""Monsieur de Paris" Idle but Gets Raise Parts There Is a man in France who seemed to have been forgotten dur ing the war. Not until peace returned I Kfltrmtrc I Women's House $1.84 Dresses I = Made of fine ginghacns and cham brays, in stripes, checks and plain colors; sizes 36 to 46. Our Buying Is Done On So Extensive A Scale That There's A Substantial Saving Even Before We Begin To Sell It Kanfman'a—Second Floor Kaufman's Women's Suits and Coats Are Good Mixers Some Coats and Suits are made only of fabrics and trimmings, but you get another important element in the Coats and Suits sold here this ele ment is the foundation, they are built right, fashioned correctly and brains are used in their selection. They look better, wear better and give better satisfaction than more expensive models. AND THEY'LL MIX FAVOR- ABLY WITH THE MOST EX- Women's and Misses' SUITS o= $ 22 j>o $25 .00 $29 .50 $35 .00 I ant * Tricotines, Silvertones, Poplins, Yalama Cloth, Velours, Tinseltones, Serges, Broadcloth, Tweeds, Mixtures and Jersey Plain tailored, semi-tailored and sport effects, self and fur collars, others of fur fabrics, all lined with fancy silks, peau de cynge and Venetian, every desirable new style will be found among the big assort ments. HUNDREDS OF COATSS g a T r HT£ d EEK VELOUR COATS <CI 1 Q With Plush Trimmed Collars at , JL -L % VE CHEVIOT^ D COATS Si Qjandl Cfl With Plush or Self Collars at JL, J. t;ST' Nr ::: PfifiTQ P & Children's KSr™™ :: bllfl IU /P\ COATS ~sTs $22.50 $25.00 and $29.50 (" Jf Another Lot of COATS in sizes OTHER BEAUTIFUL COATS AT (Jf $6.95 $39.50,549.50,569.50,575.00 Ui . . and Up To $125.00 UL tol4 yrsat... „ - Second Floor—Jait off Elevator Knufmnn'a— Second Floor I V_— / FRIDAY EVENING, did people trouble much about him or how he lives In these days of high cost. His name Is Deibler. He is the man who does not cut down the cost of liv ing. but cuts down living itself. The instrument he uses Is the guillotine. He gets u bonus for every criminal head he cuts off, but his income during the war must have been very small, for bullets were the usual means employed for ridding society of dangerous out laws, because the country was under martial law. Since the armistice Deibler, who Is popularly known as "Monsieur de Paris," has worked only one day or, | rather, only one morning. His situation t WI ANHH/ER/dR/.ftLe- ftjf HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH has been brought to the notice of the authorities, who have allowed him $1,200 extra a year to meet the high cost of living. 13ut there arc French men who would prefer to see Deibler receive, not an indemnity, but bonuses for cutting off the heads of overambl-1 | tious merchants who charge too much i i for their wares. iTHIS STORE JL I jXKXJfk 1 XltiNii'tG UNTIL 9 P.M. jg Peasants' Land Hunger Disturbs Rome Cabinet I Rome ltaly's land question is | rapidly becoming the most urgent na i tlonal problem. As the peasants return ' from the army they show decided en who are economically inclined "The Money Savers," "The Successful Home Builders," these are the ones that attend the Kaufman selling events, because they know from experience that the difference in prices on the same qualities of mer chandise is so pronounced that it pays in magnificent amounts to come in on every shopping tour. MAKE THE TEST SATURDAY " Kaufman**—Main Floor, lta "r— 1 '■ 11 \ You Can Never Appreciate the Shoe Values j We Offer Until You Come In and Make A Purchase L \i WOMEN'S NEW WINTER BOOTS Special at ..... t p* n K \ VA • An unusual assortment of unusual values including fine black and brown \ M/l \ kid, field mouse and tan calf lace boots; they have military and Louis leather T(| U I N. "Ik heels, well made in the newest dressy lasts, an actual value of SB.OO at. VcO\ Have You Seen These Boys' School Shoes $Q .84 . They're a good, heavy, lace School Shoe in gun metal or tan calf; sizes, 1 to 5%; g-*. with wide toes or English last; absolutely no value like them in the city. " Women's Reinforced Silk Hose $1.14 These excellent Silk Hose have mock seam and reinforced soles and heels; come In black, cordovan; all first quality. Anniversary special, 91.14. A 121/ < POUND SACK 0F Hoffer's I 1 Best Flour for 14c fogg' B U y SIO.OO worth of mer chandise in our store on pound sack of Hoffer's best ||! We give you the privilege [p- \V various departments just so W&gf / the total amount of pur fiß&sooo./.. { c^ases tota^s SIO.OO. (Only one (o a customer) | SATURDAY (*ZCOMmc\ SfITURDAY j SPECIALS SPECIALS i : WINDOW SHADES i - Dark green water color shades, 3 by 6 CC- Perfection Oil Heaters 1 1 ( b3s&BSft*& Motor feet OOC , ~,.1 l , 1 F B'lffifM Wttßhcrs D Yee t sr .T.. o^^ adeß :.!. by . 6 95c CP*sp $625 ' 1 $18.14 Curtains and Curtain Materials N , cke i C 7 - ft 1 V\ Kr~—m V e Beautiful Scrim Cur- tf 1 Qfi to *0 QC ,Wi Fl..ui.e,i ®' ,3U l I .jf/jf ,11 KnOWn fOF tains. 2'/. yds. long. $1.5*0 $Z.95 1 •"*• . . I -jwW#.*, 1 Tl. thelr rella " Fine Lace Curtains in ecru and white filet pat- Id*? tfffa Bl|1 _ Enameled nnd i 1 , S": "™* *2-48 ~ $2.95 §3% M.teled Jg gQ J><HL -i Curtain Scrims and Marquisette, tape edge bor- at | 1 , y derß - 19c, 25c and 48c __J , Save Dry Cotton Fleeced Blankets Save 3,^ 1 , Bleached Muslin ...'. 19c Specially Priced Apron Ginghams ... 19c i Outing Cloth 14c Gray, tan and white cotton blankets striped Outing 24c 1 i Table Damask 49c in staple sizes and standard qualities — Pink and White Nain- \ ; Bed Ticking 24c sook 24c I Sil H°ld ling ■•••lfciS^& l ?:::::::::::::SS4 Muslin, wc. 1 JSS j? c Size 66x80, pair $3.44 janneiettes 29c i Pillow Tubing 44c Size 79x80, pair $3.64 Light Percales. 24c i Dress Ginghams —24 c Size 72x80, pair $3.94 Black Taffeta Silk, $1.39 1 ' T IMHT FTIM<I PRINTED LINOLEUMS 94C 1 I XJLi y \SJLJJLj\J if I.KJ Two yards wide; good patterns; burlap back; sq. yd... # I I NEW PROCESS FLOOR COVERING .. 54* J£2?,L£ U J!£! ( # This is two yards wide. Anniversary Sale Price, sq. yd Be Sure to Brine Your Room Measurements 1 ergy In claiming parts of large private | estutes near their homes, which are I either uncultivated or badly cultivated. In many parts of the county large bodies j 1 of peasants, In which ox-soldlers pre dominate, are seizing land they for-> merly held on a somewhat burdensome I lease. I OCTOBER 24, 1919. i I George A. Gorgas, Druggist. Women's "Kayser" OA Union Suits JrK Fine Lisle Union Suits, sleeveless, low necks, knee and ankle lengths; slightly imperfect, and in regular sizes. Anniversary special, 64c. Women's Chamoisette Gloves 74c Two-clasp double finger-tipped Chamoisette Gloves, with three rows Htitchlng In self color; come In white, black, gray, mode and brown in a full range of sizes. Girls' Gingham Dresses $1.14 Good quality gingham dresses in plain colors and pretty plaids' several styles in sizes 6 to 14 years. Women's Elise Corsets $1.24 Made of coutil in pink and white; low, medium and high bust; four hose supporters; sizes 19 to 30. Children's f J Vests .... I4C Fine cotton ribbed vests, high necks and long sleeves; others with low necks and sleeveless; sizes 2 to 5. Anniversary spe cial He Women's Washable Kid doves g 4c One-clasp washable kid gloves in white and tan; have three rows of stitch ing on back in self color; sizes 6 to Anniver sary Special 94c women's Trimmed HATS Specially Priced at $2.95 A most remarkable show ing of pretty trimmed hats in various shapes and sizes all made of line velvets and hatter's plush in the most desirable coloring of the season, these are a rare bargain as they come to us from a most reputable manufacturer who makes nothing but better grade merchandise.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers