7 STORE CLOSES . /Q STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX :tF.I.L 1001—2358 UNITED * ' HARRISBURU, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 101#. FOUNDED 1871 "Kicking Over Tradition" j Greatly Reduced Prices in This Sale Ofl Men s Pajamas ** With this trite phrase one of the largest cor- 1 1 I Special $2.15 porations in the nation announced the closing T" TT • "t "T ~T" "1 \ c A r • • i • of its immense chain of cigar stores on Sun- 1 I I J I I__ J _„___ __ „ S A fine assortment of men s pajamas in plain days. For rears we have heard it said that 1 ± lOSICfV 3.11(1 VA 11 CI Q Y C 3 Y I and wh.te; tnmmed and plant These pa large had no consideration for S -.V/UAWI. Jf V VV WtAJ- jg jamas are from onr regular stock of the Bow the public or the public's opinion. The Sunday g S man s standard merchandise, and are made from ; a self-erident contradiction of that 1 That AppCdltO TFOmafl UUd AUSS | """ It is only too true that "Tradition has been ;L'< # "I *1 fBSS responsible for a big majority of the world's - —7; / A An examination of a pair | Women's knit under- V ->< I*l Ol C~)i* I J evils," and many useless customs continue f1 n, or two of the stockings in wear in summer weights Si] because of Tradition rather than because Kg ¥7 f\ if' ' this sale will convince you j from dependable knit- ST\ ffl Necessary. rjg ' U that the prices are real spe- ting mills, made of fine ff /f\ Q, ' i a JBr te 1 cials, such as are seldom yarns and with good fit- j [j |J 1 Ml H ; *i |B Thousands of leading merchants have Jjf Hi equalled today. The quality ; ting characteristics, cor- M M I ■ "Kicked Over Tradition" still further by clos- jg ff ||| of the hosiery is such as rect shaping and excel- \ § X\§J ■ ing their stores on Saturday evenings. The J&fUn Hp guarantees excellent ser- lent wearing and service x /'" M L All this season's models in taf r forty-four-hour week has become recognized g Br W'Uji vice and co i or and style> features. Considering \ f % fetas, satins, shepherd plaids and iATSsaI as the standard for industrial workers. Even Bp, such as are most in demand. market tendencies today \\ j <£3 serires in tans eravs and blacks wholesale houses and office buildings are clos- :Am Where we say seconds we you will readilv concede \ \ I gn -ir 1 xc 1 to Y"~^ ing Saturday afternoons the year round. g * w iH gladly co-operate by I them the best values \\ II / § U - 1 g helping to detect the slight irregularities. they ever purchased at C." ' Not many,'tis true, but suits that \ Practically all leading stores in metropolitan ng Women's high grade lacc silk stockings. An excep- these prices. V here we Ij §] will give excellent service—and, 1 JBSI cities, such as New \ ork, Chicago, Philadel- tional offering. These stockings arc seconds, but ex- sa 3' seconds we will 1 ~| , the last in the rack niav be just the I | phia and Boston, have for years closed their traordinary good ones; all silk foot and top. A high gladly co-operate in J|( |<2 \ M ones that may be picked first by an stores 011 Saturday evenings. Other smaller h§ grade stocking at a great saving. Black, white and grav, I helping you detect the -Qyi t i " e * /X\ ' cities, such as Dayton, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; i all sires, all colors; Sale Price $2.69. ! slight irregularities. | other group of customers. /M Syracuse N Y.; Watertown N Y.; Amster. 8 High grade ingrain, silk stocking of heavy gauge all Fine eottton ribbed union suits for women; low neck, | '-1 dam, N. 1.: Easton, Pa.; 1 ork, Pa., and many Wg ... . iU ... . . c . c . , . . *. . sleeveless, band top and tight knee. Made from best T/ r s,n* /in „ . 1 • of the other cities throughout the nation, have 1 fhy'h sdk top and foot. A full fash,oned hose per- quality yarn. Regular and extra sizes; Sale Price. 55c. Si * aCOttOn 1 t aVCUrS AfC Interested HI adopted Saturday evening closing. 11l . CC . ,n f' "c 1 S n C > mS M,o secon s. n,ac •, Women's Fitritc vests of light weight ribbed Swiss. i| T'h/S L,ot Of jg rov\n an navy ,ba e rice, b^-4.. Low neck, sleeveless trimmed. Vests that fit the body This store for almost a year has closed Sat- (§ Women's pure thread silk full fashioned stockings with and cover the armpit vvith ease and comfort. White M urdav evenings because "We are firmly con- reinforced heel and toe, lisle top. Seconds, but good only, in sizes, 36 to 38; Sale Price. 27c. 1 1 d clL vPnJ.V/V/ vinred that Hnrrisburo- hns roninleteK- out ones - These stockings are in black and white; Sale Women's pink vests with low neck, sleeveless, trim- §] vinced that Harnsburg has completely out- g Price $125 mcd - Made from fine light weight cotton varus of the § Wack Genuine Cowhide grown the conditions which made necessary g rnce, v i._o. first quality. Size 36 and 38. Sale Price 39c niacß Ljdiu/iu L^owniae the keeping open of stores on Saturday nights, g Women's fibre silk stockings, seamless with reinforced Women's light weight bodices, made from fine grade §1 The wonder of it; and that continuing to keep open, places upon j|3 heel > toe and lisle top. hirst grade stockings in black combed yarns. Seconds, but irregularities are slight; gfl these days of high-cost p =^ t=== f ==^ ' the clerks a needless burden which can be elim- rg only; Sale Price, 45c. in white only; Sale Price, 29c. gS leathers. Our p7ice is j | | inated without loss or inconvenience to any- P BowM.ws-Main Floor. M- but slightly above pres- . .Raj.j ° ne " Cnt w ' lo ' csa ' e ior lh ese I • Several other stores have joined with us in When thinking of va- ■! the progressive movement, and very shortly TT t j 1 Ti /T • 5 cation - of Bow- 1 f the Tradition of Saturday night opening will VA/ OfTl PH H M VI t QQPQ man's Trunk and Bag be set aside in all cities that make any pre- * ▼ v/lllvlJ O CXI l\Ji ITI luuVu department, where vou ( tensions of being in the front rank. will find a complete line of Bags, Trunks and Acces- P-f -fl sories, all moderately priced. £ | BOWMAN'S—Basement. umps 3nd VJxTords at Clearance Sale Prices natural light, ample assortments, at- rr- 1 1 1 r , rr ■, ■ /HPS™ / Jf tractive and authoritative styles, the II jjl Wlth the end of summer a number of weeks off, this s P \ f V\\ adv ' ce expert attendants, and F p is an opportunity to invest in a new pair of pumps or * 1 prices which are as low as we can ox^ords at a price that represents only a part of their | - 3 dise. 3 White Canvas, Nu-Buck, Black and Brown Calfskin b _ - The New Hair Styles 4re Easy to P um^ s ox^or(^s; ed^er or i° w heels; Sale ' - Arrange Jf^ith —These Fine Switches No c. o. d.S NO Exchanges All Sales Final Furniture Bought Duringf Wavy, switches, so adaptable for modish dressings BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. , and so easily converted into a practical accessory for ~~ HPI \ * I fN 1 the hair. To-morrow we shall offer fine quality T ZT !! IHD l\ |lo] ICT" switches in desirable lengths. In DomCStICS CuHty Handidoths U Q U ° I at Unbleached sheering; 39 inches wide. Smooth Always BoWWan Quality BOWMAN9 Thlrd FICOT ' even round thread; will wash and bleach easily; These handicloths are made entirely of Curity Priced Rcmarkably Eow Final Clearance Of -5c )d. , -A -V u ' & auzc - The) are soft, snow white, washable and This accounts for the unparalleled increase of busi- ■ 97 - P u" an P a i d if in g VCry absorbent - lhe sealed package ness thc first tcn days of this August Sale of Fine Oi - makes them safe for every purpose, such as: .Furniture. Our customers know that we do as we bummer Dresses S chooi a dresses 29c vd en P S; clegant tor handkerchiefs, emergency dressings, picnic nap- advertise and we advertise as we do. —— , , , kins, for autoing, face cloths, dusters and many I The public's response to our announcements and . r 3 n 6 c in^ f . w | ? d ® P f, rcale ,n b ? ht and dark pat " other purposes; a package. ' the fulfilling of our promise contained in the an ln Iwo Lots terns. Cut from the piece. 3oc )d. nouncements show the public's appreciation of our j BOWMAN'S— second Floor. BOM MAN s—Main Floor. policy and the values we give. The response has ana vPrvJ ——————__ __ ,J been even greater than we anticipated. ~ " As fast as the choice pieces and suites are sold on N-t $5 you may select pretty """""""~"""""""™" ~~the floor we draw on our warehouse reserve to fill up ginghams, organdies, voiles, taf- ! -C X 1% 1 tbc oor display and receive every co-operation pos iMk fetas and georgette combina- / I J f)YYt If)t*fTX t) / F sible from the manufacturer to ship the delayed or gte tions. All desirable summer jA J ders that were placed month-s ago. Therefore, even mM\ styles that are attracting high <4 though the sales have been unprecedented, you will ;BO 'j,lm3[ \ favor this season. "T" "T* find an assortment here that is remarkable for its I gl-J TOW\ A . <m A ii r i e 1 JilMl B 1 I ■ beauty of design and dependable construction. • * llMrlm voiles in satin stripes, organdies {fllM Xj. OIX S 6 JIJ X* QSS C S A deposit will hold purchase for later delivery or ■ AjfilMivx. \$A j . ■ „ r. i • j \l yytCA permit deferred payments on balance, if desired. We surf 1 m/h and tissues. Some net trimmed mil U 1 /<C ji- i , 1 / , . j. , . r ''m^F, an d with ruffles, straight tunics, li I i „ . del.ver by motor truck or prepay fre.ght to distant. trim l e<l ' Ml If Sfirn/ll lv PriMl Mm* Oak Davenport Suite, uphoktered in imitation "4- MhWLrrV'f dainty frocks, such as yjuh 1.11 111 11111 1 SJ L/C/W (s(A Vl* V JL / Spanish leatfier; included in this suite is davenport, chair and Tq THtrnmnSl. are worn at f as hion S most ex- fig. I I 2L s£ rocker. |R\ aB? elusive resorts. August Furniture Sale; 3 pieces, $72.00. xr a 1 1 • ,1 tiffi sfa I I Fresh, dainty and cool—just what you desire in a house If 50c' Continuous post white enamel bed; full size and single size. , many models in these two |M 9 d reS Q ia here in these Thev're neat and Rprvirpahle for hnnop Substantial filler rods. sß|3f lots—only about thirty, but the lffl | | . ] "\ . f®* ey r f " eat , ser v lceable lor house EgaggJ August Furniture Sale, $13.75. SV values are so extraordinary be- work and S ood looking enough for the porch and neighborly Large brass bed (Summer make), two and one-half-inch cause they must more off the visiting on summer days. Ginghams, percales and voiles, daintily posts, heavy filling full size, $58.00. racks to make room for our Fall 11 trimmed with white pique collar, cuffs and belt. Some organdie magazine mck dravve?,Tlso under"Llf W,t OUWe j* models that are now coming in. E? trimmed. Sizes 36 to 44, August Furniture Sale, $24.95. ft several'for 1 * present" and Hrture Special for Wednesday only, $1.39, $2.39, $3.79 and $4.79. / Wear. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor, seats. * August Furniture Sale; 3 pieces. $30.00. • BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. > ' BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG !&&&ss. TELEGRAPH AUGUST 12, 1919. 3
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