State Directors Named in Campaign on "Reds" Now York, July 11.—The names of 19 State Directors in the Consti tution Celebration division of the National Security League's anti- ! I Hundreds of Dollars of Seasonable Merchandise at Clean Sweep Prices || Saturday Will Be the Banner Day of This Great Sale. More New Specials Are Brought Forward Gowns and Bloomers at Clean Sweep Prices SCAUFMA /V 'S - ■ y . Saturday—Middies at Clean Sweep Prices Women's Nain- <M 1C Windsor Crepe QQ - „ Ott Women's and Chil- Q£_ Women's and Children's <h -i \ Q sook GOWNS at *1• 15 BLOOMERS at... "oC /^\oßY\ IT dren ' s MIDDIES at "OC MIDDIES at .. SI.4J Beautiful Nainsook Gowns In slip-over Pretty Windsor Orepe Bloomers, white \ |%V J JM f Middies made of Galatea and Jean; I.onsdulc Jean Middies for Women and mocUds liu'c or embroidery trimmed; full or flesh; have ruffle and pockets; ribbon V J cut; all sizes. trimmed; full cut; all sizes. J'®" "V ' women and children, colored trimmings; six good styles; 2000 High Class Summer Waists Th^f e Lots girls' P r , esses || I Br00 !? Coupon For Saturday ° > Clean Sweep Sale-Saturday 6 Hours of Broom Selling Enter the Clean Sweep Sale For a Record Smashing Saturday Girls' Girls' Children's 75c F,VE STRING _ .' . irwi tea? n |i r tns7 n i,rc j67 DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES BROOMSFOR One Lot of One Lot of $1.87 One Lot of $0.87 One Lot of 9A.M. to 12 M. Saturday WAISTSWAISTS... * WAISTS... L WAISTS... 4 97c $1.69 $1.89 A 2p. M. tos P. M. I Beautiful White and Colored H.ndaon,.' Vol,. .„d Or M .l. Crop, d. Chlno ,ud Ge.r.luo SS.Tn„ Z," renl'u.nsZt SS£i DrS^'LdlT.T- CMIW While l| S °| d tO Customers buying $2.00 lix* a\ wit trim Waists, and colors, in a Waists, also Shantung Silks in a e( j t lace, embroidery and beaded es, plaids, stripes and est quality ginghams Voile and Organdie Jifflrl j. Ill'l WOTtil Oi HiercncinQlSe Or more. Xi Voile and Organdie Wais . selection pf styles; all fault- number of beautiful beaded and styles; round, square and V plain colors, in ain plaids' and plain Dresses, tailored or IM j None Sold tO children; None deliver lll , ..nit tailored models; 24 , L,.., embroidered styles; all In plain necks; with or without collar; number of pretty colors, good styles, trimmed models; Mi l 1 i * i i ~ L lij mc less in make and perfect fitting, tailored models; white, flesh and shown in all the season's new styles, nicely made, perfectly made and pretty stvlcs in a 11/ lM I ! ill! e d. And Only One brOOm tO a CUStOmer. hil styles in the lot; full sizes, 3b to sizcs 3 6 to 54, regular and extra all the newest shades; sizes 36 shades including white and flesh; full cut; sizes 2to 12 finished; sizes 6to 14 large variety; sizes 2 111 I 'ill 11 nniim —./-x* InA . t vrtlT |ly 46, sizes. to 46. sizes 36 to 46. years. years. to 6 years. filiiVViilW BRING CUUPUIN WIIH YUU P Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday hi House Crepe Silk House Women's Women's Children's Women's Women's Women's Women's c**,, °!?, en S Women's Women's Women's Children's 8 Bnmm Kim ° noS Ribbon SSTtr. V. Silk Bag, Silk Bags Silk Glows Hosr Silk How How How 1 Fine ser- c.l. h ou.e 7^\ ot T n SuitS Women's Women's °„Toi Women's ■* S Women's • " "r.Xd" iy a,° u h B nress r pentine orepe All Bilk. dresses, made fine ribbed c h iidrens ribbed moire silk Uk bags" l,k " ove s - c sp! line °Hs" e .b I. double 'S '-lack cotton Porch Dress- kimonos, sev- taffeta rlDv Pereales in lisle union „i „ . ' 1 " iidrens inctal and " ' double linger cau/.e hose Hose, iioiinie aouuie sine hose, double lH r S i : n? a i"d oral good bon. 4% in. light' and suits, sleeve- low neck and nne ribbed cotton vests. bags, metal shell top, double linger tips, three double sole £?, Tred ho?F garter tops : t bread beel |a§ 'Hi plaids, , „ n Hn wide in navy lark patterns, less, low cut shoulder cotton union sle e v eless tops, chain fancy silk tips; 2-clasp, rows heavy and heel; lirst oualitv' X °,f s; ix stripes and styles, satin wide in navy, regulation neck, can't- straps; first suits: low and bodice handles, i )n ed. small whtto I)la ,k ein broidery cotton garter ?,'* "ST.VL" 'lean Sweeii ", rMt P qual h]| plain colors and ribbon black, cardi- Billio Burke sli P shoulder oualitv Clean neck and tmnt in ii.h fancy silk purse and white, uiaik, on back in tops, lirst tops. w lute, (lean .weep sizes sto 9%. I|U in regulation trimmed; lit- na 1, pink. models full straps, lace Sween Sale s1 e e veless ? flesh lined with mirror, silk gray, brown; co nt rasting dual i v brown, S |a V • a, e I rice. Clean Sweep Si he HI 1 lie tod or full " ' blufi fitting and trimmed but- |Xe face bottoms 1 color, regular small purse and chain colored; stitching; black an ,i Hnd , lo< Sale Price, hi Burke styles, models, full V'f" 1 cut perfect tons, first Regular size stzes Tto l' sizes; slight and mirror in handle, in 3-row em- black, white, white. Clean mouse; slight 1 Q n Uf neatly trim- i enßt h; sizes Clean Sweep neatly trim- quality, regu- Regular size, 4tol mperfec- black, navy. Clack, navy. broidery. brown, gray, sweep Sale S med, full cut, 3 6 to 46. Sale Price, med; sizes 36 lar and extra 1 A Price tlons. Clean taupe, gray. taupe. Clean Clean Sweep mastic, chain- Price, tlons. Clean ZJ IL sizes 36 to 46. Clean Sweep V nrd to 46. Clean sizes. Clean I/| f ' Sweep Sale Clean Sweep Sweep Sale Sale Price, pagne. Clean Sweep Sale pair. IIU Clean Sweep Sale Price, ' Sweep Sale Sweep Sale A *V> Price, Sale Price, Price Sweep Sale mas ' rice, pair. JS al ® Price. n Price. Price, Kxtra size, < _ AO Price, <Kp a ""Irs for a pairs for I *2.79 '1.79 22c *1.55 95c i 7c 3 ° c 29c 1.44 '2.69 48c 97c 45c 'l.lO 55c 65c qj BBHBBBIB § Asuml Chnpc DRESSES! DRESSES! DRESSES! DRESSES! TL A S & * . Q . More Big Specials in the Clean Sweep Saturdayvi IIIOSO CaDl'OIlS | Clean Sweep rea ure a e Wash Dresses! Silk Dresses! Womens'Dresses! Misses' Dresses! Pui chased From Jennings Mfg. Co„ Are Selling Summer Footwear For Women Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Rapidly. They Are Unmatched Values. ® and Children —Biggest Savings SILK POPLIN f—pL., SILK & SATIN TW ° Big L ° tS — Buy Plentifull y U in Many a Day—Read! DRESSES DRESSES JENN' N GS J WAN X * J Va,ues to * B - 50 - Clean Sweep Sale Values to $15.00., cican Sweep^ Women's V/hite Oxfords dilf of'sJtyi th S^e, j" hlnatlons with Georgette; a vast j -1 Former PritJ $6.00 to $7.00 Kf Women's and Misses' Lot A-JenilillgS Mfg. Co. AprOllS Women's and Misses' Wfc'teW $20.00 to #2.50 ° ° r : ■ ' "~/(T CTT V TtDrCCrC these fine garments made of standard quality percales Ijjl Choice (N jm A ] SILK DRESSES flra \ll 'II wlSffil oli-fA UmLOOILo i„ light and dark pattern ging- __ . /■ LL i Wm toWJJi LA \P LK ratL-P+TI Clow. Sweep Sale Price hams in plain blue, pink, green, iMMMBF Clean \|/ H • J taiues to *^' o p pl^ can Swce P \ jV 514.87 lavender poplins in ]>lain white; Swee P L Ofj iLr-A Fine.t taffetas", satins and open front or back fastening £ /T% J 0 a Pair •• A0O/ '/ F\ la. \\ printed foulards, in a wide vur- styles; all have wide belts and M J? S Sa I air Taffetas Crepe de Chine and Is //> \1 Ja ioty of co,or8 1 lncl " dln ,f hla^: pockets; cut very full and long M H IH White Canvas Pumps White Canvas Ox- fHF combinations of Taffela and v . sleeves, some are beautifully em- .L' 1 ' KIU ' U " s ' z^ s fflj, ifta White Camas Pumps, wnite can x Georgette; all colors and sizes hroldered; othera are plain tail- 46. These aprons would ordl-m. W M j fords, White Nubuck Pumps, White Nu- up to 42. orC(1 aU stssC s 16 to 44. ......jl.. se || at ' $1 50 $1 7 5 and li , )U ck Oxfords, Goodyear welt sole, military ,|I n n Ll'i I', 1 "j"" Tn~ jiw Hundreds of Smart Wash Dresses in the Sale Saturday .. R !__• M r f A |i WotnCTl S PlttnpS ClTld. Oxfovds | #95 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' LOt D~" J llll LO. ApTOIIS H is*coinpoypfrof 1 b"ack X k?dft£Ui"k"dull aTtd'Vun ¥ I HDCCCCC nDCCCTC ° f 'u f XU ' U Si f Cß " , ° f fi " C Voiles, Standard i I si 1 ——- x DKLooLo DKtobhb DRtSShb ,3! £ 1n | Women's Pumps and Oxfords . t BS " v"v^-".- Pr - V ",S Kr. v " - SSS £ a c ,°i*P B .1" M ,29 pairs of black aSd brown and gray kid P StToSXi und^MoJ " ,lful Cotton Volleß liglU aud' dark colors; newest designs; only the best good OpCll trollt stjks, tlltse are H UN oxfordn plain and tipped, military and leather I M ■ of 0010,8 and at y los . lb to 44. ffround; a number of pretty ntylea; sizes models; sizes 1G to 44. niauC With belts and pockets; CUt W I sttawa - 07 <h _ Qt7 XC 87 1 = $ Women's Pumps and Oxfords &5 I *J— Ki,f' J. IG7 pairs patent leather, black and beaver d/ / wmKkm a m . .. f . . |\|| brown kid. also white canvas with Louis, mill- ■ 1)11 7)llC iTKIaV lit IIU tary and Cuban heels. This lot also includes ..... Se lon pairs of this seasons sample shoes, sizes 4 to uiniivw vn uiuevsi ..... s .'UBM'.S 6H. The others are sizes 2>/j to 8. widths A, B. WOMEN S AND MISSES WOMEN'S AND MISSES' ' 1 "... •SSKffSSrim DRESSES DRESSES Corsets in the Bitr I hfl X Sweep Sale IQC Values to $4.50. Clean Sweep IVIcc Tallies to $6.50. Clean Swoop Sole Price st Cotton Voiles, "'ull "the new vUISCIB 111 lll\? Dig IU i I ■' \ vv • mn t Ramie Linen, Cotton \ ollea and Plaid Fine Cotton Voiles Dresses, newest colorings and combinations In medium and m !S |V\ 1X Price V 'W Ginghams; a vast assortment of pretty colors In light and dark grounds; the dark shades; many are silk trimmed; f'l . U LJ 1 a At-X ' MISSES' WHITE LACE """""" T™ "" '- -.-•- UCM OWeCD OUe I $ *4* L ,vs H ; CHILDREN'S PATENT AN- LAiituc SAVINGS I um!Tvce A P p^i e iz, V/ ,o or White Wash Skirts at Clean Sweep Prices Saturday $1.39 l!M J sj} JL mij %J • J % T\ Corsets of popular makes, while and 5s \Xa. NS* ; -al I ICC women's and Misses' Women's While I Women's While i Women's While Women's White ik> plltk, made 01 couttl or liatlste In hi \ HX - Wil PHTT DRPN'S WHITF RUT -, m ci/inTP Gabardine Gabardine Gabardine Gabardine f TX-. ,/ \ topless, low and medium Ji|gl bust 1 TON SHOES sizes to 11 TUB SKIRTS TUB .SKIRTS TUB SKIRTS TUB SKIRTS TUB SKIRTS \ """■ H Clean Sweep Sale #1 AC Q7 r ,tP,tul " r <1 Q7 "•■ utor 07 0O 07 04 ? Ma y°- BeU Corsett. Clean SI j, j c 01 .4rO Sweep Price.. c .1". only \|>leJ| | ele. only . sl,o# !""•" 'ze. •" le. ■ f J,Ol /MrjyTCiJ/ Sweep Sale Price, /*Q W , n r . a it' l =. Uj/ j ttL L' Saturday V J>U/ 1 Barefoot bandals and _ _ - V/ J? i B JSH'OI KM Jf n I f\ C J ■Mmmsmi IB W bH JK in W —— - JB/ f3ll:n' stout and full figure with abdo £S J?y\\\ iiOV Uxtord<i , h* HI ■ ■ba M | JKL IB K ~~~"■ pfWJ If iup bomu fll 4\ > x X Store Open BWHH |H Store Onen , <jmi I, i/.rV Wlth ni| h ,i, > bone, guaranteed nun. ijM block tan pig- Q JRL I nKfli If' jy hil >. Mkln ' mahogany-colored cordovan, Saturday mrnm* Saturday T[ Dint, nr.a.... u _ With chroine mitchdown— Until | 5 QIJa U til TtET # Pink Bandeaux, 30C P!| fl V '. QP M n bI An , 1 Pink Bandeaux, made of maruula -111 Skj ti 11 X 1.25 ______________ . H 9P, M, / f it. l fr lyf 'i eUe; front or back fastening models, S. i ma . _ as™— BB -5f gJ IIMI .B ..J •. W sfl W. f/fqiar-fHoof purfectly made and perfect itttina. ||l{l til Z 91.45 Hr I||| |l] H "Kl ■II Ih I IKI 111 I 3 ZHZHZZZZI " L i 'i ' ■■ .1 1 i" ; i i rdJ Mb Mb ' • 1 gad FI. 11 " * . FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG.CfiHAft TEIEORAPH JULY 11, 1919. Bolshevism propaganda were made public by the League today. The League announces that it will have State Directors actively at work in every state in the Union within a few days. The organization of the entire country Into state units, with a Di- rector and corps of assistants in each state, is being accomplished under the auspices of the National Secur ity League through a Constitutional Celebration Organization Committee. . This Committee is composed of rep resentatives of the National Security League and other great national pa- i triotic societies. Their aim is to provide for "Constitutional Day" celebrations in every city, town and hamlet In the Nation on September 17 next. This date, the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States, has been selected us the occasion* for a nation-wide demonstration of patriotic protest! against the growing Influence In this country of Bolshevism, anarchy ar.d radical Socialism. Designs Medal For American Air Force I Rome, July 11.—Dora Ohlfsen, designer of the Anzuc medal, has produced in her Home studio, a new medal dedicated to the American air force. The face side consists of | the heud of an American aviator, I the model for which had served In the American air force operating on Italy's fronts, surrounded by an ' allegorical design symbolical of America's will and power. The reverse side of the medal is symbolical of the task America ac complished In transporting her 1' fighting forces across the sous and bearing an inscription taken from President Wilson's mcssuge to Con gress which reads: "There Is therefore but one re* sponse possible from us: Force force to the utmost; force, without stint or limit, the righteous and triumphant force which shall make right the law of the world, and cast every seltish dominion down in the dust." Miss Ohlfsen is an Australian. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers