta—Miss .Tosie Taft died at her home here on Tuesday night, aged 82 years. She was a native ol Knoxville, Pa., and the body will be tak , e " there for this evening. Ldttlestown— I To secure a location l for a Baltimore furniture factory a a mighty strong hex, or spell work ing against the family. It was de cided finally to call in the services of a hex doctor, and John Keckler, then living in Waynesboro, was dickered with. He agreed to end the hoodoo at the full of the moon for due consideration. He wont to the Heckman farm and thence to the Kriner place close by, where he was to lodge for the time necessary to perform his miracles. Kriner alleged that the HeekWians conspired or worked with Keckler to ruin his two daughters, who were with him at night, and brought the damage suits to recover money for his wrongs and those of his family. Nearly 100 witnesses were exam ined in the trial and the depths of superstition brought to light was astounding. The majority of the witnesses seemed firmly established in some belief in witchcraft, in spells, hex doctoring, evil eye, and similar balderdash and spoke of the same about as the ordinary man might tell of typhoid fever or any other actual malady or disease. Judge Gillan tried the case with patience and dignity, but he had difficulty at times in concealing his disgust and astonishment at the ignorance shown. HUNTERS READY FOR BIG SEASON Camps Already Established in Mifflin County For Sat urday's Opening Lcwtstown, Pa., Nov. 13.—With the hunting season to open on Sat urday camps have been established in the Seven Mountain section as well as in Treasfer and Havlce Val leys and near Greenwood Furnace. Soon lights at night will gleam from camps where at least 2,000 hunters have gathered. Hunters from this place, Port Royal, Yeagertown, Reedsville, Harrisburg, Altoona and Pittsburgh and from Clearfield and Centre counties will hunt in this sec tion. Deer, wild turkey and bear are reported plenty. Last season 79 deer were killed in this section. Of one Greensburg party that camped in the Seven Mountains during the deer hunting season for a number of years, but one is left. The remainder were killed In the World War. Hunters Shoot Many Ducks and Geese Over State Line in Maryland Hugcrstown. Md., Nov. 13. —Wild ducks and geese, the former in large numbers, were reported on tlic reser voir above Smithsburg and local streams, and hunters shot many of the fowl. The ducks and geese are on their migratory flight southward, an indication of the approach of winter. Hundreds of ducks and some gees alighted on the reservoirs during yesterday. Eagles Observe Day With Flag Ceremony Colnmhla, Pa., Nov. 13. Susque hanna Aerie. No. 293. Fraternal Order of Eagles, observed Armistice Day with a flag ceremony In their home. Worthy President J. W. Gillelt con ducted the ceremonies, William B. Denison read a poem on the origin of the flag, and Secretary Henry B. Clepper delivered an address on "Our Country and the Flag." Armistice Day is to be observed annually. Come—First Baptist Church 2d and Pine —Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—adv. committee of citizens with George S. Cump as chairman and W. R. Jones as secretary was appointed at a town meeting. Columbia —Amos R. Hougendoub ler, former postmaster here, a Civil War veteran and the oldest shoe merchant of the town, died yester day, aged 76. His widow and 11 children survive. Gettysburg Gettysburg Camp, I Sons of Veterans, will celebrate the ! thirty-third anniversary of its or ganization this evening, when five recruits will be mustered in and 13 applications acted on. Columbia —While attending a ban quet for soldier members of Chickics Rock Order pf Moose, Harry T. Heinaman, a trombone player, was badly scalded when a waiter spilled a plate of hot soup over his ear and neck. Waynesboro The Thomas H. West Bible Class heard Mrs. D. M. Wetz give graphic description of scenes she had witnessed in India at the home of the Misses Annie and Effle West, who entertained tho cluss. Waynesboro —ln the rectory of St. Andrew's Catholic Church, by llio Rev. Fr. Edward O'Flynn, John Beck, of Hagerstown, and Miss Mabie Dutrow, of Blue Ridge Summit, were united in marriage yesterday in the presence of relatives and a few inti mate friends. 3ING^ With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder KHM then firm. P reread tore to tit. White. Flavored. Aatbeptic. If your dental plate ia loose ot drops, to get instant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guarantaad by Warnet Dental Mfg. Co, 116 Baakman St, N. Y. 25c, 50c, d SI.OO { At Drag and Departmant Storaa. Rtfuti! imitation*. This it th oririnal pouxhf 1 CLOSES HIS BAR TO AWAIT TEST Sleuth Is Busy in Adams County in the Interest of Prohibition I .littles town, Pa.. Nov. 13. Be cause he was so advised by F. V. Smarsh, deputy revenue collector for this county, Robert Godfrey, of tills place, lias closed the bar of the Ocker House until samples of his beer have been sent to Philadel phia and tested. Smarsh is mak ing a tour of the county in an ef fort to aid in the eirforcement of the prohibition law nnd is visiting all tho hotels whiAi have their burs in operation. He also has sent away samples from the hotel at New Ox ford, but the proprietor of that house, George Grove, has not closed his place, awaiting the decision of tho test. He says he has the per sonal assurance of tho brewer who makes the beer he sells that it con tains less than one-half of one per cent of alcohol, but the bottles did not contain' any statement on the label as to the amount of alcohol. League of Federated Clubs in Cumberland Valley to Meet Nov. 21 Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 13. Announcement is mado by Mrs. R. H. Thomas, Jr., president of the fed eration, of the annual meeting of the Cumberland Valley League of Federated Clubs, to be held on Fri day. November 21, in the Board of Trade rooms at Chambersburg. The hostees clubs will be the Civic Club and the Afternoon Club of Cham bersburg. The sessions will open at 10 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. Among the speakers will be Mrs. Harvey Smith, State Federation sec retary; Mrs. Edward Biddle, of ar lisle; Mrs. Mabel Croniso Jones, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Walter K. Sharpe, of Chambersburg; Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, of Harrisburg, and W. M. Hargest, Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. An important feature of the program will be the three minute reports from the clubs. WILL GET CAR OF FISH Waynesboro, Pa., Nov. 13. J. R. Zook and J. S. Paulson had a short talk with Congressman Focht here yesterday and were assured a car load of fish for stocking nearby streams in the spring of the year would be sent to this place. I.iuij4iMiiiiiiiiiijiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiLmihiiiiiiiii^^^^^^^^^|liiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHij^ Store Closes Every Saturday at 6 P. M. H £8~30~3£ North Third Street. M | For Friday Only—Tomorrow | | Specials For One Day | H In the Dress Section I Dresses at 22 50 1 | Formerly up to 45.00 | HARMING DRESSES, suitable for all occasions; models for women V-/ and misses. Taken from our regular stock. Satin, Charmeuse, Geor- H = gette, Tricotine, Serge, Jersey. About fifty altogether. §= In the Blouse Shop | Georgette Blouses 7 55 | Values up to 8.95 | = A GROUP of the new Georgette Blouses in flesh and white; round and EE XX square necks; shawl collars; frills and briar stitching embellishments. H In the Millinery Section Ej | Trimmed Hats at 7 -50 | | Formerly 9.00 to 15.00 | A BOUT 75 Hats direct from our regular stock. New smart models in various sizes, together with a few matrons' Hats in T>yons and Panne Velvet. . EE H In the Underwear Department M I Mercerized Vests 75c I Formerly 95c | = A LIMITED number in flesh and white. Extraordinary value and a big 11 one-day special. = NOVEMBER 13, 1919. Rush Coal to Points Where Needed on Line Sunbury, Pa., Nov. 13.—Now that the soft coal strike has been callert off, hundreds of tons of coal stored in the yard here are being removed and rushed to various points on the Pennsylvania lines where it is need ed for the operation of trains. It is estimated that the railroads had 50,000,000 tons of coal stored to meet the emergency caused by the strike. TO UNVEIL ROLL OF WAR MEMBERS Elizabcthville Fraternal Order Will Hear Its State President Tonight Elizabcthville. Pa.. Nov. 13. —This evening Washington Camp, No. 110, P. O. S. of A., will give a reception and dinner to its returned soldier members. An invitation to this re ception has been extended to all of the town's soldiers, sailors, nurses and their friends. The camp will un veil a bronze honor roll with names of the following members: Robert E. Barto, Forrest A. Bor ner, Charles Russel Botts, Lewis O. Bufflngton, John A. Dubendorf, Jr., William A. Gallager, Paul C. Godon, Arthur L. Holt, Charles A. Hetrick, Clair L. Hoke, Wtlmer A. lloke, Grant D. Hoy, Edwin S. Lebo, Al len C. I.entz, Joseph H. Long, Mark L. Matter, Homer A. Eardman, Charles L. Novinger, Samuel S. Sny der. Charles H. Snyder, Percy A. Swab, Leroy A. Temple, Clinton L. Whiteomb. The. following short program will be given: Music, orchestra: address of welcome; music, quartet; unveiling of honor roll; music, quartet; ad dress, Claude T. Reno, State presi dent of P. O. S. of A; music, orches tra; dinner. Lemoyne Trust Company Elects Director For Year Ijomoyne, Pa., Nov. 13. —At a meeting of the stockholders of the Tjemoyne Trust Company yesterday afternoon', the following directors were elected; William B. Barnitz, Barnitz; E. K. Frazier, H. B. Wit man and John E. Myers, Lemoyne; ! H. W. Neldig, West Falrview; A. W. Shuruan. Good Hope: C\ A. Hempt, ' Camp Hill. The board will organize next Wednesday. WANTED WORD OF COMINGUNKNOWfI General McCoy Reaches Horn at Lewistown Unheralded * by His Kin Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 13.—Brig* dier General Frank R. McCoy, Lew istown's highest ranking officer II the U. S. Army, returned to his horn here yesterday afternoon. In lng to his mother, Mrs. T. F. of his contemplated visit back tl Lewistown, General McCoy stlpulat ed that no word of the time of hi arrival be permitted to get furthe , than the McCoy home in North Mail street, and his wish was heeded. Had the citizens of I,e wist own hai inkling the military leader wa scheduled to arrive here on the | o'clock train there is no question bu that he would have been given a tre mendous welcome. General McCoy's distinguish* services to his country in the worli war won for him a high place In th Regular Army. After the signing a tho Armistice he succeeded Genera Atterbury as head of the America! transportation system in Franc 4 During the war he served on Gea eral Pershing's staff. Much Rheumatism I.oral ItruKKlni's \o-Carr-llt-FSr Ol fer Attracts Many Sugrrrra If there are any rheumatic sufferer who have not availed themselves o this generous offer they should do ■ at once. Kennedy's Drug Store states that I Rheuma, the guaranteed preseriptlot for rheumatism in any form, doe not give any purchaser quick ai Joyful relief they will gladly roturi the cost without any quibbling a red tape. Rheumatism is a dangerous dlseast and any one who has the sllghtes taint of it should drive it out of th system as quickly as possible. Thl is what Rheuma did for manyt I should do as much for you. "I have been laid up for ens yea with chronic arthritis." says one sut ferer. "I had doctors galore, ala spent four months in a sanitarium bu had practically no relief. Then started taking Rheuma. Now I cat go without crutches or other aid which I could not do for the last Bin months. I highly recommend it, am would gladly answer any question asked on receipt of stamp for post age."—Thomas 11. Eddy, Schuyler ville, N. Y. Rheuma is absolutely harmless am thoroughly reliable because it is on discovery that has forced rheuma tism to yield and disappear. It's no expensive and it is recommended b; good druggists everywhere.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers