HEM, 1001—2356 UNITED 1 Clearance Sale of | | Fine Pumps and i Oxfords $4.35, $5.35, $6.35, $7.35 All our shoes in broken sizes and styles which are not to be reordered so that we can make room for the fall stock is all that we need say of this offering. Those who know Bowman's values will need no further guarantees. These shoes include all white as well as the black, brown and colors. Collec / \\ tively all sizes are included and we / therefore advise early selection. BOWMAN'S— \ —Main Floor. Curtains and Couch Covers In Every Desirable Pattern and Fabric to Enhance the Beauty Of Home "White and ecru marquisette and fine voile; 36 to 50 inches wide; some barred, others neat figured; a good time to make your fall curtains, 39c to 95c yard. White and ecru marquisette and voile curtains; some plain hemstitched, others with neat lace edges* still others with medallions and drawn work, yards long, $1.39 to $5.50. Washable couch covers in plain centers with band borders; also striped with fringe, full size, $1.45, $2.00 and $2.25. 36-inch cretonnes in light, medium and dark col ors; good, heavy quality, 49c yard. Madras door curtains with valance; 2*4 yards long in rose, blue, green and brown, $4.50 pair. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Men's Silk Hose 69c Men's extra fine silk hosiery. These hose are seconds, but irregularities are hard to detect and we will gladly help you to find them rather than try to conceal them. A fashioned hose with elas tic lisle tops in black, navy, white and cordovan; specially priced, 69c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Thread Silk Stockings Special At $1.19 Hosiery correct for footwear fashions is an import ant detail of the wardrobe provided in new collections here, for women and children. The practical and smart are combined in this hos iery lot. We have anticipated every requirement for street or dress wear, and have arranged for a selection of shades in black, navy, white, cordovan, gray and Russian brown, of pure thread silk with lisle top and soles; mock seam and shaped ankle and foot. These stockings are special for Saturday. A fine stocking of good weight and strength, $1.19 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Saturday Sheet Specials Bleached sheet, center seam, 72x90; made of good muslin, $1.39 each. Pequot bleached sheets, 72x90. One of the best sheets on the market to-day, $1.89. Bleached sheets, 81x99; made of Salem sheet ing. This sheeting is noted for its easy launder ing and good wearing qualities, $2.00. This is a good opportunity to buy sheets at a special price on a rising market. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor* FRIDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX § The Trend Of Failf % Fashions May Be Jf X Seen in These JF M New Suits A (jgT A splendid assortment of carefully selected and well tailored suits for fall are now ready for your inspection. There is the long loose fitting model (jggjfa jgfel with the smart narrow tailored belt or the lavishly trimmed with fur or em- JnmST broidery. Other smart models with the pinch-back flaring out from the ' slightly raised waist line into a decidedly jaunty stout polum. The sleeves are mostly snug fitting while the skirts are a trifle wide, also a little short. 1 The Fine Suits Are Made of 1 In Dainty Colors of Mesina Lustrola BlwT F1 T Reindeer JIT ST Cheviona Evora * Beaver Russet Tinsel Tone Peach Bloom Mouse Brown R3" Several models of navy and black in semi-tailored belted styles. Also the chic tight-fitting model with the flare peplin; braid and button trimmed J§3 of£kc>y and exceptionally well tailored, in sizes 14 to 42. Now on displav at 849.50, 555.00. $59.50 and $65.00. £& BOWMAN'S—ThIi -d Floor. Athletic Union Suits $1.19 Men's "Monarch" Madras athletic union suits in broken sizes. A high grade garment reduced to $1.19. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. The Excellent Bowman Quality Is Secured When You Choose at This \ August Sale of Fine Furniture . For y ears the discriminating Harrisburger, the man and woman who wants furniture that is unques tionably right, as to workmanship, styles, designs and price—has been coming to Bowman's. The building of our furniture department by people who want the dependable kind has naturally encouraged us to buy only such makes as meet with the approval of those who want the better grades that are inexpensively priced. The first week of our Furniture Sale has surpassed all previous records, which we attribute to the recom mendations of satisfied customers who send their friends and come themselves for additional furniture pieces \\ ith the continued tendency of increase in the furniture market, you will find it to your advantage to choose now from the vast assortments we selected months ago before several of the increases went into effect Mattresses Specially Priced In the August Furniture Sale .Genuine Silk Floss mattress; 100 per cent, all Java Floss, high grade Art Ticking. August Furniture Sale, one piece for full size bed, $21.75. Imperial Felt Mattress; double stitched edges; full round roll, closely tufted. High grade ticking; one or two parts. August Furniture Sale, $19.75. Bowman Roll Edge Felt Mattress, art ticking, well made. August Furniture Sale, $15.95. Cotton combination mattress; one or two parts; all sizes. August Furniture Sale, $7.95. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor for Fine Furniture. BLAJEUEUSBURG TELEGRAPH fijoarm&n2 HAItIUSBUKU, FRIDAY, AUGUST K, 1010, Children's Stockings 49c A choice lot of children's lisle stockings, wide rib with reinforced heel and toe, in black, white and cordovan, 49c pair or 6 pair for $2.75. BOWMAN'S—Ma-in Floor. Overstuffed Tapestry Davenport Loose pillow spring cushions, pillow spring arms and comfortable spring back. A very luxurious dav enport. August Furniture Sale, $89.00. Arm Chair to match, $49.50. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor for Fine Furniture AUGUST 8, 1919. STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Saturday Specials in Silks and Other Fabrics SILKS— -36 and 40-inch Printed Foulards and Crepe de Chine in medium and dark grounds with beautiful designs of contrasting colors, $1.89 yard. 36-inch Fancy Silks; dozens of smart styles in plaids and stripes. Weaves such as satin, chiffon taf fetas, and Louisines all high grade silks for the smart wearer, $1.69 yard. IVASH GOODS— -36-inch silk stripe voiles of light and medium col orings; also woven plaid tissues; all good styles, 65c yard. 40-inch Printed Organdie; small check grounds of orchid, tan, green and pink with neat rosebud de signs, 65c yard. , 36-inch Gros de Londre in plain and fancy weaves in white, pale blue, pink, gray, rose, wisteria and navy, 89c yard. 32-inch Brocaded Tussah in Copen, Gray, Wisteria. Navy and White, 69c yard. DRESS GOODS— -48-inch White embroidered French Serge; black and white, silk embroidered borders, $3.50 yard. . 40-inch silk and wool poplins; plain and crepe fin ish ; a good line of colors, $1.59 yard. 54-inch all wool Jersey; very fine grade; five good shades, $1.85 yards. 54-inch Men's Wear all wool serges in navy only, $3.95 yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Bathing Suits For Men and Children ■ >^C All remaining men's and children's bathing suits broken sizes to be closed out at 49c. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Sale Of Bedspreads Continues Tomorrow Monday, the remainder of these bedspreads, if any will be marked at regular prices. Therefore, if you realize what real values are you should avail your self of this opportunity to select at these prices. Hemmed crochet spreads; medium weight, $1.75 each. Hemmed crochet spread. A splendid spread for general use, $2.50 each. Hemmed crochet spread; bleached snow white and a variety of designs to select from, $2.89 each. Satin finish spreads, hemmed; an unusual value of this extra heavy and beautiful floral and conventional designs, $5.98 each. Ripplette Spreads The ideal spread for summer use. These spreads require no ironing: 80x90, $2.69 72x90, $2.49 62x90, $2.29 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. House Dresses In Extra Sizes A Wide Variety of Pleasing Pattern* In Gingham, Percale and Striped Voile Every woman who takes pride in her personal ap pearance and who aims to be stylishly and becom ingly dressed at all times, will find these dainty dresses almost irresistible. No worded description can do justice to the satis faction they bring the wearer, only your personal in spection can give you a clear understanding of what remarkable dresses they really are. For your kitchen, parlor, porch or street wear they are ideally perfect. Extra size house dresses in pretty patterns of gingham, percale and stripe voile with pique and or gandie trimmed; sizes 46 to 56, $2.98 to $7.50. "iOWMAN'S—StCond Floor. 3 FOUNDED 1871
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