Imiiil ItM LXXXVIU— XO. 22" IS PAGES BASEBALL CLASSIC GETS UNDER V.7.7, "OPEN SHOP" DISCUSSED IN PROBE IF UNIONS WIN, MILLS WILL DECAY, GARY WARNS I'D T nting < orporution * Sitlt HI I'mlii Hi L> clurt I', S. ( .HI Not K> T*|i 1 p in HIICC With World Ml \Ns DHOI'I'INt, n|* I'lioix i lio\ 11II* o| S\ .ijji mid Wt'lfurt* Work Aifoniplulird For l.injiloMa, "Noiu- IrriiltMl Htiler," Jutlgr Suva 4■ i ! M !<Mt If i ih f ttttirol Mißiittnfi in ihf I'nMrU m* tr* "If stir*tit d#<-*F nnl ihf 4f |t mS u J * ill* I lib*rl N <Uf|. rhitirtnali of lII* DuniA uf 00 I'ftfiH nMa*i#g mi #f# *r#l u> b? I fsr.MtitH** Up •u* t4 iff <h# rj niiifcV t* tb# Pen*** inviNMignting •♦•in *lf mtal a I |*t> 4 Ugllll) > ,111 ilttf !>•*• up m lit* !• th " world." ; MMd ||r Mat) 'II ttiraia fho • ••* onion I laat Knglnd la in ' ilp> u alii>|> IMg laMM' liettaratiag that ih eh up *M ilia FEI| iaeua in •<• l>raa#u *H tk* Jong* ii..ri daglar. d that It l • „ . ifea op I Mow uf the nurld that 1 ■i ci ado i lamii ttmr prfa(HaN< | |Sur met hud* and mm. fruep.r.ii and that ctia d whop* '•"* ,u ' ; 1 log .I TUN AND ON* MTUNIWRLTR 0.1, M> them ti '" nnl4 ofei> aa la rrlne t IN altti Wor here' >•• ■ tat, un inn i*rttng out. !'I f! I letta I |J| .1 t I* * tnndlMutt* n h -d uf their II point* it tu act • utitiul ut title indue* %f t And what that M.eet I lltMtk '* i' ,i, nil%m le trwttmotiy Uf Hen** .>e ci the American I • , Jaffeie-ti 0 a union orgontaor. had hunn J* 5 • .'i: a (Kit-tit * huh i.i i. ,d I cn nt t<i "i* utn, ' ' *•* l u '■ - • M iiiiiint't' ivii*|rin' .1.4 nut ur4 II 1. fur 01 i lit ll.uh. th> • ul.M4ttl*tl4M pUldli r. .Nt !•" ti tik (i.i lte irfuaul w title the , nn t u - .a# fut* lunch The >•• <•' - '-* *•*' untiled utiuti re uf the a orpaiaWon, j 111, Will..** --ld t I'* o*l du and ,f the entiled * "<• I aider ll l" < el.ufi pra. tl i ha auld to* Met* te treated a. .old " * ', ~ a>d • jfet f the , urn he.l a 11 * I I flat tee of a !rn*"ur ilaa It, .1 ah .fillflautft 'Hi >it.ean naid the filarial a*e i f, ul aaff a th n .inafm tui ot* . I the ■ wefaui Hut tea* I, l, a ltt *i • *Y"o ' i .1.4 I ./k teurhe the • ei*i. in ' ...a I* '< mad in OH H Ida 1 (hi it Ull i 11 I, al4i I *Mb Ml Hr . a , ir, , uliu< r *|.|| i'MlliilMg F di *ii, I big ... the at.a HO O. I „iutuit#ttun t "in a*' the a m giua M t 1 la* eld. M>l not tall ha# 9 I I ti# i Mi. . fee ewirtuM ted II ft a. jhi t "let ft tl (In )i*i I Mae M th hi fall,i a It • Iff 1.1 ii- ieieiv.4 lie iMluOte ' e.inl lh uO'lain, "alat he eod ttani neau aaut • aaaed 'I ai ) ufaflte lit the etael laifiii'eiMi 11a uae liituied hi n II e.'ui id II . f H M' feet inn • I . , i HI. o, aaila fuli> |l iiatoaiiu af iaai I'afi fit j Sdßtfori Agrtt on Treaty Volt Tomorrow fit .t.fc. ie'rf M OlMtliOlt, Oil I -Me uhl> a,, and IliMimiaOi Irean ladr nnt 4 la dai la hetafe laoau l I fa #a la Manual aa l" Maeiwoili la ahe t'.arr fa.ala ha a.ualaa luff. Mrfuh. M*ua al t'a Mi (lea. f.aua.tna Ihua itu I etlrf eialea he nil ti u" •' !• d aa Ihe aeeaerea. if oraaoaaal • .wuluhai erialed aa ihi Inula, o NM u'aaa.d au flMiae, al all aeaalar I alt . nmmdmiHlt h. laaa ahaaiaan al [THEWEATHE^I Mural.hiaaa aaf t telatlai laauea. alia Vaada ulah ai.a.laaal ik hi eha*i a# lu.aluhl ... Iharedaa lll.iaa lufufeaalfau, I a.laaa I'a aa.a f aaala i I laud a ulah aaeaelaaal *haea*a. la, aluhl aad lhaa.daa Mt.lan* I.aaf.aaiaa. hreeia eaal ulade. Grv Telk mw* -1: Conditions HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AK otar-Jnftep<n&CTil. Dally i:*cept Bunday. Entered an Pecnnd Claae Matter at the Poet Office at Marrtahurg "THERE IS NO STRIKE!" | h> tawulal tufi. I Ni* tnrh. in t t Ae far ae O.e li.ll Irlirni hlea I I'linipallV le innci rind th re , no etrlhe," de •aiet .in tffi.ial of thai reticent In ilea I • <a,e tin reel m> ep|f," Ii" I mided. ' I em lundlm iliftilty to It e eitualion !•> eaylnf 'etrlhe.' It • re h m ha rn IHI .Irtki and et.-ll it ttieri tteai* una u' Oethlehcm i ton aiiitd (till • the Mnrknieaa ni I • • i . ,i|..Hi ,i. I>„ etaai lenoi aif II at 1 Mil,#" CONFLICTING CLAIMS FWR IN ON STRIKE Sii i lion I'luni OffifiaU Atntfrt| Mtirr Mt*n Art* til Work; j I oioii* C.luiin fi iinu 1 * uiiieti iralh opfoalte i Inline . on- Ult.K'd 1,1 |auir tn from the (lerl die- Itirta tu'dar. All I'ffl iii I etalenient r,f I lie Heth- IriieiM fla-ei i'tinipull > a.aeiteif that elf ill) .11.aee 111 tent of it* men •! working, while a et,,lenient of the 1.i1.0r teadera *et forih thai he iweeii • v. itl>-tier riiut a-tiihl) |er iiae a.f the lIIPII were out No • tianf, * * rrpurtfd from the f'llta hiarfu and I'hte.ffi illatrict* <t|fHi*tnf (ialtn* t kiwliun At flection, | lain otflclale aaid more men i. a-ontantly raiarnlng l wuah, white laiiton leauara inalet *4 Ha lt a alihe win# i onatantly tn creaeiiif I That only daetufhattree re|ioated to day were at the riant of the ntieiuia niuul Moo|i Com pan v at Khar on I'a whaie are alleged i I in tura.vd i.if workmen at lraii|,l||if lu ino r Ihe plant One .O I eel ii| made. Mori Men Returning to Work at Steelton, Plant Officials Say • 'HI.'HUUI * AF flit H t HLRH 111 glrrt . i . Mid lilli i -i 4m 1 Iu It |fgg* I Hint MH'lr llith ITMATI it|*Lit*f fur work, go ort|ift| tu a Mdtrttiriit toRIIDI ffntM the fiiMll* i dyii • utfn i Utti. itirn. uli> Ma a |*rbitt4 tit krtfitni ull .* ilpt*rt Hi* HIM lUftltMig Ml gumi •))•!• \ta a'ati ii t hi• i uuli) . r< urei frutll (tl* li-rt luigr liir Ml i fi (lII' a|t PIT ALII ail LIUILIBT'F UF HUM VkflVge | < olillUiii-ft i| f'Mg 14 j Director* of Y.M.C.A.Hear of Good Work For Soldiers; Office Secretary Resigns Mneta itiuoaaiid itfuM'te twu i ..i tin. ~f ihrWlng gunti D.fMtt trt kitffi mini* hariul* ol a|>|ilu*. and! hhtad'etla of inti k( of id i icani wltii I olli.i good thine# wmi atieiilbulud '* Ilia eoidicte dtariflu the home . uiiiitif I'ulfhratlwft h> tin V M i' A war worker# In title i.l) j Tin* I Wa# d> • flopud hi It H ! i.wlf |l>* liriiioi ilieellun nui) | it >i niiiliiif ul tlif dlii lur* of fh! I M i A 10-da> Mr Kwig re imatw) Miat Ihe Itirli were tnurr than 1 , 1• i lellt. uf lha fetiuruaia kind nt** of Mi* tumi "V pt'U|it. k illtuMt J |uthurt, who he* heen DM ..m. i ggfrttgq fwt Mverwl intaaMi*. duiiif admlrui'lf work, ha* ' Nta it lumputi. d to 11 elan ow ing tu Hi.).ailed health and will ldurii *UU|| tu in* i.iiiii in orili I'a roll iih A luaotuttwH of a ppir'latltMl for hi* eul v|i u* wae ado|alei), tn kiln,iii* itoodai .'tuning in to j 111 I I lII* V *1 I A • dill etiWlal • iii*.i will ht atailed ami Iheea will ; iotai a lag range of atmli The ■ hi*#.*# Will i|. a I a tail hlolulal Utu- Oil,* alnl Mia l t oiilae will liu Imlr a wothiiif know lde# of K|iniah, iil<'*ii.uo*hl|a puhlu aoa-eking, ilia l anital illuWlug, I'ookki i'l'ing nil hMdiiuae l.iigliali alnl a ulra'k|ion •triu i ill oiidt'i iom|,ulnt lute lla i iiafd II lladai 11 will a nli'llul lha Y M • A wlai i 101 l lie i* Hit i.a w iiigani*! of ttfwuu Mulkgillai I i hoii h hta| i *lll.l III.| ||| I'lltl Ilk till till th II) • II" M Mi at titJ ft,it, Ifa thai Ilia, 'f'uuailai, K* |.t an Ii i* nui lint MINI Meghan Ituop* ha i n oiduaed to lliai n|ion . Ao.tii ,ai dviMloae Man.* o#a kici. j ■ml leiitloi |. i,a hern i.|iulli'i|, j "> i *!*• i Mil ni fliun 4ha it*we- I .a - |. a * io Might ha I,oiii* r*hi*ta,i Mi* at'fftary f Ihu Meaeury, Ilial .lanhing tiotuinHinl onn i*l in )lu. j )• u i Ih al |iii*enl If. ffaerted M, ni oail<re 11a11 eimidy turn inu.ii . thai Mo iinikwiiii'iilM of all ai'laliira j lie aepoiii-d MtMld! DID IA PlMt'l aaMehoag, i'e Met I Thmi tlill. 1 i'in ii win horned io death und three l.oiaa# * d**|aoa*i| I,a Bar al the Mrft I. al l'oan|ianr * #*lll*m*it near Tunn*lioH la*i nighi, *• wording to j word ##| *IV*4 her* to-day, REA WOULD HAVE ! RAILROADS BACK TO REAL OWNERS; Penney Prrnitlont Speak* Im Ainrriciin Hunker*' Auo- , nation at St. lamin It) .1 . Weird fifth "I lamia. Ogt i iygMUgg fori the return of tallroade to privalt*; ow nerahlp. Kamuel Rea, pre* dent of. the I'ennetl\anln llullroad, addre** ini! the convention of the Amertran, Mankera' Aeaoclatton. to-day attack ' ed the ihiniiiiln* bill, pending In the j t'nttfd Klale* Hennle a* "detrlmetl-; i tai" to the progreaa of the riiilraoid* and eona|Miiud Mime feature* ol II In ihe "tlfth wheel of a Wagon." Mr. Rea at rwngly urged the re - turn of rallroada tu pritaie owner -1 whip at an rail, dale; flnanclul aa • KMlgr* from Mie goiernnient un-1 I ill the rtllfMdi get hack to a watie- I factory *>*tem of operation; mum- Intended the ratuhliehmrnt of n wage hoard for the prevention or uiljuel-! meiit of lahor contit veraiew. on ehli ti Mie putdic whoutd lie ri tue-, aefllell Ultd lirewwed foi the evclu- , *|vu filial al gltpervlaion of the Iwur of i ailro.ul aecuilliee ami of all • apt till expenditure* Air Ilea * lift, a- htflile the mem - I l er# of the Mat ing* Hunk Keetlwti | lit* aiihiei t wiia. "iiur Railroad j I i g m Mow ,-i Settle It Kffectilal- I I) lii Ihi public Intereat I *|ill•*.-* I IptilttlMM • tpllltilkiai lor Mie future of Rumpel and the dnniu-lal condition of the' world, deaplle Mie lerrltile loaea • io • aNtoned by wai. wx eapreaaert ' before the National Hunk *eciion ol , the American Ranker* A*wociation io John Kkalton William* i-omptrol lea of the currency. Exchanges Grip With $lO,OOO in Money, Gems and Stocks For Old Socks ftt lavi'tel.J I'lltl, Now tiark. ihi I - Mr* Margaret W lirown. of Mreenehuig t'a to day callfd on the police Io tind a man with whom ehe unwittingly ex • hanged giip* in Mie I'gnnay Ivanlw! kiaiion her. Iter grip. *he aaya, j i oaiiaiaud (It.tD In nionr) . gem* and *loi k* (tie lonialned collar*, -thirl* und eoi k Ml* 11 row ii a.ud *he ehe. ke,| her grip at a aland in ihe elation and *a preernted with the ntlewmu *iranger * gup when he aurrender-1 gd Ml ihi'k The lie. king i lerk it gr* Hull* alinouncrd lie had gi\en Mr* llrow n'e grip to a young man' who i tiled with a check The grip* 1 louk< I alike lie udileil and he got thehi "alightly murd Former Harrisburg Man Chosen to Lead 'Y' Work in Manila and Islands llatiy W lair, formerly a real denl of llariuhuig, and niura re • ently in New Vurk idly, will **il in u fi w day* from lam outer. Itrlt • | | l*h i'olumfeiat, lu take up hi* work 'a* ae Mini secretary of the Interna-1 tional I U i' A for Manila and Mo Rhlllpplnr* Mr l.wvp aeiered hi* eunnei Hon with (lie I'eiinay It aula Ktatr V M j' *• A in April of thia yr*a, and aim e | ' that time hae hern *erving 41 iriiur of damwhlliaailon in ihe u* i ' pal Ime lit of the east He wa* married ie, ently to Mi*> { Anna I. Kvane. of New Vork who I wa* an ekwmtivi „f of the home eai . chaptaia In Ameriraii Red • 'n.- Mr l.wie* i h lid ran. l,o|u. Mint unit David, will Ul company theli parents to Manila j M l.lttl til | a SRI Vl lllk , t Mimh'ti. N J ml |. r look 1 . te*# Mian So minute* in day to try | und reltli In e lo feoni )0 to 30 year* in niuiw Hrieun, Jainr# Whiting*, the negio for Whom li pnaar aeaicheit , conttuuoueli fiom laat Monday he-' en uke or uu uiiai k near Merchant-' ville on a whii. woman, ihe wife of, a altlptaril tiorker, Ivl Alt Tit tiapl' vvii.aua Ma*klaalaa. ti • I After Mallina l iit ie* oi, lour that will carry lha in Io Mi* I'aclth eoaat. King Al hert *au ifuern Klltefeslh, of Dal* ghiiia, will arrlv* in Wa*hlnglon Me. i. her It t„ he th* au**t* of th* ,i n .ni. in and Ml . Wtiwon HI thw M Nile lluu.r LEAVE FLAGS UP ONI. Miouaond lo fifteen lion- ' died Mldhfl of Miw World War will lo' in llaiiiahurg ! in morrow. I'liday ami Kuiurday I of Mil* Werk for Ih* conv aillloil | of Miw Anicrh an l.wglon Mild liar. riaburg*ra mn pay thwui u hand •■line lilhnli 111 leuvlng *ll lliw | , rtweoratloni which wra* put out ] loi Mir Wvleotn* Home I'wlrhru iii.ii rcmwln fci Mir week, m j Ihrlr honor, HoUNrholdrt* uinl | i hualnieamwn hvr hrrn uigrd lo huve the flag* and hunting in plui a, *o Moil Mir v tailing auldirr* will (*l thai Hiarrlehurg I* ghnl to Itair thrm heir for Ihe llr*t afiwr.the-wur aaihering. HARRISBURG, PA. !EARL AURAND IS 1 HONORED AS ONE , WHO FIRST FELL llnn-hliing Soldier Who (inve I.lfc in Rattle "Cared For" in Drive | THE PLAN IS MADE CLE Alt All May Subscribe Toward *2O For Each Soldier Who Went Out A LAST SHOT FOR j AURAND Karl Aursnd, llarrUhurg sol- • | dier. dlMl month* ago ir> Franco .f wound* received in buttle. T Ilia death wa* the ft rut reported I of a lUriMurg lighting nuin It i* a fflMiiWHI that the Int s!' iiibacrlptton for Harrlshurg'a Mil tier*' anil tailor* memorial waa ! taken out for Karl Aurand. • Here's a laat ahot for Karl Aurand." aatd the pcraon who , "ft the sub*. rlptlon at the Cham ber of Commerce room* In all of the war work campaign* 'undertaken In llarriabuig alnce I• 17 j the actual canvassing haa been done ! l. volunteer*, men and women, who gave Week* of their time to the ao-, llcitlng of Individual* and e*talilih I tuent*. For the tlrat time aince, war work compalgns were under taker/, an effort la belnii made to .'put over a hi* idea without thai assistance of solicitors In the campaign to aceure fund* for the koldler*' and aallora' mentor* 1 lal. to he built at the Thirteenth latnet end of the granite State *treet ' bridge, auharrlpt'ona In ntoal In ula tares will he voluntary. There will he no hurrah* hy enthuainattc worker* The people of Herri*, burg, if ihe (Memorial I* to he built. mu*t solicit theni*elvea. They have already started to do *O, return* at 'the t'hamher of t 'ommerce *how, Tii lilte Itivouiiltioii "Tin* etly *ent 3,500 men to the Armv and Navy," aw id the Hev. Dr. i Kohri t Bunnell thi* morning. "Ka< h of lhe*e 3,500 men had friend* ar*l relative*. The memor- I i*l will he erected through $2O *ub • rlptlon* credited to each of the , 3.500. A* subset ipt ou* are made, the name* of tho*e üb*crlhed for will be withdrawn from the general. Hat and published In the tiewspa- ' per* Now It trike* me tliufc the friend* and relative* of the** 3,50 a men—and the people of Harrlshurg generally, whether they knew any of the Mildier* und sailor* or not— w l| not l>e backward In weeing to It that proper recognition la given each oils of them." I lr*t Mibcrl|thMi The flr*t siihscrtptton made wa* that tor Kgrl Aur.ind To-day nu merous other subscription* are tie i Ing made, and. while the general do< * not open unt'l neit i Monday, no *uhs rlption* will be re fu*d tiefore that time. City Forester Is After Tree Planting Data; Norway Maples at Hand j I'tty l armier l.ouia U Baltimore. 10-dav urged all peraoit* who Intend i to plant tree* thl* full to communl-! iuli wltn bliu at once und jpp|| tor a permit u llut he can make an . inpei lion and determine how ntaity tree* an to be planted and the dlf-. | fenent varletle*. Theie are about 100 Norwuy ma | pie* in the city nursery which can ibe used, but other varieties can be aecureil from private nuraerle* Mr. Baltimore hua prepated u 'lt , rular on t A-e planting which i* be ! in* distributed. Lard Prices Drop in City; Now Sells at 3<L laid i* doing it* part to lower tin , blab coat of living M llliln the pa*t ten days a drop of * I • lII* ha* been report- d in tile | price nt thl* ■ oiaoiodily Ti day laid U iel ailing in praeticall, all city! alarm for 34 cnu, u* lOtnpared to | t 10 cant*, tea day* *go, |iecre**tng of pork product* ex' I port* and Hie apptouctr of the rlaugli- |< ti ring •••aon i the assumed for the nharp drop In nil • Other poik p.odurt* how a allgb' decn-aae |in tbe wliolmale pi I ■' , but till* t* not . retteeled 111 the letall lllll'kut, There nam been no notable | ' liangea In prlee* of oilier staple*. i I t.lto vr MI.N MTHIKK New Turk. Oct, I. t'lose up on the heel* of u walkout of 4 00a At - | !la title coa*i tugboat men, from . ' Maine to Florida, two other atrike* ; involving Hhlpynrd mechunlvi und ( Inllgßlioreiiien were t ailed 111 ithe New Vork iluirlcl. Hy noon three whip)aril* In Hiulen In land and one in Hrooklyn were af fected and 3.000 Hrooklyn long ehoremen had <|Ull work, t'nlon leader* wold Hi* number of Mtriktng loiigahoranirn would be Increased to 10,000 by night. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1919. 'BIGGEST STATE CONTRACT IN YEARS AWARDED Memorial Mridgt- Is (Jrculcst Operation Since* Cupitol Was Mailt Pennsylvania's memorial to It* : soldier, aallor and murine aon* in j the tt orld War. the pylon* and) I bridge In Oapllol I'ark extension In thl* city, will be constructed of grn.i-l He und will be the lnrgo*t building .operation undertaken by the Com monwealth alnce the award of the j contract for the coiintructlon of the' Mtute Capitol, more than a decade and a half. ago. The contract waa j 'et laat night to the Central Con-! I ntructlon Corporation, of llurrls-1 burg, whb h ha* handled lurge Gov-! 'eminent munition plunt und other! | heavy construction, and whose head* jplan to start work In a fortnight on the preliminaries The contract price I* $3,3>3.1ti7.9 uinl i all* for granite Instead or re-' inforced concrete. Theie were alter nate bids received and the Harris- i I burg com ern wu* awarded ua the lowi at bidder for grunite, which , Governor William C. flproul ,iy*. I Continued <>|, I'age itl.] Harrisburg Motor Co. Purchases Liberty Garage Announcement i* made that the! Ilarrtaburg Motor Car Company ha* • purchiiaed the Überly Garage at ! Sixteenth and Walnut streets and ' took possession this morning! They will utilise the new building ( a* a salesroom and service station j und will carry u line of motor oil*, gasoline and accessories • Kirk and itch*, the former pro prietor*. Will remove their Interest* to the downtown service station.u' !S1 gouth Third street Miners' Wage Demands Are Considered First By .4)jci tttJ froj, lluflalo, Oct. I. The tlr*t da ' mind of the too,ooo miners of the lentml biiuminou* in bl. culling for un Increase of sixty per cent, in Wage* I* before the Joint conference of miner* and operator* to-day. It was expected thut thi* and other issues would lie debated for several day* and thai llie.v will be I,iter considered by committees before loming to the full conference for u lest vole which will determine ' whether the miner* will carry out | their threat to atrike November i.' Normal Conditions Restored in Spalato Hy Associated firm I Tunic. Tuesday, Wept. So. Nor mal condition* huie been re*tored at Hpuloto where street righting i*>- J curred between the Italians and! Croatian*. Keeling between the two| race* I*. however, reported quite ' j bitter. • apiuln Oahriale D'Annuncio'* Army In this city number* 15,000 nrtbrr* and men. according to in formation received from official source There are constant addl ! Hon* to thl* force from deserter* who have left their unit* ulong the ! armistice line. —— I Home, iic I i i llavusi gvm-j puthv with Captain Gabrlele D'An nungio is spreading uiitong the regu lar Italian troops Money and sup j plies continue to flow into Plume, Ballotbox Stuffed in Clemenceau Vote Hy Associated firm I'acls, Hct, 1.-—Opponents of I're-I 1 unci ClemeliciHii were jubilunt lor a few moments in the session of the 'chamber of "Deputies last evening when un iiiiuttlciul count in vote of < onlidenee he hud uwkeil showed 301 i -vote* ugulnst the government, only 3(3 111 Its favor. The cheeking up hnwe-.rr, 11 vc it led I but there Iks >1 becll a Slulftng of tile till Hut tins, the I Ottlclal 1011111 showing the adverse; vote really lo have been only no, j so Unit Hie government's majority i although relatively alight, aeeuied < autlafgctory to the ministry bench, j CAR WORKS MEN WANT DAYLIGHT . The Mlddletown Cur Compuny | has fallen into line on the Day light Saving appeal to the city i council, inaugurated by the Tele graph. A big bunch of petitions ' arrived In the office this murium', J bearing hundreds of signatures, j the total being 75 jln *0 per cent. ' of the entire force emMoyod ut I the car work*. When thl* num. ' ber of people, along with thou. I sands of others, show* that they want more time to enjoy the light on slimmer evenings, they should I not lo- denied II! LEGION HOST TO GATHER IN FIRST STATE MEETING Delegates Arrive During Day and Registration Month at l'emi-1 (arris Is Musy MAYOR WILL GREET THEM Between 1 .(MM and I,~>oo Sol diers Out of War In I told Sessions Delegate* are eonilug Into Marrlw , burg on every train for the first Pennsylvania Convention of the , American Legion, which I* to hold ! the opening gathering of It* three- J | day sessions to-morrow. The reg iHtrution booth I* In the l'enn-Harri* and thl* afternoon und to-morrow morning will be occupied with dele- : gate* registering unit submitting ere- ; dent lal*. The local lied Cress chapter and the Chamber ot i'ominerce ure work- j nig together to provide entertain- J I metit fir Ihe legionnaires from all I ovci the K.ttte, und to-morrow even- j , tug the f."he*tnut Street Auditorium iwill be given over to a big dance J |in hotiui of the Legion. ■ Will Itc Theater Guest* i J •in Krubiv evening the delegates ;i|| be guests at a performance off {"Friendly Kneniles." at the ir phetini. The Housing Hureuu of th< chaintu r oi Commerce ha* likewise j i made provision* for houmng all the i I men vvlyo arc unable to secure hotel | i accommodation* Between I.UOU and ! ' 500 delegates, representing the 350 i I posts of the State, will be in liar- | I i lulling until the rlraiing session 04 . Saturday. Mayoi Daniel L. Kelster will pre- | sent the keys ol the city to the Klute j Legion ut the opening business ses sion 011 Thursday afternoon at Chest - I nut Sheet Half. There arc many important matter* to be tuken up ut j f4 011 tinned 011 Page Iti.] Berkman and Goldman Are Going to New York Hy liiMMled r,r,u Atlanta, Ua., i'ct. 1. —Alexander■! Ilerkman. who was convicted witlc Kmmu Goldman for conspiracy to) obstruct the Army draft, comiudeil Ins term In the Federal Penitential y here to-day and announced he would ; leave later for New York, where) both wilt face deportation charge*. i Herkmun I* a native of Husala. | Mis* Goldman finished her term I 'ln the Jefferson City, Mo. Federal ) ptisan several day* ago and Berk- 1 1 man planned to Join her In New j York. They have each deposited 1)5,(00 j In Liberty Itond* u* bull pending disposition of the deportutlon j charges, Herkman'a attorney an nounced. Ship Bearing Belgian Royalty Will Dock at Hoboken Tomorrow Hy ,h< •tffctd I'tfiSt New York. Offt. I A wlfl—■ from the steamship George Wash - J lington, aboard whb h are the King, and Queen of the llegtuns, reported ( Gie whip 300 mile* east of Kundy ) Honk ut * a. in. to-day. j Port of eniburkution official* in 1 Hoboken, who received the message i said the liner probably would not dock before to morrow morning. President Arises Late, After Restless Night Hy .4iii>itateJ frm, VV a.IIIII* lull. lilt. 1, After a rest-! i Is** night President Wllnon fell asleep • during the forenoon to-day and arose; ! lute Hear Admiral Grayson, hi* per- ( sonal physician at I o'clock thl* iifl-) e 1 noon Issued the follow lag bulletin ! 'The President b*d a re*t|e* niglit 'and consequently I* feeling mine, whttl Jaded tO'day." Tlie President'* general condition ] ua* described at Ik* While House 1 a* being a* good aa it wsa yester- I I day despite til* restless lilght. a' I setb*i k was not Indicated, it was I I MIS hi. " Fatally Hurt in Burnham Plant; Dies Within Hour la'MltoMii, lit., 'Jet, I Juinen ; VV, Dalby, IB years rffd. died hern ,ihl* morning from Injuries sue-' .tallied In Die Axle Plant of the I jHtgndurd Kteel Works, ut Iturnham.' I All hour earlier, when the hundle of! the slxlng peg punctured his übdo -1 men. Dulby served in Compuny M 112 and Company M 11* Infanlry -lln France, and saw some of the > hardest lighting of the war, ! W.AN'TM PAH J.l.\.*f KM- (AI.LKD I sohbhi . OcL 1 William C I Ada m*on, chairman of the Labor' party In parliament and leader of| ( the opposition Ihcre. has telegruplo-d 11 to Prime Minister Lloyd George ask- h inn thut Parliament be summoned I ! Imiiiediateiy. I, ONI.Y KVRNINti AgtWtCl I'ItF.SS'kll IN II AHItI Mi I lit. WHITE SOX AND REDS ARE OFF IN WORLD SERIES Cincinnati Team Is on Short End of Betting; Both Managers Are Confident of Victory WILDLY YELLING CROWD OF FANS JAMS THE BALL PARK i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E. ronOJEKHIiBH Utotai nuttrrte* —t'hlcaito, rtcotte and Schalk; (Cincinnati, Ructhcr and Winso. I'nt pi t ea—Rißler, Evans. Quißtey and Nallin. Itcdluiul Field. Oct, I. The Iteil* | anil White Sox got off In the first i Kline of the World'* Series here j this afternoon with Ruether and Iwiiiko for Cincinnati and t'leotte | anil Si hulk, for Chicago on the re- Npertlve pitching and receiving ends i Contldence was indicated by state , menta from both managers. Moran, of the Cincinnati team said: , "We have clearly earned our way ■ Into the series and we will dearly learn our way IhrouKh It, I believe i that we have the better pitching. I , i have six iu~e. any one of whom ! , '■an depend on for excellent service." | Manager <! lea son, of the White j i Sox. said: I "My boys nre a great bunch and they are going to be very hard to beat At the same titue 1 fuHy real- I j ixc that we are gome to be submit- I led to a supreme test In this series. ] Any club that could stand off the ' | Giants as the Iteds did on three ' different occasions is going In be tin | easy mark for any club. liut t| ■believe tltst my pitchers have been j I underestimated. We ure here to I w III." ) Two hours before the time for j the gume in start, th- pavilion and' I bleachers of the park were filling 'up rnptdli. while only a mgtUlS jof spectators were In the grand, stand and boxes. More than u dozen bands or 01 - i j chestrus eateitulned those who had I Journeyed to I lie paik , 111 y and | numerous quartet* and Individual i vocalists vied with MM anulhtr with singing popular airs. ciUCAUii CINCINNATI ! J. Collins, rf. Ituth, Jb. ' K. Collins.2b. liuubcrt, lb, I Weaver, 3b. tlroh.Sh. , Jackson. If. Itoush, cf I l-'elsi h, rf. I'uncsn. If. (iandll. lb, Kopf, as Itlsberg. ss. Ncule, rf. tit-hulk, c. Wlngo. c Clcottc, p. , Iteuthcr, p. The piav by innings: Cidllus Singles I'm -t lulling White Sox J. ' J Collins up It. ill one, bull two. MtttM one. J. Collins singled to center.] I It Was u line drive that landed di j rectly In front of lloush. Eddie i , Collins up Hall urn Stnki MM. i bid die Collins forced J. Collins at ipccond, Ituether to Kopf. K Col-, llns attempted to aa<*rltlce. Weaver' up. Hall one. sinks one Wddle Collins out stealing. Wlngo to Uuttl. Jackson up. Jackson filed to lloush. the latter muking a great une-hundeil latch. No runs, one hil, OO WIW 1 Second Half Ituth up. Strike , j one. Hull) wits lut liy a pitched j (bull. lie was Ilit on the buck ami j walked to first. liuubcrt up. Strike lone. liuubcrt singled In tinier ' ' Ituth taking third. It was a clean . drive through second base. Qroh up. : Hull one, ball two. tiioli filed to j Jackson and I tat It lienl Jackson's | ■throw home, liaiihert remaining on' I first Itoush up. Hull one, hall two j strike 'en- ftgglmrt aut stealing second, Si hulk to ltn-|-ig Hull three. Itoush vvulked. Iluni'un up I Hall one. Strike one. Itoush stole (second. Si hulk's throw was 100 high Strike two. lium an was out. Ills- j berg to Qitndill. One run, one hit, no j < i pg| - Chicago Ties Score Second lulling Jackson up. On I | Jackson's drive to Kopf. the latter | i threw wild lo lirsl and Jackson look ' 1 second base I'elsi b up, Felach j I sacrificed. Heuther to Dnubert, Jack- | | son taking third. Oundli up tjan- ' dll singled to center and Jackson i scored. It inherit up. Strike one. i Hull one. (jitmill was caught steal-| ing. Wlngo lo Ituth. Hall two. KtCke : two. Hull three. Itlsberg walked.! I Schalk up. Hall one. Strike one. ' Hull two. Schalk filed to Itoush. One run. one hit. one error. Second Half Kopf up Strike one Strike two. Kopf fanned. ' Neale up. Strike one Bull one. ' N'eule out, IC. Collin* to Gandil. I Wlngo up. B:ill one. ball two, ball ! three. Strike one. Wlngo flew lo} IVlsch. No runs, no hits, no error*. No Hun- in Third Tlilril Inning -t'leotte up. Strike I one. Strike two. Itall one. Strike; three. t'leotte fanned. J. t'ollinsj up. Strike one. Hall one. J. I'ol-I llns flied to Koush. Eddie Collins up. Ball one. Strike one. Ball 9 una SINQt-K COPIES TWO CENTS I two. Hall three. Strike two. Kopf threw out K. Collins at lirat. No runs, no hits, no erors. scctuul Half—ltuether up. is., >| one. Strike one. Hull two. Itall ihree. Hall four. Ituether walfceu. liath up. Hath sacrificed, Cicotte to iiandll. Heuther going to second. 1 iuubert up. Hall one. Daub.t ilew to Jackson, ituether retaining •second, tiroh up. Hall one Strtke one. Hall two. Strike two. tJ.-oli flew to Jackson. No runs, no hits I no errors. Red- I'ivc I uurtli lulling Weaver up. Weaver out Groh to Dauhert. Jstk . son up. Hall one. Strike one. Kop out Jackson, Daubcrt taking the throw. Kelsch up. Strike on. relseh Was thrown out. Kopf i uuubert. Xo ruiu, no hilt* nu T error*. ! „ s ">oil Half Itoush up. Rous), filed out to Felach. Duncan ! Bull one. Duncan singled to right center Kopf up Cicotte took Hopi s drive throwing to second, forcing Duncan. Itlsberg taking He throw. Ni ab up. NVali singled, Kopi rem Idng second safely. Wlngo U|> Kopi scored. w hen Wine . rl * ht • in<l Putting Neale n third. Kopf scoring on the throw ,to the Plate, ltuelhei up Hall one. 1 Neale and W ingo scored on Ituether s triple to thi cenlei tield bleu hei s. Hath up. Hall one. Ball two. • Ituether noted. Itafh doubled into I'ueih ' . ''Havhers, scoring Kuethei. Dauhert up. Ball one. St k" one B.,|| ,„ 0 . , <dU thtf .„ i.i i, *l"° ', ' " " Ue """ taken out Jot I'. box. D.iubcrt singled to light , bringing In Itulh. Dauberl took sc.- ond on the throw, ciroh up. Wilkin, son replaced ''ieolte on the mound. Ball one Mi ike one. tiroh flic,l | errors' I U, T' hits. „ Quiet | came 1 iflli Inning Gandil up. H I ■ one. Strik, one. Gandil singled . center Itlsoerg up. Itlsla-rg fin |lo Itoush. Gandil held first. Schalk up Foul, strike one. Hall om ] Groh took S> hulk's drive and throw - ;ing to Ituth forced Gandil. Sch... <>n tirst, Wilkinson up. WTlkins , fun 1.1 Schalk at w < ond. Itatli 1 i.- asstated. No runs, one hit. no er ror*. 1 Second Half Itoush up Striae one. Itoush filed to Feiscil. Duncan jup. Hall one. Duncan singled i , center. Kopf up. Strike one. Ball , one. Hall two. Duncan was out attempting to steal. Schalk to Ite | berg. Strike two. Ball three. If - , berg threw out Kopf at first after i making a great stop. No runs, one • hit. no trrortt. Russian Commander Apologizes For Flogging American Soldier By .Itsoriaird I'tfn. .. xs*" M, V ,T ? X ' I —n-rts link Xieeteg, the I . a b.. sniter. Informed .he Stat,. Itepart mrutllsOl that f.eaeral Hasan art. the super-tar llusslan eom tintli i In slherta. hag apt log - ireil la Miliar l.eneral Graves, i-am n> li ailing the V 1(1 e ric:i n force* In silo Ha far the laelileni si lma. Siberia. September 5. la toiling the arrest h> l assaeks af an Imiriesn affieer and enlisted man aad the gagging at the lai ler. I The nmbassgdnr also said f.ea- I ernl liars Mail had promised In . eall for the paalsbmeat of lb troops tibleb bad been guilty af I the mistreatment of (be tnerl | eaas. You May Still Secure War Record Mgiiv calls hate been recei •••' I for extra copies of Monday's |g*,.o of the Telegraph containing lists of j llsrriehurg heroes in the great ve • Those who still desire extrs cop. may obtain them as long as the Untit led supply lasts, by calling st the busi ness office of this newspaper. TI'RN CLOCKS OCT. 2. By JiAui iotrd I rest, Washington, Oct. 1. General un ' certainty is to when the clocks of ! the nation may be turned back and ! daylight saving abolished seems to have resulted from the action of Congress in repealing the day light , saving act. In answer to numerou | inquiries officials have pointed out that clocks may not be turned back ! until the last Sunday of Ooctober, or October 26, at 1 a. m.
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