Prizes Awarded For New Cumberland Picnic New Cumberland, Aug. 4. The prizes for the different contests held at the picnic of the New Cumber land Sunday Schools last Thursday will be awarded this evening, *as fol lows: Peanut hunt Vance Megonell, Klva Drayer, Fay Adams, Hermit Michmun, Ray Atland. Peanut hunt Vance Stouffer, Peon Souders, Maxine Berkley, George Snell, Orville Snoke. Eating contest Clarence Cook, Thomas Gray, Young Steley, Clyde "Walloeth, Lawrence Urich. Egg race Stella Kaufman, De von Souders, Aline lloyer, Mary Prowell. Fungo hitting——George Ruby. Bag race—Ward Lechthaler, Gil bert Beckley, Clarence Zimmerman, Maurice Arnold, Richard Pattie. Nail driving contest—Mrs. Clyde Strayer, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Roy Lech thaler, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Pack er, Mrs. lloencr. Wheelbarrow contest Mrs. Fnmuel Snell, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Park Minter, Mrs. Robert Ougan, Miss Sloat, Mrs. George Gingling. 50-yard dash, single women— Martha Osier, Florence Breeze, Lo relta Swelgart. 50-yard dash, married women Mrs. \V. S. Stehani, Mrs. Robert Ougan, Esther Taylor. 100-yard dash Ray Fchl, Parke Smaling, R. Embeck, Samuel fisher, George Ruby. 200-yard dash Samuel Fisher, Ray Felil, Park Smafling, Merle !,andis, Gilbert Beckley. Running broad jump Milton | DON'T GROWL AT J a THE GROCER H i He is doing the best he can i a to supply you with your . S I favorite breakfast cereal. Sj You may not be able to ® get all the Shredded | Wheat Biscuit you I 9 want. The war is over 9 and all restrictions are 1 off, but it takes time I | to get back to normal | production . Our four 0 1 factories are turning W I out four million Bis- | cuits a day. Very little H advance in price. Two S Ij of these crisp, brown Q | little loaves of Shredded | Wheat with sliced ban -1 anas or other fruit make | a satisfying meal at a cost of a few cents. Save Building Expenses by getting lumber on which little work is required. The mills certainly have put a smooth finish on the lumber we are selling. Why, it scarcely needs going over with sandpaper. A cqrpenter can do a lot of nailing in a day, but when it comes to planing every piece of wood it retards him a lot and adds * considerably to the cost of the building. United Ice & Coal Co. Lii mbor Department Forster & Cowden Sts. flies Are More Disgraceful Than Bed Bugs r?llt"h Breeds Files , 1 11H 1 Feeds Flies A Speer From One Fly Fed on the Sputum of a Consumptive Patient Contained 3,000 TUBERCULOSIS GERMS Anti- Tuberculosis Society of Harrisburg and Vicinity City Library Building, Harrisburg, Pa. MONDAY EVENING, Hartman, George Ruby, Guerney Ruby, Clarence Stetler. Shoe race —Roy Lechthaler, Ches ter Cook, Lester Cook, Sherman Hull, Howard Stone. Guessing contest—Mrs. Kitzmiller. Captain McCalley Flies High Over the City Clambering about on the upper and lower wings of one of the huge air planes of the Middletown Aviation De pot. Captain James B. McCally, of the United States Aviation Corps, a for mer Harrisburger, thrilled hundreds of city people Saturday afternoon. ' Captain McCalley returned to Texas to-day, where he expects to be dis charged from the United States ser vices within a short time. He will then enter the oil business. XAV\,IX PAGEANT By Associated Press. London, Aug. 4.—The important role i played by the British sea services ! during the great war was com mem - I orated to-day by'a naval pageant on | the Thames, the day marking the lifth i anniversary of the historic mobiliza | tion' of the British fleet. Plans for , the event, while recognition to the ' allied and associated powers, laid | stress on the fa*t that this vyas a ] purely British occasion and the Union | Jack and the banners of St. George St. Patrick, St. Andrew and St. David predominated in the decorations along the riverside. LEG BROKEN IN CRASH When his motoscycle was struck ! by an automobile at the Cameron ; Ht-ect approach to the Mulberry I street bridge, Harry Heagy, of Man- I ht-ini, last evening suffered a broken j right leg. He was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital. COBLENZ WILL BENEWG.H.Q. Antwerp Base Port For Amer ican Contingent Remaining on Rhine Indefinitely By Associated Press. Colilcnz. Sautrday, August 2.—By 1 courier to Paris.—Coblenz will be come the headquarters of the Ameri can forces in Europe when American grand headquarters in Paris are clos- I ed about August 20 it became known 1 to-day when General Pershing ar | rived here on his llnal tour of the j battlefields. Antwerp will be the base j port for the American contingent that ' is to remain on the Rhine indefinite- I iy. General Pershing said he intended I to sail from Brest about September 1. I It was said the composite regiment of i picked men that marched In the Tal is jand London victory parades will ! probably sail with the American cora | mander-in-chief. | General Pershing arrived here yes | terday and spent the afternoon with j Major General Henry T. Allen. They j discussed the personnel of the per | manent garrison that is to remain I here after the departure of the Third I division nxt week, and First division i the middle of August. General Persh l ing said the area to bo occupied b> the Americans on the Rhine has not | been determined by the Interallied Council, but that a decision is expect ed soon. Pershing Visits First The French have virtually complet ed plans to take over the districts to be evacuated by the homeward bound American units. General Pershing spent to-day vis iting th First division, which is on the east bank of the Rhine and is pre- I paring to turn over the bridgehead proper to French forces about August 15 First divioon units, according to the present schedule, will begin sailing from Brest during the last week in August. Officers said they expected the entire division to arrive in the United States just before General Pershing reaches there. General Pershing, accompanied by Major Generals Hines and Brewster knd Brigadier General Connor, will leave here to-night to complete a tour of the battlefields where Ameri cans fought. Middletown iold Funeral Services For Boy Who Drowned The funeral of Nevin Black, 10- year-old son of Perry Black, who was drowned In the-Swatara Creek near the borough park, waa TT h . e '|J from the home of his father,, Unlon and Wilson streets, on Saturday af ternoon, with services at 2 o clock. The Kev. Fuller Bergstresser, pastor of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church, officiated. Mrs. Harry Baxter and daughter, Ruth, of Spring Garden, Lancaster county and Miss Kate Baxter, of Blue Ball, Lancaster county, spent the weekend in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Weaver, North Union, street. The official board of the First United Brethren Church will hold Its regular monthly meeting in the church, Friday evening. C. B. Ens man had charge of the services in the Methodist Church yesterday morning, during the absence of the Rev. Jarpes Cunningham, who is enjoying a vacation. The Rev. S. S. Heberlig, of High spire, preached at the evening serv ices in the First United Brethren Church, and the Rev. Joseph Weirich had charge of the morning services. The Ladies' Aid Society and the official board of the Methodist Church, will meet on Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting services. The St. Peter's Lutheran Church Council will meet on Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting services. t Misses Sarah and Esther Bach man have gone to Philadelphia to visit relatives. , Mrs. Joseph Manning, of Wash ington, D. C. is the guest of Miss Sadie Fisher. North Union street. . Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell and daughter, Lois, left on Satur day, for Dayton, Ohio, to visit the former's parents. >Mrs. F. L. Beck and son, Fred, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Robert Neidig and family at Brook lyn. Benjamin Wilson, who conducted a poolroom and restaurant in Market street, has sold it to John Noon. The autotruck fund of the Rescue Hose Company, now totals $2,000. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alberstadt, of Philadelphia are the guests of the former's parents, Jlr. and Mrs. David Alberstadt, Union and Ann streets. # Kirk Schwan employed at the local car plant, had the middle linger of his left hand badly mangled when a piece of iron fell on it. John Stager, of Washington, D. C., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary Stager, South Union street. Mrs. Albert Rudy, of Baltimore, Md., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray mond Condran, Commercial avenue. Levi Heagy, Jr., who has been working at Pittsburgh for the past fourteen years will return to town. The pike between Spring street and the overhead bridge of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, which had been closed by the State Highway for repairs, was opened to the public on Saturday. Samuel Singer, of Wood street, is spending a week's vacation at At lantic City. The choir of the First United Brethren Church, spent Sunday at the Lykens Valley campmeeting, taking part in the music. They are accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bauder. Mrs. Charles Faust, son, Jack, and daughter, Elizabeth Faust, has I returned home from a two weeks' I visit to relatives at Mahanoy City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Itudy, sons, Arthur and Floyd, of Landisville, spent Sunday, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myers, of Pine street. Funeral services for Abram Rife, late of Middletown, were held yes terday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Lynch, at Middletown. Burial was made in the Middletown cementery, and the pallbearers were Abram Hoffman, Clyde, Frederick, Charles, John and Abram Lynch. The funeral of George Lynch, Jr., who died at Columbia yesterday morning, will be held Wednesday from the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Lynch, Market street, Middletown, at 1 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Barnes, of Columbia will of ficiate. Mr. Lynch was 17 years old, and is survived by his father, four brothers, Charles, Augustus, William, and Roy, and two sisters! Alice Lynch and Mrs. Hiram Wake field. J HARRIBBURQ TELEGRAPH Nonpartisan League Changes Its Name Members of the Workingmen's Non- Partisan League changed the name of the organization to Political Labor League and elected officers yesterday at a meeting in the headquarters 'of NEW YORK , HARRISBURG READING LANCASTER 33Vi to (Htjp OilooS lEo 33V3 to 70% Reductions "Harristrarg's Smartest Fashion Shop" RcduCtlOUS PENN HARRIS HOTEL BUILDINO Our First Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Begins Tomorrow at 9 a. m. Our entire stock must be sold regardless of original cost or selling price. Reductions of 33Vs to 70 per cent from the original prices CExcept Silk Underwear) our new stock of Suits —Coats —Frocks —Gowns —Blouses and Skirts must be cleared out to make room for new incoming merchandise No Exaggerations of None Charged—Send C. 0. D. or Exchanged Tailored Suits ! Gowns and Frocks Sport Skirts GROUP I—6 Tailored Navy Suits of men's GROUP 11—8 Georgette and Crepe de Chine GROUP 20—9 Sport Skirts of crepe de chine, wear serge, fancy silk lined; sizes 2-16, 2-18, Frocks, heavily beaded and embroidered in Baronet satin, georgette and fantasie; as -1-36, 1-38. Former prices $35.00 to $39.75. white and flesh only; mostly all silk lined; sorted sizes and colors. Former prices SALE PRICE (t1 Q sized 1-16, 4-36, 1-38. 1-42,' 1-44. Former $15.50 to $25.00. ===== 1 J.DU prices $32.50 to $39.50. SALE PRICE (tfV SALE PRICE 1 *7 P* A ===== GROUP 2—B Tailored Navy Suits of trico- i Jp JL / # 5vJ tine, Poiret twill and men's wear serge, full fancy silk lined; sizes 1-18, 3-28, 2-44, 1-46, . 1-48. Former prices $42.50 to $53.50. rpni T D 10 c ~ r , „ , GROUP 21—11 Sport Skirts of crepe de SALE PRICE ft* - r\ f* ' GROUP 12 6 Georgette frocks, all heavily chine, tricolette, georgette, fantasie and i 1Q 75 beaded in white and flesh; all silk lined; . faille; assorted sizes and colors. Former '** s' 1-16, 1-18, 1-36, 2-40, 1-42. Former priccs $26 . 50 to $29.75. GROUP.3—3 Tailored Navy and Black Suits P " CeS s4s °° t0 $49 " 50 ' SALE PRICE [- AA of tricotine, full fancy silk lined; sizes 2-36, SALE PRICE * o*vlv/ 1-46. Former prices $55.00 to $65.00. SALE PRICE d00 PA *' _f to 1 ca t t. t - GROUP 22—14 Sport Skirts of tricolette, GROUP 13 —10 Frocks of taffeta, satin, pon- u . , .. . ..,,1 ... .„ ,i„ ' GROUP 4—3 Ramie Linen Tailored "Suits; gee and georgette; colors are black, navy rtful ,' 1 1 nrirp* colors are Copen, lavender and pink; sizes and Copen; sizes 3-16, 1-18, 4-36, 1-38, 1-42. £','o , n *., 7 c -' n 10 p 1-16, 1-36, 1-40. Former prices $25.00. Former prices $29.75 to $35.00. SALE PRICE jug gQ SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $ y gQ GROUP 5—5 Golfex Suits of extra fine qual ity material, colors are white, Copen, black, GROUP 14—22 Frocks of soiree taffeta, plain \A7oioFo C/3C green; sizes 1-16, 1-36, 2-38, 1-40. Former a "d fancy flower georgette satin and \\ dloLb, OlULlotJo, Prices $32.50 to $39.75. Paulette; colors arc navy, Copen and / ~ SALE PRICE (hi A brown; sizes 2-16, 4-18, 5-36, 5-38, 3-40, 3-42. ( ,(")SS£LGUPS> ===== $ 1 ".75 Former prices $42.50 to $65.00. VJUOOa4UCO SALE PRICE (hOA (flfl GROUP 23—15 White Voile and Organdy /-n /-># . . Waists; all sizes 36 to 44. Former prices Gapes, Goats. $3.50.0 $3.95. n „ _ * SALE PRICE flfy UOlmailS GROUP 15—14 Handsome Gowns and : and Frocks of soiree, taffeta, crepe meteor, GROUP 6—lo Tailored Capes of navy men's flowered georgette, Canton tricolette, GROUP 24—12 Organdy and Fine French wear serge; mostly all full silk lined; sizes Marquisette and silk lace; colors are navy, Voile Waists; sizes 36, 38, 40 only. Former 1-16, 1-18, 4-36, 4-40. Former prices $25.00 ! brown, white, flesh, Copen and black; sizes prices $5.00. to $42.50. 1-18, 6-36, 4-38, 2-40, 1-42. Former prices • SALE PRICE d O *7 E? SALE PRICE f\f\ $65 - 00 to $ 125 - 00 - / 3 == tPiO.UU SALE PRICE (|>j y gQ GROUP 7—3 Capes of extra good quality . GROUP 25—16 Waists of georgette, crepe de navy tricotine, full fancy silk lined; sizes chine, embroidered beaded and tailored 1-16, 1-18, 1-36. Former prices $45.00 to GRpUP 16—4 Evening Gowns of silk em- styles; all sizes, 36 to 46. Former prices up $57.50. broidered net and brocade taffeta; colors to SALE PRICE (fc9fl f|f| are black, orchid, Pekin and. Nile; sizes SALE PRICE fcQ 1-16, 3-18. Former prices $40.00 to $65.00. 1 q)0*/0 GROUP B—4 Dolman Coats of velour, trico- SALE PRICE 00 tine and serge, full fancy silk lined; colors " GROUP 26—36 Waists, Blouses and Cos are tan, taupe and brown; sizes 1-18, 2-36, saques, of fine quality georgette hand .1-38. Former prices $35.00 to $42.50. _ , . embroidered and beaded; sizes 36, 38, 40. SALE PRICE (t 1 n en GROl i^i 7 r7 4o Summer Tub Dresses; entire Former prices SIO.OO to $22.50. === VI 4 .OU eaCh - , F ° rmer pnCCS Up r t0 SALE PRICE rf*Q on $29J5. Linen, ginghams, voile, organdies; . JUX Mil GROUP 9—4 Dolman Coats and wraps; 16 to , 42 i . * velour de laine, tricotine and Bolivia Moire GROUP 18 15 White Wash Skirts of cotton, . and satin; full silk lined; colors, tan, rookie, gabardine and tricotine; all.sizes. Former GROUP 27—9 Jersey Silk Petticoats, with Henna and Copen; sizes 2-16 1-18 1-36 prices $5.95 to SB.OO. taffeta accordian pleated flounces. Former 2-38, 2-40. Former prices $45.00 to $85.00. ' SALE PRICE fcQ £ prices $5.00 and $5.95. SALE PRICE J2O QQ ===== / O SALE PRICE QQ GROUP 10—4 Sport Coats of golfex and GROUP 19—10 White Wash Skirts of cotton GROUP 28—10 Crepe de Chine Envelope Paulette in Copen and tan; sizes 36 only. tricotine; all sizes. Former prices SIO.OO to Chemise; flesh with, lace insertion. Former Former prices $20.00 to $35.00. $13.50. prices $2.95 and $3.95. SALE PRICE SI Q QQ SALE PRICE $ Q QQ SALE PRICE the Pennsylvania Federation of La bor. t C. F. Quinn. secretary-treasurer of ! the Federation, was re-elected chair man of the league; Hugh L. Mc- Laughlin, vice-chairman; John P. ' Guyer, secretary and George A. Her ■ ring, treasurer. The name of the organization was ' changed because of the recent legis lative act which makes elections of City Councilmen a partisan affair. The name Labor Party has been pre empted for Harrisburg and Dauphin county offices by members of the league, which is the medium through which both organized and unorganized labor this district will express it self politically. 'AUGUST 4, 1919. KMUIMCKRS STRIKU Ity Associated I'ress. London, Aug. 4.—A strike of one of the branches of the associated lo comotive engineers, involving 000 men, failed to tie up the southwest ern railway this morning. The strike was called soon after midnight. The superintendent of the soulhwester stated to-day that the majority of the steam trains had left Waterloo station and that the entire electric service was operating. The company later made an announcement that train service may be considerably re stricted. and trains are being run aa engines can be found for them." 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers