CLEMENCEAU HAS IMMORTALS IN AIR OVER RECEPTION Refuses to Take Part in Offi cial Ceremonies, When He Takes Seat in Academy Paris, Sept. 5. Tito Fronch Academy Is in a quandary, Pro- I SATURDAY I SPECIALS HnrninthiWimirvwt win ufjfrgaMmmß Face Powders J I I Mary Garden Face Powder 75c | IDjcr-Kiss Face Powder 51c | Pompeian Face Powder 41c fl I! Flora Sweet Face Powder 59c B Ven Rome Face Powder 98c B Roseta Face Powder 49c B Waltz Rream Face Powder 79c g Lady Mary Face Powder 37c fl Mavis Face Powder 39c fl Melbaline Face Powder 21c fl Azurea Face Powder $1.19 fl Fiancee Face Powder 89c fl Elmo Face Powder 19c and 38c fl I. L-Ame Face Powder 19c and 39c B I La Blache Face Powder 43c i Sanitol Face Powder 21c j Carmen Face Powder 33c Eeman's Face Powder 19c and 37c idbury Face Powder 19c I 'I I HI WW I Mill 'IIIIHHIMIt'II lllillllWiMFHPM HI 1 HI ' Manicure Items I V- > fl Cutex Manicure Sets 39c, 98c I 35c Cutex Preparations 23c IfsOc Cutex Cuticle Remover 45c Hyglo Nail Polish 20c Emory Boards 12 for 8c E Ma/da Nail Polish (Stick) 17c I Lusterite Nail Cake 19c fl Prav's Nail Enamel 19c B Pray's Rosaline 21c l| u Manicure Scissors 68c, 75c I I Nail Files—Orange Wood Sticks, i Toilet Puniise Stone. || Toilet Soaps J fl Resinol Soap 18c Ivory Soap 7c 1). I). D. Soap 18c Pear's Scented Soap 21c jg Pear's Unscented Soap 2 for 27c | Cuticura Soap 2 for 37c I Packer's Tar Soap 17c I Woodbury's Soap .....2for37c B Olivilo Soap .....3for2sc H Phys. & Surg. Soap 3 for 25c fl Roger & Gallet Violet Soap 41c B Roger & Gallet Santal Soap 41c I Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap. .3 for 25c I Palmer's Skin Soap 2 for.37c I I p Talcum Powders J 8 1 Mennen's Borated Talcum 19c I B Mennen's Violet Talcum 19c B | Johnson's Red Cross Talcum 13c 8 8 Bjer Kiss Talcum Powder 21c H B Talcolette Talcum 19c, 29c 8 8 Babcock's Butterfly Talcum 18c 8 g Hudnut's Talcums in tin 19c I 8 Hudnut's Talcums in jars 41c I 8 Colgate's Talcum 18c, 25c 8 8 Williams' Talcums 16c 1 8 Lady Mary Talcum 39c | 8 Mary Garden Talcum 45c 8 8 Garden Fragrance Talcum 63c 8 8 Fiancee Talcum 79c | 8 Trentini Talcum 34c 8 I Waltz Dream Talcum 17c | gj Sykes' Comfort Powder 19c 8 8 Jess Talcum Powder 15c, 19c | 8 Squibb's Talcum 18c 8 8 Kitty Gorden Talcum 53c 8 I— SPECIAL | CRUTCHES I ALL SIZES 89c Pair | FRIDAY EVENING, mier Clemenceau refuses to take part in any official reception when he takes his seat for the first time under the dome of the academy, 'this is absolutely unprecedented— no official address of welcome by a brother academician; no panegyric of his predecessor by Academician Clemenceau; no need for him to lis ten to any oratory In response. M. Clemenceau desires merely to walk in and sit down and be one of the family, without any of the usual ado. Thcro was a time when M. Cle menceau desired to enter the French Academy. Those Wore the days when ho was a more author. The French Academy frowned upon his ambitions then, and the old premier I "Kennedy Sells It Cheaper" | If Rouge J Aubrey Sisters Tint 25c Dorin Liquid Rouge 23c Dorin Rouge 1249 39c Dorin Rouge 1251 39c Mary Garden Rouge 89c Pompeian Rouge 40c IL'Amc Rouge 37c Ideal Rouge 37c Calista Rouge 45c Ven Dome Rouge 43c Mavis Rouge 39c Florasweet Rouge '. 45c f Toilet Waters J I i iii—i— 11—m—Tm-nr— & Atiar Tropical $1.53 Djer-Kirs Vegetale 98c IDjer-Kiss Toilet Water $1.49 A/urea Vegetale $1.23 Azurea Toilet Water $1.98 Le Trefle Vegetale $1.23 Le Trefle Toilet Water $1.98 Hudnut's Toilet Waters 83c Kitty Gorden Toilet Water $1.19 Cody L'Origan Toilet Water $3.89 Mary Garden Toilet Water $3.69 fl 4711 Lilac Vegetal 39c 1 Williams' Toilet Waters 69c I IWe Are Making Every Effort toSlaughter High Prices—Live and Let Live | 321 MARKET STREET | is quite aware that it was the suc cessful minister of war, the old "pere la Victoire" that the academicians sought to number among them rath er than the author. Several re marks, caustic as only M. Clemen ceau can make them aro reported to have been uttered by the pre mier concerning some of his future colleagues, and tho promlor himself hns said that ho will waive all at tendance fees, which is interpreted no meaning that ho will ueldom ut lend. Several of tho Immorlala aro busily engaged in trying lo make llio premier rpeonslder Ills decision, but tho premier It an n. will of his own. Mo nas proved that, I [ Toilet Creams j J I Oriental Cream $1.05 j H Stillman's Freckle Cream 32c E B Creme De Meridor 19c and 33c | fl Elcaya Cream 45c fl fl Othene Double Strength 69c fl fl Ken-Klay Freckle Cream 79c B B Kintho Cream 19c and 79c B 1 Lady Betty Greasy or Non-Greasy 45c 1 I Pond's Vanishing Cream 18c and 33c fl I Pond's Cold Cream 18c and 34c g I'lexo Cream, Greasy or Non-Greasy 23c and 13c I Tokalon Cream 53c 1 Tokalon Cream Roseated 65c I Palmolive Cold or Vanishing Cream 38c fl I);ggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream (Jars) 25c, 34c, 63c I Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream (Tubes) 9c, 17c, 37c B Usit Wrinkle Chaser 37c ft L-Ame Cream 28c B Ara Mara 40c I Riker's Violet Cerate 39c fl y Dental Preparations j I Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c 8 Kolynos Dental Cream 19c | Perfecto Dental Cream 19c 8 Lilly's Tooth Paste 19c, 39c 8 Pvrodenta Tooth Paste 24c 8 Albany Tooth Paste 20c 8 S. S. White Dental Cream 18c I Colgate Dental Cream 10c, 25c I I Zylano Tooth Paste 45c [ 8 Forhan's Tooth Paste 23c, 43c g | Lyon's Tooth Paste or Powder 17c I | Kal Pheno Paste or Powder ~. 18c E I Sozodont Tooth Paste 19c I I Euthymol Paste or Powder 16c 8 I Pyrrocide Powder 79c 8 f Pepsodont Tooth Paste 35c 8 I Arnica Tooth Soap 17c E 8 Sozodont Liquid Wash 19c £ 8 Rubifoam Liquid Wash 19c I | Mead & Baker's Tooth Wash 26c | TTARTITSBTTRG TELEGRAPH AIR-PROPEIXED ROATS The treacherous Missouri river, with its disappearing channels, mov able sand bars and general unnavi gabllity, Is to be attacked from a new angle In a determined effort to make its mighty but wayward course useful to commerce, accord ing to Popular Mechanics magazine, Il|g barges, drawing when loaded only eight to ton Inches of water, will ho equipped with air propellers, driven by gusullno engines, A mile ahead of each Miring of barges a Dinall motor pilot boat will hunt the shifting ehnnnel and sound for oh. otructlons, signaling the courao back to the barge steersman. I J Cigar and Cigarette Specials j| Factory Smokers 7 for 25c; 50 for $1.(18 H Cien. Hartrauft ft for 50c: 50 for $2.59 B Roiß ft for 50c; 50 for $2.50 9 Counsellor for 50c: 50 for $2.5 9 New Baclielor 0 for 50e; 50 for $2.50 j| Even Steven ft for 50c; 50 for $2.59 ■ Knull's Ambrosia ft for 50c; 50 for $2.59 9 White Statue for 50c; 50 for $2.5 9 ha Aflnldad 2 for 25c; 50 for $2.95 U > l' -"><•; 50 for $2.95 Ad lon for 25c; 50 for $2.05 \\ eddinß Veil 2 for 25c; 50 for $2.95 American Empire 2 for 25e; 50 for $2.95 Manuel f or 2 5 C ; 50 for $2.95 CIGARETTES Fatlma 20c Muratl 17c Camels 15c Natural 18c hucky Strike 15c Melnclirinos 18c hord Salisbury 17c Sweet Caporals 8c Chestcrfie Id 17c 15c Vail 10c Candy Special Helm Assorted Chocolates 49c I Banquet Mints, 29c I REMINISCENCE They were speaking of English j humor, and the Englishman now dwelling in Pittsburgh offered the following as an example: Ho was riding in a London tram car when the driver became Involved In an altercation with the conductor j on the rear of tho car Just ahead, i Moth swore at one another violently} ns tho cars moved slowly through a congested street. Finally, being bested In tho vorbnl battle, tho con ductor tied a piece of string around the end of a load poncil and thon dangled tho pencil toward tho driver, Tho lutlor became more vituperative than over, keeping up his harangue until the front car turned into another street. 'l'hn Englishman Standard Patents jjj I sl.2o.Milk's Emulsion 83c | I $1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo $1.05 H 3 $1.50 Gude's Pepto-Mangan 94c B ■ SI.OO H. K. Warn pole's Cod Liver Extract 03c 1 I 60c Sal Hepatica 37c I l SI.OO Lambert's Listerine 67c I | SI.OO Lysol Antiseptic 73c I 9 $1.50 Maltine Preparations 98c I Ej sl.lO Miles' Nervine 79c I 9 SI.OO Tanlac 79c i 0 SI.OO Vinol Original 79c B | sl.lO Miles' Heart Tonic 79c B 1 SI.OO Father John's 79c B B SI.OO Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 69c i | $1.90 S. S. S. Blood Medicine $1.13 B | sl.lO S. S. S 67c | jjj $1.25 Pierce's Discovery 79c B I $1.25 Pierce's Prescription 79c B B $1.50 Russell's Emulsion 98c B | $1.75 Red Bone Marrow $1.23 B jg SI.OO Squibb Mineral Oil 73c i I Sick Room Supplies J I I Invalid Cushions $1.28, $2.28, $2.68 I I Rubber Gloves (per pair) 39c I I Fountain Syringe (red) $2.19 i | Hot Water Bottle (red) 89c | S Douche I'an 79c I Bed Fans $2.19 | Male Urinals (white) $1.19 I Female Urinals (white) $1.19 | Ice Caps 63c I Ice Bags, No. 60 79c 3 Face Bottles 68c I Syringe Tubing 23c I I Absorbent Cotton, lb 65c | I Gauze, yard square 15c | Gauze, yard wide, 5 yards long 63c I Creoline 19c, 39c, 79c I Lysol 19c, 37c, 73c H Formaldehyde Candles 43c, 73c | I said he was curious and asked the j I driver why the dangling pencil had made him swear so violently. "Oh that Is just a litt'e Joke be tween ourselves. You see my father was hanged," he explained.—Tit- Bits. TOCGII } "Of course, I don't know," began the sarcastic boarder, "but it strikes me this chicken—" "Now, whnt'a tho matter with the chlci-en?" Interrupted tho lnnd'ady. "Oh, nothing," answered (ho | lodger, "only it Is evidently the off spring of a linrd-bollcg egg,"— Lon don TR-blls, I Hair Tonics J I Danderine 21c, 39c, 67c | Hay's Hair Health 34c, 67c I Sago Sage and Sulphur 45c I VVyeth Sage and Sulphur 43c, 67c | Wild Root Hair Tonic 41c, 79c I Newbro's Herpicide 39c, 79c I Mary T. Goldman's Restorer 98c I Q-Ran Color Restorer 49c H Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 39c I Liquified Cocoanut Oil 39c I Pompeian Hair Massage 19c, 39c B Elvera Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 59c Shaving Specials \y— J I $5.00 Gillette Razor $3.75 fl $5.00 Auto Strop Razor $4.19 I SI.OO Gem Razor 83c 1 SI.OO Ever Ready Razor 79c I SB.OO Gillette Razor $6.98 | 35c Palmolive Cream 23c 9 Williams' Shaving Cream or Stick 25c I 12 Gillette Blades 79c B 6 Gillette Blades 39c B 6 Auto Strop Blades 39c B Lather Brushes 25c, .?2.48 B 6 Ever Ready Blades 27c 1 5 Durham Duplex Blades 43c SEPTEMBER 5, 1919 HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools Sharpened All Kinds of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Streets f / J Saturday | September J 6th I mi— I 'M'l "i" mißuMWiiii T">wninsrn— I Standard Patents J g I $1.25 Pinkham's Compound 80c R I $1.50 Eckman's Alterative $1.23 ' SI.OO Eckman's Alterative. 67c. 1 | SI.OO Angier's Emulsion 83c I I $1.25 Burdock Blood Bitters 85c jjj I $1.25 Varnesis Green 81c U I $1.20 Bromo-Seltzer (Full Pint) 73c 3 | SI.OO Shoop's Restorative 69c I E SI.OO Quaker Herb Extract 69c A 85c Jad's Salts 50c ' 60c California Syrup Figs 376 S 60c Mineral Oil (Pint) 3flc ft 75c Park-Davis American Oil S&c E 60c Pinex J39c I R 75c Pine Tar and Cod Liver Oil .65c ■ I 60c Pine Tar and Cod Liver, 4-oz ,45c 3 B 50c Regulol 39c I 50c Usoline Oil 37c 1 25c Atwood's Bitters 19c I 65c Glover's Mange Remedy 45c I 60c Goff's Cough Syrup 39c I Ointments IV J I Musterole 19c, 37c I Vick's Vapo-Kub 19c, 39c g Mentholatum 17c, 34c | Musterine 19c, 39c ■ Capsoline 19c 1 Park Davis' Analgic Halm 24c, 49c I IResinol Ointment 37c, 73c I Poslam Ointment 40c, $1.45 I Palmer's Skin Success 19c !| K. Y. Jelly 19c H K. Y. Analgic Halm 39c I K (iinserole 18c I I 1 || f Pills and Tablets J | Nuxated Iron Tablets j6sc I Pape's Diapepsin 32c ft Doan's Kidney Pills 42c || Malena Pills 17c a Pierce's Pellets 17c (f Williams' Pink Pills 31c S Pierce's Discovery 39c, 79c 3 Pierce's Prescription 39c, 79c 1 Pierce's Anuric 39c, 79c B 100 Hlaud Iron Pills, 100 Cascara Tablets, 5-Krain 39c @ 100 Bayer's Asperin, 5-grain 83c 1 J 100 Alophen Pills 55c H I Baby Supplies j jjj I $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.70 I I $3.75 Borden's Malted Milk $2.75 I | $3.00 Nestle's Food $2.49 j I $2.75 Denno Food . $1.98 I I $3.75 Eskay's Food $2.09 I I 75c Mead's Dextro Maltas 63c j I $1.25 Imperial Granium 87c I 75c Mcllen's Food 55c. I I Eagle Brand Milk, 3 for 73c I I Libby's Milk, 4 for 53c I 1 Castor Oil (Tasteless) 19c, 39c I I Dr. Hand's Remedies 19c \ I Fletcher's Castoria 23c 3 5 Red Cross Baby Talcum 14c I I Mennen's Borated Talcum 19c I | Hygeia Bottle, complete 23c ■ OZARK I COFFEE | 1 Pound 45c I 3 Pounds $1.29 I 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers