Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page ( FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS 1 FOR SALE—A number of household Articles. Call between 7 and 9 p. m. at j 2110 N. Second st. FOR SALE—A coal digger composed \©f a high grade 6-inch pump, eleva- Itors, boats etc. Operated entirely elec trically. One ten and one 15 horsepow er Westinghouse motors. Entire plant Just completed and entirely new and ready to operate Epuipment the latest and very best. Long lease at 10c a ton royalty; doing business on Shamokin creek near Sunbury. Pa. A good in vestment at a bargain to buyer for .cash. Address D. & H. Coal Co.. 200 'Catawlssa ave„ Sunbury, Pa. BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand s, 915 North Third. Circulars free. I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ICASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. ► JOS LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture hero. iVTlch Drices paid for furniture. Morris [ Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. FOR SALE —One hot air furnace ■with wires, in good condition. Apply C F. Gchl, 1003 N. Second street. Bell ;phonc 89SM. WAXTEP— MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be In good condition. Address Box S-4429. tare Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. WANTED To purchase an old bureau or chest of drawers without mir ror. Mahogany preferred. Wish to secure this for utility not as an antique. Stole what you have, price and where it can be seen. Address L-8923 care Telegraph. WANTED —To buy one secondhand gas stove in good condition. Call at 1003 North Second st. or Bell phone 899-M. JUNK—We are in the market for nil kinds of Junk. Call Bell 497 4, or ■write L. Cohen 45 Co., fork street and Ash avenue. WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; ilrst iloor; must be dry. Vohii: Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BELL PHONE 3370-.1 S. RIPKEN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HAURISBURG, PA MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sola. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 107111. or drop a postal to Max I Smelt? 1020 Market street. Will call, j City or country. Bell pnone 32JJ9-Rl. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. FOR SALE On account of expansions in building and other business which 1s unabling us to give propel" attention to our repair shop, employing 12 to 14 men regularly.' we will sell same which includes complete auto repair equipment. We will also lease building for any length of time to a desirable pnrtv; an abundance of work available. This is a real prop osition for a live wire and will stand close inspection. For further particulars call or address, SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. 1017-25 Market Street i WOULD YOU RISK 32 PER WEEK VOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN S COM- Bypaying $2 per week for 50 weeks we will offer yu something great. Most people spend more for drink, tobacco, etc.. but object to spending 1 few- dollars for their future wel fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh, Pa- WOULD 385 PER WEEK IN TEREST YOU? T have for sale a news agency In a citv of 30,000. Sales 2,000 dailies and 4 400 Sundays. No competition and no carrier trouble. Full investigation al lowed to responsible persons. Address j?ox T-5448 care. Telegraph. VOUNG businessman, 26 years old. wishes to invest 3500 or 31.000 with service, with a going concern in Har risburg, Mechanicsburg' or Carlisle. Address Box C. P. care Telegraph. SEND for tree copy "Oil Critic.' and information regarding safest in vestments if Interested in Texas G1 Fields? H. D. Ballenger. Box 140 C. Ft. Worth. Tex.' FOR SALE —Restaurant and lunch room. complete and up-to-date, near Market street; price reasonable- in quiie A. P. Doranz. 12-5 N. blxth st. LIVE business tor a live man. In nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery cigars. Doing business of 342,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz, ' 1225 North Sixth st. WANTED —A partner with six or seven thousand dollars to go in the automobile business, if not all cash, will consider notes or bonds against business. Address A-8443 care Tele graph. " BUSINESS PERSONALS E. L. DAVIS Automobile and motorcycle repair ing and overhauling. All work guar &ntc6d ■ Garage, 1421 Thompson ACCOUNTING systems installed, financial statements prepared; ac counting errors detected and correct ed. Address, Accountants, care Tele graph. STEAM feather renovating; all ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street. , OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNG Any metal welded. Work guaran teed Carbon removed by oxygen. Caditol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. (Continued In Next Column) SATURDAY EVENING, BUSINESS PERSONALS PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First-class work. Chllcoat Bros., 1622 TJ. Fourth St. A. LAKE New and second-hand furniture . bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. BUSINESS PERSONALS I ~ FURNITURE CRATED for shipping ' j. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe E feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUlt LAXATIVE ' piIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off ! if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ! 119 Market street. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED single edge, 25c doz.. double edge. 35c . doz" razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE, china packing and re ' nairing, carefully done by R. J. ltoy , ster. 815 West st. Bell SlB-R. : ~ ~ MONEY TO LQAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of ■ 325 for five months is 32.64 SSO for five months is 0.20 i 375 for five months is <-89 5100 for fie months is 10.50 i Based on five equal monthly pavments on date due. Longer I tirno if desired at little extra cost. Shorter time at lower cost. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 4, 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specially, business contidential. pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bidg.. Third "and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." UAULING ANI) MOVING HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped lor furniture, freight and piano mov i 'ng No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. K Gruber'a Truck Service. Irwin ' Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell . phone 15R6. AU TO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture una piano moving 1 a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 311 Capital street. Both phones. | HAULING —Local or long distance, J pianos and safes a specialty. Paul Bcek, successor to O. H. Beck, call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell .sii-J., or Ober's Livery. WE' Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. 1 j MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, lurniture and pianos a specialty. General hauling, 1* ifth and Rtily. Dial 6268. ALL KLNDB OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636- J. Dial 3688. ,____ HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. FINANCIAL "" STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. 130 Walnut St.. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 51 P -J. CEMETERY 'LOTS FOR SALK I PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north end east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co., Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. 53 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware i house. Harrisburg Storage Co., .437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear i 403 Market. Household goods in clean, . private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. , G. Diener. 408 Market street. HORSES AXI) CARRIAGES FOR SALE—Bay horse and buggy, ■ including harness. Cheap to quick ■ buyer. Inquire 1713 N. 12th St. FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson . dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thomas, I Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. FOR SALE:—High grade horse; i guaranteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere; also runabout*, har • ness. saddle and light wagon. Inquire . I. B. Dickinson. 505 N. 13th st. Bell i phone 4773R; Dial 4201. MUSICAL I AT 3. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. BARGAINS THIS WEEK i 3360 Frances Bacon piano, wal j nut, very little used; price, ..3230 3400 Winters piano, fine mahog any, like new r Stleff, walnut medium size in per a lect condition *..330 t McFhail Player, 88-note. In fine order, 24 rolls included; price 3485 Any of the above bargains on very liberal credit terms J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. Troup Building, 16 SOUTH MAHKKT SQ. I, TALKING MACHINES promptly and " carefully repaired by an expert only. 8 OYLER'S 14 South Fourth Street. YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia recora. you have not found it. We have it. Spangle r Music House, 2112 North t Sixth street. FOR SALE —One Chickering square piane in good condition has been " tuned regularly. Call or inquire 208 South Market st„ Mechanicsburg. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street PIANO BARGAINS 1 Wellsmore player, like*new, ...3410 1 Haines player, good as new 395 1 Conway player, was 3800, now.. 400 1 Koliler & Chase player, big bargain. 1 Winter upright, like new 3190 1 Wing upright 90 1 Harrington upright 175 I Gem piano 40 Terms to suit buyer. J. W. MILLER. 1319 Derry st.. Harrisburg. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS m —— SAMUEL S. FACXLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. i 511 North Second Street BELL 252 " DIAL 2145 INSURANCE It isn't a nice thing to say. But it is a fact that 3100 will buy you more care ana attention when you are lata up than 10U friends will give you. The time to insure against sickness or accident, is right now. J. SCHOOLNIK, 21 Spooner Bidg., Harrisburg, Pa. AUTO W ANTED WANTED —Buick or Dodge touring or roadster, will pay cash, state year model and price. Address Box 8457 care Telegraph. WANTED TO HIRE A responsible party, experienced and careful driver, wants to hire by the month, good fight touring car for canvassing. Send replies to P. O. Box 1134. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE —Overland, in good con dition. Post office box 1207, Harris burg, Pa. . FOR SALE —Hudson, racer type. 1912; newly painted and thoroughlj overhauled; four good tires, one ex- I tia in A 1 condition; cheap to quick buyer. Call after 5 p. m. or write to 346 Union street, Pa. FOR SALE—Buick runabout; good condition; good tires two new; paint In good trim; top excellent. Will sacri fice at a bargain and give demonstra tion Apply Thomas Baldwin. Bowman avenue. Camp Hill, or phone Dept. Int. Affs., Capitol. ! SAXON, 1917.* 4-cylinder roadster, electric starter, electric- lights and horn demountable rims. A 1 condi tion all over. Apply Hagerling Motor Car Co., 1137 Mulberry st. Bell 1396. Dial 6961. FOR SALE Stoddard-Dayton automobile, combination roadster and louring car. Apply to C. M. SIGLER, 30 North Second Street. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL. 2360. DIAL 4914 Republic ?i-l ton truck, overhauled and repainted. All units in excellent condition. New armored type radiator, front tires good, rear tires fair. A sturdy little truck specially priced at 5750. Till 7 OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., 212-214 North Second Street. — i MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 Bosctt high tension, Eisman, Dixie, Solitaorl, Mea, ilemy and different makes of coils carburetors, etc. A chiifman. 22-24-26 North Catneron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE —Bessemer ton and one half truck, thoroughly overhauled and in irood condition, will sell cheap. Ap ply"!. P. Serry. 125 S- 11th at. FORD Sedan, 1918, demountable wheels; extra tire on carrier; Perry lcck, etc. This car looks good and runs like' new, 3775. Square Deal Horat, LJngleslown. Pa. __ ~~ TRUCK FOB SALE Large sized o-ton truck, with Dump body for sale. Big Bargain to quica buyer For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. . AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire, Public Liability, Theft and rv.ilision. Phone anu representative wUI call. Chas. Adler. 1002 North Third St. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lHinos. ets. Best service n town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 30i North Third street. DODGE 1916—1n first class Condi tion; cheap. lleo roadster, completely overhaul ed and tire like new; a bargain. Velio 1918 —Used for demonstra tion in first class condition; driven 6*OOU miles; carrying a new car roadster; completely overhauled; in first class condition; a REX GAItAGE AND SUPPLY CO* 1917 North Third Street. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. WANTED Any model or make Auto Tiro Vulcanizing Molds, complete Plants or Parts, for cash. Give de scription. Queen Lity Vul. Co.. Cin cinnati. Ohio. DODGE touring car; A-No. 1 con dition; 3650 cash. Also Dodge road ster. Joe Alberts, Hershey House. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 Souto Cameron FOR SALE —Stoddard-Dayton auto mobile. combination roadster und touring car. Apply to C. M. Sigler. 30 North Second st. MODEL 53, o-passenger Overland; new paint; new top and tires in first class condition. Sible B Garuge, Jul Cumberland. FOR SALE —1916 practically new. Ford delivery body for sale cheup; one Cole eight touring car, |760; one 1917 Chevrolet touring car, 1450*. cne 1915 Paige, just paint ed 3325; Hudson four, new top and ' Just pulnted. fine shape; 3560; one 1917 Oldsmoblie 8 speedster, wire wheols ; and very fast. 38t>0, also many other ' bargains in used cars and trucks. See us betore buying elsewhere. Seiden Truck Distributors 1017-1025 Market street. CHEVROLET roadster, 490 model. ! year 17; electric lights; starter 1 lumper; fine running order. Price. 1 3525. Horst. Linglestown. near Harris burg. (Continued In Next Column) HAJEmiSBtTRd.GfiBk TELEGKXPH ACTUIIOBIUift OLt) AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmara. - in any condition. Sea ma before aac . rificing elswbere. Chelsea Auto ' Wrecking. A. Schiffman, 22. 24. 24 North Cameron street. Bell 3533. i ~ BARGAINS —International one-ton i truck, used teu months, cheap; in i itmuiional two-ton truck, used nine , I uiunths, cheap; Ford delivery, pane' i body, in nne condition. Ford 1-ton unit, brand new. Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby 2 ft-ion. Power dump body, in line condition; Denby 2ft-ton, with stake body, like new; Acmo 3ft-ton, with Woods dump body, used si a months; Denby 2-ton, . with Woods steel dump body. Denby Sales Corporation, 1206 Capital street. FOlt bAbK —Ford ton truck, 1213; . worm drive; in good condition: price reasonable. Inquire 246U Jefferson st. Dial phone 3042. FORD touring. 17, demountable wheels; new tires; tire carrier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot ' light; tool box and cut out; good cur- I tains with winter rods; price 2400. Square Deal Hoist, Dinglestown. FIERCE ARROW I will pay a good price for a 38 or 48 H. F. Fierce Arrow touring car or limousine, 1015 model, tires must be in good condition, paint fair and up holstery good; engine must be in good condition. No earlier model will be accepted Advise when car can be seen. Address. JAMES PARKER, P. O. BOX 155, liurrisburg. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs and pulls like new. Price s42i carli. Dial 36-C. S. R. Horst, Linglestown, near Harrisburg. FOR SADE Stuaobaker Touring; 19IS eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing; Iteo Touring car; overland Coun , try Club; Jefferies Touring car An drew Redmond, Third and Reiliy streets. FOIt SADE —1911 E-passenger Cadil lac, practically new tiles: biggest bar gain lr Harrisburg; owner leaving city tor summer; sacrilice price. 53u Camp street. Koohler lft-ton truck. Over hauled. Ail tires like new. , . Will carry ten-foot body. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, 212-214 North Second St. P.-E. worm drive, Ift-2-ton truck. Used only few months, original tires like neW. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, 212-214 North Second St. h FOR SALE —Overland, model 854, Ave passenger touring; A 1 condition, new top and tires, two extra tires. A bargain. Apply L. A. Waterman. Keystone Motor Car Co., o. Cameron St.. between 6.30 and 8 p. m. •FOR SALE" FORD TOURING. BIUSCO TOURING—I9IS Model. ONE AND ONE-HALF-TON TRUCK— 'Electric lights, starter and pneu matic tires on front; mechanically light. TWO LIGHT DELIVERY BODrES FOR FORDS. M BRENNER & SONS MOTOR CO, Third and Hamilton Sts. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990 FOR SALE —Bulck roadster ip good condition, price 2325. Call after 5 p.. m.. 217 W. High street. Hummels town. Pa. FORDS AT THE SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR COMPANY. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST., HAUKIdHCRG. ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick 1 buyers in good used cars. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare Ur i9l7 Buick,. light six touring, spare tir i9l6 Buick, big six touring, spate "me Buick. one-trfn truck. 1914 stutz roadster, newly painted, rC l9lf Eug'er, turn six, fine shape. 1917 Vim, Hglß delivery. 1914 overland, model i 9. just over hauled. Bargain. 1918 Keo touring, hne running order, at a bargain price. I'j 12 liuiclt roiidstcr, ♦ 1 The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given. CHELESBA AUTO CO, A. Schiffman, Manager. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HARLY twin motorcycle. |66 and ! also side car with new tire. |76. Hor'st, Linglestown. near Harrisburg. INDIAN featherweight motorcycle " ale cheap; in line condition, in jure 208 Hummel avenue. Lemoyne. BICYCLE REPAIRING " ' BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED AU DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. Motorcycle 1917 Model, f . l"®J,ower with sidecar; n r , t ' condition. Call Bell Phone 4217 after 0 p. m. FOR SALE — s ' I Jp le Indian motor ic in A-l condition: sacrifice price • inquire 1015 N. Front at. Pr ' Ca • -^^"^ALE— Harßy-Davld.on mo- I .nrcvcle. 1918 ™ ode n " d "lie car. I electrically equipped. Address Box 1.8438 care Telegraph. I CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothea, make them now .All kinds of repairing guaian ' teed. Goodman's, 13U6ft North Sixth. Both phoneß; call and delivered. AUTOS FOR IIHUC • ""AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Will 1 take you to any part of city or nearby ' country. Call at 182< Spencer street, I or Dial 5937 ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS I ' I DREADNAUGIIT 5,000-MILE TIRES ; 40x3 Ribbed Tread 213.88 f sox3 ft ■.*. v.V4 atx4 " " 38 " 36.82 . 23x4 " " 27 - 8 l ; £2£i " - 28.43 ; iJilft " " 88.82 . 36x4 ft " " i £ox3 Vacuum Tread 16.63 : 338 : : qtyi *•••1 ?"! " " 29.14 fj?; - " ; 83x4 „ tIHH 1 35X4 FT : : JJ-J* 46x4 ft 48 ' 07 .DAYTON CYCLE CO, 912 if- Third at. Dial 4190. dCoiitlnwed la Next Co I una; I MARKETS I NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Allis Chalmers 48! i 48 Amer. Beet Sugar 93ft 93ft American Can 59 ft 60 ft Am. Car and Fndry C0...118ft 119 ft Amer. Loco 91 92 Amer. Smelting S7 87 ft American Anaconda 76 76ft Atchison 109 100 ft Baldwin Locomotive ...112ft 116 Baltimore and Ohio 46ft 47 Bethlehem Steel, B 100 ft 101 ft Butte Copper 29 ft 29ft California Petroleum .... 60ft 50ft Canadian Pacific ' 163 163 ft Central Leather 114 ft 114 ft Chi, Mil and St. Paul ... 48ft 49 Chi, R. I. and racifle V 30 ft 30 ft Chino Con. Copper 51 49ft Col Fuel and Iron 51ft 52 Corn Products 95 94 75 ' Crucible Steel 143 142 ft Erie 18ft 18ft General Motors 22814 231 Goodrich. B. F 85 84ft Great North. Pfd 94 ft 94 ft Great North Ore, subs, i 48ft 49ft Inspiration Copper 67ft 67ft Ir.t, Paper / 68 ft 67 ft Kennecott 42 *Bft Kansas City Southern .. 23ft 23ft Lackawanna Steel 87 ft 88 ft Lehigh Valley 53ft 53ft Maxwell Motors 35 ft 56ft Mere. Mar Ctfs 65ft 65ft Merc. Mar. Ctfs 121 ft 121 ft Mex. Petroleum 193 195 Miami Copper 31ft 31ft Midvale Steel 57ft 58 ft Missouri Pacific 35ft 35ft N. Y. Central 80 ft 80 ft N. Y, N. H. and H...... 3774 37% Nevada Copper 21ft 21ft Northern Pacific 95ft 95ft Pittsburgh 70 70ft Penna. R. R 46 46 Railway Steel Spg 96 93 Ray Con. Copper 26ft 27 Reading 90 89ft Republic Iron and 5tee1...97% 97ft Southern Pacific 107 ft 107 Southern Ry 30 30ft Sinclair Oil and R 62 ft 62 Studebalccr 113 ft 114 ft Union Pacific 133 ft 133 ft U. S. I. Alcohol .142 ft 144 U. S. Rubber ..125ft 128 ft U. S. Steel 112 ft 113 IT. S. Steel, pfd 117 ft 117 Utah Copper 95% 96 Vir.-Caro. Chem 85 ft 87 ft ! . Westinghouse Mfg 57 ft 58 Willys-Overland 37 37 ft PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, July 26. Stocks closed strong: x Baldwin 116 General Asphalt 89 do. pfd 134 Lake Superior 24 ft Lehigh Navigation 69ft Lehigh Valley 53ft P. R. R 46 Phila. Electric 25 ft Fhila. Company 39 do. pfd 39 Phila. Rapid Tat 27 ft Reading 89ft Storage Battery 91 Union Traction 38ft United Gas 69ft York Railways* offered 9ft do. pfd 31 PHILADELPHIA PnODITCE Philadelphia, July 26.—Corn—Firm er; yellow as to grade and location. $2.14® 2.15. Live Poultry—Lower; fowls 39® 40c; white leghorns, 30@34c. Dressed Poultry—Quiet; western broilers, lower, 40@43c. Potatoes Lower; North Carolino No. 1. $606.50; eastern shore, No. 1. $607; No. 2. £2.50®3.75; Norfolk, $6 06.50: No. 2, $2.50®3.23; Jersey, No. 1, 81® 1.25 per basket; No. 2, 60@65c. Bran—Firm and higher; soft winter spot, s4B®'4B. 50; spring, $47®47.50. Tallow Quiet; prime city loose, 30c; special loose, 20ftc; prime coun try. 19c; edible in tierces, 24ft®25ftc. Eggs—Firm; nearby first, $15.00 per case; current receipts, sls; west ern extra firsts, $15.60; firsts. sls; fancy selected packed, 59@61c per dozen. . „ . Cheese— Higher: New York and Wisconsin, full milk. 3-ft@33ftc. Flour—Dull; winter, straight west ern old. $10.75®U; new $9.75010.25; Kansas straight, new. (70.75fi11.25, short patent, old, $12012.oO; ne w, $11.10011.65; spring short , ° ld ; $•2.50013; spring patent old. $1..50® 12 75; first clear, old. $9.5009.90. Oats— Higher: No. 1. white 90® 30ftc; No. 2, 89ft®90e; No. 3. 88ft® 8? °'Hay—Dull; timothy No. 2, s36® 37- No. 3. $32033; clover, mixed light, $36037; lower grades, $31035. Lower Swatara Candidates File Nominating Papers Candidates for offices in Lower Swatara township on the Republican ticket filed nominating petitions to day at the county commissioners' of fice. Those who filed were: A. C. Hocker for supervisor; C. S. Demmy, supervisor; Dannel Mart*, Judge of elections; Harvey G. Lesher, in spector; Robert G. Alleman, school director; Aaron Holier, auditor. Other nominating petitions were filed by the following: W. E. Shell, Republican Justice of the Peace. East Hanover township; U. S. Dolson, Re publican. precinct assessor, Third ward Second precinct. Mtddletown; Malcolm Graham, Republican, con stable. Seventh ward; James G. Pike, Republican judge of elections. Thirteenth ward. Second precinct; John W. Sloathour, Republican, as sessor. Fjrst ward. city. CALL BELL 4781; DIAL 3504 If you have a piano in your home that you are tired of hereft your opportunity to exchange it for 9. wonderful talking machine, equal to the human voice.—adv. ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS IF YOU need a tire or any part of any make ot secondhand cars, we have It. We also buy secondhand Junk cars. Highest cash price paid. Selden Truck Disn-ibutors 1017-1026 Market stroei, CHARLES S. JOHNSON Garage, auto repairing done by experts oniv. cars for hire; all work guaranteed. i Jonestown Road. Dial phone 3304. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing oy f =*pert. Road Jobs a ipecalty. Charges leasooaoje. Both Phones. summiue Garage. 27 Nortn Comeron street Harlcy Davidson, electric and side cai • ■ Indian, 1916, 3 speed ,72 Indian, 2 speed electric J2 g Hurley Davidson, ope speed 7 r. Thor, one speed .......g. 85 Big bargains to quick buyers DAYTON CYCLE CO. Dial 4990 912 N. Third St LEGAL NOTICES ' NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Anthony Zuvlch. late of the borough of Hteelton, Dauphin county Pa. deceased, having £ o en granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment and those haying claims will present them for settlement to Steelton Trust Sompany, administrator, or to H. L. i Dress. Atty.. Steelton. Pa. Steelton News j No Danger of Whooping j Cough Outbreak in Borough There is little or no danger of a whooping cough outbreak In Steel ton according to the borough health officials. There are very few cases and only one death has resulted. Because of the death, alarming re- I ports were spread, which appear to ; be unfounded. Nor are there any I great numbers of other diseases of | J children now in the borough. There j is only a single ease of chickenpox i under quarantine. Four in Danger of Drowning as Canoe Upsets in River With the rivet* unusually high and the current strong, four Steel ton lads were in serious danger last evening when on returning from the islgnd their canoe upset. In the party were Russel Beliman, Harry Day hoff, Don Phillips and Klmer Krout. I Bellman was carried along by the current at great speed. So great was the current that Phillips' small toe was broken when he was carried against a.rock. Behman was un able to keep himself up and called for help. Krout tried to reach him but failed. In the meanwhile Day hoff and Phillips succeeded in righting the canoe and reached Behmalv as Willis Schrauder also came to the rescue. Behman was utterly exhausted and was resusci tated with great difficulty. Beh man has just returned from service in Franfce. ' Mrs. Jerome Hopple Dies in Hospital Mrs. Jerome llopplc, Millerstown, mother of Mrs. Thomas Nelley, and of Mrs. C. 16. Newbaker, died this morning in the Harrisburg Hospi tal. Besides her two daughters in Steelton she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Ada Shotzbcrger, Harrisburg, Mrs. Edward Summer, Millersburg, and two sons, Robert Hopple, Mil lerstown. and George Hopple, Maze, Juniata county. Funeral services ! will be held in Millerstown. WEST. SIDE HOSE PLAN TO HOLD FESTIVAL The West Side Hose Company will hold a festival at Myers and Conestoga streets, August 2 9 and 30. Elaborate arrangements are being made for the affair. Steelton Churches Trinity Episcopal—The Rev. Wil liam Charles Hetlman, rector. 8, holy communion; 10. Sunday school; 11, morning prayer and sermon; no evening service. St. John's Lutheran—The Rev. G. N. Lauffer, pastor, will preach at 10.45 on "Known to God" ami at 7.30 on "Esther"; Sunday school, 9.30. First Reformed —The Rev. H. H. Rupp. rector, will preach at 10.45; Sunday school, 9.4 5; no evening service. Grace United Evangelical The Rev. J. K. Hoffman, pastor. Sun day school, 9.30; morning service, 10.45, in charge of W. H. Ickes; 7.30 sermon by Bishop W. M. Stan ford. First Methodist—The Rev. F. A. Tyson, pastor, will preach at 10.45 on "The Blessing of Solitude," and at 7.4 5 on "The Importance of Lit- 1 tie Things"; Sunday school, 9.30. First Presbyterian—The Rev. C. B. Segelken, pastor, will preach at 11 on "The Second Mile" and at 7.30 on "A Little Maid, Who Re membered God Away From Home"; Sunday school, 9.43. Centenary United Brethren—The Rev. Joseph Daugherty, pastor, will preach at 11 on "The Victorious Life," and at 7.30 on "Moses as a Faithful Man"; Sunday school, 9.45. Prevented From Building Frame House in Fire Zone Officials of the borough of Mid dletown were granted their petition for an injunction against Adam Baumbaeh restraining him from erecting a frame structure in the x fire district In the town. President Judge Kpnkel announcing this de cision in an opinion handed down shortly berorep noon to-day. The defendant through counsel, contended that the ordinance eatah lshing the fire zone had been invali dated by an act of 1913, which re pealed the act of 1907, but Judge Kunkel In his opinion ruled other wise, calling attention to a clause In the later State law which provides that all ordlnancea passed by bor oughs under the old act should re main in full force. A FORGETFUL URCHIN "What is it, sonny?" "I'm tryin' to 'member what ma wanted me to git in this jug." "What Jug?" "Gee! I forgot the Jug."—Brown ing's Magazine. City (Fire) Insurance Co. t of Penna. Incorporated 1870 A. Sylva, Agent J7 SOUTH THIRD STREET Hell Phone 2143 Ij. gjj|P W e ave these checks always on hand, jlj | DsjpMnDqiosifTrnsfC®. | V MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTIM | 1832-1919 1 I is:-:—•.•-■.•^. < =...^v_ s =v Es j JULY 26, 1919. WHENANEGGIS FRESH IN STATE State Chemists Reach a Con clusion Regarding Its . Condition f An egg is officially fresh in Penn sylvania when "Its white is capable of whipping well, in cooking it can be satisfactorily poached or soft boiled; it has not absorbed foreign disagreeable odors; its embryo shall not have developed appreciably; the yolk should be fairly stiff and well rounded and the white should not be watery and chalaza shall be well defined." This is the result of an official egg opening and discussion of the subject by State Agricultural De partment chemists with Secretary of Agriculture Frederik Rasmussen sitting as judge and Director James Foust, of the Bureau of Foods, act ing us judge advocate. There were present the whole board of chemists of the food bureau and the discus sion lasted for many hours, assum ing at times a highly rareified scientific character. Samples of eggs gathered in the Philadelphia district and represent ing all reasonable ages and colors were brought in by Agent R. M. Simmers and examined by number. Eggs of each lot were opened by the chemists and examined on ap pearance and then by use of chem icals. Eggs which had been in storage or preserved in lime or "water glass" solution were easily detected. The chemists were able to "spot" the ages of the eggs and did not miss any by more than a few days. The tests were made individually and the results were declared by the secretary to have checked wonderfully. The eggs were classified after study of air space, specific gravity, condition of the white and yolk and appearance of the chalaza, which is one of the two spirally twisted albuminous threads that are attached to the lin ing membrane of an egg at each ehd and keep the yolk in position with the germinating spot upper most. The plan of the Department is to have the conclusion of the chem ists printed for general direction I in enforcement of the law forbld j ding offering of stale eggs as fresh. I {? IQews °r thM \ fegfIRADL To Dispatch Trains by Use of Telephone The telephone wires to be used in the dispatching of trains on the Harrisburg division, between Leb anon and Harrisburg, have been strung, and the office at Harrisburg is now being prepared for the equip- I ment to be installed. The Harris burg division ends at Wyomisslng. This system of dispatching trains is now in successful operation on the Atlantic City division and also on the New York division, between Phila-, delphia and Bound Brook. Government Employes to Organize For Food Buying Heading, Pa., July 26. The Reading Railway Patriotic Commit tee will light the high cost of living by taking advantage of the govern ment's offer of carload lots of food stuffs at cost. The committee, at a special meeting to-day, decided to purchase carload quantities of food stuffs from the government at the quoted prices, considerably lower than existing market values and re sell the goo # ds at cost to the public. ' Railroad Notes Loud calls are coming from the Pennsylvania Railroad Employment Bureau at Philadelphia for work men. Branches in need of men in clude coppersmiths, riveters, ma chinists, teamsters and laborers. J. E. Stewart, of Tyrone, engi neer who was scnlded in a recent wreck on the Middle division, is still in a critical condition at Al- j toona. John W. Stein has been appointed | a passenger engineer on the East ! Penn and Lebanon Valley. He will j reside at Allentown. He has been i assigned to runs Nos. 3 and 94. I Albert P. Sourbeer, a brakeman i on the Harrisburg division, met with ' a severe accident at Sinking Springs, j In alighting from a car loaded with j I rails he slipped and fell, dislocating i I his right knee. He was sent to his ' home. j You Buy The Lot— 1 We'll Build Your Home . At ■ / > ■ 7 i 15 STATE ROADS ARE BEING REBUILT Construction Program This Year Will Be. Greatest .on Record "> Contracts for 470.45 miles of va rious types of highway construction have been let by the State Highway Department since January at a price of $1,749,235.34. When contracts are let on construction advertised and to be advertised the aggregate of the contracts let since Lewis S. Sadler became highway commission er will be 675.7 miles. It is the plan to open bids next Tuesday for over ninety miles and on August r> for sevonty. It is an nounced that late in August con tracts for 74.7 more miles will bo let and the Commissioner intends to ask for bids for still others in Sep tember. The contracts let include these types: Reinforced concrete, 376.06 miles at $13,411,237.81, bituminous coijrrete 63.38 miles at $2,750,337.71; vitrified brick 5.7 miles at $320,- 177.48; bituminous resurfacing 24.07 miles at $228,841.80 and plain con crete 1.25 miles at $38,540.60. Commissioner Sadler has issued this summary of his work: The mileage of projects adver tised (to August 5) is 601. The mileage of primary highways in boroughs, for which bids have been asked, is 22.61; townships 513.02 miles. On roads comprising the second ary system of highways there have been advertised 13.77 miles for State highways, 2.66 miles of bor ough roads and 11.74 miles of town ship roads—a total of 28.17 miles. A total of 19.04 miles has been advertised for State atd not on State highway routes. The total State - highway, State aid highway and county work ad vertised is 601 miles. Contracts awardetj up until July 1 20. include the following: Primitry highway system, 452,25 miles, the low bid price of $16,020,- 924.30. Secondary road system, 10.89 miles, at the low bid price of $468,- 500.29. State-aid roads not on State highway routes, 7.33 miles at the low bid price of $259,810. Total contracts awarded, 470.45 miles, at the total low bid cost ol" $16,749,235.34. OCCASIONAL SHOWERS By Associated Press. Washington, uly 26.—Weather conditions for the week beginning Monday: North and Middle Atlantic States —Warm and generally fair but with occasional local thundershowers probable. South Atlantic—Partly cloudy with normal temperatuie and occasional showers. The big reception for the Phila delphia and Reading employes who were in the World's War will be held at Rutherford, August 5. The Reading is sending a large number of its coal cars into the soft coal regions. Nearly 1,200 were sent from the Reading's lines this week. The Reading Railway Company has issued an order restricting the passes of some employes to one a month. It is claimed "that some of the men were abusing the privilege. ! BRMEVE INDIGESTION with Horn ford's Add Phosphate before meals tones the stomach, pro motes appetite and prevents distress. • U Eau &sn P 0 i HARRIBB&STENCILWOHKB |g 130 LOCUST BT. HABRIBfif6,PA. U H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Pbone Bell 4161, or Call &i *lO N. SECOND ST. Public Sale ; j At the residence of C. M. Sigler, I No. 30 North Second street. The [ household goods, consisting of j Parlor Suit, Hat Rack, Book j case, Bedroom Suit, Diningroom j Suit, Refrigerator and other goods. Three-floor apartment sale on next Tuesday afternoon | at 2 o'clock. A. H. SHRENK, Auctioneer
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