CAMP HILL IS PREPARING FOR CHAUTAUQUA Tent Will Seat 800 and Pro gram Compares With Best * on the Larger Circuits Camp Hill, Aug. 11. Camp Hill is completing preparations for its first annual Chautauqua to be held August 26 to August 30. The announcements are to the effect that the Chautauqua is a "League of Neighbors," and that is just what the coming gathering will be, for it is being financed and ar ranged entirely by the people of Camp Hill, who have undertaken a program that is far and away in ad vance of what is ordinarily attempted | by a town of this size. The Chau . tauqua tent will seat an audience of 800 and will be watertight so , that the program will be carried out rain or shine. Some of the best attractions on the Chautauqua cir cuit have been engaged. The program will include a series of lectures by noted speakers, con certs by the 1919 revue company, the McKinnie Opera Company, comic operas, a concert by the Batting-llahler Company, and a pageant, "The Wop," presented by the Junior Chautauqua. Among the lecturers will lie Peter Mac Queen on "Peace and Heeonstruction," Dr. A. IS. Turner, on "From the Ground Up"; Edward Franklfn Reimer, on "Mr. Emerson Walks Back Home"; Miss Edith Granger, Captain Leslie w Vickers, on "The Great Crusade and Afterwards," and Dr. Andrew Johnson, on "Eli and Dennis." The program by days will be announced this week. CHARGED WITH STEALING CORN FROM WAR GARDEN Charged with stealing corn from a war garden, Victor A. Palmer was arrested this morning. At the time of his arrest Palmer had several bags of corn in his possession, which he is alleged to have taken from the garden of J. F. Bowers located near Third and Division streets. I Comfort I Gari'ir^py PENNSYLVANIANS 1,000,000 STRONG Are Now Taking Tanlac the "Master Medicine" Some of the best-knowrr men and women in this very town and community have publicly testified to the powers of this great health compelling remedy—Tanlac, in overcoming nervousness, indigestion, debility, lost appetite, sleeplessness, catarrh, backache and derangements of the stomach, liver and kidrreys. Tanlac gets right down to the scat , of the trouble —it builds up the sys- j tent, vitalizes the blood, promotes i digestion, creates a healthy appetite i and brings back color to the cheeks j ; and the sparkle of health to the j eyes. Sold here by all leading drug- j gists. j Kosine Relieves EPILEPSY You want to be restored to your old time self—freed from the danger of terrible Epilepsy or dreaded Fits. The Kosine treatment lias, for nearly 20 years, successfully com bated Epilepsy, or Fits. It will re lieve you. toning up your nerve racked system, driving out this * wretched malady. Large bottle $2. If not satisfied, after using, your money will be re funded. Write for free treatise on 1 Epilepsy. Kosine Co., Washington, " D. C. Sold in Harrisburg, by Geo. A. Gorgas. Operate withone hand! No risk of errors by laying doira Eapers, or removing eyes or left and from column of figures. Key board band gets sub-totals, clears machine, makes corrections —does everything. Only 10 lev. to operate—all at finger tlpa. You add, multiply, aubtract, divide—falter, eaiicr, more accurately. Ask for practical demonstration in your office on your own ~~GEORGE P.~ TILLOTSON 205 LOCUST ST., HAIUtISUUItG U|i>. Orpkcuiii Theater * Srleaofficm and asrvirm station* in principal eitim ■ ■ BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES MONDAY EVENING, BRIDGE PLANS UP TOMORROW Board of Grounds and Build ings to Go Over Final De tails With Brunner Members of the ' V\\ ® //J Board of Public 1 x\.W Grounds and ! fl> Buildings will I j meet Arnold W. i Brunner, archl tect, to-morrow vjSS93S& afternoon to dis- I flilSiyWSW cu s s details of the - erection of the ' i ii 1 Memorial Viaduct the State is to erect in conjunc tion with the development of the enlarged Capitol Park. Governor Sproul is expected to be In attend ance. Advertisements for bids for the bridge will be published on Fri day of this week. Rclistrk'ting — George F. superintendent of State Police held a conference to-day with the captains of the five troops relating to the enforcement of the State auto mobile laws. Establishment of sub stations for Troop E, with head quarters at Lancaster were also dis cussed. The re-distrlcting of the western part of the State, made pos sible by the taking over of Central 1 ennsylvania territory of the new troop with headquarters at Harris burg, was outlined, Greensburg and Butler troops hereafter to confine their operations to the western pari of Pennsylvania. Public Service Complaints.—Com plaints against the pressure of water supply provided by the Pennsylvania Water company was filed to-day with the Public Service Commission by the Bruston Board of Trade. The Butler Railway company filed notices on an increase of fare, operative September 10, from 6 to 7 cents with tickets 5 1-2 to 6 1-4 cents and school tickets increased from 12.25 to $2.50. R. tv. Peters and wife, of Erie, complain against the refusal of the Pennsylvania Gas company to make extension to their properties and the company makes reply that due to the diminishing supply of natural gas it would be unwise to ma lie additional extensions. Com missioners Rilling. Benn and Cle ment will go to Erie Wednesday for grade crossing hearings, following an executive session to-morrow, HUGE QUANTITIES OF FOOD GOES ON SALE [Continued from First Page.] was appointed to arrange for getting the goods to Harrisburg and plac ing the food on sale. Each of the eleven tirehouses on the first order will get the follow ing; 1,200 cans of corn. 1,200 cans of peas. 1.200 cans tomatoes. 48 cans bacon. 24 0 cans corn beef. 2 4 cans roast beef. The subcommittee at the fire houses will be in charge of the fol lowing chairmen who will name his assistants: Fi rehouses Friendship, No. 1, Third and Cherry streets, J. W. Rodenhaver. Hope, No. 2, Second below North street, Edward Halbert. Paxton, No. 6, Second near Vine street, Dcwitt A. Fry. Good Will, No. 7, Calder and Sixth streets, Capt. Richard Robin son, W. B. McNair. Mt. Pleasant, No. 8, Thirteenth and Howard streets, William Hocrner. Susquehanna Hose Co., No. 9, South Cameron street, Harry F. Shcesley. Reily Hose, No. 10, Fourth and Dauphin streets, J. W. DeChant. Shamrock, No. 11, Fifteenth and Ilerr streets, Captain Leo Luttinger. Allison, No. 12, Fourteenth and Kittatinny streets. Captain George Drake, P. T. Miller. Camp Curtin, No. 13, Sixth and Reel's Lane, Herman F. Huwn, J. A. Good. Royal, No. 14, Twenty-first and Derry streets, John Houck. The Mayor's Explanation The meeting was presided over by Lieutenant Colonel Edward H. Schell. At the opening Mayor Kcister asked privileges to make a statement regarding the delay in buying the foodstuffs from Harris burg. He referred to the complaints because of other cities buying and said in part: "I want to say to gentlemen of the committee and others that this is the first time we have had any business proposition to consider. Heretofore, we have had only meat prices to bid on. No canned goods were offered us. Prices were given at one time but withdrawn. We were offered to- 1 matoes at one time at $1.38 per case when they could be bought for I $1.07, but no other vegetables were I mentioned. The prices given to me I this morning and which will be read to you are the first received on vegetables. Wo did not buy because the committee found the prices were no attraction. To-day we are in a position to sell to the people of Harrisburg canned goods and bacon at prices below present retail prices." Plan Second Order Other members of the committee quoted prices at retail stores and after a general discussion Mayor Kcister was authorized to purchase a supply at the above prices. These goods will be purchased on terms ] made public last week. The city will get the goods without the necessity of putting up funds, and will have thirty days in which to pay for them. If the first order meets with the approval of the people of Har risburg and all goods are disposed of, a second order will be placed. Goods purchased from the Gov ernment must be purchased at an early date, because of the large ship ments to go west and south. This morning Lieutenant J. R. Boyle re ceived an order from the War De partment to ship to Atlanta, Ga., 8,248 pounds of bacon, and to Phil- | adelphia, 871,000 pounds. With the big orders made public on Satur day and those of to-day the Reserve Depot at New Cumberland will be cleaned out this week. However, I Lieutenant Boyle has promised Ma yor Keister that Harrisburg will be looked after, and if a second order is probable it can be filled. For this reason the local committee hopes there will he a prompt re ense when goods are placed on sale Thursday. TOADSTOOLS FATAL TO THREE liy Associated Press Tunklinnnock. Pa., Aug. 11.—Three children of Abe Sherman; Dark Hollow, near here, are dead from eat ing toadstools in mistake for mush rooms. Sherman, another child, and Stewart Richards, a brother-in-law, are critically ill from the same cause. They ate toadstools for dinner on Friday. All soon became violently ill. two dying on Saturday, and one to-duy. New Haven Lines Are Forced to Drop 200 Trains New York, Aug. 11.—Thousands of commuters who make a round trip daily from their homes In Cluster county and their places of business in New York were cor.- jl 'The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I I What A Busy Week This Will Be— I No other store can boast of having such continuous crowds daily as this "Live Store" has had for the past ten days since we started this greatest of all semi- MARK DOWN SALES Where Everything Is Marked Down Except CCollars and Interwoven Hose') i Harrisburg can be justly proud of a 1 store that has the confidence and good will of so many Jfc thousands of loyal supporters and is held in such high repute among the buying public as DOUTRICHS—We give you "good values at all times and at the end of each season we dispose of everything in order to make room for the next season's goods. Ipfe, I Hart Schaffner & Marx f I Kuppenheimer & I I Society Brand Clothes I I Are all included in this Mark-Down Sale. i This year manufacturers tried to persuade us against wKs jlj having a complete clearance sale— They told us to go slow and hold on to what we had on hand on account of the scarcity of u clothing, hats, shirts, etc., but we don't believe in "swapping horses YjP%lr i in the middle of the stream" —• We have had a very successful iPy career since we started business in Harrisburg—We can't afford to •;? ! break faith with the people—Our customers depend on us to guide them right and we never fool them We told our customers our m 44 sale would be held this month regardless of what we had to pay to > L^jlk M replace our stocks —So come here where there's full and plenty I I All B. V. D. Union Suits .. $1.19 | All $1.25 Work Shirts 99c 1 I All Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Pajamas, '• 1 I Trousers, Neckwear, Sweaters, Bathing Suits, I I Hats and Caps and All Boys' Clothing &LJF \ # I 1 and Furnishings Marked Down I RARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH fronted to-day with the problem of finding other means of transporta tion than the trains of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. Service on the Harlem River division, which was suspended yesterday owing to the strike of the railway shopmen, resulted in the twenty-five traijis usually run on the Harlem River division daily each way being discontinued. To relieve the situation, the ma jority of the buses which were brought from New Jersey to Brook lyn last week on account of the strike there were being rushed '.o points along the Halem River division. In addition private auto mobiles were pressed Into service m the emergency. The seriousness of the strike sit uation upon the lines which run into this city was intended in a statement which showed that two thirds of the system car men had walked out. Two hundred trains al ready have been dronped from the AUGUST 11, 1919. timetables temporarily, with pros pect of further curtailment if tliq strike continues. PAGEANT NOTICE It is desirable to have a very large group of colored people take part in the grand parade and singing in the ail-American pageant on the island to-morrow evening:. Crosa Market street bridge and be on tha island at 7.30. IF YOU SUFFER From any LUNG TROUBLE, do not delay. See Demonstration at Gor gas" Pharmacy, 16 North Third St. —Adv. ' 9
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