12 PACT OPPONENTS MEET WITH KNOX Senators Who Believe Rejec tion Only Course Get Together Washington. Aug. 23. —-• Senators who believe the rejection of the Treaty of Peace now before the Sen ate is the only method of Insuring the safety of the United States in future held a conference yesterday in the office of Senator Knox (Pa.). Those present by no means repre sented the entire number who take this position, but represent the most irreconcilable opposition to the pact. Although the conference was hur riedly and quite informally got to gether, it took up seriously the ques tion of measures by which to organ ize the growing opposition of the country and make possible the elim ination Of the United States from all connection with world settlement as now proposesd. Two parts are in cluded in the program: 1. To insure assurances that thq Senate *ciLl not permit the Treaty to come to a vote on any vital matters for a few weeks while the Senators can absent themselves from Wash ington and make a campaign to in form the country. 2. Then to arrange speaking tours for several Senators that will cover the country and carry to it an accurate understanding of the Treaty as it is now understood by the Senators who have been studying it for months. The conference was in a way the reply of the opposition to the Admin istration move, through the White House conference and the Pittman resolution, to have the Treaty rushed to ratification without even reserva tions, but merely with an interpreta tive resolution outside the ratification measure. The instant collapse of that program on the very day it was pre sented to the Senate was followed by its repudiation to-day by the White House. Cheering to Opposition This was all very cheering to the "shock troops" of the unrelenting opposition, and their plans for a re jection fight were taken in hand at once. Attractive Bargains Closing Out on High Grade Used Cars At Sacrifice Prices 1918 REO TOURING. 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX; spare tire. 1917 ENGER TOURING; fine, shape; bargain. 1916 BUICK BIG SIX; reasonable. 1915 BUICK ONE-TON TRUCK. 1917 VIM LIGHT DELIVERY. 1914 STUTZ ROADSTER; newly painted. ONE CLASSY SPEEDSTER; newly painted; a big bargain. Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co. 22-24-26 N. CAMERON ST., HARRISBURG, PA. Bell 3633 Dial 3370 * See Our Williams Grove Exhibit Crow-Elkhart Touring Cars Day-Elder Trucks Sanford Trucks Our line of touring ears and trucks will be complete in the Grangers Picnic Exhibition next week. We particularly invite you to inspect these machines; the Crow-Elkhart touring car is a passenger car; the Day-Elder and Sanford Trucks for heavy duty work of all kinds. They are leaders in their class. We are Central Pennsylvania distri butors for these cars. MONN BROS. Distributors STAR GARAGE 13th & Thompson St. Harrisburg, Pa. SATURDAY EVENING, Brings Equity Suit For Discontinuance of Garage at Royalton Alleging that the public service garage and repair shop maintained in Rite street, Royalton, by Walter S. Hatfield, twenty-two property owners in that borqugh, to-day brought an equity suit against him to compel him to discontinue his business there. According to the statement filed by William M. Haln and William M. Hargest, attorneys for the plaintiffs, the garage is a one-story frame building, with no foundation walls below the street level, the noise of the repair work, odor of gasoline and oils, sounding of horns and test ing engines are nuisances and have depreciated the values of properties in Rife, Penn., Ulrich, Shippen and Dock street in the vicinity of the garage. Answer to the suit must be filed , within one month according to the , equity rules. The plaintiffs in the , bill include: Horace W. Brenner, Abram E. Hamman, William H. Hemperly, Lillian E. Riale, William H. Wolf, George W. Boyer, Barbara E. Bouchter, John B. Smith, Lizzie B. Hatz, Abner B. Hatz, Elsie B. Hatz, Augustus K. Conrad, Harry C. Seiders, Alice H. Burger, Joseph M. Burger, Edward K. Conrad. Theo philus Burger, Jacob W. Burgere, Jacob M. Hats, George W. Foltz, Josephine Hornig. Defects Are Found in Bender's Petitions Because of defects in the petitions of Oliver C. Bender. Republican and Democratic candidate for nomination for school director, the County Com missioners rejected his nominating papers. No affidavits had been made to them by him, the officials said. F. W. Darrow, colored, who filed a Re publican petition as a candidate for school director, withdrew. The County Commissioners also re jected the petitions of John F. Myers, candidate for councilman from the East ward. Lykens, because a resident in the West ward had signed them. It was decided yesterday afternoon that the office of supervisor in the city would not be listed on the ballot as It had not been certified to the county of ficials by City Clerk R. Ross Seaman. In the Crow-Elkhart, you see a touring car of unusual merits, beautiful lines, powerful motor —the power of the hour, multi power—economical in operation. There are several models, five passenger, roadsters and Sedans. The trucks, both Day-Elder and Sanford are powerful, economical trucks and will meet any demand placed upon them, for farm work, road work or heavy duty and long-distance hauling. Although the Steelton Council of Boy Scouts was formed late in July, the camp at StoverdaJe was arranged for in time to open the camp on August 2. Seventy-eight boys and officers of the four Steelton troops attended camp. The camp broke on Augu st 11. Arrangements are already under way for a camp at least double the size next year. The boys were given the outing of ten days at a cost to them of two dollars per boy. When asked for suggestions for next year's camp, the boys almost shouted the reply, "We want to stay longer!" / Workers Invited by Presbyterians to Join Labor Sunday Services New York, Aug. 23. —Labor was invited to-day by the Presbyterian Church to join in observance of Au •gust 31 as "Labor Sunday." In an appeal for establishment of a "Christian brotherhood through industrial democracy," Dr. William Hiram Folkes. general secretary of the New Era Movement of the Pres byterian Church, said: "The Church stands at the fork of the roads pointing the way. On the one hand is selfish, sordid, satanic Bolshevism, caring neither for Justice nor brotherhood —the way of violence, greed and shameless immoralities. On the other is Chris tian democracy." Rumania's Signature Depends on Modifications By Associated Press. Paris, Thursday, Aug. 21.—Ru mania's signature to the Treaty of Peace with Austria still depends upon modifications of the clause re lating to guarantees to minorities, according to information from au thoritative Rumanian sources. (Paris advices Friday said the Aus trian treaty had been completed and will be transmitted to the Austrians Monday). The Rumanians point out that by royal decrees which will be ap proved by the new Chamber of Deputies to be elected in September, minorities, not only in the new tei ritory attached to Rumania, but in the old kingdom, have been more amply protected than the Peace Treaty provides. Rumania, however, does not desire to have forced upon her, it is said, provisions which it is feared would be interpreted by the minorities as giving them really the upper hand. PROTECTING ISLAND I Through erosion in recent years b ' the southern part of Independence ► i Island has been almost detached L from the main island. In order to r i prevent further damage the owners ! I are building a wind wall south of ► : the landing dock with the expecta * ! tion that this wall will cause a ► gradual filling out of the narrow ' : section of the island through sedi mentation at high stages of the ► river. Similar treatment produced i satisfactory results on the island Ik immediately north of the "Walnut J street bridge. HARYUSBURG TELEGRAPH STEELTON BOY SCOUTS AT SUMMER CAMP Steelton News Boys of Major Bent Playgrounds Capture Romper Day Pennant The Steelton playgrounds were formally closed for the season yes terday afternoon, when a thousand or more youngsters from the vari ous playgrounds romped and play ed on the Cottage Hill athletic field. The first event of the afternoon was a baseball game between the boys of the Major Bent playgrounds and the Sycamore team from Har risburg. The Sycamore team was greatly strengthened by boys from the Fothergill playgrounds and proved the winner by a score of 8 to 7. The Major Bent team played an excellent game. The championship in quoits was won by John Marks of the Major Bent playgrounds. Tetherball was won by Albert Rashinsky of the West Side grounds. Tetherball for girls was won by Ruth Young of the West Side grounds. An exhibition game of newcomb was played by the Major Bent and Hygienic teams. The Hygienic play ers won the game and also won the championship of the season. In awarding the individual prizes the judges remarked that there was so much good work that it was diffi cult to decide the real winners. They stated that all deserved prizes. Prizes were awarded for basketry work as follows: Reed work —First prize. John Benkovic, Fothergill; second, Helen Farina, Fothergill; third, Ethel Geistwhite, Fothergill. Raffia work, Catherine Newbaum, Major Bent. Crocheting, first prize, Catherine Sostar. Fothergill; second, Anne Ma tallo. Fothergill; third. Martha Git tlen, Fothergill. Other features of the afternoon were the Maypole dance by the West Side girls, circle games by the chil dren of the Fothergill grounds, hop dance by the Hygienic girls, and a solo dance by Virginia Wren of the Lawn plaj'grounds. Players from the Lawn playgrounds also gave an exhibition game of tennis. The sports of the day were end ed with an exhibition game of vol leyball between the Major Bent and the Hygienic teams, in which the Major Bent boys completely out classed their opponents. The championship banner was awarded to the Major Bent play grounds. George Tuptanoski, in structor. During the season the boys of the late Major Bent play grounds won all the games in base ball; won 7 and lost one volleyball game; won the track meet; and won the quoit championship. The ban ner was awarded to the instructor by Charles S. Davis, chairman of the playgrounds committee. The banner is a large felt one, and bears the inscription. "Steelton Play, grounds Championship, 1919." Give Miscellaneous Shower For Miss Linnie V. Hess A number of guests were enter tained on Thursday evening at the Gaul residence in North Front street when Mrs. Blake Brubaker, of Williamsport, gave a miscellane ous shower in honor of Miss Linnie V. Hess, who recently announced her engagement to Earl B. Smith, of New Cumberland. The following were guests: Miss Ellen McGinnes, Miss Viola j Helm, Mra Ethel Wallower, Mrs. I C. L. Hale, of New Cumberland; | Mrs. Charles Smith, of New Cum ! berland; Miss Anna Coover, of New i Cumberland; Miss Alda Hill, Mrs. I Roy Snyder, Miss Irene Downs, Mrs. I John Gaul, Miss Jane White, Miss Bertha Hess, Miss Agnes Hess, Miss i Florence Polk, of Mi'lersburg; Mrs. j Robert Gaul, Miss Llnnle V. Hess and Mrs. John R. Null, of Harris | burg. Boys Will Spend Their Vacation at Cove Island Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ! Robert Miller and Mr. and Mrs. I Harry Beidel, a number of local j boys will leave Monday for Cove Island, where they will spend a va cation of ten days. Among the boys are: Charles Wilt, .Charles Sellers, Charles Isenberg, Everett Morgan, Reese Beyerent, Marlln Day, How ard Hentzel, John Koch, Henry Heagy, Harry Proud and Robert | Nebinger. i BRICKLAYERS DEMAND HIGHER WAGES; WALK OCT Demanding an Increase of" 30 cents per hour, bricklayers in the local steel plant walked out yester day. The demand was made ten days ago. A large number of the men are said to have returned to their work this morning. STEELTON CHURCHES Trinity Episcopal—The Rev. W. C. Heilman, rector. 10. church school; 11, Holy Communion and sermon. First Methodist —The Rev. H- W. Ewig will preach at 10.45; Sunday school, 9.30; Epworth League, 6.30. First Presbyterian—The Rev. C- B. Segelken, pastor, will preach at 11 on "Becoming Like Our Ideals;" Sunday school, 9.45; no evening service. Grace United Evangelical—The Rev. J. K. Hoffman, pastor, will preach at 10.45 on "The Greatness" and at 7.30 on "The Tolly of Pride;" Sunday school, 9.30. St. John's Lutheran- The Rev. Simon Snyder, of Windber, will preach at 10.45 and at 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30. Centenary United Brethren-—The Rev. Joseph Daugherty will preach at 11 on "Seeking Higl-'r Things" and at 7.30 on "Daniel As a Man of Definite Purpose;" Sunday school at 9.45; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. U. S. TROOP GOING DEEPERJNTO MEXICO [Continued from First Page.] from Major General Dickman. ac cording to Secretary Baker, and this telegram later was "killed" by the commander of the Southern De partment with the information that this story and a complete report on operations to date were being sent by mail to Washington. Additional cavalry troops were ordered to leave for the river last night It is possible they will join the punitive expedition to relieve part of the troops now operating in Mexico. The number and destina tion of the troops were withheld at military headquarters. Wild rumors that the bandit Ren teria's headquarters had been lo cated and that bombing planes had gone there to bomb the rendezvous were in circulation. They were branded as ridiculous at headquar ters. ' That an effort would be made later to pay the remaining $6,500 ransom to Jesus Renteria or his family was indicated by General Dickman. He took the position at the time Cap tain Matlack rescued Lieutenant Davis without payment of the total ransom, that the United States gov ernment is too great to go back on its word, even to bandits. He stat ed to-day that he feared Captain Matlack's action would result in treachery on the part of Mexicans in case other Americans are cap tured: Aerial Bombs May Be Used to Wipe Out Mexican Bandit Bands Marfa, Tex., Aug. 33. Two forces of troops. Carranza Federals operating far to the south and American cavalry farther north, to day are scouring the Conchos river region of Mexico In an endeavor to clear that section of bandits who pre cipitated an expedition into the sou thern republic by capturing and holding for ransom two American Army aviators. Five bandits here have been killed so far. Major General Joseph T. Dick, man, commandfer of the Southern Department, left last night for San Antonio after familiarizing himself with the details of the punitive ex pedition. Before leaving the Gen eral said an effort would be made to pay the bandits the $6,500 re maining of the Yansom money for the aviators. The possibility of using bombs In wiping out the bandits developed with the arrival of aerial bombe for experimental purposes and an an nouncement that they might be used If a bandit force should be found in any considerable numbers. Reports that the expeditionary forces would be withdrawn at an early date had no foundation, Gen eral Dickman saying the expedition would remain In Mexico as long as they were following a hot trail. There was no explanation ot the rescinding of the order for addi tional troops to support the puni tive expedition. Believes Reciprocal " Border Guard Service Should Be Established Mexico City, Friday. Aug. 23. Luis Cabrera, secretary of the treas ury stated in an Interview that the Mexican and American Governmenta should sign an agreement for a re ciprocal border guard service as a step toward preventing clashes be tween the two countries. Ignacto Bonillas, Mexican ambas sador at Washington, according to Senor Cabrera, would be "eminently fitted" for conducting negotiations with this object. The difficulties which prevented the adoption of such an agreement, at Atlantic City in 1916 were due to the fact that the American delegation wanted the agreement signed immediately, he said, while the Mexican commis sion held out for a withdrawal. Senor Cabrera pointed out that at present such a difficulty would not be met with, since the early with drawal of the Eighth cavalry, now pursuing bandits in the State of Chi huahua was expected. Follow Trail Over Which Villa Operated By Associated Press. Marfa, Texas, Aug. 23—The scene of American operations at present and for the immediate future Is the country over which Villa operated in November, 1917, when he attack ed and captured Ojinaga and threat ened Presidio, Texas. Villa moved down the Conchos river toward Ojinaga. deployed his forces on the plain before that town and attack ed from three sides. Reinforce ments for the federal garrison at Ojinaga arrived along the same trail that- the avtators followed tn their attempt to find their way out. It was believed to-day that at least one of the bandits was In the vicinity of the place where the Villa rebels in the OJinaga district made their headquarters in the moun tains. Ildefonso Sanchez, another Villa leader, was seen in the same dis trict in which the Americans are operating, several months ago. He had small bands scattered through the mountains. American troops are taking every precaution to prevent an ambush that might prove another trap like that at Garrizal, at the time of the Pershing expedition. At night the troops sleep and stand guard in ro tation. An advance guard investi gates every canyon, house and mountain trail to prevent surprise attacks. Carranza troops under General Pruneda are at Cuchillo Parado and there is another federal command at San Jose, opposite Indio, Texas. They have made no effort to pre vent operations by American troops. The line of communication is be ing closely guarded and airplanes are watching every body of Mexi cans in the zone of operations- General Dickman denied reports current that eight more bandits had been killed below the border. Community Singing at Hershey Park To-morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock the orchestra concert and community singing scheduled for last week will take place at Hershey Park. Mrs. Flor ence Ackley Ley will lead the singing and the soloist will be Elmer H. Ley Mr .Ley will sing in the Kipona cele bration a song of the same title writ ten especially for the occasion by E HaSmST WUh W ° rdß by Dr ' Hush COURT TUESDAY No court sessions will be held until Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock it was Pn>eident j u<ise c. j the Session. ban ° n ' wl " pre " de at j A DELICIOUS TONIC Horsford's Acid Phosphate physical energy, correct* indigestion and tones the system ! Stephens Six You must surely see the New 1920 Series at Williams Grove, Pa. August 25-29 The. Stephens will be the shining light at the big summer auto mobile show at Williams Grove next week. It is the car that you must see before deciding. We will have salesmen on the grounds at all times—men capable of explaining the many vari ous points of superiority of this salient six. Be sure to look for our booth. J. S. Sible Jr. DISTRIBUTOR Third & Cumberland Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. ' . \ AUGUST 23, 1919. New Cumberland Gets Ready to Welcome Its Soldiers Back Home New Cumberland, Aug. 23. With the mesting of the Executive Com mittee of New Cumberland's Victory Memorial and Reception Association, last evening, more detailed plans for the victory celebration on September 6 were revealed. All committees have reported splendid progress and each one is apparently trying to outdo the other. The appearance of the ban ners. streamers, posters and wind shield signs has quickly brought the activity of this committee to the pub lic's notice. Schemes for decorations for the day have been greatly elaborated jipon and the orders for buntlqg, etc., now runs into thousands of feet, all of which is to be used in erecting a court of honor in Market Square as a token of the town's due respect to their World War veterans. The largest number of people that has ever been in the town for a single occasion is expected on Saturday, September 6. Plans and accommoda tions for all are being provided for, and nothing short of a gala holiday seems to be forthcoming. Several of the committees known to be continuously active are "keeping things under their hat," but promise to bring forth some new surprises for the occasion. Many County Schools Will Open Labor Day County schools will reopen Monday, September I, In many of the town ships and boroughs. Professor W. R. Zimmerman, assistant superintendent, announced to-day. About eight more teachere are needed to fill vacancies, four in the lower end of the county and four in the upper end. At the Penbrook High school a French instructor is needed, he said. Examinations of teachers have been completed and certificates are being is sued to those who have passed. Kelly-Springfield Trucks Williams Grove August 25th- 26th For a truck that will meet your requirement—in fact any requirement that may be placed upon it— that truck is a Kelly-Springfield. OAsk Us How and Why! Worm and Internal Gear Drive We are factory distributors for 42 counties of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey Atlantic Motor Truck Co. 17th and Chestnut Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. AGAINST RETURN OF ROADS UNDER EXISTING RATES Union Pacific Head Declares Half Would Go Bankrupt Washington, Aug. 23.—Private op eration of railroads cannot be re stored at existing rates, Robert S, Lovett, president of the Union Pa cific Railroad, told the House Inter state Commerce Committee, during a discussion, in which he contended the railroad problem 'ls solely a question of railroad credit" Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pacific, another witness, urged early adoption of a national . transportation policy, declaring de lay only tended to make "all classes uucertaln and unsettled." In adop tion of the transportation policy, he thought Congress should observe four principles, as follows: Government regulatory machinery to encourage the present transporta tion system. so that rates will pay all costs. Including new capital need ed for expansion of facilities; aban donment of present method of adjust ing wage working disputes, with sub stitution of "a sane method of de ciding these questions," including abolishment of strikes, modification of the Sherman law to permit con solidations, and making of Federal authority supreme in regulating rates, securities and accounts. Rail roads should have the right to initi ate rates, Mr. Elliott argued, adding that the Interstate Commerce Com mission should have the right of sus pension and review.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers