STORE CLOSES gQ QOC-HT-01*'? STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX pell - Foowi^SPtfrt Our August Sale of Fine Furniture Opens Friday f Servke> mth - Yes, They All Say— CoUftCSV D 3 V S •' r Come on In, the Water O j J_y CI j O Is a Pleasure Y~F' "" ' ■ ~—- !?J- 1 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday more happiness than being of service — real ser- i KAvfrfew -■ y] ~——————————————. through. When buying goods, we are choosing C- v \ July 29th, 30th and 31st them for our friends. When displaying them, A rail '- ** —Jp WM W we want to catch the eyes of our friends, and, to ££ jffit / §Mh\ m x There is a workl-wide cry of Furniture shortage and, like in other lines of merchandise, the prices are keep our friends friendly, our goods must prove \r Bfg&fc „> J constantly going up. Consequently, we cannot do otherwise than advise you to buy now and at the price that our friendship for our customers is real. N - 'MM M iffli M concessions we offer at the August Sale beginning Friday morning. When pricing our goods, we are just as keen Jr li YV* gSMR Mm mMmwi- wv„ r 111 j . . , - , . . to remember that our friends are going to pay \f % >' V' JaaiEftilf - v aidved we reduce prices in the face of a rising market. We can simply say that it is those prices, and if the prices were not right, we 'Nak \ because we are merchants and not speculators. We adhere to the accepted rule of reliable houses by giving would lose our friends and soon would have no rv\ our customers every advantage of price on purchases made final to increase in cost. But replacements must business. jl necessarily be marked according to the higher costs prevailing at time of new purchases. Prices are not as low as they used to be, and „ VJf \j \\ As present stocks were practically all purchased months ago, before several of the increases became ef many must still go higher; but we shall protect *~JA fLi v th* a * iv t i V . . d , 01 ine increases necanje ei our friends, our customers, every step of the way. Jk A 1 l reductions for August selling mean far more than the sale price indicates. The reductions mean They shall be the lowest possible for quality all Bathing in the river as well as the Seashore has va ues ar greater t lan we can hope to offer again for an indefinite period. the time; for we arc fighting the price battle for become the national summer sport for women as well \ e mvite . your ins P ectlon on Courtesy Days, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Make such selections Our Friends. as men \\r e were indeed'surprised at the number of and reservations as you choose and the furniture pieces or suites will be delivered on or after August first at ——————————————————— women's bathing suits we sold two years ago, then the prices that are effective on the day. A All still more last year and this year almost impossible to • ' uwman's— Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. /.1 Special >3CIIC OJ Jill g, et enoug rh to supply the demand. But as long as " there are any available we shall endeavor to keep the jfcg # ———. # Children's and Misses' Demonstration Men's Pajamas, $2.15 „ One piece cotton bathing suits in rose, purple, blue |IIJO LJ| r _ X UIIIpS 3.11 Q with band of green, yellow, purple, white, rose, blue, . S ' m j ° ro ™ ra^ e fabrics, in both — ~~~~~— — ~~ black and white stripes. Some of these with collars lliU|lillilHSillllffill lllllllßil -vj vice P un " a< J e tor comfort and ser- Wc have given the women a chance to buy shoes and belts; $3.75 to $6.75. V: \ I INCW tL c . i -c at reduced prices much below their reenlar value Wool suits — plain colors and stripe trimmed; pur- n II j? f 1 3 n our regular stock. Every gar at reduced prices much below their regular value and 95 jj,- W . W L ment made U P t0 the Bowman standard; $2.15. Wc wish more of the mothers to become acquamted rah a „ wool suits in plain black . sizes 36 , fli . , r, r . ■ bowman-s-m... with our children s department, so have 'decided to 38 and 40; $11.50. • "aaie, 1: rerteCtlOn ! reduce ALL our children's and misses' pumps and Delft blue one piece Jersey suits. Sleeves have I ~ oxfords during this clearance of summer footwear. straps and bands of white or orange trim the V neck, . Jf / ZCA C n r.U Onnlifir q*-* White Cloth Pumps , bottom of trunks and sash ; . S . . j 1 W M WIS Oil CfiatiP 6UCtI Quality 111 Wpmeil S £ — A[ Extra heavy Jersey one piece suits in green and < irL—fflffcr- —VVII OLUVC Sizes to 11; $2.75 pink, blue and purple, purple and green, blue and HnQipr\r Tq TTnilCnal Sizes 11 y 2 to 2; $3.00 j.rlf'V \ pink. V neck, side slash and sleeve shield of contrast- l/w \j| a ivjjtv,! y lo VJIIUJUdI KfW ing color. Knickerbockers laced up side; 36 to 46; J// ill T * * c;n J l\ In Our Basement A : Patent Colt Pumps {Y $13.50. _ _ ... (/ \V oF^IIO ' Green wool Jersey suits; collar and tight band on v \v dl vjtl.l7 If^laß Sizes 8 1 / 2 to 11; $3.00 knickerbocker of Scotch plaid. Front lacing; sizes Sizes 11J4 to 2; $3.50 j/ffl US} 38 and 40; $19.50. _ _ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday An attractive sale of women's fi m • r ' Taffeta, silk and Surf Satin bathing suits; SIO.OO high grade pure thread silk stock- / Tan Calf Oxfords I t0 s l6 - 50 - July 28, 29 and 30 ings of medium weight silk. They j fjjiffjjffi |\\ \ Nice assortment of Shoes and Caps. _ , _ . , , r . iave flexible lisle top and rein- //iVwA' Sizes BK, to 11; $3.75 .,-. . See the Demonstration of the New Perfection Oil forced heel and toe; mock seam /Jtf M Sizes 11to 2; $4.25 <3 J Stoves. See the Demonstrator operate it. No mat- and are first grade. Colors, black, , l M • ter whether you have a New Pertection at home or white cordovan navy and gray tent Colt Oxfords Beads Itl Charming Designs " 0t ' sh L r ll be gl ? (1 ,!° show r u man >; uses of the This offer permits an excep- tmMiw Sizes 8# to 11; $3.50 stove that y° u are not aware of. tional saving on womcn - s hi^h Sizes 11 /> to 2; $4.00 Beads in multitude of shapes, sizes and variety. A bowman a nasemmt. grade hosieiv, as the scarcity of M m ,o ir r j wonderful adjunct to the summer frocks. They add ose is inci easing each day and §gv ¥k \i Black Calf Oxfords a f asc i na tion to the woman's charm by the little ar- ITtl T1 f\icfc puces are advancing. But due to W \MI Sizes BV 2 to 11 •$3 50 tistic touch. 3/3 PdllU KClll lICIS our foresight in purchasing these, M |A / Sizes to 2; $4.00 j We have a varied and wonderful selection of beads . pair ° m * in all the newest shades, styles and cuts. All new SpCCldl Clt - ' P an - White Cloth Oxfords j stock, in assorted lengths. Special, SI.OO string. bowman's— Main Floor. BP size*.on 1 $3.00 7c Each or 80c a Dozen ~ (Jf Exceptional 0 values o All these Women's Bathing Socks, 75c pair " Women's Cotton Vests. 15c // s h o es are high o- ra de. We carrv Ladies full size handkerchiefs in plain white rST"*' the narrow widths in these chil- Women's pure thread fashioned silk bathing and white with colored edges. Specially priced, A fine lot of women's light weight cotton rib- dren's shoes as well as the wider socks with fancy stripings. An exceptional at much below the market price of today ; 7c each bed vests; low neck, sleeveless; sizes 36 and 38; ones ' value at the reduced price of 75c pair. or 80c dozen. specially priced, 15c. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Choice of Any T rimmed Hat m Stock at $4.95 - And An Excellent Fariety of § Tailored Hats at $2.00 This means regardless of former prices. It signifies the choice of about g Va J \ 300 hats including fine georgettes, taffetas, sport hats of satin and ribbon. The j Beautiful large hair hats, leghom and Tagal hats. In fact, all the newest # Sr c summer hats included in the assortment. We believe this is the best .Tailored Hats | offering in style and value that we have ever made in millinery. It means a quick clean-up of all new season hats, fashionable and fetching in ap- at | You doubtless know that we usually carry one of the broadest and gj V€ ; s y^ u an excellent V■ most attractive displays of millinery in this section of the State. Hence, C I ° lce ° a d va^ iet y ° . i .. J j i r n tailored hats m black, navy V/ • mm&W an announcement such as this means a speedy clearance of all summer , , , , J milhnery. You should not hesitate to buy millinery at these prices. an auco oin BOWMAN'S— Third Floor, j MONDAY EVENING, S3LB2USBTJRQ TELEGRAPH JULY 28, 1919. 3
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