- ■ SATURDAYS AT SIX , SATURDAYS AT SIX DEM 1901—2856 UNITED HARniSBURG. THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1018 . - - rUtNDED IK7I Pre-Inventory Sale To-morrow and Saturday Children s Stockings Mm s Umon Suits Twice a year we endeavor to clear out as much of the odds and ends as possi- Toilet Kit White Goods iisie h stock"ngs m w!de r 'rib! suUs'h/ecrTand white! ble before we take inventory. It is unnecessary to remind you that the cost of a good rubberized toi- so S te ,^ l irtin f ,n as * full length; reinforced Quarter sleeves ankle practically all of this merchandise has gone up materially since most of this stock Two lots' to Cy be Tkaned '0 in"biack, wWtl and ue'fin second was purchased. The news items remind you of this daily. The values repre- viceabie shade. Pre- upatPre-inventorySale eordovan. Pre inven 38 and 40. Pre-inven- sented on this page are, therefore, far greater than mere type and ink can con- ' U ™ 25c' 39c and 50c yd. ~° ry : ""'47c ~ 59c X?y- Inspect the merchandise and note the regular price marks on tickets. - bowman s-Mam FW | piain white gabar bowman's Main Floor A light weight chii- Th e Y tell a story of remarkable values for this semi-annual two-day event. l VO ry Dressing Combs 3 u , antity< Wompn'c Rorliep dren's cotton union I C ,n |" or y a e, W omen s ttociice Sleeyeless> knee S\r\r\ XT T * • - ge white ivory Women's light weight length, trimmed. An \ fY/'Allt" /\ || | \\/ f~\ YYT C OtY r\ dressing combs in both White Repp, 40 in, bodice top vests. These exceptional value. Pre- xA. L-/V-/LA L f V L/lil til CXi lUi IVA luuCu coarse and tine and wide. Good substantial vests are made from fine Inventory Sale, < ■ _____ coarse. , Pre-Inventory closely woven fabric, grade combed yarn, into ' 35 c ~ Sale, Will stand hard wear, shapely, well fittmg BOWMAN'S— Main Floor yjffj /J. (* P, /#7 Pit I ! //Z C C 55c Very useful for boy's vests. Seconds, but ir- —— J±ls H U>V Ll, Uls ±±ig!ls bowman's—Main Floor. suits, etc. Pre-Inven. regularities hard to de- Porch Cushions ■ tory Sale, tect. Pre-Inventory Lot of porch cushions *]P\ . FlyTrap ' 9Qr made of Z° od dark and S 1 1 V I IX* A C "Baby Superior," the > * medium colored ere-. II I I I I I E I I / I if /S VT kind that gets them. Remnants of white BOWMAN'S-Main Floor tonne in several shapes. Ly ****** 'W * -*—' %-J Pre-Inventory Sale, goods including fancy Women's Silk Hosiery Each ' ACk _ ''■ 8c voiles, plain whitejroiles, w ' c f„ii fnchinn A very desirable collection of the season's most wanted materials BowMAx-s-Banemcnt °^ a " IC l' . etc * Pre"ln .l ic not Lace and Marquisette * and styles. Draped tunic and straight-line silhouettes in foulards, ging- r n p. n - ~ i q i> i r> • ed silk hosiery ; curtains in white and ec- ®||||x hams, plain and figured voiles, taffetas, satins and georgette crepes. In 00-Piece Dinner Set Regular Price nrp C °ndvTnciiiP- in ru ' 2 yds ' J 0 "!' ° T ne oi these dresses the sale price is less than the cost of materials; Good quality porce- Mercerized table da. nHre We offeror this pair of a kind. Pre-In- therefore very special during Pre-Inventory Sale, $lO. lain; white and gold >"ask; 58 inches wide, sale a choice lot of worn- I vei^ ory , t, glljfiiSk Figured voiles and ginghams. Pre-Inventory Sale, $4.00. IVA decoration. Pre-Inven- Ava i led assortment of en's pure thread silk Olie-Half Price ' . Ginghams, organdies, plain and figured voiles. Pre-Inventory Sale, tor 7 Sale - Sale Pre-Inventory stockings, full fashioned Ecru and white mad- Jgpl' $8.25 „ ' je j with lisle top and feet. ras for curtains. Neat jra Is®s OO BOWMAN's— Basement ' These stockings are and elaborate designs; Jy OIYICn S L>3.|3CS H . M NS Second Floor 1 seconds, exceptional 36 inches wide. Pre-In- IJUILS Dinner Plates , Jute Rugs ones in black and cordo- ventory Sale, yard, m ggjggi on J T A Porcelain dinner 7Z D,. 0 Tn BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor i\y T| fl V 1 S T'U ~ • j r i . // xOlCClalli Qlit nC T TlltC rtICTS With Sten® van, all sizes. P- n- gQ . % The remainder of our late sum- \Lpl ' plates in plain white and c ii e d borders in red ventory Sale I _ . . , , , . mer suits for the wise buyer AT / \\\ 11 decorated. Pre-Inven- o-reen or blue 51.15 P , IT In exclusive models of velour, WAY BELOW COST. / \\\ \\K, torv Saie 6 S a BOWMAN's —Main Floor Embroidery and Laces J|g%T tr icotine Duvetyn and Duvetyn and / VLUi ' V 8 ? inl^o Qft Women's Union Suits 500 yards embroidery IS? Sjj^Jg t,ons ' A special lot of cotton gabardine BOWMAN'S—Basament | 9x9 ft., $5.9S Women's light weight 2 fnd dTnches wfd™ ex- Lot of 19 coats and capes in vssh skirts; six models. Pre-In- Jty Corsets cotton fine rib union cellent value. Pre-In- ven ory ae, ? . %' Odds and ends of cor- Handkerchiefs suits; low neck, sleeve- ventory Sale, yard, rre Anventor y oaie, jpxu.uu BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. cpf .. -...j , xr u;*- 0 —— less, loose knee trimmed. 5e : * coutil; some slightly | Ladies' silk crepe de I re-Inventory bale, clean up of odd Bandeau Brassiers Curtain Material Notions Bozart Rugs soiled in sizes 18, 19, 20, chine handkerchiefs; 47c laces before Inventory, _ , , . . r ... , , - A " 24,25,26, 27, 28 and 30. large size. Beautiful BOWMAN'S—Mam Floor consisting of val, tor-' To close out in van- White figured and • ? urn f ® m," Bozart Rues made of If your size is here come shades of pink, blue, Af ' C'li, xj • chons, filets and Orien- ous styles; front and bordered Marquisette; encan Maid and Jap silk heavy fiber with sten early to be sure to get maize, artillery red, Nile Men s Stlk Hose Pre-Ce„tory back closing; not all beautiful quality, 36 in. crochet cotton; stlk fin- ci i e 7borders and cem it afthe Pre-I„ventfry green, lavender, white Men's Phoenix silk Sale, yard, s, ze s. Pre-Inventory wtd e. Pre-Inventory "H fr,cord,et m ters _ Pri ce, and purple. Pre-Inven hose in plain colors, also 5c ' nn ae, jar, assorted sizes. Pre-In- 27x54 inches, $1.39 49c tor > Sale, each, white in broken sizes. 36-inch voile and or- . 37c ventory Sale, 6 balls, $2.39 Closing out an odd lot C irst gra e osiery. gandie flouncing. A big BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor aq high priced corsets of ! or 3 for 40c Pre-Inventory Sale, value. Pre-Inventory 49c 6x12 ft., $6.98 the best quality white •* r > ... . 4/C Sale, yard, House Dresses t_ i . Pad front hose SUD- 8-3XIO-6 ft., SIO.OO coutil and beautiful bro- i,^ l .„_„ Ca^V BOWMAN'S-Mam Floor . 49c Qothes Baskets porters; suitable for 9x9ft SIOOO cades. Principally large Uem So ftrJJ A good assortment of L fl 9x12 ft sl2 50 sizes all elean fresh nem. iiott, ready Hair Br " sh bowtak's Mam F,.., fancy stripe and check Made of willow; med- p re .l n ? e ntofy Sale Rl , , R ' merchandise in good for use. Pre-Inventqry nf blc u Ice Tongs in blue, gray and laven- mm size; substantially y ' Rush Rugs style models. Pre-In- S a le, each .-.1 ui '1 F • i f „ —: " , , . der house dresses. These made. Pre-Inventory 39c t-. , ve'ntorv Sale lie wi ac_4iistles, full Made of good quality dresses are very neatly Sale, • . Rush rugs; oval in " flizl ©1 90 Anr, size. Pre-Inventory steel; nickel plated. Pre- m ade. Pre-Inventory ei AO ? we, S ht dre s s natural colors or with . 5t>4.9h Ol* lj})l.2U per doz. Sale, Inventory Sale g j t[pX.Oy shields. Pre-Inventory borders Quantity Km BOWMAN'S —second Floor BOWMAN's —Main Floor I 81.39 bow TT!L"'" Sale ' 3pai^ c "77x7-6ft.,56.50 " Piece Goods BOWMAN'S— second Floor Wall Mons 36x72 inches, $3.50 Twice a year we take stock. Three days before thfl ir\r\ BOWMAN s—Mam Floor £ x q £ $9.50 piece goods are sheeted a close inspection is made* — allil OI1IUCK.& Qdd sizes . n house Made of fine thread —— 6xl2 ft., $13.50 Any incomplete line or odd pieces must be sold, not Cni„ a^-i n JDt ' t,i dresses in light percales cotton and five foot *ancy White Voiles BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor carried over. Sale of Voile, Organdie and Batiste Blouses— and ginghams. Pre-In- handle. Pre-Inventory p, , i SILKS Crisp white blouses just unpacked including small ventorv Sale Sale, Pre-Inventory clean 3'X) yds. 32-inch fancy striped or figured Pongee, collars, large sailor effects, embroidered tucks and __ zin„ up of fancy white voiles Ginghams to close, 75c vd. lace trimmed. Pre-Inventory Sale, $1.85. $2.39 49c in stripes, checks and ~ 100 yds. 36-inch white Wash Satin, $1.59 yd. Georgette blouses in an array of beautiful shades. BOWMAN'S- second Floor BOWMAN'S— Basement figures. With prices ad- Remnants of ging- 150 yds. 40-inch brocade white Sport Satin, $1.95! Dark suit and dainty summer shades, round necks vancing in ' ea Ps and hams, calicoes, percales, yard. and frilly fronts. Pre-Inventory Sale, $4.38 p.uc l bounds, this offer pro- ticking and cretonne. " 150 yds. 40-inch brocade Mandarin Crepe, $3.50 yd. Sport smocks, all white and colors; dainty smock- 3 1 vices an opportunity to Ire-vlnventory Sale, 550 yds. 36-inch Armure Soleil, four colors, $3.25 ing with contrasting collars and cuffs. Pre-Inven- Blue and pink check- Stronglv made-white teriaL for'the hot Htvs -4 Off Regular Price yard. ... Tory Sale, $1.98 ed gingham sunbonnets. enameled Pre-Inven vet to come at the low Dress ginghams in 40 yds. 40-inch satin striped Kumsi-Kumsa, $4.95 B ° W MAN'S Third Floor. Sev * eral diflferent P Inve OCV S1 H k j1 HlCheS WidC; yard ' - A few white bonnets in Pre Inventory Sale price good patterns. Pre-In- 50 yds. 36-inch Crepe Venus, four colors, $3.95 yd, L limps and Oxfords the lot Pre - Invent °ry $1.19 0 29c yd ventory Sale, yard, 850 yds. 36-inch fancy plaid and stripe Silk, $1.69 Placed in four group*—' ban&es * An Sa] es Fmai B owMAN's-scond Floor I Remarkable Sale Of .. >t j Blankets 600 yds. 36-inch plain colored Suitings, to close^ Group No. I—Pre-Inventory Sale, $4.35 „ . „ it. Wool nlaid hed Man 7d heß.ack and brown ca.f pumps with leather military Hair ACCCSSOrieS" •' '° V °^ taryhtels 3 "' br ° W " ° Xf ° rdS ' eather """" An assortment of odd ventory Sale,' . dottle gang. Gr ß7 P k N ° d 2 T Pre - InV f f nto 7b S , a,e u? s ; 3s ( a • a""ig reductions! Van- haSS 20 Per Cent Off hams 59c yd, " J leather miHtary heels. a Wack k ' d ° Xf ° rdS W " h decided to Cose out Jk Hi gh grade white 75c 25 y °d. ydS ' 36 " nCh dE L °" dre ' P ' am a " d Black and brown calf pumps with small pointed tongue, leather Cuban heels. - -n. n/ri i tu ot i extra large, /6x84. Ex- 200 yds. 38-inch fancy Organdie, 65c yd. Group No. 3—Pre-Inventory Sale, $6.35 reduced prices. |Bm tra heavy, slight mill im- 1,500 yds. remnants, all classes of Wash Goods, i• j r s J , , inventory sale, , td/p WAVY HAIR perfections, but will not 39c vd. Louis XV heel S W '° r ° X S; and tUrn Soles and 20 Pel' Cent Off SWITCHES kurt '*• Pre-Inventory DRESS GOODS AND LININGS heels? Wn a " d M " k kid Cuban /■ P are $1,45 for MRp $ 9 . 3 9 !So 'yds. "h yd r M f c . Brooms / \/ tomorrow only _ 100 yds. 54-inch khaki military Suiting, $1.15 yd. Group No. 4 Pre-Inventory Sale, $7.35 Made of all nure mm /, a\ The values are so Camp blankets in 100 yds. 54-inch covert Suiting, $1.95 yd. . Pumps with pointed tongue in Black Kid, Black Four sewed Pre In' If f \ great that you can- ht and dark gray; 64 200 yds. 54-inch fancy Stripes and Plaids, $1.95 y<L Suede, Pearl and Field Mouse Kid, Patent Leather, 'Torv Sale / /v I not afford to pass ™W W 80. Part wool. Pre- 300 yds. 40-inch silk and wool Crepe, $1.45 yd 5-eyelet Oxfords and Lecher Pumps. 0y £ e >. J JSA them up All shades Inventory Sale, 300 yds. 40-inch silk and wool Poplin, $1.59 yd. All with covered Louis XV. heels. 49c ' 1 on sale except gray. | $7.50 ® yds " fine Satin and Venetians, 59c yd. BOWMAN' B Ma 1 n Floor. BOWMAN'S-Baaem.nt BOWMAN'S Third Floor. feOWMAN'S-S.cond Floor 100 ydS ' 27 " illch THURSDAY EVENING, HAHRJSBUHG TELEGRSPH JULY 24, 1919. 3
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