Fierce Battle Raging Before Gates of Petrograd Between Russian and Bolsheviki Armies HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Slac-fln&cpcn&enL LXXXVIII NO. 248 18 PAGES Dall & a X e c r p *t S th" d Po 8 t omlrSt "arMrf I*'' 1 *'' HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22, 1919. os KSSimlSi!!!r SI TWO I CENTS I3B HOME EDITION NEARLY $40,000 IS IN SIGHT FOR CITY MEMORIAL Executive Committee Has Plans Under Way Guar anteeing Success A CONFERENCE IS HELD Workers Volunteer to Aid in Any Movement to Raise Rest of Fund , Harrisburg bas subscribed more than half of the $70,000 necessary to meet the expenses of the Wel come Home celebration and pay for the construction of the great city memorial to the service men and women of Harrisburg at State and Thirteenth streets. When the campaigners reported nt noon to-day in Chestnut street hall there had been subscribed from nil sources just $32,729.12. But this does not include many subscriptions yet in sight and the total will run between $35,000 and $40,000. Not Discouraged "Do not be discouraged bv these figures," said Spencer C. Gilbert, chairman of the executive commit tee, after the reports had been read, "the monument will be built as cer lainly as I stand before you now." The campaigners cheered his re marks to the echo and went from the hall having pledged themselves to volunteer in any way uecessary to raise the remainder of the sum. To Plan Future Work After the meeting members of the executive committee got together and informally discussed plans for future work. It was agreed to give the campaign workers a rest for the time being, after their strenuous work of the past few dpys, and in the meantime to work out plans whereby the needed money will be subscribed. Among those who spoke during the meeting were Mr. Gilbert, E. J. Stackpole, president of the Cham ber of Commerce; Mrs. Ross A. Hickok, whose team of ladies did excellent work: Ren.iamin Strouse. C. H. Hunter, William Jennings and a number of the team coiVimanders. All were of optimistic turn of mind and expressed the belief that it is easily possible to get tlie rest of the money. Small Contributions Most of the money came in small sums, amounts as low as five cents having been subscribed by children. The schools of the city will not re port until Friday, Dr. F. E. Downes, city superintendent said, and con* siderable is expected from this source as some of the teachers have been working hard to make good showings for their buildings. Some of the largest sums reported were $1,200 from the Harrisburg Y. M. C. A.; $1,200 from the Central Iron and Steel Company and $1,4 00 from Grace Methodist Church, $2O for each star on its service flag. Mr. Gilbert in his speech thanked the campaigners for their work, say ing that he saw before him the same loyal, energetic, self-sacrificing men and women who had put over all the war drives, and he appreciated what they had done. Ways and means [Continued on Page 17.1 Claims Charges of Watson Part of Packers' Fight to Subvert Justice By Associated Press. Washington. Oct. 22.—The Fed oral Trade Comrfiission, in a formal statement to-day assorted that the charges made against the commis sion by Senator Watson. Republican, Indiana, and Senator Sherman. Re publican, Illinois, were "part of the warfare of the Chicago meat packers against the Department of Justice and the Federal Tradf Commission with the purpose of subverting jus tice." The commission said the good faith of Senator Watson's charges was open to question when it was remembered that the senator /as a "lobbyist" in 1909, and it charged that the senator's "relations with Ihe Chicago packers" were shown by correspondence which the com mission had taken from the flies of Wilson and Company. Declaring that the commission and its employes had long been sub ject to an attack, "that the public has never known about," the com mission's statement said that while it, was investigating the meat pack ers the government's representatives were trailed by detectives and that the commission's offices were enter ed "surreptitiously." U. S. Agents Indicted For Conspiracy to Blackmail Liquor Men By Associated Press New York, Oct. 22.—Three agents -of the Department of Justice were indicted to-day by the Federal Grand Jury on the charges of having engaged in a conspiracy to blackmail liquor dealers in this city ana there by frustrate the operation of the wartime prohibition law. Two oth er men, one a former agent of the department, were indicted on simi lar charges. I THE WEATHF.Rj Hnrrlsburg and Vicinity: p ar t| y cloudy to-night and ThurHdny. fooler to-night with lowest temperature about 45 degrees. Eastern Pennsylvania. Partly cloudy to-night and Thursday, fooler to-night. Gentle nest winds. Itiveri . The Susquehanna river and all Its brunches wiil mil slowly or remain stntionnry. \ stage of nbont 4.0 feet Is Indl ciilcd for llarrlsburg Thurs day morning. RIGA IS BEING SHATTERED BY BIG GERMAN SHELLS City Greatly Damaged and Many Civil ians Killed; Army of Gen. Yudenitch in Fierce Battle Within Sight of Petrograd SOVIET ARMIES LAUNCH POWERFUL NEW OFFENSIVE By Associated Press. Copenhagen, Oct. 22.—German artillery at Riga fired on British warships at the mouth of the harbor on Sunday, accord ing to a report of the Lettish general staff, and on Monday the British ships returned the fire, shelling German positions near the city. Riga is being bombarded by heavy German artillery, which is using gas shells. Great damage has been done in the city and many civilians have been killed or wounded. Ixuulon, Oct. 22.—Notwithstand ing General Yudenitch's great suc cess, his force is in imminent dan ger from a Bolshevik attack in the rear, says a Helsingfors dispatch under date of Monday to the Mall. Yudeniteh probably has not more than 12,000 men on the firing line and little artillery, with long lines of communication, the correspondent adds. Trotzky's experts, who include sev eral well-known Russian generals, have launched a powerful, offensive in the direction of Gdoff, threaten ing Yudenitch's forces from behind, while the left flank is liable to be shelled by the "Red" ships at Pe trograd. The city, says the corre spondent, contains 10,000 obstinate communist reserves, who are pre paring for hard street fighting. Revolt in Pctrograd A dispatch to the Central News from Helsingfors says that Russian newspapers arriving there report a state of rebellion in and around Pe trograd and the discovery of a coun ter revolutionary movement in the Bolshevik front lines. A wireless communication from Bolshevik sources says that fighting | is in progress six miles to the north of Krasnoye Selo, where the Reds are advancing. There is fierce fight ting also along the Windau railroad. The abandonment of Kiev by the Bolshevik! is admitted, after a se vere battle, in which the Reds claim to have taken many prisoners. Kronstadt has not been attacked and will not be by the naval forces now in the Baltic, and if the Bol sheviki evacuate the fortress before Petrograd falls it will be a great sur prise, according to an admiralty statement given to The Associated Press. Kxpect Kronstadt to Fall The admiralty, however, expects that Kronstadt will surrender soon after Petrograd is captured, prob ably to the British fleet in those waters: Messages received by the admiralty from Admiral Cowan, the British commander in the Baltic, do not mention the white flag incident at Kronstadt. Admiralty officers, who have had experience with the Bolshevik', would not be surprised if the white flag really had been run up on the fortress, as has been done in other instances, by irresponsible persons in the Bolshevik ranks. At present the British fleet of light cruisers is keep ing at a respectful distance from the heavy batteries of Kronstadt, un willing to get within range until confident that the Bolslieviki mean to surrender. Soviet Counterattack General Yudeniteh, commander of the Northwestern Russian army, seems to have been brought to a virtual standstill by the stubborn defense of Petrograd, which is al most within sight of his men. Soviet forces are even reported to have taken the offensive north of Kras noie, Selo, but details of the fight ing have not yet been fully re ported. East of Pulkovo. the Yudeniteh army appears to have encountered strong Bolshevik columns. Pulkovo is about three miles from the only remaining railway line running south from Petrograd and the im portance of retaining control of this road may explain the savage fight ing in that sector. Date reports state that heavier artillery is being brought up by General Yudeniteh. Kronstadt has not surrendered to the anti-Bolsheviki, and has not been attacked, according to a Brit ish Admiralty statement. Official reports issued from Soviet headquarters at Moscow admit the, STATES' NEW GUARD WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH TANKS Pennsylvania Assured of Latest Appliances For Division to Be Recruited Largely of Veterans Adjutant General Beary, who|b>ent yesterday at the Militia Bureau of the War Department, in company with Major General W. G. Price commanding the new Pennsylvania National Guard, to-day reported to Governor Sproul that the Wr De partment oillciuls had informed him that there were sufficient excess stores on hand to authorise the form ation of a complete division of the Keystone State Guard. A tank bat talion will be one of the units of the new Guard. General Beary said that as a re loss of Kiev, but make no further . mention of the claim that Orel, 120 miles south of Moscow, has been re captured from General Denilcine's ! Cossacks. Two Bolshevik Destroyers Are Sunk' in Fight at Sea By Associated Press Bondon, Oct. 22.—Two Bolshe vik torpedoboat destroyers were 1 sunk in Koporia bay, Gulf of Fin • land, when they attempted to attack i Esthonlan vessels and de ' stroyers on Tuesday, the Admiralty announced to-day. Six survivors from the Bolshevik , vessels were picked up. The British and Esthonians sustained no casual ties. Four Bolshevik destroyers in all took part in the attempted attack. ANNOUNCE CAPTURE c'y Asspciated Press. Helsingfors, Finland, Oct. 22. The capture of Krasnaia Gorka on the Gujf of Finland, nearly oppo site Kronstadt, by the Northwestern Russian army, is announced from that army's headquarters to-dav. . The capture was effected on Sunday . after severe fighting. The battle for ! Petrograd is still continuing, with , a heavy engagement six and one half miles south of the city. Bolshevik regiments from Mos ; cow are taking part in the defense of Petrograd, the headquarters re port adds. [ REDIEF OFFICE SMASHED , Bondon, Oct. 22.—The offices at . Riga of the American Relief Admin , istration European Children's fund . were destroyed by a high explosive . shell on Monday, according to a dis- I patch to the headquarters of the or ganization here. None of the three officers engaged In the relief work was hurt and the feeding of the chil ' dron is to proceed as before. i • Twisted Ligament May Put Soldier Walker Out of Gruelling Hike L Private Andrew J. Hill, member of the local army recruiting station, in , jured his ankle so badly in his hike ' from this city to Pittsburgh, that he probably will have to give up his walk. He is resting in Altoona to-dav i with his leg swollen from the ankle I to this thigh. Private Hill in 14 hours yesterday , walked from Dewistown t.o Altoona, a j distance of 76 miles. He took lunen ' eon in Huntingdon. A ligament in the I right 1 was twisted, he reported to day, while making a detour where .1 new highway Is being built. ' 317 RAILROADS DEFENDANTS IN GROCER SUITS Discrimination in Extraordi nary Shipping Facilities Af forded Packers Alleged By Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. 22.—A hard tegal battle was expected to follow open ing here to-day before Clyde B. Aitcheson, chairman of the Inter national Commerce Commission, of a hearing involving charges by the [Continued on Page 17.] sult of his conference that the pre liminary steps would be taken at once to organize a Guard of 14,500 men, which would be expanded until a full division in strength und units was in service. The colonels named last week have been in conference with General Price and the formation of"the regiments will foilo-v speed iI v. Many men of overseas service will be in the new Guard. The tank battalion will be one of four to be formed, Pennsylvania hav ing been awarded the because of the number of residents of this State trained in such service.. • ' CONSUMERS PAY MORE ALTHOUGH I FARMERS LOSE Declares Growers Selling at Loss but Public Is Pay ing Rising Prices BLAMES DISTRIBUTION Senator Capper Points Out That $8.37 in Wheat Mounts to $587 in Hotel Bread By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 21.—The farm ers' side of the high cost of living question was presented to the Senate to-day by Senator Capper, Republi can, of Kansas, who declared that, while farmers are selling their pro ducts at a loss in declining markets, the consumers are paying rising prices. Faulty distribution was blamed largely for this "remarkable specta cle" and the senator, urged a num ber of remedies to increase produc tion. He deplored the numerous in dustrial strikes and the small rep resentation given agriculture the industrial conference. "In our effort to get rid of the high cost of living disease," said Mr. Capper, "I fear we are in great dan ger of dying of the remedy. As a result of the cost of food, we have the remarkable spectacle of a rise of one per cent, in the cost of liv ing, coincident with market drops that are putting livestock raisers out of business and causing serious loss es to other producers." Mounts to $587 Illustrating the anomalous situa tion of farmers and consumers. Senator Capper said farmers are | selling their wheat at a loss, add ing: "It takes four and a half bushels of wheat to make a barrel of flour. The wheat raiser gets about $8.37 for tlie wheat, the miller $12.70, the baker $58.70 and the liotclkccpcr here In Washington, as it is doled out in thin slices, $587." U. S. Profits on Wheat The government, through the grain corporation. Senator Capper said, profited $23,000,000 at wthe ex pense of the farmers last year, the farmers selling from 20 to 70 cents less than the guaranteed price. "The situation of the livestock farmer is even more deplorable," he said. "Farmers Are selling their grain-fed beeves and hogs for less than it cost to produce them, but [Continued on Rage 18.] Arbor Day Program For Reservoir Park Complete; to Honor City's Dead Final arrangements have been made for the Arbor Day program to be given in Reservoir Park Friday afternoon when a grove of white pine trees will be dedicated in honor of the soldiers and sailors from Har risburg who died in war service. Devotional services will be con ducted by the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Pres byterian Church, and Bishop Philip R. McDevitt, of the Harrisburg dio cese of the Catholic Church. Music will include two songs by the pupils of the fourth and fifth grades from all city school buildings, and a se lection by the quartet of the Pine Street Church. Frank C. McCarrell and Professor W. M. Harclerode, supervisor of music in the city schools, will be in charge of the musical program. Dr. J. George Becht, Deputy Su perintendent of Public Instruction, will make the dedicatory address during the exercises. Park Commissioner E. 55. Gross announced to-day that all relatives and friends of soldiers and sailors who died in service are invited to be present at the memorial exercises. I PATROLMAN SAYS HE ASKED WOMAN TO TAKE NEW JOB Colored Officer Is Charged by Waitress With Serious Offense Accused by Florence Smith, a waitress in a Market street restau rant, with endeavoring to entice her to a State street address, Frank O. Jackson, colored patrolman is hav ing his conduct investigated by Ma yor Daniel L. Keister. Miss Smith is white. Her charges are emphatic ally denied by Patrolman Jackson. A preliminary hearing was given to Patrolman Jackson Monday, and a further hearing is scheduled to be held at police station during the af ternoon. Additional witnesses will be presented by Miss Smith this af ternoon, it is said. The woman charges Jackson told her she could get a room there and wouldn't need to work. She added that he urged her to get a taxicab and go teethe address he mentioned. Jackson frnies having made the promise. V According to the girl's story, the patrolman enteref the restaurant where she works and drank two cups of coffee. He mude repeated efforts to talk to her, according to Miss Smith, but she discouraged his con versation. Jackson is' said to havk talked to the woman and to have advised her to go to the address in the taxicab, but declares that it was for the purpose of another man who intend ed to open up a new restaurant. Jackson now is said to have for gotten the alleged restaurant man's name. HONOR MEMORY OF ROOSEVELT ON BIRTHDAY Monday Is Set Aside by the Mayor as Tribute to the Former President PLANNING FOR MEMORIAL City to Join With Nation to Help in the Big Campaign PROCLAMATION Whereas, The entire citizenship Jf the United States will observe in some fitting manner the anni versary of the birth of the "Greatest American," Theodore Roosevelt, Monday, October 2 7th, it is entirely fitting that some lo cal observance should be had, and, Whereas, It is r.-ow that A.mer ica realizes that in Theodore Roosevelt it had provided a char acter so unique, so compelling, so sincere, so dominating, so driving in irresistible earnestness, that, with him gone, a lull has settled upon the millions of those whom he loved and fought for, that nothing at present seems to rec ompense, and, Whereas, It is felt that the na tional celebration of Roosevelt Day will remind all good citizens of the principles for which our former President fought, and that those who are inclined to stray from the paths of law and order toward Bolshevism and anarchy will Jje inspired with new loyalty to,jtheir country by this message written by Roose velt the night before his death: "We have room for but or.-e flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization." Therefore, In keeping with a general movement for the ob servance of the day, r, Daniel L. Keister, Mayor of the City of Har risburg, Pennsylvania, do hereby call upon the citizens of Harris burg to attend a public meeting to be held on Monday, October 27th, at such time and place as are designated by the comm'ttee in charge, and that as a mark of esteem the flag he loved so well be lavishly displayed. DANIEL Li. KEISTER, Mayor. Harrisburg, Pa. Office of the Mayor, Qctober 21st, 1919. Roosevelt. Day will be fittingly ob served in Harrisburg next Monday, the anniversary of the birth of the former President. Arrangements are now being made by the Dauphin County Roosevelt Memorial Associa tion for a number of events during the day. The big part of the day's program will be the big mass meeting in the Chestnut Street Auditorium in the evening. At this time a number of prominent speakers will be in attend ance and make addresses. Plans are also being made to hold a series of exercises in the city's [Continued on Pago 18.] Rome Shaken by Second Earthquake By Associated Press Rome, Oct. 22.—Rome was shaken by an earthquake at 7.05 o'clock this morning the tremor waking up the population still in bed and last ing a few seconds. No reports as to the damage done have as yet been received. This is the second shock experl enced within two days, one being i felt yesterday. To-day's shock was I of considerable strength. FOUR REVISED RESERVATIONS TO TREATY ADOPTED Foreign Relations Committee Passes Changes Over Ad ministration Leaders By Associated Press. Washington. Oct. 22.—Four re vised reservations to the Peace Treaty were adopted to-day by the 'Senate Foreign Relations Committee with the administration leaders vot ing solidly ngainst them. The committee also adopted a pre amble to the reservations providing I that the Treaty should not become ! effective until three of the other' | principal Allied and associated pow- I ers had agreed to the Senate's reser , vations. This, too, was opposed by jthe administration senators, j The four reservations approved - related to article ten, the Monroe I Doctrine, withdrawal and domestic i I questions. On most of the roll calls ! I the division was 11 to 6. . The reservation adopted relating j to article ten was identical, except for the transportation of one phrase, with the one which President Wilson i announced on his western trip tbnt he would be obliged to "regard as McOpmber, Republican, North Da kota, had stood with the other Re publicans of the committee, for res ervations. Republican leuders de clared the program of which the four reservations were u part had | been agreed to by all the 39 R e - j | publican senators and six Demo crats. A. number of other reserva-I Hons remaining on this program will j be taken up at another meeting if j the committee late to-day. PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR WELCOMING OF BELGIUM'S RULERS King Albert and Sproul Will Plant Trees in Capitol Park Commemorat-j ing Visit to City STREET DECORATION S ARE STRONGLY URGED Short Tour of the City Will Be Made to Give People Oppor tunity to See Heroic Figures and Show City to Visitors Arrangements for the reception to King Albert of Belgium and liis royal parly during their visit to Har risburg, from 9 until 10.30 o'clock I Friday morning, are progressing rapidly under the direction of tne officials of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. It is intended to make the reception one of the most com plete demonstrations in honor of dis tinguished visitors that has ever featured the history of the city. A reception committee of promin ent citizens, including the directors of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce, the Mayor, city and county officials,' prominent clergymen and others, is being completed. Vance C. McCormick, the director of the Chamber of Commerce, who acted for the organization in bringing the royal party to Harrisburg, will be chairman of the committee. Route of Parade Officials of the Chamber of Com merce with the special committee of the board of directors, rode over the proposed route of parade to-day and determined that the procession would pass over the following streets: starting at the Pennsylvania Rail road station at 9 o'clock, out Market street, across the Market street bridge to the West Shore, returning via. the Walnut street bridge, to Front street, to Maclay, to Second, to State street, to- Front street, circling State street plaza and re turning on State street to the Capitol grounds, through the Capitol grounds, to the front entrance of the Capitol. After the ceremonies at the Capitol, the guests and the members of the reception committee, in auto mobiles, . will leave the Capitol grounds and return to the Pennsyl vania Railroad station via. Fourth street. City officials will not permit the parking of vehicles on any portion of the route during the parade. It is understood that the Capitol build ing will be closed to all except the visitors and the reception committee until after the party leaves the Capitol grounds. This, for the pur pose of avoiding a rush and also to avoid delaying the party, whose time in the city will necessarily be short. Citizens of Harrisburg have been requested to begin decorating their homes and places of, business along the route at once, "using as many Belgian flags as possible. They are assured by the committee that there will be no change of route, so that the decorating of the city ought to be as general as possible in the short time given for this purpose. To Plant Two Trees Representatives of the -Commerce Chamber waited upon Governor Sproul before he left for Pittsburgh at noon to-day, and he approved the program so far as it affected his own participation in it and assured the committee that he would be happy !to co-operate in every way. Arrange- Iments were made for the planting | of two trees in the Capitol Park, one jby the King and the other by Gov jernor Sproul. This planting will be I particularly appropriate, inasmuch as Friday is the State Arbor Day and the trees will represent permanent memorials of the visit of of the King and Queen. The planting of the trees will follow the visit of the party to the Capitol and will conclude the formal features of the reception, the visitors leaving immediately thereaf ter for the train. Several bands will furnish music for the occasion. The national airs of Belgium, America and the Allies will mingle during the hour and a half that Harrisburg greets the visit ing sovereigns. It was said likely that many busi ness houses throughout the city will close for several hours Friday morn ing, in honor of the royal visitors. Hundreds of Roy Scouts will aid in keeping the streets clear during the parade. The suggestion that busi nessmen make Friday's reception the occasion of a short holiday of a couple of hours, during the visit, was made by Mayor Keister. The names and titles of the members of the DAYLIGHT SAVING IDEA SPREADS Philadelphia is another city that is linirrg up in favor of the retention of daylight saving. New York bMty has already provided for it through a city ordinance. Philadelphia Council now has a proposed ordinance lying before one of its committees to continue the plan in the Quaker City. The ordinance has been intro duced in Philadelphia Council by William M. Lewis, a large manu facturer. Mr. Lewis emphasized the necessity of Philadelphia and ither cities following New York's step, since all the banking lnstl lutions, stock exchanges and oth er houses will observe the act In j that city. Camden, too, is lining up in | favor of jthe plan. Mayor Charles Ellis has promised to take the plan before Council if the people line up strong enough behind the movement, and he believes they r.rc doing so. SCHOOLS TO CLOSE IN KING'S HONOR All public schools in the city will be closed Friday morning, so that the thousands of school chil dren of the city can join in the reception to be given in honor of King Albert, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Leopold when they visit the city. The special train bringing the royal visitors from Pittsburgh east will reach Harrisburg at 9 o'clock on Friday morning and will leave here at 10.30 o'clock. royal party were made public. They are: Itoynl Belgian Party His Majesty, the King of the Bel gians. Her Majesty, the Queen of the Bel gians. Ills Royal 11Ighness. Trince Leopold, Duke of Brabant. I His Excellency, the Belgian Am bassador, Baron Dr Cartier. The Countess Chiolaine Oaraman- Chimay. lady in waiting to Her Ma jesty*. v Lieutenant Cleneral Baron .lacques, commanding the Third Division of the army. Colonel Tilkens of the General Staff, aid-de-camp to His Majesty. M. Pol T,e Tellier, secretary to the Belgian Kmbassy. Malor of Artillery, Count Guy DOultremont. adjutant of the court. Max Leo Gerard, secretary to His Majesty. Charles Graux, secretary to Her Ma jesty. Lieutenant of Cavalry Goffinet, of ficer of ordnance to His Majesty. Lieutenant Colonel Nolf, physician to the royal party. Ten servants. Officials of the United States Gov ernment accompanying the roval Bel giaynparty are: .wand Whitlock. Mrs. Whitlock, Major General William M. Wright, U. S. A., Rear Admiral Andrew T. l ong, U. S. N.. G. C. Tarter, secretary of embassy of the United States; Basil Miles, on special mission for Department of State, Colonel Charles H. Patterson. U. S. A., aid to Major Wright. Major W. W. Hoffman, aid to H. R. H. Duke of Brabant. J. W. Nye. chief of special agents, Department of State. E. T. Bell, confidential stenographer. eS *£- & *5- f WILSON SIGNS SEVERAL E f eU - £ X t| eral bills, recently passed by Congress, Secretary Tu-. 3| § mult; -.need. {•. <4* V l , 4f 4* X CONFERS WITH OPERATORS ALONE If —' A J X Washington. —ln an effort to break the deadlock be- X: . tween the miners' and operators' representatives, Secre- x T tary o£ Labor Wilson y/ent irfto conference #vith the £ *f operators' delegates this afternoon. The union commit- j* , L teemen were excused until later. | § SENATE.BARS ALIENS f Washington. A bill extending wartime restrictions 4 a <4* on pass ie cou. *** H JL II X day by the Senate, without'a record 'oje and sent to jl !♦ conference. 4* T ' ** 4 4 1 ± 4 * T £ of 4* X former Emperor William are being made, it was an- JI 4 nounced in the House of Commons to-day by Bonar x e£ lor. The T for the. surrender of the ex-emperor ** he explained could' not be made until ail the powers had * X -'g' • v the Peace Treaty. ** .4* a $♦ v , ' i ' ' 4 T R. R. UNIONS BACK STEEL STRIKE * ► <§ - W. Z. Foster, the steel strike leader, 'JL JL . - [ : X vyas notified to-day by John Fitzpatrick, chairman of 1 11 y the committee handling the strike, that the railroad broth- y e? trhoods had consented to the strike of union railroad T mtii employed fn and around steel mills not under con- * * X to the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel ' > || and Tin Workersv 4 # I I 1 <§• rh —* ± ' MARRIAGE LICENSES £ f \ T AiiNlln J. Thirl and Florence E. Wright, Her.hcji Letter J.. 4l KuiilTmiin, llarrUbarK, and EDtnbeth M. Orendorf, York Haven. T® 1. . . . <- READS LETTER TO STOP SPLIT IN CONFERENCE Chairman Lane Presents Mis sive Wilson Sent to In dustrial Meeting SHOWS NEED FOR ACTION Says Public Expects Estab lishment of Co-operation Between Elements By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 22.—Organized labor's representatives in the Na tional Industrial Conference to-day forced the reading of the letter to the conference which President Wil son yesterday dictated from his sick bed and in which he declared the public expected the conference to stay together until every possible means had been exhausted to estab lish a "surer and heartier co-opera tion between all the elements en gaged in industry." I.a 1 Kir May Bolt Immediately after the letter was read, the conference recessed and the labor group went into private session to determine its future course. The members plainly were impatient and some of the public and capital delegates seemed doubt ful whether the labor representatives would continue in the conference. Chairman Lane read the letter dic tated by President Wilson yester day from his sick bed, urging the imperative necessity for some action by . the conference to insure indus trial peace during the construction period. The President said the public ex pected the conference to stay to [Continucd on Page 18.] • SHIP RUNS AGROUND By Associated Press. San Francisco, Oct. 22.—The pas senger liner Nippon Maru, of the Tokyo Kisen Kaisha line, went aground in the thick fog at Point Pedro, 19 miles south of San Fran cisco at 7.24 o'clock to-day, accord ing to the Marine Department of the Chamber of Commerce. Tugs have been sent from here. The Pippon Maru is inbound from the Far East.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers