COSSACKS FLAG i U. S. SOLDIER [Continued from First Pnge.l —.— V leans, claiming they were not pro vided with identification papers. Cap tain Johns managed to escape, and, catching a moving train, went to Spasske, where he reported to the American officer in command. A de tachment of 150 Americans from the 27th regiment at once entrained and went to Iman to effect Sper ling's release and on arriving there took three Cossacks as hostage. Japs Make Threats They found General Kalmikoff's men entrenched near the station and were preparing to use force against j them when a Japanese major inter ceded for Cossacks, stating it is al leged, that In the event of hostilities between the Americans and Cos sacks, the Japanese troops will re main outside with the latter. A tele graphic demand for Sperling was sent to Khaborovsk, and a reply was received that he would be released at once. The Americans then re-, turned to Spasske, taking their host ages with them. A preliminary investigation of the incident shows, it is said, that Sper ling was flogged, a punishment that is usually meted out to a recalcitrant Cossack. General Kalmikoff, who is considered by Americans bore as a "Siberian Villa" has, with his band, been a constant source of trouble, it is charged, his raids being marked by atrocities. He was recently ap pointed military commander of the Khaborovsk district by General Roseanoff and it is alleged this has brought about an increase in his ac tivities. War Department in Ignorance of Reported Japanese Interference By .''Associated Press. Sept. 30— Secretary Baker said to-day that Major Genoi al Graves, commanding the Ameri can forces in Siberia, had informed the Department that an officer and enlisted men had been held by Cos sacks and releasd upon his demand, and that the matter had been refer red to the State Department "for sub sequent action." The deparment, Mr. Baker said, had not heard of the reported inter ference by a Japanese officer with American troops sent to affect the re lease of the enlisted men. "Department records," said the Sec reary, "only show that an officer and an enlisted man wer held by cos sacks and were released on the de mand of General Graves. "We have not heard of the Japa nese incident. The matter has b-'-n referre.d to the State Department for subsequent action." September Building Permits i Number 47 as Against 19 During Same Month in War During September 47 building permits were issued at the office of Building Inspector James H. Grove, for construction work costing $275,- 950 to complete. During the same month last year, owing to war re strictions on building unless it was absolutely necessary, only 19 permits were issued for work costing $7,- 100, most of which was expended remodeling. The Madsen Construction Com pany secured permits to-day to build a one-story stone house at the northwest corner of Derry and Twenty-eighth streets, at a cost of $3500; one-story frame bungalow at the northwest corner of Eighteenth and Putman streets, $3000; one and one-half story concrete block house. Sycamore near Eighteenth, $3OOO. Other permits were issued to Jo seph Sansone, Samuel Weidman, oontractor, marquise awning, 209-11 Chestnut street, $800; Henry Sttne, H. W. Black, contractor, addition, 204 4 Kensington, $300; George Whit tle, $1800; Marino and Roeito, two two-story brick houses, 1902-04 North Cameron, $2OOO. One of City's Oldest Cigarmakers Dies Alfred Hake, aged 84 years, one of Harrisburg's oldest cigarmakers died early this morning. The funeral services will be held on Friday morn ing at 11.30 o'clock, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ora Blizzard, 426 Reily street. The Rev. Alfred V. Sayres, pastor of Second Reformed Church will officiate. Further ser vices will be held and burial made at Newberrytown, York county, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The survivors are the following daughters: Mrs. Ora Blizzard, and Mrs. Charles Duttenhoffer, Harris burg: Mrs. Edward Greenawalt, South Dakota; one son, Oscar, Lock Haven; two brothers, Samuel and Lewis, York; and one sister, Mrs. Daniel Free. Big Game Cause of Trouble in Hill Family Charged with carrying concealed deadly weapons, James A. Hill, 114 Church street, will be given a hear ing in police court during the after noon. Hill is said to have threat ened to shoot his wife last night, following an argument over the Washington-Klein Chocolate base ball game. He denies this charge. ©ANNALS SUCCEEDS PEARSON Pittsburgh. Sept. 30. The Su preme Court handed down an or der to-day appointing Pier Dannals prothonotary of the court for the western district pro tern. Mr. Dan nals has been the deputy prothono tary of the court since December 27, 1917, when he was appointed to that position and also deputy of the Superior Court by George Pearson, the Prothonotary, whose death oc curred Sunday. fAfy/ what feltfd | a flavor and gfitlfg | ready to eat "IPIPfN <sdo&&2, X POST TOASTIES Most popular of corn flakes. TUESDAY EVENING, i Blockade of Germany Will Begin Today Is Report in Paris Paper j By Associated Press. Paris. Sept. 30. —The blockade of j Germany which was threatened by the Allies in case the German troops of General Von Der Goltz were not! removed from the Baltic region, will begin to-day, according to the ln transigeant. No food ships, to de clares, will be permitted to start for Germany until further orders are is- j sued. Vessels now on the way to German ports, however, will be permitted to | proceed to their destinations, llnxlc. Sept. 30. The efforts of General Von Der Goltz "to make his troops evacuate the Baltic having failed," says a Berlin dispatch re ceived here to-day, the German gov ernment has decided to "recall him definitely." Standing of the Crews H.VRUISBtHG SIDE Philadelphia Division, The 113 crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 129, 132, 116. 115, 120, 103, 117. Engineers for 132, 115, 120. Firemen for 116. Conductors for 132, 120. Flagmen for 120. Brakemen for 129. 120, 103,, 117. Engineers up: Shuey, Mann, Brown, Graybill, Andrews, Small, Hall, Geig er, Klineyoung, Grace. Firemen up: Ellis, McKonley, Kase, Kuntz, Bickel, Leitheiser. Harnish, Gushing, Sheets, Frysinger. Conductors up: Rife, Wilson. Brakemen up: Eicelberger, Silks, Home, Kuhlwind, Ivassmer, Coulter, Stambaugh, Smith, Singleton, Kin nard. Clouser. Middle Division. —The 19 crew to go first after 2 o'clock: 33. 27, 36, 20, 25, 31, 21, 17. ' Engineers for 33, 27, 25, 17. Firemen for 19. Conductors for 34. Flagmen for 33, 20, 31. Brakemen for 19, 33, 27, 25 (2) 31, and 21-. Engineers up: Sweigert, Dunklo, Leib, Rowe, O. W. Snyder, Kauffman, Titler, Nissley, Fisher, Shelly, Kreig er, McAlicher, E. R. Snyder, Leiter. Firemen up: G. M. Bowers, Delan ccy, Rumberger, Kyle, Kubica, Nay lor, Conrad, Humphries, Gilbert, Ulsh, Wright, Kint, Fortenbaugh, Stover, Swigart. Conductors up: Ross, Brubaker, Biggan, Wagner, Bistler. Brakemen up: Lake, Forbes, Long, McCarl. Bupp, Beers, Roddy, Depugh, Shade, Bitner, Leonard. Alter, Kuntz, Nicholas, Cassatt, McFadden, Robuck, Reinecker, Dare, Foltz, Rumberger, Anders. Yard Hoard. —Engineers wanted for 2, 7C, 11C, 3. 15C. Firemen wanted for IC, SC, 1, 7C, 2, 7C. 11C, 3, 75C, 23C. Engineers up: Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Cless, Ewing, Yinger, Star | ner, Morrison, Monroe, Beatty, Feass, I Kautz, Wagner. Firemen up: Dill, Gormley, Wirt, ' Klineyoung, Mountz, Lauver, Shaver, | Shopp, Swab. Hoover, Rice, Roberts, j Burns, Gardner, Rupley. K.\4LA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 201 crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock: 224, 208, 244. 238, 218, 214, 212, 225 and 209. Engineers for 201, 224. Firemen for 225. Conductors for 208, 214, 212. Flagmen for 224, 214, Brakemen for 238, 214. Conductors up: Shirk. Brakemen up: Vogelsong, Kroh. Middle Division. —The 105 crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock: 103, 101,1 109, 128, 102, 117, 108, 104. 112, 114, 124, 122, 106, 116. Engineers for 105, 101, 128, 108, 104, 124. Firemen for 103, 114, 122, 106, 116. Flagmen for 103, 128. Brakemen for 103, 101, 117, 108, 104 114, 124, • Yard Hoard.— Engineers wanted 137. 140, (2) 129. Firemen for 129, (2) 104. Engineers up: Heiny, Dutz, R. H. Furtenbaugh, (juigley, Bair, Feni cle, Hanlen, Barnhart, Gucker, Brown Curtin, G. K. Hinkle, Holland, J. Hinkle, C. H. Shaffer. Capp. Firemen up: Eichelberger, Snyder, Carlin. Steffy, Bish, Ktpp, Connoly, Weaver, Copt, Huber, Bainbridge, Campbell, Rider, Hall, Nolte. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. Engineers up: H. E. Cook, W. C. Black, W. G. Jam ison, T. B. Schreck. J. W. Burd, H. M. Kuhn, L. H. Ricedorf, J. H. Ditmer, J Crimmel, H. B.Bleck, C. D. Hollen baugh. Engineers wanted for 665, 33. j Firemen up: A. H. Kuntz. G. W. j Musser, S. P. Stauffer, O. B. Smith, A. A. Bruker, F M. Forsythe, H. F. ] Green, R. D. Porter, C. L. Sheats, R. I Simmons. I Firemen wanted for 15. Philadelphia Division. —Engineers up: M. I'learn, H. Smcltzer, E. C ' Snow. ; Engineers wanted for none. I Firemen up: W. E. Sees, W. E. Auithouse. I Firemen wanted for 622, P-38. Tomorrow Last Day to File Expense Acounts Primary election expense accounts should be filed at the office of Pro thonotary Charles E. Pass, on or be fore Wednesday, it was announced. The following have filed accounts: C. C. Cumbler. $473; Henry M. Stine, $442.50; W. J. Horning, treasurer for Samuel M. Taylor, $112.50; War ren J. Daniel, less than $5O; George W. Karmany, $855; Harry R. Brown, $122; John H. Shaner, $445; John H. Lehr, $254.72; J. Clyde Myton, less than $5O. CLASSES WILL START Evening classes for Americaniza tion, commercial training and shop training will be started on Thursday evening when students will be reg istered at the Central High School at 7.30 o'clock. Professor C. E. Zor ger, supervisor of special activities, announced. LOCAL SURETY TO BE ENLARGED [Continued from First Page.] particulars of this important trans action: "The Pennsylvania Surety Com pany, of Harrisburg, is passing un der new control. The Harrisburg Trust Company, present owner of the stock, has made a contract for its sale to New York and Boston inter ests. The capital of the company will be immediately increased to $500,000 and the surplus to a like amount. Steps have already been taken to amend its charter so that it may write burglary insurance. .The business of the company will be con fined to fidelity, surety and burglary lines, and no additional lines are contemplated. After the increase in capital is completed, it is the inten tion of the company to apply for ad mission to New York and Massa chusetts and to open branch offices in each state. Branch offices will also be established at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh., K. H. Manning in Charge "The new interests have already arranged with experienced men for the home office. The underwriting management will be in charge of E H. Manning, now one of the princi pal bond underwriters at the home of fice of the Fidelity and Casualty Com pany, of New Y'ork, noted for its con servative business methods. Mr. Man ning is closely identified with the ntw interests. The agency director will be a man now prominently con nected with another company, who has had many years of agency and executive experience. The head of the burglary insurance department will be the present chief underwrit er in that department for one of the leading companies. Their names are not yet available for publication. "J. R. Henry, the present secre tary of the company, will be retain ed and will probably be elected a vice-president and treasurer. Ed ward Bailey, the president, will con tinue as a director and will have substantial holdings of stock. Other directors of the Harriv burg Trust Company, as individ uals, will be stockholders, and it is probable, also, that other .bankers in Harrisburg will be included in the directorate. A small amount of the stoek will probably be distributed among some of the banks of Penn sylvania known to the controlling in terests. Solid Company "The Pennsylvania Surety Company is a very substantial institution, but by reason of having operuted in a very limited territory, is compara tively little known. It was incorpor ated In 1905 and commenced business in December of that year with a cap ital of $250,000. It was organized by the owners of the Harrisburg Trust Company, Edward Bailey, a promi nent Central Pennsylvania financier, being president. It was organized to take care of local business in Pennsylvania in which the trust company might be interested finan cially or through personal affilia tion. While it has never done a large business, the risks assumed were first class, the losses and ex penses low and the investments prof itable. The company has paid $130,- 000 in dividends and built up a sur plus of approximately $360,000. It is a member of the Towner Rating Bu reau, and maintains ratps. It is qualified to execute bonds running to the United States. It is a highly esteemed member of the Surety As j sedation of America- Its officers and directors are men of high financial and business standing. "The ownership of the stock by the Trust Company has not been con ducive to expansion. There is only one other surety company in Penn sylvania, located at Pittsburgh. The directors of the Harrisburg Trust Ccmpany, recognizing the opportun ities for a large company to operate not only in Pennsylvania but in oth er states decided to relinquish the trust company's dominant ownership provided the new controlling interest would agree that the home office should remain in Harrisburg. and that the company Should continue primarily a Pennsylvania institution, that in expanding it should enter states whose business is desir able, that the management should seek quality rather than quantity of business and continue the conser vative underwriting policy which has prevailed in the past. Jn Healthy Condition "Early in September S. H. and Lee J. Wolfe, the New York actu aries, examined the company for its entire period of operation. They found it in healthy condition, with adequate reserves. "E. H. Manning, who will have the underwriting management, has had 20 years experience in the surety business. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland and a law yer. He became an underwriter in the judicial department of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com pany. of Baltimore in 1899. In 1904. he went to the American Bonding Company, of Baltimore. Subsequent ly he was sent to Oklahoma and In dian Territories as joint attorney for that company and the Fidelity and Deposit Company to handle the thousands of claims which had aris en under Indian guardian bonds. This required several years. He remain ed in the West, representing a num ber of casualty and surety compan ies as attorney and as advisory un derwriter, until he was called to New York to become connected with the Fidelity and Casualty Company. For the past year no has devoted most of his time to developing the company's surety business in New England. He is a member of sev eral New York clubs and is a Mason in high standing." Luther League Is to * Meet at Mechanicsburg The second annual convention of the Harrisburg District Luther League will be held October 7, at St. Mark's Lutheran church, Me chanicsburg. The Re,v. P. George Fleiger, of Lancaster, will make the principal address at the last of the three sessions, which will take place in the evening. DKDICATE NEW HOME FOR BUREAU OF MINES Pittsburgh. Sept. 30. The new home here of the United States Bu reau of Mines, a group of buildings in the East End district, was dedi cated with an extensive program of exercises. Governor Sproul touched on the question of housing. He said he would make certain recommenda tions to the next Legislature which may be considered radical, but which he' believed would be most effective in giving workers more sanitary places to live In. "The State can compel action in this direction," ho said, "but we would rather have your co-operation." PETITION FOR ROAD Residents in Edgemont petitioned the court to appoint viewers to re port on the need of a public road instead of the present private right of-way from a point on Twenty, third street, Susquehanna township. 1000 feet south of Locust Lane, 300 feet enst, nnd then 1000 feet north to Locust Lane. The board of view ers appointed by the court includes Paul G. Smith. Oliver C. Bishop and Harry O. Smith. EIRRISBUHG Rfojjgfo TELEGRAPH Posse Circles Swamp in Which Negro Who Attacked Woman Hides MerchantvjlJc, N. J., Sept. 30. Headed by Sheriff Lippincott, of Burlington county, a posse of more than one hundred armed men sur rounded a swamp near Hainesport | !i Do Your Shopping Early This Week —This Store Closed Saturday | Open Saturday Evening |T JL W W Jfak Hk W ' Open Saturday Evening |1 f§§ gjg I 1 Kaufman 's Prices Are Ev Lowest | H r . IT " Important News of Great Benefit to Every TT H I Millinery Dept. Thrifty Woman in Dauphin County Millinery Dept. Second Floor " Sccon)l I W Children's CHILDREN'S COAT SPECIALISTS Children's Trimmed Hats That's what we call ourselves. We sell coats that Trimmed Hats S *t\ a pf please the young wearer. The youthful mind of a child ISJ H needs the satisfaction that comes from wearing a coat P built like mamma's. We have just the kind to meet this tj? ® i~ Tj These are out- 1111(1 WG Sell tllem at a P™* t,lat will Satlsf y 3™. Here flre j|j of - the - ordinary \ beauties that S Hats for little * *iC\ ) would cost you un- Mi j§£ girls; all made of f \ T der ordinary con- p|j 1 are every fTfi\ I Kaufman's SeCOHfl FIOOT "M M more" made" °of 1 PJ wanted color and fj (/ | fflwNi] g° od velvets and [|J size; prettily trim- ,jy I \ //111 ( felts, in every de- Sjl [ijj med \yith flowers M ' \ SA jf A ( Z' \ / e ®[ \ V/IM J sirable color and Pi and tips; choice of ■ Va JU fvt ) h ©> i II r in a number of the §3j) a large assortment // I MTT/ ''' V 'J ,-4 latest styles; extra at $1,95. 11 specia1 ' $ 2 - 49 m I This Season The Assortment Is Bigger and Better Than Ever 1 None of the wanted materials are missing Every desirable color is here lj —— CHOOSE FROM g Egyptian Plush, Silk Plush, Velours, Silvertones, Chinchilla, Broadcloth, Polo Cloth, Zibiline ® 2 S, $3.95 P to $15.00 SVrt $7.95 up to $22.95 I 1 iX, $6.95 up to $16.95 , J 3 T l9 c rs 12.90 "P<o $45.00 1 [U ———— Kaufman'. Second *■*' J £jj| !! A Sale of Women's and Girls' 1 oWcdlciS \ BlanketsSellingatLowerThanFuturePrices , i f riC T ( ;J U ! Pr l S f< ' _ • G r . y Cotton Blankets, sine i tx.idf Buy If You re Wise ( 66x76. special OL.yo > r(- #v Jh Gray Cotton Blankets, size A Q P Women's Coat Sweaters ' y- 66 by 80. Special o<J*r*/ 1 h a neatly made coat sweater with Gray Cotton Blankets, size 00 d\r Pi i striped or plain color collar; In the 1 ini6®tSSSSesL __ , _ . , Hi a ■ t 'St ' new belted style; comes In rose, I 72 by 80. Special lyvn/t/ f Kjl Kree " l,and rr° n: $3.98 ) Plaid Wool Cotton Blankets, 1 || jj&\ Women's Wool Sweaters 1 yj I \ Woolnap Grey Blankets, size d*J A/J 1 1 fH Iti An eleg:ant wo °l coat or slip-on , I 66 by 82 \ R|l M o C r ol °r r o B ,i I Plaid Woolnap Blankets, size Q£Q£ l jg I co,lar ; $5.98 1 / 66 by 80. Special i jIM Women's Tuxedo Sweaters ( 1 _. - ( ' ffl \ Theso pretty sweaters come in , —————— n "TJ" "|r T" , Hjl \\l turquoise, copen and rose; all are 1 XAPKSTIIY RUGS AXMINSTKR RUGS VSlfc | I Bl \\l I the very newest creations in vest I Full 9xl2f-t. Tap- Full 9x12-ft. Ax- ■ g J f\. O ' jS* \\| I Afi or belted styles; very $6 98 1 cstry Rugs In a good minster Bugs, all in ) Iffll \,\l / y special at ... I range of pretty pat- pretty floral and ori- . | la | Girls' Coat Sweaters / r™.,,, $29.95 SS™. $39.95 SILKS 1 Illy Pretty sweaters in blue, rose, , L____—————— g; AllGllf TVIPCf* maroon, corn and red; all sizes; ' ' BfH [I , ■'* > f'" a $3.48 ' 135 inch Wide Black Taffeta Sl-59 H 1 Sweaters rir , s . s weate „ 1 CK 36 inch Wide Black Taffeta jpi-B!* , ■ <i They're here a( a sav- Good e, e.eet.r, in Hue, red, I J36 inch Wide Heavy Quality Taffeta . $2.25 ) |j ■ SSi!a,'. tt SMS. , Sl w S2I „„„„ g,,.,™,,] 35 " f de Colored Mes!il e Si.B9 ) s gj time, exceptionally good wanted belted styles; djd QQ I GOOD QUALITY All Colors I nj TS" , ;-„r'i 1 ,r„";™ hl 1 ': v "" " ' MESSALINE :1S inch Wide I'lain Black ?1 DQ CI cq and CI cq / i'-- if;:;; Womens Beach Scarfs , Messaline <pi.3o| \M| a„?of,Vrh , 1 SATIN 1.36 inch Wide Heavy Quality IT OK and J1 QC ( g lh r rs; ■SS.-nSS ! I TAFFETA t Satin Taffeta "> 1,33 / i SALE OF UNDERWEAR I A Little Talk on Quality" 1 Cast Your Eyes On These, The Price Is Sure to Please Women's Silk Lisle Union Extra Size Pants Women's Cotton Union Suits jbj Suits Lace trimmed pants, In sizes! _ ... ... , I rrtiirnr , _ . L its, rrs s"f -"°s ,ovory 59c o* r-S c T HERE are a reat many p |aces where y° u 1 sleeveless' comes t V? P CO fancy trimmed neck - Dutch neck ankic length; special... *®l*B9 children's Vests and Pants ankie sl*9B can buy underwear, but no where in such Extra size.) $1.95 Medium weight vests and _ , ' , , Women's Silk Lisle Vests I pants, with high necks and long| Extra sizes ' with high 25 I u 1 T L I Fine ribbed silk lisle vests- low sleeves; pants are in ankle length, neck and long sleeves. , a variety Of at SUCh IOW prices. Test them aS lfi| neck, band tops, sleeveless; regu- size e ~to 10 years, 49c \\r t • u. \\r • u. r-i.u j *B5 lar sizes, .go special at Womens Light Height Ribbed Sj special Ol * c 314cs 12 to 16 >' ears . S9c Union Suits you wi!i, you 11 agree that these items are ex- |ilj _, , _ T . „ special at 1 —— Extra Vests and Pants . This is an ideal suit for this Hll P* for Large Women high on neck lb and d iong n re U eves Wl or traordinary values at the price. There's |i EgJ Fino Cotton Vests suite. With high nerks and long Du J ch necl s and elbow Kj] Extra large sizes, 49 to 50; fine slce\os ankle lengths, c? • 1 98c Pnniioh VfiriPtV to onv visitor tljjJ ribbed cotton ' vests: low nocks, sizes 4tolo at Special CHOUgII Variety IP picaSg ally VlSllOr. g. C&J slccvclcra and band tops; CIQ_ Sizes 12 to 16, QQ. Extra lOg P special ... .. . ' 3PCC ' nI " - IZCS . in an effort to c&pture a negro who is alleged to have made a brutal attack yesterday upon Mrs. Mary Notsey, of this town. Threats of violence were made by some mem bers of the posse, but the authori ties declare they are able to pro tect the fugitive should he be caught and that "law and order must be preserved." In a statement Mayor Bennett said the officials would not tolerate any cruelty. "Let rile emphasize," he said, "that there will be no lynching. If the prisoner, when caught attempts to escape, how ever, he will be immediately shot." The negro, according to the po lice, has been identified as a farm hand employed on a farm near Green Tree. He fled to the swamp when the local police tried to ap- SEPTEMBER 30, 1919. prehend him. All the roads and bridges in the vicinity are guarded by furmcrs armed with shot guns. A powerful searchlight, was piayed continuously over the swamp. RF/ri n\ HOARD BUSY Computation of the votes on the Socialist and Prohibition party tick ets at the primary election was re sumed this afternoon by the return board. ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk For Infants and Invalid* Avoid Imitation* and SsbititulM 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers