f- STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES ■ .1 BEH, 3901—SSS6 UNITED __ HARRISBURG. MONDAY, JULY 21, 1010 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ FT>IJNnED^n"~ —' ~—————————— — • - _ ■ 4 v | Frocks Of Summertime Loveliness, j a Special sale of :l\ (iAuy S ~* 1 IVomen's White Silk ; fajr IMlrn l ln Gingham, Linen And Organdie | Hosiery 98c Pair v i 1, cJt%. <>\ ... ... . , , , . . . - A Full fashioned, medium weight silk with flexi ?¥ Y \VA ® 'tftk, • All the J°y and happiness of summer is expressed in | ble lisle top and lisle foot. Seconds but good ones, ||| F f/ § 11] I'll {§> the unrestrained gaiety of the charming voile, gingham, 'M An opportunity to buy good quality stockings at ' I]\ \ A "i fl linen, organdie, both plain and figured, frocks which a lcm P r ic e °f Floor > j \ j y have been adopted as the smartest sort of modes for all "ll 1 \•' ■ y |ij j occasions. Infinite in selection, styles and sizes. In- §| 1 — ||j o m. t^lC m ° ment 0t " their P resentat ' on the y are j 80-w^AN-S—^ Third Floor. '' 7'TZZ'I Wash Goods • \^W Presenting the season's most Underwear 57c Women's Light Weight desirable wash fabrics Men , g balbriggan shirts and drawers of fine y ests 2 9 c JAU PCX] C. A Ti • 1 T> * quality yarn; ecru color. Made to stand hard • O At I opular I riCCS wear. Short sleeves and ankle length. | A special selection of women's light weight rTIJ _ i £ A rare opportunity to buy in a season's sup- vests for this special event. These vests are sec- / /? p /\/p&fl) f{/S)j/ Cp hi /J chlMI ' The finest of weaves both foreign and ply at this attractive price of 57c. onds; exceptional ones made from finest quality ! 1 1 ly V iiLJ 1J l/U U ± UOlllU/l domestic; are represented in our well as- bowkan-mui.fi. or ?!™ bed .l, a ™: A fin , e ribb J d . vest with bodice ....'. sorted stock and the stvles are excellent. In _ '° p5 ' " eH made and well fittm S 111 white °"b' i The summer fashions have brought nothing smart fact, the most tastefully selected assortment 0 j " Jc ' er and at the same time daintier than the new lingerie , we have ever offered. jUmillCr 1 OgS '' " " ! blouses. Many are lace trimmed and others with 40-inch embroidered Swiss organdie, in dainty frills and pleating. Copen., rose, pink and orchid; $2.00 yard. For The Little TotS c o „ Of special interest at this time is a dainty French ! 36 and 40-inch fancy voiles; English and - Summery From voile blouse with pleated bosom and rows of frilling American weaves; silk stripes, neat checks I Un summer aays oaD> is nee to s and figures and the much wanted georgette romp or creep, to play in the grass or \ x. with Tuxedo collar and turned cuffs frilled to designs: 48c. 59c. 75c. $l.OO and $1.25. on the porch, and so more Dresses / '\ -L'cpSrtniCnt match. A smart blouse and excellent value at $5.95. Foreign and Domestic ginghams; and other Baby Things are needed. \ Other blouses in vpile, organdie and dotted Swiss, plaids, stripes and plain colors; 75c and 85c These, too, are the days when our 1 WASHABLE COUCH COVERS, some with beautifully trimmed with embroidery tucks or' }" ar< *- - ! are ul^ st th j thm o s that a4 * ■ j fringe, some plain with colored border full size $145 fancy lace at $2.98. 36-inch Woven Plaid Tissues; extra fine Mothers want to see and select from. £j IIS _V. J ' size, eiimrn . r A grades; 85c and Sl.OO yard. Everything for Baby's comfort, as V / $2 -°° and $2 - 2 °' , 4 Ti C ° ol / ummer b J louse m tailored 38-inch Printed Organdies; neat designs well as dress up things. Intelligent Vw H/ SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CURTAINS a " 1 ess > models 'P riced vei V moderately. x in tan, green, pink and lilac; 75c vard. , service, too. u ..•* u j • • , . ' BOWMANS— Third Floor. 36-inch Usona silk: silk and cotton mix- Infant's short white dresses: 6 mo. X P lam he mstitched, others lace trimmed in white and ture for waists or dresses. Also used as and 2 years in Nainsook Bishop and yoke style, lace ecru—the very best kind of summer curtains; $1.39 lSJr^f-i*r\nc C^-4- foundation linings; 59c yard. and embroidery trimmed; 75c, 85c, $l.OO to $5.50. to $6.50 pair. d LlLlUila OI XLVCiy kjOrt 36-inch Kimono silk fgrounds of navy, Children's creepers, white and colored in poplin, ' " ~ " ' Copen, Wisteria, Myrtle, orange with pret- chambrav, and crepe; low and high neck; long and PLAIN AND FIGURED SCRIM Marquisette When you start out to purchase the materials for •tv Oriental designs; $l.OO vard. short sleeves; smocked and hand embroidered; 85c, „ ~, , . , . T . r V * . , the making of those new garments vou have been ' 35-inch plain and fancy Habutine silks of SIM SI .50, $1.95 to $4 50. and Madras m white. Ivory and Ecru for curta,ns;36 plannjng t ° make for your f elf and J the children> superior quality; permanent luster; 79c yd. ' Ch.ldren s rompers, 2to 6 years. Plain striped to oO inches wide, a wide range of patterns; 29c to do not {orget while are about it t , 30-inch Printed Costume Crepe; white and chambrav, crepe madras and crepe. Beach stvle and 95c vard ll %i ,t ~t i, ... . > UUI tinted grounds with neat floral designs: 45c I rubber at knee; 85c, $l.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to $4.50. i Y self well with the many little needables you will re yard. bowmax's second Floor. : CRETON'N'E FOR ALL PURPOSES; upholster- 9"'" to have at your elbow while you are plying the BOWMAN's —Main Floor. i I needle to the fabrics. ing cushions, slip covers and draperies in light, med- _ . — —— BEADS BEADS m and dark colorings, patterns to suit every taste; Our notion department is well equipped to provide , . t- 1 . -0 you with needles, thimbles, threads of all kinds, hooks ScrCCIIS Sr)eci2.ls Special attention to the well dressed women of inc es -\\i e, acto $ . }ar and e y es> braiding and taping, buttons of all colors, —l_ Harrisburg! Beads are the most attractive and a MATTING BOXES AND CEDAR CHESTS - ''O sizes . shapes and designs, tape measures, etc. w— , y-. 9 o 77* t finishing touch to the toilette. Pearl beads are al- Below are a few reminders and at the prices that For One Day S Selling Only ways m the lead and the most pleasing in their I inches long. Some cedar chests are brass and are normally moderate. — —2 daintiness and attractiveness for the women of re- copper bound, others plain; made of genuine Ten a,• ~ * . .. ~1 . finement. fp 4. r • -ui a Snap fasteners, sc, 10c and hooks and eyes, .Adjustable screens in the following sizes— wr* r i • nessee Cedar. Ihe best made boxes it is possible to Q , A , 10 t/ u u c i. , J 5 We have a large assortment of pearls in every . k-ai firm ac ' ©c, 10c and button moulds, 5c bunch; 15x33 window screens; 39c I IJ| length; French Pearl, Indestructible, La Tausca, etc.; get ' 5 t0 ' needles, package; thimbles, sc; tape measures, 18x33 window screens;4sc $l.OO to $401)0. _ GRASS PORCH MATS• n tn tMe n,. ti,. sc, 10c, 25c and 40C; J. and P. Coats cotton, sc; Beld -24x37 window screens; 65c jljg Wl||| The new French Soutaire; so.oo to s3om j CH MATS, up to his ime they were Brothers' spool silk, 7c; bias binding, 10c to 30c 28x37 window screens; 70c I||J ° ""vest shades and good hard to get. Now have enough to last tor a few days; bo , whjte cott P on bindj 10 | 5 28x41 window screens; 75c lengths, $l.OO to $l5 00. 10c each. n,,. 30x33 window screens; 70c | |l| Main Fleor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floon 30x37 window screens; 78c | j —j —-—g Cambric and Sheets I New Fall Line of fh are unusually smart and sim ff! pie of line. Included are Priced to Please Hr—, . m many , interes i in - °i ie a " d y-W # jV ■ | a . B rttf m two-piece effects for the *1). Bleached cambric in useful lengths; 36 inches wide; M r?* dZlairt ffl woman who is partial to i wAL ml T I SSSS "PI ' Bleached sheets; 81x90. Make of good quality fi P,r o "' *il j$ fashioned of taffeta, satin, sheeting; will launder and wear well; $1.49 each. B Ira! IS* IX/TTg' TS) IT IS „ plai " a " d co " ,b,n ; Utica sheets under name of Oneida, 81x99. Avery tfl !I — l&llvl O IralLD II O lE. Iw \T Bi .ffi co '°" . " ar ! —-c'L popular size. These sheets have oil marks that will ffi TB)/\ 0 T==j r**blT W""iii Hi Err~il~l ! ffi bathing hats with brims and . COme out in the washing; $1.95 each. | E3£kGK&@]si! ©MITIFIITS ! 1 ?anfe from t0T19.50f to 98c • BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. CO M ■ ■ U rjw L lilil V F ' M m —" m ■ JB g BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. , Wfrm-mriV Dlr, 1 c*. 1 * ~t-> n ™ a - nd vaided l ine ad has just been received. The quality and value of materials in Qj Women S Black Stockings 23c W R°y al Society are maintained under all conditions, creating a standard of excellence that insures ffl ru*lA ' C TC ... |y beauty and service through usage and laundering. Every package contains the stamped article to be U<nilClren S POCKS \V omen's light weight cotton stockings with CO embroidered, in various designs and colorings. ' gra garter top and reinforced heel and toe. A first Cy Crochet and embroidyy cottons of highly mercerized, twists in coarse, medium and fine Wi Children's mercerized lisle socks in plain colors grade stocking in black only; 23c pair. CS 03 and w hi te with fancy tops; offered at reduced BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. j|j -I'-' U lli U „ 111 fLJI hh M PriC6S 0f I MONDAY EVENING, HAjmiSBURG TEILEGK3LPH JULY 21, 1919. 3
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