12 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A. NEWSPAPER TOR THB BOMB Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THB TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Ttligiifk Building, Federal l,un E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief, T. R. OYSTER,' Bu tines s Manager GUS. M. STSINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Beeid P. McCULLOUQH, BOYD M. OQIJBSBY. F. R. OYSTER. Qua M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this fiaper and also the local news pub isned herein. 81l rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. I Member American Newspaper Pub- Assochi- Bur'eau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Assoc la sted Dailies. Eastern office Story, Brooks A Avenue Building. New York City; Western office. Story, Brooks & Finley, People's I Chßago, 111. IDTR ' Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1919 This world has been led more by footprints than guide-boards. H. A. POSTER. GOVERNOR'S ACTIVITIES GOVERNOR SPROUL win return to Harrisburg this week and it is expected that some mat ters which have been held in abey ance during his western trip will be acted on. While absent front Capi tol Hill the Governor has been busy on State matters constantly. His conference with other executives at Salt Lake City were most helpful and it is no secret that he was re garded in that interesting conference as the most practical leader present. His speeches were characterized by great good sense anil his views on the matters and tilings now engag ing public attention were given close attention. Pennsylvania is happy In the thought that there is now on Capi tol Hill a man of vision and con structive purpose who is developing big welfare policies and aiding in the formation of plans which will mean greater prosperity for all the people and the placing of. Pennsylvania,in its propyr place as an imperial Com monwealth. Governor Sproul is hack of Com missioner of Highways Sadler in the great road-building crusade, and be cause the people have faith in him and his administration the various municipal units, from township to city and county, are co-operating in the development of a system of high ways which will open Pennsylvania to thousands of tourists during the next year or two. Already there are signs of a friendly invasion of the State such as was never contem plated in the dreams of the most enthusiastic good-roads advocates. Here at home the Governor is giv ing much thought to the Capitol Park improvement plans and before the month is ended it is expected that two or three of the most im portant features of that great plan will be on the way to final accom plishment. Harrisburg is keeying in close touch with the various steps of the State officials and the co operation of the city and State will certainly result in harmonious and comprehensive treatment creditable alike to Pennsylvania and the ad ministration. In short, the Governor and those associated with him on Capitol Hill are up and doing and there is gen eral satisfaction among the people with the constructive policies which have been outlined from time to time. Our Democratic brethren in Dau phin county are whistling vigorously to keep up their courage and through transparent camouflage are trying to create the impression that their party is in fine fettle, while the Republicans are torn asunder. And this in the face of an overwhelming Republican reg istration as against a small enroll ment under the Democratic name. OLD CARS; FAST TRAINS IT IS bad enough for the United States Railroad Adrninistration to require the Pennsylvania and Reading railroads to use old wooden cjirs to handle the women and chil dren who make up the bulk of the local holiday rush traffic, but it is hard to understand why it provides old style, oil lamp lighted wood built passenger coaches of uncer tain age for fast expresses on the main line of the Pennsylvania Rail road between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The public has been paying enough money to the United States Railroad Administration, at three cents a mile, for it to provide the normal increase of equipment even though there has been what some one has termed un abnormal num ber of southern Democrats given Jobs in the outfit that is now admin istering the railroads of this coun try, not long ago heralded us the best in the world, and Including our own Pennsylv an.u Railroad, that "<id to be advertised as "the TUESDAY EVENING, standard railroad of America." Passing through Harrisburg, on express trains run on fast time, the trains that go around Lancaster and race into Harrisburg from Philadel phia by night in something like two and a half hours, there have been used wooden passenger coaches, some lighted by oil lamps, some with doors that banged as the old arks swayed and jumped when they battered over switches; cars that had no separate toilet facilities for men and women, such as law in Pennsylvania requires of every fac tory; cars that would not have been used on a one-train-a-day branch railroad in a rural county of the Keystone State in the days before the war. And the worst part of it is that soldiers and sailors who fought in Europe come home to travel in such conveyances. If soldiers, inured to taktng things as they come, find such cars cause for complaint, what must be the feelings of women and children riding in an old, wooden, [ oil-lighted car grinding along on a fast express train beside two steel cars of modern make and shaking from stem to steer. ->very time it passed over a switch? It's high time that train manage ment and operation in Pennsylvania is put back to the Pennsylvania standard. In short. Senator Knox believes the United States should shinny on its own side and keep out of all entan gling alliances. Because the President has attempted to bind us to a and-fast agreement with European na tions is no reason, in the able Pennsyl vania Senator's mind, for endorsing ills proposals. Stop, look and listen, is his j advice in a sentence. IT'S A SAD WORLD I' T"S a sad world. Ask any school boy or girl that you meet. They know. Yesterday the old earth was a happy, carefree place. The September sun lighted a land of freedom where "all was merry as a marriage bell" and "joy was uncon fined." But as in the old poem, the morrow has a different tale to tell and of all the hosts of merry makers who thronged the great amphitheater of the river steps yes terday, only a scattered few remain and the rest of the lassies whose laughter mingled with the cheers of the laddies assembled with them are slaves again—slaves of the book and pen; slaves of the desk and study ■ hall. Gone is the golden period of va cation, and what sdemed in June like an indefinite space of time ahead, seems all too brief for the pleasures that were crowded into it. There is something just a bit sad dening to see the little fellows trudge ( away again with school books under ; their arms! after the liberty they j have enjoyed. Life is like that, its vacations are all too brief; its joys j are all too fleeting. But even so j there is consolation in the thought that work for those who learn to love it brings its own reward and j the round of idleness for which we I in our hoursrot weariness sqnutlnica j yearn would pall upon us if all op- j portunity for useiul employment I were suddenly taken from us. Secretary of Agriculture ltasmussen is outlining plans for a great Farmers' Week in Harrisburg next January un der the auspices of allied agricultural associations and the Department of Public Instruction. Secretary Rasmus sen is on the right road and here at the seat of State government is the place to develop the policies and pro jects which will encourage more scien tific farming and fruit growing and collateral activities. It may reasonably be hoped that such a conference will lead eventually to a real State Fair here which would bring to Harrisburg for a grand review all of the fine things which have first been exhibited at the several county fairs and smaller ex'hihitions. THE KIPONA THE Kipona celebration of yes terday was all and more than had been promised for it. The community owes a vote of thanks to Admiral J. "William Bow man, V. Grant Forrer, the rivermen, the coal fleet proprietors, the War Camp Community Service and all others who had a part. An especially pleasing and greatly "appreciated part of the program was that of the jubilee singers. An other was the wonderful fireworks display, to which the contribution of Col. James B. Kemper, of the Harrisburg Recruiting otflce, added so much. But there is no reason for particu larizing. The whole affair was both entertaining and spectacular. The Susquehanna River basin came into its own and the Kipona celebration henceforth will be a regular feature of Labor Day in Harrisburg. The time is coming when it will rank with the Mandi Gras of New Orleans or the great river pageants of the Mohawk Valley, noted the world over for their beauty and popu larity. THE LABOR DAY PARADE THE Labor Day parade was a very distinct credit to the or ganized bodies of the city. It was dignified and impressive in point of numbers and there was plenty of music, lacking which any proces sion lacks in pomp and enthusiasm. Those who arranged it may well congratulate themselves upon its success. Harrisburg is a great center of industry and its working people rank with the best in the country, both as to skill and intelligence. Harrisburg steel is in the sides of ships on ail the seven seas, Harris burg boilers make steam the world around, Harrisburg engines pump water and drive machinery over the whole world, Harrisburg bridges span mighty rivers and chasms from New York to India, Harrisburg hos iery Is worn even as far away us South Africa, Harrisburg shoes clothe the feet of millions here and abroad, Harrisburg clothing Is fam ous for Its quality In every State, | Harrisburg rails girdle the globe in a hundred ways the excellence of our product and the skill of our workmen are demonstrated. Harris burg labor has a right to Jubilate. And now, that the celebration is over, let's buckle down to work again, keen to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead and remembering that there can be no progress for anybody unless the quality of our workmanship is kepi up and our production gotten back to a peace-time basis. The Kipona river carnival will be come more and more attractive as the years roll on and the people generally realize the wonderful asset of the Susquehanna Basin from the civ standpoint. £ll. By the Ex-Ooinmittccman This is the second registration day in Philadelphia and in the third class cities of the State and Thurs day the first registration takes place in Pittsburgh and Scranton, the two second-class cities. For the time being the registration holds the center of the stage in the primary contests and strenuous efforts are be ing made in Philadelphia to get 100,000 more men to register. In the third-class cities, where the reg istration generally was large there will be renewed activity on the part of the city committees and every in dication is that there will be a large enrollment all along the line. Very few third-class cities are without healthy political contests. In Pitts burgh there will be a tremendous ef fort made to get men enrolled, espe cially by the Republicans because of the contest in the Republican or ganization, while at Scranton things have assumed an interesting aspect owing to the rulings on returned sol diers. Some idea of what the registra tion means can be gained from the statement in the Public Ledger that 233,000 assessed voters in that city have not registered although 187,000 names are on the rolls. The Press and Inquirer emphasize the fact that there are many men who have not registered and that the most import ant mayoralty primary contest in the history of the city and the first to come under the new charter will be decided at the polls. The primary will take place just two weeks from to-day in Pennsyl vania and national attention lias been attracted to the battle in Philadelphia, which will have far reaching consequences. —The campaign in Allegheny county Ms warming up much as it is in Philadelphia, where Congress man J. Hampton Moore is making daily attacks on the Vare organiza tion and Director McLaughlin, of the bureau of supplies, has been say ing things about Senator Edwin H. \ are and contracts that have brought sharp denials from the Sen ator. The latest developments are a series of attacks upon the Yare men who made up draft boards, the scan dal about Appeal Board No. 2, which was so much in the limelight, having been brought up again. -—ln Pittsburgh the newspapers of the city are practically all against the Babeock-Leslie combination, just as in Philadelphia all the big dailies are against the Vares. An organiza tion of anti-Leslie men in the bor oughs has been formed with Senator C. Jr. Barr at the head, while Col. J. P. Kerr, candidate for county commissioner, is assailing Senator Max G. Leslie, with a virulence sim ilar to that employed in Philadel phia. Speaking of the meetings the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times says: "That the apathy which character izes many elections and permits the machine politicians to obtain control of elections through voting their paid and office-holding henchmen is being dispelled was indicated by the large size of the audience at the meeting." —One of the interesting things about the Allegheny contest is that William Flinn is taking a hand in the battle and is aligned with former political enemies. —The Lackawanna situation will likely be straightened out in a day or so as meetings are being ar ranged for Scranton and Carbondale which will be attended by the county commissioners. The Scranton Times says that the estimates made in that city show the city to have a popu lation of 168,000. —ln Reading some estimates on population are being made which in dicate over 110,000 and maybe 120,000. Reading is engaged in the hottest municipal primary contests known in years and the odd part about it is that the men elected this year under the third-class city code will next year automatically go under the second-class city law as the Federal census will show the city to be over 100,000 beyond all doubt —The editor of the# Scranton Times, E. J. Lynett, says in his Roderick Random column: "An ef fort is being made to induce Presi dent Wilson to include Scranton in the itinerary of the big swing around the circle which he has planned. It will be a great honor to the city to have him come, and it would be rather discreditable not to make a sincere effort to have the city thus honored. Of course we should not make it a partisan affair." —Democratic bosses, ringmasters, placeholders and scouts will gather in this city to-night for the opening to-morrow of the two-day conven tion of the postmasters convention which will have its qqp.drennial im portance. The postmasters will be addressed by Democrats of national grade and also be informed inform ally of what they are to do In the coming Presidential contest. For weeks the scouts of the Democratic machine have been out sounding the Democrats to see whether the Bonni well organization has damaged the Palmer control and to play up the value of the Attorney General as Pennsylvania's entrant for the Dem ocratic Presidential honor, provided, always, that the President does not decide to run again. —An interesting incident in Dem ocratic affairs is that B. F. Davis, Jr., close relative of the B. F. Davis who lost the revenue collectorship of tha Lancaster district after hav ing fmight and bled in behalf of the Palmer-McCormick machine for years, has been elected chairman of the Lancaster Democratic commit tee, succeeding W. J. Coulter who landed the census supervisorship for Lancaster district. —Congressman J. Hampton Moore says in his Evening Ledger letter: "Gossip has is that Thomas Robins, who married the daughter of the fixmusßtTßo l£9Rkl ™LEQKXPHI WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND By BRIGGS A my 7 I peMGMBeR, \m/ My/W/ '/' \ j You're- GoT Ijsr-f WW'', W \ / Sxfscr y)\ #j|\ |/ \ •4? Hyy wRm % wealthy Colonel Nagle, of California, and who has figured as a friend of Roosevelt in the Philadelphia may oralty campaign, has his eye on the congressional seat now occupied by Congressman George S. Graham. Robins has not been unfriendly with Penrose; on the contrary, l\e has at timep been quite complimentary, but recently he has tied up with the Vares to an extent that has attracted the attention of his friends in the social world. Robins was on the ticket for congressman-at-large in tlie last campaign, but fell short of the requisite number of votes. Whether Congressman Graham in tends to run again in the Second district or not has not been definitely announced, but the Robins rumor is abroad. No Wonder Germany Quit By MAJOR FRANK C. MAIHN Of the Army Recruiting Station "The spent runner who hurled himself through the gute of ancient Athens and with his dying breath gasped out the news of the brilliant success of the Athenian troops against the Persian at Marathon in the year 4UO B. C. was the first famous soldier of a signal corps, but since then the exploits of the beareis of military tidings have fill ed the pages of legend and story, high perfection in modern tiniest Just as other branches of military science have been brought to a high perfection in modern times, so in equal degree has the art of military signaling progressed in efficiency. Where the ancient athlete once ex hausted his strength in bearing military messages long distances in the field, the modern Mercury uses the wireless phone. In Civil War days the pony express rider brought from some desperate stand the story of the lack of ammunition; to-day the ammunition-supply or-i ganization is in constant touch with the front by means of telegraph or the long-distance telephone. In the Indian campaigns in our own West messages from beleaguered parties were sometimes conveyed by .signal smokes; the "lost battalion gin the Argonne sent news of its •plight by carrier pigeon. Modern warfare has indeed retained the old, but it hat also developed the new, in transmitting military tidings. So important is this branch of fighting that it is put in tire hands of a specialized organization, which in the American Army is known as the Signal Corps. The Signal Corps not only had charge of the opera tions of the various communicating devices in 1917 and 1918 in the field of operations (except latterly in the air), but it also had charge of the manufacture of the equipment for this work. The production of sig naling equipment was far greater than the uninformed person would imagine. As an Instance, there was one special type of telephone wire, a form unknown to commercial use before the war. which, before No vember 11, 1918, was being pro duced at the rate of 20,000 miles a month, at a cost of $5,650,000 per month, requiring the complete ca pacity of the day and night opera tion of all fine wire machinery in the United States, except that which was working on Navy contracts. Many other production activities of the Signal Corps were carried through on a similar scale. Until after the Civil War, the operation of large units of troops was greatly handicapped by the limitations of military signaling as then known. A force could not be effective in combat that could not be readily reached in all quarters by runners or riders or by visual signals. The development of the telegraph and telephone and the invention of radio changed all this, so that in the great war armies stretched out on fronts 100 miles or more in length with every part of them In im mediate touch with every other part through the exact and com plete systems of signaling on the field. Military signals to-day in clude the telephone, the telegraph, radio telegraphy and telephony, the buzzer, the buzzer phone, panels, pyrotechnics, flags, smoke signals, pigeons, dogs, mounted orderlies, and runners. Each of these means of signaling is an adjunct to the others; when one fails, another is employed to get the message through. Some have special uses for branches of the service with peculiar requirements. The radio phone is especially suited for corn- MADE HIM SECRETARY OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY [Henry Watterson in the Saturday Evening Post] MR. CLEVELAND was fond — not Overfond—of cards. He liked to play the noble game j at, say, a dollar limit —even once I in a while for a litle more—but not much more. And, as Dr. Norvin Green was wont to observe of Com- I mod ore Vanderbilt, "He held them , exceedingly close to his boo-som." Mr. Whitney, Secretary of the Navy in his first administration, equally rich and hospitable, had often "the road gang," as a certain group, mainly Senators, was called, to dine, with the inevitable jiftcr , dinner soiree or seance. .1 was, when in Washington, invited to parties. At one of tpom I chanced to sit between the President and | Senator Don Cameron. Mr. Carlisle, j at the time Speaker of the House — who handled ids cards like a child and, as we all knew, couldn't play a little—was seated on the opposite side of the table. After a while Mr. Cameron and I began builiing the game—l recall that the limit was $5—that is rais- municating from airplanes. Ar tillery fire is directed by wire and wireless communication. 'Trained pigeons are sometimes able to get messages through when all other means of communication have fail ed. The Army did not have a great quantity of signaling equipment when it went to war with Germany, but what it did have was good. The American punitive expedition in Mexico, where long lines of com munication over rugged country were required, had given opportun ity for testing modern signal ap paratus in the field. In addition to the various means of communica tion, the Signal Corps were also called upon to supply in large quan tities such other articles as wire reel carts, flag staffs, field glasses, photographic equipment, chests, tools, meteroroligical apparatus, and wrist watches. Having learned what was needed; knowing what part of the old was fit, and over coming nearly insuperable diffi culties in producing the necessary quality and quantity of all material, the Signal Corps made possible that great contributor to victory, Liai son, which helped so much to beat Germany. Why Not Allen? Oregon Asks [Prom the Corvallis, Ore., Gazette- Times.] Massachusetts has sept out a feel er for Governor Allen of Kansas as a presidential candidate. The Boston Transcript had half a page about Governor Allen a few days ago, in cluding a two column drawing of his classic features. Corvallis peop'e are somewhat acquainted with Mr. Allen through his letters from France published in these columns frequently. He is a whirlwind of a campaign er. Our own belief is that he has William Jennings Bryan backed off the platform when it comes to oratory or interesting a crowd. He has initiative, energy, push, ability and is clean aa a whistle. It is not at all among the least of the possibilities that Mr. Allen's name will be presented to the Re publican convention. Should he be nominated he would make such a campaign that he would be a record breaker among Republican candi dates. After they got to know him Roosevelt himself couldn't beat him drawing crowds. The Gateway of the West [Emerson Hough in the Saturday Evening Post.) The village of Franklin on the Missouri river was the first capital of the Santa Fe trade, and St. Louis we may call the capital of the Mis souri river commerce. The frontier town of Independ ence on the Missouri river was the eastern terminus of th# Oregon Trail. When the steamboat landing at Independence was washed out; the new town, Westport, a few miles* farther up the river, was established on the site of what to-day is Kansas City; wherefore we may call Kansas City the true gateway of the Great West. ing and back raising each other, and whoever else happened to be in, without much or any regard to the cards we held. It chanced on a deal that I picked up a pat flush, Mr. Cleveland a pat full. The Pennsylvania Senator and I went to the extreme, the Presi dent, of course, willing enough for us to play his hand for him. But the Speaker of the Hopse persistent ly stayed with us and kept on. We could not drive him out. When it came to a draw Senator Cameron drew one card. Mr. Cleve land and I stood pat But Mr. Car lisle drew four cards. At length, after much banter and betting, it reached a showdown, and, mirabile d'.ctu, the Speaker held four kings! "Take the money, Carlisle; take the money," exclaimed the Presi dent. "If ever I am President again you shall be Secretary of the Treas ury. But don't you make that four card draw too often." He was President again, and Mr. Carlisle was Secretary of the Treas ury. The Inquisitive Woman [Ada Leverson in the Continental Edition of the London Mail.] It has always been supposed that women do not need to be told things in order to know them. It is quite true. , Yet they ask questions. A boy was carrying a crate of eggs. Unfortunately his foot slipped. While he was trying to collect a few that were uncracked someone pass ed him and said, very kindly, "Oh, poor boy! Have you broken your eggs ?" The boy answered, "Oh, no! I'm giving an example of my new open air cookery. I'm making an omel ette." The questioner was, of course, a woman. She cannot have been over 30, and must have had a low, swsct voice and, notably, dark soft eyes with long eyelashes. I quite believe in her. But I don't believe in the boy's answer. He must have said something quito different. Unless, of course, he was really an open air cook and wished to at tract attention to his autumn classes to be held in public—which seeins improbable. Still, if he didn't give that answer he should have done so. When a wife, seeing her husband putting on his hat, asks, "Are you going out, dear,?" he should reply. "Oh, no! I'm staying at home. I only thought I'd liko to have my hat on." If he says this apologetically she will not have asked where he is go ing before he bangs the door. But she knows where he Is going, any how, even if she thinks she doesn't. Perhaps we ask questions only when we already know the answer! Except, of course, in really im portant things. And then our an swers are sometimes curious. Ask for the address of the won derful tiny, little dressmaker who "runs up" jumpers and skirts and you will be told: "Oh, -gihe's so frightful busy! She hasn't a min ute." The answer to "Where did you get that hat" Is "Oh, I've had it for ages!" Night Bed is too small to rest my tired ness, I'll take a hill for pillow, soft with trees, Now, draw the clouds up tight be neath my chin • God, blow •- * * the moon • • • out, please. • • • —Elizabeth J. Coatsworth in the New Republic. The Bright Side The melancholy days have come, the saddest of the year,. For every frouzy. red-eyed bum who goes without his beer. But for the sober vest of us the happy days have come. For when the bum's without his beer we are without the bum. —Kansas Citv Star. SEPTEMBER 2, 1919. 1- Why Explore the Artie? When I was exchanging my Cur clothes at Nome, Alaska, in 1912, for a suit of the well-advertised Ameri can kind, the clerk who sold them to me sail} thgt he could not under stand how I could waste five years of my life in the Arctic. That is one point of view and a, common one. This young man had spent the same five years behind a cloth ing store counter. Colonel Roosevelt had spent them in African travel, in the writing of books and in the making of history. He said to mo a month or two later that he en vied me my five years in furs and snow houses, in new lands and among new people. That was another point of view. And a third was mine, for 1 in turn envied him his power and achieve ments and the character which had made them possible. But while X concede that accident plays so large a part in determining the momen tous or trivial nature of geographic discovery that the greatest geo graphic discoverers must for that reason be ranked lower than the great men in other fields, still there is much to be said for exploration as a career, so long at least as there remains possible discovery of lands previously undreamed of. The tour ist who crosses the .Atlantic for the first time will spend hours on deck awaiting the predicted rising of Ire land above the rim of the sea, and feels then, unless he is neither young nor imaginative, a thrill which he does not forget the rest of his life. Yet Ireland to the tourist or America to the immigrant can never be what San Salvador was to Co lumbus, and, though you may not for the thrill of San Salvador be willing to change places with Co lumbus, you may well envy us who are still alive our first sight of the new land and our first landing upon it. "While you may think what you will about the greatness of the achievement, the performance of it cannot be denied. The next genera tion and the next will find that land upon their maps and, if they care to visit, they will find it there bound ed by its ice-covered sea. If it is not an important, it is at least a tangible contribution to the world's knowledge of itself.—V. Stefansson in Harper's Magazine for August. Trade Briefs The London and River Plate Bank, Ltd.. has received authorization from the Portuguese Government to estab lish a branch ir. Lisbon with a capital of one hundred thousand pounds. The exports of dried figs from Spain during the past three years were as follows: In 1916, 22,072.358 pounds, valued at $464,723; in 1917, 44,244,800 pounds, valued at $931,- 564: and in 1918, 34,194,200 pounds, valued at $719,943. Small motorboats predominate in the Norwegian fishing, industry Rowboats have nearly passed out of use and sailboats have not proved themselves able, from an efficiency standpoint, to meet the motorboat competition. A list of importers and commis sion- merchants handling ail kinds of foodstuffs in Copenhagen, Denmark, may bo obtained from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce or its district of co-operative offices up on referring to File No. 112175 a. It is reported that an Italian trad ing company is being formed for the importation into that coun-try of cereals after the conclusion of peace and the resumption of private im portation of foodstuffs. This new company will be capitalized at 60,- 000,000 lire. The important firm of Pedro A. Lopez & Co. of Bogota has just sign ed a contract with the Department of Tolima for the cor.-structien of a railroad between Ibague, the capital of the department, and Ambalema, on the Magdalena River, to connect at its river terminus with the La Dorado Railway, and at the other end with the new Girardot-Ibague line, which is a link in the projected Pacific Railway. Imports into Guayaquil during May amounted to 32,000 packages, weighing 2,890 tor.-s. The number of packages received from each country participating in the import trade was: Canal Zone, 350; France, 754; Italy, 16; Peru, 3,615; Salvador, 35; Spain, 262; United Kingdom, 4,- 643; United States, 22,985. A por tion of the imports from the United States consisted of 389,092 pounds of flour and 520,714 pounds of lard. According to the Lon-don Times at a sale just conducted at the Anzac factory, Glasgow, by the Disposal Board of the British Ministry of Munitions, $455 was paid for a one ton electric overhead runway hoist which cost, when new, $220. For a ten horse-power shunt wound direct current electric motor, 240 volts, 790 revolutons, $37 5 was paid, a profit of $120; and for a similar motor, with double the power, which cost $367, 610 was paid. Unique Experience [From Leslie's] Cities at least have the stimulus to make improvement whether they do so or not. The village and rural community lack the stimulation that comes through contact with the outside world. It is not surpr'ttng to find them narrow and unpto gressive. A unique experiment along the line of community bettet ment has been in progress for two years In twenty-three small West Virginia communities. A system of points is used to score community progress, 1,000 be ing a perfect score. Nine general headings are used to cover the lleid of community development—history, government, business, farms, clubs, homes, schools, churches and health. As an example of the way it works, the absence of gaudy and ugly advertising signs scored two points; increased " use of school building for regular school wot k and as a social center, four poinU, and one point each for better house keeping as the results of activi ties of the farm women's clubs, in stallation of bathrooms, and run ning water In kitchens, and exten sion and improvement in the rural telephone system. The experiment has produced no Utopia, but has raised standards in the communities Involved. A Common Experience [From the Dallas News.] "I tell you gentlemen," said the great explorer to the crowd in the hotel smoking rooip. who were lis tening breathlessly to his recital, "you can't imagine what things are like in the Arctic region." "Oh, I don't know," said one. "Even if we haven't seen it, we can imagine what is feels like." "I doubt it. It's impossible until you've really seen it; until you've stood there a small. Insignificant utom, surrounded by vast stretches of white —" "Oh, yes, I know! I've been like that." "Really! And where was that, may I ask?" "First time I appeared in public in a dress shirt!" &rotino (Efyatjj One has only to take a glance at the registers of the Penn-llarris and other hotels to realize that all State roads now lead to Harrisburg and that improvement of the highways under the Sproul plan has brought literally thousands of people to the State Capital who used to go by way of Gettysburg and pass by the official seat of the Commonwealth. Of course, the building of the new hotel has had a good bit to do with it, but the remarks of the automo bile owners and drivers indicai. pretty conclusively that the better ing of the roads has had much I" fluence. There are people coming here not only from many of the dis tant points of Pennsylvania. Iff.'.., Bradford, and Franklin who used to go to the two large cities at either end of the State ami take the Lincoln highway. taking one of the new routes" is a common remark to hear in hotel corridors and it is notable that more people are coming up the Cumber land Valley to Harrisburg over night than ever. Many of these tolks come from other States and speed over the Lincoln highway to Gettysburg, which preserves its im portance as the central point for tourists. But there are many who are commencing to appreciate the beau ties of the William Penn highway from Ebensburg to Harrisburg, and that the road from this city to Al lentown is as interesting as any from a historical, industrial and ag ricultural standpoint. When the reconstruction of the Susquehanna Trail is completed there will be travel from New York State down the rfc'er and an increase in the number of people coming from Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. An other road which is proving popu lar is that leading from Dflßois to Harrisburg. The flags on cars and the number of automobile license tags from other States seen here daily are pretty conclusive evidence that Harrisburg now has something in the way of hotel facilities and better roads approaching it that it lacked a long, long time. • • Plans for charting and marking of some of the rocks in the Susque hanna so that there will be a greater measure of safety for the many people who plan to take up boating and canoeing are being made by a number of river lovers who have round that accidents have been barely avoided by inexperienced rowers and paddlers this summer. It is figured out that with the es tablishment of the system of munici pal boathouses and bathing places next year as a result of the pro- P°f® d loa " "tat there will be more the r'ver than ever before and that a system of marks will en able people to. learn the currents ay as well be sai <i that the Susquehanna not only has some peculiar currents which are swift in n® C b USe of exist ence of rocks are soon dissipated in the olume of water in the river. And the river also changes its currents every year in certain places owing to the amount of silt, sand and coal broi.ght down, a condition which is common to many shallow and rock ! hr, ~"h streams like our wide blanching river. The sand and coal fleet steamer pilots have learned to know the channels, but there are many people whose enjoyment of gating could be increased materially if be defined for them, ft would be a comparatively easy matter for men familiar with the river to mark those places and next . prmg some way of marking could be employed at very Uttle expense. ■tnHnn'wfctff Lab ° r Day demon ™'°" wh ! ch aroused such popular interest and was witnessed by prob ably the largest crowd ever gath ered for such a parade as well as by unprecedented numbers of or ganized labor paraders, is the lineal successor of a big demonstration fn 1889. In the late eighties and 1 y ti!! n k , ', lle Kn 'hts Of Labor fJJ e . b| S labor organization and davs ™mV" a d the early Labor * c were observed on the brat t Satorday in September instead of the first Monday. The parades were revived about 1900 and in 1902 there was a notable parade, followed ~, nd me eting in Reser- Since then the day has been observed continuously and the number of organizations and parad! e*j has grown rapidly. • • • • From all accounts the new Na eobSr ® uard ff Pennsylvania is not cer ™ . for ex Perienced offl •mrf fine 5" Ve een between 500 and 600 men of overseas service who have applied to Major General W Price, Jr., for commissions. These men are all being listed and asked to give the records from their offi cers record books and when the Guard is made un they will be ap ''> d by the Governor according to fitness. The importance of train ed officers, say men active in the formation of the new guard, was bi ought out in the war just closed because it was found that many men did not have the "habit of com mand when to a pinch. The State Capitol had one of the biggest holidays in its history yes terday, hundreds and hundreds of people thronging the building and passing through the corridors all day long. Superintendent Thomas W. Templeton had the legislative halls and the executive reception room open for visitors with Capi tol policemen on hand to explain things. Many of the visitors came from nearby counties, hut Mr. and Mrs. Harrisburger made up a con siderable number of the people in the crowds. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —James M. Beck, prominent at torney, is to be the orator at the celebratioi) of the adoption of the constitution in Philadelphia. —Mayor A. M. Hoagland, of Wil ltamsport, is taking a part in tli fight against increased gas rates ir, that city. . * —Auditor General Charles A. Snyder is urging that Pottsville, his home city, spend half a million im proving streets. —Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer will he one of the speakers at the American Bar Association meeting. —George Wharton Pepper will represent friends of Colonel Roose velt at the Roosevelt Memorial meeting in New York. —James Scarlet was speaker at Danville's welcome home to its sol diers. 1 DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg's Klpona was watched by residents of many other cities in the State? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —-Harrisburg was given a post office and a borough government ir '1791.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers