16 I There's Work ftr tie Capable ai Wiiif at Good Wages-Advertise I' 3 I " " ' ' " • ■ ■ - rngm jfteatba FICKES John S. Fickes, retired Pennsylvania railroad worker, for 53 years, died Monday. October 30, 1910, at 5.50 a. m. at his late home, 2014 N. Third street, aged 77 years. Private funeral services Wednesday afternoon at his late residence, at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Klaer. of Covenant rresbyterian Church, of ficiating. Interment in Harrisburg cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited to attend without further no tice. Please oinit flowers. KERlt—Died on October 19. 1919, Xerxes J. Kerr, of 40 North 15th Street, aged 61 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Wed nesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Samuel A. Worley. 228 llerr street. Burial In East Harrisburg cem etery. PARI.MAN—Died on October 20, 1919, Sarah, widow of the late James Parlman, aged 64 years, at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Garman, Paoli, Pa. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Thursday afternoon at 4 o clock, i from the home of her niece, Mrs. | Foster Long. Middletown, Pa. Bu-1 rial in Middletown cemetery. , MAR/.OLF —On October 20, 1919,. at 8.40 p. m., George Marzolf, at his residence, 1514 Green Street, aged 8S years, 10 months and two days Funeral on Friday afternoon at - p. m., front Lutheran Zion church. Capital and Herr streets, H. F. Lisse officiating. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without fur ther notice. Interment in East Hai-i risburg cemetery. I LOST AND FOUND LOST—Gentleman's scarf pin. Find- j er will kindly return to this office or ; ' 2239 N. Fourth St., and receive re- j ward. 4 I LOST—Black French female bull j dog. white breast and fore legs, white i stripe on face and bead, answers to \ name of "Betty." Please return to ad- j dress on collar or 1190 Bailey St. and ! receive toward. j FOUND—White bull dog with brown spot on right side. Inquire j 1416 Marion or call Bell phone 4049M.^ INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, ! Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme-1 tic, etc. DAV AND NIGHT SCHOOL] OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ! 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. I WILL open a class room for pri vate lessons on art needle work. October 15, giving lessons Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday of each week, also every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9. Mrs. M. A. Knipe, 326 Hummel St. | COSSIO POMAR, B. A., University j of San Marcos, will open a class at night in beginner's and advanced I Spanish. Address Harrisburg Acade my. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R. Shops, Har risburg, Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, Harrisburg. General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enola. Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau. No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg. Pa. GOOD PAYING POSITIONS with C. P. A. firms, Public Accountants, In dustrial Corporations and the Internal Revenue Department of the Govern- j inent will be open during January, 1920. INTENSIVE TRAINING in special home study course in high er accountancy, linked up with resi dent consultation, service now being] organized, will qualify you for sal aries from $2,000 to $6,000 per year. 1 Write, call or phone Bell 4940 R. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 26 N. 19th St.. Harrisburg, Pa. j Open Evenings. FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE P. R. U. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER, HBG„ PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGHT TRANSFER. 7TH AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. R. R. EMPLOYMENT BU- ! REAU, NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE, HARRISBURG, PA. -| WANTED Young man for stock clerk, must be able to use typewrit er. Address Box D-7577 care Telegraph. WANTED—A man over 26 years for special work out of city: very good traveling position: bond and refer-j ence required. Apply GRAND UNION TEA COMPANY. 208 N. Second Street. DISTRICT MANAGERS WANTED j Opportunity to become distributor ] for nationally advertised, long estab- j lished, auto specialties. No competi- < Hon. Unusual co-operation furnished I to energetic hustling man or firm, one! having a car preferred. Exclusive ■ rights to real representative. Must: finance small initial order. Unusuaiiyl liberal profits. Write giving address and telephone number. Alcemo Mfg. j Cc„ 132 Bridge St., Newark, N. J. j WANTED —Actors, also musicians for band; traveling show. Address B-7775 care Telegraph. (Continued in Next Column) t FOR SALE Possession 10 Days No. 2018 Derry Street 2% -story brick house; one of a | pair; 6 rooms, bath and attic, gas i and electric light; pipeless fur- ! nace; first floor hardwood floors: I front and back porches; cemented I cellar; asbestos roof; lot. 18x150 ft. I with 20 ft. alley in rear. A good ] proposition. No. 1932 N. 'sth Street Detached, 3-story brick house; 8 > rooms, bath and pantry; ail im- I provements; front, side and back ' porches: lot, 32x100 ft., with 12 ft. i side and rear alleys. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS I REAL ESTATE INSURANCE I' SURETY HONRS 1 (teniher. libit. Rent Entitle Hoard 1 TUESDAY EVENING, UK LP WANTKI)—MALE | 1 : t \ PERMANENT WORK • The year 'round and a chance to earn rate in accordance with your ability. All around I machinists, boring mill men, i lathe shaper planer, milling i machine, drill press, bench and floor men. Apply in per son or write at once to fac tory employment office. 1 THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO AKRON, OHIO. ' I WANTED \ TEN FIRST CLASS CARPENTERS; | 1 50 GOOD LABORERS; LONG JOB; j ISTEADY' WORK; CHANCE FOR] ! OVERTIME. APPLY TO GEO. T. j | TITZEL, MOORHEAD KNITTING CO.'S BUILDING, CAMERON AND | WALNUT STREETS. ' I WANTED—The services of a re liable middle aged man to travel j Central Pennsylvania to sell merchan dise for a wholesale house. Must have] In Nol references. Married man pre ferred. Address Box H-7721 care I i Telegraph. I I GRASP tho opportunity to-day to j I become an expert mechanic and chauf- ! j fer. Wo teach you between your j working hours to become an expert ! and for only seven dollars a week i Learn a practical trade. Make appli- J cation at once. Automobile and Aero- I plane Mechanical School. Office 26 N. Cameron st- Harrisburg. Training' ] Quarters and Aeroplane Field. 14th I and Sycamore Sts. I STOCK salesman. Stan of approved' I ability with clientele, to sell the stock' lof a newly organized corporation 1 | wluch has taken over a going busi-1 ness. Stock is sound business invest-' ment with a guaranteed dividend. Apply Box 0-8026 care Telegraph. WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment. Apply at once. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. State and Cameron Sts. .l WANTED—FIRST-CLASS j] BOILERMAKERS FOR j, TANK WORK; TRANSPOR-j; TATION PAID; SHOP LO-j ! CAT ED IN SMALL CITY IN | jMA RYLAND; GOO D j 1 WAGES. APPLY BO X' j C-7772, CARE TELEGRAPH, !OR SEE C. E. PLACK, 327 \ IIIERR STREET, SATUR-I" i DAY, OCT. 25. 4TO6P. M. !' ' i M ; . I WANTED Experienced auto repairmen. i> Apply 1807 N. 7th St. PAPERHANGERS—'Wanted: steadv ! employment on piece work. Apply; Reamer & SON, 1505 North Sixth St. j , | WANTED I EXPERIENCED PLANING MILL 1 MEN. One door cutter; one moulding! i ripper; two men to work on mould-! ing machines; two men to work on 1 i sash and one glue room man. No! ; trouble. Good wages. Steady work.; Address, . ' COMMERCIAL SASH DOOR CO., Beaver Falls, Pa. i I 1 YOUNG MAN TO WRAP I BUNDLES IN TELEGRAPH MAILING ROOM. CALL AT CIRCULATION DEPART MENT. WANTED—Several boys over 18 years for shipping department Apply . I Harrisburg Bag and Box Co., 1550 I Vernon Street. I SALESMAN by long established, j well known coffee roasters. Require! | capable, experienced salesman, per- i j sonally acquainted Harrisburg retail I | grocers. Permanent and desirable po sition right party. Replies contlden-l | rial. Address Box Y'-7876 care Tele-1 | graph. | j MACHINISTS, millwrights, handy-j I men, specialists and two electricians.] | open shop, no labor trouble, union or! .non-union. Wages paid according to | lability and experience. State age, ex- | I perience, places of employment, mar i ried or single. Only men with clean] I records will be considered, whose] I references will stand the most rigid' j investigation. We offer steady po*i-j lions to reliable men with an oppoi-ll i tunity for advancement. Address I I G-7780 care Telegraph. ! r MEAT cutter wanted. Apply Cut; j Rate Meat Market. 301 S. 14th St. j! (Continued In Next Column) ); j HELP W ANTED—MALE , WANTED Laborers and carpenters, permanent work and a chance for advancement in accord ance with your ability. Ap ply at Employment Bureau, CENTRAL IRON AND STEEL COMPANY ) WANTED—Experienced porter at once. Apply Alva Hotel. 19 S. Fourth street. HELP WANTED.—FEMALE WANTED! I Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn, if you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter | hours than at present at your i present pay, or more, get in j i touch with us. YVe also have i excellent openings for learn- j ers who want to become skill- I eU shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our factory and ] we are making it better every ] day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., 1408 Vernon Street. l \ | j WANTED—Several young women I between IS and 25 for telephone oper i atlng; SJ.OO a week while in train- i j ing; an increase at the end of four i ! weeks and others as you become ex- i ' perienced', an exceptional opportu- i i nity for the girl who is ambitious to i ; qualify for positions that require her j i to accept responsibility and that pay ' ! accordingly. Call to see the Chief i Operator, third floor, 208 YValnut i street. I THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. ' WANTED—A woman for mending ;in a laundry, working 4% days a I | week. Apply Keystone Laundry, Har-! i is and YVallace Sts. NURSE girl wanted. Apply 7 South 1 Front St., Apt. B. WANTED—GirIs for paper box j work, steady employment. Apply Har- ] risburg Bag and Box Co., 1550 Ver- j non St. $3.50 per day paid one woman in! each town to distribute free cir culars for economy non-alcoholic] I flavoring. Permanent position. F. E. j I Barr Company. Chicago. ; | WANTED—Experienced girls on | paper box work. Apply Penn-Hams Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —Woman to learn pastry work. Nine-hour day; three meals a ]day; no work Sunday. Apply 211 Wal- I ! nut street. |— ' HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Reliable ! girl or woman to keep house for two. I References desired. YV. Gard Conklin, ! j2137 Swatara St. Phone 388 R. ! ! SILK. SILK. SILK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. I If steady work is what you want and short day and best | pay. apply SILK MILL, Cor. Second and North Stß. WANTED —Girls to learn how to i make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Hartis paper Box Co.. 103 N. Cameron St WANTED —Operators and learners, I and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co.. 308 Hamilton St WANTED —Dishwasher at once. Ap-; ply Alva Hotel, 19 South 4th St. ! i WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBbS£ care Telegraph. ' WANTED An experienced stenographer. Apply C. M. Sigler, Inc., 30 North Second street. YV ANTED —Twenty ladies to dem onstrate; $5 per day and car fare;! experience unnecessary. Call 123 Lin den street, between 7 and 8 p. m., ask i | for crew manager. WOMAN organize homeworkers simple band embroidery and chochet ing in large quantities. Send full par ticulars Dept. S. Jos. Cirker, 1777 Broadway New York City. WANTED —Young woman experl- | enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phil lippy, 209 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlisle. HELP WANTED—MaIe anil Female * HELP WANTED Press feeders at once. The Telegraph Printing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. ' SALESMEN WANTED j SALESMEN—Write for list! of openings and full particulars. Earn ! $2,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand I for men. Inexperienced or experl , enced. City or traveling. Nat'l. Sales : mens Tr. Assn., Dept. 603, Chicago. I SALESMAN —Wholesale notions. Al experienced and acquainted with trade in neighboring territory. State tige, relerences. salary or commission land fullest details. Red Seal Co., sue. to Der- Haney Co., 10 North Third Ist., Philadelphia. HARBISBURG G®KIITEIJEGH3LPH THE CLASSIFIED ADS are "cur rent news." They are stviftly-borne messages from people all about you who have business to do with some body in this city—perhaps with you. Curiosity on your part as to what they ' are all about is quite justifiable. - - y-'A- " --- - . - ' - ~ - , | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG AIAN 23, experienced time- I keeper, pay roll clerk, also under stands general office work; can oper ate r,\vitchboard; desires to connect | with reliable firm. A 1 references. Ad dross Box F-7779 care Telegraph. j WANTED—A boy desires to work between school hours. 1240 Monroe St. | COLORED man wishes position as chuuftfeur: can furnish references AD iPly 1730 Walnut St. I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE COLORED woman wants day's work of any kind. Apply 1130 N. Front St. in the rear. DRESSMAKER, reliable, from Phil adelphia, wishes engagement in this City; good fitter: reference. Address Box 1,-7778 care Telegraph. WANTED —Negative retouching or a position as photographer's helper. Work done beautifully and reason ! "hie. Experienced worker. Phone 1130 W. REFINED woman wnnis like posi tion as collector for reliable Arm. Can i furnish best of reference. Apply 501 Cumberland St. j STENOGRAPHER wishes position, | can furnish reference. Apply 1332 N [Sixth St. COLORED girl wants a place as dishwasher. Apply to Anna Butcher. 110 Liberty St. COLORED girl would like to do day's work or cooking. Apply R. S.. 110 Liberty St. I YOTTNG woman desires a position as stenographer or typist. Call 308 Cumberland St. WANTED—Stenographic position by | young woman. Call Dial phone 3547. 1 WANTED —Day's work by a reli lehle white woman. Address W-799S | care Telegraph. i COLORED woman wishes general j housework. Can furnish reference. Ap tly 405 Lincoln St.. Steelton. YOUNG GIRL desires position as stenographer. Call 1419 North Sixth street. I WANTED—Young woman wishes position as housekeeper in widower's family; not out of the city. Apply 36 1 I Locust St.. Steelton. ! 1 ROOMS FOR RENT | i FOR RENT—Room, third floor, fur nished. heat, light, use of bath; gen jtlemen only. 227 Pine St. ! FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front |room with all conveniences in private; family: central location; gentleman; ■ only. 324 N. Second St. | FOR RENT—IS 49 State St., cor. 16th. • I Furnished front room, third floor. Hot; I water heat. Bath, electric light. Bell | j 4162 R. Dial 4930. I 1116 North Third Street, two fur- | [ nished rooms suitable for couple or I gentlemen. j FOR RENT Furnished bedroom ! and sitting room combined, on first floor; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 1601 Green St. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished front! rooms for light housekeeping; all! conveniences. Apply at 501 Cumber | land St. ■ TWO furnished rear rooirfs for! housekeeping, also one nicely fur-1 rished large room with all conveni ences. Apply 9 N. Front St. Dial 577 j ! WILL RENT a lovely front room. | ilhree large windows, steam heat, use] iof bath, fine neighborhood, cars pass; I the door in and out of town, private | family, no other roomers, to a re- ; spectable gentleman. Address Box! IY-7989 care Telegraph. j FOR RENT—A large front room, | suitable for two gentlemen or man | and wife, electric light and steam i heat, use of bath. Apply 5 N. 13th FOR RENT—Two large unfurnish ed rooms. Inquire 1238 Walnut St. FOR RENT—Two or three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping with private family at 2521 N. 6th St.. rent reasonable to right* party with- j out children. FOR RENT Two unfurnished I rooms on third floor. Young married! ! couple desired. Apply 1832 Chestnut i j Street. I j FOR RENT Nicely burnished rooms, well located. Apply 28 South j Third st., third floor. I CRESCENT ST., 212, two furnished rooms, third floor, all conveniences, use of phone, gentlemen preferred. j NICELY* furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. , ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Two or three furnished rooms or small apartment suitable for light housekeeping; state terms and I particulars. Address T-7774, care of j Telegraph. i ROOMS —Young couple desire two (furnished rooms and bath with house keeping privileges or a small fur- I nished apartment. Address Box B-7895 care. Telegraph. ! ROOMS —Young couple desire two furnished rooms and bath with house ! keeping privileges or a small fur j nished apartment. Address Box B-7995 j care. Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished front rooms on first floor at 1609 Market Street. Heat and electric lights furnished. Suitable for doctor or businessman. Apply C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street I ■ ■ - APARTMENTS WANTED YOUNG couple desire furnished I apartment of 3 or 4 rooms and bath i or furnished house. Address R-772' care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 200 CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES kinds and all sizes. Some pos session at once. houses in row; easily con terms ln *° apartments; cheap; easy PrRe r !2500 8 e t ac£. br ' CkS; ,s °° d0W " : groceries St ° re room properties with Vacant. 2-story brick; $5OO down. n at once , S-room brick; 4500 down. For sale or exchange on farm, two 3-story frame houses, all imp, porch es, drive alley. , s3o*ooo apartment houses, $10,500 to] Two auto repair shops with lease, j Several large plots of ground on prominent streets; terms reasonable. Possession soon. 2-stcfry brick, cor ner, all imp., 6 years old, front porch; sooo down; price $2600. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J THREE mercantile buildings well located in growing business sections Prices right and terms to suit D A' Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. ' FOR SALE—A very desirable house) on Penn St. near Emerald. A w Swengel, 2131 N. Second St. 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house- all improvements; a bargain to quick Eefly St | | | I 258 BROAD STREET- 3- STORY BRICK; NINE ROOM AND BATH. POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. INQUIRE DB. ELLENBEROER 922 NORTH THIRD ST. Look this list over now. Forster st I 9 rooms, bath and steam heat ' j Harris street. 7 rooms. I Wallace st., 10 rooms and bath. I Linden St., 8 rooms and attic j Two on Boyd street. All on easy j payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh St. 1 I FOR SALE A SINGLE PROPERTY, NO. 1707 NORTH SECOND ST. A BARGAIN. POSSESSION AT ONCE. INQUIRE !■ N. K. OYSTER, REAL ESTATE OFFICE, 4 S. FOURTH STREET. FOR SALE—I6OO Market street, a j line corner home, room for three I: ; autos, also a good corner up-town, i ! and several properties for immedate ] possession. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. | Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. j HOUSES In all sections of city sold I |on easy payment plan, ranging from 1 1 i $l,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 ! j Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. HOUSE for sale, new two-story I [brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern [ i I conveniences. Melrose St., near 23d i | and Derry. Call Bell 2062 R. i FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 16ix|! Green street, 8 rooms and bath. Chas ' - Adler, 1002 N. Third st. [ FOR SALE—Two frame dwellings I 1133-135 Sassafras ave.; 6 rooms. $1,600 1 leach. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. 3d street. '[ FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 431 |' Harris street, 8 rooms, bath and front! porch. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third st. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 643 Harris St., 8 rooms and bath. Chas. ' Adler, 1002 N.. Third st. SUBURBAN HOME 8 rooms ! frame, summer house, barn, chicken ' house, electricity," >i-mile from Pro gress, road to Paxtang. Apply Wll- : liam Ulrich on premises. 1 HOUSES FOR SALE * ■ 1229 CUMBERLAND ST., Harris burg, Pa., brick houser .with 6 rooms 1 and bath; new .paint; all latest lm- 1 ments; cemented cellar, with first- 1 class cedent walks. This property can be bought on easy terms or if ' paid cash a large discount will be al lowed. Price, $3,000.00. 6al - SO3-805 S. THIRD. Steelton, p a . Two 1 frame dwellings with 6 rooms each < Price, $1,600.00 apiece. • . 759 MOHN ST., Steelton, Pa. Frame house in first-class condition. Price 1 $1,600.00. ' ] 929 S. FRONT ST., Steelton. Six- '• room frame house with a lot 30 ft 1 bv 213 ft. Price $2,300.00. t SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Bldg. j Harrisburg. Pa, Bell Phone 2769 ! DESIRABLE building lots for sale 1 city and suburbnn. Durand & Ferber' 107 Chestnut near Front. BRICK HOUSE on State street for ! sale at $5500; 8 rooms; all improve ments! garage on premises. Bell , Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. (Continued 1b Next Column) 1 ■•- ■- ~ii ..ife. - iiliiti'-dift ■ I'l'l mwii mm—mmmmMmmmmm—mmmmm—mmmmrnmvmmmm REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN ! , WICONISCO ST., 629—3-story brick. ! ? rooms and bath, all improvements, <C° n Porch, .shade trees, driveway in ' rent rear down, balance same as I MAHANTONGO ST., CIS—3-story i J c ' " r °oms and bath; front porch, (Shade trees. $l5O down, balance same ;as rent. I JEFFERSON ST., 2130 3-story I prick, S rooms and bath, al). modern j improvements, in good condition, driveway in the rear. $3OO down, bal j ante same as rent. i NORTH TWELFTH ST., 68—VA AN I—3-story, 8 rooms and bath, gas | and electricity, thoroughly overhaul ed, newly papered and painted inside and outside, front and back porches, i nice side and back yard. Right price I to quick buyer. MOVE AT ONCE—LAFAYETTE—S. ]l7th St., corner Paxton. BRAND NEW VACANT—2t4-story, 7 rooms and I bath, hardwood lloors, steam heat, j gas and electric light, front and back j porches, driveway in the rear; a real i modern home; can be bought with $5OO cash. | DERRY ST., 2145—3-story brick. 9 rooms and bath, separate toilet, steam heat, gas and electric light, cement I cellar, nice front and back porches; must be seen to be appreciated; can be bought with a small amount down; balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building. 36 North Third Street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573 ENOLA, ENOLA. Seven-room house, electricity, good collar, furnace, slate roof, stable, hog Pen, chicken house, fruit trees, lot 75x150, $2400. H. C. FERBER, 107 Chestnut near Front. FOR SALE;SOME VACANT CI 3 S. 16th St., 2-story b„ imp. $2900 147 Sylvan Terrace. 3 s. b„ imp. $4OOO 1731 Park St., 2 -story b., imp. $3500 |227 N. 15th St., 3-story b., imp. ..$5200 j 1700 block State St., 3-story b., imp. garage $5200 White Hall st., 3-story b., 12 rooms, ! ull imp $15,500 1123 State St., 3 s. b., all imp. ...$4600 673-675-677 Briggs St., 3-story b.. imp $3200 each 490 block Woodbine st.. 3-story b., imp., corner $3500 1925 N. 2d St., 3-story b., all imp. $7OOO 1600 block Derry St., 3-story brick, imp $6500 1214 N. 15th St., 3-story bk., all imp., I corner $5500 Eight properties in Penbrook. Price $2OOO to $5200. (Steelton, 246 Pine st., vacant 2!£ -story frame, imp $3OOO I You are welcome to "C" my list of improved properties. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State St. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 !__ . FOR SALE I Two 2% -story frame houses on! Hill, all imp., elect, and gas, 7 rooms' leach, front porch, slate roof, nice size l jvard to drive alley, room for garage,! fruit trees, out buildings, price $2500 ! each. Also several more cheap houses, j Vacant. Possession at once. 2-story ! brick, all imp., front porch, bay win- i cow, drive alley, $5OO down, balance j easy payments. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE —2d St. below Maelay; 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 ft. front; 162 ft. deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Ira mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057 J. THAT'S MY BUSINESS Selling REAL ESTATE BY AUCTION. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875 J. EVERYTHING IN ROOFING. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. FOR SALE—34O S. 13th St. A line i 3-story brick house with all improve ments. Long lot to drive alley; fruit; large airy rooms. An unusually pleas ant home. FOR SALE A 3-story frame on Linden St. $l5OO. Broad St., 226, 3-story brick. A 3-story brick in 16U0 block, Derry Two 3-story bricks on Regina St. Two-story brick on Emerald St. Three-story brick on Hummel St. Three-story brick on Market, east of 13th St. No 2003 N. Sixth. 3 b. imp., $5OOO. FOR SALE —Pair three-story bricks on Cut tin St. One a corner. The other an end house. Apply A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. 2d St. Bell 2575 J. Several vacant houses in good lo cations at right prices. Properties in all parts of the city; some upon very easy terms. Bargains in vacant lots Geo. w. Jacobs, 17 N. Third Street! Bell 1539. • $4500 will purchase a three-story brick house with all improvements, located at Riverside, possession De cember 1. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DESIRABLE Paxtang property for sa i e —corner Swan and Brisban Sts., all improvements, large lot. Bet) Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. $2500 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow with six rooms, furnace hent. recently papered and in good condition; porch frout and rear; lot 40x135. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. $2200 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling with eight rooms and bath, gas, fur nace and cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 53500 WILL PURCHASE a 3-story brick house with all improvements; lot 120 feet to 20-foot paved alley. No. 331 Hummel St. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bldg. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond lirst payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranx, 1225 North Sixth street FOR SALE or exchange. Sixth St building lots above Maclay St., cor ner of two wide paved streets, very desirable location; will make an ex cellent Investment If disposed of at once. Address P. O. Box 690, City. (Continued In Next Column) OCTOBER 21, 1919. KKAXj KS J 1 ATE FOR SALE* HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET 316, 318, 320. $22 Lewis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St., 11 rooms and bath. 680 Schuylkill St., 6 rooms and bath, D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. HOUSES ror sale In Highspire'at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. Highspire, 9801. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Three-story brick houses; steam heat and all improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. $3OO down. Balance as rent. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. $5O down, $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. $5O down; $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, SI North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J !; — | FOIt RENT—Furnished house on North Second street within easy walk ling distance of Market Square; six j rooms, bath, furnace, gas and coal ,j ranges. No children. Possession No vember 1. Rent $5O. Inspection on ap | pointment. Address Box H-7873 care t I Telegraph. i | FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdlx from | September 1; furnished up-to-date, iionly reliable people need apply to , Louis, 414 N. Third St. i FOR SALE—Wost Fairview, corner frame house with five rooms and batn i and lights. $l6OO for quick buyer, i Call at 453 State Road. | REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent 1 1 ;! Opportunity for live wire, Howard I street above Thirteenth, 15.000 square leet of floor space, brick construc tion, adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically I equipped, steam heated, now used as garage and service station, (known as Conover Garage), attractive propo losltion to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN, | Bell SC67J 31 North Second St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED—To buy a property in Hill section north of Market St. State location and lowest cash price in first letter. Address Box S-7773 care Tele graph. WANTED to buy a rooming house of about 10 or 12 rooms. Must be cen tral. YVrite Mrs. John Herman, 745 Broad St., Bridgeport, Conn. 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es i tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE. ALL AL INVESTMENTS 135 acres, 6 mile from Hbg., York county $13,500 115 acres, 3 miles from Hbg., Cumber land county $13,000 60 acres. 4 miles from Hbg., Cumber _land county $3,800 17 acres, truck. 4 miles from Hbg., Cumberland county $2,500 100 acres. 12 miles from Hbg., Dau phin county $3,000 15 acres. 13 miles from Hbg.. Dauphin county $1,500 185 acres, 7 miles from Hbg., Dauphin county $8,500 12 acres, 2 miles from llbg.. Dauphin county $5,000 3 acres, 3 miles from Hbg.. Dauphin county $3,600 141-acre farm, 14 miles from Hbg., i Dauphin county $lO,OOO •52-acre farm and ice business with V stock. Perry county $B,OOO "C" my list of farms. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. Bell 41C2R Dial 4930 FOR SALE , 52-acre truck farm and icc business. [lO-room brick house, bank barn. 40x ] 60, wagon shed, pig sty. chicken houses, including three horses, three wagons and all the farming imple ments, ice house capacity 21,000 tons. Ice tools and 2-acre pond, concrete dam in Al condition. This property shows values of $13,000, 25,000 ft. white pine timber, retail price ice Bilc per 100 llis., location % miles west of Duncannon, Perry county. Possession at once. Price $B,OOO. $l,OOO can re main at 6 per cent. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. Bell 41C2R Dial 4930 ARMS FOR SALE Price 16 acres, Dauphin county $l7OO 17 acres. Perry county $750 "3 acres, Dauphin county sl6uo 40 acres. Lebanon county $4290 51 acres, York county ~$l7OO G3 acres. Perry county $lOOO 77 acres, Lebanon county $4500 SO acres. Lebanon county $4200 98 acres. Dauphin county $2900 115 acres, Dauphin county $3OOO 150 acres, Lebanon county $B4OO 180 acres, Dauphin county $3OOO DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut near Front FOR SALE 80 acres timber land—9o per cent, oak—near Lewisberry, York county. Address M-8094 cart Telegraph. i (Continued In Next Column) I . FARMS 130-ac-re farm for sale or exchange on city property In business location: good quality soil; 4 miles from Dud-l '•annon on Wm. Penn road to Sun bury; 2%-story, 8 roomed house; porch on three sides; summer house; running spring- water; large bank barn; wagon shed with corn crib on both sides; good hog stable with corn crib; large chicken house; apple or chard and other fruit trees; school house and c-Uurch nearby. Inquire Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St. Bell 4767 or 1649 J. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS I FOR RENT—Second floor room, 60x 740 ft,, no posts, 11th nnd BerryhUl Street. Apply on premises. "■ 1 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS * MOTORS FOR SALE] FOR SALE—Motors, one alternating current motor; Robbins & Myers single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cyolea, 1750 lev. i THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. Printing —Binding Designing —<. ' Photo-Engraving Die Stamping— Plate Printing. , Harrlsburg, Pa. ti I FOR SALE) 7,000 square feet of second ' hand metal ceiling. Inquire Superintendent of Telegraph I Building. I * FOR SALE One white Iron bed, one good mattress, spring, completa ' $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. i I APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! For choice Grimes Golden, Baldwin, -1 York Imperial and other varieties, go > to the D. L Allen orchard, 37 miles west of Harrlsburg and 1% miles " south of Lee's Cross Roads. D. L. i Allen. i FOR SALE—Range in good condi tion. Inquire 202 Reily St. FOR SALE—Two beds, springs, i feather beds, pillows, sideboard, din . ing room chairs, rockers, hall rack, wardrobe, small table, bureau, chif ■ fonier, comode, leather couch, piano, Mason jars. Apply 1439 Market st. v , FOR SALE—Range Stewart No. 3, complete with water back, warming oven, in good condition. Inquire 1952 Bellevue Road. Bell 2456 W. ! FOR SALE—Marmot fur coatee,' . Kolinsky brown, like new, very rea . sonable. Phone 2013-J or 60 N. 13th st. i BOOKS Bought and sold; 30,000 j new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's. 925 North Third. Circulars free. CASH REGISTERS. TYPEWRITERS *" Can be bought on easy payment plan, combination adding machine at tachment; terms to suit purchaser; guaranteed for twenty years. Address t Box G-7596 care Telegraph. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. - 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 - Reily St., on account of building our < warehouse, we close out our 75 - ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire. Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY—Hot air heater. Must be in good working condition and at reasonable price. Address Crampton, 258 Ridge St., Steelton. WANTED—To buy a piano, lowest-' price, will pay strictly cash, give , name and age of instrument. Write at once. Address 434 Hummel Street, Harrlsburg. WANTED Paper bailer In good condi tion. Superintendent, The graph Printing Company, Harrlsburg. WANTED —To buy a mahogany flat ' ' top desk and chair, also one flat top oak desk. Address Box F-7878 care • Telegraph. . WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L, Cohen & Co., York and Ash Avenue. \ : S.- MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and rold. Highest cash prices paid. Can Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J < S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG, PA. WANTED—A slightly used 9x12 * rug. Call Bell phone 3340 R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'a GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ- Ir.g five men. Address Box 71-9016 care Telegraph. 'l PARTNER WANTED Capable executive experienced It managing a large automobHe repair service station, trucks especially, wanted, who will invert from , to $3,000 In business, taking a half interest, working on a salary and a** share of the profits. Must take full charge at once. Business permanently si?, b,l ."a care Telegraph. Additional Classified Ads - on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers