6 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH' A XEWSPA.PER FOR THE HOME j Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PItIXTIN'G CO. i Telegraph Building, Fcd-rnl SSSR ' E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager OUS. M. STKIXMETZ, Managing Editor I A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J, P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. j Members of the Associated Tress— Ths Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication < of all news dispatches credited to i It or not otherwise credited in this j fiaper and also the local news pub lshed herein. All rights of republication of special ; dispatches herein are also reserved. 1 I I A Member American rj Newspaper Pub- ! flishers' Associa- i tlon. the Audit ! Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dailies. Eastern office Story, Brooks & Finlcy, Fi ft h i Avenue Building. New York City; I Western office, j Flnlev, People's — ■—- Gas Building, Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a tvln•>.■;* week; by mail, J3.00 a year in advance. j SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 Lord, we all to thee belong, Keep us faithful, pure and strong; While we tread this earthly sod, Give us hearts at home with God. Lucy Larcom. A NEEDED IMPROVEMENT THE big auditorium which ' Charles E Covert, potentate of j Zembo Temple, Mystic Shrine, j proposes shall be erected through j that organization, is a much needed j improvement in Harrisburg. We . have come into a fine new hotel that is bringing hundreds of conventions, j The hotel can very well house the smaller of these gatherings, but even its spacious ballroom is not large enough for the State and national meetings that would come if we had such a hall as that of Denver, for example, or of Pittsburgh, after which the Zeinbo building will be modeled. Mr. Covert has long been a leading figure in the civic activities of Har risburg. He has been a constant advocate of public improvements and is chairman of the, Chamber of Commerce committee on joint city hall and courthouse. He has been hack of many movements for city betterment, but nothing that he has done means more to Harrisburg j than the erection of such an audi- j torium as he proposes. City Health Officer Raunick is ab solutely right in going after the own ers of vacant property who have dis- j regarded the regulations regarding noxious weeds that are permitted to I endanger the health of the people In many sections of the city. If it be j necessary to have a weed day. let us have It. but whatever the method we j must get rid of the rank growth and i without further procrastination. THE TAFT RESERVATIONS i EVEN though storm clouds are j still gathering on bqth sides of the political horizon at Wash- j ington, it would not be surprising ! if in the end the League of Nations ' reservations formulated by ex- j President Taft would form the basis of some such compromise as out- j lined in the suggestions of National j Chairman Hays a few days previous. ! It is likely that in some form the j League the President proposes will ; he accepted by the Senate, and so j long as our national interests are I thoroughly safeguarded Republican I Senators will be justified in giving; the plan, as modified by the Taft | recommendations, their approval, al- j though there are still some clauses that are not pleasant reading and j which might arise in later years to 1 embarrass us. Governor Sproul has finished his! big job and is deserving a rest. When | the head of the State government gets through mulling over hundreds of bills, including appropriations largely in excess of the estimated revenue, a rest is coming to him. and upon his return from a short vacation we may expect to see the Governor plunge into the next important work of his administration the reorganization of a number of important depart ments. A NAVIGABLE RIVER A NAVIGABLE Susquehanna river is not so far away in the dim future as some peo ple appear to think. With ever-in creasing transportation difficulties and enormous progress in the de velopment of our material resources it is absolutely certain that this great waterway, cutting through the hills and valleys of Pennsylvania from north to south, will be utilized for something more than its present uses. Steps have already been taken by the Federal government, under an act of Congress, to determine the feasibility of making the river navigable and the engineers have SATURDAY EVENING, taken up the preliminaries with Secretary of Internal Affairs Wood ward, who has been requested to furnish certain bhsic data from the records of his department. Once the Government has obtained an accurate survey of the river it will be possible to reach a conclusion regarding the canalization of the channel. Secretary Woodward, al ways full of enthusiasm over the de velopment of hi:# beloved Common wealth, will co-operate in every pos sible way with the Federal engineers ant", has invited them to call upon him for co-operation and assistance. Also, the State Water Supply Com mission will give its aid, and we may expect as a result of the present movement to make the river navig able to reach some definite con clusion regarding this great public undertaking. Somehow, somewhere the Donato statuary now accumulating dust in a warenouse will be given a proper set ting and installation. Here again the candidates for council might be quizzed as to hojv they feel about giving Mr. Hcrshey's donation decent consideration. NO FEAR FOR FARMERS A CORRESPONDENT writing to the Telegraph fears .that the farmer may be injured by the operations of the proposed fore stalling ordinance. The fear is un founded. The farmer will not be hurt by a law of this kind. He will get a fair price for his goods and if he has a surplus at the close of mar ket hours will have no difficulty in selling it to grocers and others who now take advantage of the con sumer by purchasing during the market period and reselling at large profit. The markets were created to bring the farmer and the consumer together. They were intended to eliminate the profit taken by the middle man. and every safeguard must be thrown around this right ful privilege of the man or woman who wants to take baskefr and go into the markethouses twice a week for home provisions. These are in the great majority and the fore stalling ordinance must be enacted and enforced for their protection. CAPITOL STATUES GOVERNOR SPROUL has ap proved several appropriations j made by the Legislature for j the erection of "statues and me morials to several of the public men of Pennsylvania, including the war I governor, Andrew G. Curtin. the late ; United States Senator George T. Oliver, General David McM. Gregg, the intrepid cavalry leader, and Gen eral Galusha Pennypacker. Pennsylvania has too long de ferred this visible honoring through memorials of her distinguished sons. We have failed to magnify the ser vice of scores of devoted military and civic leaders and the present Governor is to be commended for giving his approval to these grants of the Legislature. Too often the envious criticism of those outside Pennsylvania and inexcusable harpooning of public m.n by citizens of our own State have deterred the Legislature from paying proper tribute to those who have contributed to the upbuilding of an imperial Commonwealth. Who would withhold from Gover nor Curtin and General Gregg, for Instance, such memorials as have been suggested in these appropria tion measures? Nor would it be gainsaid for a moment that, the late Senator Oliver was a fine type of the patriotic busines man in pub lic station. His loyalty and devotion |to the interests of Pennsylvania I were never questioned and his sup j port of the protection principle in I the development of our industrial life | would justify, without any other fea j ture of his service, proper recogni- I tion in some enduring form. And so ' with scores of other Pennsvlvanians who have had a large part in the | life and substantial achievements of i the State. Let us. set up for the benefit of the oncoming generations such ap propriate memorials as will remind those of another day of the charac ter and public service of their fore bears. We are entirely too chary of our commendation of those who have been builders and who are not permitted to see during their life time any' evidence of public appre ciation. Harrisburg is ijot going to see many mere moons wax and wane be lt re it has suitable bathing facilities. We don't know what particular can didate for City Council will run on the platform. "Give us a Bath or Give ua Death." but we do know that there is a big question mark after every candidate's name with respect to his attitude on the improvement of Susquehanna Basin with special re lation to bathing facilities. WHO AMONG US? WILMINGTON has come into possession of two swimming pools, through the gener osity of Mrs. T. C. Du Pont. Mrs. Du Pont is a wealthy woman. Much of her income is derived from j industries in Wilmington and I vicinity. | There are many persons in Har | risburg -who have made or are mak ing money in this city. Mrs. Du Pont recognizes her obligations to the community. Who in Harrisburg will "match her in generosity? This city has many needs—swim i ming pools, bathing beaches, a new Y. M. C. A. building, additional hos pital facilities, community houses, boys' club quarters a host of those things that go to make up a modern city. The needs are press ing. Who will come forward to finance them? I' "" jilcCcG- IK * faKK^iCtfQrKia, By the Ex- Committeeman Governor William C. Sproul ap proved just 599 bills passed by the Central Assembly of 1919. Of this number 457 were general £Cts and 442 were appropriation bills. The Governor vetoed 116 bills of various kinds, but a number of others were saved from that fate by being re called from the Governor by the Legislature, over 110 bills being so recalled. Two years ago there were 19 S vetoes. The bills acted upon by the Gov ernor aro now being handled in the department of the secretary of the Commonwealth and us soon as they can be prepared will be certified to the various departments interested and sent to the printer. Hundreds of bills have been handled this week and this being the last day the ac tion of the Governor on bills has been formally proclaimed. Governor Sproul plans to take a vacation for the next ten days and to return here in August. He will leave late that month for the Gov ernor's conference at Salt Lake City. —The last act in the General As sembly of 1919 was performed in the Capitol yesterday afternoon at the close of business in the depart ment of the Secretary of the Com monwealth when in accordance with a custom coming down from co lonial days proclamation was made of the vetoes of legislation by the Governor. The proclamation, couched in phrases as old as the Commonwealth, was read by Samuel C. Todd, chief clerk to the secre tary. The proclamation, to which the great seal of the State was af fixed, also announced various ap provals and will be filed in the ar chives of the State. —Pennsylvania's smaller coun ties are getting ready for some strenuous contests for associate judge. For the first time in years there are only two to be elected in one county. Ordinarily such elec tions ftave been of pairs. Hunting don county is the only one of the thirteen counties having such elec tions this year to choose two judges and both the judges in that county are candidates for renomination. In most of the other counties the custom is to give such judges only one term, but this year some of them will be candidate for another tenure of six years. The counties which will elect one judge are Bed ford, Cameron, Columbia, Elk, Ful ton. Mifflin, Monroe, Pike, Snyder, Sullivan, Warren and Wyoming. —Four new compensation refer rees provided for by the act reor ganizing the Workmen's Compen sation Buredu are to be located this fall and what changes in districts will be made are matters of pretty keen speculation about Capitol Hill these days. The bureau will be more than ever a branch of the De partment of Labor and Industry and Commissioner C. B. Connelley plans to take a more active part in the deliberations of the board than did his predecessors. The dean will succeed Colonel John Price Jackson when he returns from France, be ing at present acting commissioner because Colonel Jackson is in the army. This change will likely take place in the fall. —The Daily Mail of Charlerol prints the following relative to a visit paid to that place by State Chairman William E. Crow. "In 1917 there was a strong effort made to induce Mr. Crow to become a candidate for Governor, but to all appeals he had only one answer, that he was for Senator W. C. Sproul, for the office and urged his friends to be likewise. That his judgment was good was demon strated at the polls when Senator Sproul received such a splendid vote for Governor. Senator Crow has often been described as the most potent harmonizing harmonizer in the political affairs of the State and nation, for when the nation-wide contest was on for the election of a chairman for the National Repub lican Committee, it was Senator Crow who soothed the irritant delegates, which resulted in the election of that master mind. Will H. Hays, of ! Indiana." —lt would surprise no one heie if a boom for Gifford Pinchot for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in 1920 would de velop at the conference of the Roosevelt Progressives called for this city next Tuesday when Sena tor Miles Poindexter, of Washing ton. mentioned as a Presidential eligible, will speak. The confer ence was called a week ago by Pinchot and a number of the men prominently identified with the old Bull Moose movement of 1912 and who went along with Pinchot in his Senatorial campaign of 1914 and with him in lining up for Hughes in the 1916 campaign and for Sproul last fall. Just how many men will be here not even the hotel people know. They look for an Interesting gathering and say that there liava been reservations made by several men prominent in politics. Mr. Pinchot is expected here on Mon day evening when several of the old-time leaders of the Progressives from far counties will be in Harris burg ana will be talked over. On what they report will depend much of the action in Tuesday's meeting when Pinchot says means to sfir up the Republican party will be discussed. —From all accounts some of the reorganizations of departments of the State government will bloom this fall instead of in the summer. The schemes of reorganization of several have been submitted to Gov ernor Sproul by the chiefs, but have not been finally acted upon. The Governor will be on a trip to Spokane the next ten days and sev eral heads of departments are plan ning to meet him when he returns. —Governor Sproul plans to attend the conference of the Governors at Salt Lake City late in August and will present some pertinent facts about the big road building project and other matters to show that Pennsylvania is progressing. —James H. Maurer, chairman, and .A. Epstein, director of the State Old Age Pension Commission, are going to Europe to make a study of old age pension systems in foreign lands and will return in the fall to prepare further Investigations here. The Commission is to report to the Governor next year. ' —William H. Horner, of Oberlin, chairman of the Dauphin County Republican Committee, and for sev eral years with the compensation system statistical bureau, will likely be named to the post of director of the compensation bureau, a new $4,- 000 place. He is one of the most competent men in the compensa tion bureau and strongly endorsed. —People interested in the "dry" j movement in the Legislature will bo glad to know that Representative John W. Vickerman, of Allegheny, HLAJIRISBXJRG TELEGRAPH SINCE THEY CLOSED THE NINETEENTH -;' V '".WW. THE . HP.S KIDDED OLD HENMFBFRRY fAilllt(SiViW * fr ■" THINKING THCY admire HIS GAMC SO MUCH luhl/llfll , |lllflil||||/9p ,/ TH6Y ARE To FOLLOW AROOnD A 111'.'/ 11l •' rvl'rtffKil FEvm Poi INTERS T M e olX> SOY IS ALL Dwelled uP leader of the "drys," will not retire 1 from the Legislature. The Pitts- I burgh Gazette-Times says: "Mr. j Vickerman emphasized that it has I been erroneously reported that he ' would accept the position as organ- j izer with the Anti-Saloon League of j Pennsylvania and also made it plain | that he would probably accede to ; the wishes of his friends and con- j stituents to become a candidate fo- ' re-election so that he might aid in ] completing "dry" legislation which ! the temperance forces of the State i have endeavored to secure." —Attorney General A. Mitchell ' Palmer is to address the American j Bar Association at Boston this fall. —The State Grange Inst night at tempted to reply to Governor Sproul's sharp comment on the Grange committee's idea of road construction "overhead." It also raised questions as to what are "overhead." —Through the resignation of Judge Charles 11. Kline as chair man of the Allegheny Republican County Committee Vice-Chairman George Weil becomes the head of the body and will direct its work until his successor is elected in June, 1920. Judge Kline was elected chair man of the committee in June, 1918. Trade Briefs There are eighty foreign fire in surance companies operating in China, not one of which is American. It is reported that the London County and Westnlinster Bank is ac quiring an interest in the Royal Bank of Canada. The total production of copper in i bars by the Cerro de Pasco Copper [ Corporation at Cerro de Pasco, Peru, ; for the year 1918 amounted to 71,- j 904,794 pounds. A large vegetable oil mill has been : ! opened at Andalas,-near Padang. ! Sumatra. It is owned and operated | !by oleomargarine interests of the Netherlands and insures its promot- I ers a steady supply of vegetable oils. [ Consul Walter H. Sholes reports ! from Goteborg, Sweden, that the j gradual revival of shipping at that I port is vividly shown by official i statistics. The customs receipts for I the first four months in 1919 exceed ed those for the same period of last | year by $1,122,975. It is reported that the rice market j of the Philippines is far from nor jmal, and the Government is arrang | ing to send a rice agent to Saigon, 1 Indo-China. who will keep in touch i with the general rice situation and j look after the orders placed by the I Philippine Islands- Government. The coal mines opened last year at Holikangizu, Manchuria, in which 1,000 men are employed, are produc ing a very good quality of coal. The length of these beds is said to be about sixty-seven miles. It is pro posed to build a light railway from the mines to the Sungari River, a : distance of about forty-seven miles. I Australian coal exporters are mak | lng a strong bid for the Philippine j market. They are offering their pro i duct at a much lower price than the I Japanese dealers, who have hereto fore held the monopoly in this com j modity. The lowest Australian price j recently quoted was about $3.36 a •ton f. o. b. mines, while that quoted by the Japanese was $12.75 a ton f. o. b. mines. The Escheat Law . [Pottsville Republican.] The escheat law is now to be put into effect. It provides that all banks private, State and National, must either return uncalled for de posits to heirs or the State, after advertising the name and amount I in the local home county paper, so j that depositors who have forgotten relatives or friends, who notice the ! announcement for such uncalled for I deposit may now see that the banks may no longer keep the indefinite use of such monies. It is stated that some of the big §tate banks have millions of dollars of such uncalled for deposits, which now will - go to owners, heirs or State. It is esti mated that Pittsburgh has six mil lions, Philadelphia, nine to eleven millions, Scranton two millions. Dauphin over four millions, Schuyl kill over one million. Berks three millions, and so on large amounts in all the counties of the State. Farewell, O Pioneer Farewell, O pioneer Ot skyland's infinite realm! You fought through fog and gale, With heroes at your helm; With luck invoked, you sail. The path you bravely laid Will broaden with the coming day. The trip you dared and made Unites our lands another way. rarewcll, O pioneer! ■— M. J. A. Dr. J. George By GEORGE MORRIS PHILLIPS DR. J. GEORGE BECHT, who has just been appointed first Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction at an annual sal ary of $7,500. was educated in the public schools/and at the age of fif teen himself began teaching a country school in Lycoming county. He graduated from Lafayette College in 1890, and later did post-graduate work at Harvard and Columbia Universities!- He has received the degree of Doctor of Science from Lafayette College and from Buck nell University. After fcis graduation from Lafay ette, he was made assistant prin cipal, and later principal, of the Lycoming County Normal School at Muncy. In 1593 he was unanimously elected county superintendent of schools of Lycoming county, and was re-elected for three successive terms without opposition, being the only person up to that time who had ever been elected to a fourth term. His work there, as everywhere .that he has ever been, was highly suc cessful, and he became one of the most efficient and best-known supers intendents in Pennsylvania. In 1903 he was offered the depart ment of psychology and pedagogy at the West Chester State Normal School, and accepted i}. He was one of the most popular teachers who ever taught at West Chester, but at the end of one year was elected principal of the State Normal School |at Clariorf. Here for eight years he carried on this normal school most successfully. He built it up to be | one of the most successful in the State, the advance which it made \ during his administration being re \ markable. At the end of his first j year 62 students from the several I classes were reported to the State Board of Examiners. Six years later 400 students were presented to this board. During his princi palship, practically all of the school buildings were remodeled, and a new dormitory built, at a cost of j $85,000. In 1911 the newly-organized State ! Board of Education was looking j about for the best man to become the executive secretary of that board. : Dr. Becht was the first and unani mous choice of this board, and, for | tunately for the State, he accepted the position, which he has held until the present time. He has been the inspiration of all of the forward movements which this board has carried through since 1911, which means practically all the forward movements in education in Pennsyl vania since that time. Teachers' 'Retirement He took the first step for a teach ers' retirement fund in Pennsylvania, and has been active on all the com mittees for the furtherance of this important movement, and for the adoption of the present Teachers' Retirement System in Pennsylvania, which is probably the very best in the United States. He made full reports on school consolidation, and has done much to forward that important movement in Pennsylvania. He organized a pedagogical li brary, which the State Board of Education has put at the service of teachers of the whole State. This has been especiafly valuable to rural teachers. One of his most important works has been the organization of a Bu reau of Architecture, which has pre pared plans of construction and re construction of school buildings to the amount of $35,000,000 during the past seven years. The late Su perintendent of Public Instruction was most anxious about the execu tion of the laws respecting school buildings, as laid down in the school code, and feared complications and perhaps scandals, which had fol lowed this work in other states. Dr. Becht carried out these laws most efficiently on a great scale and at a surprisingly small expense to the Commonwealth. He managed the accumulation and investment of the State School Fund which has grown to more than $400,- 000. Not a dollar of this fund has been lost, and it is all wisely in vested. When the School Code was adopted, Pennsylvania was the only State in the United States without a ' permanent school fund. Now it has a substantial one, which 4s growing : rapidly and will one day be a great fund. The State Board of Educa tion is authorized and Dr. Becht has already begun to use the income of this fund to equalize opportunities in education in various parts of the Commonwealth. He has planned for the inspection of all State aided institutions main taining educational departments. He has issued educational news bulle tins which go all over the State, and which have proved to be a valuable medium of education throughout the State, and are much valued by educators everywhere. More Pay For Teachers He organized the movement for the increase of teachers' salaries of teachers by the recent Legisla ture. He conducted negotiations for the purchase of eleven of the thirteen State Normal Schools of Pennsyl vania. These schools were bought by the State at a small fraction of their cost and Value, from the pri vate Vorporations which had built and owned them. This has all been done without a breath of scandal, a great feat. In this, he has ac quired for the State property to the value of several million dollars, by the expenditure of a few hundred thousand dollars. He put into effect the beneficial law for the education of blind chil dren of the Commonwealth, which has been a great blessing to these blind wards of the State. Dr. Becht's ability, attainments and efficiency, of course, have not escaped the notice of educators gen erally. He has delivered a course of lectures on education at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and at the | University of Pittsburgh, as well as many addresses before educational j bodies in and outside of Pennsyl- I vania. When Dr. McCracken was | elected to the presidency of Lafay | ette College Dr. Becht was elected to the vice-presidency, and it was a | great disappointment to the trustees, faculty and alumni of the college that he felt that ho could not give up his present important position to ■ accept it. Last year he was strongly ! urged to accept the presidency of Washington and Jefferson College, but also declined that important po : sition. He has been vice-president 1 of the National Eeducation Associa i tion, president of the Pennsylvania ! State Educational Association, pres • ident of the Pennsylvania State Educational Council, and a member : of the Academy of Science and Art j of Pittsburgh. Dr. Becht is still in the prime of • life. He is probably the most pop ■ ular public educator in Pennsyl i vania. It is to be hoped that the ! public, schools and the Common i.wealth will long have the benefit of j his valuable services. Wander Song I Mad, restive city, you hold naught for me; Your glamour and your might; your music and your light j Merc tinsel are to nomads of the sea.. I I'm sick to death of all your sounds and sighs; | You call to me in vain; I loathe with might and main j Your sin, your social laws, your fool delights. There is a wider life that holds me fast; It calls and ever calls; it's full of lures and thralls. And oh! it always draws me back at last. It speaks through halyards drum ming on the mast; Beckons from alien lands and lone Pacific sands. And hails me down the northern storm-wind's blast. Aboard, my men! Aboard! and swing away. * * * I long to leave behind, with all their kith and kind, Vain cities that would bind me to their sway. —Nlya Becke, in the Sydney Bulletin. Who Won the War? [From the Utica Observer.] "It is right to speak of our allies," says Marshal Haig, "but it was the British army that won the war." Of course it was the British army that won the war. It was also the French army that won the war. The Ital ian army also won the war. So did the Russian army, and if it hadn't been for the American army, all of the other armies would have lost tho war. The American army won the war. JULY 26; 1919. No Wonder Germany Quit Number Tliirty-Oue "The American Engineers who paraded in London, said Major Frank C. Mahin, of the Army Re cruiting station, 325 Market street, Harrisburg, were objects of great interest to the enormous crowds which lined the streets of that city, when the king reviewed their new allies. London newspapers were,' full of description and comment upon the Americans' attire. Tiic campaign hat came in for notice; —pictur- esque, as is the headgear of the Austrians, and most writers capped their descriptions of it by the label 'cowboy hat' Our trim looking, close fitting, canvas leggins, were a marked con trast to those wrap, spiral puttees, which Tommy wound around his shins, over his long trouser legs, and so often with resulting bumps which seem to indicate the calve development of a Japanese wrestler. Due to their smoothness and color, Mr. Londoner dubbed ours 'pipe stems.' Much amusement was afforded our men, too, upon reading that they—(all railroad men who lived in or traveled between large eastern cities) showed by their clean limbed, upright bearing, and jaunty swinging gait, the habit of large open spaces, and none of the re straint of the metroplitan. London had fun telling two stories, whicfi came to life through the parade. One purported to be the conversation, overheard, of two 'buck privates' in the ranks, as they approached the palace where stood the King and Dowager Queen of England. "Hoy Jack" said one: "which one is the king?" And the answer rich to the Londoner, was "the guv with the chin soup strain er." The other story, equally appre ciated by our men, who started over as specialists, not as fighters, was this:—quoting two London urchins, as the parade approached the side street where they were playing, "I say, Jem. hurry! See the soldiers" said one; and at the end of their I run to the main street, disgustedly, i the other, "Hell, them's not soldiers, i them's Americans." Perhaps the boy was right, but later events showed these same I Americans winning from Field Mar : shall Haig for their wonderful ef- I ficiency and determination in over | coming all obstacles. They main : tained their train schedule through j hard shelled country, supplying food ; and ammunition to the front lihes, j during the week of preparation I for, and during the battle of Cam j brai, in November, 1917. At the j same time, others of their numbers, i threw away their toojs, and picking j up rifles from the dead and wound ' ed. won the Tommy's affections by ] putting up a stiff fight at a critical moment in the battle." The same spirit that enabled the colonists of '75 and the farmer of '6l I to forsake his peaceful pursuits and |go forth to settle the argument, ! moved the present day American ! youth to overcome the handicap of • German forethought and prepared j ness. In the face of suvh spirit. | Germany had no chance to win." Rhetorical Exploitation [From Harvey's Weekly.] The Senate of the United States had no need of disquisitions upon the world's weariness of war; of a lecture upon the difficulties of dip lomatic negotiation; or of exhorta tions to seek the good, the true and the beautiful. It knows as much about suph matters as—with ail respect—the President himself, and has just as high ideals as he. What it wanted, wht it was entitled to. was an explicit and practical re port upon the President's extraordi nary mission, and it did not get it. Instead, it got a rhetorical exploita tion of the President and his peculiar doctrines. It wanted facts: It got "words, words, words." . Ice Cream Soda's Inventor [From the New York Sun.] While history does not make sure that Dolly Madison made ice cream popular in the United States, it is generally assumed that the odd child of that delicacy, ice cream soda, was invented fifty years ago by Joseph R. Royer, who died the other day in Lancaster, Pa., at the age of 85. It is the tradition, we believe, that he brought about the union of frozen cream—yes, it was made of cream in the '6os—and carbonated water for the pleasure of a child who liked both spda water and Ice cream so well that she could not decide which ishe would have first. iEuejtting (Eljat j If the demands for hunter' 4 licenses already being made are any thing upon which to base an opinion* say State Game Commission officials* there are going to be many men ouC in the field for the first August hunt ing Pennsylvania has had in a long time. The Legislature which ad journed just a month ago to-day j passed a law which advanced tho sea-" , son for hunting blackbirds from Sep tember 1 to August 1 because of tha I damage done to fields and orchards! | by the birds and also took the pro tection off tho red squirrels toif much the same reason. Owing toi the early opening of the season' which will afford the first August i hunting sinco the days when ploveß were plentiful there has been a de mand for the hunters' license tags which are in tho hands of the Stata * printer. It is expected to send out the first consignments early in tho coming week and they will go main ly to the agricultural counties wliera j the birds have caused the most | trouble, especially in oats fields* From all accounts coming hero there aro larger flocks of black birds about than usual and therd will be good shooting unless weathetj interferes. • • • The State of Pennsylvania hasi hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of chestnut wood on its pre serves now with no means to get it to market. According to officials oj the State Forestry Commission if all of the dead, dying and blighted chestnut trees now in tho State for ests could be marketed speedily at least $1,500,000 could be realized. The blight has seriously affected trees over a very wide area, but the Stata has not the funds to clear out thor timber and market it, although thero is a demand. Pennsylvania now owns 1,041,491 acres of forest land, in fifty-three State forests scattered throughout twenty-seven counties. The land cost the State $2,375,110.55. Last year 14,459 acres were added to the preserves and the first half of this year there were bought 9,258 acres. An interesting fact in con nection with the State laws govern ing forests is that all income frorrt forests go into the State permanent school fund and they have earned to July 1 the sum of $191,219.49. More building enterprises are un- * dor contemplation and it is expected that the summer will not end with out seeing a number of these pro jects under way. We need mora homes, large and small, and tha present tendency is toward apart ment houses which will accommo date a number of families. ♦ • Those who were the guests of Colonel Co\;ertat the Isle of Quo this week, and who motored along the picturesque highway between Harrisburg and that point were ( greatly surprised to see much wheat " in shock spoiling in the fields. Scores of shocks had turned from yellow to green through the sprout ing of the wheat as a result of the unprecedented rainy weather re cently. • • • When the military units of Har risburg get the armory to which they are entitled and which is in evitable very'soon it is probable the building will be something more than a mere drill hall. As a matter of fact, the modern armory is a store house and club room for the < men in the State service, with such , annex as will give drill space with out utilizing the main building. There is much interest in the forth coming reorganization of the Na tional Guard and strong arguments are being put up for concentrating in Harrisburg as the seat of gov ernment a unit of every branch of the service, including artillery and the signal corps. But it will never | get it unless local enterprise pro vides a site, preferably fronting on Capitol Park, in which event the ! State will build it. • • • Governor William C. Sproul is not only in favor of one office build ing being erected in Capitol Park Extension, but would like to start two. "The State government really needs two and I wish we had the money for it. Wo will find it next session," said he. The Governor a few days ago took a walk into Park Extension and looked over the site of the new building and said that he heartily approved of the Brunner 1 plan and would like to get it well started while he was in Harrisburg. "It would be a great thing to have that group of buildings. We ought to have a fine educational building as well as, a building to house the offices for which we are now paying rent," he remarked. • • This is the time of the year when phlox holds sway in the gardens and there are many splendid speci mens of the midsummer flower to be seen all over the city. Some gardens in the outlying sections are fairly ablaze with the different hues. Fifteen years ago phlox were little cared for in Harrisburg, but some of the flower lovers took note of the steps being taken to develop them and from blooms of rather indiffer ent size they have been grown un til they are as large as a nickle. I WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —W. W. Williams, lately with one of the Pittsburgh steel concerns, is the new general manager of the Reading Iron Company. —John E. Lloyd, active in the re tail coal trade, says that anthracite is leaving the State in large amounts. —Commissioner of Forestry Conk ling has been in western counties looking up some new tracts for pur chase by the State. —Harry S. McDevitt, secretary to the Governor, expects to be able to return to the Capitol next week. He has been ill at his home in Phila delphia. —Josiah H. Howard, former Legislator from Cameron county, was among visitors to the Capitol. | DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg had thea trical performances back In 1787? HISTORIC HARRISBURG —lt cost over SIO,OOO to clear Capitol Hill for the first State House. Rejoice and Do Good I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in'it. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also, he hath,set the world in their heart, so that no man can And out the work that God maketh from the beginning * to the end. I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to re joice, and to do good in his life. i Eccleslastes ill, 10 to 12, /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers