2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania LIGHTNING HITS MARIETTA HOUSE Heavy Storm Visits Lancaster County Borough and Does Much Damage Marietta, 23.—A heavy elec trical storm visited Marietta yester day morning, and did considerable damage. The residents were awak ened by the loud thunder. A bolt struck the home of Charles S. Spang ler, in Fairview street. The finish ing board on the west side of the house was torn off, and the roof badly damaged on the interior. Fire fol lowed the bolt and being quickly detected was extinguished by mem bers of the family. The fire was on the front porch. All the electric lights of the borough were out of service Several trees were felled, among them fruit trees. The rain fall was heavv accompanied by a little hail. From reports received from tile farmers there was no damage to the tobacco. Evans run, which (lows under Cast Market street, was high. The Sus quehanna river is still rising slowly. In Conoy township there was a heavy downpour of rain and hail, but no damage. The Lobata creek overflowed its banks. Marysville Young Folks Hold Corn Roast at Night Marysville. Pa.. Aug. 23. —A corn roast was held at the farm of William Heishley, two miles from town. by | younger folks of the borough on Thurs- . day evening. Included among those | who attended were: Miss Edna Ben fer. Miss Romaine Bonfer, Miss Irene Wileman, Miss Miriam Hess. Miss Ellen Gault, Miss Frances Fortenbaugh, Miss Louise Roush, Miss Margaret Ellenber gcr. Miss Anna Wagner. Miss Anna Stewart, Miss Gertrude Westfali, Miss | Helen - Westfali. Miss Mary Reighard, | Miss Amy Fobher and Miss Eva Wey, j of Harrisburg; Miss Edna Frisch. of i Philadelphia; James Benfer, Percy j White, John Luckenbaugh. Gordon Ski vington, Thomas Whitmycr, Harvey ! Bratton, Charles Westfali. Harry Mutch, Dewey Bare, John Haiti. Edgar Smith. Russell Fenicle, Harry Peekard, Bruce Rider. Rodger Eppley. Homer Heisley, Roland Heisley, and William Kramer, of Harrisburg. York County Farmer Takes Peaches Home Columbia, Pa., Aug. 23. A York • county farmer with a big load of ! peaches, made his way along Walnut street, in this place yesterday morn ing joining the caravan of farmers' wagons generally observed there on ■ertain days of the week, and start ed with others to offer his peaches. Be had not gone far up the street Until he became so much annoyed by buyers who quizzed him about his peaches and the prices he asked that he lost patience and left town |or his home. Annville Postpones Its Welcome Home Program Annville, Pa., Aug. 23. The j general committee in charge of the ar rangements for a Welcome Home cele bration in honor of Annville's soldier boys, after considering the matter care fully decided to postpone the event un til the beginning of November instead of holding it on Labor Day. Many Annville people, it was found, prefer this later date, because they have already made arrangements to visit ether towns on Labor Day, or have etlier arrangements. Gives $5,000 in Liberty Bonds to a Hospital Columbia, Pa., Aug. 23. Charles P. Erwin, of New York, a former feaident and a native of Columbia, has sent the sum of five thousand |o\lars in Liberty Bonds, as a gift r endowment to the Columbia Hos pital, in memory of his mother, who Sied many years ago. Mr. Erwin has j pn previous occasions contributed J liberally to the institution. Lebanon Engage Water Expert to Increase Supply Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 23. City Council yesterday started formal ac tion to provide additional water for Lebanon by passing finally, by a unani mous vote, a resolution to engage the services of James H. Fuertes. expert engineer, of New York city. He is to make a comprehensive survey of all svailable water supplies in this vicin ity sufficient to provide at least four millions gallons daily. CLASS ENJOYS OUTING New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 23. Dn Thursday afternoon Miss Johanna Mast's Sunday School class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church enjoyed an euting at Island Park. GIVEN FAREWELL DINNER New Cumberland. Pa., Aug. 23. 1 farewell dinner was held at the home, f Mr. and Mrs. Kepworth Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hull nd family who will move to Steelton aext Thursday. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Accounting, English, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, Etc. • Strictly Individual Promotion Register Now Day and Night Sessions Open Aug. 25 & Sept. 1 Bell 125; Dial 4016 Two Separate Night Schools—One cn Mon., Wed., Fri. The other Tues., Thurs.—7.oo to 9.30 BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. (Opp. Senate.) Catalog Free. "Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School" SATURDAY EVENING, BURGLAR FLEES WHEN FIRED ON Boy Returning From Festival Finds Thief in His Room | Sunbury. Aug. 23. Near Beaver ' town on Thursday night two bur glars broke into the residence of Harvey Moyer, a tenant farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer and a son went to Beavertown to do some shopping and another son, John, to a festival. The son returned home about 9.30 P. M., and went to bed. He had not retired more than ten minutes when he discovered a burglar in his room, j Moyer Jumped out of bed and the burglar Jumped out of the second story window. Pretty soon another burglar entered the room. The young man jumped out of the window himself, as he had no ammunition in the house. He ran over to Edward Freed's nearby for ammunition and came back and opened fire on the burglar, who es caped into a corn field. By this time Mr. and Mrs. Moyer returned from Beavertown, and hear ing the shots hastened to the noy's aid. The ammunition by this time was all gone with the exception of one shell, and they sent word to Beavertown for more ammunition. When the shells arrived no trace of the intruders could be found. Three ten dollar bills were missing. The burglars operated without a light of any kind, and this leads to the conclusion they were familiar with the house. Plane Catches Fire at Altoona's Driving Park Altonna, Pa., Aug. 23. Catching fire just as it was about to leave the Altoona Driving park yesterday after noon the large army aeroplane brought here Wednesday by Lieuten ant Kenneth C. Liggett was destroyed by flames. No one was hurt, the machine having just left the ground for a short distance when the flames broke out. The officer arrived at the Driving park at noon and spent about an hour in getting the machine in shape for departure from here. Lieutenant Leggett was accompanied by Lieu tenant Karl Gucnther, an observer, both men fortunately escaping when the aircraft broke into flames. Bolt Knocks Aged Woman Out of Bed During Storm Columbia, Pa., Aug. 23.—A heavy thunderstorm broke over this section early yesterday morning and the lightning performed peculiar pranks. At the residence of James Propst. at Klinesville, near here, a bolt hit the roof, making a big hole and shatter ing the slate. The bolt followed the chimney and entered the house. It knocked Mrs. Propst's mother, an aged woman, out of bed, but caused her no injury except from shock. The entire family was shocked by the bolt. A bedstead on the third floor was splinte'red by the same bolt. Funeral Services Are Held Today For Mrs. Jacob Lebo Medianiesburg, Pa., Aug. 23. Funeral services were held this fore noon at 10 o'clock for Mrs. Jacob Lebo, who died Wednesday night near Church town. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foose, of Landis burg; two brothers, Harry, of Landis hurg, and Edward, of Illinois; her hus band and two children. Benjamin and Charles, also survive. She was a mem ber of the Reformed Church at Church town. Enola Playgrounds Are Closed For the Season Enola, Aug. 23.—T0-day marked the closing of the Enola public play grounds for the fifth season. No spe cial events as had first been anticipated were on the program. A meeting will he called in the near future to settle the affairs for this year and make ten tative plans for next season, which offi cials hope will be bigger and better than ever before. PEACHES BY CARLOAD Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 23.—There is a dialy Increase in peach shipments from the shipping points of the South mountain fruit belt, the shipments from Smithburg over the Western Maryland Railroad alone amounting to from ten to twelve carloads daily. Growers are getting $4 and $4.50 a bushel for their fruit in the large cities. GET LICENSE TO WED Hagerstowii, Md., Aug. 23. The following from Pennsylvania secured marriage licenses here: John F. Fuller and Mary Windemarker. Harrisburg; Hobson Reinard, Fort Treverton, and Laura Davis, Meisclville. STEEL MOULDER BUYS FARM Lewistown, Aug. 23. Howard Faught, Sr., a steel moulder, has pur chased a farm near Lewlstown. Mr. Faught was recently employed in Cham bersburg. [Other State News on Page ll.] SHIREMANSTOWN Slilrcmanstown, Pa.. Aug. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Yarger, of Dun dee, New York, have returned home after spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lauver and family.—Mrs. D. C. Faust, and two children, Cyril and Louise, are home from a visit with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hagerman. and other relatives at Greencastle. —Miss Ruth Lauver and her broth er, Clarence Lauver spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bermer, at Slate Hill.—Mrs. Jennie Glass and children, Albert, Viola, Raymond and Charles Glass, have returned to their home at Dover after visiting the former's sister, Mrs. William Eppley.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lauver and sons, Arthur, Earle and Marlin, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Yarger of Dun dee, New York, motored to Rich lleld, Juniata county, where they spent several days with relatives.— Miss Violet Cromleigh, of Mechan icsburg, spent several days this week, with her grandparents here. Pennsy Will Not Take Insecure Shipments, Chief Tells Railroad Meeting Altoona, Aug. 23.—That it will he the unalterable determination of the Federal Railroad Administration to ac cept no packages for shipment on the railroad if they are not of sufficient strength to hold together during ship ment, was very forcibly brought out by F. H. Smith, a member of the official classification committee of the admin istration, in an address before the agents of the Middle, Bcllwood and Tyrone divisions, held yesterday morn ing in this city. More than 100 agents and a number of prominent shippers in this city at tended the conference, which was held in the schedule room on the third floor of the Hotel Royal Building. The as semblage was presided over by J. H. Cross, division freight agents of the Middle division. Anna B. Dennis Dies of Cancer at Ephrata Kphrntn, Pa., Aug. 23. —Mrs. Anna B. Dennis, wife of Samuel D. Dennis, died Thursday morning at her home here aged 66 years. Death was caused by cancer. She was a member of tho Church of Brethren and is sur vived by her husband and the fol lowing children: Mrs. Frederick T. Hassler, Middletown; Mrs. George Hartzall, Dixon, 111. I Charles H. Dilk burg, York county. These brothers and sisteh also survive: Joseph Heisey, of Topeka, Kan. ; Abram Mrs. Henry Kraul and Miss Bar bara Heisey, all of Mt. Joy. The funeral will be held Monday morn ing at 9.30 o'clock from the late home, with further services at 10 o'clock in the Church of Brethren. Interment in the Mt. Holly cemetery. WILLIAMSTOWN Willlamstown, Pa., Aug. 22. —Miss Verna O'Leary, of Philadelphia, visited friends here on Wednesday. —George Wren spent Tuesday at Pottsville with his son Raymond.— Miss Holwig, of Reading, spent Tues day with her cousin Mrs. Elsie Bowman. Miss Lulu Hopple was operated on at the Jefferson hos pital, Philadelphia: her uncle Benja min Nace visited her this week and reports her improving. Miss Sara Barnes is spending her vacation at Adrmore. —Ralph Messner, one of Uncle Sam's Navy boys, is on a fur lough at the home of his parents.— Alton Haas and sister, Miss Mary, are spending tne week at Clark's Ferry.—Mrs. Edward Berry and grandson spent week at, Atlantic City.—Holden Chester, of Shamokin, is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. A. Chester.—Elinora Wcidle, of Cam den, N. J., is spending the week with her mother.—Mrs. Paul Shoop, of Pittsburgh, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Shell.—Anna Adams is spending her vacation with her grandparents at Harrisburg. BLAME OFFICIAL WITH BIG THEFT Snyder County School Direc~ tors Lay Shortage of $2,500 to Former Secretary Simbiiry, Aug. 2 3.—Reasons why they think they should not be ousted from office "for gross negligence" have been filed with the Snyder county court by the surcharged Monroe township board of school directors. Their principal contention is that their former secretary, Ira J. Heiser, is the real culprit, and that the other mem bers of the board are being surcharged 55.296.24 because they trusted Heiser too far. In one item of $2,500, with which they are surcharged, the board of di rectors believe they have made out a clear case against Heiser that he de liberately appropriated the amount. A balance of $2,500 remained unpaid as the final settlement due on the $lO,- 000 high school building at Shamokin Dam on April 7, 1917. The board that day granted an order on the treasurer for the $2,500 to be paid to Albert Boyer, of Northumberland, the contrac tor. Heiser volunteered he would be going to Northumberland In a few days, and that it was unnecessary for the treas urer to go to the trouble or expense of mailing the check to Boyer. He should just give it to Heiser, and Heiser would hand it to Boyer when he saw him in the near future. It is claimed Heiser did not make delivery of the amount. Enola Firemen Ready For Annual Festival Rnoln, Pa„ Aug. 23. —All arrange ments have beon made for the annual festival of the Enola Fire Company, No. 1, which will be held at the hosehouse on Altoona avenue, August 26 and 27. The money raised will be used to pur chase additional equipment for the working force of the company. H. H. Way, chief of the company, Is general chairman of the committee. He is as sisted by the chairmen of the various subcommittees, as follows: Purchas ing, S. G. Hepford ; advertising, Guy A. Yeager; amusement, J. W. Keller; Ice cream, C. H. Shaeffer. On Thursday evening, August 28, a baseball team, composed of members of the fire com pany, will play the Enola A. C„ the proceeds to go to the former organi zation. HJOmJEBimG tsSSSf Tm MJW * MH WAR'S END DOES NOT HELP ADAMS Shortage of Teachers Serious and Schools Will Likely Be Closed Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 23. With the opening of the public schools of the county but a week oft the question of securing enough teachers for the schools is a serious one. Last year three schools were closed and the pu pils placed in other schools in the same district, but it was believed once the war was over the teachers who were called into the Army would return to their old vocation and there would he no trouble. If anything the situation is more serious. The officials have been doing their utmost to locate teachers, but a num ber are yet needed. To offset the shortage, however, it is almost certain at least ten schools will be closed and the pupils transferred to other build ings. With the,'teachers of these schools available to be sent to other schools relieves the situation to a very great extent, but even this does not solve the problem entirely. In Liberty township there is one school without a teacher, and the sit uation here Is the most serious in the county. Shippensburg Wants Post of the American Legion Shippensburg, Pa., Aug. 23.—Ship burg wants a post of the American Legion and will file application for a charter, with these signers: Wendell Shoop, Walter Nickles, Geo. H. Stewart, Jr., Edward O. Skin ner, Ira D. Cope, Wheeler Snoke, Harry S. Stamey, Roy E. Martin, Harry T. Stevick, Lindlay R. Mur ray, Samuel K. Clever, Carroll F. Hockersmith, Walter C. Mower®, John M. Robertson, George H. Thursh, Jr. The Oscar M. Hykes Post was se lected as the name for this new or ganization in honor of one of Ship pensburg's boys, who fell on tho bat tlefield of France. He was a son of George E. Hykes. Faithful Deputy Sheriff Dies Near Greencastle Greencastle, Aug. 23. Ellsworth Kuhn, deputy sheriff, died at his home south of Greencastle last evening, aged 49 years. Mr. Kuhn was a 6Ufferer from Bright's disease, but the cause of death was a stroke which he suffered while at work on his farm. He had been a deputy sheriff of Franklin county for the past eleven years, retaining that position for so long a term largely because of his efficiency. He was made a deputy sheriff by his brother, George W. Kuhn, and was con tinued in the office by Sheriff Kuhn's successors, George Walker and Erfos H. Horst. MANCHESTER Manchester, Pa, Aug. 23.—Bernard Gross, of Goldsboro, returned home after visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Theodore Gross.—Harry Deisinger is confined to his home with typhoid fever.—R. D. March and son Swller, 'are on a business trip to New York City.—Mrs. Alice Au;-l<eiil>augh, York returned home after visiting at the home and Dr. and Mrs. J. C. May.—Mr and Mrs. Albert Weide and family spent the week-end with friends in Baltimore.—John Miller, Osborn, 0., is visiting relatives and friends here. —Miss S. F. Kauffman and children, Gordon and Thelma, York, were the guests of relatives here. —Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bose, Mt. Wolf, and Mr and Mrs. A. E. White, spent Sunday at Stewartstown. —Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Neddleton, Harrisburg, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Striner.—Mrs. Harry Bowers, who spent the past three months in Montreal and Quebec, Canada, with her husband returned home.— Mrs. R. G. Good and son James, of this place, and Miss Lillian Ebersole, York, spent Thursday at Saginaw. MARIETTA PLANS WELCOME HOME Committees Report Progress For Big Celebration Sept. 14 and 15 Marietta. Aug. 23. —Progress is being made for the big welcome home celebration, picnic, entertainment and dance to be held here on Sunday and Monday, September 14 and 15. At the meeting of the executive committee In the council chamber at which R. Frank Hiestand presided, John W. Riff stated the parade would be one of the fea tures of the days. John P. Schock, chairman of the picnic committee, said races would be in the afternoon, fol lowed by a game of baseball and com munity singing, In charge of David E. Brandt and the choirs of Marietta. In the races a number of prizes will be awarded. The school children of Marietta, Lin coln and Maytown are to have a prom inent place In the parade. The ban quet committee decided on a menu which will constitute soup, chicken, ice cream, canteloupe and other viands served in Duffy's Park, which will be decorated for the occasion. Food is being donated. It was suggested that Marietta close up tight that day, and the suggestion met with hearty appro val. For the reception and dance commit tee, Dr. E. Llnwood Cornman, reported that music will be provided in the evening in Cassel's Park, where the dancing will be held. Steel Company Case to Be Tried Again Ilagcrstowit, Md.. Aug. 23. The case of the old Pennsylvania Steel Company against the Washington and Berkley Bridge Company of this county to recover damages amounting to about $30,000, has been set for a hearing be fore Judge Dayton in the Federal court at Martinsburg early in September. This will be the seventh time. the case goes before Judge Dayton, it having been appealed by the defendants and returned by the district Federal court at Richmond, Va., for retrial. The Pennsylvania Steel Company is suing the bridge company to recover dam ages paid to relatives of workmen who were killed or injured when a pier of the defendant's bridge across the Po tomac River at Willlamsport col lapsed when It was being built. REWARDS LOYAL LODGE SERVANT Halifax Secretary Is Given Token of Appreciation By Fraternal Order Halifax, Pa., Aug. 23. Harry Zeigler and wife, of Palmyra, visited his mother, Mrs. Jane Zeigler.—Mrs. George Cooper spent the weekend with her son, Charles Cooper and family, at Speckton.—F. J. Byrod and wife spent Sunday with friends at Matn moras.—As a token of appreciation for fifteen years of faithful service as financial secretary, the members of Washington Camp, No. 576, P. O. S. of A., on Tuesday evening presented P. C. Fox with a handsome leather rocker. —Mrs. Charles Wagner returned to her home in Rochester, N. Y., on Monday, after spending some time with her father-in-law, George W. Wagner.— Leonard Leo and children, of Paxtang, visited at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leo. —Mi3s Martha Dunltel returned Sunday to her home in Palmyra, after a week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Dunkel.—Professor and Mrs. Raymond Bressler and chil dren. of State College, are spending their vacation at the Bressler bunga low near Matamoras.—M. W. Etter spent the weekend in Philadelphia visit ing Mrs. Etter .who Is still in a city hospital.—Seven hundred persons at tended the Union picnic Saturday in John Warfel's grove near Enders.— Profrssor C. A. Bowman and family, of Myerstown, are spending August camping along the river a mile north of town.—John Beitzel, of Carlisle, spent Sunday at the home of his parentn, Professor and Mrs. C. S. Beitzel.—A large audience was present at the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening to hear the Rev. P. M. Halde man, of Annville, chaplain of the Three Hundred and Fourteen Regiment, Sev enty-ninth Division, tell of his war ex periences.—The Rev. Ira D. Lowery is attending the United Brethren Bible Conference at Mount Gretna this week. —Miss Sallic Rahle visited friends at Sunbury over Sunday.—Miss Anna Richter returned to Washington. D. C., on Monday, after a three-weeks' visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Carl Richter.—The real estate of George W. Wagner, of South Fourth street, this place, was not sold at public sale Sat urday.—Charles Hauck, of Philadelphia, visited Sunday at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Frank Kitchen, near town.— John W. Fetterhoff, of Lucknow, paid a visit to his mother, Mrs. Ahram Fet terhoff.—John H. Shammo, after spend ing the past three months in town at the home of Misses Anna and Clara Sham-' mo. left on Monday for Nevada, lowa, which has been his home since 1865. Mr. Shnmmo is past 80 years of ago and is still in good health.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman, of Washington, D. C., were week-end guests of her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Scholl, of near town.—Mrs. Mary Lebo, Way nesville, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Nobler.—Mrs. S. J. Bowman visited at Enterllne over Sunday. r~W BLOOMFIELD New Illoomfleld, Pa., Aug. 23. Quartermaster Sergeant McClure B. Ramsay, of the Twenty-eighth In fantry, has arrived home from over seas.—Mrs. Laura Junkin and grand daughter, Miss Laura Barnett, of this place, are visiting Mrs. Junkin's son, Frank L. Cromleigh, at -Pittsburgh.— Miss Ma.-garet Millington, of Pniia delphia, recently returned from France, where she served as a nurse, Is the guest of Mrs James M. Barnett. Misses Catherine A. and Martel R. Hench, of Scranton, are visiting their aunt. Mrs. S. H. Bern lieisel. They visited at the Hench Elm Farm in Spring township the last two weeks.—Misses Minnie M. Burt ner and M. Stella Arnold, of Harris burg, are guests at the Mansion House.—The Rev. J. Thomas Fox. daughter Helen and son Richard, are visiting at Bernhill, Bucks clunty.— The Rev. and Mrs. Frank T. Wheeler, of Newvilie, are visitors at the home of District Attorney James McKee.— William Harper and Herbert Stone ham, of New York, guests of Mrs. William Harper over the week-end. WRECK VICTIMS ARE IMPROVING Mrs. William Wilcox Will Be Brought Here as Soon as Possible Hagcrstmvn, Md., Aug. 23. —Five of the thirteen passengers who were in jured in the wreck of a passenger train on the Norfolk and Western Railroad at Boyce, including Mrs. William J. Wilcox, of Harrisburg, who are at the hospital in this city, are reported by the attending physicians to be doing well. Besides suffering from a severe shock, Mrs. Wilcox sustained a number of superficial wounds on her left leg from the hip down. Mrs. Wilcox also lost a diamond set ting from a ring she wore. The physi cians think that Mrs. Wilcox has a good chance for recovery unless some thing unforeseen develops. Her hus abnd, who was summoned here by news of his wife's injuries, is still in the city and makes frequent visits to the hos pital. Mr. Wilcox recently was re leased from the Army. Yesterday he inspected the coach, which was hauled here, in which Mrs. Wilcox was a pass enger. The coach is badly broken. Mrs. Wilcox will be taken to her home in Harrisburg as soon as she can be moved. Officials of the Norfolk and Western are making an investigation of the wreck to ascertain, if possible, the cause of the accident. Tyrone Woman Dies at Home of Her Sister Tyrone, Pa.. Aug. 23. Mrs. Mar garet Long died at the home of lyr sister, Mrs. John Summers, 1™44 Pennsylvania avenue, yesterday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock from heart trouble, the result of a stroke of paralysis. She was born at Allegheny Furnace, March 28, 1858, and lived at Mount Union until the death of her husband. She was married at Tyrone in 1887 to Wilbur Long, who preceded her to the grave in 1907. She is survived by one son. Charles Franklin, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Summers, with whom she has made her home since her husband's death. Funeral services will be held Sunday morning In charge of the Rev. E. G. Sawyer. The body will be taken to Mt. Union for interment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. LYKENS Lykcns, Pa., Aug. 23. Mrs. Charlie Snyder has returned from a visit to Elizabethville and vicinity.— Miss Margaret Keen and brother. Har old. of Wiconisco, returned from a week's visit at Harrisburg. They were accompanied home by Miss Kathryn Hertz, who will be their guest for a week.—Damon Seidcrs. of New York, is spending the week with Mrs. Seiders and relatives. They will all return home next week.—Master William and Ray Zerby are spending the week at Miliersburg with their aunt, Mrs. Edith Romberger.—Miss Viola Byerly, of Big Run. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Kolk. of Philadelphia.—Alvin I-lartman, of North street, had his tonsils and adenoids re moved at the Willlamstown hospital.— Mrs. Richard Budd anil children have returned home from Harrisburg.—Mrs. George Beldenmiller, of Main street, en tertained her sister, Mrs. Sallle Camp bell and son, Lamb and wife, of Phila delphia, and also Mr. and Mrs. James Snyder, of New Jersey.—Frank Voss returned to Hanover, after a visit to his parents, Cashier H. F. Voss and wife, this week. Marysville and. Rye Township Start Honor Day For War. Heroes Marysville, Pa.. Aug. 23.—Men and women of Marysville and Rye town ships who served in the war, more than one hundred of them, will be honored by residents of the borough and township, according to plans now being made t\" a welcome home celebration. The ue will be fixed within the next few days. Postmaster Ellas B. Leiby ijas been elected presi dent of the committee on arrange ments and J. P. Lilley, secretary. W. R. Hench is chairman of the general committee. He has added these per sons to his committee: Marysville—G. O. Hamilton, Dr. G. H. Eppley, C. B. Smith, C. M. Lid dick, Simon Lick, William Dice, F. W. Gelb, J. G. Eppley, W. L. Roberts and J. P. Lilley. Rye township—Thomas Hill, A. R. White, G. R. Myers, Harvey Lucken baugh, Miss Katharine Bell. A local woman's work committee has been named to include Miss Sara Bratton, chairman; Mrs. Pearl Hip pie, Mrs. Harry E. Keel, Miss Helen Hain, Mrs. J. G. Berger, Mrs. R. H. Cunningham, Mrs. Harry Canster. Employes Ask Manager to Close Sunbury Plant Sunbury, Pa., Aug. 23.—The Sun bury Converting Works was closed by the management at 3.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon for an indefinite period. The employes were sum moned by John J. Steller, general manager, and informed of this action of the company. It was taken, he said, after employes who did not walk out Wednesday and Thursday, asked that work be suspended. They had informed him that although they had no grievances, he said, they were being urged by fellow workmen, their personal frionds and associates, not to stay at work. To relieve them from This situation, it was decided to cloae. Bishop Stanford Will Preach at Grier's Point Marysville, Pa., Aug. 23. Exten sive arrangements have been made for the reopening services to-morrow in the Bethel United Evangelical church, of Grier's Point, which has been closed during the past several months, undergoing improvements and renovations. The Rev. Dr. W. M. Stanford, of Harrisburg, will preach both morn ing and evening, according to the program announced by the pastor, the Rev. L. E. Teeter. A platform serv ice will be held at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Teeter, assisted by visiting min isters. APPLES APLENTY IN MIFFLIN Lewistowii. Pa., Aug. 23. The apple crop will be a hummer in this section, farmers say. Two farmers on Thursday offered their fruit at 60 cents a bushel. Plumbs are very plentiful, but pears will be scarce. SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better BIG MONDAY MILLINERY SALE ANY HAT IN OUR STOCK Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed, Untrimmed Ready to Wear, Sailors and Sport Hats in/milans, hemps, leghorns, panamas, lisere, pineapple braids, taffetas and malines, in a wide range of models and colors. Every Hat Positively This Season's Model SOUTTER'S if sls GSt is 25 Cent Department Store JJ Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse AUGUST 23, 1919. ENOLA RAILROAD YARDS ARE BUSY Business Heavy During First Peacetime Summer as Dur ing War Period Enola, Aug. 23.—For the first peace time summer in the history of the local freight classification yards busi ness is as heavy as (luring the try ing days of the war. There is actu ally a shortage of men in many de partments. Last week a large num ber of extra yard brakemen who were laid off in the spring were taken back into service. Two weeks ago more extra yard firemen were added to the roster. Several additional yard crews have been formed, giv ing permenant jobs to many extra employes. Not only is business heavy in tho yards but also on the road. Three more crews will be added to the number which run out of here. Last week the Baltimore classifi cation yard was reopened after being closed for several months. With the opening of this yard the several addi tional crews were necessary. All freight consigned to points will be classified in this yard, leaving the other eastbound classification for the freight consigned to the Cumberland Valley, Philadelphia, New York and other terminal points. It has only been a few weeks since the now machine shop, erected since last fall the machine shop was located in the engine house and since its removal will give additional space for engines in the house. Parson and Family Are Guests at Anniversary Marysville, Pa., Aug. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hiddeman entertained at their home in Maple avenue in cele bration of their second wedding anni versary. Among the guests were the Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wright and daughters, Ruth and Floy; Mrs. William Dice. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. For tenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Forten baugh. Miss Mary Vans. Miss Mildred Adams. Miss Mary Keiffer, Mrs. V. T. Dissinger. Mrs. M. Rainmaker and chil dren. Donald. May and Florence: Mrs. Julia A. Dissinger. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dissinger and children. Phyllis. Ken neth and Ellsworth; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dissinger and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hiddeman. Has Thumb Nail Torn Off in Automobile Accident Mcxdiiuiioshurg, Pa., Aug. 23. On Thursday afternoon one of the auto mobiles in the Farm Bureau run. in pass ing over the bridge at Bryson's Mill, went down the embankment at the end of the bridge and plunged through a fence. The auto had a broken front wheel and badly damaged fender. The driver was trying to get out of the way of an other car. A second oar closely fol lowing also went down the embank ment. but was not damaged. One of the occupants of the first car had the nail of his right thumb torn off. It was later picked up with a piece of the flesh hanging to It. The other occupant of the car escaped injury. Chambersburg Soldier Is to Marry English Girl Chatiiborsluirg, p a ., Aug. 23. Mrs. Miriam Roberts, widow of the late Dr. Henry Roberts, a prominent sur geon and physician of Northern Eng land, announces the engagement of her daughter, Elsie Gwendolyn, to Captain A. Richard Walk, of Chambersburg. Captain Walk met Miss Roberts at Washington Inn (Y. M. C. A.), London, where she was doing war work. He was attending Oxford University at that time. IMPROVING FIIiTER PLANT Columbia, Aug. 23.—Work on the improvements and addition to the filter plant of the Columbia Water Company is progressing under the direction of A. H. Meyers. Excav ations are being made under direc tion of Dr. Harry Pearce. The cost will be several thousand dol lars. MANY VISITORS AT GETTYSBURG Hundreds of Cars and Tour ists Go Over Eamous Field of Battle Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 23.—Hun dreds of cars from other states pass through Gettysburg weekly, despite tho torn up condition of many of the main highways where Commissioner Sadler is making the dirt fly In his campaign to give Pennsylvania the beet road system in the United States. Records kept here show that cars from at least 24 different states were on the battle field in one day last week.—Considera tion of petitions for new bridges over the streams of Adams county seems to he the absoroing topic at the weekly meetings of the county commissioners for the past two months, and the meet ing on Tuesday was no exception to the rule, for t4 citizens of Latlmore town ship appeared to request a new bridge over Bermudian creek at Bubb's mill— At the combined picnic of the Reformed and Lutheran churches of Arendtsvitle in Heiges grove last Thursday between six and seven hundred people enjoyed the day's outing.—ln the presence of the immediate family of the bride, Miss Ruth K. Bream, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mark Bream, was married to Wilbur S. Mcllinger. of Leetonia, Ohio, on Thursday morning, Dr. T. C. Blll heimer performing the ceremony.—The recruiting party sent from the Carlisle Hospital did a good business in Littles town .nine young men from that com munity being secured for service.—The young girls of the Otterbeln Guild of the United Brethren Church raised $25 for the Annie M. Warner Hospital. —With representatives present from as far away as Knnsas. the Rrough fam ily reunion was held at Little Round Top on Thursday.—The convention of the first district of the Adams County Sabbath School Association, which was to have been held at Salem United Brethren Church last Sunday, was post poned and will be held to-morrow.— Sergeant James Brannigan and wife left for Fort Ontario. N. Y., where he will be stationed. Judge Gillan Grants Injunction Against Strikers Uhnmbersburg, Pa., Aug. 23.—Tho Waynesboro strike situation took on a new phase yesterday when it be came known that injunction pro ceedings had been started againat tho strikers by the Frick Company of Waynesboro and the Landis Tool Company. The preliminary injunc tions were granted by Judge Gillan and dates fixed for the hearings. The hearing of the Landis Tool Compnay will be held on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock while the Frick bill will be heard on Wednesday morning. The Landis Tool Company in its petitions cites 56 employes of the com.pan> as defendants. The plain tiff in this case came to Chambers burg late yesterday afternoon and before midnight the preliminary in junction was granted. The Frick In junction was also granted last even ing. Tne complaint avers the strikers are preventing the company from do ing business. Spectator Injured at Ball Game Is Better Millersburjr, Pa., Aug. 23.—Henry S. Matter, who was hit over tho eye with a baseball bat at a picnic is im proving. Matter was a lookeron at a ball game at the big picnic at Killinger. A batter left the bat fly out of his hands, striking Matter over the left eye, frac turing the frontal bone. R. L. Thrush, while constructing a concrete bridge at Sharp Corners, near Berrysburg, saw a wild cat como out of a woods. The animal, no doubt, came across the country from Mahantonga mountain. W. Scott Umborger is the champion creek fisherman of the season. Several days ago he caught an eel which weighed 8% pounds. Miss Helen Franke is spending her vacation with friends at Muncy. The public Bchools of the borough will open Monday, September 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers