14 I Not iicl Expense mi Not lael Delay Involved in Getting Results From Classified I ©eatfos THOMAS —Mrs. Mary E. Thomas, oil Monday, Aug. IS, 1919, at 4.45 a. m. widow of Samuel A. Thomas, at her late residence SOS North Third St. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 1 p m. in the Mifflintown Lutheran Church. Burial Union cemetery. LOST AND FOUND LOST—A bundle of papers in enve lopes. Reward awaits tinder. Belong ing: to S. Friedman, Kunkel Bids., Third and Market Sts. LOST—On Monday, Cumberland Val ley Normal certificate. 1007 and dip loma 1909, between Market and Sec ond and Walnut streets. Reward if returned, HIS North 14th St. LOST —On Aug. 9, a tanned collie, goes by name of Barnie or Donn. Re ward if returned to 1120 Green st. FOUND—A Collie dog near Poly clinic Hospital, Front and Roily Sts., owner can have him by paying for this ad and expense of care. He is dark brown, black around ears, white nose and breast, tip of tail white also, four feet. Apply J. .1. Foley. Associat ed Aids Society, 5 Market Square. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BUCKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckloy. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED Unemployed men who are first class mechanics in the following lines of work: 2 Layers out. 1 •Vertical boring machine opera -0 Lathe opera tvA- 230-40-in. 2 Horizontal boring machine operators. 2 I'-S milling machine operators. 2 Shaper machine operators. 7 Machine shop handy men. 2 Machine tool grinders. 1 Planer operator. 2 Tool makers. 1 Universal grinder. 7 General machinists, ino Good laborers. Information concerning these posi tions may be secured at the Pennsyl vania State Employment Service, Third and North Streets, Harrisburg, Penna. WANTED Freight truckers and freight hurdlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg. Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Roclsvllle car to Sixth and Division streets. MAN WANTED to work in ice plant; steady winter job. Apply at UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Streets CREDIT MAN WANTED—Man familiar with sim ple ledger accounts. Prefer one who is fairly well acquainted with the credit standing of people in Harrisburg and \icinttv. Excellent opportunity. Ad dress Box C-4201 care Telegraph. INSURANCE opportunities. Desir able territory throughout Pennsylva nia open for assignment to men quali fied for present or eventual general agencies. Liberal contracts to produc ers. Standard, up-to-date, low priced accident and health insurance. Funer al benefit. Write National Accident Society. 320 Broadway, New York City. Established 1885. TRY 1 IT! No genius is required to sell an acknowledged commodity. Per sonal accident and health insurance belongs in every home. Liberal com missions. Disability benefits from S3O to SIOO per month. Natural death ben efit Premium $1 a month upward. Na tional Accident Society, 32u Broad way, New York City. Established 34 vea'rs. WANTED —Experienced truck driv er; permanent position if satisfac tory. Apply at once to Witman Bros., 40 N. Tenth st. SHOEMAKER at once, one that can operate Goodier stitcher; $25 to S3O per week; steady work the year round; work from 7 a. m. to 5.15 p. m : Saturday afternoon off. Write or call at Shoe Hospital. Sunbury, Pa. SALESMAN for coffee, by long es tablished well known roasters; can positively only consider experienced salesman, acquainted retail grocers Williamsport territory, to headquar ters there. Give full particulars, age, salarv, selling record and whether can drive Ford. Permanent and desir able pohition for right party. Replies confidential. Address Confidential. YOUNG man wanted, 16 to 20 years of age to work in milk room. Apply with good reference, 1806 North Thud Street (Cortinurd In Next Column) FOR SALE Low Priced Properties No. 638 Calder street 214 storv brick and frame house; 7 rooms; front porch; possession in 30 days. • l'rlee, $1,150 No. 1943 Rudy street 2 story frame house; 6 rooms; front porch; lot 20x100 feet; po session in 30 days. Price, $1,300 Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COl IIT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Real Estate lionrj r WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE i OPPORTUNITIES for A large number of Inexperi enced men. Ages 18 to 45. Must be In good physical con dition. Good living wages paid while learning. Steady work assured. No labor trouble. Apply In person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., AKRON, OHIO. CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS GENERAL REPAIRMEN ELECTRICIANS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS High rates paid first class mechanics. Steady work as sured. No labor trouble. Phy sical examination required. Apply in person or communi cate at once with factory employment office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. I ; ■ WANTED—At once; six carpenters, 76c per hour; come ready for work; none but first class mechanics. Metz ger Fisher. 2207 N. Seventh St. WANTED A boy over 16"years for! store work; references required. Ap-i j.ly Grand Union Tea Co., 20s North I Second street. RAILROAD traffic Inspectors want-] ed; sllO a month and expenses to | start; short hours; travel; three months' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ' ask for booklet N-273, Standard Busi ness Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Laborers and piece j workers. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Paxtang, Pa. MAGAZINE or newspaper solicitors wanted. State experience and salary wanted Address P. O. Box No. 117.1, Harrisburg. WANTED —Young man, apply at I once. F. W. Woolworth, 104 Market j Street. I WANTED —Boy between 14 to 16 vears of age; can go to continuation! school. Apply 1610 N. Fifth street. WANTED —Six neat appearing men : to fill positions that are now open;] selling experience preferred, but not; essential; unless you are a hustler, end want to earn money do not apply] 111 S. Second St. SEVERAL experienced news paper canvassers for out-of town campaign. Salary and expenses. Apply MR. J. C. YOUNG, ' 916 North Sixth Street. i MOULDER —First class all around] • | journeyman mechanic, high wages to j capable and dependable man; closed j shop conditions; position out of city. • l State experience in detail and age. | Address K-SUI2. . I ' WANTED —Experienced newspaper j I and magazine men to represent largo. New 1 ork publishing house, Six or-! . iders per day pays $36 per week. See IMr Dalesman. 410 Tatriot Bldg. I MAN wanted for quarry and lime- j ' | stone work. Apply Rutherford Bros., | l'axtang. ] i ! WANTED —Several good carpenters, •jApply employment office. Central Iron: • and Steel Co. STRUCTURAL draftsman; state ex- { . perience and salary desired; perma- 1 ]! nent position in York. Pa.; only first 1 ] j class men experienced in building and I bridge detailing need apply. Address ' | L-5241. ■I I II AMBITIOUS office man or clerk to 1 i qualify lor responsible accounting po-I 'I sit ion. accepted applicant will work ; I under supervision of certified account- I ]ar.ts, this is an opportunity to develop into a salary of $2,50u to $3,000 per • year, state age, experience and phone number. Address Box 0-8284 care Tol i egraph. [ i WANTED—Two salesmen, prefer • ence given to men with accounting , experience or knowledge; must spend j • two weeks at factory to learn business, i • State age, experience and reference. | i Box F-6SCI car Telegraph. • WANTED —Two young men to learn I i salesmanship and make S2O per week] • while learning. See Mr. Datesman, 410 ! II Patriot Bldg. j • MOULDERS experienced in gray I iron foundry or general work; rst j class mechanic; also coremakers or j 11 men with foundry experience; good! j wages; nonunion shop; 50 miles from < Harrisburg; no labor troubles; trans-j Ipirtation allowed; we offer a good; I proposition to several steady and re-1 | liable men. Address C-8237 care Tel j egraph. ! j TWO first class mechanics at once. ] ! Apply Susquehanna Motor Co.. 117 S. I Third St. ' GRASP the opportunity to-day to! i become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your! working hours to become an exp-rt and for only seven dollars a we-k. ] Learn a practical trade. Make uppli-' cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N., Cameron st.. Harrisburg. Training] Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. 1 lIELI* WANTED—FEMALE i WANTED ' Experienced saleslady for coat and suit department, only those with experience need apply. Astrich's, 308 Market Street. WANTED Competent child's nurse; (white). Apply with reference to Box H-5326 care Tele graph. WANTED Experienced knitters. Apply Harris Hosiery Co., Calder and Marion Sts. GIRLS wanted over 16 years; steady employment. Apply Shearer Mfg. Co., 208 Hamilton St. WANTED —Girl for general "house work; one who is. experienced in cook ing. Apply 1855 Regina St. WANTED—White girl for general housework; no laundry; no children; good home. Apply 2214 North Second Street. WANTED—-Woman, white, with ex perience in diningroom and first floor j work by private family, four or five' days each week, from 7 a. m. to 3 p. in. Address P. O. Box 107, Harris- ] burg. WANTED Four neat appearing! ladies to fill outside position, selling experience preferred but not essential. I Must furnish A No. 1 reference; good] compensation to right party. Apply 114 S. Second. IV AN TED—Conjpetent stenographer and general office assistant; lady pre ferred; opportunity for advancement. Inquire Bell phone 1354-.1 Dial 8315. WANTED—A white woman for gen eral housework in a small family where she will find a good home. One ; of middle age preferred; references required. Apply 2524 Deny st. WANTED—Experienced and reliable! colored woman to work in our res-1 taurant; short hours and good pay; no Sunday work. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Company. Ver non Street. Wanted —Woman demonstra tor for yarns and bead work. One capable of giving in structions in knitting sweat ers. tarns, scarfs and bead work on bags, purses and othei arlides. Apply Bow man's Employment Bureau, Fourth Floor. WANTED—Reliable woman for gen- I eral housework in small private fain lily. Apply 1818 Market street or Bell 1 phone 671-R. WORKING stewardess in charge of pantry and storeroom. Hotel expert i once necessary. Good salary. Apply I Mrs. Houghtaling, assistant manager, Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore, Fa. WANTED—A bead cook; experienc ed in handling help and feeding largb numbers, to take general supervision of diningroom and kitchen and to as sist with the work. Must bring refer ence as to honesty and dependability. Take Riverside car. Call at the Har risburg Academy office. WANTED—Robinson & Co., 3d and I Broad sts., require the services of | several salesladies for cloak and suit, millinery, hosiery and underwear Idepls.; good salary to those of ex perience; none other need apply. 1 I WANTED —For general housework, a white girl; good home in family of ]tMo: i oferencc required. Apply 226 | Relly st. I : 1 WANTED Experienced knitters. Apply Harris Hosiery Co., Calder and Marion sts. WANTED —A woman for general ' housework, no washing, must know I how to cook, call any time after 5 o'clock. Pell phone 132-R. I WANTED —Experienced housekecp |er, mils' be over 21 years; good ■ wages; apply Alva Hotel, 19 South j Fourth street. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets | OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and SleevLng Machines. I JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 N. Fourth Street, IIKLP WANTED—MaIe anil Female j WANTED —Lady or gentleman for canvassing; salary or commission. Ap | ply 1839 North Street. City. ' THOUSAND, men, women, 18 or 1 over now wanted. Government posi ; tions. Railway mail clerks, city car riers, census clerks, SIIOU-SI6OO yeur; j vacation: common education suffi icieut; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dept. 1413-S. Rochester, N. Y. j WANTED —Responsible men and women to handle our accident and ! health insurance policies. Liberal commissions. Disability benefits range l'rcin S2O to SIOO per month. Premium ! $1 a month upward. All occupations. I Also limited policies at $5 and $lO a "year. National Accident Society, 320 ! Broadway, New York City. Establish jed 31 years. SALESMEN WANTED j FERTILIZER SALESMAN WANTED One of the oldest manufacturers of I fertilizers, located in Baltimore, Md.. ■ desires the services of a livewire, ] hustling, business-getting salesman to | cover Central and Western Pennsyl vania for them. They already have a jwell established business in this sec -1 tion hut want some one who can hold I this and get new business. Answer. ! giving details as to past experience. ] u i>, tonnage handled, etc., to Box IT-823S care Telegraph. Ail replies will ho considered confidential. ! WANTED— County and local sales men for sanitary chemical toilets; ' urotitab'.e proposition to capable men. I Address K, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ! AN experienced elevator operator wishes a position. Address Operator, | this office. ' 1 Continued In Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH |UI 1111 n 1111 >. I>n4■ >.l if ; . i P I'' . | \m ' ® • :m FINDING A POSITION is some- |g j|s| times a most disheartening task. Just , !p|| to rely upon friends, or upon going |ls|i ||M about and making personal applica- pJ\ 'UQ tions, often lead to utter discourage- ffl; tO ment. The quick road to a position is ffi through the classified. Sometimes this Gh road requires more than one day to nN ; travel—but it leads inevitably to the sw jm desired goal if followed. y^j in ' ' I ijjj si ■'i 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED —By reliable chauffeur, ' with private family; expert mechanic, do owr work; experienced J>n foreign 1 and American cars. Have driven for ! previous employer in America, Europe and South America. Unquestionable I references furnished; only reasonable ! I salary asked. For interview address I H-25 care Telegraph. ; I" * I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE | MIDDLE aged woman wishes posi tion as nurse; can furnish reference, j Address L-8289 care Telegraph. i WOMAN of refinement desires posi tion as housekeeper in the home of a! widower or small family. Can furnish 1 1 best of references. Address A. B. care Ti legraph. A w oman would like to have day's work. Call 801 l phone 4586. EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper desires position. Address I A-S2S7 care Telegraph. I PRACTICAL nurse wishes position j caring for invalid or child; can fur nish best of references. Address j K-S2SS care Telegraph. WIDOW desires work as cook or scrubwoman. Mattie Higgnbotham, 111:10 Cumberland St. WOMAN wishes nursing to do or any kind of work. Apply Ella Cooper, Petrbrook, Pa. 1 WOMAN—Middle age wishes posi tion as housekeeper for widower or upstairs work. Can give references. L-8285 care Telegraph. ' A second-year High school girl wanting a home; seeks interviews with those desiring her services. Ad dress communication to P. O. Box 617. ! YOUNG woman wishes position in office doing clerical work; has had ex perience. Addresß Box Z-7672 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room; all convenl enced with privilege of light housekeeping. Apply 714 Cap ital Street. FOR RENT Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences. Call at 807 North Second St. FOR RENT—Bedroom, sittingroom and private bath, on second floor, for ' gentlemen; also single room. Inquire 800 North Second St. I FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; heat; lights and use of bath; no children. Apply 1549 Walnut St. ROOMS for rent in desirable loca tion; immediate possession. Apply at 266 Briggs St. '■ At 1511 North Sixth street, one large ■second floor, front room; all conveni ences. Bell phone 3671-W. , FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms ' for lighthousekeeplng; reference re- I quired. Inquire 1620 State st. FOR RENT—-One furnished bedroom with three windows on second floo r , use of bath and phone. Inquire 421 Hummel st. or Bell phone 3644-J. FURNISHED room for rent; cen-" trally located. Apply at 9 North Front street. FOR RENT—Two completely fur nished third floor rooms for light | housekeeping; all conveniences; use' of bath and -phone. Inquire 2123 Moore street. k 1 1 FOIt RENT —Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at 1605 Susquehanna street. NICELY furnished rooms in an apt. all improvements; reference required. 309 Walnut st. Inquire 226 N. Third, millinery store. TWO furnished bed rooms; all con veniences; use of phone. Apply 1406 Liberty st. ELDERLY couple will give work ing woman a nice room for light duties. Address Box J-2431 care Tele ' graph. ■ 1 FOR RENT—Apartment of two 1 large communicating, unfurnished 1 rooms', one front with three windows; large hall; closets; fine location; no i children. Call at 1506 State st. Bell . phone 2761-W. NICELY' -FURNISHED BEDROOM— for gentlemen only. Dial 4990 or 912 North Third street. NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. ' FOR RENT —Two rooms completely furnished for light housekeeping. Call ' 1211 Kittatinny St. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, 510 i 'iMaelay street; 3 rooms; balcony and j 'use of lath; on second floor; $6 perl •!week; references required. 1 FOR RENT Furnished front | • rooms; all conveniences; men prefer ■ red; 1549 State street, cor. 16th st. i Bell 1476-W. BOOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Girl student desires room and board for work mornings ■ and evenings. Apply School of Com • merce, 15 South Market Square.. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Three roomed furnished apartment, private bath, electric light, steam 1 heat' only desirable people need ap- j • i,ly \1 so two furnished rooms for I . light housekeeping. 324 Kelly street, j Bell 1061-M. | (Continued in Next Column) APARTMENTS I'OU RENT FOR RENT—Apartment; four rooms and bath with all improvements; new ly done up; adults preferred. 1906 N. Sixth street. SUBURBAN up-to-date private hall, five rooms, including; large size kitch en and bath; immediate possession; rent reasonable; desirable location! See Happle & Swartz, Mechanicsburg, l J a. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —A small furnished 01 unfurnished apartment by young mar ried couple; central location prefer red; reference given. Address Box W-S2S6 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOCATION West Falrview—2%-story brick, in heart of town with small out building, suitable for business of any kind. Very cheap. Enola Homes—All imp.; corner house; Lemoyne homes, all imp.; sin gle corner; New Cumberland, una home; at Imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; largo lots. City homes of all kinds; easy terms, pay us lent; some for cash. Farms—>-6, 10. 16, 30. to, 75. 96, 126. and 170-acre farms, from 3 to 12 miles of Harrisburg. Some of these farms with crops, slock and tools in cluded. Possession at once. Market Street—Three-story brick, store room front, on Hill. Apartment Houses—One or two cf the linesl in the city. Building lots at Camp Hill, Worm leysburg, Enola, Riverside. Paxtang. Progress, Belvue. uptown and sev eral good factory sites. Investments Several rows of houses puying big interest. C. H. CORDEU, 1722 Green Street, Bell phone 560-J. / NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick.! gas; electricity; hot water; steam! heat; brick garage on premises;' streets paved front and rear; school I nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Six teenth. FOR SALE—At Uockville along dtlverside Drive, 2-story house, 5 rooms and bath and electric lights, good garden; garage; lruit; upper and lower porches 10x25 tect; line liver view. A. W. Swengel. 2131 N. Second street. Eell 2575-J. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond tirst payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In every part of the city and suburbs. Appiv A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR' SALE On easy terms, 2012 to 2ulß Susquehanna street. Apply A. I P. Doranz, 1 225 North Sixth. FOR SALE 2405 Derry St.. 2-story brick; six rooms and bath; steam heat; electric light; hardwood lloors; drive alley on real. Hummel Ave., Lemoyne; double frame dwelling; coiner; all improve- Iments; price very attractive; will sell I separate. I 401 Kelker St.; corner Fourth St ; ■apartments and store room; rental I income S7O per month; price $7,000. Retail coal and feed business; well located in a good growing community. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walput Streets. Fine residence. North st $20,009 ! Brick property. Camp Hill .... 12,u00i Paxtang residence 17,0001 12421 N 6th. brick 6,0001 1912 N. Sixth St.. brick 4,500 I 1631 Swatara, lrame 2. 100 I 1943 N1 4th, brick 3 OUu I Brick building, garage 15,00(11 D. A. CALEY, Bell 689. 70' Kunkel Bldg. FOR SALE —On Market street near 13th .a large 3-story brick house; tine for business or apart.; reasonable price. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second st 801 l 2575-J. FOR SALE—On S. 13tli street, near Derry, a large 3-story brjek hpuse; ideal for apartment or business. Ap ply A. W. Swengel. 2131 N. Second st. Bell 2575-J. 16TH ST., S„ 20—Eight-room brick and frame house with all modern im provements for sale; front porch; I price $2,850. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market I Street. ! 15TH ST., S„ 220 —Eight-room frame house with all modern improvements ! for sale; well located and in Urst class | repair; price $2,750. J. K. Gipple, 12 ill ] Market Street. HOHRNER ST.. 120-*-$2,750 will buy! this 2'zi-story brick and frame dwell ing; 7 rooms; hath and furnace. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market Street. FOR SALE Bungalow; 5-roonis water In kitchen; in tlrst class condi tion; view of river and mountain good location; lot 68x120; price $1,550 Located at 501 Bessemer st., Steolton Call or write John Ament. 2.13 Crescent St., City. FOR SALE—292-294 South Second street, Highspire. Pa.. tine double 'house; all improvements: will sell I single or double. Tf you are looking I for a real bargain see this property before buying. W. J. Reeves. 224 Mar-1 jket St., Highspire. Dial 9801. (Continued In Next Column) * REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , PAXTANG —, Corner property for' sale; t; rooms and bath; gas; electric !l 1 ittht: furnace; lot 1)0x125; corner of < Biisban and Kelso streets. Bell Realty I • Co.. Bergner Bldg. CHESTNUT ST., 1918—For sale; 3- 11 story brick house; eight rooms and|! bath; gas; electric light; steam beat, p Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOUSE—S3,OOO will purchase a brick !: house on Sixth street; 8 rooms and!; bath: ether improvements. Bell Realty > I Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE —Two brick houses on Fourth street in 3200 block; each with i 7 rooms and hath; gas; electric light; furnace. Bell Realty Co., Bergner 1 Bidg. , AGATE ST.. 2534—52,000 will pur-: 'chase; brick construction: six rooms | and both; gas: furnace. Bell Realty] iCo., Bergner Bldg. j | FOR SALE —On Green street be-!' 1 twoen Reily and Harris, a 3-story l ; brick house; improvements; 8 rooms]! land bath; one front and two rear 'porches; cemented cellar; lot 16%x50 ' ! to 3-foot alley: A 1 condition; posses-; Islon, September 1; newly painted. Ad-1 j dross Box W-8240 care Telegraph. . _ - , Real Estate For Sale or Exchange VACANT —3-story brick corner, on i Hill; elect, lights; front and side I Porches; Side yard; cheap to quick I buyer. VACANT—3-story frame on Hill; I porches; nice yard. VACANT —2 Ms -story brick on Hill; all improvements; electric lights; j, porches"; large yard to drive alley. VACANT—3-story brick on Broad St.; all imp. VACANT —North Sixth st., S rooms; all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win dows, ? years old. VACANT—New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. FINE large brick house on Derry street. Several large homes uptown! and on Hill. Some of thesu homes can ] be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will lake light touring ear In exchange on some of the above homes. (Ml. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Fine summer home for rent during the summer and winter, located at Swatara Station, one-half mile from Hershey, Ba. A most desir able home with beautiful grounds., garden, orchard, fruit garage, chicken I house live acres of land, house partly } furnished. Walter T. Bradley, owner.] For particulars and information, ad-1 dress E. M. Hershe.v, attorney, Berg-j nir Bldg.. Harrisburg, Ba. FOR RENT —Cottage at Perdlx from ! September 1; furnished up-to-date;! only n liable people need apply to I Louis, 411 N. Third St. FOR RENT Six roomed house] without improvements; furnished or! unfurnished; located on coiner of two I streets in Hill district. Address Box X-9CIS care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED —Small house or apart-I mcnt for man and wife; desirable lo cation necessary; best of references. Address Box B-5236 care Telegraph. I HAVE BUY.ERS —List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third j' Street. Odices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR 1. If NT—Two large communi cating offices, used by physician re-j cently deceased of old standing, with or without first door; apartment five | rooms and bath; on prominent corneri 1 I now under construction. Address' D-8643 cure Telegraph. FARMS Farms for sale; easy terms, with or without stock and crops. 7% a. near Annville, SSOO. 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey, $2400. 24 a. near Harper's Tavern. S2IOO. SO a. near Hershey, S4BOO. 37 a. 16 mi. to iibg., SI6OO. ■lO a. near Urantsviile, s4suO. 6S a. 5 ml. to Hbg., '6500. 77 a. near Harper's Tavern, $4500. 94 a. 16 mi. to Hbg.. slsoo. 110 a. Cumberland Co. SSOOO. 120 a. near Hershey. SBSOO. 160 a. Cumberland Co., S6OOO. DURAND & FERBER, 11)7 Chestnut St. SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FARM—9S gores of level limestone land; line producer. Brick house; bank barn. Well of never failing water. Lo cated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county-. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn. one of the administrators of 11. W. Yohn Es tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris-| burg. Pa. | I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ]■ MOTORS FOR SALE We have me uiiowoi o motors w<- I are offering lor sale. We guarantee I j tbese motors to be In lirst-class eon-| ! dttion and cuu make immediate ue- I j livery. I One V4H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. ML I ■ One V* H. P. 230 V. aaU lb B. Al. One >,i H. P. 22u V. SOU R. P. AL One "A H. P. 115 V. 800 It. P. AI. Ono V H. P. 230 V. 370 R. P. AL One % H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. AL One Vi H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. AL THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value S3O. selling price s2o; Brussels rug, 9x12, value SSO, sale price $39. * FORNWALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. i FOR SALE I Dismantelling Harrisburg Reduc | tion plant. Cameron near Alaclay St. For sale, boilers, engines, tanks, con | veyers, pipe, shafting, pulleys hang i ers. etc., etc. Inquire on premises. LEBANON ENGINEERING AND SUPPLY COMPANY. FOR SALE—Cheap, one large Gothic , leaded glass end window. Apply Grace AI. K. Church, State St. FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Hignspue Distillery Co., Lid., i Both phones. Highspire. Pa. j MORRIS SAYS save money ouylng jnew and second-band furniture here I High prices paid for furniture. Morris I jSchmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. tContinued in Next Column). J AUGUST 20, 1919. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS _ FOR SAL. 10—Two bedroom suits; book case; kitchen cabinet; small dxk; gas plates, etc.; bargain for cash. 1622 Market St. FOR SALE—Gas chandeliers and gas brackets; gas heater, at 1906 North Sixth street. WILL dispose of coal lease and equipment on Mahanoy creek at Dorn sifo. If interested address Box 35, Milton, Pa. BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 new, old, rare, in utock. Aurand s. 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER * BOTH PHONES WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ! DESK room wanted with attorney lor R. E. man. Address D-8229 care I Telegraph. I WANTED—To buy sorrel horse; IWill pay deposit down; balance in [weekly payments. Apply 150S Wallace i Street. JUNK—We are in the market tor i all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen w Co., York street and ; Ash avenue. MAX SMELTZ I Second hana furniture bought and [sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 107 lit. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, [City or country. Bell pnone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRIS BURG. PA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i - I | DRUG store for sale in Perry coun- I jty, ..n account of bad health. Address! 11-8242 care Telegraph. | LIVE business tor a live man. in nearby town. Restaurant, confection ary, cigars. Doing business of $12,000 ■ a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz I 1225 North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSONALS | SAVE $1 per gal. Paint your home, [barn, garage, auto or any tiling which needs paint. Why pay war price on I paints? 1 can sell you pure lead and I joil paints at $2 to $2.40 per gal., any! color. Guaranteed paints in any iuan-! I tity. I'aints for every purpose. M. T. Collins, 315* S. Front St. Agency Foi-| est City I'aint and Varnish Co. j I STEAM feather renovating; ail ticks 'emptied and new ticks furnished; B. ! J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton St. A. LAN L ; New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. ! 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. CXY-ACETYLENE WELDING I Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logau (street. Bell 4396-J. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First eluss work. Cbilcoat Bros., 333 Harris street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. a>uit LAXATIVE Pt-IOhPHO-QUININK will stave it oil' if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge. 25c doz., double edge. 35e ; doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store, I FURNITURE CRATED for shipping iG. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. j DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR., 130 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of S2O for four month:! is $1.76 S4O for four months is $3.50 S6O lor four months is $5.26 SBO for four months is $7.00 SIOO for four months Is $8.76 Based on four equal monthly payments one ltionth apart. Longer time if desired at lit the extra cost. Shorter time at less cost. Other amounts In proportion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision. MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed ' and Bonded by the State." WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 4. 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specially, business confidential, pa. ments t suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO | 132 Walnut Street. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 S. Market Square PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK $325 Livingston, mahogany $l5O 325 Huntington, mahogany 210 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 225 350 Weser Bros., muhogany 250 350 Kimball, walnut 250 330 Stieff, mahogany 250 600 Player, SB-note 375 650 Player, 88-note 485 Any of the above bargains on easy terms of payment. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found It. We have It Spsngler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TOR SALE—High grade horse; guaranteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere; also runabout; har ness, saddle and light wagon. Inquire I. B. Dickinson. 505 N. 13th st Bell phone 4773R: Dial 4201. HAULING AND MOVING j IGCKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. [ (Continued In Next Column) 1 HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfe^Bj WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager 341 Kolker St., Harrisburg, Pa. J&B Bell Phone 623->V. Dial Phono 351^^H HEAVY 11AULING—Fully for furniture, freight and piano i nig. No distance too far. j driver. Rain and dustproof body. |E. Grubcr's Truck Service. I Aungst, Munager, llershey. Pa. phone 15R6. WE Move Anything. Any time. Price reasonable. 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 # Third street. AUTO HAULING—"LocaI or lonfl distance. Furniture and piano a specialty Blue Line Transfer, Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL AND HAULING Furniture Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, Calder street. Bulb phones. 3636-J. Dial 3688. Mggj HAULING—LocaI or long pianos and safes a specialty. Beck, successor to O. 11. Beck. at 1119 Vernon street. Bell 2811-J, Cher's Livery. ROOFING > PO NOT CONFUSE ' "IIITE'S ELASTIC COATING" With other CEMENTS that are applied with a trowel. "MITE'S ELASTIC COATING" is . BRUSHED UN like a paint with a three knot roof brush. li always ready for use, requires neither mixing, thinning, nor heating. Is easily applied by anyone, in I any kind of weather, or on any dry, "LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF." >•" ("LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF." I 'LET ME WEATHERSTRIP YOUR 1 | HOUSE. IIITE. THE AUCTIONEER. Bell 1875.1 STORAGE STORAGE—Low rates. Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd., Highspire, Pa. Both phones. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private | rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. | Both phones. | STORAGE Private rooms for | household goods In flrenroof waro i house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware- J house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- Ji 445 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, reir •>OB Market, Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, p. G. Diener. LOS Market street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACXLER, \ FUNERAL DIRECTOR, I 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, ', Funeral Director and Embalmer. Vl 511 North Second Street. BELL 25? DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street. , east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are mode.r ate* Miller Bros. & Co. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothes, make them I new. All kinds of repairing guaran- a teed. Goodman's. 1306',j North Sixth. • AUTOMOBILES V ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyers in good used cars. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare | tir iDlG Buick. big six touring, spare tire. 1915 Bulclc, one-ton truck. 1914 Stutz roadster, newly painted, reasonable. 1917 Euger, turn six, fine shape. 1917 Vim. light delivery. 1914 Overland, model 79. Just over hauled. Bargain. J 1918 Reo touring, fine running or- ▼ der. at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the , overage buyer in the market for a M good used car. Demonstrations given. ■ CHELESEA AUTO CO.. n A. Schiffman. Manager. I FOR SALE —Maxwell car. 1915 mod el- 5 passenger; cheap; 48 Halm St. __— l F'>ll SALE —Empire. 1916 model; 5- passenger; A 1 condition. 35 N. 12tll Ist. Bell 659-J. I i.-ou SALE—Second-hand Dodge touring ear. '■> ood shape. Ralph [Kern. Sixth Street. New Cumberland. CADILLAC; 5-passenger; splendid I onnrtition; always driven by private J owner. 217 W. Main St.. Mechanics- ■ burg. OLD AUTOS 1 tVanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, ■ in any condition. See mo before sac- 1 rilleing elsewhere. Chelsea A-ita Wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22. ?.4. 26 , North Cameron street. Bell 3633. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires We pay highest cash prices. No Junk H. Third street. Dial 4990 " AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure , at all hours. nll , M BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 CANON roadster, 1916; price $250. 1 OverUind touring. 1916 $525; Comet ' Six SHOO. 1918 model. Salesman . Horst. l.lnglcstown, Pa. I FORD touring. 17 n° de J: electric J liclits' runs and pulls lihe new. Price , 1495 I ash Dial 36-C. S. R. Hoist, i Llnglcstown. near Harrisburg. | AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire Public Liability. Theft and collision Phone and representative will eaU. Chas. Adlcr. 1002 Norm Third street. " AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re nin red by specialist. Also fenders. J bmins etc. Best service in town. Har- J rlsbvi rg Auto Radiator Works. £OS .1 North Third street. 1 WM. PENN GARAGE 1 224-6 Muench street, limousines for 1 funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4 664. A Additional Classified Ads J on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers