FOOD COMMITTEE IS PLAYING A WAITING "GAME" Expect Prices of Foodstuffs to Come Down With New Crops That the people of Harrisburg may | look for canned goods and other food- j stuffs at a lower cost in the very near | future is the belief of Mayor Daniel ! L. Keister and the majority of the members of his Municipal Food Com- | mittee. Nothing new in figures has , turned up, but reports have been in | circulation that shortly surplus | goods now in the hands of packers I will be let loose in order to make j room for the new supply now coming | in. What effect this will have on the j government prices cannot be ex- j plained at this time. Mayor Keistet j is of the opinion that it must be a | waiting game, and that no definite j steps should be taken until Lieut. | •I. R. Boyle gives his information to j the committee. In other cities throughout the United States there | has been a halt in buying government j goods, because of the likelihood of a further cut in wholesale and re- . tail prices. It is probable a meeting of the j subcommittee will be held Saturday, j and the general corfimittee will be called together on Monday to hear a I report on new prices and recommen- j datlons. Attention was called by one | housewife yesterday that she was j able to buy at retail certain canned j goods much lower than the prices j quoted by the government. This is j just what the committee hopes to j overcome if a purchase is made. It j is expected that Captain Stine will ; have some interesting information on j his return to Harrisburg to-morrow, and will call a meeting for Satur day. TO UNROLL/ 204) Two hundred more new membeis! of H. C. Calder Post No. 31, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, are to be en rolled at the next meeting it was announced. The membership at present totals 600, 238 having been added at the meeting last week. It was announced that all men who served outside the United States are eligible for membership, wheth er they were in the American or Allied armies. Meetings of the post are held on the first and third Wed nesday of each month. 1 More of Those Men's and Young Men's 1 I Palm lleach lI | Suits Now if you want to get a genuine Palm j\j ||U Beach Suit this is your chance. We have a I ImA pSI limited number of them to sell at this price. / / JnII jlj [ They are made of genuine Palm Beach, cold ' i Sgi S&l water shrunk. Each one is a new model, HJ [kj This price is too low to require very much |t/%psw is)' P More of Those $25 & S3O Suits I**l Wo have not overstated the value ot these | ll jlj j jjy suits. They are exactly the kind of suits you a {v? Si will buy later on at higher prices, flight now / |fi Jy" liU we have a good assortment at $10.05. The r Si man who buys one of these suits will be in a _(l SBEB lot of money a few months from now. j hi Men's (J> 1 (T\f\ Men's Odd fa f\r* | U j< Trousers, tpI.UU Trousers, j)Zo£/D hi |ilj| 32 to 42 waist; made of 32 to -12 waist; made <■! IIU M 4 good khaki cloth; belt tops, blue serges and worsteds; j jjjjj cu " B, neat stripes .nd checks. Qjj i M Men's <£ -a Q £ Men - S Blue Serge M|i Trousers, *P X.ZP %J Trous- /I OC hi 32 to 43 waist; made of ___ 2|)wJL llj , [M neat stripe worsteds, blue f,rf. ~ . , is? ! soriips find with ' ~ wjiist, till wool ' Hfl ? mixtures, with Olu serge; belt tops, and Ijll < liy belt tops. cuiTs. |IU j-jj Boys' Clothing Specials, Friday |j Boys' Wash Boys' Rompers. fly! Suits. Friday, I7vJC ■ Fri- -fl -N Boys' Wash Suits. 3to 8 day JL rwV years; handsomely trimmed; Boys' Rompers, 2 to 6 vears. middy and Norfolk models. Satin stripe madras. beach models; the colors are white, pink and blue. Boys' Overalls Z ZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [if] Frida y Boys . Norfolk Suits. Si Boys' Overalls, 2to 6 years. p_: *-% *"V fl I A SI.OO blue stripe Overall in (L |1 1 | N small sizes only. day | —— Boys' Norfolk Suits; sizes |j| —————— in, 17 and 18 years; suits in li^j D _ r~ „u this lot sold up to $7.95. A (O Boys Crash Q _ big bargain. Pants. Friday, ' I I7C N? Boys' Crash Pants, 7to 17 * |jjj| years. A stripe crash in tan Boys' Norfolk Suits. t-M ? ri - qc; nl day %f) kj> •J *J I^4 t* -t XTT X. c r „ Boys' Norfolk Suits, 8 to Kll BoyS W ash ouits 17 years. A splendid cheviot Fri- 1 [-A j suit; pants cpt full. I ||H day tP 1 #OU yj| Boys' Wash Suits, 3to 8 Boys' Wash 1 A I tvll years; Norfolk and middy Hatg Friday 1J? C M models; handsomely made and )?ny( ,. wash Hats: odd lots; trimmed. t an- check and white. Aj EBSBSißiaiSlii THURSDAY EVENING, URGE GIANT R. R. MERGERS: I Conference Favors Unions of! I Lines Into Twenty or Thirty • Competing Systems Washington, July 24.Private own ership and operation of railroads, merged into 20 or 30 great compel-, ing systems under the supervision I of a Federal Transportation Board. | with a statutory rule of rate- making I assuring to the roads a net return ! of six per cent,, was offered to tjio , i House Commerce Committee as the 1 j plan of the National Transportation I Conference. Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago, for | mer president of the Chamber ot I Commerce of the United States, | which assembled the conference, ex plained that hearings had been held for six months, at which shippers, j railroad men, labor union officials , j and bankers had been heard. The / plan evolved was said to be a com- 1 | bination of t>ic best features of plans . j already put forward, with some new i j elements, assembled into what the j j conference regarded as a harmoni- : ous whole. Continued Government operation I j until remedial legislation is enacted | was urged by the conference, with j ! the limitation that such legislation I i should be enacted this year. With | j the return of the roads, at a time j I when many probably will be show- | ing deficits, the conference thought j ! there should be made available by j ' Congress a railroad reserve fund of ; ! $500,000,000, administered by lie | j proposed Federal Transportation I | Board for the stabilization of the i , roads' credit and to facilitate the j j recommended consolidations. The j | sum eventually would be returned to i j the Government. Favor Six Per Cent. Return I Government guarantee of earnings j was not favored by the conference, j Instead, it was urged that the Intel- i state Confmcrce Commission be | made responsible for rates and fares designed to yield the carriers in each ! designated traffic section not less than 6 per cent, upon the aggregate fair value of the property. Those roads earning more than 6 per cent, would bo required to put half the excess into a company contingent fund until the fund amounted to 6 per cent, of the fair value of the company's rpoperty, the other half going to a general railroad conting ent fund administered by trustees : appointed by Government authority I and maintained for the benefit of all j the railroads of the country. First Fly Contest: tc End on August 2 Those flies which have been suf ficiently swatted will be dragged in to take the count at the Patrio building August 2, the day sched uled for the end of the first "Swat I Toniorrow-TheLast Friday ol The CleanSweepSale J 1 Every Department in the Store Offers Its List of Special Bargains for the Big Day I LH ———————— ——————— ga ESI era max rag. "Cfc. —————— | FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP i jST ML flf IKpfH ML M 1 FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP HI P. N, & Thorn- (t |£Q Store ° penS if Bk Store Opens Womo „, s i Jj(| son's Corsets .. <p i .0™ Friday at 9A. K|gt J Q Friday at 9A. Waists ft/C S] P. N. and Thomson's Corsets. M. and Closes 2a eg fi* ml M and Closes Fine quality White Linene >, made of coutil and boucle, in at 5 P M §P9 5& i UII Hi ' 11"UW■'".JUL 111 ll u—l ■ IV 4M . , n ( also some in neat striped novel- ||M |] white and Pink; 19 to 36. j| |l| | g flj jjjfl M -IS 3 sizes .'e'toTL ,)erfeCtly made; j|j Kaufman's. Serond Floor. - iSKS." JLJr3),jL-Zs Kaufman's, First Floor. Ssl 1 = ? ™' c 1 Big Sale Wash Skirts On Friday I Sr.!** S fr] Warner's Corsets—made of '1 for C the"sVender'and a'veruge°fi'gi . . For Friday we are going to place on sale several hundred Wash Skirts for women and misses styu^^aee^^n^^brSide^ 531 ure; medium bust; wen boned. \ at prices which no thrifty person can afford to pass by. These Skirts will be sold for 1-3 to nearly i i J_J iV> i ?i','.V^ d: a i so ' ll . ! J ln tailored J IS! w"fh Vour hoso^poriei-s; Mzts '/ 2 less than regular prices and this means that the savings will buy almost two Skirts for the price of L, J -stripes; a "wonderful sePectfm* Si 19 39 m\m one - There wiU be hundreds of Skirts in the assortments, the very newest models in White Gabar- IW HH \ " r ' '° 40 LU k"iu.'., Second Floor. M l dine, White Mercerized Poplin, novelty stripes and plain Gray mixtures, in retrular and extra sizes. /) I I Fir.t Floor. fu ~~yj \ ||N Five big lots. f ' 1 \ I Q7p FOR REGULAR $1.25 AND $1.50 fl \ I ■"-•••••• 49c M ViL WASH DRESS SKIRTS V/l II (jM ham Dresses; plaids, checks and I f (M For Regular $2.00 I 0 rj For Regular $3.00 and \\ \ I I tailored models; beautiful styles I L full cut; sizes 2 y to'g years. ' //J \L Jj) J[ •fj J Wash Dress Skirts J]) jU •3 / $3.50 Wash Dress Skirts Jj and e exTra y ß ize n 36 h to d s4. nßUlar ||l 0 Kaufmnn'n, Second Floor. Kaufman's, First Floor. |H| 1 HZZZZHZHZ: /J I 01 On For Re^,ar 2 - 50 a* OH For Regular $3.50 and ' ft} FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP (y V - 1• O # rnKPmfem ** •'O 1 V FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP j|j j j|| Girls' t! 1 OO Extra I.nrge Women Fxtra I.nrge W omen Women's Q*7 J^S b?ij Dresses jl =i Waists ... hj ' Crepe de Chine and Georgette Girls' and Children's Fine "" "" | IBBIWIW BUI um U ■■■■!■MIMWUBMM Waists, pretty embroidered and SIJ I SensationalFlurryinWashDresses,Friday Broom Coupon i Ka """ n "' Sf ° nnd >lo " r ' All sizes up to 46. All new models, new patterns, big assortment, I Frida) jst ' Here are Dresses that cost you so little and are so pretty, you simply are com- 6 Hours of Broom FRIDAY CLEAN SWFFP lH nj FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP pelled for economy's sake to buy two or three dresses at the price. The savings are Selling Women's rfs cin hl't Sj House fin a t h ,r( l t0 nearly a half. Four big lots—and they surely will go fast at the prices. Waists (iS ' IJj Dresses "f C ** 07 For Women's and Misses' I*/% o 7 For Women's and Misses' 9A - M - 12 M. ffl, ID Gingham House Dresses, plain I * Regular $3.00 Wash > Regular $4.50 Wash IP.M. 2 tO SP. M. M || o KOme ne h, f *"rillT-d 'rnotlL'l's; jKI blue and striped; only 180 In DroefiAe n-o'-.c/c! J' a. shown in white, flesh, navy. 1111 l U the lot; size. 36 to 42. U eSSeS I DrCoSeS iu^sef^s.'ies'^S 1 to 4 t 6. a r ° Be and |S Kaafmnn'ai, Second Floor. I For Women's and W *A== Regular $5.50 Wash Regular $6.50 Wash BROOM for, MMM hi W FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP Dresses | Dresses /Mf ll ™ay SWEEP |j I SrTes . $1.89 Two Big Lots of Silk Dresses on Friday 89c iSI o ~ , . Beautiful Envelope Chemise, Slip on and off like X e A 07 For Women's and Misses' - For Women's and Misses' | back and front - mad nf f\nn I II mMt tconomiaf j2rtS Regular $8.50 Silk Regular SIO.OO Silk r" VfrWl ' <ln,y a "i fuM of fine gingham and percale - A Pftnlin Vf customer. ■ u ill th ° l0t: SIZeS 35 t0 42 P ' Poplin Dresses BRING COUPON WITH YOU | Kaufman's, Second Floor. H! ?!V| Kaufman's, Second Floor. -======================= KAUFMAN'S—Second Floor ffj __ __ # FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP li ot . i^ ns * s^all es For Friday Cape and Coat Sale Waists 45c j[) ■ll Friday Specials , , i 1: r,oo sictn.,, . Jst 14 Women s and Misses' <t p Just 27 Women's and Misses' | I ti%n Plerrs Fiimlisli aBB a ll hi Twilled Tape, 1-2 and i inch Made of wool materials in Greys, Tans and Copen; W n , , —— """ ' |\| wide; 4-yard pieces; 10c sizes up to 40. Former prices $lO and sls. On sale Made of Serges and Poplins; Navy Blue, Brown and i| -- m flj 20 downs'Clark's' o. N. T- Friday Pekin - Former prices to S2O. On sale Friday. FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP Sj Spool Cotton, white and - _____ Mlislin CD 1 HP* IU I rroo.s a, lor. m . bers :.2sc Go Wn . SIJS S M r> °l > nK S s'dk S r i*o C yar(l "s^ro'od FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP Muslin Gowns; pretty styles m rr p oois CO fo°r rS : 23 c Women's Pumps $1 fiQ Women's Hose, |rt Women's Silk 4 r Su,°' 50 B<ittle-s 3-in-l Oil, can be ' and Oxfords.. *j) 1 .UJ \ pair 1 iVC Bags ......... 0Z.45 ll:net 1 ty •Si used for many pur- 10c Sizes 6V4 Sizes Hll II II II Kat (man's, Second Floor. j !iS [P JT' b0 ! tl8 D i.K""n .1/ Women's Black Kid. Tan Kid. 3 Pair for 150 Women's Rubber Batlitng U J jT QT Patent Leather and Gun Metal flj Caps, assorted sty lea. 2g c V- •OO Pumps and Oxfords, with mill- 300 paira Women's Black Moire Silk Bags fancy metal FRIDAY CLEAN SWEEP nH hlj lol." Pal of Women's High- U^TsoT Seam,ess Cotton Hose, doubie and .be,, frames, silk lined. Women's Hair W IjJ liaced Buthing Snocs, in lon and lace white canvas, range, to clean up these lots; solft and heel, garter tops, first small purse and mirror, in Nets, CIOZCII if L. T|]| |!| pal'r ka . nd . m !" y: ..... 73C {eather^'wldth8 B D a and 1 8. patent sizes 6% to 8. quaUt y. black, navy, brown. dozer, Real p Halr Kaufman's. First Floor. Kaufman's, First Floor. Kaufman's, First Floor. Knufmnn's, First Floor. Kaufman's, First Floor. blonde and mcdwinf jjl| jjJ ——————.——_ Kaufnmn'n. First Floor. j.* I [Friday's Clean Sweep Bargains in the Bargain BaseSentj i i Electric Iron Grub Box Bread Boxes f I ; EgJ z:;":rz ftSi || F^ = Pi Vh l} nd iron •ft I { l Enameled. % Gas Iron Complete I' H ®i c 2 u rr s , $3 - 89 i ,o^ ■—— —c.w.s;.r a ssi 1 s,eeiTub - qc, l s Pi I 1 Telephone Stands White Baby Crib Chair Seats Granite Tea Kettles Table Damask i JM! h]| \ HUCk Towels Fumed Oak Telephone Stands, White Bassinet Crib;; 4J4 CO Leatherette Two good sizes in Granite Tea Extra good grade tabic Damask 1 IjUji i / Red Border Huck Towels; well made and finished, well made. Bpealal... * Seata Kettle, with granite g^ c 64 inches wide; new pat- gg c ' I S lsc Clothes Dryere Glass Water Pitchers _____ j Vacuum Sweepers m S.T)V.T a" PU S B A"- ~ ~ Jsd . Sh ® et,ng Screen Doors (J| flj | | Vacuum Sweeper and Cleaner kitchen. Snecdal 19° ShLtiL x'A °f; , 1 \ Hrooo rinrrbomc? combined; fully guaranteed; won- Special AOC p Sheeting, extra good qual- 4Sc two-coatcd Ja- lAQ K|l Kjl S IJreSS lirmgnams derful value. Clean OQ m • t> li. lty * Special, yard panned wire. Special.. A * 1 ([U] liy i Good piain Dres. Ginghams, sweep Price * ' Colored Curtain Scrim lennis Rackets Z" ~ —~; ——j IS| Si | full pieces. JO C Beautiful Bordered Curtain f11 , 2 ,° 0 01 T Ratk , et, l' Feather Dusters Coffee Mills I HI m I Y Garden Hose Scrim, 36 inches wide. iq r thine (r,r tl" size Turkey Feather Hand Coffee Ml,/a lor wall or 1 Si hi I Rubber Moulded and Canvas Snecial . . 59c Dusters; good long handle tabic; two style. 1 .> Hi Sltiß J) Covered Garden Hose, in lengths XT r\ A. r*i Special Each I I Silk Pooling from 8 to 30 feet. 19. JNU-LUt blaSSWare Flniir QapkQ • Ml ?I]l \) _ Special, foot Handled Nappies and Pickle DrGSS Gingham Clothes Baskets I ll<t i,-vij # Remnants of Silk Poplins. . Dishes; good patterns. Empty Plour Sacks, 5-pound I<3 % in good staple colors. c;i, Snctul Pich I#C size; used for dishcloths and 32-inch wide Dress Ginghams, Oval Chip Clothe* Yrli , nil fill / Yard table Sliver 'J : dusters- Dozen for ® C ln Plaids, stripes and plain 29c made; B,ror, S liandles. ' Ifi! . f Odds and ends of Silver Plated InnnnpCP Chilin shades. Special, yard Rpeeiai i )) Forks and Spoons; beaded pat- , ~ , . , Cobbler Sets ( Hi fil /' Curtain Scrim terns. Tea spoons, A Odds and ends of Hand Painted UUUUIcr Ofli. Blacking Stnnfk Ppl'l"llp>s J Lt W . . 4C Japanese China; bureau trays. Regular Shoemaklng Outfits. lJiat-Rlllg OWiIIUS I CICdICS / r*|lj JP . . aiSi Rn o u Eor<l eredl Cur- ea "l ....... roße JttrHt oatmeal Bets. Special, lasts and all tools, with one pair Leatherette Covered Top Shoo Bemnant lengths of fin* LteM VIP jli tain Scrtm, 27 Inches 17r Table size Spoon, and 10r Each 10r t0 39c leather half soles. QEJr Blacklnnr Stands; well CQ. Percales, 3C Inches wldo IQ_ / ' v _ _ Special i matlo. Special DJC rn.d TETJEGRAPR the Fly" contest held by Harris burg Civic Club. Juno and July were the two months during which the first eon tent was to run, and August and September will see the second one ;n full swing. On August 2, how ever, the flies will be counted and five cents a pint will be paid for I hem. Also, the most industrious swatter will receive $5 for his swat ting, and the next most efficient ones will be g von prizes according to dank. Mrs William Henderson, as president of the Civic Club, t.* greatly interested in the fly swat ting campaign and has been active in the work of it, which has beer, under the direction of Mrs. Solomon Hiney. William M. Hocrner Resigns Presidency Resignation of William M. Hoer ner, president of Allison Hill Truit Company since 1910, was accepted yesterday. The board of directois JULY 24. 1919. received hto resignation lust Jan uary. When the Allison Hill bank was organised on June 30, 1906, Mr. Hoorncr, was made president, and later, in 1910, when the Allison Hill Trust Company succeeded the bank, Mr. Hoerner was again chosen au head. Since its infancy the trust company has been growing steadily. Starting with dcpos.ts approximat ing $200,000 and with resources ot about $400,000, the trust company has tripled them both. Mr. Hoerner said that he waa very proud of the success which the trust company has enjoyed and expressed his re gret at being forced to leave it to take up his private business activi ties. 5
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