16 If YOB i AVE Employment For Someone, Advertise tie Fact to tie Classified IN MJEMORIAM SATES—The death of Harry C. Gates, Forrest street, whica occurred tollowing an accident in ih* rail road yards at Rutherford last week, took from us a friend who was a brother n every sense but that of relation ship. It has aroused among us a re gret that is keen and sincere. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to his parents and other relatives, hver a companion, his departure from among our ranks by the will of our Creator is hard to realize. His loy alty to his friends was unquestion able, and a gap in the hearts those who were his associates that will never be tilled has resulted. \\ e, ; his friends for years, take tn * means of expressing but partially our feelings regarding our deceased maU - HIS PALS. Arranged by a committee appointed by and from among his friends, com- 1 posed of George Karly. Charles sdoad, 1 Clarence A. Fisher and Kniory c less. LOST AND FOOD LOST—Red Cross badge with pin 1 and blue ribbon with one white stripe. Reward if returned to Room 409 Kunkel Building. LOST—A gold card ease corner of Sixth and Harris on morn- 1 ing. Reward if returned to l->-, North j Sixth St. LOST—Rlue silk sweater with white collar in River Park last evening. Re ward if returned to 2Q12 N. 1 ou'd st. LOST— Wedding ring. Tuesday. Ini tials M. G. G. v.. 9. 16. 19; on Reward if returned to Telegiapn 01- fice. IN STK UCTIONS BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS AND j OFFICE MEN Distinctly individual private in struction under suitable direction and a training that is linked up actual business and without inteiic.- Ing with present position, you can se cure marked advancement ana suo stantial increase in income in a tively short time. ...... *ru i •• CAN YOU AFFORD TO STAND sTILL. Bookkeeping. Higlier Accounting. Business Administration. Business Letter Writing. Daw. Full intormation without ob igatioii. LaSalle Extension University. Branch office 26 N ISth >t- 8.-L INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg | Shorthana. Typewriting. L6iun., Bookkeeping. Penmanship. tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time, j Bell 129 Dial 401". ! BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLLoL. 121 Market St. chas. R. Becki.. . HF.I.P WANTED —>L\LE WANTED— Laborers. Apply Pax tang Quarries. Paxtang. EARN $9-$lO weekly addressing 1 mailing circulars, spare lime at home.) instructions 10c. Barrett Mailing to. 1 625 2Sth St., Detroit, Mich. WANTED —A married man over 30 to take up assistant managership. Ap ply Grant Union Tea Co.. 20s North Second St. ; WANTED . First class collector and solici tor; good salary and steady employment. Address Box H-5306 care Telegraph. TWO men over 21 to take training for important commercial P^'t' 0 " 5 ; A chance to earn big salaries. Address Box G-5303 care Telegraph. SEVERAL experienced news paper canvassers for out-of town campaign. Salary and expenses. Apply* MR. J. C. YOUNG. 916 North Sixth_Street. Between 6 and 7 P- M- - ' I' WANTED Car repairmen at P. W K. Shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE.! Lucknow and Enoia. DRUG clerk wanted. Address A-SI7S care Telegraph. ! YOUNG man to work at soda foun- j tain. Address B-5179 care Telegraph. ; " g* FIRST CUs- PATTERN' MAKERS IN A NEW AND UP TO-DATE SHOP. NO LABOR TROUBLE. FIRST CLASS UP-TO DATE HOUSES CAN BE . HAD AT NORMAL RENT WITHIN TEN MINUTES WALK OF THE PLANT APPLY OR WRITE THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. j ERIE. PENNA. f | WANTED Experienced grocery* •lerk and butcher. One who can til! • Soth positions preferred. Address Box .4-8304 care Telegraph. j WANTED—Boy over 16 years who has some experience in the baking business or one who is willing to learn. Apply 923 N. Sixth St. (Continued in Next Column; ' N For Sale LAWNTON, PA. (Beyond Paxtang) Two acres, improved with a 14- I story frame house, with 8 rooms; ; fruit and garden; chicken house. Also a tract of 13 acres and 159 per., located along the Philadel- ! phia & Reading R. R. Miller Brothers &Co. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOCUST AND COUHT STS. SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Iteul Estate Board v_ TUESDAY EVENING, , 1112LP WANTED—MALE I WANTED Well driller. Apply 11 Paxtang Quarry. Paxtang. Pa. I W * 1 DRAFTSMEN* j One competent layout man. ! j with several years general mechanical experience, two clclailers preferably with some ' knowledge of perspective; permanent positions, with op portunities of advancement; state fully* age. experience and references. PANGBORN CORPORATION, Hagerstown. Md. ! WANTED—First class sheet and metal worker, also rooting and fur nace men. Apply* E. S. Y'eatts. corner Herman and Rosemont Ave., Lenioyne, Pa., between 6 and S p. m. or call lie 11 31321 j. j i ("KNsUS CLERKS —4.000 needed: $'J2 j month: age. IS upward; examinations! ■everywhere scon; experience unneces sary. For free particulars, write Ray mond Ti rry (former government ex aminer). sls Continental Bldg., Wash ington. ; WANTED Experienced porter; go. d wages. Apply Alva Hotel. 19 S. Feu 1 til St. ' I WANTED 10. white laborers; shipment daily; meet representative at stale Employment Office. 3d and North Sts.. Harrisburg. MEN wanted to distribute Doan's Directory, 2'30 per hour. Apply Mr. t Ford. Lenox Hotel, 6 to 10 p. m. WANTED—Bright, energetic boy. Apply between 4 and 3 at room 510 Tea graph. WANTED—Experienced lining cut ter; good wages. Kuhn. Pavord Shoe j Co.. 46 N Cameron st. j I SALESMEN—Two clean cut and ag-i Igresslvt young men over 21 years of I age to enter our sales organization. I previous selling experience not abso lutely necessary. In replying state! | age. present employment and phone i I number. Address Box T-5302 care Tel-I j pgr,* ph. | WANTED—Boy* over 16 years old | to w.uk at soda fountain. Apply 1 1 Sweetland Confectionery. 331 MaikeC 1 WANTED Day porter; steady 1 work, good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, j South 4th St. WANTED—Experienced tailor; good, wages; steady work. Apply* at once. J. Nozello, 809 N. Third St. WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, t Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division Streets. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero i plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron st., Harrisburg. Training Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. 1 WANTED Experienced window! trimmer and card writer in men's! 'clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady 'and reliable; state reference and sal iary. L-SOIS care Telegiapn. I WANTED—Two first class meat I cutters and countermen. Apply at once I Buehler Bros., 432 Market St. : HELP WANTED—FEMALE | J WANTED Dishwasher. Apply ! Sweetland Confectionery, 331 Market ; street. ' WANTED Competent child's nurse; ; (white). Apply with reference to Bex H-5326 care Tele graph. OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. , JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 N. Fourth Street. j WANTED—Weavers and learners. Apply Harrisburg Silk Mill, Second land North Sts. 1 . ' WANTED Woman for general housework; three in family; no wash-! ! ing. Inquire 1723 Forster St.. or Bell. jL-.SIK. I I WANTED A refined trustworthy | girl or woman for upstairs work and assist with children. Address Mrs. i I fill. Spencer ave. and Columbia Pike, I | Lancaster. j BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING I 'Young women between 18 and 25 will | I find telephone operating very fas-' 1 einaling. clean work, with unusual 1 opportunity for advancement in sal-1 I ary and position. $9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS j i Salary increased after four weeks' ! training period. In audition to a good salary* our; opeiators have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food ' ! is served at cost. i Apply to chief operator, third floor. 208 Walnut Street. ' i WANTED I Young woman for general office : work, must be able to operate type-! Iwriter. Apply by* letter only, giving! ! age. salnry expected and place where | formerly employed. I UNITED ICE & COAL CO.. Forster and Cowden Sts. J. __| 1 WANTED—Cook, colored, $8.50 a! I week; give two references. Apply by j letter or person Thursday. September i 4, (1 to S evening. Mrs. 11. 41. Bowman, 1 I 2030 N. Third street. Harrisburg. j (Continued In Next Column) , HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Experienced knitters, borders and menders. Apply Harris • Hosiery Co.. Calder and Marion Sts. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply I HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets I OPERATORS wanted at Harrisburg I Apparel Co.. one experienced on over lock work; bonus paid every week. Apply Third floor City Star Laundry Building. Sixth and Heir Streets. WANTED!!!! Our business is steadily* in j creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera ! tors, also girls to learn. If you are a vamper. folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn eis who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a latter place to work in Har risburg than our factory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady* or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., 1 408 Vernon Street. WANTED—White girl for general housework; no cooking. Apply 1934 N. Third st. WANTED | Experienced sew ing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. ! IVe are also employing inexperi-: | encec! operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay; I day to all operators. 1-LOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. ' Kelly and Fulton Streets j _ . WANTED —Good plain cook for pri- Ivate boarding house. Inquire 1246 .Market Street. | WANTED—SaIes ladies for ladies' ready to wear; good wages to right parties. Apply* Ladies' Specialty Shop. 27 North Second St. GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to learn cigar making. Pay $7 per week while learning. Good opportunity to earn big money after learning. Apply General Cigar Co., Inc., 500 Race Street- SALESMEX WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly*. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City* or traveling. Xat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept. 603. Chicago. SIOO per month and expenses and bonus to represent the Globe Refining Co.. of Cleveland, Ohio. Call at 102 Paxtang Ave., Paxtang, Pa., 29th from; 1-5 p. 111. and 30th from 8-12 a. m. j HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female ! TEACHERS WANTED for schools and colleges. Contracts waiting; good salaries. Nat. Teachers' Ag'cy, Phila delphia., WANTED —Man and wife, man must be carelul chauffeur, locomobile and houseman, wife good, plain cook. Ad dress P. O. Box 514 Lancaster. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE ! DAY'S work wanted; write or call, 1312 Wallace St WANTED —General housework in private family by colored woman. In quire 413 Lincoln st.. Steelton. WOMAN wishes day's work. Bell 337-R. A respectable woman wishes posi-j tion as plain cook in or out of city. Address Mary Weaver. General De livery. Harrisburg. WANTED—To assist with house work and nurse, prefer to work in country. Address 823 S. 10th St. EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires sewing by the day. Apply Anna Moz ingo. 162;: Penn St. Bell 1179-A. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT —A furnished and un lurnirhed room for gentleman only; use of bath and phone. Bell phone ; 10191 V ■ UN FURNISHED front room for! 'light housekeeping; second floor, front. 1321 N. Sixth. FOR RENT—Furnished second floor ! room; all conveniences; privilege of 1 light housekeeping. Call Bell phone! j 4C6R. | j SUMMERDALK Two furnished! | rooms for light housekeeping; bath;' i steam heat; electricity and half of! | garage. Bell 9964-R3. . 1 FOR RENT —Bedroom, sitting room ! land bath for single gentleman, inquire! ' 80b N. Second St. I I FOR RENT—Living and bedroom ! Willi bath and phone in private home.) will rent to one or two gentlemen ' 'West End near Second street ear line. Address R-7383 care Telegraph. j FOR RENT —Nicely furnished sec , end-story front room, near Capitol;! all modern conveniences; use of both! I phones; bath; permanent tenant de-! ! sired Apply 721 North Sixth Street. j ; family of two or three can secure i rooms ir. large country home. Address j B-7577 cure Telegraph. I FURNISHED bachelor apartment I front; suitable for two gentlemen;! ! separate beds; steam heat; electric lights tbth; use of phone; rent rea sonable. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co.. ! 912 X. Third St. I : FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms 'on second floor; all conveniences; fjr, j gentlemen only. Apply 1407 Market ' I Street. - I FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms j ' for light housekeeping; heat; light*: and use of bath; no children. Apply j 1519 Walnut St. I (Continued In Next Column) j HABJUSBURO TELEGRAPH ■ ' f F ffta ft ft |Bi ]m ; 311 fjj rl 1 . | ffi ifi! !|M THERE'S A MARKET for good IJ J property. People are able and eager Kid ■jkN to buy desirable real estate. The |ij £|| home-finding problem is growing more 1 !uj |y serious all the time. You can sell your ® real estate if you are willing to sell at |jh| fy a fa' r price—and to advertise it ade- pfs fa quately. Id ffl -ffl H ; 'E . Ifi m i ! M • ffl) KOOMS FOR KENT , Nor S h street, one large erees wm v ' ont room l convent ei.n. Lell phone 3671-W. roonS E Kn rurnl hed. clean. eooi 1 SuSSW.?S t W "" k aUd UP ' ,4;l | ROOMS WANTED furnihert Kfc L S n?i?!I, and wife desire un lifc'ljt prlvaT^fLmUy i •$& lqua.4:1 I lu-'.s Box A-.a82 care Telegraph. J ADARTMEXTS FOR RENT ! oUw 'l^S e Th°omn ed UU ' Vernon St.' 1 •histnut Vn> ps ? n ■ . Inquire 1 -OS I , m st. Bell phone 624. APARTMENT for rent at 311 Wn-l-! ; 11 ut Street. Bell 1132. al APARTMENT for rent on the Hil'-' V", rooms and bath; all improvement*' ; Phone 4064-R after 7.30 p. n" A PARTMETS W AN TED 1 .JVANTBD-By man and wife, unfur jnished apartment 011 Hill; four or live • rooms and bath. Address A-460 care | 1 elt graph. 1 WANTED—Furnished apartment 01! suite of 100ms. private bath preferred.! I lor liglu housekeeping; centrally lo cat, d. by young married couple. Ad-1 i!Vj-.n N-SUBu care Telegraph. FURNISHED apartment or tlat or 1 suite of rooms with private bath, for; jlignt housekeeping; references ex changed. Write pariiculurs. Address! i Box H-8177 care Telegraph. WANTED—SmaII furnished apart ment of tour or live rooms by family of three, must be up-to-date and nice ly furnished; will consider small house, either in city or suburbs. Ad dress Box H-9037 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! FOR SALE—Southwest corner of Second and Reily Sts. 3-story brick, all modern improvements. Inquire 710 N. Sixth st. or Bell phone 2447. FOR SALE 1837 Fulton St $1750 315 Hummel St. $2200! 1421 Hunter St. $2800! 14 Argyle St S2OOO 2724-26 Boas St. (both) $4250 14 Prospect St $4 400 Several of these properties can be bought with a small cash payment, balance on monthly payments. 11. G. I'EDLOW, 3 South 13th St. 1; Centrally located property in Steel ton; nice lot; 7 room house and bath. A good home. Possession immediate, i $2,500. : GEO. W. JACOBS. 17 N. Third St. Bell 153') i HARRISBURG'S ! REAL ESTATE BUREAU . CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY I CO. 331 MARKET STREET. ; Two family apartment for $4.200.' Small cash payment necessary. Rent! 'from either tenant will pay carrying P | charges and other rent can be applied 1 to purchase price of property. Apart-p Iment of five rooms and bath, available | for occupancy now. This is a splendid! chance for a family of small means toi ls void high rents and at the same timet I save money. Property located on Sus-1 jquehanna street, between Hamilton: and Kelker. i. Don't let this chance go by. WARREN VANDYKE, Bell phone 231 9 N. Market Sq. jj WEST FAIRVIEW—For sale, single! house in West Fairview; 6 rooms;, electricity and gas; large lot; $2,000. 107 Chestnut street, near Front. OUR MOST RECENT LISTINGS FOR SALE—Derry St.. Nos. 1147, 11 49. 1151. 1153. 1155, 1157 and 1159.! ; Fine 2-story pressed bricks, 6 rooms and bath, gas and electricity; front ■ porches (concrete). Refined neighbor hood, within four blocks lrom Fourth' and Market Sts. Around the $3,5041 ; mark. FOR SALE—Christian St. Nos. 118S, I 11190 and 1192. Attractive 2-story i , bricks; 6 rooms and bath; cement 1 porches, within 5 minutes walk to j Fourth and Market Sts. Around the I $2,500 mark. FOR SALE —Zarker St. No. 1423. | -Nice 2V4 -story frame with front porch I and tear driveway. Around the $2,000 inark. 1 FOR SALE—Violet St. Nos. 533, 534, i 535 and 536. Around $6,000 for all. I BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., (Hai rlsburg's Real Estate Bureau) ! 8e11\4526 331 Market St. Dial 5430 ! FOR SALE —2038 Swatara St., a 2Vfc | story flame house; lot 60x100 feet; I chicken house in rear of .lot, 12V6x55;j awnings and screens for all doors and ! windows go with property. ! 1845 Derry St. 3-story frame; 10 rooms; lot 20x146. with garage in rear, j 70(1 and 710 S. 24tli St. Two new bricks, each 7 rooms and bath. A property at Franklintown. 3-story brick; 12 rooms; stable; ice house; I,chicken house; hog pen; lot 60x250; ; suitable for garage. Will exchange this property for city property. For 1 further particulars address . ERVIN JOHNSON, Bell phene IS97J 2111 Swatara St. i FOR SALE—Main street, Shiremans town; 2-story house, well built, will sell easy terms; immediate possession. J Address A-7576. 1 (Continued In Next Column) I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE—I3I9 North Second St.. ! near Broad; 6 rooms and attic; fur- 1 jnnce; electric and gas; toilet in yard.! I Call Bell 727 U. Ideal building lots in Bollevue Park—Cheapest High cluss ground in city. GEO. W. JACOBS. Bell 1539 17 N. Third fit. ! I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I Berryhill St.. 1400 block, 3, b, . .$3200 j I Berry hi II St.. near 15th, brick,.. $3509 \ ißi iggs St., near 18th, frame... S2IOO | j Broad St., near 2nd, brick $4509 ] Chestnut St.. near 17th, brick. .3200 i ! Fourth St.. near Emerald, brick.s4ooo. 1 Fifth St., near Macluy, brick. . . .$4250 1 Fifth Si., near Emerald $5200 I Fifth St., near Seneca, brick. . . .ssßuo j | Fifth St., near Kelker $3.00 1 Fifth St.. near Potter SSOOO | EN. 15th St., near State, brick... $3500 > Corner Emerald & JelVorson. . . S3SOo I j Emerald, near Third, 2, b, $4500 < Emerald near Third, 2, t> SI4OO Emerald, near Third, 2, b SI2OO ! Emerald, near Third. 2, b SIBOO 1 Emerald, near Eogan, 3, b S4BOO 1 Hummel St., near Kittutinny, 3, b $3400 Hummel, near Swatara, 3, b S3OOO • j Hummel, near Berryhill, 3, b...53800' I Kelker. near Sixth, 3, b S3OOO 1 ! Kelker, near Seventh, 3, b S3OOO | -Market St. near 13th, 3, b $6250 1 j Market, near 10th, 3, b S4BOO I I Market, near 16th, 3, b $7500] j Market, near 15th, 3, b $12,000 ' Mulberry St., near bridge, 3, b.55600| j Macluy St., near Fifth. 3, b. .. .$3500 ! Maclay Si., neur Sixtli '.53500} i Mac-lay St., near Second S6OOO i Muench, near Third. 3. b S3OOO j I .Muench, near Third S3OOO Sixth St., near Camp $5500 j Sixtli St., near Seneca $5600 Sixth St., near Seneca $5700; Sixtli St.. near Fetter SSOOO ! Sixth St., near Emerald $4500 Sixth St., near Harris $3300 Sixth St., near Potter $4250 Sixtii St., near Curiin SSBOO, Fourth St., near Kelker, 3. b...5325u Fourth St., near Muench, 3, b....53800 Fourth St., near Hamilton, 2ft frame $2250 , Fourth St., near Hamilton s2loo' N. 17tli, 3, b $3500 ; N. 17th, near Walnut $ 1000 1 Sylvan Terrace, 3, b s3Bou | A. W. SWENGKL 2131 North Second Street FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 ! to 2ols Susquehanna street. Apply A. 1 j P. Dcranz, 1225 North Sixth. ! FOR SALE—A six roomed frame 1 house; ail Improvements; possession soon; coiner of Brisban and Pais Driveway. Paxtung. Apply 3307 Bus-' j ban sirtel. Paxtung. I NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick ! j gas; electricity;, hot water; steaui j iiieat; brick garage on premises.! • streets paved front and rear; senuol i ! nearby. E. T. _elig, 920 North Six- ' | teenth. 1 —— ' j BUY YOUR HOME on the rental j payment plan. Small cash or Liberty! j Bond first payment required, balance 1 |as rent. We have houses in every 1 part of the city and suburbs. Appiv ■ ] A. P- Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. | ! $2200 will purchase a dwelling with ! eight rooms and bath. gas. furnace,' j cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Berg- I net Bldg. FOR SALE—'IIS Chestnut street, brick dwelling with 8 rooms and bath, i ' all modern improvements including steam heat, screens and shades ?, I with the property. Bell Realty C 0.,! ■ Bergr.er Bldg. DESIRABLE corner residence in ! jPaxtang. having 8 rooms and all lin : proveorients. Lot 90x125; price reason able. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. : $2500 will purchase a two-story : brick dwelling on Crescent street,! having all modern improvements. Bell I Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. | FOR SALE For Sale—3-story brownstone and ' brick house, 12 rooms; all conven-! iences; lot 117xSl feet; hedge fence, shrubbery; room for garage; steam; heating system; house built 1914; : I hardwood floors; could not be built to- j day for $22,000. Possession at once; lo cation near Reservoir Park, Whitehall: street. Price $15,000. SIO,OOO can remain 1 !at 6 pel cent. A fine home and a bar-] I gain. j State St., 1700 block; 3-story brick; 1 all improvements; side entrance and j drive'alley. Price $5,200. i Penbrook, S. 28th St.. 8-room frame house; garage; fruit; fine garden;- ipoi-iee; lot 28x180. Bargain. $2,500. i Penbrook, S. 29th St., 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot 20x190,! to 30th St.; chicken house. Only $2,350. Penbrook. 2805 Canby St., 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot lSx 150. drive alley. Price $2,500. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE. 1549 Stats St.. cor. 16th. Bell 1476-W I BUILDING lots for sale on 6th, sth, 14th. 3d, Green. 2d and Front streets. ; for sale separate or In plots as large as two acres. For particulars see I D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance ; Well Located PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots —a plot 120x120 ft. cor. Kelso hnd Montour sts. Harry C. lvnouse. 2348 Derry St. 1 Bell phone 1720. evenings 4949W FOR SALE —84 Second street, H'.gh spire. 7-room house, lot 119 feet front by 198 feet deep; fine location. Will! sell at a bargain. W. J. Reeves. 224 1 Market St.. Hlglisplre. Dial 9801. (Continued in Next Column) ' REAL ESTATE EOR SALE | "IF IT S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN'' STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT; 3-story stucco, nine rooms and bath, steam lieat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; balcony and root'| garden; cement cellar; the best of 10-. cation for a looming' house; SSOO cash; ! balance in monthly payments. HARRIS ST.. 630—VACANT; 3-story • brick, nine rooms; all improvements;! small amount down; balance same as rent; no questions as to race or na tionality. FIFTH ST., N.. 2118 —3-story briclt;! 3 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice front and rear porches; side entrance;' most be seen to be appreciated; price j right to quick buyer. GREEN ST., 1017—3-story brick; 10 | looms and inith; the best of location; for a rooming house; can be convert- j led into three apartments at a very j Ismail expense; A 1 Investment. DERRY ST.. 2143—3-Story brick; 10 rooms and bath: gas and electricity;! all modern improvements; nice front I land back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought with S3OO cash. 17TII AND PAXTON STS.—NEW; I VACANT, 2-story; six rooms and; {bath; steam heat; gas and electricity;; ! front and rear porches; side entrance] with a nice big yard; will be finished) I in a few days; can be bought with j ssoo cash. ! FULTON ST.. 1532—3-story frame; j eight rooms; some improvements; all; I nice large rooms; very reasonable; no j I money down; $25 per mopth. D. ASA SANDERUN, Room 1. Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH TIHRD ST. ; Bell 1230. Dial 337 3 ■ CAMP HI hi/—2%-story brick, slate l roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, fac- | I tory south with large porch, tine view i | up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, i I nice tire place, chicken house und l garage in rear, with fruit trees in bearing, on lot 50x150, or on lot lOOx ; 150. Possession given in two weeks' : time. Lawn planted In evergreens ' i and flowers, vines covering house, j i Located on Logan street, just west of ; i Bowman avenue Can be inspected ' !at any time. A. E. Strode, Bell phone ; 3180-K. 1 * HOUSES l'"OU SALE 1 I Four up-to-date apartment houses, I I paying good interest. I Four business places with grocery I stores. | Three-story brick, North Sixth 1 I street, practically new. j Three-story brick, North Second , j street, drive alley. I Vacant soon, 2-story brick on Hill: ; terms. Two-story brjck, uptown; electric I and gas; steam heat. ; Three-story brick, corner, on State , I street; garage. I Three-story frame, on Hill; all lm- | provements; S6OO down. Two arul one-half-story frame. ! ' corner; no improvements; SSOO down. ' Large 2 -story single brick, up- | town; large /ai-d. Three-story brick, uptown; side | lot: garage. Three-story concrete block. North j Sixtli street; electric and gas. | Several rows of brick houses. I Vacant, 3-story brick; all improve-1 mcnts; uptown; small amount down; ! I view of ri\#r; suitable for apart-! i menta. j Two-story brick, corner, on Hill; 6 : ; looms: all improvements; 6 years Old; ! j porch: S3OO down, balance as rent. I Vacant, 3-story frame on Hill; 8 ; ; rooms: furnace, gas and water; | : porches; side entrance; drive alley; | ; terms. j Pair 3-story bricks, one on corner, ; i 8 rooms each; water and gas only; ! | near Broad street market; ssuu down; ! i balance as rent; suitable for busl- j ; ness. - Two and one-half-story single 1 frame; steam heat: all improvements: i porches; at Wormleysburg; 7 rooms. ; | West Fairview, 2Vi-story brick; I , electric and water only; large lot; i slate roof; drive' alley; 1-story shop j [alongside; suitable for store or busi- j I ness place; on State Highway; in ■ j lieart of town. | Enola, 2H-story frame; steam heat, J | electrici lights, porches; large yard;: (corner); newly painted, j Lemoyne, several 2%-story frame! I houses; improvements. | Above Camp Hill, 6 years old, 8- i 'room single brick; all improvements; I i steam heat, electric lights, porches; I | slate roof; one acre land; fruit, I ! chicken house, shade trees, etc. One acre with double frame house; 7 rooms each; just out city limits; ! fruit, stable, etc. Twelve per cent, net, row of three j frame houses. Gufetgc sites livery stable 100 ft, j sq. and lb-room house; steam heat, : • .'let-trie and gas; porches, etc., in heart of New Cumberland. Vacant. 2-story brick on Hill; all j improvements; drive alley, porches, ; buy window; nice yard; small amount j down; pay as rent. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street j Bell Phone 5602 i _| ! FOR SALE—NOW VACANT I r.SI Maclay Street; 3-story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and i bath; gas; combination range; 1 lot 20x150 with double brick 1 garage in rear on Violet st. Price reasonable. C. O. BACKHNSTOSS. Owner, Bell 112 Market St. Bell ! 700 3077J : ■ Tjne residence. North st $20,000 ! Brick property. Camp Hill .... 12,u0U Paxtang residence 17,000 12-121 N 6th, brick 6,000 '1912 N. Sixth St.. brick 4,500 i 1631 Swatara. frame 2,400 -1943 N. 4th, brick 3.000 Brick building, garage 15,000 D. A. CALEY, Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. HOUSES AND LOTS In all sections of city and suburbs sc-me very attractive propositions. ROHRER & SON, bkrgner building. Real Estate. General Insufance t —— ■ ! FOR SALE—I 933 North Third St At very fine detached 3-story pressed i brick house; 10 rooms, complete bath room on second and third HOOTS; also [toilet room on first floor. Finished in leak throughout. Rooms are exception | ally large. House has large windows ion every side. Steam heat; all oth-r I improvements. Large front porch. This I house can be used for an apartment I if desired. Attractive price for a quick i sale Can be seen by appointment only. ' l-'or particulars inquire, D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate. Insurance GEO. W. JACOBS, I REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. LOANSI I INVESTMENTS. Let me serve you • Bell 1539 17 N. Jhlrd St. SEPTEMBER 2, 1919. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT , FOU KENT—Large brick house, j Cami> Hill; S rooms, large attic anil j cellar, improvements. Address C-7575) cure Telegraph. | FOR RENT—Cottage at Ferdix from ] September 1; furnished up-to-date;;, 1 only reliable people need apply to i Louis, 414 N. Third St. |; : REAL ESTATE—I'or Sale or Rent j FOR SALE OR RENT—Seven room ' I house with all improvements, corner! | Few man and Chestnut avenues, Camp ' | Kill, Pa. Possession given in Septem-; j her. Inquire J. C. Eckels, real estate |and insurance agent, Carlisle. Pa. ! 11-room stone house at foot of loth | |St., New Cumberland, along the rail-; 'load and river, large parks on three j | sides, best of water, all but 8 acres i jof good ground, tine home, could sell! building lots off half of it to have bill- I ance clear, vacant now. Would be ati j excellent location for a club home; live minutes' walk to trolley, inquire I |of Chas. 11. Miller. 1338 State Street,] I Harrisburg. Also a line bungalow at' ! Etiola for rent or sale. On premises I every afternoon. j- | Real Estate For Sale or Exchange I For sale or exchange for a farm. ' four houses; rent $53 per month. Price ! I $3.200; also ii'.i lots for larni or im ipioved suburban properties. Address] M. Zol 1, Second and Locust Sts., Steel (ton. I j VACANT —3-story brick corner, on ' j Hill; elect, lights; front and side; 1 porches; side yard; cheap to quick , buyer. VACANT —3-story frame on llth- i porches; nice yard. VA''ANT—3Vi-story brick on Hill; all improvements; electric lights, 1 porches; large yard to drive alley. ! VACANT —3-story brick on Broad | St.; all imp. ! VACANT —North Sixth St., 8 rooms; j lull imp.; side yard; porches; buy win- | dows. 7 years old. ! VACANT —New brick on Hill; 6i ; rooms; all Imp.; porch; newly papered, j j FINE large brick house on Derry j i street. Several large homes uptown] i ami on Hlll. Some of these homes can 'be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will take light touring car in exchange on! some of the above homes. C.H. CORDER, 1723 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J ' Real Estate For Rent—Suburban j FOR RENT—White Hill duck farm, j Mrs. George Smith. 32uS N. Fourth st. I REAL ESTATE WANTED j LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTIES i We have a large list of prospecti /e | buyers. ROHRER & SON. 211 BEKGNEIt BLDG. Real Estate and General Insurance : ,1 ] 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop-! lerties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- I tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third .Street. j FARMS | | FOR SAIJE—29 farms from 2 acres' to 155 acres; limestone, black slate, i yellow slate, loam. Prices $3,500 to i $22,000. F. S. Mumnia ii Son, Me ehanicsl urg. Pa. I 48-acro farm, level ground; good I | buildings, s2.uou; also others, large and small. 107 Chestnut near Front j Street. | ] FARM —95 acres of level limestone j ;land; line producer. Brick house; bank i barn. Well ut never tailing xvuter. Lo- j ! cuted ten miles from Harrisburg in I Cumberland county. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of! j the administrators of H. W. Yohn E- ] 1 tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris- ] j burg. Pa. i FARM—3O acres, IS acres orchprd, I about 2200 peach trees; 800 apple trees) in bearing condition; 12 acres suitable i for trucking. This farm will pay for I itself in two years. Owner in ill health. I Price sti,ooo. lu7 Chestnut street, mar, I Front. ; FOR SALE—Farm of 3u acres; good j ! land and fruit; buildings joining New j port Fair grounds. A desirable place, j iC Ychn. R. D 1, Newport. FARMS ] For Sale—Near Penbrook. 12-acre i truck and poultry farm; s room frame ! house and outbuildings; best of -,oii. I Price $5,00u. Also lour 4-acre lots; | running water; line building sites; I 'good ti uck soil' price and terms right. For Sale—2 acres along trolley, op posite Colonial Club; lots of fruit; nne building sites; will cut 18 lots, j Price right. j Also 3-acre truck and fruit farm ; east of Steelton; G-room house; porch est; lots of fruit and outbuildings; lu minutes walk to Oberlin car line. | ! Price $2,800. 115-acre farm, one mile west West | FalrvllfW. 3 miles from Hurrlsburg; - mom farm house; bunk barn and all kinds of outbuildings. This farm will increase In value. Price now slls per acre. See this place. 188-acre stock, grain and fruit farm, 8 miles northeast Harrisburg; large bank barn; 8-room stone house,, 135 acres under plow and 53 acres in wood and pasture. A money maker. Price $47 per acre. CHARLES DAVIES, REAL ESTATE. 1519 State St., cor. lbth. 801 l 1476-W | SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J, FOR SALE y 20-acre fruit and truck farm; 8- houee; barn 60x20; chicken and hog house; cold storage cave; 800 hearing fruit trees; running water; located in York county 3 miles west Dillsburg on Gettysburg Pike; tine home; the fruit income 1918 was $3,000. Price $6,000. $3,009 can remain at 554 per cent. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State. St. Bell 1476W — —— ] Cumberland County Farm Seven | milts from Harrisburg near Lisburn: I 111 acrer farming land in good state of cultivation; all necessary buildings iin first class condition. Apply J. g ; Lefever, Lisburn. Pa. Bell phone 912-5) FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm, also i stock If desired. Possession November 1; 3 miles northeast of Harrisburg. | Further information apply 1700 N. I Second St. FARMS WANTED WANTED lu to 30 acres good land In or i lose to Harrisburg. Price i n.ust be reasonable. Address ; 1 particulars to Box A-SlB5 cure Telegraph. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I'OH SALL Cheap, fumed oak Co lumhla grulunula and records; will ■ I sacrifice. Apply after 7.30 P. M . 1G39 | Swatara street. —Coach Bloch natural 'fi i St condition. Apply 2312 Hot | HOT air furnace, complete with 'Piping and registers for sale cheat) ! Apply 1408 N. 3d St. : FOR SALE—Furnishings of eight room house, piano, feather bed. daven port. cui pet, brass beds, going South. must be sold immediately. Call Dial ; FOR SALE Bicycle, in good condi tion. price $ 1 5. Apply 12S Walnut St. j between 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. ! FOR SALE —Encyclopaedia Brlt ]nntilca, 25 volumes . Address D- t 'si3 euro Telegraph. ] PAINTS for every purpose. Order .net., $2 to $2.70 per gal. Forest City j I'aint Co., Agency. 315 South Front. Salesmen wanted. FOU SALE-—Two second hand ve lour coats. Call Bell 4395 M. FOIt SALE—Lathes, planer, gasu- Mino engines, gasoline builder's hoist, ! blacksmith drill, forge, blowers, elec tric motors, 1 to 15 11. P. F. 1!. Lav jcrtv. 11.57 Bell phone. A FIDELITY SPECIAL i We will mail you ten tlO) rolls of 'Quality pure tissue toilet paper—l,ooo ! sheets guaranteed to each roll—by ! parcel ln.st C. o. I>. sl.lO. Fidelity ; Paper Company. 42S Sansoni St., Phila j delphiu. ! FOR SALE—Large quartered oak I colonial design mantlepiece, with I Fiench bevel mirror, at a bargain. ('all Pell 4270 MOTORS FOR SALE J We have the following motors we | are offering for sale. We guarantee ; these motors to be in first-cluss con dition and can make immediate .i— --'livery. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. | One H. P. 220 V. 380 11. P. M. i One' >4 H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. | One >i It. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. I One H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. | One H. P. 120 V. 275 It. P. M. tint- % H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. I THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. | Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35, selling price $25; Brussels nig, 9x12, value SSO, sale price $39. FOIINW ALT'S, 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. F'OR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, ■< bolls, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The llighspil'e Distillery Co., Ltd.. Botli phones. Highspire, Pa. ! MORRIS SAYS save money buying j new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris j Schmertz. luls Market. Bell 4494. i BOOKS Bought and sold; .0.000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand s. | 925 North Third. Circulars tree. i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLUTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ! OKPHEUM THEATER j BOTH PR ACS j WANTED —51 iaC El .LAN LOUS I WANTED—I 2or 16 gauge shot pump gun; state price and condition. Address Box 18-7590 care Telegraph. ! JUNK —We are in the market for all Klaus of junk. Call Bell 43,4. or | write L Cohen ii Co.. York street and j Asli avenue. MAX SMEL'TZ Second hand furniture bought and ! soid. Highest cash pi Ices paid. Call Beil lunK, or uiup a postal to Max an,cits. 1020 Market street. Will cail, doiy or country. Bell phone 32j9-ltl. BELL PHONE 3S7U-J i CLOTHING, bSilciES, * FURNITURE, ! BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. ' *O7 BIIUAU ST.. HAKUIsBOKII, PA. — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE —Old established modern barber shop with three chairs. Reason i"or selling <>n account of death ot wife no reasonable offer refused. lA>\V rent.' Address E. C. Hurtzell. Thud and Chestnut sts.. Sunbury. FOR SALE Fine established milk route lor sale in nearbyy town. Complete modern equipment, buyer would not need ,', buy anything else. Address B-sl3 i are Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man. in nearby town. Restaurant, confeclion ery cigars. Doing business of $42,0u0 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSONALS STEAM feather renovating; all licks emptied and new ticks turuisueu, B. j. Campbell. lUUU l'axton at. A. LANE New and secunu-uand furniture bought and sold. Uignest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4(30-J. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 3ou doz., razo.s, 2ac. Gorges Drug Bluie. OXY-ACETYLKNE WELDING Any melu: welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon remtfved by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 439G-J. PAPKRHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Cnllcoat Bros., 323 Harris street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, nkely to catch you mis changeable weather. OUR LAN A JIV b I'HuoPHU-QUININE will siave 11 ol£ if taken in lime. Gloss drug swie, 119 .Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping G. A. Bisoup. ii. ,-ogan ati oc,. DIAMONDS bought, for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A , SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. MONEY TO LOAN ""MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergnqr Blug., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers