AUTO LENSES TO UNDERGO TESTS State Highway Department Announces Plan for a Series of Special Requirements automobiles and motor vehicles ' SjUflH that tests of the automobile division of the State Highway Department. This action has been taken under the new auto mobile code of 1919 and all manu facturers have been asked to meet special Instructions and also to have tests made by an approved firm. In a statement issued in regard to automobile headlights to-day the department says: "Under section 20, of the Act of June 30, 1919, all headlights, search lights, spotlights, and other lights on automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and bicycles with motor vehicles, hav ing electric lights of over four candle power, must be equipped with reflectors so arranged, designed, dif lused or deflected that no dazzling rays of light shall, at a point 75 feet /• \ Catarrh Asthma Hay Fever —Quickly Relieved by I k t> AUTOMATIC Y Q IhhALui Using a remedy that is auto matically administered as you breathe. And without discom fort or inconvenience. Each breath carries medication that quickly hea's the afflicted parts. THIS NEW DISCOVERY AND INVENTION Is giving relief where all other methods have failed. Used with wonderful success in treating all diseases of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. Also for Head Noises and Ear Trouble. Now being intro duced in Harrisburg at George A. Gorgas' Drug Store, 16 North Third street. IVTOUNG men who express the vigor of * youth find that THE GLOBE styles j were made for them. j |p|| 117 ITH war-time restriction all off, design- | 'WM * * ers are outdoing themselves now. | %s|| Double-breast and belted effects, patch pockets and longer coats are now being widely shown. But all with due regard for man's desire for jjj OTHING loud or bold is considered in ftilEN who always wear THE GLOBE g *** clothes will find them snappier and bet- S ter than ever. All fairly priced. [ J S3O to $75 II if| THE GLOBE I WEDNESDAY EVENING, or more ahead of the lamps, rise more than 42 inches above the level surface of (he highways. Motor cycles without side car attachment require but one headlight. "Information concerning the re sults of tests of light lenses or de vices will be disseminated by the State Highway Department from time to time. Only such lenses or devices which have been approved will be permitted on motor vehicles." Want Embargo Oil—Officials of the State Highway Department are making an effort to secure a modifi cation of the embargo placed upon shipments of stone by the United States Kailroad Administration be cause of the serious effect they de clare it will have upon construction of State highways at a period of the year when they hoped to make the most progress. Chief Engineer W. H. Uhler is at Washington discuss ing the matter and efforts to secure enough stone to prevent suspension of work on any contracts and con sequent laying off of men are under way in various quarters. Fourteen Now Cases—The State Board of Pardons has listed fourteen new applications for hearing before the board on September 17. In this number are two applications for commutation of death sentences, three rehearings and a number held under advisement. Knrly Wheat Seeding—Seeding of wheat is reported in progress in southern and central counties of Pennsylvania by the State Highway Department, while general cutting of early planted corn is under way. A fair buckwheat crop is looked for by Secretary Rasmussen. Short nil Gobblers—Pennsylvania is only raising SO por cent of the number of turkeys generally raised in this State, according to a state ment issued to-day by the statistical bureau of the Department of Agri culture. This is only slightly more than reported at this time last year and the bureau says: "Many Penn sylvania families will have to look to other states for their Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey unless condi tions change for the better" The department is also calling at tention to the loss of valuable ferti lizer through careless handling of manure. It Is figured out that the manure of live stock on farm and in stables of Pennsylvania is worth $37,750,000 a year as compared with prices of fertilizer. Mr. Williams Here —Representa- tive George W. Williams, of Tioga county, was among visitors at the State Capitol. He was at the High way Department on road matters for Wellsboro. Ex-Speaker Visits Ex-Speaker George E Alter and Mrs. Alter, of Allegheny, were visitors in Harris burg to-day. Progress on Code—The committee in charge of the preparation of the goggle code for the protection of workmen will be ready to submit the code before very long. It will affect hundreds of establishments. Contract for Boring Let The contract for boring the foundations for the new office building at the Capitol was let yesterday by the Board of Public Grounds and Build ings to the Acker company, of Scranton, which made the borings lor the Memorial bridge. T. Guy Meyers, Inc., Philadelphia, was awarded the contract for the ap proach to the Morrisville bridge at $13,914.03. Bridge Accepted—The State yes terday accepted the new Aughwick creek bridge in Huntingdon county. Road Contractors Are Very Much Disturbed Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler, who has been receiving mes sages of protest all day from con tractors who fear that their road building operations will be inter fered with by the Railroad Admin istration embargo on stone, said to- day that he feared that it would have a serious effect upon the State's comprehensive road building pro gram. "It was our idea In instituting our record-breaking road construction program not only to give Pennsyl vania the- highway system It must have, but to provide Immediate em ployment for thousands of men who otherwise would tyive been out of .work. The embargo on road ma terials If extended to all railroads will defeat that purpose," said Mr. Sadler. "It has been suggested that trucks be used. It is a physical Im possibility to do this—as is evi denced when it is known that the stone for a single mile of road would fill a thousand three-ton trucks. "The obligation of the contractor presents one of the serious aspects of the case. There is no provision under the constitution of Pennsyl vania which would permit the High way Department to recognize losses to contractors brought about by rul ings of the Railroad Administration such as this. It is difficult at first glance to appreciate the many rami fications of which this situation Is capable. Approximately 85,000 men are employed In highway work in Pennsylvania. If the embargo order was but temporary it would have a disastrous effect, because when work* shuts down it means that labor will drift to other sections; and upon the lifting of the embargo it would be impossible for the contractors and the State Higwuy Department again to organize their forces this season. "The order of embargo directs that permits be applied for before shipments may be made, showing the daily stone requirements for contractors and the State, location of shippers and consignees, and other details. A similar situation existed during the war. From the experience of the department at that time it is believed by officials that it would be next to impossible to proceed with the work of highway construction with any kind of suc cess or satisfaction." Jitneymen Likely to Lose Auto Tags Investigation of the rates /and service of Philadelphia's baxlcabs which was set afoot to-day by the Public Service Commission follow-* ing decision of Monday night to un dertake a searching Inquiry is likely to develop into a State-wide matter which will take inspectors to Pitts burgh, Scranton and other cities as well as cause investigation in Harrls burg. Not only will taxicabs be re quired to post rates of fare and to maintain taximeters, but certain standards of safety and Insurance against accident will be demanded, while the men who operate jitneys without obtaining State certificates will have their automobile licenses revoked. Plans were made to-day for co operation between the Commission and the State Highway Department in regard to procedure for revoca tion of licenses which the Highway Commissioner is authorized to do where it is shown that a license holder has violated an order of the Commission. This can be done un der the act of July 9. 1919, which expressly authorizes the Highway i Chief to revoke a license when the holder is certified by the Commis sion for operating as a common car rier without a State certificate or for other violations. Commissioners Samuel M. Clement, Jr., and James S. Benn discussed the situation in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler. The chances are that while the inquiry Into conditions of the taxicab business in Philadelphia is under way the jitneymen running without licenses will be given warn ing and if they fail to secure State approval their numbers will be cer tified to the Highway Department. This law has already been invoked 'in one case and others are pending. . . V H A R.R.ISBUTIG Ct£Mbg3)fl. TELEGRAPH Federal Taxes Drop Near $195,000,000 in Pennsylvania Wa.shlngtoii, Sept. 10.—There was a decrease in income and excess profit taxes paid by Pennsylvania in 1919 over the previous year of $194,- 79,965.12. according to the report of the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue made public here. The income and profits tax in 1918 amounted to $95,881,375.95, compared with $301,- 111.410.79 this year. The total in ternal revenue taxes paid by Penn sylvania in 1919 were $437,653,- 877.07. Of this amount the first Pennsylvania district including Phil adelphia and the surrounding coun ties paid $184,918,797.22, which rep resented a decrease over the pre vious year of $15,585,572.60. In the Twenty-third district, Pittsburgh and surrounding counties, the de crease was $125,092,274.12. In the North Pennsylvania district, Lancaster, the taxes paid in this year amounted to $21,478,943.83, a gain of $594,106.61. In the Scranton district the total taxes reached $35,- 510,371.31, a decrease of $11,318,- 526.02. Bank Examiner Is Held on Alleged Plot of Swindlers By Associated Press. Chicago, Sept. 10.— O. T. Evans, a national bank examiner, was ar rested yesterday in conection with the •financial operations of what State's Attorney Hoyne has alleged was a swindler's syndicate plotting a harvest of $1,00,000 by sale of worthless securities. Investigators said the land owned by the Quaker Mining Corporation, a zinc mining concern involved with the syndicate's affairs, was found to be worth only $2 5,000 instead of $231,000 as claimed by some stock salesmen. - State Senator Adams, of Eltts burgh. Pa., was named by the in vestigators as having at one time been employed to obtain options on zinc lands for the syndicate. Tompkins Placed on Murder Trial Third Time at Johnstown Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 10.—For the third time, George C. Tompkins was placed on trial here yesterday for the murders of E. I. Humph ries, Sr., Mrs. Humphries and their son, E. 1., Jr., near Carrolltown, July 15, 1917. At the first trial the defendant was convicted of second degree murder for the killing of Mr. Humphries, and the second trial re sulted in a first degree murder ver dict for the shooting of the wife. lr. the latter case the State SupTeme Court granted a new trial, which is now in progress. As in thp former trials, notes of testimony taken during the first and second trials are being used by both defense and prosecution as a basis for examining witnesses. Larkin Detention Disappoints Followers Dublin, Sept. 10.—James Larkin having cabled from the United States to his sister that he hoped soon to be at home in Ireland "with the old guard" there is some dis appointment among his followers here because both the United States and British governments have re fused him, as stated, the necessary passports. The Irish Transport Workers' Union which he founded, mean while, has not abated any of its activities in his absence, and has carried out in various parts of Ireland a number of embarrassing and sometimes successful strikes. At present the harvest is in danger and the cattle trade is obstructed in the midland counties by Trans port Union walkouts of the agri cultural laborers, and in Dublin there is the novel feature of 'a strike of gravediggers belonging to this union which has succeeded in closing the great Catholic cemetery at Glasnevin. The report of the organization for the past year shows an increased membership from 43,788 to 58,827 in 210 branches. The finances show a credit balance on the year of nearly $90,000. Nearly $45,000 was paid out during the year in strike benefits. Larkin's most recent pub lic appearance in America was at a Socialist mass meeting in New York, last June. Knights of Pythias Hold First Outing The first annual picnic of Enter prise lodge, No. 508, Knights of Pythias, held at Boiling Springs Park, was enjoyed by upward of one thousand members of the or der. Prizes were offered for the many events. The married men de feated the single men in a fast ball game. The tug-of-war for men captained by Brenneman and Hor ner was won by Brenneman and his side after ten minutes of struggle. Prize, case of peas each. Tug-of war for women won by Captain Mrs. Wtckenhaser, case of corn. Quoit contest, Brenneman first, prize, box of cigars; second, H. Fleagle, K. of P. book. Fat woman's race, won by Mrs. Horner, bucket of lard. Ice cream eating contest, won by T. Olsey, eating a pint of ice cream in 14 seconds, prize, clock. Three legged race for boys won by Miller and Fleagle, prize flashlight for each- Ptanut hunt won by C. New comer, prize, lillypops. Wheelbar row race for women, first prize, a ham won by Mrs. Hite; second, Mrs. G. Miller, 5 punds sugar. Other events too numerops to mention were enjoyed by all. Special cars going and returning from the park was appreciated by all. David Kaufman Heads Jewish Relief Workers David Kaufman, as chairman of the American Jewish Relief Com mittee, will call a meeting of prom inent men of this vicinity next Sun day. Mr. Kaufman has just accept ed this post for the campaign to be held shortly, and at the personal request of Nathan Straus, Jacob D. Lit, Felix Warburg and Jacob Schlff. The men who are sponsoring the cause of Jewish relief feel tltat only prompt aid can save the Jewish peo ple from immediate annihilation. Millions of men, women and chil dren, said Mr. Kaufman, are fac ing death from starvation and the plagues. In Poland alonl: over 800,000 children are dependent up on American relief. More than 75,- 000 Jewish orphans are wandering the streets. This is not a religious or radical movement, it is a move ment to help a needy people, and it must be solved by American Jews and their friends or the result will be total extermination for the Jews at Kurano ASHLEY TO HUNT STONE FOR STATE Steps Taken to Make Com monwealth Road Building Independent of R. R. Rules In an effort fo overcome difficul ties caused by the United States Railroad Administration's embargo against shipments of stone for State highway construction and to safe guard the road building operations of 1920, steps have been taken where the new bureau of geological survey of the Internal Affairs De partment will make searches for stone and sand along the lines of the proposed construction. Ar rangements for this work were made to-day by Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler, who called upon I"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"■ "Be Sure of Your Store" Stetson Mallory Hats Velours j Fall Hats Are Ready/! This is the Hat week, get in line for the official day Sunday—you will want to wear your new Fall "Stetson" or Mallory Velour. You'll be anxious for that day to arrive if you look at our four big windows filled with new Fall Hats —The most attractive display in Harrisburg—the largest display of "Hats" in any store in Pennsylvania. This "Live Store" is headquarters for Stetson and Mallorys. The reason Doutrichs sell so many more Hats than any other store is because men prefer to be equipped throughout at an Always Reliable Store, where selections are unlimited, and then, too, it's so much more pleasant for the cus tomer to be able to match up his suit properly. We have this in mind when making selections. All the things are considered carefully for the purchaser's interest. Furthermore, we have thirty salesmen who are fully qualified to assist and advise you in making so important a purchase. You want something more than a hat—you I want a becoming shape, as well as an appropriate blend that will harmonize. Unless stocks are largs it's a little more troublesome to get all you should have. Here's where our expert advice will greatly assist you and make you a better friend than ever of this "Live Store." I Hart Schaffner & Marx I Kuppenheimer & I Society Brand Clothes I 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. H the new State Geologist, Dr. George ■H. Ashley, to undertake the task. The Commissioner said that if quarries and sand beds ran be lo cated near the road operations con struction will be "simplified and has tened. Under a new law the Stute has authority to condemn land for quarries and production of roud making material, while the War De partment has turned over to the State several hundred army trucks for use in road construction which the department in efforts to over come the embargo conditions will rent to contractors. Dr. Ashley will put a corps of field men to work at once along the lines laid down for the road building op erations which will be under way late this year and in 1920. In a statement issued. Commis sioner Sad]er said: "This depart ment has certain important projects on its schedule for 1920. Those projects are a part of the primary highway system. They must be com pleted, if humanly possible. If em bargoes are announced on ship ments of road materials, or if trans- SEPTEMBER 10, 1919 portatlon fails for any reason, we want to be in a position to continue our construction. We want, if pos sible, to be independent of the rail roads. What we ask of the new State Geologist is that he make an immediate effort to find sand, and stone near the 1920 jobs, so that trucks can be used to get this ma terial where it is needed. We are particularly anxious to complete the primary highway system so that food can be transported to the cen ters of population from the centers of production. Nothing will help us more than finding us materials at the back door, as it were, of our 1920 projects." . Bride elll, They Are Married in Hospital Becoming ill on Monday after coming to Harrisburg to be married, Miss Minnie Smith, of York, was yesterday married to William Myers, of the same city, in the Harrisburg Hospital, where she had bees taken for treatment. Late Monday evening the bride-to be became 111 and was taken to the Hospital. Not dangerously ill, she wished the marriage to go forward as planned yesterday and the bond was tied in a ward of the local in stitution. Bridegroom, minister, witnesses and others stood at the bedside of the bride. DON'T CROWD Wanted —By a collector of eurisol ties, a magazine with less than • million subscribers. —Cartoons Maga zine. * Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator —Ad< |A Health Builder For Weakened Long! Where a oonttnued ooeph or eold ithreatens the lunge. Bok man's. Altera itlve will help to atop the eeugh, strengthen the Hw and restore 1 lealtn. Ik and tI.BA bottleatot drag 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers