Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page MONEY TO LOAN BUY CO All NOW With our money and insure your comfort next winter. I'ay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able —only three and one-half per cent, pef .month on bal ances. No other charges of any kind. CO-OPER ATI V E LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance With Act ol June 4. 1319, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business conndential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSV L\ ANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. " HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furnltuie and piano moving u specialty. Blue Line Transfer, Hi Capital street. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 lteily. Both phones. Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelker St., Harris burg. Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3518 HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, ireiglit and piano mov ing. No distance too tar. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber s Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time Trice reasonable. Dial 4330. Dayton Cycle Co., alii North Third street. PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1113 Vernon Street, or Bell 2sll-J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving, prompt service. Ernest Corbm. boo Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothes, make them new. All kinds of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's, 1306 ft North Sixth. STORAGE STORAGE Low rates. Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Highspire. Pa. Botli phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 40s Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, p. U. Dlener, 4us Market street. STORAGE—4I3 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-lireproof ware house. Hurrisburg Storage Co., 427- 443 Soutn Second street. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, 15 S. Market Square PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK $325 Livingston, mahogany ....$l5O 325 Huntington, mahogany .... 210 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 225 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 250 350 Kimball, walnut 250 250 Stieff, mahogany 250 500 Player, ss-note 375 j 650 Player, 83-note 485 , of the above bargains on terms of payment. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. • Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITA RS, BANJOS. Band and orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER S. 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLEK S, 14 Soutli Fourth street. YOU have made the visit to music houses, tor a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. bpangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 3133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Einbulmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, cast of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. t'lie prices ot lots ale moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL SALE 1. Dodge, repainted and new top. 2. lignt six, repainted, big bargain. , 3. Reo roadster, in line shdpe. 4. overland roadster, guaranteed. 5. sun ear, in tine shape. 6. Velie, 1318, a real bargain. ItLX GARAGE SUPPLIES, 1317 North Third St. FOR SALE A Willys Six Club roadster, 1318 model, car in excellent condition. Apply 229 S. 13th St. Bell 4447-J. FOIt SALE—Chevrolet touring car. completely equipped and in tip-top condition, driven only by owner and has had excellent care. A mighty good car lor a reasonable price. Call 3939W bell phone, after 7 p. m. FOR SALE FORD TON TRUCK. 1317 TOURING CARS. 1317 ROADSTER. CONV EN lEN T TERMS. OPEN EVE. SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., * 117 South Third Street. AI.'TO car. equipped with express body, in good mechanical condition, will sacrifice to quick buyer. H. D. Lynn, BU2 N. Sixth St. FORD—I9I7 roadster, good tires and top, in A 1 condition, with dcmount d able wheels. Inquire 322 Blackberry Avenue. FOR SALE—I9I6 Reo louring ear, two extra rims and tires; engine tire pump; electric starter and lights: newly painted; bargain if sold tins week. All first class condition. Apply 45! Main street. Steelton. Bell 209 V Al<vl'-d In .Next Columul TUESDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILES : ! OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT \ These three cars have just bedn added to our stock and are now in the paint shop receiving finishing touches. They ere offered for advance pur chase, subject to demonstration when completed. As they arc popular mod els, we would advise ihat you lose no time in securing one. Oakland roadster splndid tire equipment. A handsome two-passenger car. Overland, model 90 roadster, light, economical, powerful. The easiest rid ing small car on the market. Good tires, fine mechanical condition. Un usual storage space. An ideal car for com|ncrcial man. \ Overland 5-passenger touring, thor joughly overhauled and retinished. Opening evenings. Time payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Foth phones. 212 N. Second St. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-<8 South Cameron street. j,-OR SALE —Overland 5 passenger touring car; newly painted and over hauled; A 1 condition; must be sold. Call at 220 S. 15th St. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. 24. 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE WILLYS-KNIGHT 7 passenger, mod el 88-4. Excellent condition through out. just but of paint shop with rirst class job. Sleeve valve motor con stantly improves. Call Steelton IS2-J. M AXWELL touring 1915; first class condition; good tires; very reasonable. Liberty Garage, 16th and Walnut sts. FOR SALEyßoadster in good con dition. lnqui/' 22$ Yale st. or Hell phone 14S3R. FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ning order. $695. llorst, Linglestown. ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyers in good used ears. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare tire. 1916 Buick, big six touring, spare tire. v 1915 Buick, one-ton truck. 1314 Stutz roadster, newly painted, reasonable. 1917 Efigcr. turn six, fine sha^e. 1917 Vim. light delivery. 1914 Overland, model 79, just over hauled. Bargain. 1918 Reo touring, fine running or der, at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given. CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schiffman, Manager. FORD touring car, electric lights, in good mechanical condition: can be seen at Riverside Garage, rear 1117 N. Front Street. FOR SALE —Jeffery touring car in perfect condition; late model; cheap to quick buyer. 147 Pike Street. Middle town. FOR SALE —Overland, 1916 model; Continental motor; 7-passenger; new ly painted; new top; new Goodyear cord tires; good reason for selling. Ad dress C-SlSo care Telegraph. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAW BERRY ST. New live and seven-passenger cars for business oi pleasure at all hours. BELL 2366 DIAL 4914 GRANT, five-passenger; 6 cylinder; four new tires anu tuoes; good con dition, cheap to quick buyer. Ester brook. 912 North Third St. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay nigliest casn prices. No junk. H. Esteioruok, sr2 .Norm Third Street, iJiai 4936. SAXON roadster, 1315; price $250. j Overland touring, loib, $,<25; Comet Six, 4110U, 19ia inouei. salesman Hurst, Binglestown, Pa. FORD touring, IT model; electric ligius; runs anu puns like new. Price 33,5 cash. Dial 36-C. S. 11. llorst, Liuglesiown, near Harrisburg. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quiteu by specialist. Also lenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har rison i g Auto iiauiator Works, 865 North Third street. WM. i'ENN GARAGE 224-6 Mueiich street, limousines for lunerai parties anu balm; caret ui drivel's; opeu day and ingot. Ben 4364. BARGAIN'S —International one-ton truck, used ten mourns, cneap, in ternational two-ton truck, useu nine months, cneap; l"oru delivery, panel body, in line condition. luru a-toll unit, biaiiu new. Cadillac delivery, closed buoy, Denby 2ft-ion. Power dump bouj, in line condition; Denby 2ft-tou, witli stake body, like new. Acme 3Va - ton, wilii Woods steel uump body, used six niornns; Genoy 3-ton Willi V\ oous steel dump body. Denby Sales Coiporaliou, 1203 Capital street. MAGNETOS All types, 4 and 6 Boscii infill tension, Lisiiian, Dixie, spuidorl, Mea, itemy and uUleieni makes ot cons, carburetors, etc. A ocinliman, 22-24-20 worm Cameron street. Bell 3633. 1913 HUD roadster, s4ut,- 1 'JIt/ Grant six touring, JSUU; 1915 Hudson tour ing, 25n0; l'Jlu Fold delivery wun uu, iiuo; lot, Olds s touring, J3ou, lDio Hariey-touvtuson electric equip peu, *2io; 1513 f'aige louring, fiuuu; lulu Ctiaimer six, jusl painted, i-tuo, 191 a Cnaltner u touring, 22uu; Regal roadster, electric equipped, 3UO; 1914 Buick touting, new top. ♦3vu, three 2- ton detdoii trucks, one 2-ton Keu truck, i'neae trucks can be bougnt on easy terms. Inquire seluen Truck Distributors, 102 a Market st. FOR SALE—Cliaiiner's Sedan, 1917; new uptioistering; Chandler, 1919, 4- paasenger, spurt model; wire wheels, Pumper, spot light,' 5 new tires; Over land, 191 a, 90 uelivery car. inquire 1 elm-Harris 'j'axicau office, care Fenu-Harris Hotel. FOR SALE —Ford ton truck, 1910; worm drive, in good condition, price reasonable. Inquire 2400 Jciterson si. Dial pliotie 2042. FORD touring, 17; demountable wheels; new tires; tire carrier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot light; tool box and cut out; good cur tains with winter rods; price s4ou. Square Deal Horsl. Lingleatown. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 25 Ford cars in any condition for cash. Box 1U99 City. MOTORCYCLES AND S-.ICYCI.ES BICYCLE Bargains. Bike from $x up. Guaranteed repairing. Cut Hate Cycle Co., 1221 North sixth sireet. Dial phone 5754. FOR SALE—Harley-Davidson mo torcycle; electrically equipped; siue car; good condition, price- 2225 cash. Apply H. B. Kirk, 1902 North St. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY Si IAN ER WITH ANI)I!E\V 11 liDMONI*. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET Garages, Accessories and Repairs RAYFIELD carburetors are recog nized as tlie most reliable by ail dis criminating car owners; more power more speed and 25 to 50 per cent, sav ing of gasoline, are some of the rea sons you should have one; a special type Bayfield tor every make of ear. Agency, Fcder,cks' Garage, 1807 N. Seventh Street. | Hurley Davidson, electric and , side car $250 I Indian. 1916, 3 spec I 125 ! lnuiau, 2 speed electric 120 1 Harley-Davidson, one speed .... 70 Thor, one speed 8b Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON CYCLE CO., | Dial 4390 312 N. Third SL | IF YOU need a tire or any part of. 'any make of secondhand cars, we have lit. ttc also buy secondhand junk cars. Highest cash price paid. Seldcn Truck Distributors, 1017-1025 Market street. SNYDER & JIcGUIRE. Automobile repairing and general machine shop. All work guaranteed. 939 South 19lh Street. Bell phone 3717-K. ROOF PAINTING THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BE i'TWEEN NOTORIETY AND MERIT. A THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF I ROSES WILL P.ARELY FILL A ROOM WITH PERFUME. BUT WITH A !HOLLAR'S WORTH OF FRIED ON j IONS YOU CAN SCENT UP A WHOLE TOWN. IIITE'S ELASTIC ROOF COATING HAS MERIT. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. HITK. THE AUCTIONEER. Bell IS7SJ. : PUBLIC SALES j BANKRUPTCY SALE ! GROCERY STORE, STUCK AND F 1 X T U R E S, ELECTRICAL SCALES, COFFEE GRINDER, CASH REGISTER, REFRIGERA TOR, ETC. WILL BE SOLD TO ; HIGHEST BIDDER ON PKKM ! ISES. 1524 DERRY STREET, |ON FRIDAY P. M.. SEPT 5, AT 4 I'. M. I. LEGAL NOTICES BIDS SEPT. 17. Additions: to Heating Plant Building, Construction of Additional Heating Plant Building. Construction of Laundry Building and Heating. Plumbing and Electric Wiring lor the Latter. Sealed proposals for above work at Stats Sanatorium, Mont Alto, Franklin County, Pa., will he received by Edward Martin, Commissioner of Health, llarrisburg. Pa., until 2 P. M.. Wednesday, September 17, 1919. Plans and specifications may be soon at the office of Engineering Divi sion State Health Department, 22 Soutli Third street, llarrisburg, and may be obtained after September 1. at that address upon depositing $2.3.00 for each contract set. Deposits will be re turned upon receipt of sets in good condition. Sets will be issued to gen eral contractors only. Application by mail for sets should specifically state which of the follow ing are desired and sufficient deposit should accompany application. 1. Additions to Heating Plant Build ing at Main Camp. 2. Constructing Heating Plant Build ing at Hospital. 3. Consttucting Laundry Building, (no laundry machinery). 3a. Heating. Laundry Building. 3b. Plumbing. Laundry Building. 3c. Electric Wiring. Laundry Build ing. Each proposal must be accompanied by certified cheque for SSOO. The suc cessful contractors must tile a surety bond for full amount of their bid oh each contract. Contracts will be awarded separately. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. EDWARD MARTIN, Commissioner of Health. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING BRIDGE Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 23, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials to build bridge over the Wapaseening Creek, on Pennsylvania State Highway, Route No. 15, two miles from Nichols, New York, in Windham Township, Brad ford County, Pennsylvania, as indi cated fully in the plans and specifi cations prepared by George H. Dun ham, of Harrisburg, Pa., Consulting Engineer, for the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitpl Building, Harrisburg, Pa- . „ Proposals must be marked "Pro posal Wapaseening Creek Bridge" on outside cover. T. W. TEMPLETON, Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL, Secretary. To the Creditors of H. L. Brown Company; You are hereby notified that an ac tion has been brougnt for the use of the undersigned in the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania as No. lui, October Term. 1919, on the bond given by said H. L. Brown Company, as principal, and the American Fidelity Company and the Casually Company of America, as sureties, to secure among other things payment to ail persons supplying labor or materials under the contract tor the extension remodeling, etc., of the post oitice at Harilsburg. Penna. You are hereby notified that you may file your claims in said action and be made party thereto, within one year from the completion of the work under said contract, and not later. SARGENT 52 COMPANY Charles L. Bauey. Jr., Attorney. 16 North Second Street, Harrlsburg. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made by \V. K. Thrush. H. E. Fife and M. F. Welmer to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 23d day of September, 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M.. under the provisions of an act of Assembly entitled, "An act to vide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations" approved the 29th day of April. 1574, and the supplements thereto, for a charter for an intended corporation to be called "The Harrisburg Motor Car Company," the chamicter and object of whicli is to buy. sell, hire and deal in automo biles. trucks, tractors and other motor driven vehicles, their parts, supplies and accessories of every description, tires, oils, gasoline and all such ar ticles as are incident to a general garage business, and for these pur pose!: to have, possess and enjoy ail the lights, benefits and privileges by said act or Assembly and the supple ments thereto conferred. • Signed, W. K. THRUSH. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will he made to the Court of yuurter Sessions of Dauphin CountV or. Monday, the Mh day of September 1919, ,U 10 o'clock A. M., or as soon tnereafter as tlie said Court may oc in session for the transfer of the re-' tail liquor license now held by Lena Muuici, executrix of the last will and testuii.fcnt of Alexander Mourer de ceased. for northeast corner of Capital and Foster streets. Fifth ward. City of Harrlsl urg. I'enna.. unto Richard F. Cu'hunc. - ROBERT STUCK ER Attorney for Transferee. HXtUUBBTTRaCMMft TELEGRAPH LEGAL NOTICES Office of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals, accompanied by a check on a solvent bank or trust company, duly certified by a proper officer thereof, in the sum of twenty live thousand (IJj.aoOi dollars, as a ttroposal guaranty, will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings of Uie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pa., until lu a. rn. on Tuesday. September iS3. 191s f or t he construction of the Soldiers' and Sail ers' Memorial Bridce along Capitol Park Extension and Stale street, Har risburg. Pa- Specifications, plans, proposal and contract forms are on tile and can be iten in the office of the superinten dent. at Harrisburg. t.'.e office of the chief engineer in Baltimore, and the office of the architect In New York, and contractors may obtain sets of the same by depositing loo.oy for each set. with the superintendent This deposit will be refunded upon re turn of the sets without marking, dis figurement or oilier damage within ten days after the award ot the con tract. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or parts tnereof. By order of the Board of Comni's sloners of Public Grounds and Buiia lings, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. L. W. Mitchell i Secretary. T. W. Templeton. Superintendent. Arnold W. Brunner. Architect. 101 Park ave., New York City. J. E Greiner & Co.. Engineers. Fidtlity Bids., Baltimore, ild. NEWPORT Borough Council asks I for bids for the construction of 12,500) twenty-live hundred feet, more or less, of concrete curbing. ! specification for the curbing can be obtained by calling on the secretary. All bids to be in the hands of the sec retary by 12 o'clock noon. September 15. 1919. Council reserves ifie right to reject any or all bids. P. G. liERTZ, Secretary of Council, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. C. F. DeOLEN. President of Council. My wife. Alma T. Wilson, having lelt'my bed and board without just cause, 1 hereby notiiy all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my account us 1 will not pay any debts contracted by her. Signed. B. T. WILSON, NOTICE is hereby given that let ters of administration in the estate of Charles A. Jucksonj late of the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin ty. Pernsylvania, deceased, having been granted to Harry M. Jack son, all persons having clrims or de mands are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the said decedent to make payment without delay. HARRY M. JACKSON. Administrator, 1318 N. 7th St., Harrisburg. Paul A. Kunkel, Atty., 710-712 Telegraph Bldg.. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE, is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of tlie State of, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, the 18th day" of September, A. P., 1919. by M. S. llershey, Wm. 1\ 11. Murrle, Ezra F. Hershey and John K. Snyder, under the Act of Assemoly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled an act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations, approved April 1:9, 11871, ami the supplements thereto, for [the charter of an intended corporation to be called "Hershey Department Store," the character and objects of which is to manufacture, buy and sell, at wholesale and retail, merchandise for personal, domestic, commercial and general use or copsumption, includ ing foods, clothing, drugs, hardware,! building materials, grain, feeds, rita chinery, printing and stationery, elec tric, plumbing, tin and other metal work nnd supplies, gold, silver and other metals, and all articles produc ed therefrom, and all such other gen eral merchandise dealt in by a de partment store selling everything per taining to goods, wares and merchan dise for personal, domestic, commer cial or general use, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHN E. SNYDER. Solicitor. NOTICE PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween O. E. B. Malehorn and John 11. Malehorn, under the tlrm name, style and title of Malehorn Brothers if Steelton, Pa., was dissolved August "5. 1919; hereafter the said business here tofore conducted by said partners will hi conducted and carried on by John 11. Malehorn. under the name and title of Malehorn Brothers. All persons in debted to said firm will make pay ment to John B. Malehorn. liquidating pnrtnei Q K R MALEHORN, JOHN B. MALEHORN. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Govern or of Pennsylvania, September 1-. 1919, under the act of assembly en titled, "An Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations." appro/ed April 29. 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation, to be called the Locust Street Realty Company, the character and object of which is the purchase, holding, leas ing r-nd selling of real estate, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjov all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of assembly ana the supplements thereto. Commission at Hnrrlsburg on the eleventh day of September. 1919. at 9.30 a m.. when and where all per sons in interest may appear and be heard, if they so desire. Plans and specifications are on file In the offices of The Public Service Commission and the Public Grounds and Buildings. in the Capitol at Htir risburg. Arnold W. Brunner. architect. 101 Park avenue, New York City, and J. E. Greiner & Company, engineers. Fidelity Building, Baltimore. Md. ' THOS. W. TEMPI-ETON. Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Penrf&ylvania, Dauphin County, ss: (To the heirs of Emma Bretz. also Known as Emma Pretz, deceased and all others interested, especially, Anna Chubb and Catherine Chubb. Whereas at an Orphans Court held at Harrisburg in and for said county on the isth day of August, In the year of our Eord one thousand nine hun dred and nineteen, before the Honor able Judges thereof, the petition of David W. Chubb was presented. It la therefore commanded that you. the said hcits of the said Emma Bret/, al ui Known as Emma Pretz, deceased, and all others Interested, especially Anna Chubb and Catherine Chubb, to be and appear before the said juigcs at an Orphans Court to be held al i llarrlsburg for the - said County of PaUpAin on the 7tli day of October A 1J ml 9. at : o'ch ik in the fore- It.oon of said uay to show cause why an inquest in partition should not he awarded and to :n,bmit to such otter orders and decrees i.- the said Curt shall make touching the premises. W. W. CAIJIWIIU,. Sheriff of Dauphin County, Penna. (5 DUNCAN W Y 1,1 E Atty.. Harrisburg, Pa., August 25, 1919. j A special meeting of the stockhold ers of .the City Transfer Company 1 wlfl be held at the office of the cout ! pany. No. 16 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa., on Monday. Septem- I bcr 15. 1919. at 2 o'clock p. m., to take action on the approval or disapproval of a proposed increase of indebtedness of said company from $10,250 to .5,000. J. K. GREENAWAI.T, JH.. Secretary. , 'LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation has been made to The Public Service Commission of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Public Service Com pany haw. by the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings for a certltlcute of public convenience evidencing the commission's requisite approval of the construction of the Soldiers and Sail ors' Memorial Bridge lrom a point on what is now State street In the Capitol Park, in the City of Harrisburg, fol lowing the line of Stifte street across the trucks of the Pennsylvania rail road and the Philadelphia and Bead ins railway to a point at or near Thirteenth street in said city. A public hearing upon this applica tion will be held in the rooms of the FOX & GEYER. Solicitors. , 1 Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: in Jrhe Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 242 March Term. 1919. Ethel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Jane M. Goodman vs. Harry E. Goodman alias Harry E. Good. The subpoena and alias sub poena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Harry E. Goodman alias Harry E. Good. are therefore directed tc appear In the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber. A. D.. 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common I'leas of Dauphin. County. Pa.. No. 206 March Term. 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Irmn Beatrice Stedman vs. Frank \V. Stedman. The subpoena alias subpoena in the above-stated crse have been returned "non est in ventus" You. Frank YV. Stedman. are therefore directed to appear in lite court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the fourth Monday of September. A. I)., 1919. >0 gnswer the complaint therein tiled. \V. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In tilt Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. .207. March Term. 1918. label in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Ethel C. Williams vs. Harry U Williams. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You, Harry L. Williams, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the fourth Mon day of September. A. D.. 1919. to an swer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg, Pa.. August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 491 January Term, 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo mntromonil Fannie E. Walters vs. George W. Walters. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, George W. AValters. are therefore directed to appear In the court at. Harrisburg, Pa., on the fourth Monday of September. A. !., 151 i' to answer the complaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., August 26. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, 18a.. No. 514 January Term. 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Annie Wolf vs. Park Wolf. The subpoena and alias sub poena in the above-stabed case have been returned "non est inventus." You. Park Wolf, are therefore directed to appear In the court at Harrisburg, i'a.. on the fourth Monday of Septem ber, A. D.. 1919, to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, SherifT. Harrisburg. Pa., August 26. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 108 March Term, 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii William A. Wiloy vs. Daisy Wiley. The subpoena and alias sub poena In the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. Daisy Wiley, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber. A. D., 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Hr rrisburg. Pa., August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 393 January Term. 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Nathan Mcltzer vs. Celia Meltzer. The subpoena and alias sub poena in the above-stated ease have been ictiirned "non est inventus." You. Celia Meltzer, are therefore dlreefed to appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber. A. D„ 1919, to answer the com plaint therein tiled. 1 W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa., August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 202 March Term. 1019. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Karl B. Crook vs. Helen M. crook. The subpoena and alias sub poena Ir. the above-stated ease have been returned "non est inventus." You. Helen M. Crook. are therefore directed to appear in the court at Hairisburg, I*a., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber. A. D., 1919. to answer the com plaint therein Hied. W. W. CALDIVKLU Sheriff. lHfWisbWg. Pa., August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In ttie Court of Common Picas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 251 March Term. 191 S. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Margaret H. Wise vs. Charles D. Wise. The subpoena and alias subpoena in thV above-stated case have been returned "non est in ventus." You, Charles D. Wise, are therefore directed to appear In the couit at llarrisburg, Pa., . on the fourth Monday of September, A. 1J„ 1912, to answer the complaint therein filed. W. W. CAI.DWELU Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26, 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 421 January Term, 1919. Libel in divorce —a vinculo .matrimonii Tony Cloban vs v Mary Cioban. The subpoena and alias sub poena in the above-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You. Mary Cioban. are therefore directed to appeal in the court at Harrisbuig, Pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber, A D„ 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W CALDIVKLU , Sheriff, llarrisburg. Pa., August 26. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of l Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 410 March Terin, 1919. 1-ibel in divorce —a vinculo matiimonii Maud Eva Boeder vs. Rob ert K. ltoeder. The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above-stated case .ia\t< been returned "non est inventus." You. Robert E. .ltoeder, are therefore direct ed to uppear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the fourth Monduy of Septem ber. A. D„ 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. llarrisburg. Pa.. August 26, 1919. ]U?E?L6 aBTENCILSr D • | HARRIBB\JBTENCILWORKS ii 1 130 LOCUST ST.HARRIStfO, PA. U Two Meetings of Rotary Club During Next Week to Open Fall Season There will be two meetings of the Harrisburg Rotary Club week —one on Monday evening when the entertainment committee headed by Frank Davenport, the chairman, will entertain the Kotarlans and their women with a "Mystery Xiglit," and the other on Tuesday evening when Robert J. "Walton will have the members and their women as his guests at his big farms near Hummelstown, where a corn roast will be served in connection with the lirst regular meeting of the fall season. "No. I have nothing to say about it," said Mr. Davenport to-day. 'Vrhe committee will reveal its program only when the club assembles next Monday ufternoon. But believe me, this "Mystery Night" is going to be the most enjoyable event in the his tory of the organization, and one of the most unique In the history of Rotary clubs anywhere. No en trance fee, no assessment, nothing hut the presence of Rotarians and their wives are desired. The enter tainment committee will do the rest." Tourists Advised on Roads to Capital The State Highwuy Department i to-day issued notice lhat tourists . coming to Harrisburg on the Wil- , liam Penn highway and leaving this j city over that road should use the , west shore of the Susquehanna ! while the improvements are under ; way above Dauphin. There are de tours at Miffltntown and Millers town and two between Lebanon and Reading. Because of detours between Wilkes-Barre and Sunbury tourists are advised to proceed north from Harrisburg over the Jonestown road i to Ono and then via Pottsville or else to go byway of L. janon. There are detours east of Sun bury and north of Quarryville. Deaths and Funerals MRS. ALFRED JONES The death of Mrs. Alfred Jones, recurred at her home in Allentown, | Sunday afternoon, after an illness extending over many months. Mrs. | Jones formerly resided in this city and had many acquaintances here, j Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon from her late home, followed by burial in the : Bethlehem cemetery. She is sur- : vived by her husband, a daughter ! and a son, besides several brothers ' and sisters. This is the second death to occur in the "family within the past few months, the death of Mr. | Jone's brother, Edwin S. Jones, hav- j ing occurred ni this city in May last. J MRS. AMELIA ROTH The fuseral services for Mrs. j Amelia Hoth, aged 67 years, who ; died Sunday at her Enola home, will ' be hold fro mthe Enola Lutheran j Church to-morrow, the Rev. M. S. ilharp, pastorj officiating! Burial will be made in the Enola cemetery. Mrs. Roth is survived by her seven children. lII'ILDING RECORD IS SHOWING RIG GAIN j During August 49 building permits | were issued Harrisburg for im- i provements costing 1186,915, while in August. 1918, only 14 permits were issued and the work cost $15,975. To-day a permit was issued to John ; T. Ensminger, C. \V. Strayer, cont'act- | or, for the remodeling work at tile j brick building at the Southwest cor- j ner of Second and Chestnut streets, j The improvements will cost $6,100 to' complete. John T. Fager, Jr.. with I Charles W. Lady as contractor, sc- j erty at 1251 Derry street, at a cost cured a permit to remodel the prop of S4OO. LEGAL NO C'ES Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas ol Dauphin County, Ta.. No. 228 March Term, 1919. Libe.l in divorce—a vinculo ntairimonll Estella M. Gross vs. How ard M. Gross. The subpoena and alius subpoena in the above-stated ease have been returned "non est inventus." You Howard M, Gross, are therefore direct ed to appear in the court of Harrisburg. Pa , on the fourth Monday of Septem ber, A. D„ 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26. 1919. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: j In the Court of Common Pleas of i Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 429, January Term, 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Njorris Kramer vs. Ida | Kramer. The subpoena alias sub poena in the above-stated ease have !been returned "non est inventus." You. i Ida Kramer, are therefore directed! to appear in the court at Harrisburg, l in., on the fourth Monday of Septem-I her, A D., 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Fa., August 26. 1919. SCHOOL OF LAW Washington & Lee University Next session begins September 18, 1919. Two-year course for LL. B. Beginning September, 1920, three-year course required for degree. For catalog, etc., address President Henry I-ouis Smith, I.exlngton, Va. FOR SALE Two 2J4-story Brick Dwell ings, Hummel Ave., Le moyne. Lots on Curtin, Jefferson and Seneca Streets 2212 North Third Street, 2j4-story brick, 14 rooms and bath. Apartments and Store, Sixth and Harris Frank R. Leib and Son KlAl LSI Alt and INSURANCb 18 North Third St. HARRISBURG, PA. SEPTEMBER 2, 1919. ' Frank Witman Golf Cup Won by Chester Orr The Frank Witman special Labor Day golf tournament cup was won by Chester Orr on the links of the Harrisburg Country Club yesterday in a Held of some seventy-five en tries. His score was gross 86 with a net of 73. ——— —- FOR SALE \ Six dwellings along the high bluff facing creek in West Fairview, Pa. Thirty feet between each pair, lots 150 feet deep, driv ing alley in rear. Six and seven rooms, finished attic, modern bathrooms, gas mains close by. 1 rolley cars stop at R. R. bridge one hundred yards , distant, single fare, 15-minute service (Cars marked Enola or Marysville). Someone will be at No. 333 (vacant) 4.30 to 7.30 Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. 1 Offered fur sale in one block 150 by 180 feet. NEW ISSUE i $750,000 Newsprint Reclaiming Corporation Ten Year First Mortgage 7% Gold Bonds j Dnted Aug. 1. 1019 " Dne Auk. 1. IKt Coupons Payable Feb. & Aug. Ist ItcKlntcrnhle n* to principal only ' Hedremahlc at 110 and Intern * * Denominations SSOO and SIOOO Prlncipul and Interest Payable at Office of tbe Troatee la New York These Bonds are a direct obligation and first mortgage on all property, rights, franchises and patents of the company, now own ed or hereafter to be acquired. Band. $125,000 ; Buildings, $350,000 Machinery, $500,000 Working Capital, $200,000 Making a total inventory of property and cash of $1,176,000 ex clusive of the patents owned by the corporation valued at $5,000,000. TRUSTEE REGISTRAR Lincoln Trust Company. N. Y. United States Corporation Co., N. Y. Free of Normal Federal Income Tax Penna. State Tax Refunded Company will pay any normal Federal Income Tax, which It may lawfully pay at the source not exceeding the present rate of two per cent. Price Par nail Interest A bonus of 60 per cent, in Common Stock of the Newsprint Re claiming Corporation Is now being given to subscribers to these Bonds. This arrangement, however, is subject to change without notice. All legal matters pertaining to thiq issue passed upon and ap proved by Messrs. Banton, Ferguson & Moore, of New York. We Recommend These llondn Far Investment. Descriptive Circular on Request. WEBER & COMPANY Investment Bankers K Stock Exchange Building Philadelphia All Statements Contained in This Circular Are Based Upon Infor mation Which We Consider Reliable and Upon Which We 4>cted ' n the Purchase of These Securities REMOVAL NOTICE We have removed from 213 N. Second street to our present quarters 1010 SUSQUEHANNA STREET i between Boas and Herr streets. We will carry a large line of repairs for Stoves, Ranges. Furnaces and Boilers and will be equipped to do the work promptly and satisfactorily by competent me chanics. We will also do roofing, spouting and jobbing and will specialize in galvanized, black iron, copper and zinc work. All mending will be called for and delivered. Geo. C. Fager & Son Both Phones I RE: NEWSPRINT " A-FUEL FAMINE was averted In England 19# years ago by the discovery of coal just as the forests were disappearing. A NEWSPRINT FAMINE will be averted In America to day by the Jespersen Patented Process of making new newsprint from old newspapers. The Newsprint Reclaiming Corporation owns the Jespersen Patented Process. Write or phone for Informa tion to Weber & Company Investment Banker* Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia Spraee INH HIT BY AUTO Struck by an automobile thta morning, George H. Itupp Is In the Harrisburg Hospital with a lacerated Bcalp (nd a probable fracture of the left leg. He had stepped from be hind a wagon in the path of an auto mobile driven by Frank Payne, 1901 North Front Btreet. The injured man was brought to the Harrisburg Hospital by Mr. Payne. 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers