16 Your Furnished Rom Ad Will Be Good News to Some Peple-Use tie Classified iEiiji j.'ißflflEEXla ■ i-** ■- ■■■ ■ m -rft-i \ flfi.'. i '■ ib '■ "■ .. . sjttH • tjUtato!■ tiOsdidonMid.MflMMHlififci i ...srkitiidklS/ Deaths DOVER—Died suddenly in Hunting don on September 30, Mrs. Samuel V. Boyer. Funeral services at the grave in the Harrisburg cemetery on Fri da\ afternoon after arrival of body on 2.4.% train. Relatives and friends invited. HAKE —Died on September 30, 1910, Albert Hake, aged 64 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on Fri day morning at 11.30 o'clock from the residence of his daughter. Mrs Ora Klizxard. 426 Relly St. Further services and burial at Newberry town. York county, at 2 p. nr. same day. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of keys: finder please return Bob Boyer. 34 South Dewberry St. Suitable reward. LOST—Two new tires from a Ford automobile on Saturday evening. Sep tember 37, at Marysville. The person who took these tires is known and to avoid trouble return at once to Al bert Miller. Marysville. Fa LOST —Fur neckpiece on Tuesday , afternoon in 35 Vent Store. Reward if returned to 3030 N. Fifth St. — LOST—WiII the party who found, saw or knows of any one rinding a snuf.l blaekbound bock containing accounts of bread route, on road be tween Marysville and Duncannor.. please notitv W. H. Neumyer. cute Standard Baking Co.. Harrisbuig. Pa. Book is valuable to owner. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY* AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bill 125 Dial 401". BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. ; HELP WANTED—MALE Wanted At 2000 to 6000 a year and up Accountants Bank Examiners Traffic Managers Capable applicants are wanted to ' take training at once without inter ference with present duties for im-1 portaiil positions with large' indus tries and C. P. A. firms. Full infor- , iiiation without obligation. Address. i La Salle Extension University I Harrisburg Office. Bell 4940R P. O. Box 3, Hill Station . WANTED AT ONCE Ail aiound boilertnakers for vv ■ i k in geneial lank shop. Good wages. Apply to THE NEW YORK CENTRAL IRON WORKS CO.. INC.. Hagerstown. Md. i Young man about IS years | old to learn automobile stor age battery business. Excel- ' 1> nf opportunity to the right man Call at Willard Service Station. Forster Street near Front. t WANTED i Men between ages of 30 and 4b. | Stea y employment, comfortable guar- . ter.-. Ful maintenance and salary. ! Apply to Superintendent. State Hos- | pital. Harrisburg. WM. STROUSE & CO. REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF SEVERAL TAILORS; EX CKLLENT WORKING CON- ! DITIONS; GOOD WAGES. | APPLY WM. STROUSE & CO.. sio MARKET ST. , PAPERHANGERS—Four first ciass , mechanics; steady work. H. A. Bod-| iner, "26 x. Third St. I WANTED—Several neat appearing] experienced house to house men t<■ j i-t-pi event Cromell Publishing Co. Ex-• i-lusiv offer. Six orders per day pays $:6 per we. k. Call 410 Patriot Bide. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a piactical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron <t.. Harrisburg. Training' Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th ' and Sycamore Sts. WANTED—Two men-for local sales j organization of lodge. New York c ncern. satisfied with $3O per weei; while learning. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. M.-.N wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor. former govt, detec tive. Danville. Ills. WANTED—A man: must be a good huster over thirty years of age. Ap ply Grcr.c. Union Tea Co.. 20s Norrh Second St. WANTED—Laborers and 'contrac tors at the Par.tang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Paxtang. Pa WANTED—AII lathers in Harris burg and vicinity arc invited to at tend a meeting Friday evening. Octo ber 3 at Union Hall. 331-223 Market street, at 8 p. m. sharp. Edw. P. Mui phey, organizer. WANTED Expenetu-ed window trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store. Penn sylvania city of l-0.000. Good oppor tunity lei* i ignt man; must be steady and reliable: stale reference and sal arv. u-Seix care Telegiapn. WANTED Practical watchmaker and clockmakei at once. Permanent and good position to right man. Jacob Tsusig's sons. 420 Market St. (Continued in Nest Column) / N Three Desirable Properties j For Sale No. 2144 N. Fifth St. Two-story brick dwelling; 7 rooms and hath: combination gas and electric light: furnace heat; front and back porches: laundry in cellar: sells at a low price. No. 2239 N. Fourth St. Two-story brick dwellng: 7 rooms, bath and pantry: front k porch: gas and electric light; fur- II nace heat: lot. 32n!H ft.: pusses- H sion 30 days. A No. 1932 N. Fifth St. Detached. 3-story brick dwell- Bn- 8 rooms, bath and pantry: gas furnace heat: front, side and porches; cemented cellar. 33x100 ft.: immediate posses- Kiiler Brothers & Co. ESTATE INSUtAJft'K B:l('(VI AND t'OlilT STS. MIC.I V I (lADS Bit-r. Ul>k. Ileal Etetxitr Hoard f . B. j THURSDAY EVENING, 11FI.P W ANTIJ)—MALE i CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS PATTERN MAKERS PIPEFITTERS 'j HIGH RATES; STEADY WORK ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY* FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE I THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER I COMPANY AKRON, OHIO — j * OPPORTUNITIES 4 FOR A large number of inexperi enced men. ages IS to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. | I WANTED—Experienced auto repairman. Apply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. ISO 7-09 N. Seventh St. i J WANTED I Car Tepairmen at P. R. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. ] OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE,' Lucknow and Enoia. I WANTED—Four good stone ma- S.? ns - Izes t at Grace M. E. j Church. State St. or evening i9"i Park St. —: —: —* . WANTED—Hoisting engineer to ..re boilers and run elevator engine building- operation at Boyertown. Pa], j Address Hummeistown Brownstone ; Co., Hummeistown. Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED WOMAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE to call upon the consumer and demonstrate high grade food product. Must be intel ligent and of pleasing per sonality. Good proposition to capable party. Address at. once. Mr. Porter, care Harris burg Telegraph. WANTED—Woman to do floor scrubbing and cleaning. 210 N. Third St., second floor. : WANTED—Extra salesladies fori Saturdays; good pay. Apply Society- Maid Hat Shop. 1 North 4th St. WANTED —Girl for general house work; small private family; good I wages. Apply 266 Herr St. ' WANTED—A girl or woman for general housework; three in family; : six-room, new house; one block from ]L>erry car line. Apply 730 S. 27th St. WANTED—A reliable white woman fcr general housework in family of two: no washing. Apply 1609 N. Front Street. WANTED—White nurse girl and helper around house in very good home; must stay nights; no washing. Apply at once, 25 N. 19th St. WANTED—Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; ; ; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co.. .1308 Hamilton St. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guai antee al! operators a certain wage • each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts.. City- Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. I WANTED Expel ienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay day to all operators. ('.LOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. F.eily and Fulton streets I WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBbSB care Telegraph. I r ' (Continued in Next Column) UWIUI.III .wi.ll .111.1 111.!;: 1.1)1!.... 1 ' .. 1 I HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED! Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn. If you are a tamper. folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 4S-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present al your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a bttter place to work in Har risburg than our lactory and we arc making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M FG. CO.. 140S Vernon Street. . We can use a few more ex perienced knitters and loop era. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY* CO.. 14th and Howard Sts. WANTED Women for laundry vork. sl' for Ave days. Sanitary Fam ily Washington Co., 16th and Elm Streets. WANTED—Waitress; must be ex perienced; good wages. Apply- Alva Hotel, 19 S. Fourth St. WANTED —Young woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phil- I lippy. 2i>9 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlis.e. ! WANTED Forelady capable of j taking charge of sewing in factory; i must have experience. Tauber, Lipton ; & Co., W. Herald. St.. Tyrone. ] WANTED—Good girl for store ! work. Apply- Grand Union Tea Co.. 20s N. Second St. WANTED RELIABLE LA UN - DREsS FOR MONDAY OR TUESDAY. | APPLY 3331 X. SECOND STREET. ] WANTED—Reliable woman for' : general housework. 300S X. Third St. ' WANTED—GirI for general office I work; must be able to operate type-' i writer; state wages and earliest time | can start work. Address Box K-9090 I II are Telegraph. j COOK wanted for family of four. 'Apply between 6.30 and 8. evenings, at 1937 Green street. 1 WANTED Girl cylinder press I feeders: experienced feeders prefer-; i red. Apply at once. Courier Press, 310 N. Third St. I WANTED —Colored forelady. cap- I able of taking charge of "sewing iroom: state past experience. Wash- I ington Ave. Factory, cor. 12th St., (Tyrone, Pa. I 1 HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED—A day cook. Apply at once Camp Curtin Restaurant. 622 Maclay. CENSUS CLERKS (men. women), i 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 16-50.1 : Experience unnecessary. Examina tions. Harrisburg. October 16. For free particulars, write Raymond Terry (former government examiner) 1518 Continental Bldg. Washington. BOOKKEEPERS for Uncle Sam- Thousands are needed. Examinations everywhere every Tuesday. Open to men and women. We can prepare you quickly. Write. Civil Service Drillery, 1013 15th St.. N. W., Washington. D. c. SALESMEN* WANTED i . I SALESMEN —Write for list of : opening? and full particulars. Earn $2.0u0 to slo.uoo yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experi ' enccd. City or traveling. Nat'l. Sales men." Tr. Assn.. Dept. 603. Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE WANTED —Position by experienced ' barber Address Harvey Fritz, 101 Middle St., Waynesboro. Pa. COLORED school boy wishes posi tion in afternoons; age 19. Address jK-3258 care Telegraph. ' MANAGER Executive familiar with office management. machine operation and cost accounting. Cap able of organizing and directing a large force. Salary: to be governed by lability. Address Box C-80S6 care Tel j egraph SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—By- a woman, a position as companion or to assist with young l baby. A pieasant home mora to be ' desired 'than salary. Address Box ; S-> 259 care Telegraph. A refined widow with two girls wishes to keep house for middle aged widower. Reference exchanged. Ad ■ dress C. S., R. F. D. No. 2 YOUNG girl desires position as stenographer: has had experience; ' I can furnish reference. Address Box S-90<.& care Telegraph. WANTED —Work by the day by ' colored woman. Inquire at 1431 Mir i ion .t. Can furnish reference^ ■ —— —t i A young colored girl. 17 years of I age. would like work for Saturday. : Wi ite or call at 352 South Cameron ' j Street. * -I YOUNG woman desires position as stenographer or typist. 611 Caider. WOMAN wishes any kind of day's work. Apply 1130 North Front Street, i reo r. : WOMAN—Wants day's work. Call ( 1703 N. Seventh. i WANTED —Housework by the week '! or day 's work, by white woman. In ] quire 1404 James St. COLORED girl desires a position as I second girl or dishwasher or child's 1 purse. Can give reference. Call or write to 1110 South 9th St.. Harris burg. ROOMS FOK KENT I FOR RENT —A small room: private family; all conveniences; gentleman i preferred. Inquire 42u Woodbine St. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished I bed rooms, located on Green street, electric light use of bath, gentlemen prefei red Address Box \V-.5g96 care ; Telegraph. I (Continued in Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH [MMMiMiiiiia ! w ;?ii' :;*iiiiii|| >B m ■to - M THE CLASSIFIED ADS serve t • the man who is in need of a capable worker. They get him in touch with those who believe that they can meet his requirements, and who are anxious to try. Sometimes this service is of vital importance to both parties con cerned. I i iiillii ikilMi ii.ill. .Iluull. ibl.Ji.iliL'i illiiiV .•i' ' l.bll iiMp.u '■ I 1 ROOMS FOR KENT I FOR RKXT—Two on second and 'one on third floor or two on third and ' one on second: suitable for light housekeeping: furnished or unfur nished. or will rent rooms separate, boarding can be obtained next door. ; 1724 N. Third St. Bell phone 1824. , TWO well furnished front rooms: ! city steam heat; all conveniences: gentlemen preferred. 120 Market St., | .Id floor. Bell phone 098- TWO FURNISHED third floor rooms I for rent for light housekeeping, light, heat. bath, use of laundry, all con veniences. Price very reasonable. Ap ply 2118 Penn St. TWO ladies can secure second story front, steartj heated room in quiet neighborhood. Hill section; breakfast and Sunday dinner, if de sired Address Box L-SO9l care Tele ! graph. FOR RENT —One large furnished room for light housekeeping: all int ptovements. Apply 113 Walnut Street. Call after 6 p. m. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms on third floor for light housekeeping, use of phone and hath; no children. Apply 1(106 N. Third St. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms with communicating kitch enette. large airy outside; strictly •private; stoves furnished free; 1 laundry, phone and bath room privi leges; weekly payments; daily Inspec tion invited. 129 Broad St. TWO nicely furnished rooms; use iot bath and phone: rent reasonable. Call Bell phone 2165. FOR RENT—Large front, third floor room, furnished. Use of bath, electric light, both nhones, reasonable rates, gentlemen preferred. 1549 Stale St-, cor. 16th St. Bell 1162 R. i FOR RENT —Large well furnished 1 bed room, with board, gentlemen pre ferred. inquire 2709 N. St. I NICELY furnished, clean, cool 1 rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 112 South Third street. FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished I rooms on Crescent St., all conveni ences, v.se of phone; only gentlemen need apply. Call 1672 J. FOR RENT —Two neatly furnished rooms; all ventilated and heated; use of bath and phone; suitable for man and wife or business people. Inquire ! 510 S. 13 th St. 1 FOR RENT—I6I6 Market St.. third flcor apartment, consisting of two furnished rooms. bright and sun shiny; all conveniences; private I family. FOR RENT —Two second floor fur nished communicating rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences; no children. Apply 1519 Walnut St. ROOMS IOH MEN ' THREE congenial men can secure ' a comfortable and pleasant home in igood neighborhood, centrally located. Private suite, second floor, bed rooms, library and bath. Also third floor front room, well furnished for a gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau. Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. Room 2u5, Dauphin Building. ROOMS WANTED W ANTED —Young couple, both em iploved, desire furnished, room with I private family in vicinity of 13th and 'Derry Streets. Address Box X-Boli> J care Telegraph. I WANTED —Furnished room by lady ' employed. Central. Address Box j E-5092 care Telegraph. j WANTED —Two or three office rcoms, centrally located, first or see |cnd floor. Communicate at once with i p. o. Box 588. WANTED —To rent two rooms to be used as doctor's offices, located bo- I tween State and Walnut. Third and Frort Will consider the purchase of property. Address D-8081 care Tele- J graph. i APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Second floor apart 'ment for colored people. Inquire D. J. Horwitz. 1201 Monroe St. APARTMETS WANTED WANTED —By middle aged couple, small apartment or three unfurnish ed rooms suitable for light house keeping: preferably on Allison Hill ! south of Derry St. Other locations would be considered. Call Bell phone I 4669 W. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE HARRISBURG'S I REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. I BACKEXSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 iIAHKET STREET. HOUSES FOR SALE ; Nos. 113 and 413 Mohn St., Swatara township, known as Steelton. A double frame dw tiling in first class con dition. This property is pay ing 10 per cent, on its in- I vestment and is a mighty good proposition for one who is willing to invest. SALINGER & MILLER, 41 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg, Pa. I Bell phone 2769 il BUY YOUR HOME on the rents. , payment plan. Small cash or Libert) Bond first payment required, balance i> as rent. We have houses in ever) part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. I Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. i (Continued In Next Column) | REAL ESTATE EOR SALE | "IF IT'S RF.AL ESTATE SEE SANDKRLIN" ; NEW: VACANT; 9 looms and bath'.i I all large cheery rooms; a good loca jtion for a rooming house; steam heal;' gas; electric; cement cellar: very I cheap; $5OO down; balance same as ! rent. I Six BRAND NEW. VACANT \ HOUSES, in one of Harrisburg's lcad | ing suburbs; built in pairs; 6 rooms .and bath; stenm heat: hardwood floor, | cement cellar; gas and electric; right up-to-minute; small amount down,! I balance same as rent. I A REAL BARGAIN—3-story briclt. i ° rooms ana bath; all improvements; Inice front porch; shade trees, nice, back yard; small amount down. ba>- ; ance tame as rent. ! DERRY ST.. 2115—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath, gas und electricity.: all modern improvements; nice front j : and buck porches; cement cellar; a, I very nice home; can be bought with j :$5OO cash. i RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER—' j 3-story brick; S rooms and bath; allj | improvements; drive alley in rear; ( .small amount down, balance same as i lent. ENOLA Two-story frame. VACANT; 7! rooms: electric light; "not air heat; nice front and back porches; very | large yard: can he bought with a small amount down, balance same as ! rent. I D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1290. Dial 35". 3 j | One frame building, situated ! at 128 Mohn St.. Swatara township, known as Steelton. This is a business property, paying 11 per cent, on the in vestment. which is offered for sale at a reasonable price. I For particulars, applv SALINGER & MILLER, 4 1 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 2769 | : BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below j Peffer Street: 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. $5O down. $251 per month. WOODBINE STREET —8 rooms and' I bath: electric light; papered and painted new. $5O down; $25 per; i month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J HOUSE for sale, new two-story brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melrose St., near 23d ,-uid Deny. Call Bell 2062 R. FOR SALE —531 Maclay St.—Vacant —2 story frame. Lot 20x150, with double brick garage rear. Attractive price. C. O. Backenstoss. Bell 701. j Bell 3C77J. THREE mercantile buildings, well located in growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. Caley, 7u7 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. ! HOMES for colored families— Two three-story bricks on Reily St. witn I all improvements. 2V4-story frame on Peffer St. 3-story brick with front ! porch on Penn St. 2 ',2-story frame on Wallace St., good location. 2 Vi-story I frame on Calder St. Send for list and ! diseriptlon to LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 N. Seventh St. 1 'I ONE pair of fire proof brick houses 'located in northern part of city, suit able foi five flat apartment, or will sell single. These houses are th ee years old. finished in hardwood and liak floors: steam heat; brick garage electric lights and gas; front and rear 'porches; three story; mansard roof; lot joins street in front as well as in the rear. For further information call j Bell 477PM or Dial 4681. If vou are interested in a well located. BRICK MODERN DETACHED HOME. with 9 rooms and GARAGE, lot 16 or 86x110 feet, consult ROHRER & SON. 211 Bcrgßer Building. Real Estate ana General nsurance 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house; all improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 Keily St. FOR SALE —Suburban. 2373 Can by St.. Penbrook. coiner property I single 2 Va -story on lot 30x200 feet; numerous fruit trees and good gar den. gart ge and chicken house, ce ment walks. Apply 1929 Park St Bell 527R- BAKER shop for sale with house, store and garage, lot 87x205, located in Shiremanstown, trolley passes by every half hour. Price $l5OO. H. 1 C. Ferber. 107 Chestnut St. SUBURBAN home, 6 room house, rlate roof, electricity and gas, two chicken houses, one fare from city. 107 Chestnut St.. near Front St. (Continued In Next Column) j REAL INSTATE FOR SALE j HOUSES on easy terms; possession at once, X. 6th St.. S rooms, elect. anJ i ■ gas, li t tit porch, side cnt.. large yard, i bay windows. Possession .'to days. 2-story brick, (corner). 6 rooms, all imp., on the IH ill. tiont porch (terms). Possession at once, 2-story brick, i porch front, bay window, side ent., ! drive alley, $5OO down. Possession at once, large single ! 'pressed brick. N. 2d St.. yard entirely around the house. I.argo single brick house, X. 3d St.. large yard, shade, etc. I.argi single homes on the Hill. Apartment houses on Hill and up ; tOW 11. r. H. CORKKII. 171*2 Green Street. • ; HOMES FOR SALE i Sect ral for immediate possession. | Home? for sale at prices ranging from $1,650 to $i7.000. j ROUGH. BRIGHTRILL & RUNE, Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. Near 2Sd and Berry Sts., new 2- tftory i>k.. all Imp., price (3800 1600 l.lock Derry St.. 3-story 0k..; I all imp . price s7ooo' j 1731 lark St.. 244-story bk.. all] imp $3500 1 1700 block. Mate St., 3-story bk., ] ! garage, all imp $5200 i too block Woodbine St., 3-story I i bk.. all imp $3500, I 100 block Muonch. 3-siory bk.. no I ; imp $2200 I ! 2700 block. 6th St., 3-stOry bk.. all , ■ imp $4200 i I 227 N. 15th St.. 3-story bk., drive alley, el! imp $5200 i Near Fenbrook, 8 room bk., new.! i large lot $3300 j ' Double frame house, one acre land, 'fruit, bavn. pig sty. chicken house, lois of fruit, one block from trolley. bargain $1800; I Double frame house, large lot, . 'greenhouse MWO | 32 S. 28th St.. Tenbrook, 7 room. , I frame house 31550, 228 and 230 S. 2!th St., 7 room.] I frames, all Imp., each $2350 CHAS. DAVI ES, Heal Estate. Rents Collected | 1540 Stat.: St. Bell 1162 R. Dial 4030! | ' | DERRY ST.—24l5—2-story brick. 7 i rooms and .bath, house recently com- j Ipleted. lot 40x100. building 22 ft. ! front, gas and electric, open fire place. | 1 steam heat, finished throughout in chestnut, hardwood floors, beautiful lawn and schrubbery. place for a gar | ago, can be seen by appointment | I 2630 N. 6th. —3-story brick, electric. ] gas. steam heat, drive alley in real,] room for garage. : 2608 N. 6th St —3-storv brick, eler-I I trie. gas. steam heat, extra fine finish inside. Apply T.RHM AN A- R 1,1 NO EM AN, Tatriot Building. | j ! CAMP HILL—2Vs-story brick, slate i roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. ] facing south with largo porch, tine | view up Cumberland Valley, hot air j heat, nice tire place, chicken house ; and garage in rear, with fruit trees ]in bearing on lot 50x150. or on lot 100x130. Lawn planted in evergreens; and flowers, vines covering house. Lo- ] cnted on Logan street, just west of; jr.oumati avenue. Can be inspected at i rnv time. A. E. Strode. Bell phone] iiiii i FOR SALE—Modern brick and ; stucco home. Inquire 904 X. 'l6th St. j ] $2200 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling! with eight rooms and bath. gas. fur-! nace and cemented cellar. Bell Realty] I Co.. Rt-rgner Bldg. I AI..LISON HlLL—Several very de sirable properties for sale, which should command your attention. Two on Whitehall, two on State, one on 1 Chestnut, and other streets. Bell j Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. ! FOR SALE—27I Hamilton Street; j 10] Cherry Street; nine Middletown houses. These properties are offered ; for quick sale to close an estate. Bell I Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VERY desirable bungalow for saje at $5600; S rooms and bath; electric lights; steam heat; hardwood flairs; double garage; chicken house; almost one acre. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—2I4-story frame house; all improvements, lot 60x100 feet; awnings and screens to all windows .and doors; paved street; chicken house in rear, 1-216x55 feet; must be [ seen to be appreciated. Inquire of ! Ervtn Johnson. 2111 Swatara St. Bell .; IS-.17J. tj 316, 31S. 320, 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and {bath; electric light. ' 1911 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and '; bath. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and > I bath. 2632 X. 6th St., 9 rooms and bath. > 1933 X. 3d St., 11 rooms and bath. ' 6SO Schuylkill St.. 6 rooms and hath, J; „ 308 Ia? wis St.. 7 rooms and bath. ! 3200 X. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. i ' ! ~ !j A double frame dwelling at ; 420 and 422 Mohn Street. i Swatara township, known as 1 Strelton. This property is sit uated in the business section and is paying 12 per cent, on I its investment at the present time. For price and particu lars, apply SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg. Pa. Bel! phone 2769 FOR SALE —1640 Catherine Street; ! Vacant 6 room, modern brick house. Price $3.000. Terms. FOR SALE —314 South Second St.. ' 3-story brick house; good cellar; - large lot; price $5700. H. C. Ferber. I 1107 Chestnut near Front. I I 1 HOUSES for sale In Highspire at a bargain. W. J. Reeves. 224 Market St.. "! Highspire, 9801. j LINCOLN REALTY CO. ' : Reily St. 3-story brick with all mod -{ern improvements. Buy a home on Boyd street, terms • are easy and the price is right. Don't pay rent when you can buy " on easy terms, i, 1129 N. 7th Street. s FOR SALE—Or will exchange for .! improved city property, the Elicker i Hotel property at Marietta, Pa.; large t! jot 4UX200; 12 room house; 90-foot .'depth; barn or garage, 30x35 feet. >,new. A good business location. Chas. .' Daviee 1349 State .St. Bell 4162 R. Di j 4930. - —i 4 (Continued In Next Column) OCTOBER 2, 1919. | HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT | I DERRY ST.. 2919 Three-story i ' brick house with all modern conven- ( : iencea, including steam beat, for sale; i (drive alley on rear. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Ilergner Bldg. 1 I $3OOO WILL PURCHASE Nos. 1927 i' and 1929 Forster street; brick houses; I" xus and electric houses. Inspect them. ( Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. | REAL ESTATE FOR KENT | I | FOR RENT—Cotiago at Perdix from ] September 1; furnished up-to-date, | only reliable people need apply to I I Louis, 414 N. Third St. , REAL ESTATE —For Sale or Hunt i FOR RENT or for sale—A large I brick house at 2352 N. Sixth St. Im mediate possession. A. W. Swengel, I 2131 N. Second St. j I Heal Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—WiII sell my beautiful suburban home, eight rooms and baih. If interested, address Box J-S2lB care Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Suburban home, two' acres of ground or more; will buy at! once if terms are suitable. Address! Box D-80S1 care Telegraph. i READY buyers, list your farm and j houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate j and Insurance. Steelton. Dial. I I HAVE BUY'EltS—List your prop- i : erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es ] late and insurance. 10e2 North Third i j Street. FARMS 96-acre farm. 10 miles N. E. Hbg i level, good bldgs.. fruit, creek water! I Will sell stock and tools. ( 75-acre farm. miles N. Hbg., 8 ! room brick house, all city imp., in i beautiful lawn, large barn, i 30-acre farm, 5 miles N. Hbg. 8- 1 room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood (land. 100 fruit trees, will sell or trade on city property, one mile to trollev i R. R. and State road. 10-acre farm, 2Vs miles N. Hbg i J creek water. ] 16-acro farm, 2Vi-miles N. Hbg i good bldgs. i 5-acre farm near West Fairvlew I steam heat and electricity. 45-acre farm, 8 miles S. Hbg., good' ( buildings. 150-acre farm. 1% miles S. Lewis-1 ) berry, very cheap. ! 75-aere farm, one mile to New Cum- • berland. i ; C. H. CORDLR, 1722 Green St. j Bell phone SUOJ. FOR SALE ?0 acres timber land—9o per cent, oak —near Lewisberry. Y'ork county. Address M-8094 call. Telegraph. FOR SALE—I3B-aere farm; good 'soil; 20 miles from Harrisburg on; William Penn Road; good size house, j summer house, wagon shed, large hay I stable, kitchen house, running spring ; water, orchard and other fruit trees. | Apply 327 South Front St. 1649 J. I SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, J722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. ( FOR SALE—Sunset farm. Paxtonia. j : Pa.. 30 acres, all cultivated, rolling land, water in every field, two pumps, ] new buildings. stock and imple ments; ten minutes' walk from trol -1 ley. school and church, or stock and ! implements for sale at inventory, and ' farm for rent on half shares. Applv I Mrs. Avu Williams. 26 South Third • Stieet. FOR SALE—9S-aere farm; 75 acres clear, land in good state of cultiva tion. gi ud buildings, all the best kind 1 of implements, all crops. 40 tons of; hay. wheot. corn and potatoes, stock 12 head of cattle. 2 horses, 2 mules. hog 3 ! and poultry. Price $7,200. 107 Chestnut; St. near Front St. J DAIRY farm for sale. Apply to' .WilHam Schultz, Pine Grove, Schuyl-i kill County. Pa. ; —-i, FARMS WANTED I WANTED —To buy a good farm. I , either in Dauphin, Cumberland, Y'ork I or Perry county. State full particulars • and bottom price. Box X-759U care! i j Telegraph. | FOK SALE—MISCELLANEOUS '[ MOTORS FOR SALE FOR SALlC—Motors, one alternating ' current motor; Robbins & Myeis, 1 single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cycles, j1750 rev. j THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. j | Printing —Binding Designing —j , | Photo-Engraving Die Stamping—; Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. ' FOR SALE —Kitchen range, canopy top, with water back, been used very .'little. Pi ice $23. 3109 N. Front St. j Bell phone 1337 J. j FOR SALE—Cheap 650 ft. stesm heat boiler, in good condition. Call at ! first floor, 2020 Fifth street, between fc and 8 p. m. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 Roily St.. on account of building our warehouse, we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low pi Ice; also furniture ap'l floor covering ut reduced price A trial I will convince you. 1061 M. i I FOR SALE—American walnut bed room suite, one library table, two fiber chuirs, one large victrola. Call ■ | between 9 and 4, at 1124 Montgomery . Street. FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tankr shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. ; The Highsptre Distillery Co.. Ltd., • Both phones. Highspire, Pa. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! ' Grimes' golden, smokehouse. Bald- I wins. Pound. York Imperial, Ben • Davis. Dominee and other varieties, for sale at the orchard in small or " large quantities. Sprayed, fertilized and cultivated fruit. IV4 miles soutli " of Lee's Cross Roads, Cumberland County, good roads to the orchard. No ' shipping. D. L. Allen. ' TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, r 105 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE r ORPHEUM THEATER -5 BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying and secuno-liand furniture here. • .i;.„ii pi ices paid for furniture. Morris iSchmertz. 1018 Market Bell 4494. I 1 (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Bought nnd sold; 10.000 new. old. rare. In stock. Aurand's. 925 North Third. Circulars tree. FOB SALK—A reed baby coach in good order. Inquire Seventh and Mar ket Sts.. New Cumberland. FOR SALE One white iron bed. one good mattress. spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWAbT, 1221 North Sixth Street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought andl : sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call , Bell 1071 ft. or drop a postal to Max ' Smellz, 1020 Market street. Will calL |City or country. Bell phono 3239-RL BELL PHONE 3370-J S. KIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBUKG, PA. ROOFING I NOW IS THE TIME TO SETTLE your rooting problems, and I Hie most .economical and ! satisfactory way is to use (MITES ELASTIC COATING, ,it stops leaks, prevents rust, ] cheeks decay and adds years of j life to any old leakv roof. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell IS7SJ. t < BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTNER WANTED j Capable executive experienced in managing a large automobile repair service station, trucks especially, j wanted, who w ill invest from $2,500 | to $3,000 in business, taking a half j interest, working on a salary and a i share of the profits. Must take full I charge at once. Business permanently j established. Located in heart of city. ! Will stand close examination. Ad dress all inquiries, which will no strictly eonlidential to Box S-SOB7 i care Telegraph. j WELL established oyster business. , Also small ice cream parlor; best lo cation ir. city for a small restaurant; cheap to quick buyer. For particulars call Bell 879 M or address Box L-8012. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I Unusual opportunity to secure ex clusive rights in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania BURNALL FUEL SAVER. Business established in Harrisburg. Saving fifteen per cent, to forty-five per cent., actual experience. Small capital and refer ences required. A. F. HOFFSOMMER, Old Orchard. Harrisburg ' LIVE business for a live man. in nearbv town. Restaurant, confection ery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz, j 1225 North Sixth St. A CHANCE —To make $4O a day on road work. We can put on two trucks immediate ly. If interested call at our office- for details. Apply DENBY SALES CORPORATION, 1205 Capital Street. BUSINESS PERSONALS WALL paper and paper hanging: can save you $1 on each room; work must be O. K. Apply 1209 Market. Bell 445 W. M. G. Sanderson. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz., double edge. 35c doz.. razors, 25c. Uorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan Street. Bell 2632 R. ! OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. ! Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chilcoat Bros., j 333 Harris street. i QUININE—Look out for that grippe ' feeling, likely to catch you this I changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININK will slave it eft !if taken in time. Gross Drug Slore, I 119 Market street. DIAMONDS bought for cash —P. H. CArLAN CO.. 206 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought nnd sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239 W. STORAGE I" STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hni.i goods, merchandise. Private i looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ; |'„g oi all Kinds. D. Cooper A Co j Both phones. i STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware i house, $3 per month and up. Lower I storage rates in non-fireproof ware- I house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- | 445 South Second street. KTORAUE Low rutes. llighspire Distillery Co.. Ltd.. H.ghspire, Pa. Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear ■■ 403 Market. Household Bo°ds in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P, j G. Dlener. 4UB Markrt street. MUSICAL _____ ——l ' FOR SALE —Piano, upright and in ' good condition; very reasonable; own . j c-i leaving city. Inquire .1$ cumbe.- , land St. j :l TALKING MACHINES promptly ~nd carefully icpaired by an ® xl, ert only. 1 OYLEK'S. 14 South Fourth slicel I YOU have made the visit to musio houses, for a special Columbia recuid. vou have not found iL We hate iu feoanglor Music House. -113 N°'th Sixth street. , HORSES AND CARRIAGES — 1 A good farm horse for sale weight. as!. "7:A "fcSB? Works, 143 South Cameron St. FINANCLAL • " STOCKS AND BONDS, LOCA^ALT£ ES A J. K. GREENAW ALT, JR. 130 Walnut Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 618-J. ; Additional Classified Ails on opposite fcge
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers