School Children to Take Part in T. R. Memorial Campaign New York, Oct. 2.—School chil dren all over the country will take j Owing to a Religious Holiday This Store Will be Closed During the Day—Saturday Next 1 Store Open Saturday Evening From 6 to 9 p. m. |j| jpjjj' Store Open Saturday Evening From 6 to 9 p. m. ® I I Children's Hose Supporters lif| I Can " T " lcum Powdei - Frida y ° nl y 25c | 1 Igi* vOI Popular brands, high grade, choice of 4 odors. |]gl Friday Only, 12 l / 2 C I \ J Snap Fasteners Friday Only 5c 1 | Good quality elastic supporters in assorted colors and sizes, extra special. ll ["it*! R'J || 1 Black and white snap fasteners in assorted sixes. 1 | Two Days Business Must be Done in is the Big Day | | Because of the store being closed on Saturday we have to double our low prices, which will afford some sensational values 011 this one day— tj | business on Friday-To do this we are offering competing inducements in COME DON'T WAIT. IM | CAA Women's and Misses' Handsome GTTTTQ For A Bigger and a Better 1 1 l O\J\J New Fall and Winter OUliO Friday , Assortment of 1 I % JL?49* s Mr Children's Coats I | Tv M KAUFMAN'S the "CHILDREN'S COAT SPECIAL- H} _ Yi I \ Suits for women and Suits for women and Suits for women and Suits for women and ISTS" are prepared better than ever for the needs of bit U Mn /' \ r iS - SeS l h cUlf miSSCS at this price that misses at this price that misses that are beyond \ V/lS little Miss Harrisburg. Carefully chosen stocks that are U !§j fl, / rvA ly impossible of duplica- give a range of unmatch- are worth $lO.OO to comparison, all sizes, all * frt \l/ J . . , . . , , Si able values - $15.00 more. [styles. $ If without equal in quality, style and price. || I Array of Warm Winter Coats That Establishes a New High Record of Leadership Children's Coats I [| "" For This Big Underselling Store. S ' ZCS 2to 6 yrs " M I 1W- • 1000 w % E s N sE S s' and COATS at 11} S^ ws^ M ' 1 1 'wi iC-oo $10.95 $90.50 $9Q.50 \| \ \\( (fm 1 I 4|P ID— lo— ZZ— ZU— llk $6.95t0 $lO5 S I M *3s and up to TO- I jjy m Velours, Silvertones, Broadcloth, Tinseltone, Crystal, Chinchilla, Polo Qoth, Chameleon, Plushes and Fur Fabrics. / /if |-Q $22 95 The colorings harve never been as beautiful, reindeer, taupe, henna, oxblood, poilu, copen, Pekin, brown, navy, and | * fijl black, all lined with guaranteed plain or fancy linings, full ripple, yoke, belted, shirred and box plaited models— 1 M everyone with new and distinctive features. !L 1 Many of These Coats Have Big Fur Collars Short Plush Coats, lal Sizcs 13 to 19 yre 1 wj and as a matter of fact few of the big city stores show larger assortments than ours. Coatees and Baby Dolmans $12.90 up to $45.00 |j !s TL. rio-Uf Au Plush with collars and cuffs of contrasting colors, with collars and bands of fur, Kg i ne qualities are rignt anu ine stj les attractive. satin, mercerized Venetian and fanrcy silk linings—SEE THEM $16.95 up to $49.50 Ever)' wanted material, every wanted style and every Kl liM —— wanted color—SEE THEM. ' l!H f\fvirv/*\/\t\ts i f s f . z> y f v f V f ' \ fy Women's an Sateen Pet- Women's Extra Size Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Men's Shirts Men's Union Men's Wool Boys' ||| Dresses Dresses ticoats Flannel Gowns Choice Velvet Silk Sdk and Drawers Suits Union Suits Union Suits j|| Js Friday Only, Friday Only, * rlday Only, Gowns Friday Only, Collars Hand BagS HatldbagS Friday Only, Friday Only, Friday Only, Friday Only, & /h 4 O Friday Only, Friday Only, Friday Only, rlaiHlDagS DagS _ _ fill s $1.86 $1.84 $1.33 $1.26 $1.57 $1.45 h T ay ° nly ' l T ar,,n "' $1.59 $2.89 • 98c [g m and'regufaUon Pretty dresses and' "f iTncy b - gow°n°s d wdttf'v 79 C Moire silk $2.79 $1.74 These are II An elegant I I Natural wool I I Fleeced lined I fe- style house of Amoskeag anc > P" lt " ceptional qual- necks and long Black velvet handbags Beautiful Black leath- good fleeced 1,- a]l weight union suits in ribbed union |IM |J]I dresses made ginghams in tern sateen j ty outing in sleeves or slip- These collars hand bags with s • bags with cover camera bags hirt a very fine suits for boys, Sll El est 1 onamj sTI id colons rotticoats in pink and blue over styles and ure all from mi . ul frames , metal frames e??d frames; with taSS " ned shirts union suit with quality cut in ages 4to Hi of - and chambrays and tailored styles, all double yokes insertion s, assortments : silk lined and small change a r" silk nned these a goocl heav - v sizes, 94 to 46. lent value not ray n l a a i"n tractfve and* T' th ,° r tucks and laces they are satin, have chenille purses and fitted with , are the newest weight and in and in ankle Men don't hesi- likely to be re- W4 blues, plain tractive ana quality sateen without col- some embroid- r-^.. tassel, htt.ed mirror; they nrettv mirror in handbags . i-.- Si shades or neat well fitting with fitted lar s, full ery, cut extra Georgette and with change come in black, and change for Fall wear- all sizes from lengths; all tate in buying peated. vers KSI |AI stripes and models, sizes 2 waistbands, all lengths and full and in all lace styles, all purse and mtr- navy and purse- a won- fitted with ~, , , K . „„„„ a . ze s ',4 t„ this article you special; sizes IM ivt B,zea to 14 yrs.; spe- lengths; Pe - widths; sp e- wanted sizes; new and desir- ror; very spe- taupe; very derfu v£lue; purse and mir- ? to 46; very sizes, ~4 to on y , lfi ftt E!| A V cla '- J . a clal - clal. J speclah able; special. i—m— 1 SPeC ' al, special. ror. 46, very special dea i. J Hjj I Kaufman s Millinery Department! mcmnt 1 bi Friday only, * " C Friday Only v*** •VJ %/ Forks ana Table 1 C Unbleached Muslin tO- Friday Only .... 1 Spool ffl Ic r Offers Friday ( in'Jood s POons, Friday only 2 Friday Only .... I ° C and light, good weight, rem- Cotton [| rfl m TV/r gg /fk < Silver-plated forks and table 36 inch unbleached muslin, good ' _ Friday Only, £sl 1® Black and A ll lOf Lr 1 MattreSSeS CP 7/I Q/T I spoons, beaded patterns, very special, quality for general use. very special. DreSS Ginghams IQ r spools for El njl colored cotton S -JAoensationainaturrer I Friday DIS H PANS CQ~ TOWELING Friday Only .... J I :°: H ' LM hose in sizes / ToL M Cotton-filled mattresses, covered j OJf C T7 r ;j,„ rir,l, 1U C Plaid and striped dress ginghams, 2nC El S| 9% to 11%, an #>/ aw TWO LARGE TABLES OF % with good art tickin s, very special. r Tiaay Uniy .... rnaay uniy .... excellent quality 27 inches wide. | <- " v l|| being 6 sold' at A TTT , T __ • WATER PAILS O #"l Gray enameled dish pans, with Plain white voiles and nainsook, Curtain Scrim 7 O ' White and §3 "iTthVn ,l" • I .FINE VELVET AND HAT- lis , .5 H C ■ Irons Hanaie., K ood very .pec !n S . 17 inehc, wide, red border. Curtain Scrim I'< Q bleek in .11 jl 1 , w sa*" 1 """ TERS PLUSH HATS J Friday Only .... „ poclal . Friday Only .... ST'iSrSIS: 1 J i HAlb J Canister Sets AOs. WHITE GOODS 7Q„ „ l c r X e ,Lr' , ' ,red cur '°' n 1 r i tij f Men's Fiber" M fa. / /K M M* A\. I Water Pitchers IC. Friday Only T7l ' Friday Only .... lt/l " CRETONNES Of. / —— ) 1 fill Rl™ JM 9 MMM K FriHav Onlv ILf U 1 Flour, sugar, coffee and tea sets, Plain white voile and nainsook, •DVJrI-,, rinlo o Lakes jSI IIU milr T-fncn /f M #H M H H J "ciy \siiiy .... : w hite and Japanese enameled slight- 36 Inches wide, extra good quality, e riuety wruy .... I gS nose jr -4a. # ■ m C Glass water pitchers, good size |ly damaged. special. Beautiful figured cretonnes, 36 | of Toilet fg| Friday only. mu C ALUMINUM tf 7 Of\ CHAIR SEATS Huck Towels 1 {% ' lnd S' ene al decorative purposes. a I Soaps I 25c J* • B ** fßoasters Fri Friday Only C Friday Only ** C Cotton OOQ [ Frl J only . I liu ■FUofc nH m. /UA M Good size, self-hasting aluminum Leatherette covered chair seats, in Red bordered huck towels, size Friday Only \J %S ] Si /J) V Never before has such an offer been made C roasters, extra heavy quality, very 1-. 13 and 14 lr.-ch s.ze, extra special. 16 by 31 in-ches, extra good quality, Wool finished plaid blankets, in C lA r S| |jl|j white fiber silk P Jw /JjA X hats that would ordinarily cost you a half M special. Wool Fibre (t* fh *7 /•* special. two i nc h block plaids, sizes 66 by 80. g X\J\* IJjJ i ho.e is size. 1 / "rS our I Gas Heaters D f!Q R ugs , Friday NIGHT SETS OQ Turkish Bath IQ r % a...... a | H > e U. J ;ZbS^S4JUb'a.fJm'. V ta I Friday ° n 'y , by ls room sl „ „ oa hoavy Friday Only .... Towels Friday only 1 C • •> |{ gj| while they last, , wanted colors and iri the most at) C °pen faced copper lined, good wool fibre rugs in green, brown and i Cut glass jug and glass complete Hemmed Turkish towels, all white, # arands; most [U Friday only. proled Children s Bo)s Coat Women s Mens Dress Mens Khaki Women's Women's TafFetta Women's Middie Popular Women's Crepe de White and 111 Cotton Sweaters c'PP e Shirts Work Shirts I'ibre Silk White . wu-a xt Blouses Brands Qanitarv Chine and Colored Iss Si c . ~ .„ „ , Slipon prla „ WOTk HoS e Rid Gloves Ha.rbow Wh.te Net „ d . y of Corsets San.tary Georgette Voile M Stockings ' Sweaters r,i.. y 0.,r. , Ribbons Guimps $1 78 Aprons , ?' ou 5 e f Blouses H S|l Friday OBIT. OQ Friday Only. $1.69 CC- - F 1 • # O Friday Only. ? (1 . _ DDC IK ne Friday only. Friday Only, Wo m e n'.s and "Elise" <tO CQ Friday Only, P IS IC_ Q QA Madras and P 1a 10 HOC _ misses and Friday Only, IQd QQ Si iOC Oray coat POa7U -i 1 k strioSd This i, a CQ children's mid- II7C Flesh and QOC sweaters In These sweat-. shirts in plain This is a lus- 0 d t ZOC bt7C die blouses all 1Q white, plain EJ l§i T).i_ a A _ ic.\ sweaters l n have wide ad fnnrv "Foil Rfood Quality a. _„;iir ori i ul? i made of the V™An absolute- colored and Plain and (3 Pair for 46c) aizea 28 to 34* skirts and bell terns rome , I A? n df h clasp white kid { ... finest Lonsdale All made of ly essential, embroider e d novelty voile Mm Ifl This is a flue sizes .8 to Z4, sklrta and bell patterns comes WO rk shirt. * ■ P '■> n . 'f gloves, 3-point . , ' F,ne whlte Jean, made in the finest health styles with or blouses in |1 Ly ribbed cotton an extra good CO me in tur- to 17' a shin made of heavy nfnforced heefs sMf nd n ribbons. net sleeveless plain white or coutils and ment, made of without col- dainty tailored fefc hose In fast value; on salo quolse, salmon £hat men will khaki cloth and soles with black theie 4% inches wide guimps. with white trimmed brochets In excellent qual- lars, full cut, and trimmed 1 r a< sXs, K„*,S E?: H'! ■■ , y ..u.T pr b°. 0 -' j.*,'.!. && I g SU'.VS's*."- 3." """"" sSfi *•" i" "* •" P .M fSftMSj"".."£?" SS?SSik"S ..{Sir.'SMi !R ; "' y %7 y ".£ Kffi'&'rVa sizes o to 072 special. t|ry. very special. dovan. wear. very special. Friday. 'Goody'middies ly for slender. Jpeilal. cial. very special. P v———' ' ' ' Ll. \ ii * V V. V 1 1 I J v * * -J thtArsday evening, an actlx part In the memorial cam paign t Theodore Roosebelt, which will be held during the week of October 20-27, and which will have its culn nation on the last-mention ed dati October 27. Under the auspice! of the Roosevelt Memorial Assoclai >n, commemorative exer cises ar to be held in schools in all the Btates, in several of which Oc tober 27 has already been named by the educational authorities as "Roosevelt Day." In arranging for the commemora tive exercises in the schools—public, private and parochial—lt is particu larly the purpose of the Roosevelt Memorial Association to perpetuate HAJEUUSBTJRG TELEGRTPH the inspiration and stimulus of his life upon the lives of the boys and girls of the United States. OPENS FAI.Lt SEASON Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 2. —The Mite Society of the Presbyterian church opened its fall season yesterday aft ernoon and evening with a delight- ful picnic at "The Elm," along the river. A supper was served. Plan to Film Bible From Cover to Cover Dos Angeles, Oct. 2. Plans are being made here by a local motion picture producer to make moving pictures of scenes in the Bible from cover to cover. The Bible will be filmed in 100 reels, two to be shown at a time. It Is expected the work will require two years and that in some scenes the largest number of OCTOBER 2, 1919. persons ever appearing in a motion picture will be assembled. BLIND WOMAN FALLS Lykcns, Pa., Oct. 2.—Mrs. Lewis Sme'ltzer, 76 years old, and who lost her sight about a year ago, fell down stairs at her home several days ago I and received several bad body bruises. To-day she is reported to be improved, although compelled to be in bed. MObSE DANCE AT TOWER CITY •Lykcns, Pa.. Oct. 2. Several members of the local lodge of Moose last night attended a dance at Tower City. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers