STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX "KM, IMU—2B3O UMTEP HAItKISBL'HIi, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910. POINDED 1811 tlompi CraJWjl^ iT|Wts' Quaker Craft Lace and Lace Curtains are to be found here in the most desirable patterns. This department is in charge of those who for years have specialized on draperies and their experience is invaluable in suggesting the various treatments nes essary to give your windows that much-desired ap • i-i-tMre that is evidence of good taste in window drapery. Quaker Craft, Lever Lace, Filet Net, Marquisette and Voile curtains in white, ivory and ecru. Dainty patterns and the more elaborate ones suitable for every requirement, $1.50 to $12.50 pair. The new panel designs make it possible to buy this curtain material to fit any width of window. If your window is 36 inches wide, that is all you need buy, as it is designed to cut to advantage on the roll, which is standard length of curtain. Quaker Craft, Filet Net, Marquisette and voile cur tain materials by the yard, 36 to 50 inches wide in the new attractive patterns. We have them in plain and i figured at 29c to $3.25 yard. Scotch Grenadine in ecru, 72 inches wide, in very handsome designs. Can be split for curtains, $2.25 j yard. Our stock of overdraperv and portieres in rep, madras, crepe, poplin, Terry cloth and mohair is com plete in all shades —36 to 50 inches wide —49c to $2.98 yard. Beautiful new cretonnes in a wide range of pat terns. These include the dainty light and medium colors for bedrooms, also the darker colors for living md dining room, as well as for upholstery purposes nt 45c to $1.98 yard. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Women's Full Fashionf(DO /IQ Silk Hosiery at . . These are medium weights, full fashioned silk stockings, slightly imperfect but imperfections scarcely perceptible. Firm lisle tops and lisle soles. The most extraordinary lot of seconds that we have been able to show for some time. A fortunate purchase that is to your advantage. In black, white and cordovan. An excellent value at $2.49. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Fur Cloths We are showing three very special num bers of silk and Mohair surface Plushes, 51 inched wide for coats, scarfs and coatees. No. 1 New Lynx in three colors; brown, Electric Blue and Black; soft pli able all wool back with mohair semi-curl surface; $5.00 yard. No. 2—Black Silk Plush; rich even pile; a perfect dye; $9.00 yard. No. 3—Hudson Seal Plush; high lustre, all black surface with brown foundation; a superb quality for coats; $15.00 yard. Other Numbers 51-inch Black Plushes; $17.50 and $18.50 yard. 51-inch Beaver Plush, $16.50 yard. 51-inch Chinchilla Plush, $20.00 yard. 36-inch Velour Plush in ten best colors, $2.25 yard. 34-inch Velutina; big range of colors, also black, $4.95 yard. 44-inch Black Velutina, $5.50 yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. MONDAY EVENING- For The Woman Who Prefers To Give Hand-made Gifts Here are New Patterns and. all the Needfuls Those new cushion tops that you've been planning, that cover for the library table and the sideboard, those dainty undergarments make the home-done embroidery look so beautiful. It's time to get the Fall beauty work started, and every leisure hour used is so much gain—and there's Christmas coming, too. Every person appreciates a hand-made gift, especially if it be of embroidery, beads or yarn. If you have never tried to do either, drop into The Art Department and let our Instructor show you and teach the various ivays to make gifts. Minerva Yarns til STJgr Women who learned to knit when the needs of the jsilh'' | d war were first, are still devoted to the delights of the <0 IfflSyr 783 !§h needle. We have all shades of yarns in Minerva 9fw' brand, Germantown, Shetland Floss, Knitting Wor j| q lllllilllll sted, Thistledown, Heatherdown, Silk mixed, Silk ® " "NJk Shetland, Mohair, Saxonette, Angora and many others. The unique equipment of our yarn depart- _ i ment enables us to supply you with all shades and weights of yarn that you may desire. We are con \/ J stantly supplied with a splendid variety of newest /^sxm and most popular shades in the Minerva yarns. Many Q ane handsome gift can be made, such as; sweat- y y* A ers, slip-ons, tarns, scarfs, stockings, bootees, slippers, aSjjJtfi' baby's sacques, and sets; hats and coats for the little ft> ones, capes, boudoir jackets and many other articles. J f t/^Eliiju In addition to this, our expert will gladly aid you in HcY $ * starting or finishing any article that you wish. Embroidery Work Colorful Beads The old time art of hand crochet is used by women of to-day, not'only as a means of working out in numerable articles for the household, but as a most suitable and attractive method of personal adorn ment. The countless pretty things, effective color com binations and serviceable items which may be wrought in embroidery or crochet make this simple and engaging art an attraction to every woman who starts it. We have embroidery floss, crochet cottons, in every desirable shade. Many a nightgown, apron, chemise, child's dress, luncheon set, towel, etc., can be made at little expense for that Christmas gift, you were wondering about. Comfort Making Material for persons who prefer making their own bedding instead of buying ready made. 36-inch wide cretonne in large selection of patterns and colors; floral designs, 27c yard. 36-inch wide challies. Soft finish in Persian and floral designs, 27c yard. Comfort filling in cotton, 3 lb. rolls. Opens up size of comfort 72 x 90; all in one piece, $1.39 roll. 3 lb. rolls; quilted every 6 inches; size 72 x 90; pure white; $1.59 roll. 4 lb. rolls; size 72 x 90; white clean cotton in one sheet; $1.59 roll. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. Munsing Pink Union Suits These are of medium weight; just right for present wear. Low-necked, sleeveless, knee length with a band top. Considering their fine quality the prices are verv attractive, $1.25 and $1.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Smart Apparel For * Extra Size and Stout Figures /Vll\ WA fHD Our most interesting collection of fashionable suits insures satisfaction. jf jt\ *\ The long straight lines or other versions of the present mode are particularly *"11 ffAfesk X effective when combined with the high-grade workmanship and skillful cut of * • I J our garments in giving the trim, slenderizing effect so desirable to the woman am pl e proportions. ill li 'A Suits that are appropriate for every occasion are well represented in our j j I*l \W(J assortment, in Chevrona, Tinseltone, Silvertone, Broadcloth, Tricotine, I Lil 111 Serge and Poplin; size 37 to 51; 40 to 48; $45.00 to $150.00. 111 A most complete line of stylish stout coats ranging in price from $35.00 to $95.00. nui ■ A splendid assortment of skirts in plaids and plain colors; waist bands Jr from 30 inches to 40 inches; $10.50 to $19.50 • v , POWMAN-S—Third floor. s ' &AKEUSBURG HSBb- TELEGRAPH BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. The Indians were said to be the only ones who knew the art of beads, but there aree now many who have really learned the art and have become fascinated with it. Bead work is one of the most bewitching pas times of the present, and to see our display of these would add more attraction to to the art. We have an endless variety of beads in all shades, shapes and sizes. Come in and see the different things that can be made from these beads. Ask our instructor to teach you to make beads for around the neck, watch fobs, beaded bags, etc. She will gladly pick a com bination for you and help you to make them. An Attractive Offer On the Delineator Mrs. S. L. Brown, of the Butterick Publishing Company, is at the Pattern Department with an attractive offer on the Delineator which holds good for a limited period. As the Delineator stands among the world's leading fashion au thorities and has other splendid reading matter of an educational and instructive nature, writ ten by famous writers, it is to your advantage to know what the offer is. Mrs. Brown will gladly give you the details. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. Consult Dr. Fixem About Your Dolls fYou know a doll has its accidents and troubles just the same as real folks. They get their heads cracked, arms and legs broken in the daily scuffles and playtime accidents, and sometimes their ailments are more serious than mamma and home reme dies can cure. That is the time to consult Dr. Fixem. Office hours, 9.00 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. Toy Department. BOWKAN'8—Basement. OCTOBER 6, 1919. & Foot Fashioned Spats The beauty of the spat is in its perfect fit. Our were cut to tit. and they therefore retain their shap and give satisfactory service. All the season's color are Here; $3.50 and $4.00. Spat pumps; in patent coltskin, $9.50; black kid skin, $9.00; black satin, $8.50. Hand turned soles and Louis XV heels. Also in black calfskin and brown calfskin witl leather military heels. $8.50. f | c Truths 11 for Women : I to Consider ' > / ,i ■ It is not an easy task to reshape a ne&lected / Z figure into shapely lines. Neglect or poor / • • corse try allows little bumps, angles or hoi- J Z lows to mar the figure lines. i; To smooth out these inequalities • properly / 5 designed corset and the use of proper mate- i ; rials in the corset will re-create tne figure. / S I TfloD-rfRT (\ \ & Front Laced Jj ; ere poise designed. The designer of the S : MODART Corset makes all MODART Cor- ; sets give proper poise to the figure end then * | designs the corset to symmetrical artistic ; • proportions. | Women with badly poised figures can never ; be graceful—try as they may. If proper I poise is lacking, the grace is lacking too. So whether you ere tall or short, stout or slender, yon • . can have the carriage that will show your figure and J your clothes to the greatest possible advantage if ! you will adopt the MODART Corset. We ask you to accept a trial fitting, which costs you • nothing, and yon will immediately see why social J ! leaders, famous actresses and beautiful women gen* erallywear the MODART. ! i . m • \ • BOWMAN'S—Third Floom £5 i I s~ v Bedspreads | . K " f* ( jft | Crochet, satin and Ripplette bedspreads t I at prices that will meet the resources of the j slender purse as well as the one with greater ' purchasing power. j Hemmed crochet bedspreads, $1.75 each. ? Hemmed crochet bedspreads; bleached snow white in every attractive design; $2.25 / each. / j Hemmed crochet bedspreads; good weight double bed size; $2.50 and $3.00 each. Hemmed Satin Bedspreads; full double bed size, extra fine quality in several very beautiful patterns; $5.00 and $6.50 each. Satin bedspreads with scalloped edges and j cut corners; full double bed size, $6.00 and $7.00 each. Ripplette bedspreads; easy to handle; need no ironing and wear well; Size 62x90, $2.25 each. Size 72x90, $2.50 each. Size 80x90, $2.75 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. I ' •: • 3
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