WEST END PLANS UNDER WAY FOR YACHT RACE tipton Will Send Shamrock to America For Final I Races London. August 20.—Since his re iurn to London from America. Sir 'hoiras Lipton has set about the ask of completing this arrangements or next's year's contest for the Lmerican cup in earnest says the Tachting World. The most import nt decision so far arrived at, Sir 'homas told a writer in that peri- j nlc.al, is to send the 23-meter Sham- j ock to America early next year to ct as a trial In the tuning-up pins of the challenger. Shamrock IV Asked who would have charge lof the British boat, Sir Thomas re plied W. P. Burton had consented to | lail the challenger in the race for ■he American Cup. and also take lharge of the 25-mcter Shamrock. I May Make Changes | "Naturally, he will have his own Professional skipper," Sir Thomas Idded. "Mr. Burton will also be re- Winnsible for engaging the crews of Bkth boats, and, in fact, he will be charge of the whole of the Wals and the actual races on the | other side. Charles E. Nicholson, her designer, is going over at an early dato for the purpose of thoroughly examining Shamrock IV." i. "Do you think any alterations ara likely to he made in her?" Sir Thorn-i ts was asked. "That is a matter which I am leav ng entirely to Mr. Nicholson's judg ment. Manv experienced yachtsmen be of the opinion that Shamroc', IV I far and away the best boat I have ver had, to represent me in this great contest." "If you lost this time, will you challenge again?" . "I have the greatest hopes that I will he successful in this my fourth attempt to bring back the Cup, but If I am not successful I can only say that I shall give Mr. Nicholson an order to build another boat." Cincinnati Annexes Two More Games to Big String Brookyln, N. Y.. August 20.—Cin cinnati shut out Brooklyn in the first game here yesterday by a score of 1 to 0, and also won the second game the score being 6 to 1. Ring allowed but three hits in thr opener. EUer had yielded only five ecattere 1 hits in the second game un til the ninth inning, when Wheat doubled and scored on' Konetchy's single. Sherwood Magce made four hits in four times at hat in the second con test. These two victories added to Manager Pat Moran's happiness. rFEACHET WhV not use more peaches? They can he had at the West End Electric Co., Green and Maclay, at reasonable prices, fresh every day from the orchard. wiipriimiiiii;: (g NIAGARA FALLS | EXCURSIONS B FRIDAYS. AUG. 22; J SEPT. 5 and 19 J 1,0u,,d $12.84 Tr,p Good only In coaches From HARRISBURG H Tickets good in parlor or g H sleeping cars 93.21 extra in gg U addition to regular Pullman g g charges. All fares subject g =5 to war tax of 8 per cent. THHOUGII TRAIN ED leaves Harrisburg 11.35 a.m. g M Parlor Cars, Dining Car and p g Coaches. Tickets good for g H 15 days. Stopover at Buffalo s g returning. f= For delntlcd Information conenlt Ticket Agents 1 Pennsylvania R. R | S SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY, OCEAN CITY, WILD WOOD or CAPE MAY AUGUST 24 Also SEPTEMBER 7 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Fnre Lv. A.M. Harrisburg $2.75 4.40 Hummelstown 2.75 4.56 Swatara .... 2.70 5.02 Hershey .. 2.70 5.05 Palmyra 2.60 5.12 Annvlile 2.50 5.22 Cleona 2.50 5.26 Lebanon 2.50 5.33 Heaaing Termin. (ar rtve) 8.15 (War Tax 8 Per Cent. Additional) RETURNING Special Train will leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 10.00 P. £l„ same date for above stations. These special excursion tickets will be good only on date of ex cursion on above special train in each direction; they will be ac cepted on any train, date of ex cursion, from Philadelphia to destination and return to Phila delphia. Tickets do not include transfer through Philadelphia. Conven ient transfer between Reading Terminal and Chestnut Street Ferry by Subway trains. Children between 5 arid 12 years of age, half fare. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad WEDNESDAY EVENING, TEAMS TO GET UNDERWAY THIS EVENING-PLANS CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES ARRANGE SERIES FOR LOCAL TEAMS West End Leaders to Meet the Hill Champs on Labor Day; Five Games ERRV CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Where nml When Played Labor Day—3 p. m.. Island Park. Tuesday Evening. September 2. 6 o'clock—Allison HUI grounds. Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. Thursday Evening. September 4. ■—West End grounds, 6 p. m. Saturday—September 6—3.45 p. m., Island Park. fifth Game—To be decided lat er. Contestants —Reading Railways, winners of Allison Hill Pennant, either West End team or the Mo tive Power team, winner not yet decided. Labor Day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Island Park, will see the winners of the Allison Hill and the West End Leagues meet in the first of a series of five contests for the championship of the city. The nxt evening the scene will be switched to the Allison Hill diamond, while Thursday evening of the same week the two teams will battle up at the West End grounds. The fourth game will go to the Island Saturday afttrnoon, September 6. If a is necessary, the date and place of meeting will be determined later. So decided the officers of the two leagues at a meeting last night. While the setting of the dates and the places for the battles- w?s the major item in the evening's discus sion, practially every little detail was worked out for the series. Reading Railways will represent Allison Hill, while either West End's team, or the Motive Power aggregation will be the nine to fight for the honors of the younger circuit. The uptown leagues pennant will be decided within a short time, one or the other of the twd mentioned teams. Game on Each Field The arrangement of places for the games will doubtless meet with the approval of the city fans. Neither the West End grounds nor the Alli son Hill diamond will suffice to ac commodate tlw crowds, that will gather. But one game sat least, will be played on each field, and this should meet with the approval of the patrons in both enas of the town. After this argument has been set tled in the city, the Dauphin-Perry circuit and want a crack at the city winners. Ail season there has been a standing argument in the D.-P. as to whether Harrisburg "ball" is as fast as that played by the smaller towns. Once the city championship is decided, the winner of the Dau phin-Perry will come forward ready to contend for the honors of Central Pennsylvania. While other independent teams will also lay claim to first honors, it has always been held the way to sift down the question as to the premier team is the organization of leagues. Next season should see an expansion of all three of the organizations, as other clubs in this vicinity are clam oring for berths. Expect Great Battle in West End Baseball Game Rain stopped local twilight games last evening. The heavy rains dur ing the day made it impossible to play on either the West End of Hill League fields. The big game at Fourth and Seneca streets will be played this evening. Motive Power will play the Engineers and Firemen. Both teams are on edge for this bat rlc. The Motive Power is anxious to get near enough to the leaders to make the final result doubtful. To do this it will be necessary to win three games and West End lase three. The Engineers and Firemen have been factors in the race and recently have shown a pace that makes the re sult of every game doubtful. The tailenders can make it very unpleas ant for the leaders and runners up, and will go after every game Just the same as if they were next to the top. This means a battle extraordi nary this evening. Both the rail loaders and Motive Power promise some surprises. The batteries will be a secret until Jthis evening. RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, X. J. up Uly. Sp'cl. wkly. P.ur'pn. plan *2.."at up <lly. *l-4.00 up wkly, Aiur. plan LEXINGTON Pacilic at Arkansas ave. Cap. #00; running water in rooms; privato baths; extensive porches and dance floors; choice table. Bath houses on premises for guests; private entrance to beach. Garage. Bklt. W. M. IIASEETT. HOTELTIBOSCOBEL Kentucky Ave., near beach. Baths, elevator, fine table, bathing privi leges. American plan. Always open. Capacity 350. Boqktet. A. E. MARION. HOTEL CLEARVIEW* 2217 Pacific Ave. 16th season. Ameri can Plan. Bathing from hotel. MRS. S. MEOAW. THE MAYNARD 10 bo, Michigan Are. Convenient to piers. Excellent table. Pleas, surroundings. Terms mod. MRS. T. PORTER. FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. /• t In tHo Alps of America" i — MOUNTAINS Puma Vista Spring!, Franklin ( 0.. Pa. A Distinctive Summer and Autnmn Report. A strictly modern hotel with excellent table ard service. Altitude COOO feet. Splendid roads ; golf, tennis, etc. Will Ilemnln Open Until October John .1. MP"Wgr AT ASBLItY PARK, N. J. THE HOTEL THAT MADE SHORE DINNERS FAMOUS Plaza Hotel and GriH On Ocean Front Asbury Park, New Jersey Headquarters For Auto Tourists European Plan Garage in Connection SNOODLES By Hungerford I ( -seeI MD AODISON I —---J ~ZZS~! . <Q, HAS ON HIS NIC.C M r —_L = V V ir\ \ press. i-josr f \\\ ? WZZZZo ; \ Finished pressing- Wil i"H ' X N\ 'I, ZTHATS r J? D AND ,F No ° DO(ST i *w£k / ? VwHUR. \ ! JO/frZ Awok AfTSR HIM l 4i . -X; I I :Vn : '^VrtEAtUJS dAi until i <set ylril. A * gf * v m hanot / i ! ■ "" | ' rft-vc <Z<£/Kf~o Kt. D CINCINNATI TO PLAY GAME HERE Meet Klein Team at Island Park Friday Afternoon, August 29 Ilarrisburs fans picked the Cin- [ cinnati Reds to win the National j League pennant. Not because these i pacemakers arc leading. Long ago when the chase was close local en thusiasts told their opinions about the Cincinnati team. It is a team of baseball players and all over the United States fans are in a happy mood because the pennant is going to a new city. Those stars who are making the Reds famous will bo in Harrisburg, Friday. August 29. If it does not rain Cincinnati will meet the Klein team on H. A. C. Held at Island Park. This promises a treat for lo cal fans. It will give them an op portunity to see the boys who arc bringing a change of conditions in the National League. An Old Organization The Cincinnati Reds have the old est trade mark of any club in the country as they were organized in 1868 and have been known through out fandom as the Reds ever since. The present owners purchased the club from John T. Rush in 1902. While the team has not landed the National League champioshinp it has twice won the State champion ship from Cleveland of the Ameri can League and finished third in the National League race of 1918. This spring the company was re organized under the name of the "Cincinnati Baseball Club Co." and the following officers elected: Aug. Herrmann, president: Charles J. Christie, vice-president: C. J. Mc- Diarmid, secretary; Louis C. Widrig, treasurer: W. J. Friedlander, direc tor; Patrick J. Moran, manager; Frank C. Bandroft, business man- j agcr; Heinic Groh,. captain. Strong Financially The club's stock was reduced ! from $500,000 to $350,000 and it I started the season of 1919 in better financial condition than ever be- ] fore. One of the Reds' assets is a grandstand costing $400,000, which, ] with the pavilion and bleacheis, | seating 23,000 people. Although Cincinnati has the smallest popula tion of -any city in either major league, it is one of the best base ball cities in the country, and un der the skillfn 1 management of Moran is regarded as sure to be a. big factor in the race of 1919. Back in 1882 wher. Cincinnati was in the American Association, the team won its first and only pennant. Two-Man Team Match Is One Feature at Caldwell Caldwell. J., Aug. 20. The 200 and 100-yard stages of the two man team match were shot on the Navy rifle range here yesterday, that teams selected by captains of organizations contesting for the na tional rifle matches. Following the 500-yard stage, which will be shot to-morrow, the winning pair will re ceive a gold modal and bronze awards will be given the next four teams. The teams leading were Sergeants Claud Thompson and Otto Wiggs, U. S. M. C., and Sergegant A. Wel niak and L. A. Rutherford, U. S. Infantry Both made scores of 380. The second stage of the Presi dent's match also was shot on the 500-yard range. The winner of this match, who will be named next Thursday following the 1000-yard stage, will receive in addition to a gold medal and autographed letter from the President proclaiming him the champion military rifle Shot in the United States. The Wimbledon Cup Match, a long range rifle competition, second only to the Leech Cup Classic, in point of age, was won on the Navy rifle range, here to-day by J. W. Hes sion, of the New York Athletic Club. I More than 1,000 marksmen were en tered. The Wimbledon trophy, won by Hession, is a massive silver tankard, whjch was presented by Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, to the victorious American rifle team that shot at Wimbledon, Eng land, in 1878. The match was shot at 1,000 yards, the winner making a score of 99 out of a possible 100. No pcjrfect score has ever been made in a competi tion for this cup. Hession made 9 9 bulls eyes in the first 9 shots, dropped into a "four" on the 10th, then continued shooting until he recorded 10 more hulls eyes. Those finished among the first 10 were: Captain Roscoe Arnett, U. S. M. C., 98;* Commander R. R. Stewart, U. S. N., 98; Sergeant M. W. Durhaun, U. S. M. C., 97; P Raymond, Con necticut Rifle team, 97f Lieutenant It. G. Hall. Massachusetts Rifle team, 96; Lieutenant J. A. Zimmer man, U. S. M. C., 96; Sergeant P. Dowlin, U. S. M. C., 96; and Lieu tenant Commander W. A. Lee, U. S. N„ 96. Camp Hill Team Plays at Carlisle Thursday The Camp Hill baseball team will meet Carlisle on Thursday evening. It was announced last night. The fol lowing Camp Hill players are re quested to report at Church street at 5 o'clock on the day of the game to be transported to Carlisle in auto mobiles: . Henner, Good, Higloy, Cranford, Page, Glosaner, Book, .McKee and J KepfortL HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH STORM PREVENTS RIFLE CONTESTS Militiamen Have Trouble in Getting Start; Scores Are Good Mt. Gretna. Pa., Aug. 20.—Rain, | hail and fog interfered with'yester- j day's program of the Pennsylvania Reserve Militia rifle matches. Har risburgers who are in charge here were kept busy keeping shelter over the heads of the shooters! A foggy atmosphere in morning held up the program for two hours. In the afternoon when a heavy storm pass ed over, shooting was stopped and the program carried over until to--, day. The first part of the match, con sisting of slow-flrc shooting at 800 yards, was completed in the morn ing, but the second part, shot from a distance of 1,000 yards, had bare ly been begun when a furious shower of two-inch hailstones, the largest ever seen in this vicinity, swept the ranges and drove the marksmen scurrying for shelter. The match will be completed to morrow morning before the start of the long-range contest, which is scheduled for that day. General Crcsswell Present Brigadier General Charles T. Crcsswell, commander of the re serve militia, who arrived In camp Monday evening, was an interested spectator of the shooting. Himself a marksman of no mean ability, and formerly a member of one of the State teams, he takes a keen inter est in the scores which the men of his organization are running up. "They are doing remarkably good shooting," he said, "and I am told that their records are improving from day to day since they have been here." "This year's scores are far ahead of last year's," he continued, "but it is hardly fair to. make a compari son, as then the men were laboring under the disadvantage of using the old Remington rifles, while now they are equipped with the new | 1919 model Springflelds. The old i Remingtons were qualified only for shooting from a range of one to three hundred yards, while this year the men are making good records from a distance of 1,000 and 2,000 yards. "Of course the whole object of these annual competitions is to keep up the interest of the men in good shooting and encourage them to practice on their home ranges. Ex | pect marksmanship is a necessity in j any military organization, and our i men need not be ashamed of the records they have made.' Baseball Summary of Big League Games AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Detroit, 7; Washington, 2. St. Louis, 5; Boston, 0. Cleveland, 5; New York 1. Chicago, S; Philadelphia, 7. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. Chicago 67 39 .632 Detroit 61 43 .586 Cleveland 59 45 .667 I St. Louis 56 48 .s^B New York 55 48 .534 Boston 48 56 .461 Washington 42 63 .400 Athletics 28 74 .274 Schedule For To-day New York at St. Louis. Washington at Chicago. Philadelphia at Detroit. Boston at Cleveland. NATIONAL LEAGUE Yestcrdny's Results Chicago, 4* New York, 3, (first game). I New York, 5; Chicago, 1, (second game). Cincinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 0, (first game). Cincinnati, 6; Brooklyn, 1, (sec ond game). Pittsburgh, 5; Philadelphia, 4. St. Louis, 4; Boston, 2, (flrst game). Boston, 2; St. Louis, 1, (second game). .Standing of the. Clubs W. L. Pet. Cincinnati 73 43 .682 New York . . 63 38 . .623- Chicago 55 4 7 .539 Pittsburgh 50 53 .485 Brooklyn 60 55 .476 Boston 49 56 .466 S(. Louis 39 61 .390 Philadelphia 37 61 .377 Schedule For To-day Cincinnati at Boston. . Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Dillsburg Has Game at Home With Galahad The Galahad baseball team, run ner up in the Allison Hill race this season, plays, the Dillsburg nine this evening. The following players are request ed to report at Front and Market streets at 5 o'clock: Black, Poland, Giblin, Clark, Klerner, Starry, Co baugh, Fortna, Reilly, Emtnanuel and Klrby. To-dny's Local Schedule West End League Engineers and Firemen vs. Motive Power, on the grounds at Fourth and Seneca streots, at 6.30 o'clock. Reading, Allison Hill League champions, has a game pending tlris evening ut Seventeenth and Clie3t uut streets, at 6.30 o'clock Brookes Is Winner in American Tennis Match Newton, Mass., Aug. 20. The ' lawn tennis doubles championship ! of America wfiis won yesterday by 1 Norman E. Brookes and Gerald L. I Patterson, the Australian team. | They tcAk the title from its de- I fenders, William T. Tilden, 2d, of ; Philadelphia, and Vincent Richards, 1 of Yonkers, N. Y., in five spectacular \ sets, 8-6, 6-3, 4-6, 4-6, 6-2, on the courts of the Longwood Cricket ! Club. Although the Americans got only two games in the final set, it was j perhaps the hardest fought of the five. The cloek-like steadiness of Brookes and the terrific smashes of Patterson were the deciding fac tors. Every available scat w.is taken and throngs stood to watch the play. At times the applause and cheering sounded like that at a football game. While the majority of the gallery naturally hoped for an American victory, the applause that greeted, the beautiful playing of the Anti podeans was almost as enthusiastic as that given the defenders. Sammy Schiff Has Two Important Engagements Sammy Schiff is on the bill at Lan caster. The local boxer will mebt Joe McCabe, a Quaker lad, Monday night. The show is a benefit for the War Camp Community Service., The proceeds will go to a fund for the erection of a memorial for the sol diers of the Seventh ward Lancaster. On Saturday night, August 30. Sam my will meet Plack* Gunboat Smith, formerly of Harrisburg, at Renovo. This scrap will be the star bout of the evening. "Ish" Cohen, the wrestler, has re turned to Harrisburg from Boston, and is helping Sammy get into fine shape for a busy winter In the fight ing game. BELMONT A. C. TO MEET A meeting of. the Belmont A. C. will be held Thursday evening, Aug ust 28, for the purpose of electing of ficers for the ensuing year. The meeting will be held at 1902 State street and any football players who are interested are Invited to attend. - 0 , cigarette satisfaction —and, my, how you do I 18 cents a package ° ~ . „ x ~ ; 7 get it in every puff of Camels! "PXPERTLY blended choice Turkish cos yet retaining the desirable "body." Bj *■—' and choice Domestic tobaccos in You may smoke them without tiring Camel cigarettes eliminate bite and your taste, too! Camels are simply a free them from any unpleasant ciga- revelation any way you consider them! retty aftertaste or unpleasant ciga- p Qr y OUr own satisfaction you must retty odor. compare Camels with any cigarette in pj Camels win instant and permanent the world at any price. Then, you'll success with smokers be- realize their superior fl cause the blend brings out ,u™e."d pLklge^iTJgatlt™!, Z quality and the rare en to the limit the refreshing " n p' ck '' ea u°° '- joyment they provide. ° i no-paper-covered carton. We strongly H flavor and delightful mel- recommend <w. carton for the ho me or Camels certainly are all low-mildness of the tobac- ofl,c " aupp,y or " hen you tr ' v ' l any smoker ever asked. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wineton-Salera, N. C. 'Philadelphians Show Form ! in Golf Tournament Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 20. Phlla ! delphians fared well in the first j round of the national golf cham ! pionship play at the Oakmont Coun -1 try Club course yesterday. | George W. Heffner, of Bala, elim- I Inated Gardiner White, of Nassau, j (7 up and 6 to play. Paul Tewkesbury, representing | i Aronimink, put P. S. Dean, of At- j j lunta, out, 5 and 8, and J. Wood ! • Piatt, of North Hills, sprung a big ! surprise when he beat John G. An ; derson, of Siweney, 1 and 3. I Francis Quintet. Boston, defeated 1 E. S. Clarey, Philadelphia, 2 up and 1 to go, and will meet Charles (Chick) Evans, Jr., Chicago, in a second round match to-morrow. Evans, of Edgewater, the present 1 champion, was the favorite to win (the championship when the first (round started. Evans brought $2,600 •in $20,000 pools "at the club. Rob ■ ert Gardner, of Chicago, sold for ! $2,300; Francis Qutmet, of Wood -jland, $2,000, and Jerome Travcrs, of New York, $1,900. Evans beat Dwight Armstrong to-day. Pennsy Team to Play, i' Reading at Philadelphia I The annual championship game of I I baseball between the Passenger De -1 I'arlments of the Pennsylvania and | the Philadelphia and Lending Rail ' roads, was played to-day at Tabor 1 ' Field, Tabor station, Philadelphia. It ' j has been three years slnte these I teams came together in combat, the I Reading boys having carried oft' the ; laurels, it is now up to the Pennsy • boys t oreclaim their prestige and ; bring home the bacon. The make ■ up of the teams is an assurance that a battle royal will take place and Pcnnsyl is out for revenge. Dr. King Is Named "Milk Arbitrator" For State of Maryland Baltimore, Aug. 20. Failing to • agree on a fair retail price of milk e for September, the milk producers 5 and distributors, who met in the of -3 fices of the State Dairymen's Asso • eiation yesterday appealed to the AUGUST 20, 1919. Governor's High Cost of Living In- ! vestigating Committee to appoint a I "milk arbitrator" for Maryland. The Committee suggested Dr. Clyde L. King, Milk Administrator for Penn sylvania, and considered one of the biggest authorities on milk in the country. The suggestion was ac cepted. r That the price of milk must go up again by the first of September was the consensus of opinion among both farmers and dealers in~milk at the conference. Shot by Her Lover, Puts Blame on Self Baltimore, Aug. 20. Lying in 1 ATLANTIC y 9 [POLARINEI YOU don't buy nameless tires or nameless gasoline. You know in advance what brand is best for your particular needs. Apply this same principle when you buy motor oils. ' Ask for Atlantic Motor Oils by name. Atlantic Polarine, Atlantic Light, Medium and Heavy comprise a group of Atlantic Motor Oils that meets every motoring requirement. Ask your garageman. ATLANTIC ® MOTOR OILS Keep Upkeep Down . her bed at the Franklin Square Hos. pital, recovering from a wound in I her cheek inflicted by her sweetheart when he fired at her several dayv ago, Miss Edith Rollins, 18 years, old, smiled repeatedly ae she re-j viewed the history of the mcnt that led to the shooting, in-*] terspcrsing her story with words off' advice to young couples, especially girls. Edward Adams, 21 years old, 2803 juiman avenue, shot Miss Rollins last j Monday morning a week, while sha was on her way to work. Adams | then shot himself. Both will re* | cover. Adams is at the University j Hospital and Miss Rollins at ths i Franklin Square Hospital. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers