10 | Coca-Cola is a perfect i answer to thirst that no | ?S imitation can satisfy. § $ Coca-Cola quality, recorded I N in the public taste, is what | i holds it above imitations. i ML —nicknamei encourage aubititution. r KT " THE COCA-COLA CO. I ATLANTA, GA. j [E^EBBBEEBBB SPECIAL LIMITED TIRE SALE BIG SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED, ALL NON-SKID TREADS INTRODUCTORY PRICES SIZE PRICE GRAY TUBE 30x3 $9.73 $1.83 30x334 $12.30 $2.10 32x334 $14.40 $2.30 31x4 $19.80 $3.30 32x4 $20.73 $3.10 33x4 $21.60 $3.80 34x4 $22.23 $3.90 33x434 $29.83 $4.90 IF YOU NEED A TIRE—BUY TODAY ANDREW REDMOND THIRD & HAMILTON STS. HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, Maypole and Folk Dancing Played Big Part in Annual Romper Day Exercises I SEES PEACE OF U. S. DISTURBED [Continued from First Pace.] goal of uniformity in the conditions of labor bat I question -whether it can be dome otherwise than by Truck ing: the standard the lowest, juad lev eling down to it. Strict uniformity in world labor conditions can be attained only at the expense of the American wage earner. I cannot avoid the concltoaom that these ar— " tides designed for hi* proposal and fl spiritual improvement may make him the equivalent of the continental i wage earner-.'* Referring to the pro-risiom that the credentials: of delegates to the in ternatioca:! conference may be . Doctor Tefls How to Strengthen Eyesight lion-Opto, yi ur-||KWlrf7lH Lewis, l|K£ill|n■ IlTUfl have seen eyesight strength- vHaHKadKY^W ened 60% Wj.'/lLj jlj [lay inaweek's wfl JEKfttSUBp time in many instances, and quick relief brought to inflamed, aching, itching, burning, work-strained, watery eyes. Read the doctor's full statement soon to appear in this paper. Bon-Opto is sold and recommended everywhere by Druggists. PEACHES Why not use more peaches? They can be had at the West End Electric Co., Green and Maciay, at reasonable prices, fresh every day from the orchard. Before a crowd of about 5,000 persons, playground girls yesterday afternoon presented a folk dance festival, the feature of the annual Romper Day program at Reservoir Park. The crowds witnessing the i dances were tho largest since the ' annual outings have been held for j the youngsters. About 700 partici pated in the dances and singing games, trained by Miss Margaret C. Turner, folk dancing instructor, and the young women who have been in charge of the various play plots this summer. ! paiOTecS mm try the coimffeireamce Itseflir. I he comaammedl: —FeiraaMMilllly I <fi<ro nut Inke a casvemajntt which wEhJficlLs the sei-ectaom -off I ioflTicuzii]* by the gyjiTwrnni-emit off the ' "United Siaaifts for the -discharge: -off ina- j pcrtzuat intieTMiti onsJ functions to re ; view aifi possi ble ppyectioaa "by an ex | leraau authority. The treaty thus i' nulcs the oomieTwnce a ralertitnto for ■or a supplement t© the President and the Senate. -'Fnx seme time I entertained a | doubt whether Article FOi did not in- I vest this cenference with a species of legislative or treaty making power. | And proposals for the extension off this | power will probably soon follow the ; establishment of the permanent or ganization. if I correctly apprehend the purport of the official introduc tion. Pence Disturber "I do not look for the early advent of the stupenduous upheaval, which must come to the structure of the American government before it can constitutionally assent to such a dele gation of power, but I can well imag ine how efforts to secure it would .profoundly disturb our domestic peace, i for the labor program points that I way," i He also said he could not avoid the j conclusion that certain Judicial rites I visited by the constitution in Ameri can course would be delegated to the tribunals set up by the labor section. Scores Labor's Methods Painting a glowing picture of con ditions iu this country and declaring that organized labor was employing | methods which threaten the nation's ; political and social existence, he de clared these were the real matters j that should concern legislators. ! "Yet there are conditions," he con tinued, "which the labor section of the j treaty neither provides against nor ! catalogs among those requiring cor rection by International covenant." FIVE GREAT RACES Poughkcepsie. N. Y., Aug. 22. Five races are scheduled for to-day at the grand circuit meeting here. They are the National for two-year old trotters; the 2.20 pace for half mile track; the Chamber of Com merce, 2.09 trot, the Nelson House, free for all pacers, and the 2.08 pace. The prizes aggregate 86,000. Personal-Social i ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haskins | went home to Boston to-day after ; a week's visit among relatives in j the West End. I The Misses Anna and Reba Mich lovitz. of 18 North Thirteenth street, ' have Just returned to the city after j a trip to Atlantic City where they | were registered at "The Breakers." Miss Winifred Strong Snyder, of , Chicago, who has been visiting her j aunt. Miss Cora Lee Snyder, at 1008 | North Second street, left this after j noon for a fortnight's stay with her i grandmother, Mrs. John L. Butler, j in Carlisle. | Ambrose Keene. of Plymouth, is \ visiting his brother. Dr. C. E. L. j Keene in Berryhill street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Harper i and children, Samuel and Joseph J Harper, of Chicago, are guests of ; their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Em- I mett Case, of North Second street, j Miss Pauline Owen and her small I sister, Kathleen Owen, of Pitts- I burgh, are stopping for a while with j their sister. Mrs. Roscoe Raymond, I of Green street, ! George and Henry Westlake, of I Brooklyn, are spending a month | with their cousins, Charles and Oli j ver Gaines, of Market street. Miss Elizabeth Muench, of 204 North Second street, has Just re turned from Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Miss Beatrice H. Hinkle, of 1821 North Fourth street, who has re- I turned after a trip to points in In ! Diana and Illinois, resumed her du | ties as bacteriologist at the Hazle- I ton Hospital. Mrs. S. Wirt Mosser. of 227 1 Emerald street, has returned to the | i city after a month's stay with her j mother, Mrs. S. E. Smith, at her I Chelsea cottage. Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mumma, 811 I Green street, left this morning to spend a week at Atlantic City. Mrs. S. W. Greene, 623 North Sev enteenth street, has as her guest her | aunt, Mrs. Kate G. Becker, Wilkes- Barre. Mrs. John Black and Miss Marian Black, of 201 South Seventeenth I street, are spending a fortnight In Atlantic City, . Miss Helen Ftsher and Miss Helen Crook have returned after a .threa I weeks' trip to Indianapolis, Lako View, Ohio, Columbus, ZanesviUe I and Pittsburgh. [Other Social News on Page B.] HAKRISBURG TEEEGH3TO At the top of the group of pic tures above the children are shown dancing to "Pop Goes the Weasel"; in the center is another dance on the terrace in which youngsters from each playground participated and on the right are some Emerald playground lassies presenting the "Maypole Dance," the closing fea ture of the program." Below on the left are the in structors dancing an "Irish Lilt" and on the right Emerald and Res ervoir girls tripping about to an other folk dancing air. MARDIGRAS IN PAXTANG PARK [Continned from First Page.] tag paras off lie program was the ■eating race for colored boys. Of course, yon can well Imagine what happened vhtn they turned loose a crowd of youngsters, on a fairly am ple food supply. It looked like a cyclone for awhile, but after the first rush was over they settled down to a long hard contest Food disappeared at the rate of 10 pounds the split second. But the gifts— everything from silks and such mysterious contrap tions to five pounds of butterlne were lined up side by side in an imposing array. Mayor Keistcr, who evidently shares the ideas of a former Presi dent on race suicide, gave a barrel of flour to the largest family repre sented. The most popular Mummer on the grounds received a Swift ham. The afternoon saw the baby show In full swing and the fond mothers hovered all around the place while their fat and fuming youngsters were held up to the general inspecting eye of the Judges. The Moorhead chorus will give a vaudeville entertainment in the park theater this evening Instead of the regular performance. Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley, of the War Camp Com munity Service, will direct the fol lowing program: Selection. orchestra; Moorhead chorus, "Blowing Bubbles." Verse by- Misses Lillian Goodyear, Grace Staudt. and chorus; "Maggie and Jigs and Mr. Mac A. Roney," Misses Sadie Stewart. Ruth Murlatt, Dess Dennis; soprano solo. "Sunshine of Your Poor Woman Makes Sacrifice "For years I have doctored for indigestion and severe bloating with gas, all my money had gone for doctors and medicine which did me no good. I had lost all faith in medicines and as I have to work hard for the few dollars I earn, was afraid to risk any more money. A year ago my neighbor told me to try Mayer's Wonderful Remedy. I have found it to be the best medicine in the world and am glad I made the sacrifice." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflamation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. H. C. Kennedy. Clark's two Drug Stores! and druggists everywhere. RHEUMATISM Physician Believe* a Genuine Rem edy I''or the Dineuite Ha* Been Found Rheuma, the wonderful rheuma-' tism remedy, now sold by all good druggists, gives quicker and more lasting relief than other remedies costing many times as much. Rheuma acts with speed; it brings in a few days the relief you have prayed for. It antagonizes the pois ons that cause agony and pain in the Joints and muscles and quickly the torturing soreness completely dis appears. Read what a reputable physician I says about Rheuma: "I have made a most careful investigation of the tormula employed In the manufac ture of Rheuma, and I heartily recommend it as a remedy for ail forms of rheumatism. I find Rheuma far in advance of the methods gen erally employed in the treatment of rheumatism, and altogether differ ent in composition from the remedies usually prescribed."—Dr. M. C. Lyons. This certainly should give any rheumatic sufferer confidence to try this harmless and inexpensive remedy. If you have rheumatism in uni form don't delay—try Rheuma to day. Kennedy's Drug Store will sup ply you and return your money if It does not give you quick and joyful relief. increases strength of delicate, nervous, i run-down people in two weeks' time in many instances. Used and highly en dorsed by former United States Senators and Members of CongTess, well-known physicians and former Public Health offi cials. Ask your, doctor .or druggist Smile," Ellsworth Swymellar: Irtsh Lilt, Misses Helen Lutz, Alice Thomp son; sketch. "The Gossipers," Miss Margaret Farmer and Mrs. Kather ine Stewart; solo, "Mamy O' Mine." Miss Lillian Goodyear; gypsy scene, violin and girls, violin "solo by John Long, scene by Elizabeth Lotz, Ro maine Wallace, Mabel Atland, Cath erine Folk and Mabel Witmer; double skit, "Oh. Gee! Be Sweet to Me Kid," Helen Beatty, Grace Sheesley; trio, "When You Look in the Heart of a Rose," Misses Goodyear, Farmer and Mrs. Staudt; "Topsy and Her Pal." Misses Fannie McClain and Helen Wallace; patriotic tableau. Miss Sadie Stewart— Goddess of Liberty; Ro maine Wallace—sailor; Ruth Mur latt—soldier; Shirley Knepper, Sal vation Army Girl; Dess Dennis— Red Cross Nurse; Moorehead Chorus, "Till We Meet Again;" "Star Spangled Banner." A Few Interesting Fall Fashion Notes AN EARLY SEASON, seems to be the decided opinion of all the best judges. We are splendidly prepared to meet the early demand. New merchandise is arriving daily and is surpassing our expectations as to quality, style and workmanship. But the great surprise for you is that our prices are as low as present wholesale costs, due to our early buying. Our buyer has been in New York the past week and has secured many wonderful garments of last-minute modes —many of which will be shown today and tomorrow. Jj/ Concerning the New Dresses The modish Fall styles in the new Dresses l/aMu we are now showing are so charming that • / seems more desirable than the other. jPffjffijl / The dresses arc made extremely well, concentrated in ( Black. Navy, Brown, Field. Mouse, Burnt Bisque and a \ I ew shades in combination materials. Th e mater 'als are Tricolette, Poiret, Satin, Tricotine, Men's Wear Serge, Wool jersey, Charmcuse, Tatifeta and f|l sls $18.50 $22.50 $25 up A Word About the New Suits The ASTRICH line of Suits for Fall will make a very striking appeal to discriminating dressers. XL Those who can appreciate individual design, per feet tailoring and real quality of merchandise will need no further description of our Suits. w- VTy Prices, too, are surprisingly low. All the new shades are represented—Reindeer, Brick, Brown, Stone Blue, Copen, Pekin, Navy, Black, Copper, Taupe, Oxford, Plum, Burgundy as well as checks and twaßß mixtures so much in vogue this season. Bolivia, Silvertone, Tinscltone, Yolama, Velour, Broadcloth, Men's Wear Serge and Mosspray and Boucel HSg Knit Worsted Wool are the wanted materials. \ $29.50 $32.50 $35 /Bp $37.50 up to $135 The New Coats are Charming §ifljgioW The material of which Milady's Coat is fash ioned is usually the first consideration—next the style must be correct and exclusive—and lastly, (/ P r ' ce must attractive. i /t&mm ASTRICH'S Coats will satisfy your every desire in -SSSIM®* material, style and price—and comparison will prove the ' superiority of our values. C The fashion favored fabrics for the season are Chamel ttV/jgilf eon Cord, Beluchi Cloth, Bolivia, Pom-Pom, Broadcloth, V Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots. All are here awaiting your $25 $27.50 $32.50 $35 Up to SIOO AUGUST 22, 1919, G. A. R. CHJKK ACCEPTS Delegates representing the Gr.oid Army of the Republic will attend the first annual convention of the Amer ican Legion in Minneapolis next .No vember. it was announced yesterday, when a letter from C. E. Adams, Commender in Chief of the G. A. R., accepted an invitation to attend the session was made public. In the letter the Civil War veteran said the "whole country is looking to the patriotic societies to take the lead in a campaign for a settled American policy," and "the time has come for all Army men and all pa triotic societies to strengthen their positions by a federation of their or ganizations." Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodorizing, fragrant and refreshing. An ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder. It soothes and cools the skin, over comes heavy perspiration, is conven ient and economical and takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. Splendid after bathing with Cuticura Soap. A few grains dusted on the skin and hands imparts to the person a del icate, individual and distinctive fra grance, leaving the skin sweet and wholesome. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Sold throughout the world. For sample each free address: "Cuticura Lab- I oratories. Dept. 19F. Maiden, Mw." 9V~Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Tired, Overworked MOTHERS Do This llegln Now to Rebuild Yonr Strength HO the Winter Won't Kind You Weak nnd Sick Mothers who have had no real rest, j or recreation this Summer but who j have lost strength and vigor, and can \ hardly navigate because of their I weak tired feeling—must not suffer ; this way long. The results lead to dangerous illness. The constant drudge of housework, continued care of active playing children and the weakening effects I of terrible Summer heat places these I attentive Mothers on the road to sirk | ness and premature age, unless the | vitality is rebuilt, blood renewed and enriched and life made more Ilka | living. Your blood gets thin and weakened under such a strain. It. strives to | maintain energy in a bodv weak ened by overwork and drudgery and I becomes thin and watery in its ef -1 forts to rebuild a system too far : gone in weakness. How then are ' you to strengthen your blood to re j gain your own health and vitality? I Simply begin to nourish your blood , wit.h a good natural blood food. ; Many women use a blood food called ! Novo-San. It is endorsed by phys j clans and used by them in building | up weakened run down people. ; Novo-San will add white corpuscles I (the policemen of the blood) to the blood to quickly drive out the wastq matter that comes from the torn down tissues. Then as your blood gets rid of this waste matter, it will begin almost immediately to add en-, ergy to your body and feelings. Try Novo-San and see how quickly your strength and force picks up from day to day and how the color returns to your cheeks and real life to your feelings. A twelve-days' treatment wilt surely tell, and enough for such a trial can be obtained from H. C. Ken nedy and Geo. A. Gorgas. at. small cost. A 50 per cent, better feeling will be yours.—Advertisement.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers