4 VRS. STEWART IN CITY Mrs. George B. Stewart, of Au- Jtmrn, N. Y. t spent a short Ume with 'Mrs. Frank Witman. North Front street, going from there to Duncan- Mo to visit relatives for the week end. She leaves for Baltimore this Week. Mrs. Stewart was formerly Miss Ella Hart, of this city. HERE FROM NEBRASKA Dr. Roy A. Dodge and his sister, Miss Violet Dodge, of Omaha, Nebraska, are spending several weeks in this city as the priests of Mr. and Mra C. T. Fleck, J2 Verbeke street. Flowers FOR ALL PURPOSES Cut flowers and plants for weddings, social occasions, fnn leral flowers and flowers for the .sick. BELL 3799-M The Berry hill LOCUST STREET AT SECOND Shame Him! Shun Him! The man who spits promiscuously on the floor, in the street, etc., is a MENACE to your children and to you. Don't Shame Him! Don't Shun Him! The man who spits in his handkerchief or uses a sputum cup is a PROTECTION to your children and to you. Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Harrisburg and Vicinity City Library Building, Harrisburg, Pa. o Don't Look Stouter | Than You Are \m Many women in their forties and later i U begin to lose their slim, youthful lines. 0 But what a mistake it is to settle back with rjn a sigh and say: "Oh dear, Tm growing 8 ]* fat. What is the use of trying to camou• 0 flage the fact? Any old duds will do for J 0 me now." j a Extra weight can be so manipulated as to be far from unbecoming. I have taken 0 women weighing around 180 pounds— -5 carefully fitted gown to them and have fj succeeded in apparently subtracting 20 !• pounds from their weight. It's all in the g line. A long, graceful contour can be se -0 cured through a careful study of the sub -4) ject. Color and pattern, too, play their J Part. . My Staff takes genuine pride in prop -0 erly dressing women who are inclined to 0 be stout. Let us show you what we can a do for you. asfS!Bsr==j====j ~ ■ ~~ ======= ssasssr 'ZZZZ Garage Records And Supplies Every automobile storage and repair plant must have a garage, record for keeping data of cars as required by the recent Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature. State Inspectors will shortly check up in accordance with this law. Manufactured by this company in either bound book or loose leaf style in form as prescribed by State authorities. Write us and place your order early. We can furnish any printed forms, tags or record sheets you may desire. The Telegraph Printing Co. Printing—Binding—'Designing—Photo-Engraving Plate Printing and Die Stamping Harrisburg, Pa. MONDAY EVENING, Young Girls Meet Guest of Miss Virginia Bishop Miss Alice Black, of Paris, Texas, a student of Bishopthorpe Manor and school" friend of Miss Virginia Bishop, is her guest at 3003 North Front street. Miss Bishop gave a pretty little tea for Miss Black on Saturday afternoon at her home, where autumn flowers prevailed in the decorations. Miss Winifred Meyers and Miss Nell Payne poured tea and choco late. The following young girls were present: Miss Alice Virginia Cooper, Miss Mary Cooper, Miss Katharine Rutherford. Miss Lucy-Ord Kemper, Miss Mary Louise Hubley. Miss Sarah Bailey, Miss Elizabeth Harris, Miss Alice Black. Miss Florence Burtnett, Miss Ruth Dowdell, Miss Mary Estelle Thomas and Miss Clarabelle Geiger, of Mechanicsburg. FUNERAL TRIBUTES Handsome Wreath $2.50 Beautiful Spray $1.25 Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ROBEON-SCOTT WEDDING CARDS Church Ceremonies to Be Fol lowed by Reception in Civic Club House Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linford Scott, of 802 North Seventeenth street, have issued invitations to the wedding of their daughter. Miss Ltona Meta Scott, to Harold Kline Robison on Thursday evening, November 6, at 8.30 in the Pine Street Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, pastor, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of the Reformed Salem Church. A reception will follow the ceremony at the Civic Clubhouse. Miss Scott is a graduate of the Central High School class of 1917. Mr. Scott is general superintendent of the Har risburg Manufacturing and Boiler Com pany and prominent in Masonic circles and the Harrisburg Rotary Club. Mr. Robison is a son of William M. Robison, head of the Insurance Company of Har risburg in this district He is a gradu ate of Franklin and Marshall College and is connected with the central offices of the company in Philadelphia. Membership Campaign at Silk Mill For Y.W.C.A. There will be a special meeting to-morrow noon at the Harrisburg Silk Mill with members of the Indus trial Committee of the Y. W. C. A. in charge, and a membership cam paign for the association directed by Gustave Koster, manager of the Silk Mill and Miss Anna Householder. During a brief program, Mrs. Wil liam Jennings will speak of the re cent visit of Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians to this city, and Miss C. Wynne Cassel recently returned from "Y" service overseas, will sing. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, chairman of the T. W. C. A. Industrial Commit ter will speak briefly on advantages of becoming a member of the Y. W. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Hosts to Cape May Visitors Dr. and Mrs. Draper of Cape May, N. J., who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cassius M. Brown, Brlggs and East streets were guests at a card party given by their hosts. A was served to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Sum ner Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Stew art, Mr. and Mrs, David Jenkins. Dr. and Mrs. Morris Layron, Mrs. Les ley Marshall, Miss Ida Brown, Miss Ma ran Brown, Lewis Hill, William Jcffers of Steelton, and Harry Stew ard Dinner, Monday Eve., Oct. 27 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7 30 50£ Bean Soap (Home Style) Chicken* Au Gratia—Liver and Onion* Breaded Lamb Chop—Roaat Beef Manhed or Home Fried Potato** Stewed Corn Stewed Tomatoes Entree Ice Cream, Pie or Paddlnj? Coffee, Tea or Cocoa * Thorough Optical p|aP Service mmm We are graduate Optometrists, employing the methods taught in leading optometrical colleges and practiced by leading specialists. We are equipped with the finest instru ments for examining the eyes and operate our own manufacturing plant on the premises, all of which enables us to insure you high-grade, satisfactory service. R. D. PRATT Eyesight Specialist 26 N. Third St. Schlcisncr Building OH© OH© Just Arrived The 1919 crop of New Nuts. Prices as follows: Real Jumbo Peanuts, lb. 25c Soft Shell Walnuts, lb. 50c Paper Shell Almonds, lb. 50c Brazil Nuta, lb. 45c Supply yourself for Hal lowe'en. Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut Street "Home of Harrisburg's Best Coffee" If You Knew That Old Coat Hanging in the Closet Would Save a Human Life Would You Be Willing to Spare It?' Last winter thousands died of exposure In Armenia. The American people are urged to send all kinds of old clothing to the Near East Relief Warehouse, 135 West Seventeenth Street, New York City. Can you not make up a bundle of what you can spare in your own home and express it direct to New York in time to sail November 15 on the Special Old Clothes Ship. For further information, in quire J. CALVITT CLARK Red Cross Headquarters Harrisburg BHUUSBURO HiWTPTT MASQUERADE AT PERDIX COTTAGE Young Folks Spend Happy Evening in Country With Games, Music, Supper Mrs. William P. Quigley and Miss Elsie Pressley chaperoned a happy party Saturday evening at the Per dix cottage of Walter Mehaflle. The guests who wore most attractive masquerade costumes enjoyed an evening of games, music and danc ing followed by refreshments. In attendance were: The Misses Ruth Singleton, Viola Sweager, Mary Showers, Evelyn Howard, Ruth Lynn, Mary Sweager, Mary Rodenhaver, Mildred Quenzler, Ma bel Clemm, Antonia Helf, Kathryn Griffen, Pearl Halbarde, Mabel Pot teigcr, Helena Mentzler, Mary Mc- Clain, Margaret Young, Lauretta Geist, Evelyn Sloop, Elsie Pressley, Mrs. Quigley, Laurence Evans, Wal ter Mehatlie, Millard Geist, Richard Johnston, Warren Cless, Charles Long, Morris Mentzler, Howard Swartz, Charles Clement, George Fleck, Robert Doblin and Ralph Mc- Lain. Story Tellers to Meet at Home of President A reguflar monthly meeting of the Story Tellers League will be held to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. David J. Reese, 237 Wood bine street, instead of at the Public Library building. Halloween stories will be told and a Halloween frolic enjoyed. The story tellers will be Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Mrs. Chester Stineman und Miss Grace Mickley. This meeting is for both active and associate members and plans for an enjoyable time are being made by the entertainment committee comprising Miss Khedna Mayor, Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, Miss Alice Cusuck and Miss Tielen G. Alleman. OAK TROOP SCOUTS Oak Troop No. 4, Girl Scouts of Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock at the church, to which all members have been requested to bring any musical instrument they can play, also popular music. The troop hike, to have been held last Saturday atlernoon was postponed. Mrs, George B. Kunkel, .of 118 Lo cust street, is spending several days In Lock Haven, her former home. Miss Jean Thome, of 112 Boas street, is leaving early in November for a trip to Birmingham, Ala., where she will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson F. Paget, of Rochester, N. Y., are guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Hummel Ir vine, of Green street, for a week or two. Miss Charlotte Rogers went home to Canandaigua, N. Y., last evening after a week's stay among old friends here. William B. Houser and small son, Carroll F. Houser, of Elmira, N. Y., are in the city for a little visit among. old friends. Dr. E. M. Green, superintendent of the Pennsylvania State Hospital, is home after attending a conference of Superintendents of Hospitals for the Insane held in Pittsburgh. He visited relatives in Danville, Ky., be fore coming home. Mrs. R. E. Lee Wildman has re turned to this city after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Emma Hogan, at Pittsburgh. Mrs. H. S. Hill, of Saco, Maine, s a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hill, 1610 Brlggs street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard Thompson, of Greenville, Is visiting relatives In this vicinity for a week or two. Edgar M. Burnham and his sister, Miss Claire Hall Burnham, are go ing home to New York to-day after a weekend visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest K. Jackson, of Penn street. Wilbur K. Johnson and George F. Johnson, of Troy, N. Y., are stopping for a few days among old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert and family have opened their house at Second and Harris streets after summering at their country place, Gilbert Hall, Cumberland county. Walter Howard and his daughter, Miss Maryline Howard, of Buffalo, are spending a week with their rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. David K. Doane, of Market street. Newton F. Gamier and Charles S. Gamier went to Ithaca, N. Y., to day on the way home to Northern New York. Miss Sara Elizabeth Wilson, of Cleveland, Ohio, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hamsher of North Second street. Mrs. Agnes Sumner Stuart of Clarksburg. West Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Stuart Smith, at 1937 North Second street. Mrs. A. W. Greeley, Jr., formerly Miss Louise Sponsler of this city left yesterday for Pensacola, Fla„ to join her husband who is in busi ness there. Miss Alice Decevee, of 1503 North Second street, is in New York for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson, of Pittsburgh, are guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Young, of North Third street. Miss Ruth Petrekin left for her home in Uniontown this morning after a little visit in this city and York. Mrs. J. Harvey Miller, 19 North Fourth street, and Miss Edna M. Sprenkel, 317 North Second street, motored Saturday to Shepherdstown, "W. Va., for a week-end visit. l/n announcement under this heading must be accompanied by name to aeeure accuracy.! Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parsons, 813 Forster street, announce the birth of a son, Jourman Bower Parsons, Saturday, October 18, 1919. Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Trullinger, 2022 North Sixth street,/ announce the birth of a daughter, Martha Louise Trullinger, at the Polyclinic Hospital, Tuesday, October 14, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Leach, 305 South Front street, announce the birth of a daughter, Louise Kathryn Leach, Friday, October 17, 1919. Mrs. Leach was formerly Miss Lucy Metzger. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Steever, 2639 North Sixth street, announce the birth of a son, Earl Raymond Steever, Thursday, October 23, 1919. CURRENT EVENTS BYDR.RAIGUEL College Club Bringing Noted Lecturer and Traveler Here For Series of Talks The College Club with its usual foresight and progressive policy has arranged for a series of eight public lectures on Current Events, by Dr. George Earle Ralguel, dis tinguished physician, lecturer and traveler. Dr. Ralguel has just re turned from Russia and Siberia and speaks with authority on the "Far East" as well as on conditions every where from personal observation. His first lecture, will be held Thursday morning, October 30, at 11.30 o'clock, in the Givlc Club house on "The Treaty of Peace and the League of Nations." The lectures are open to the gen eral public at a nominal price for the course or for a single lecture. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. George B. Kunkel, Locust street, chairman of the committee or from any other member of the College Club. Married in Church Parlor on Saturday Evening The marriage of Miss Edith M. Daub, of Elktns Park, Pa., to Har vey B. Smith, of Lebanon, was sol emnized Saturday evening in the parlors of the Stevens Memorial Church, the Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker officiating. ' After the ceremony, witnessed by a few close friends only, the party went to the Penn-Harris where a wedding supper was served. The bridegroom recently returned from overseas after long service in France. After a wedding trip to New York, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside in Lebanon. Miss Lane Honor Guest at an Autumn Luncheon Miss Harriet Spottswood. of suburban Harrisburg. is giving an autumn lunch eon to-morrow at her home. Maple Heights, in honor of Miss Clara Ariel Lane, of Pittsburgh, her house guest. The appointments will be of bright colored foliage and dahlias with chj*- anthemums of yellow gracing the table. Cards and music will follow. The guests will be, the Misses Erma Spahr, Nelle Willir-ms, Kathiyn Bankes, Maude Miller, Sara Elizabeth Miller, Grace Watson, Eunice Watson, Idamae Rog ers, of Baltimore, Lucy Jean, Thompson and Helen B. Smith. / Entertains at Cards For Baltimore Guest Mrs. Samuel Finkelstein, 1822 North Sixth street, entertained a num ber of friends at a card party given in honor of her cousin, Miss Sara Zin berg, of Baltimore, whose engagement to I. T. Rockman, this city, was an nounced recently. The decorations were marigolds and autumn leaves. The guests included Miss Zlnberg, Mrs. Harry Cohen, Mrs. Charles Cooper, Mrs. Max Cohn, Mrs. Joseph Coplinsky, Mrs. David Gold and Miss Gertrude Kerson. Woman's League to Meet at Church Tomorrow Night An interesting meeting and social of the Harrlsburg-Gettysburg Wom an's League for Harrisburg and vi cinity will be held to-morrow even ing at 7.45 o'clock in Christ Lu theran Church, Thirteenth and Derry streets. A. H. Dinsmore, Boys' Work secretary of the local Y. M. C. A., will speak on "The Y. M. C. A. and the College." A good at tendance has been requested. Coat of Odd Design Fashion Camera Photo. This garment of odd cut and de sign is developed in Havana brown duvetyir. The coat has long points In front and behind. It Is buttoned at the side, the front having a clus ter of fine tucks. The high collar and pockets are of nutria and fiyicy buttons are used as ornaments. FREE MILK BALL HALLOWEEN EVE Proceeds From Event at Win terdale to Be Devoted to Aiding France An approaching social event of im portance is the Halloween Free Milk for France Ball, to be held at Win terdale Hall, Friday, October 31, with Miss Burd's Orchestra playing for the dancing. Miss Sylvia Rogers, instructor of French at Central High School, is chairman of the committee in charge and is extending every effort to make the dance a success. Other cities throughout the entire country have contributed to the free milk 1 fund in a similar manner and it is hoped that Harrisburg will not fall behind in the movement. That the people of France appreciate the re lief extended to them through these benefit events is amply proved by the letters of thanks received from that country. The committee in charge includes Miss Sylvia Rogers, Miss Elsie M. Emerlck, Miss Sara Hershey, Miss Mary E. Fisher, Miss Florence Davis, Miss Liuella Hawkins and Miss Eliza beth McComsey. rz —x To Wearers of Glasses (Ending Nov. 1) You may not like the frames you are wearing— or they may not be the kind which are exactly suited to your eyes. Shell Frames, in dark or | crystal, in either spectacles or nose frames. Your own glasses put in these frames without charge. $3.00 Eyes Examined Free No Drops Used Rubin & Rubin Established J 5 Years S2O Market St., Over The Hnb Bell Phone 426-J XrZ f 1 Star Carpet Cleaning Works Jjet os clean your carpets now. General Upholstering Expert Work Guaranteed Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh & Walnut Sts. BeU 398-R Dial 6051 v. OFFICE HOURS daHiY 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. SATURDAYS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON 1 P. M. TO 8 P. M. Also Special Appointments Phone 1181 Bell IF YOU NEED GLASSES CONSULT US GO <S>ohl,l&nkcnbach &Kous: OPTOMETRISTS Alto OPTICIAN? N0.22 N. 4-TH. ST. ' HAHHI sbvro. PA. "Where Glasses Arc Mode Right" gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM IHASTRICH'S I $7.00 HAT I J L— SALE I 1 Continued Tuesday I | IN ORDER TO GIVE THOSE WHO WERE PREVENTED ( | FROM ATTENDING THE GREAT SALE ON ACCOUNT | | OF THE INCLEMENT WEATHER AN OPPORTUNITY | | TO SECURE ONE OF THESE WONDERFUL HAT VAL- | | UES. _ ' iii'imi in iiiiiuuim. iiiiiiiilnl OCTOBER 27, 1919. "Blue Monday 1 ' l\ /4 (jivii r*t J H Wouldn't you like to have a / f/r f¥ A washday without fuss and worry? 'Nrlti You can do it! And you'll get ft ll y° ur clothes on time, really clean, l)jl!l*Sls and not torn to shreds. You can i'r ' ' i I operate an electric washer for a I lills I 1 ' * eW cents P er (la y > and without I \ \ hard work or drudgery. \ v. ■- gtfjmra Save the washerwoman's wages, carfare and meals; .j R „ also laundry bills. This sav- H Electric Washer '" K p ? v . , for an dcctric S for Christmas! washer quickly. | " f Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. j JOHN S. MTISSER, PRESIDENT 436 Market Street j Blug®M ELECTRICCLOTHES WASHER Six Dollars Places One in Your Home A Full Year to Pay NEIDIG BROS. 21 South Second Street IT seems needless to talk about the French Shop handkerchiefs, for everyone knows how lovely they are. But, just because they are so dainty and pretty, I like to tell you all about them. Miss Swope has received her advance Christmas handkerchiefs, and when X 1 say they are unusually attractive you know how beautiful they must be. Some have artistic colored borders, others are embroidered with touches of color, while still others are pure white, including the linen ones. People wishing to have them embroidered with special Initials have been asked to leave their orders this week. Just as dainty as the handkerchiefs are the many bits of neckwear made especially to fit round and square necks. ARE you one of those unfortu nate wives who devote hours weekly to darping ghastly holes in hubby's socks? Isn't it aw awful ; job? Don't you just dread it? If I were to tell you how to lessen your task, would you thank me? Fool ish question! Well, it so happens that I know one way in which to prevent such holes from appearing. Send hubby to the Army and Navy Shoe Store the next time he starts out to purchase a pair of socks. He will there find every variety and sort in every color, size and p -ice imaginable and he'll also find that they really give satisfactory wear. In fact, the woolen hosiery is of such high quality as to be practically holeproof. SEVERAL yearn ago I took a weekly trip w'.th an hour stop-over In Pittsburgh. I spent the time in the station- watching the crowds paaa by. They always fascinated me and I got to weaving stories about the people I saw, trying to guess what walk in life they tilled. Frequently I'd try to judge a man's occupation by his general appearance. Ho my surprise, I found my opinion being swayed by the clothes he wore. If a man looked prosperous, I generally concluded that he was prosper ous, which, after all. Is a perfectly natural conclusion, for the casual observer can only judge by appearances. That's why It pays a man to wear suits and overcoats such as McFall's are showing. They give him that corrept look so essential to success. GOOD news! There's going to be a new girls' orchestra at the Perm-Harris grill! Begin ning this evening, five girls will play the liveliest of jazz—the kind calcu lated to make you dance whether you want to or not. Just one more reason for going to the grill, isn't it? It surely is the best little place in town to pass away a pleasant evening. Attractive surroundings, all sorts of delicious things to eat and drink, plus a wonderful new or chestra. help make It so. What more could one desire? Prompt service? Well, you get that, too. DO you have the "decorative bug?" It's a bothersome lit tle insect at times, and, per sonally, I've known it to cause all sorts of trouble. Once, several years it seized my small cousin, prompting him to paint striking red roses on the pale blue paper of his room. The effect was startling, to say the least On the other hand, if properly directed, this "bug" fre quently prompts the creation of per fectly beautiful things. For in stance, parchment lamp shades, when carefully decorated ,are most attractive. Colored in oil or with water colors, they can be made to carry out the decorative scheme of any room. Just at present, Mr. Saltzgiver is carrying a large line an them, in all shapes and sizes, at hi* Art and Antique Store, 223 North Second street. ALREADY Dame Fashion de crees short sleeves for Spring. And to pleasantly prepare uu for the change, she sends two stun ning dinner gowns to town, each boasting this newest of features. Both are to be found at the Cloos Shop. The one is of black georgette crepe and charmeuse, the crepe of the waist being lavishly beaded with cut steel. Heavy jet trimming finishes the bottom of the char meuse skirt. The other, of plain black charmeuse, is artistical'y beaded in black, the entire lower half of the skirt being encrusted with glistening jet beads. Both, as was mentioned before, forecast the mode of the Spring In the three quarter length of the sleeves.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers