NITED mi.i. iiwii—osvt u: I" ' ' I . I mm MM *• . ) • > RSDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX o utiittmg the Smart Woman For Fall A new coat, a new suit, a new party frock or a new gown for afternoons. Which shall it be? Every one is of equal importance and so after seeing how beautiful and becoming the new Fall models are, she does not hesitate to choose at least one of each. They are the cornerstones of a serviceable wardrobe. Suits are smart and graceful; but each suit is softened with artful touches of relief and decoration—but tons, belts, sashes, slashes, plaitings, tassels, fur collars, braidings, drapings and many other effective and original beauty features. The Season's Showing of Dainty Blouses This season the blouse has won a new place for itself in the fashionable woman's attire. No longer is it a subsidiary element in relation to the suit. It occupies a position all its own. The suit coat may be dispensed with and the blouse takes the place of honor at tea, luncheon or the matinee. There are exquisite new models of georgette daintily beaded or hand-embroidered and others finely hand made and 'lace trimmed. Infinite is the variety in style and material. Smart suit blouses of georgette crepe in the prevailing suit colors. These dainty blouses are simple and refined in detail with beads and embroidery. The collars and cuffs are uncommonly fine and at this moderate pricing the selection is unusual; $4.79 and up. Charming are the new Fall Mouses in pretty tailored models, and in the most delightful of soft materials, which combine to make these among the most desired blouses we have shown this season. Crepe de chine and heavy pussy-willow Taffeta and La Jerse blouses with the smart low collar and fascinating high neck styles; $6.95, $8.95 and $11.95. A distinctive blouse which bespeaks fine quality, fashioned of georgette crepe in white and flesh with Filet lace apron and collars, short sleeves and sash belt; $13.95. The new scarfs in angora and brush wool; all shades, heather, Oxford, buff and shades of blue. Some with Roman stripes and fringe, $3.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Infinite Variety in the Millinery Section Smart little turbans and sailors that are so trig with veil for wear on the street and in the motor, irregular brimmed large hats and youthful mushrooms demure with ostrich fancies and rich ornaments of flowers and ribbon. So great is the variety that you arc sure to obtain millinery that is smart and wholly becoming. The history of our hats, though short, is full of inci dent. The upward tilt of a brim may be the clever work of a New York designer. The deft curl of an ostrich plume may be the idea of a Parisian milliner. The ensemble is beautiful. The Bowman quality is evident in the careful selection of style and detafl of finish in workmanship. Priced at $4.95 to $32.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Style and Economy In Footwear Smart-'looking footwear of quality is the keynote of good taste in dress. Particular women select their shoes with as much care and thought as they give to a new gown or hat. You can have the best footwear without sacrificing economy, for at this store moderate prices are an attraction as well as style and quality. See our Fall styles and convince yourself of the advisability of purchasing here. This is the time to buy high shoes and you will find us prepared to meet your needs. Our new Fall Shoes are making many new friends. Gunmetal Calfskin, $12.00; Brown Calfskin, $12.00; Bllack Kidskin, $13.00. All with light welted soles, leather Military heels. Children's Shoes of the serviceable kind, with especial attention given to fit and comfort. BOWMAN—Main Floor. Dress trimmings, neckwear, , beautiful ribbons, purses and handbags. HJLRRISBTJUG TELEGIOLPB HAHRISBURG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1010 . Children's Apparel For Service and Style Designers give as much care to the production of pretty dresses, warm coats and stylish hats for girls six to sixteen, as they do for the elders. And here you will find a selection that is carefully selected to gi\'e excellent value and service. Girls' coats of velour, cheviot, velvet and silvertone in belted and straight models trimmed with fur and velvet collars, in blue, green, brown, Wisteria; 2 to 6 years; 6 to 14 years; $10.50 to $33.50. Girls' tub dresses of plain chambray trimmed with contrasting collars in smocked and waist line effects with sashes; 6 to 14 years; $4.50, $5.50 and $5.95. Children's beaver hats in brown, blue and black. Poke, rolfl and drop brims. Band and streamers of wide gros grain ribbon ; $4.95, $5.95, to $7.95. Children's hats of velvet, velour and plush with round, square and high crowns; poke, small round and large shapes with roll and straight brim, trimmed with band, bow and streamer of wide grosgrain ribbon; $2.75, $3.95, $4.50, to $8.50. Boys, hats of fancy Tweed material in brown, green and blue mixtures; $1.50 and $2.00. Boys, suits, 2 to 8 years; serge, Tweed, velvet and check, in middy and belted models trimmed with braid and chevrons; brown, blue, tan and gray; $3.95, $4.50, $5.75, $6.50 to $10.50. BOWMAN—Second Floor. Plushes, Fur Cloths and Other Piece Goods The season is here that brings our minds to dwell upon the comforts and warmth of Furs and Rich Plushes. Our stocks are now complete with the much desired Fur-fac-similes; the pile being constructed from the finest silk yarn, and those soft and beautiful plushes that rival the seal pelts. 51-inch Black Silk Plush, $9.00 yd. 51-inch Seal Plush, $15.00 yd. 51-inch Beaver Plush, $17.50 and $18.50 yd. 51-inch Chinchilla Plush, $20.00 yd. 51-inch Karami Plush, $20.00 yd. 36-inch Velour Plush, $2.25 yd. 43-inch Black, $5.50 yd. 36-inch Velvetina, 10 colors, $4.95 yd. 36-inch Chiffon "Mirror Velvet, $6.50 yd. 54-inch New Lynx Fur Cloth; black, brown, electric blue ; $5.00 yd. More extensive than ever before are our collections of fabrics for the coming season. The world was searched for new weaves. Everywhere the choicest designs were culled—considering our usual standard of quality paramount. Silks, woolens or wash fabrics at pricings that are as moderate as is possible. BOWMAN—Main Floor. Furs Which Establish The Mode Our Fur Coats have been carefully selected from stocks which emphasize style authenticity. But whether you select a thirty-inch flare model of Hudson Seal or an all-enveloping wrap of wonderfully matched mink skins, only carefuly selected and expertly matched pelts are used, each exhibiting skillful workmanship. In addition to our extensive stock of coats, fur coatees, scarfs, stoles and muffs are liberally represented. "OWMAN'K-—Thirrt Floor Good taste distinguishes the charming new dresses. Effective, but quite simple decorations; vivid, at times, but never extreme colorings, and ne.vgr too much of the bright colorings; delightfully original styles, but nothing bizarre. Foresighted women will have the new Coat ready for the first crisp days; for then is the highest satisfaction in wearing them. The crowning charm of the new coat models is revealed here in leading fabrics and autumnal colors. Our assortment of smart apparel for extra size, and stout figures is unusually complete, as well as for misses and those below the average in size. The New Fall Corsets Bring a Definite Style Change The newest corset models show the beginning of a trend away from the straight lines that have ruled for so long They show a higher bust line and a definitely curved waist line, as well as a tendency toward larger hips. Of course, we have new corsets in the conservative, straight models; for many women will stfll wear them and they are quite as correct. The newer styles are for those women who like to enjoy wearing the ultra style while it is new. Most women will want to try the new models. They arc not at all extreme; but give just thai touch of newness that well-dressed women admire. The new designs in Modart front lace, Rcdfern back lace, Stylish Stout and Henderson, for the small, medium or large figure have arrived. Make your selection for your autumn wardrobe. Front and "back lace for all types of figures .moderately priced, $1.25 to $13.50. BOWMAN—Second Floor. Loves of Gloves In Famous Makes Newly imported are these fine soft French Kid Gloves in all the new smart Fall shades, as well as the better grades of domestic manufacture. New glove styles that give just the right effect of smartness to the suit or dress. For years this Glove Department has been known for having a splendid assortment of sizes and shades in such world-famous makes as P. Centemeri & Co.; V. Perrin & Cie; Chateau and Touvin Cie. All French Kid Gloves in tan, cordovan, brown, mastic, gray, black, white, navy, champagne, beaver and mole—in self and contrast stitching, one-clasp, two-clasp, gauntlet and 8- and 12-button; $2.50 to $4.95. Washable capes in every shade and style, $2.25 to $3.25. Beautiful mochas, $2.95 to $3.50. , BOWMAN—Main Floor. True Economy In Silk Underwear The woman who loves unfierwear will like to select some of the following from our stock, where all are of the freshest, cleanest and prettiest. In the following descriptions you will note a desire to provide the most practical underclothes obtainable, in which the happy combination of laces, organdie, ribbons, etc., have been thought and worked out in all its simplicity to appeal to every woman who is interested in these better things. Silk gowns of crepe de chine, washable satin and georgette of flesh color; plain Wllored and fancy trimmed with laces and ribbons, $6.98 to $19.50. Envelope chemise of crepe de phine, washable satin and georgette trimmed with laces, organdie and georgette; also some very pretty tailored models, $3.50 to $12.98. Camisoles of crepe de chine and washable sMin with inserts of lace and organdy; regular arm hole and shoulder straps, $1.25 to $5.50. BOWMAN—Second Floor. Hosiery, knit underwear and innumerable accessories of dress. SEPTEMBER 18,1919. ' STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX 3 FOUNDED 187;
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