ALL TAXICABS TO HAVE METERS Hew Regulations Made by the Public Service Commission to Cover Whole State The Public Service Commission has adopted a seb- of regulations for the operation of all taxicabs, jit neys and all vehicles of like charac ter that act us common carriers which will be promulgated as soon us possible. While they are the out come of the investigation . made of the taxicab and Jitney situation in Philadelphia by Commissioners James S. Benn and Samuel M. Clem ent, Jr., they will apply to Pitts burgh, Harrisburg and all other places in the State. The regulations were drafted by Commissioners Benn and Clement and the pliant features nre'require rnent that all taxicabs be equipped with taximeters and that indemnity insurance be provided. Other regu lations such as posting of tariffs, uni form signs and similar regulations are made. The hearing in the Philadelphia matter which includes the com- 1 plaints against taxicab rates in Phil adelphia and the application of the Quaker City Cab Company for ap proval of its tariff will be held Friday in Common Pleas Court No. 1, room B. in Philadelphia City Hull instead of the place previously announced. Taxicab matters will also come up at the Pittsburgh hearings on Thurs day. More cases of diphtheria were reported to the State Department of Health for September than known in any month since the Department be gan to keep records, there having been 1668 listed according to a state ment issued by the Department to day. Thus far in October there have been 37" cases reported and indica tions are that the disease is spread ing in some industrial communities. The department has sent some of its staff to centers of infection and pur chased and distributed large quan tities of antitoxin. In addition to the Shamokin and Mt. Carmel districts there have been reports of increases in cases from Scranton, Wilkes- Fat That Shows Soon Disappears Prominent fat that comes and stays where it is not needed is a burden; a hindrance to activity, a curb upon ' pleasure. You can take off the fat ' where it shows by taking: after each meal and at bedtime one Marmola : Prescription Tablet. These little tab- i lets are as effective and harmless as the famous prescription from which i they take their name. Buy and trv i a case today. Your druggist sells them at SI., or if you prefer vou 1 may write d act to the Marmola Company. Sr i Woodward Ave.. De-J troit, Mich. You can thus say good- 1 bye to dieting, exercise and fat. i t i DON'T SUFFER! \oh\CORN FIX /MY \ Stops the pain in- ; \ 6tantly and in 10 (CORN' X. minutes the VA_/IY!\ corn or caU | lous 1 s all I ~->y/gone. No ex- i tended treat- j ments; no soaking the feet. Safe, sure and sim ple. CORN FIX is wonderful! Take ! no other. Money back if it to I Kelp you. At all dealers, or direct for i 35c. Buy a bottle today: enjoy walk- | ing tomorrow! CORN FIX CO., Inc., | Newark, N. J. PIMPLES How to remove them Y'ou'd give a lot to get rid of those ! distressing pimples wouldn't you? ' For you know how troublesome they are—how they spoil your beauty —; how often they prove embarrassing, j Klearskin—a soothing cream, pre pared by the physicians of the Klois ter Laboratories, proves effective in" the treatment of pimples, blotches j and other unsightly facial eruptions. I This cream contains a medicament'] of wonderful value so wonderful , that even a two-weeks' treatment will demonstrate its merit. Klear- : skin is harmless, greasless and -of ] flesh color does not show on the i skin and will not promote hair I growth on the face. Pave the way for better looks. Ser.d ! $1 for a large size jar of Klearskin i and Dr. Russell's treatise—"Facial i blemishes and their removal." If ; you will send your druggist's name and address, we will include a trial I package of Intes-tone. Sloister Laboratories Box 473 Ephrata, Pa. 1 If You Keep Hens CUT THIS OUT Dollar a Dozen Eggs This Winter. Get Four to Seven Eggs a Week Per Hen. $5.00 Profit in Six Months From $3.00 Hen—Make Hens Lay 1000 Eees SUCCESSFUL POULTRY SECRETS REVEALED BY AMERICA'S FOREMOST POULTRY EXPERT TO HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH READERS (By Henry C,-afford) This is a notice that should inter-' est every reader of this paper who keeps chickens. As a poultry rais er looking; for eggs and profit either on a large or small scale, you simply can't afford to ignore it. I'll tell you why. You know as well as I do that the man or woman who makes the real money in poultry is the one who gets lots of eggs in the cold winter months when most hens have stopp* d laying and eggs are selling at tc,> notch prices. Most any hen will lay well in Spring when eggs bring little. But I want to show you how to make YOUR hens lay NOW. Now in October when egg prices are climbing and in November. December, January and February when eggs will sell at a dollar or more a dozen. I have found a remarkable con centrated preparation called "Hen ergizer" which for making both old hens and pullets shell out the eggs is surely a wonder,. Feed a little of this preparation to your hens, and I believe the-results will amaze you. Speedily breaks up moult and gets the old hens laying. Puts pullets working at high speed, and keeps them at it. Four to seven eggs per week per layer right through the winter is no uncommon experience and makes the January egg record look like April or May except that prices are twice as good. My hens lay this way. You want yours to do the same. Begin Now. Give your-chickens a few cents' worth a of Henergizer every flay and make the poultry house as busy as a bee hive in June. Henergizer is not ex pensive. A 11.00 package contains TUESDAY EVENING, Barre, Reading. Altoona, Johnstown and Erie. Increases of scarlet fever cases have also been reported but the num ber is nothing like diphtheria. In j fluenza reports are utmost normal. The Heights Water Company, of I Lebanon, i-day filed complaint with | the Public Service Commission i against the Lebanon Consolidated ; Water Company's action in threaten -1 ing to discontinue service and also | against the rate charged. State Treasury receipts climbed i to-day through payment of large ! corporate taxes. The Philadelphia ! Electric Company alone paid $245,- I 000. The death warrant issued for the electrocution of Robert Loomis, Northampton, was withdrawn to-day because his case is in the Supreme Court, while a respite to enable the j State Board of Pardons to act on the ; case of Lewis Page, Fayette, was i issued, staying the date of execution } to the week of November 24. Senators C. E. Sones, of Lycom | ing, and T. L. Eyre, Chester, were | here to-day to see the Governor. I Other Capitol visitors were James i Watson, Williamsport, former asso ! ciate counsel of the Public Service | Commission and Representative O. I D. Stark, of Wyoming. Dr. J. George Becht, deputy super ! intendent of public instruction, will i speak before Montgomery county j school directors "to-morrow at Nor- I ristown. Adjutant General Frank D. Boary , is in Washington to-day with Major ; General W. G. Price in consultation : with the militia bureau chiefs. WILSON FROM~BED SEEKS TO AVERT BREAK [Continued from First Page.) said the letter might not be presented to the conference immediately but held in reserve to be used only when danger of the conference breaking up became acute. The serious situation in the con ference was reported to the Presi dent early to-day after a conference between Chairman Lane, Secretary Wilson of the Labor Department; Bernard M. Baruch, chairman of the public group; Thomas L. Chad bourne, chairman of the committee of fifteen and Secretary Tumulty. The President immediately dictated the Ftter to a stenographer and signed the completed copy with a let.d pencil. Shaky Signature The President's signature was written on the bias across the sheet and apparently his hand was some wh t shaky when he signed it. Mr. T ■ ilty immediately left for the P n- Vmerlcan building where the co ence sits to present the letter j to Mr. Lane. Before the brief session to-day, I Chairman Lane said the conference would not be permitted to end its work and that the leaders of the three groups—capital, labor and the public—had decided to frame a new and comprehensive program, involv ing all industrial issues of a general nature. It is understood that ref erence to the specific issue that has caused the present situation would be avoided. While there was no talk of bolt ing the conference, several rnembers of the labor group plainly were im patient. Delegates in the public group, however, were confident that the labor representatives would not leave the conference but would seek to press the advantage gained through having succeeded in bring ing the public representatives into line with them on every important issue thus far introduced. I It developed to-day that the era- I ployers are far from agreement among themselves on a declaration I regarding collective bargaining des ' pite their efforts to reach a com ; mon understanding at conferences ] yesterday and last night. Some j members of the group were said to i favor standing by the substitute al • ready introduced, but others argued | that a new proposal be submitted, j Among the resolutions introduced j at the session of the conference this I morning was one by L. F. Loree. of I the capital group, urging a declara- I tion in favor of employers furnish- I ing insurance policies covering the j five major hazards, sickness, acci , tion and death. Mr. Loree said such I policies "would enable the insured | to set up an estate with the initial j payment, would relieve from the ! fear of want, would give security and I independence, and would encourage habits of thrift." ' | Under a resolution by T. C. Atke ; son, a farmers' deleaite in the capi- I tal group, the would de i clare in favor of the right of farm | ers to form co-operative marketing organizations in order to -maintain | the price of their products. | Timothy Shea. chief of the Brotherhood of Firemen and En- I ginemen, took his seat in the labor j group to-day in the place -of P J McXamara. Mr. Shea'said he had 1 been unable to attend heretofore owing to the negotiations with the railroad administration. about 100 tablets and costs to use less than a cent a day for each ten hens. \\ ill last ten hens five months. Poultrvmen try Henergizer on my guarantee—Money back if not sat- I isned. You run no risk. Don't delay. It will cost you money in egg profits. Order your trial 11.00 bi>x of Hen ergizer today. Send Coupon below with $l.OO and a package will go to you by return mail with my new circular "The 1,000 Egg Hen." Henry Trafford. Suite 356 A, Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton. N. Y. COUPON Henry Trafford. 356 A Ackerman Bldg. _ Binghamton, N.' Y. Send me one full size package of "Henergizer" with your agree ment and guarantee to refund my money if the results It gives are not satisfactory in every way. I enclose $l.OO in payment. Write name and address plainly. Name Address NOTKs Mr. Truflforil, whose an nouncement appears above, Is well nnd fnvornbly known to poaltrv rnlsers all over the United States. He Is regarded as one of America's fore most Poultry Experts and Breeders and for nearly eighteen years has been Editor of Poultry Success. He Is entirely trustworthy and reliable und can be depended upon to do all ~br more than he agrees. STANDARD POULTRY SERVICE. SCHOOL PATRONS GREATLYNEEDED iMrs. Charles Long, of Wilkes- Barrc, Tells Civic Club to Get Interested in Work | Mrs. Charles Long, of Wilkes ! Barre, who told Civic Club women i yesterday afternoon of the great need |of school patrons, said that the de i partment she represents. School i Patrons of the Pennsylvania State i Educational Society, is an outgrowth ;of a great need, and was establi'sli |ed as a connecting link between the ' people of a community and tlie j school workers. The aim of the de- I partment is to combine the needs and interests of the children, the wel fare and purposes of the teachers, j the privileges and duties of parents ! and the rights and obligations of 1 taxpayers. I "There are 38,000 schools in this j country without teachers," said the | speaker, "and over two hundred in j this State in charge of teachers just j out of high school. Fewer young I people than ever before are training i for teaching as a life profession. It 1 is necessary not only to get the point j of View of the parent and the child, | but it is imperative to see that the j need for trained teachers be seri ! ously considered." I Mrs. Long urged the Civic Club to I make one school In the city a social i unit in its co-operation between par- I ents and teachers. I Mrs. William Henderson who pre | sided at the meeting told the club | that the Hostess House committee had the clubhouse thoroughly reno -1 voted after the winter's use of it by j the men in service and that $33.97, the surplus from the work, was giv len to the Welcome Home Celebra [ tion for their festivities of Septem ber 28 and 29. The club covered | the name of one soldier with $2O hi | the City Memorial, voted to co-oper ate against the sn-.oke nuisance, en dorsed "Speech Week" for the week of November 3, and expressed its interest in helping secure for tlio city a trained, colored welfare worker. • The work of Mrs. Erfith Berg stresser. the Police Matron, was com mended: the gift of a large Oriental rug to the clubhouse by Mrs. George Preston Mains, announced and a re port of last summer's fly campaign told of by Mrs. Solomon Hlney,'the chairman of that committee. Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, the club secretary and a delegate to the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women last week at Scranton, an in spiring account of the work of that great body of women and the club was urged to send gifts of clothing or money for the patients at the Mount Alto rianitorium. to the club house by the first week of Novem ber, Mrs. William E. Bailey will su-| perintend the packing of these boxes as usual The municipal department and educational department held brief meetings prior to the genera! meeting. CITY RESPONDS TO CANVASS FOR FUNDS [Continued from First Page.] other campaigns it which he was engaged." said Donald McCormick this morning. George S. Reinoehl, chairman of the campaign 'insofar as it applies to industries, said to-day that he has hopes of a number of large sub scriptions before the bell rings at noon Wednesday. The same thing is true of Al. K. Thomas, who has been drumming up subscriptions among the lodges, fraternal societies and churches. Less Than $15,000 On the Market street side of the Dauphin building there has been erected a miniature of the memorial. A flag marks the total subscriptions • received. The flag hasn't touched the $15,000 mark. The committee in charge of the campaign considers it strange that while the campaign for funds has been on for nearly four weeks vol unteer subscriptions has totaled so little an average of less than 15 cents each. Judging from the amount of racket and noise made by hilarious Harrisburg on November 11 last, the city was greatly pleased with what its fighting men had done and were doing, but the memorial subscriptions do not live up to the advanced cheering. Solicitors will cover every section of the city. They will furnish buttons and win dow emblems to subscribers. Sums of money from $1 to $l,OOO will be received, but it is hoped that citizens will make the sums as large as possible. It is urged upon heads of families that they discuss subscriptions before the arrival of solicitors and leave at home the money they propose giving, so that the time of the can vassers will toot be wasted. State Not Holding Up Anyone's Checks Officials of the State Board of Public Grounds and Buildings to day denied that the State was hold-, ing up the $25,000 checks of unsuc cessful bidders on the new Memorial Bridge. "All checks except that of the Central Construction Corporation, the successful bidder, were returned October 1. The Central check, na turally, will be held until the con tract is formally signed," said an official to-day. The Board of Public Grounds and Buildings is expected to have a con ference late to-day in regard to the bridge contract which may be for mally signed. Architect A. W. Brunner will be here to-night from New York and Engineer J. E. Grelner is already here. Auditor General Charles A. Snyder said to-day he hoped to see the bridge contract signed imme diately. GEORGE MARZOLF George Marzolf died yesterday at 8.40 p. m. at his residence, 1514 Green street, aged 88 years, 10 months and 2 days. Funeral serv ices will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the German Lutheran Zion Church, the Rev. H. F. "Lisse officiating. Burial in the East Har risburg Cemetery. Mr. Marzolf was born in Alsace-Lorraine. France. He emigrated to America In 1857 and came direct to Harrlsburg, where he was employed for twenty years by the Pennsylvania Railroad. After that time he engaged In thq truck ing business and foY the past ten years has been retired. He is sur vived by one son, John, 1402 Wil liam street: six grandchildren, Mabel K. and Carolyn L., at home, and Ross Marzolf. Herbert and Mossier and Mrs. Edgar Burd, of Washington, D. C\, and four great grandchildren. Mr. Marzolf was a nfe-long member of the Lutheran Church. Trees encourage I outdoor life. Plant one on Arbor Day. HARRISBCRG TELEGRAPH " BOLSHEVIKI SHIP CASH TO MOSCOW [Continued from First Page.] less dispatch sent out by the Soviet government in Moscow. 'Helsingfors, Oct. 21.—The Bolshe vist forces cencentruted at Gdoff. on hake Peipus, which constituted a most serious threat to the rear ot'' General Yudenitch, have been dis covered. This removes the menace of an advance against the commu nications of the anti-Bolshevist i forces now before Petrograd, which | War Minister Trotzky was reported to have declared recently *'ould de cide the fate of the city, rather than the defense of the old capital it self. Copenhagen, Oct. 21. Tremen dous explosions were being heard from Petrograd by the attacking army last night, according to a spe- I cial telegram to the Berlingske i TidCnde front Beval. General Yu denitchi ramy had then reached a point eight and one-half miles from Petrograd, the towers of which could be seen from the anti-Bolshevik lines during the day. The liberation of Petrograd was expected hourly. Anti-Bolshevik troops have pene trated to within live miles of Petro grad, according to a semi-official British statement, says a dipspatch from Helsingfors to the Berlingske Tidende. Forces of Soviet Are Being Slowly Driven Back to Petrograd By Associated Press. London, Oct. 21.—Forces of the Russian Soviet government are be ing slowly driven back to their last defenses in front of Petrograd. Gen eral Yudenitch has captured Pul kova, about seven miles south of the city, and Ligova, less than eight miles to the southwest, according to unofficial reports. Bolshevik troops are apparently formed along: the Petrograd-Luga- Pskov Railroad, where they arc stubbornly contesting each attempt of the Yudenitch forces to drive eastward. The anti-Bolsheviki reached a point near Luga last week, but since that time there has been no indication the railroad has been crossed at any point south of Gatchina, which is admitted to be in the hands of the Yudenitch army. Soviet forces seem still to be holding the coastal region west of Petrograd, a Halsingfors dispatch telling of a duel between an anti- Bolshevik fleet and the fort of Krasnaia Gorka. A great fire, ac companied by an explosion, was ob served after the battle, but it is said it may have been at Oranienbaum, j a village about twelve miles east of Krasnaia Gorka. Kiev, which was occupied by Bol shevik troops last week, has been attacked by General Denikine's cos sacks, who have forced the reds out of most of the city. Fighting was still going on there last Friday. Disastrous Defeat Nearer the center of General Den ikine's line, the Soviet armies have essayed a counter-offensive, launch- [ ing an attack at Kronu, seventeen 1 miles southwest of Orel. This attack was completely defeated, according to an official report. Southeast of Orel, the Bolshevikl have suffered a disastrous defeat, an official report says. This battle took place west of the Khoper river, the most important-'trlbutary of the Don. It is said that volunteer troops of the Denikine army are following ' up their advantage in this region. Kolchak troops on the Siberian front are said to have met a reverse, losing quite heavily in fighting near Kurgan. This report, if confirmed, would seem to throw some doubt on recent reports that the Bolsheviki are rapidly retreating on the east ern front. As late, as October 9. Kurgan was in the hands of the Bolsheviki. APPEALS TO U. S. FOR FOOD Stockholm, Oct. 21.—The United States minister here. I. N. Morris, has received a request by telegraph from General Yudenitch and Pre mier Lianozow of the government of Northwest Russia urging the United States to send food and other necessities for Petrograd, which General Yudenitch said he expected to take to-day. The request was forwarded to Washington. Premier Lianozow's dispatch as serted that Yudenitch's troops on Saturday last were only five miles from Petrograd. Handsome Fur Display at the Penn-Harris-Hotel What will probably be one of the most unusual display of furs held in Harrishurg. will be conducted at the lenn-Harris Hotel, Wednesday even ing. Thursday ail day and Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Mary Sachs Shop. Mr. Baruch. a member of a large New York fur house, will bring to Hamsburg an extensive collection of furs, the value of which he estimates to be over $lOO,OOO. The showing will include wraps, coats, dolmans,' coat ees. sport coats, etc.. in mink and broadtail, Alaska seal, snuirrel and Hudson seal, together with com binations of nutria, squirrel, skunk, stone marten, kolinsky, dved Hudson Bav sal.le, etc. There will also be a showing in neckwear, including silver fox, ermine, Russian and Hudson Bav sables, foxes, as well as skunk, ston'e martens, lynx, mole and squirrel. Miss Sachs is conducting the dis play in the Penn-Harris Hotel this season owing to the lack of facilities in her shop to carry the fur stock. It Is her intention with her proposed improvements and enlargement of her store room to conduct a fur depart ment, but for the present season she has arranged for her patrons the present display at the Penn-Harris. The display will be held in Parlor A cn th® ballroom floor. Four Killed Elevated Train Crash By Associated Press• New York, Oct. 21.—Four persons were killed and several injured when a northbound Third avenue elevated train crashed into the rear of a sec ond train stalled between One Hun dred and Seventy-fifth and One Hun died and Seventy-sixth streets early to-day. Slippery rails, due to the light are said to have made the emergency brakes of little avail In bringing the moving train to a sudden stop. The rear car of the forward train was telescoped three quarters of Its length. Fire apparatus was sum moned to the scene to clear away wreckage. Cix ambulances cared for the Injured. Irving Boyd, motorman of the rear train, was placed under krrest as soon as he reached the hospital, where he was taken suffering from internal injuries. DR. DICKINSON BETTER Friends of Dr. J. E. Dickinson, 228 North Second street, will be glad to hear that he is very much better and will In all probability be able to get out next week. Dr. Dickiilson was seriously ill last week and several other doctor* */-• mius tno con nnltotion Heads Broken and Eyes Blackened in * New Strike Disorders, I'llflnir B h, Oct. 21. —M'nor disord- j ers marked zne progress of the steel j strike i n the Pittsburgh district to day, but no cue was seriously hurt, i A crowd gathered about the main 1 gate at the/Mdgar Thompson plant <Vf the Carnegie Steel Company in Brad-i dock, hooted workmen on their way j to the mill. * • Finally a. blow was struck and a t party of workers, using their lists ■ and dinner buckets, forced their way i into the plant. Broken heads and! blackened eyes summed up the dam-, age. A more serious situation developed at Mingo Junction, Ohio, where bricks were thrown and two of the attacking j party arrested. A dispatch from ! Sleubenville, tile county sedt nearby i said that* a dozen petitions were in i circulation among citizens calling on I Governor Cox to send troops to pre- ! serve order. Mayor Frank McCoy, of J Mingp Junction, assured the Sheriff) he could preserve order without state I interference, having added a number] of special policemen to his force. I The Carnegie Steel Company, which , owns the Mingo plant, said no effort ! j was being made to operate it. that | j only a few hundred men had been i j [ Begy's Mustarine For Sore Throat And Chest Colds I Just rub on Begy's Mustarine if you I want to get rid of that cold on the chest, bronchitis, pleurisy or sore ' thrqat in double quick time. It csin ' not blister and you can get a big ycl | low box of this original, real rails j turd plaster improvement at a very small price. ] A box is equal to 50 blistering mus ! tard plasters and with it you can | stop toothache, headache and earache lin 10 minutes. Prescribed by doctors i for 19 years. Nothing so quick and i ! effctive to end rheumatic pains, neu i rilis, neuralgia and lumbago. Be sure it's Begy's Mustarine, the j original in the yellow box. The 60- i times as much as the HO-cent size. It's i great for chilblains and frosted feet. Money back if it isn't by far the | best miistord preparation on the mur- I ket. i g. r. n-o C- *• ! iJBiMI | 16799 DIED ,in New York City alone from kief : riey trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard ngainst this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland's national remedy sine* 1596. ; All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. ; Look for the ammo Gold Modal on every box end accept no imitation / __ A Niagara under the Hood Force, rightly applied, has thrilled mankind since the beginning of time. The traditional power of America's great waterfall, it seems, is under the hood of the Atlantic-propelled vehicle, awaiting the com- IklATMlCjof mand of the driver. For there is a feeling that you must hold the car in leash, or it will P? just naturally run away.\ Such power makes pleasure-driving worth while and business-driving profitable. To be certain of this terrific energy in a motor-fuel, ask for Atlantic Gasoline by name. You, too, will think there's a Niagara under the hood THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh ATLANTIC Gasoline Puts Pep in Your Motor - / gjggggjjgggjjjgjggg '* *// < - -■ . " ' .... • i v 1 OCTOBER 21, 1919. N sent in to clean up the place and make needed jepairs. Potter to Be Given a Hearing This Afternoon B. Leslie Potter, the former hotel | proprietor who yesterday afternoon x / ' A Bit of Logic— WfrlPTl ou a lawyer, you consult the best law- XX I 101 l vcr you can get. That's logical. When sickness comes into the family, the physician called in is the one in whom you have the utmost confidence—the one of \ greater experience. / Apply the same principles when printing problems confront you. "Consult the printer of widest range of experience—the specialist! The Telegraph Printing Company is an In stitution of Specialists in the Printing Arts— each pian selected because of his particular knowledge of his phase of the printing trade. Your printing problems are safe in the hands of such men. Plate Printing Die Stamping Social and Business Engraving Wedding Announcements and — - ( '. * Invitations Calling Cards Dinner and Party Cards Banquet Cards and— v _ Menus Business Stationery Folders > Announcements Personal, Business and — Social Printing of Every Character \ 9 IMTelegraph Printing Telegraph Building and Cameron & State Streets Is alleged to .have flred three revolver shots at K. Sherman Care at the let ter's office, at 409 Market street, will be given a hearing in police court this afternoon. Thus far Potter has refused to make any statement. Potter is also said to have born ill uill against Cure since the latter rep. resented his wife in u successful non support suit. 11 KNIGHTS OF MALTA MEET I Reading. Pa., Oct 21—The Supreme Commandery of the Knights of Malta, i convened here this afternoon with delegates present from a large num-- ber of states. John Q. Miles, of Wll kinsburg, supreme commander, pre sided. Reports submitted show that the membership Is 61.676 and that $141,616 was paid out in relief dur ing the past year. if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers