lIELL Jft01—2356 UNITED Women's Silk Stockings Special at $1.39 Women's fine silk stockings, full fashioned, first-grade quality, with lisle tops and soles; black and white; all sizes. An exceptional value. Specially priced at $1.39. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Saturday Specials From the Basement WATER TUMBLERS WINDOW SCREENS 75c Dozen 65c The serviceable kind, Adjustable kind, 24 used by boarding inches high, extending houses, lunch rooms, from 23 to 37 inches in etc - width. BREAKFAST PLATES WHISK BROOMS 6 for SI.OO 25c Made of white Eng- Made of good corn, lish porcelain. two rows of stitching. LAWN MOWERS GARBAGE CANS $5.50 $1.75 Easy rmtning, three Made of galvanized 12-inch blades; can be iron, 10-gallon capacity, adjusted to cut high or . w j deep-flanged cover, low grass. CLOSET BRUSHES IRONING BOARDS 39c S l - 10 Good quality brush, Selected lumber; with bent handle, for good, wide kind, about toilet use. [ six feet long. BOWMAN'S —Basement. Women's Pink Vests 39c Light weight fine cotton ribbed pink vests, low neck, sleeveless, trimmed; sizes 36 to 38 only. Specially priced at 39c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Service School Clothes For the Little Boys He cannot wear any old thing then as he may do during vacation. You want him neatly dressed in sensible garments and at the most reasonable price possible. Our children's department offers unex celled assortments for the little chap four to eight years of age. Boys' pants in blue serge, mixtures and corduroy, lined and unlined. Strong inside button hole band, strong pockets. Band and button at knee, $1.50, $1.65, $2.98, $3.50 and $3.95. Boys' collars, soft and laundered, Eton and sailor style, 15c, 20c and 25c. Boys' blouses in striped percale, chanibray, madras and crepe; attached and detached collar, 65c, 75c, 85c, SI.OO, $1.25 to $2.50. Boys' shirts, attached and detached collars; plain white, white striped, percale, madras and crepe, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50. Boys' muslin underwaists with two rows of but tons at waist and adjustable shoulder strap, 50c and 59c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Women's & Misses' Fashionable Pumps Smartest Creations lor Summer Pumps and Oxfords In This Clearance Sale At One-Third Off \ Regular Prices Broken lots in white canvas, white nu ll buck, black and brown kidskin, black and brown calfskin, patent coltskin and black suede. No C. O. D's. No Exchanges All Sales Final BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Charm And Newness_ In The Fall Suits and Coats A charming array of cleverly designed Fall Suits in the season's most popular fabrics, models that are particularly adapted for practical service yet appeal to the discriminating woman by their trim graceful lines and modish colors. Jp ajP' For instance, a snappy sports model is developed in fcciLvA *\ green or oxford heather mixture, with military f oJf/lfU*.L pockets, pleated back and convertible collar. \ Moderately priced at $45. yw \ /JMTI n \ conservat^ve hurella cloth suit in navy, green or // V l'\ \ \ \ol I V An • black in semi-tailored style, belted and button trim- J \ \ x. 1/ i \ Jt/i \ med. An excellent value at $45. \ • \ n KJ[ \\ These suits have that unusual finished touch so — rlol\ j \ '] ./; ) \ essential to semi-tailored models. A splendid assort- / f \1 J-Y A / ilu j ® \ ment of high grade suits at $45 and up. ■jf''" yC/' J And In Coats— ' [_j \ Jw A marine blue cheviot coat with flare back and a \ nobby sleeve that forms a yoke. Has tailored \ \ l\ / pockets, is shell button trimmed and has navy \j\ . \\ , */ 5 velveteen collar and cuff tabs. $45.00. \ \J \ \\ A smart flare back coat model on full raglan lines, j J \ in Scotch tweed. Has large convertible collar, leath- iafl ) er belt and trim. $45.00. oTT l rffl -j Polo coat in tan camels hair; straight box effect J I jk with semifitted back, string belt, novel double // \ \ pockets and button trimmed. $45.00. II Y An extensive line of these distinctive models which W * clearly emphasize the season's demands and a wide * variety of materials and colorings to choose from. Prices ranging from $39.50 to $225.00. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. See the Eldredge Two Spool Sewing Machine Special Demonstration in Charge of Factory Expert This machine has the advantage of hold ing any ordinary spool with 200 yards of thread. So, why wind bobbins and only get 50-yard service? The Automatic Tension is a genuine time saver. It produces a perfect stitch without adjustment, on all classes of work. It saves the time necessary in chang ing tension on ordinary machines—a tri umph of the twentieth century. T he Eldredge Rotary, The Eldredge Special, The Yindex and The Bowman Special—all machines of real merit—are being demonstrated by an efficient factory expert. These ma chines are all fully guaranteed, all arc drop heads, easy rurfi ning and Can Be Bought on the Bowman Club Plan SI.OO Delivers One to Your Home Liberal Allowance on Your Old Machine BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. New Blouses That AX? Autumn Beauty f Delightfully original in style—so different V .y 'f If * rom . e k est Summer models —new in line and X\ I\ I r lliSf decora ti° ns —different in fabric as well as form. J /nl, llm Lw/r Jk'lSMlw Some are vivid, with their brilliant new color- /[ f | til Sl S ihb " in £ s ' nlan y are 9 uite demure; some simple; some [ W \\ 1 &|, elegant—all tasteful and becoming. gr What a delight to be among the first to wear the new modes! Georgette and net blouses in all the new Georgette blouses in Russian model with real shades; white, flesh, coral, gray, taupe and , and v ene tian lace trimming. And ethers peach, also in white washable net - Dainty frills decidedly attractive with the new wool embroid and pleats, round collars and collarless, smart n c i finished cuffs. Fresh new lot to sell at $5.95. ery m co " tr:ls ""K ™d up. AA r... _ ~ t•, r -ii i i- Georgette blouses and crepe de chines in white White georgette blouses with bib frill, bob- „ , J? ~ , ... , _ binette edging and cuffs trimmed accordingly. flesh ' French blue ' r,ch n,alze and S™y- Beau- Buttons down back and has a touch of black tifully embroidered, some beaded and others ribbon bows at collar and on cuffs. A new and prettily trimmed with tucks and frills. A good popular model at $10.50. assortment of sizes and styles at $4.38. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. SULRRISBTTRG I TELEGKXPS HARRIS BURG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1010. Specials In Bowman's Sale Of Fine Furniture Antique Mahogany Bedroom Suite, a very high v grade well made suite of four pieces including Dresser, Chiffonier, Tripple Mirror Dressing Table and full size bed. August Furniture Sale, 4 pieces, $219.00. American Burl Walnut Bedroom Suite, Queen Anne period, a very attractive suite. Bow End Bed, Men's Chiffrobe, Vanity Dressing Table and Dresser. Same suite can be purchased in Antique Mahogany. August sale price, 4 pieces, $249.00. Overcovered tapestry Living Room Suite, large davenport, chair and rocker, all pieces having loose spring cushions, very comfortable and well made. August sale price, 3 pieces, $198.00. American Walnut Dining Suite, Queen Anne period, 60 inch buffet with mirror, 54 inch extension table, square china closet, five diners and host chairs, covered in genuine leather. August Furniture Sale price, 9 pieces, $279.00. Silk floss Mattress, genuine 100% Java floss, for full size beds, Art ticking. August price, $21.75. Bowman's Special Boxspring, for all size beds, well upholstered good grade of ticking. August price, $22.50. Antique Mahogany finished Poster Beds, full size and turn size. August price, $24.50. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. AUGUST 22, 1919 STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX The New Hats Every woman is interested in seeing the new hats, and here she may see them at their best. Hundreds and hundreds of them are here. Smart small shapes that are entirely along new lines and very large hats —all fashion's favorites. Developed in such materials as panne velvet, Lyons velvet, duvetyne, beaver and silk. In dark shades and the new colors, such as nasturtium, orange, amber and China blue. Style and quality in every one according to the usual Bowman standard of fashionable millin ery. All priced as moderately as this grade of millin ery will permit. lhe soft velvet hats that are in such demand this Fall are especially conspicuous in this display. ... BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Corset Specials Elastic-top, back-lace corsets, in flesh; made of excellent quality batiste; sizes 20 to 25; un usual value, sl.lO. \\ hite coutil corsets, back lace, medium bust, long, free hips; La Boma make; excellent value, sl.lO. Front-lace corsets, made of fine quality white coutil; popular make; sizes 21 to 32; excellent value, $2.10. Bandeau Brassieres, in flesh brocade, back closing; very special, 65c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Saturday Specials In Silk, Wash Goods and Dress Goods 36-inch Fancy Silks—stripes and plaids; grounds of satin, Louisines and Chiffon Taffeta; some with satin over-stripes and checks.' Suitable for dress, waist, skirts and linings, $1.69 yd. Double with Black Silks; 10 most popular weaves, ranging in price from $1.59 to $2.75 yard. These can not be duplicated on to-day's market without paying considerable more for them. 44-inch Plain Voiles; 10 good colors, 45c yd. 36-inch Irish Linen Finish Suiting; 3 colors, rose, tan, blue, 39c yd. 36-inch Madras; medium colors; very fine, count 100x125 threads to the square inch, 59c yd. 54-inch Covert Suitings, $2.95 yd. 54-inch Fancy Mohair Suitings, $1.95 yd. 54-inch Navy men's wear Serge, $3.25 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Socks 19c Plain lisle socks, blue, tan and pink. Not all sizes in all colors, but good assortment to choose from. Specially priced at 19c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Columbia Yarns at Prices One-Third Less This sale offers an exceptional opportunity of se curing these well-known yarns at one-third less than regular prices. All first class materials in perfected colors. But as this is a special purchase of a line that we do not usually carry in stock we cannot permit any exchanges at this special price. Columbia Floss 30c * Colors are old rose, raisin, gas blue, Nile, black, watermelon pink, shadow lawn, Burgundy, robin's egg, hunter and vert de mer. Columbia Germantown 40c Colors are scarlet, wood brown, sunrise, cream white, Oregon green, old blue, purple, peacock, maize, black, yellow and gray. Columbia Teazle Wool 30c Colors are sunrise, black, old rose, plum, maize, cream white, gray and brown. Columbia Scotch Sweater Yarn 40c Colors are dark gray, turquoise, old blue, old rose, white and black. Columbia Saxony 26c Colors are blue, white and pink. Worsted Khaki Yarns 60c This is a very good grade yarn and makes a soft, warm sweater or stockings for cold weather wear. WMAN'S—Second Floor. 3 FOUNDED 1871
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