18 That Used Car, teicitoer,Wl Sell For leal Casl If Adycrtlscd—Try tie Classified Deaths BROWN A WELL—Died October 15. 1919, Bertha M. Brownawell, In her 26th year at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Reber, 2014 Derry St. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock to which relatives and friends are Invited. Burial in East Harrisburgr cemetery. IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving: remembrance of |my wife. Delia S. Ritter, who died ! October 17, 1918. Softly now the ligrht Is falling: on a quiet grave. Where there sleepeth without dream ing One we loved but could not save. Oh. do not ask me if I miss her. For there's such a vacant place. Oft I feel her presence near me. But no more I see her smiling face. Yet I know that she is happy In the mansions of the blessed Where there is no hour of parting, Just one sweet eternal rest. HER HUSBAND. hn loving tremembranca of Mrs, Helen Fitzgerald Crosby, who depart ed this life October 16, 1918, one year ago to-day. ■Gene In the best of her days. Blighted In womanhood's bloom. trGone from the hearts that loved her To sleep in a silent tomb. ' From a world of care and sorrow. To a land of peace and rest, rOod has taken you dear Helen Whore you have found eternal rest. Husband. Parents and Sister. . 1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Howard Ackerman and par •ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Wingard. wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness shown them in the Illness and death of Dor othy Ackerman. Also for the many : floral tributes. Mrs. Emma Cope, Mr. and Mrs. W. .Fred Hess wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness, and beautiful floral tributes, during the •Illness and death of their daughter and sister, Zora E. Cope. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Reward for return of small 'leather pocketbook dropped in 6.30 Progress car Tuesday evening. New one dollar bills, some change and key inside. ISSI HerrSt. LOST —A bunch of seven keys, on October 6, between Broad and Third and Kelker Sts. Finder please return to Harry Stroh, 1743 Susquehanna Street. LOST —Left on seat Penna' depot Sunday, 9 a. m„ small black handbag containing money, keys and eye glasses. Liberal reward if returned to 37 N. Second St. Bell phone 797 W. LOST—Black French female bull dog. white breast and tore legs, white stripe on face and head, answers to name of "Betty." Please return to ad dress on collar or 1190 Bailey St. and receive reward. INSTRUCTIONS ~ INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market §t. Chas. R. Beckley. WILL open a class room for pri vate lessons on art needle work, October 16, giving lessons Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday of each week, also every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9. Mrs. M. A. Knipe, 326 Hummel St. COSSIO POMAR, B. A. University of San Marcos, will open a class at night in beginner's and advanced Spanish. Address Harrisburg Acade my. KELP WANTED—MALE MECHANICS, MILLWRIGHTS, CARPENTERS, CABINET MAKERS, TINNERS, LIGHT STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS, LAYOUT MEN. SHEET METAL WORKERS, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS MECHANICS. APPLY TO MR FARRIS, BOLTON HOTEL ROOM 7. WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R- Shops, Har risburg. Pa- Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office. , Harrisburg. i General Foreman's Office, • Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enola. Or at P. R R Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. BOYS' CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED —Young man experienced In boys' and children's clothing. Must be a hustler. Good opportunity as as sistant to department manager. Good .salary; rapid advancement. The Globe, 322-324 Market St. Apply to Mr. Deck man. WANTED —A man to do Janitor and labor work in city, also men for day labor and cutting corn in country near city. Apply 1700 N. Second. WANTED —High grade man be tween ages 25 and 35; college gradu ate preferred; must possess executive and eales ability. Address Box L-8888 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE Possession in 60 Days No. 1924 Market St. A modern, detached, 2 %-story stone and stucco residence; 8 rooms, bath, pantry, and sewing room; gas and electric light; hot water heat- front and back .porches; combination coal and gas range; cemented; cellar; lot, 30x110 ft.; 15-ft. drive alley. No. 2115 and 2117 N. Third St. No. 2115 contains 10 rooms, pan try, laundry, bathroom and a large attic on fourth floor; lot, 40x200 ft. No 2117 contains 11 rooms, pantry, laundry, two bathrooms and a large attic; lot 80x200 ft. Both houses have front and back porches; steam heat. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS I Members Hbg. Real Estate Baard THURSDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED— MALE CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS WOOD PATTERN MAKERS AND PIPEFITTERS HERE'S YOUR , CHANCE To earn rates in accordance with your ability. Steady work all year 'round. Good physical condition re quired. Apply in person or write At once to; Factory Employment Office, THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. DRAFTSMEN—MECHAN ICAL. WITH SEVERAL YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN LAYING OUT OR CHECK ING. KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS NOT NECESSARY, BUT MEN HAVING SOME EX PERIENCE ON MOTORS, GENERATORS, TRANS FORMERS, SWITCHES, CIR CUIT BREAKERS, E T C., ARE PREFERRED. AT TRACTIVE AND PERMA NENT POSITIONS FOR MEN WHO QUALIFY. STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. ADDRESS CHIEF CLERK, ENG. DEPT., WESTING HOUSE ELEC. & MFG. CO., EAST PITTSBURGH, PA. BUSINESS TRAINING Higher salaries and added earning power representing 25 to 600 per cent, increase have been reported by thou-1 sauds of La Salle members. ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION , BUSINESS LETTER-WRITING I-AW BANKING TRAFFIC Complete information on request or telephone 4940R for office appoint ment LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 26 NORTH 18TH STREET. Open evenings until 8. — , WANTED Experienced auto repairmen. Apply 1807 N. 7th St WANTED—A MAN TO DO GEN ERAL WOOD WORK ON BODIES WHEELS. GEARS, ETC.; STEADY WORK APPLY J. L. SAYLOR & SONS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, ANN VILLE, PA. CEMENT FINISHERS WANTED, ON NEW BUILDINGS OF NARROW FABRIC CO., WYOMISSING, PA. APPLY. STONE & WEBSTER, READING, PA. SALESMAN by long established, well-known coffee roasters. Require capable, experienced salesman, per sonally acquainted Harrisburg retail grocers. Permanent and desirable po sition right party. Replies confiden tial. Address Box S-8222 care Tele graph. GOOD MAN—Between 28 and 35 wanted to work at canvassing and so liciting orders. Must be willing to go out of town and travel. Must furnish bond and good reference. A man of ability preferred. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second St WANTED—Ambitious office men or clerks to qualify at once. Without in terference with present duties, lor Important accounting position with the large American industries, rail roads, business corporations and the United States Government Minimum salary SIBOO per year. Address War ner. Austin & Warner, Harrisburg. WANTED—SEVERAL DE SIGNERS, DETAILERS AND TRACERS FOR MECHANI CAL AND STRUCTURAL WORK ON HEAVY MACHINERY. STEADY WORK AND A GOOD POSI TION FOR THOSE WHO MEAN BUSINESS. APPLY IN PERSON, OR WRITE TO THE MORGAN ENGINEER ING COMPANY, ALLIANCE, OHIO. ATTENTION H. W. KING. WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment Apply at once. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. State and Cameron Sts. ■ GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 2B N. Cameron at, Harrisburg. Training Quarters, and Aeroplane Field. 14th and Sycamore Sts. STOCK salesman. Man of approved ability with clientele, to sell the stock of a newly organized corporation, which has taken over a going busi ness. Stock is sound business invest ment with a guaranteed dividend. Apply Box 0-8026 care Telegraph. WANTED —Laborers. Inquire 1645 N. Sixth street. S. W. Shoemaker & Son. (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED BRIGHT ACTIVE BOY. 15 OR 16 YEARS OLD to deliver packages. One at tending school and willing to work after school hours, or one attending continuation school. Must be neat in ap pearance and provide his own bicycle. Apply at once, MISS SACHS. 210 NORTH THIRD ST. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLANING MILL MEN. One door cutter; one moulding ripper; two men to work on mould ing machines; two men to work on sash and one glue room man. No trouble. Good wages. Steady work. Address, COMMERCIAL SASH DOOR CO.. Beaver FaTls, Pa. WOOD working machine men. stock cutter. Federal Equipment Co., Car llsle, Pa- HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED! Our business Is Bteadlly In creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a v&mper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get In touch with ua We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There Isn't a better place to work In Har risburg than our factory and we are making It better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement If you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO, 1408 Vernon Street. WANTED—Several young women between 18 and 25 for telephone oper ating; $9.00 a week while in train ing; an increase at the end of four weeks and others as you become ex perienced; an exceptional opportu nity for the girl who is ambitious to qualify for positions that require her to accept responsibility and that pay accordingly. Call to see the Chief Operator, third floor, 208 Walnut street. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA WANTED— .A young lady stenographer for general of fice work; steady position for ore who can qualify. Reply in own hand writing, stating age., previous experience, if any and salary expected. Ad dress X-7991 care Telegraph. SILK. SILK, SILK. Silk Operators. , Good Learners. If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay. apply SILK MILL Cor. Second and North Sts. i WANTED Operators on plain sewing- ma chines. Learners taken. We will guar antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also IB per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sts.. City Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. WANTED —Girls to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co.. 103 N. Cameron St WANTED —Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St WANTED —Experienced girls for mailing, also several good rapid writ ers hr addressing envelopes. Address Box A-7993 care Telegraph. WANTED —Experienced woman for sewing on ladles' work; good wages and steady work. Inquire Mr. F. Brown. 1021 Green St WANTED —Twenty ladies to dem onstrate; 35 per day and car fare; experience unnecessary. Call 123 Lin den street, between 7 and 8 p. m.. ask for crew manager. WANTED —Experienced saleswom en for suits and coats and dresses. Apply Robinson Woman Shop, 20 N. Fourth St. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Reliable girl or woman to keep house for two. References desired. W. Gard Conklin, 2137 Swatara St Phone 388R WANTED —Lady clerk for store. Address B-7990, care Harrisburg Tele graph. WANTED An efficient stenographer with not less than three years' practical experience, can secure a very attractive position with a corporation, provided references are sat isfactory. Address Box 0-7988 care Telegraph. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBBBB care Telegraph. WANTED —Young woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phll lippy. 209 Kronlnberg Bldg.. Carllaio. WANTED —Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co.. 103 N. Cameron St. HELP WANT. —Male and Female HELP WANTED Press feeders at once. The Telegraph Prlifting Company, Cameron and State Streets. Harrtsburg. Pa. TEACHERS wanted for schools. Best contracts waiting. National Teachers' Agency, Philadelphia. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I WHY IS IT THAT A CLASSI- SI FIED AD usually "finds the right as people?" This is due to the fact that ® the right peogle are looking for the py ad and its publication is the classi- dy fied columns simplifies their search. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for Hat of openings and full particulars. Earn 82,000 to 810.000 yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experi enced. City or traveling. Nat'L Salus mens Tr. Assn. Dept 603, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE PHARMACIST, P, D., married, de sires permanent position in town or small city as manager of live store. Was manager before entering service. Excellent references. Will consider partnership. Address R-9191 care Telegraph. WANTED—Work of any kind by young colored boy. Apply 1322 Marion street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE YOUNG lady with ten years' experi ence in stenography and typewriting nnd general office work, desires work for a few evenings each week. Ad-I dress Box D-7992 care Telegraph. WOMAN wishes general housework in small family. Apply 630 Boyd St. WHITE woman with experience, de sires position as cook with small pri vate family; good wages; can furnish references. Address E-7957 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CRESCENT ST., 212, two furnished rooms, third floor, all conveniences, use of phone, gentlemen preferred. i TWO furnished bed rooms out of the ordinary for two particular men of refinement, located on Second street, best location. Address 4090-B, care Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on third floor for light house keeping. Call 1124 North Sixth St. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, all conveni ences, steam heat, third floor, no children. Apply 1814 Green St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on third floor, heat, light and use of bath. Apply 45 N. 13th St. FOR RENT—Large elegantly fur nished front rooms, steam heat and electricity, gentleman or man and wife, home privileges. Bell 624. Dial 4957. FOR RENT —Furnished second floor front room, suitable for two gentle men cr man and wife, use of bath and phone. Apply 926 N. Third St. FOR RENT—Two furnished front rooms for light housekeeping on sec ond floor. Inquire 501 Cumberland St. WILL RENT a lovely front room, three large windows, steam heat, use of bath, fine neighborhood, cars pass the door in and out of town, private family, no other roomers, to a re spectable gentleman. Address Box Y-7989 care Telegraph. 209 BOAS ST., furnished front bed room with all conveniences. Apply at above address. FOR RENT —1549 State St.. cor. 16th. Furnished front room, third floor. Hot water heat. Bath, electric light Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930. FOR RENT—Furnished room for light housekeeping, first floor, gas and use of bath. Call at 327 S. Front. FOR RENT —Unfurnished and fur nished rooms. Call Bell 2506J-1. . NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. *2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street FOR RENT —Two unfurnished front rooms on first floor at 1609 Market St Heat and electric lights furnished. Suitable for doctor or businessman. Apply to C. H. Corder, 1722 Greeh Street. . ROOMS WANTED jk ROOMS—Young couple desire two furnished rooms and bath with house keeping privileges or a small fur nished apartment Address Box B-7995 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 114 Chestnut, near Market Square, suite of rooms furnished complete for housekeeping; city steam heat; gas. bath and laundry privileges; suitable for couple without children. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —A very desirable coun try place, 10 acres of land, located one mile north of trolley at Progress, improvements as follows: 2 V4-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and attic, slate roof, in first class condition, large barn and other out buildings, considerable fruit of all kinds. Price, SSBOO, For Sale—A pair of frame dwell ings. located on Ninth street, Elk wood. containing 7 rooms and bath, each—cemented cellar, water. gas and electric lights, hot air heat, com bination coal and gas range, front, rear and stde porches. Lot 113 feet front by 125 feet deep. Possession in 30 days. This property is a bargain at $6500. For Sale—2 % -story frame dwelling, containing 7 rooms, electric lights, frame barn, chicken house and hog pen. Two acres of land, located with in one block of trolley at Shiremans town, considerable fruit. Price SSOOO. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Sta. t $4500 will purchase a three-story brick house with all Improvements, located at Riverside, possession De cember 1. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DESIRABLE Paxtang property for sale—corner Swan and Brisban Sta., all improvements, large lot. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. (Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . FOR SALE . _ Light-room single frame dwelling with all improvements; slate tool; lot. 125x120. Located on Oyster Point Ave.. Camp Hill. Price S3BOO. 2405 Derry St.; now vacant; 2hi story trick dwelling. 6 rooms and bath; hardwood floors: gas; electric light: steam heat; will sell with lot 20 or 60 feet front. , ~ 1815 Zarker St.; 6-room brick dwell ing; all improvements; good condi tion; porches; side entrance. Price, $2900; possession soon. 2527 S. Third St., Steelton; 2V4- story frame dwelling; 7 rooms ana bath; all improvements; lot 25x1 tu, good location; attractive at S2OOO. $3700 will buy a double J-story frame dwelling; each side containing 8 large rooms; good condition; lot 40x150. These properties make very desirable homes; are well located on Forge Road, Lucknow, (close to liver). . t Elegant suburban property; brica end stucco construction; 7 rooms, bath and reception hall, gas, steam heat, hardwood floors, open fire place. 10-foot front and rear porch; tiled bath room, abundance of shru Dbery and fruit; garage and chicken house, lot 155x265; high elevation. We have a number of very able suburban lots that are offered at prices much lower than at times wnen more properties were being construct ed. Lots are bound to go up in price, everything else in connection witn the building of property has. RRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. PAXTANG Rutherford and Swan streets, new brick bungalow, six rooms and bath, latest improvements, large lot, pos session November 1. We invite In spection. ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building. Real Estate. General Insurance i HOUSE for sale, new two-story brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melrose St., near 23d and Perry. Call Bell 2062 R. / i 316, 318, 320, 822 Lewis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St, 11 rooms and bath. 680 Schuylkill St.. 6 rooms and bath, D. E. LUCAS, 803 Lewis Street Real Estate and Insurance. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling with store room, corner Benton and Derry Sts.; 3-story buff brick, 7 rooms, bath, all modern conveniences, price reason able. Inquire 1047 Melrose St. FOR SALE —West Fairview, corner frame house with five rooms and bath and lights. SI6OO for quick buyer. Call at 453 State Road. FOR SALE Two 2%-story frame houses on Hill, all imp., elect, and gas, 7 rooms each, front porch, slate roof, nice size yard to drive alley, room for garage, fruit trees, out buildings, price $2500 each. Also several more cheap houses. Vacant Possession at once, 2-story brick, all imp., front porch, bay win dow, drive alley, SSOO down, balance easy payments. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. N. 18th St, 917—2-story frame, 6 rooms, gas, electric, furnace, large yard. Very attractive price. N. 6th St., 2617 —3-story brick, cor ner property, drive alley in rear, up to-date in every respect. Will be sold. If interested In a pleasant place see us. 532 Woodbine—3-story frame, 9 rooms, bath, lot 35x100, gas, electric, furnace. Price right 2SOB N. Sixth St —3-story brick, all improvements, lot 19x90. drive alley, room for a garage. Will sell at a bar- Ka Camp Hill—2% -story frame, 7 rooms, gas, electric, vapor heat, lot 59x156. fruit trees are ideal, home, beautiful lawn and fine lot included. Apply. LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building. WE are now selling Riverside lots on Front, Second and Green streets, for much less than others get for similar lots elsewhere. Present prices hold good to Nov. 1. 191-9, after that date prices will be increased. We ac cept Liberty Bonds in payment for lots E. Moesleln. 600 A Boas St. Lewis M. Neifter. 3103 Front St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 72 N. 17th St., 3-story brick, cor ner front porch, electric, room for garage. Immediate possession. 2026 Kensington St., 2 V4 -story frame corner. Immediate possession. 6 8 Argyle St 2709 N. 6th 338 Crc-scent. 6-30 Seneca 11 48 Perry. 533 Emerald i 26 Sylvan Terrace. 1224 Green 3113 N. Third. KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Both Phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. Vacant house on Logan St., 2200 block, 3-story, bk., imp......... .$2600 Three frame houses on Clinton ave nut total rent S3O $3200 M. -story frame on Fulton street, cozy home, easy terms, SI6OO 3-story brick ,on Rhoades avenue, good heme and bargain, easy terms, slß6o ' GEO. .W. JACOBS, weal Estate and Insurance, Real e N- 3 d st , BeU 1539 FOR SALE lmproved properties and lots, possession in 30 days' no tice in all parts of city and suburbs. You are welcome to see my list. BeU in62R Dial t 930 - Charles Davies, Real Estate, 1549 State at. Harrlsburg. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. WS have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Dorans. 1225 North Sixth street. (Centlnued In Next Celnaea) , HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE GRAND AUCTION SALE OF 35 BUILDING LOTS AT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS North side of the Harris burg-Mechanicsburg car line, ten minutes' ride from Harrisbqrg Square, Satur day, October 18, at 2 o'clock P. M. At Washington Heights we have well graded streets, granolithic walks, shade trees, gas, electric lights, city water and both telephones. The new Dale Avenue School Building is on this allotment. Every lot put up will be sold regardless of value or price bid. Easy Terms—Only $lO 4 down with payments or a ' discount for cash. We will take Liberty Bonds at par in payment for lots. Band Concert and other attractions. Free Special Cars, for adults only, leave Harris burg Square at 1.30 P. M. These are large lots, among substantial houses; only ten minutes' ride from the Square and you make the price. Remember the Date Saturday, October 18, at 2 P. M. SMITH REALTY CO. HERBERT W. SMITH, Auctioneer. - —— —— FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE NEW LISTINGS Follow the example of the owner* of these properties by LISTING WITH US. Then watch results. N. Third St., No. 2216. N. Sixth St.. No. 1945. N. Sixth St., No. 3358, S. Ninth St., Nos. 1023-1035 S. Fourteenth St.. No. 109. N. Fifteenth St.. No. 909. S. Seventeenth St., No. 812. N. Nineteenth St, No. 723. S. Twenty-first St, No. 957. Atlas St., No. 2248. Boas St., No. 1922. S. Cameron St., No. 436. Crescent St., Nos. 347-34714. Derry St., No. 2907. Emerald St., No. 626. Forrest St., No. 669. Greenwood St, No. 2116. Kensington St.. Nos. 2014-2016. Swatara St.. No. 1611. Swatara St., No. 1818. Violet St., Nos. 533-34-35-36. , Zarker St., No. 1423. Plot of ground S. W. corner Kitta tinny and S. Thirteenth Sts. Size 60x 63. Ideal situation for apartment house. SUBURBAN WHITE HILL Nos. 6 and 8 Hum mel ave. Two 2%-story brick dwell ings. Also two 214-story bricks on Cumberland St.. with 20-ft vacant plots on either side. LEMOYNT. North side of Gettysburg Road. 214-story frame, all improve ments, plot 35x146. HIGHSPIRE, a E. comer Eshel man and Hamaker sts. Beautiful pressed brick dwelling, all Improve ments. Plot 64x120. ENOLA. No. 225 Columbia Road. Fine 214 -story frame dwelling, all im provements. Plot 6214x280. Also sev eral other attractive Enola dwellings as well as an abundance of acreage ground splendidly situated for attrac tive homes. AQUEDUCT, (Perry Co.) PINE SUMMER HOME situated near rail road. station on plot 235x335. Abund ance of fruit trees, grapes, raspberry and blackberry bushes. Ideal summer h °PAXTANG. Two 20x120 vacant plots, nicely situated. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., friarrisburg's Real Estate Burehu) t Harris MARKET ST. HOUSES ror sale In Hlghsplre at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., Hlgnsplre, 9801. FOR SALE or exchange. Sixth 8t building lots above Maclay St., cor ner of two wide paved streets, very desirable location; will make an ex cellent Investment if disposed of at once. Address P. O. Box 690, City. FOR SALE—Fine brick house with all Improvements, with a fine large porch; price, $4,800; easy payments; located In Lemoyne. Inquire at 300 Hummel avenue. {Centlaned be Mast Oohuts) , OCTOBER 16, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SAILE IF ITS REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN WICONISCO ST.. 629—3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all improvement®, front porch, shade trees, driveway in the rear. |l5O down, balance same as rent. MAHANTONGO ST., 618—3-story brick, 7 rooms and bath; front porch, shade trees. $l5O down, balance same as rent. JEFFERSON 8T„ 2130 B-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all modern improvements, in good condition, driveway In the rear. S3OO down, bal ance same as rent. NORTH TWELFTH ST., 68—VA CANT—3-story, 8 rooms and bath, gas and electricity, thoroughly overhaul ed, newly papered and painted inside and outside, front and back porches, nice side and back yard. Right price to quick buyer. MOVE AT ONCE—LAFAYETTE—S. 17th St.. corner Paxton. BRAND NEW —VACANT—214-story, 7 rooms and bath, hardwood lloors, steam heat, gas and electric light, front and back porches, driveway in the rear; a real modern home; can be bought with SSOO cash. DERRY ST., 2145—3-story brick. 9 rooms and bath, separate toilet, steam heat, gas and electric light, cement cellar, nice front and back porches; must be seen to be appreciated; can be bought with a small amount down; balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building, 36 North Third Street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573 i HOUSES on easy terms; possession ■ t once. N. 6th St, 8 rooms, elect and gas, front porch, side ent, large yard, bay windows. Possession 30 days. 2-story brick, (corner), 6 rooms, all Imp., on the Hill, front porch (terms). Possession at onee, 2 J story brick, porch front, bay window, side ent, drive alley, SSOO down. Possession at once, large single pressed brick, N. 2d St, yard entirely around the house. Large single brick house, N. 3d St, large yard, shade, etc. Three 3-story brick houses up town, 8 rooms each, very suitable to convert into apartments. Price $2600 each; SSOO down, balance easy payments. Large single homes on the Hill. Apartment houses on Hill and up town. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street ENOLA, ENOLA, Seven-room house, electricity, good cellar, furnace, slate roof, stable, hog pen, chicken house, fruit trees, lot 75x150, $2400. H. C. FERBER, 107 Chestnut near Front FOR SALE—2d St below Maelay; 3-story, semi-detached house; 26 ft front; 16: deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,600. LOUIS B. COHEN. 21 North Second Street Bell phone 3057 J. HOUSES FOR SALE 1229 CUMBERLAND ST., Harrls burg. Pa., brick house with 6 rooms and bath; new paint; all latest im ments; cemented cellar, with flrst class cement walks. This property can be bought on easy terms or if paid cash a large discount will be al lowed. Price, $3,000.00. 603-805 S. THIRD. Steelton, Pa. Two frame dwellings with 6 rooms each. Price, $1,500.00 apiece. 759 MOHN ST., Steelton, Pa. Frame house in flrst-claSs condition. Price, 21 500.00. 929 S. FRONT ST.. Steelton. Six room frame house with a lot 30 ft by 213 ft. Price $2,300.00. y SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Bldg. Harrlsbure. Pa. Bell Phone 2759 FOR SALE, PENBROOK Whole bquare of land with double 8-room frame house, large stable, pig sty, chicken house, storage building and all kinds of fruit See this property. Price only $4,500. Easy terms "C." CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street Bell 4162R Dial 4930 FOR SALE— 3-story brick on Schuyl kill St for $2660, all Improvements; side entrance and front porch. Pos session in 30 days. Apply A. W. Swen gel, 2131 N. Second. Bell 2575 J. FRAME house. -story, six rooms, nicely papered, gas, electricity, fur nace, hcuse on South Cameron St., In splendid condition, possession can be had on short notice. Price SI,BOO. LINCOLN REALTY COMPANY. 1129 N. Seventh Street THREE mercantile buildings, well located In growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 58$. FOR SALE—A very desirable house on Penn St. near Emerald. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second St 321 Herr St, 8 roomed house; all improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $25. Apply $24 Reily St 258 BROAD STREET; 8- STORY BRICK; NINE ROOM AND BATH. POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. INQUIRE DR. ELLENBERGER, 922 NORTH THIRD ST. I 1 SUBURBAN New Cumberland, house, Second and Reno streets. In good condition; also lots. 16th Street, 60x200 feet; fine location. See D. E. Selp, 313 Fourth St., New Cumber land. Bell phone 3182 J. 331 Hummel St for sale at $3600. Three-story brick house with all Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. (Costlsse* to Hext Cilsmit J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HARRISBURCTS REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US ; 3 BACKENSTOSS REALTY < CO. 331 MARKET STREET FOR SALE > A SINGLE PROPERTY, NO. 1707 NORTH SECOND ST. A * BARGAIN. POSSESSION AT ONCE. INQUIRE y, N. K. OYSTER. ' REAL ESTATE OFFICE, 4 S. FOURTH STREET. $2600 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow with six rooms, furnace heat, recently papered and In good condition; porch front and rear: lot 40x135. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—27I Hamilton Street" 101 Cherry Street; nine Mlddletown houses. These properties are offered for quick sale to close an estate. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VA- • CANT. For sale; brick and stucco bungalow; seven rooms i and bath; hot water heat; other im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ' Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ———————. , Three-story brick houses; steam heat and all improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3OO down. Balance as rent BRICK HOUSE—Logan St., below PefTer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down, $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and a painted new. S6O down; $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 81 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J HOUSE FOR RENT If 1706 Briggs Street; 6 rooms; no imp.; newly papered. Rent sl3 per month. Apply, C. H. CODER, 1722 Green Street. FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable people need apply to I-ouis, 414 N. Third St. : —. i REAL ESTATE WANTED v* READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate 1 and Insurance. Steelton. Dial. y I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop- ! erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance, 10u2 North Third Street. WANTED TO RENT—House with seven or eight rooms, all Improve ments. centrally located, close to trol ley and school, will pay up to S4O per month. Reference furnished. No ob- , jection to Camp Hill. Address Box F-7985 care Telegraph. FARMS FOR SALE —Three-acre farm, good house and large barn, all outbuild ings, 300 fruit trees, 5 minutes' walk . to trolley, one car fare from Harris- * burg. Price $3400 or for rent at S2O per month. H. C. Ferber, 107 Chest nut near Front. FARMS for sale. All A 1 Invest- j ments. _ , _ 160 A. 6 miles from Hbg., York Co. Price - • - $16,000 115 A. 3 miles from Hbg.. Cumb. Co. Price $13,000 60 A 4 miles from Hbg., Cumb. Co. Price 5? 100 A 12 miles from Hbg., Dauphin Co. Price 185 A. 7 miles from Hbg., Dauphin Co. Price 12 A. 2 miles from Hbg., Dauphin Co. Price $5,000 v 3 A. 3 miles from Hbg., Dauphin Co. 1' Price 141 A. 14 miles from Hbg., Dauphin Co. Price "C" Charles Davies, Real Estate. Farms and City properties Dial 4930. p Bell 4162 R. 1549 State St. Hbg. 71-acre farm; all good buildings. $2960. C. B. Care & Sons, CaTea Gro cery, Linglcstown, or 409 Market St. 4-acro farm. 5 miles so 2. t ;'L New Cumberland along soring: and well water, six-room framo house, stable and chicken house, fruit and berries. Possession at once, 30-acre farm, 5 miles north Harris burg, one mile to river to railroad trolley and State road. Practically, level good soil, good 9-room frame house, stable, chicken house, hog house, lets of fruit, 6 or 8 acres in woodland, possession soon. Will sell or exchange either of e asv farms for city property, or on easy terms. bu^^'cr^rroldt^^oWe"; Mostly *"e velf"lots <^f°"ru?t 'ang raPe Small stream running water on ftmn. hSSscT w\th "two porches sUte roof, triclty * lr| h °good house etc. Fine place for fish dam or swimming pool. Can . ba tlU™ buildings" Uui'lAJSni £ wwM.'&• In person to FOR SALE * $0 acres timber cent, oak —near Lewi sherry. York county. Address M-8094 cart Telegraph. 16-acre farm, good is very good, lots of fruit. Price SI7OO 80-acre farm with very *224,J}'JL bcrland, buildings In Kood condition. 'and 1- 107 Chestnut near Front. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page „ I■ ? '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers